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What are your compliments and complaints on Gavv's fourth episode?
All compliments, no complaints. Just trepidations that they're using up all the important plot points way too early. But I'll take a gamble on them having proper plans for later, given they've had way more time than usual to plan/write/produce/etc. with how far ahead they already are with shooting
Crazy good as always
Gotshart could never
Hanto's crying scene was pretty bad.
>far ahead they already are with shooting
Overall plot or even quality of the script will not change regardless
What's your judgment on Fuwa Mallow now?
you really expect someone crying to put their handsome face or something?
really gud ep, love melancholic endings
That scene with him trying to grip the sword was really cute.
It was already good before
>5 eps
>only 2 form change and 1 rider
And that's a good thing.
does soda not count?
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No, but I've seen good crying scenes and that wasn't it. The actor looked kinda goofy shaking his lips like that so much.
That's more like Fourze module than a proper form change
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Assists are considered form changes, two forms debuted this week.
I thought it was fine. Not amazing but not bad. He just stood still after mentioning mom and a tear fell off, and I'm glad Suga didn't press further when he noticed that
Pretty good episode, and pretty fucked on all sides
>Granutes until recently probably just ate humans
>Shouma watched his mother die in front of him
>Daddy Stomach was apparently a good ish guy who was harboring his (non consensual) wife and son? Probably assassinated
>Shouma protecting the smiles of people around him only puts them more in danger
Wow, this is actually pretty damn bleak. The ‘agents’ we see here are the stomach gochizos, and are pretty competent in fighting. That means they’re, for all intents and purposes, disposable mooks that can be coughed out by everyone in the family. If Shouma was having trouble with the common Granutes and needed a tank form against two agents, I fear for him if the oldest found out he’s still kicking in the human world and sends his own agents
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I really should wait for the amazon raws, but whatever.
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Chinen's doing well with his little stunt/action bits
so is Hanto's partner gonna get it next week
>agents are stomach gochizo
Where does it state that?
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I really love the conflict of if he makes people happy it puts them in danger. A lot of shows pull the oh it'll put you in danger if I stick around after defeating this terrible monster for you, but it is usually not that believable. Here it is quite literal and creates a real issue for any heroic activity. Can easily see in a later episode he'll save someone and they'll get tongued right then and there. Plus it means more melancholic endings till he figures out a how to really stop them.

Can I get a
>talking about the gochizos as his minions
>talk as if they have their own
>agents dissolve upon death
Poor Shouma man. He’s a single guy going up against what I presume to be an all encompassing conglomerate that has its hands all over the world. Hes single cup trying to dry an ocean
Ah it's a headcanon got it
Yes, a tiny net is a death sentence. It's a net and it's tiny
We're getting some of that GOOD shit with suit action now that they're backing off on CGI. Loved creative bits like Shouma popping his own armor to fiz off an Agent, and Fuwamallow using some wire work got me hyped. I mean, it looked like they had some good ideas even back in S1, but we're actually getting to enjoy them now that we're past the usual CGI hump.
>now that they're backing off on CGI
Did you even watch the Fuwamallow fight?
I keep reading this as Kamen Rider Gravy.
Indeed. Fuwamallow wove a lot less CGI into its fight, at least up until the finisher, but that's always a given. Still some, but how much and what they were using it for is definitely a step off from the fights so far.
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nips really aren't joking..... gavv is truly sunday morning amazons
How long has it been since the secondary wasn't immediately antagonistic? I'm sure there will be some conflict, but Hanto arguing Gavv is a hero is a nice change of pace.
I don't remember Gotchard's secondary, Rinne, ever being antagonistic.
Her acting was antagonistic on my senses
>How long has it been since the secondary wasn't immediately antagonistic
You mean like every Reiwa secondary except Fuwa Isamu?
Rinne and Ibuki.
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The agents and gochizous share the same two voice actors
Have you watched literally any show made after Zero-One besides Gavv?
silly minion, couldn't you squeeze through
>The agents Shoma fought were blue and white
>Shiita and Jeebh have blue and white masks
>The agent watching Suga and Hanto was orange
>Nyelv's mask is orange
Nyelv seems to be the tech sibling, so maybe setup for him copying Suga's gochizo rider tech since the Stomachs don't have gochizo?
Minions are minions. Those agents were their minions and the gochizos were his minions. That guy has to be trolling you.
I am vindicated
It would be great to see them need to consume their agents like Gochizo in a fight
munchkins* :^)
>Using SFX as lifts
That's cheating!
It would be super neat to see Nyelv and Suga have a sort of tech off. Maybe Nyelv would go and steal the valengun idea and have his own super kaijin form using his agents as gochizo-lite? Or perhaps Suga working on Shouma’s gavv and upgrading it somehow
It's not unlikely that Suga might join Stomach Inc. and work with Nyelv to further his research. He shows up in the villain segment of the OP after all.
>>The agent watching Suga and Hanto was orange
It was watching Hanto and his mentor, not Suga.
gavv is crazy good this week
Well that's what I get for watching an episode while tired. Completely processed that scene incorrectly.
Yeah but it's also established the Stomach family thinks Humans are worthless inferior beings only suited to be food and immediately went to murder Shouma and his mom the second their father couldn't protect them. Them signing up a human to join their business seems unlikely.
Its pretty classic for that sort of group to adopt some awful human into their rank at some point. Nyelv or Glotta seems like the ones who'd do it. A I don't respect you but need an upper hand to betray people better. Then either they betray their pet human or get betrayed. Nyelv needs to do the Brain silly moment at some point after all.
I still find it odd that all the fucking disappearances caused by the Granute haven't triggered mass panic yet, and the fact that the Stomach family use their human disguises even in their own world when working at the factory makes me think they might have some sort of deal with rich and powerful humans to keep the human world under control. So if they're dealing with humans already, then they could perhaps give Suga a pass since he could improve their assets with his research.

Or Nyelv could just work with Suga behind his siblings' back, it seems like he's plotting something.
This episode suggests Nyelv is doing something on his own (or at least the older Stomach siblings separate from the twins). Nyelv was also established as being somewhat rebellious to the company's rules in his debut. Maybe he is cooperating with some human behind Lango's back or something.
If they somehow made his mom came back from the dead after this, I'd be very upset.
Shoma, the fuck are you doing?
You aren't supposed to be aware of those! STAHP!
yeah at this point I really hope the processed humans remain dead

but you just know there's going to be an episode of shouma diving through the stomach dumpster or something and reviving the discarded presses
Maybe the disguise they adopt are from flat packed humans.
And just like that the agents are the coolest grunts in a long time. Not that there is much competition.
The Jyamato were better.
while they are technically the grunts from a production standpoint, they're clearly a cut above the thug Granute part timers in combat
It's not going to take many episodes until Gavv and Valen are cutting through them like butter.
Wait...one of the twins is actually a BOY?
He looked like the reaction picture of the guy with a long face crying i see posted on /v/
girl with dick
I think that the copout will be that she didn't pay attention to the human she took and it wasn't his mother.
That sounds awful, even more than ace's mother
Ace's mom had an even more tragic fate than Shoma's though.
>sa.. dou suru?
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>They actually prepared dinner and set the table for three, expecting Shouma to return
I'm not crying you're crying
that would be extremely lame, you don't do a scene like that just to walk it back
Its a rule of shows..if you don't see it then its in the air...it was an obfuscated scene.
doesn't make it any less lame to invoke
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Man remember when yamato's mom came back, or how these guys came back?
They didn't walk back on the backstory deaths of Gotchard and that was supposed to be the lighthearted Kamen Rider show

Shouma's mom is gone, don't worry
Very concerned that Komura is falling back into her bad habits of blowing her entire load inside of the first quarter, leaving the rest of the show to drag its feet until the final stretch where they have to hastily wrap up the plot.
hell even Ace's mom didn't come back and Aruto's humagear dad didn't come back
Yeah, that's what i feared the most
It's gonna be like this

>Q1 reveal 50% or more of the main story
>Q2-3 some random low stake shenagigans, like the opening visual
>Q4 shit got rushed
The big reveal will be that the twins genders are actually reversed
Seems like she wont come back but we will get a lot of flashbacks of her
>Shouma's mother didn't die
>This makes Shouma and his mother the most happy they have ever been in their lives
>Gets pressed again so she can become a higher value spice
I'm honestly surprised Gavv's first quarter upgrade form hasn't been leaked yet given how far ahead they've allegedly filmed.
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I am Inoue Toshiki and I approve this message
They've been clamping down on leaks in general over the past half decade.
His first upgrade is cake form
Unless you mean the actual photos of the forms, we already know that he will get CaKing and then a popsicle upgrade awhile ago.
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i really didn't a expect a mf to get choked out on Gavv today
Without sounding too unempathetic, i hope she stays dead.
They will probably use an illusion or maybe she turned into an elite Granute for Shouma to kill.
rider origin characters dont get resurrected
I wonder what that stick is. The others have one as well.
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I was expecting it, but Shouma trying to eat food off the ground still made me chuckle.
Has komura do any of that plotline?
Gavv is honorary Showa
bottle opener
So detective boy is Shoumas half brother and his boss is a granute keeping him on a leash huh?
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I was thinking they might be half brothers but the the ages/timing seem off and they didn't bother obscuring Hanto's mom in flashbacks.
his boss probably is a friendly granute though
My concern isn't so much that they'll come into conflict, but that they'll drag out the secret identity thing way too long
>professor dude added to OP
Yeah he's gonna be a rider eventually for sure
However, will the professor be Dark Gavv or an entirely different Q2-onwards Rider?
He’s Kamen Rider Juran
Order doesn't matter
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Kamen Rider Crow.
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>inb4 we got a perfect repaint mod kaijins
This is so fucking shitty
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>toy sword gimmick is so random that the show decides to make the sword powerful on its own while the bike-speeder is more of a tiny distraction than a attack

Really liking the creative approach.
I think the effect gets stronger depending on which gochizo is used. The punch gummy was able to disarm one of the agents after all, and had its own mini sword
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>his boss probably is a friendly granute though
He's shown getting surprised at a Granute showing him his Gavv in the next episode's preview, so he's probably human.
It's supposed to be a shopping cart/grocery checkout, isn't it?
No, it's a motorcycle.
amazing how he has a voice range of a youth to an old man, while he himself is old
Chainsaw Man’s one weakness!
I thought it was a conveyor belt road where the Gochizo's motorcycle acts as the candy press thing like the Stomach Inc factory.
I hope we get some payoff to episode 2’s proposed shift for the company towards luxury goods. At least a couple of lower or middle class Granutes feeling the squeeze of the villains sharply raising the prices of their snacks.
I actually thought they were referring to rich humans since they're the kind of audience who'd like to indulge in this shit
Komura never delivered though.
That's worse, toei will never condone cannibalism. Pretty sure that stuff will never mentioned again.
It helps that the agents just look like dudes with guns. Got a real sense of "playtime's over" when they resort to just choking Shouma out.
Say what you will, Zenkaiger was peak comfy. But it was very motw-centric with very little overarching plot.
Still, seeing as this show does not lean too much on weekly shenanigans and has a bit more meat in terms of overall story, it remains to be seen whether she will maintain the quality of the first few episodes.
Actual retard
This isn't about sentai though. I'm talking about komura wizard.
I remember liking the first arc until fire dragon debuted, then it all goes downhill.
Picked up lil bit when gremlin introduced and then plot going nowhere until final arc.
Does anyone else get the snacks that will be featured in the episode beforehand to eat while watching? I have been getting a bag of gummies each week and whatever other snack is featured, marshmallows this week and some hot chips next week.
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A bunch of the character names are associated with Japanese words for taste apparently
Shouma = Savory
Hanta = Spicy
Hanta's boss = Salty
Sachika = Sweet
The totally trustworthy professor = Sour
Wizard wasn't written by her - she contributed to a portion of episodes and overall reception of these episodes was positive.
She wrote nearly half the show and the idea that every episode she wrote were only the good Wizard episodes is a meme.
nta but you posted as though she wrote the whole damn thing
I'm liking that each form has its own unique pros and cons on top of there being logical reasons when/why he would have access to them
>Gummy pads attacks with the JUICY armor but it also bursts easily. Packets of gummies have a variety of flavors and are easy to carry around, so he can always have plenty on hand
>Chips has really poor defense but it's light and agile plus the swords are fragile but razor sharp. Plain potato chips are a simple snack you can get almost anywhere, so he can keep an easy reserve. Hot chips probably wouldn't be his favorite since he seems to prefer sweets, so he probably wouldn't eat those too often.
>Marshmallow is durable and absorbs attacks but it's cumbersome and awkward. You don't really eat marshmallows as snacks on their own, so this feels like a form he would only have a few Gochizo for at any given time.
No, but over 20 episodes is a quite a bit of the show while people only remember and praise like 5 of her episodes.
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A fucking net
>on top of there being logical reasons when/why he would have access to them
One thing is you thinking up these reasons, another one entirely is the show actually putting them into practice.

>Hot chips probably wouldn't be his favorite since he seems to prefer sweets, so he probably wouldn't eat those too often.
He liked the salty potatoes just fine. He only produces Gochizos out of snacks that give him foodgasms.

>You don't really eat marshmallows as snacks on their own,
He literally just did this episode and people in my country do too, s'mores are more of an American thing.
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Form: Gummy
-Assist Kick
-Assist Punch
Form: Snack(Chips)
-Assist Flame
Form: Marshmellow
-Assist Big
Form: Chocolate
-Assist White chocolate
Form: Candy
-No assist
illusion one with Yamato's mother in the best episode of Zyuohger
GuruCan has BakuCan as an Assist.
So Hanto’s mentor is the Granute that killed his mom, yeah? And he’s only mentoring him to make him happy so he’ll be the “ultimate spice for the ultimate dark treat” or something, yeah?
>So Hanto’s mentor is the Granute that killed his mom, yeah?
Given the next episode's preview, Hanto's mentor is probably human. And the fact that the Granute was a kitbash of suits from older shows instead of an original suit seems to indicate we're not gonna see it again, since that's what they did with the suits of other monsters (and Riders) that only appeared for a single scene in previous shows.
Why does Rider give the goofiest themes the darker stories? Seeing Hanto stand up for Gavv in the preview was genuinely uplifting after the shit Shouma had to go through.
but it's not the eps you mentioned as grating
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>Are called Stomach inc.
>their mouths are covered

I like the consistent weave patterns they all have, but wonder what kinda symbolism theyre going for with these masks
I dudn't say anything about grating episodes, Wizard is known for being mostly boring and unremarkable.
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Why would Shouma be named after savory taste if he likes eating sweets? Is he gonna eat Sachika?
These villains names are awful
Their names are the words for "Tongue" in different languages
Ah, that's why they are bad. English is the only good language.
Assist are more like weapons and temporary boosts rather than actual forms.
Which is good since they can spend more money and time on important suits.
We're still gonna get repaints and kitbashes.
So I'm guessing Makoto is the boy they used to model Shoma's human form?
For lesser suits.
I realized something that I think is a pretty big deal.
We got a new form this episode, but Shoma didn't even let the jingle play through a full loop, he popped it in, cranked it like once, then changed.
Have we ever gotten a new form that just kind of skips through the jingle and goes right into using it without much show off?
shouma already has a natural human form due to his mother most like. Makoto resemblance is likely a coincidence. It's a common trope in Japanese media.
The Final Boss Rider will be a kitbash. We're getting a repaint Rider too.
>called the the tranny niisan
Is pussy a snack? What would the gochizo look like
Very solid, Shouma is a great MC so far. The loneliness he experiences just oozes 'Kamen Rider'. I am interested to see how that changes as he gains friends.
No shade but everytime I hear someone talk about something like this I just get reminded of the frog guy from Geats going on about how you need to suffer to be a rider
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Gavv proves that he had a point about the audience (us)
I'm not exactly looking for suffering porn nor is it what I expect but I just love a hero who does the right thing even in the darkest of circumstances. That's always been one of the draws of Kamen Rider in particular.
Why didn't the old couple at least get a farewell letter like the gyaru and the kid? Not fair, man
And he was correct.
They need to be sad so they have less value to Stomach Inc.
That'd just make it harder on both the couple and Shouma. They were waiting for him to come back the whole time. Shouma wouldn't have been able to just slip in and drop a letter
>You people all look the same.
>Gets told that they'll hunt down anyone he gets close to
>Wtf why didn't he go back to them?

Come on anon.
What's your problem then?
>In any case, I'm fixing to give the Granutes a bite of their own knuckle sandwich.
I was going to make this reference if someone hadn't already
>That'd just make it harder on both the couple and Shouma
With a letter the couple would know he's safe instead of being left wondering if he's even alive. Having one dead child is already hard enough.

>Shouma wouldn't have been able to just slip in and drop a letter
He could with the Gochizos. I hope they get back to the couple at some point, just so they can get some closure on Shouma's fate.
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Someone needs to lay down on the dark treats
Cut him some slack man..

i'm okay if the next 20 episodes gon be bittersweet like this, even if there's lil plot going on..
The scene with the old couple made me sadder than expected...
Grrat pov shot, is this sugihara best?
Also liked how shoma had to damage his own armor to get out of agents grip
Such clumsy way of fighting
I really thought they would drop the armor damage gimmick at this point, but incorporating it with the fights is actually pretty cool.
Apparently Gavv's armor is purely organic material. I thought it was some magic candy bullshit.
how do you know?
Stats page
ugh, stats and their info never matters in rider show anon..
>is this sugihara best?
This episode wasn't directed by Sugihara, it was Shibasaki.
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Really? I was thinking that his "blank" form was his granute form and the extra armor came from his snacks
Naw that's a monster, kids will be genuinely terrified
Stats don't mean anything sure, but the descriptions of all the parts do to an extent. Otherwise at face value all Rider suits are in fact, made of plastic, paint and spandex instead of whatever in-universe bullshit material they are that's highly protective
Yeah if I saw this after being unconscious for a few hours I would freak the fuck out
but a quick search on an ep she wrote are either important ones or the good ones
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He is just standing there.
Sex with Sachika.
i mean, he doesnt look menacing, so Hanto's right.
I want a plushie of that fucker to put on my desktop
you got trapped, anon, lol
>I did too
I almost want to fuck him even out of character. A guy shouldnt be this cute
Secondary Rider was Valvaman
He wasn't
>What's it going to be? You can either drop the femboys, or you can have a side of my knuckle sandwich.
You know what they say, never get high on your own supply.
Probably they have multiple layers of human disguise.
Loud Hawaiian shirt, leather trenchcoat, and manpurse is a bold look.
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20 episodes will get old. I want him to have a break for a bit. Getting to hang with Sachika and Hanto, doing odd works rewarded with snacks, making new friends

And have it all crushed at the beginning of Q2. It will make the suffering tastier
Will Shouma have it in him to kill his siblings?
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I want a Ritsu acrylic!
at the very least he should have no problem caving Glotta's head in
>>And have it all crushed at the beginning of Q2.

Ded Sachika theory
it's because you can trigger the transformation right away with the button; build had you crank away a bit before build up happens
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