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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22858485

Build a mecha encompassing different aspects of the horror genre. Examples include
>A mecha that incorporates general horror tropes from literature, film, and anime
>A corrupted version of an existing mecha/robot through magical, biological, or alien means (ie Symbiotes, parasites, Daemonic possession)
>Organic mecha (ie Evangelions) and monsters from /m/-related media (ie: the BETA from Muv-Luv)
>A mecha that draws inspiration from various demons or monsters from different mythologies and religions.

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 8/14/24
END: 10/31/24
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Post what you're working on!
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Here is your custom made spraybooth bruv hope ya like it.
My apologies for the dumb question, lads, but I figure here would be a decent place for it.

Does anyone know if they put out any Zone of the Enders model kits beyond Jehuty, Anubis, and Dolores?

There are some damn good designs from the series that I'd love to build, but I can't find much info.
She made the best kit of this year, what do you have to say to her?
i actually did this for like 6 months with acrylics, but i got a proper booth when i went to dust that year and realised all that "dust" wasn't actually dust but a thin layer of paint particles stuck to surfaces
I wonder if they'll give second factory's workers zeek uniform to contrast with the first factory
That Metal Gear does it require paint and shit?
I want to make her a mother.
Do you think she likes a snapshitter?
>first kit she designs is explicitly aimed at 40 year olds
based ojisan lover
What the fuck did you use as paint liquid eraser?
Oh fuck I really need to move my clothes away from the booth that I have.
Kotobukiya also made a Vic Viper
Thanks for the Moderoid Hagane, I guess.
>surprised bandai graciously gives you 2 whole stands in the action base
>it only has one set of joint parts
Ah, sick! Thanks, man - I'll check it out.
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what do you guys use for display?
do any of you have a big display case?
I have a large space, 30 inch wide by 22 inch deep that I want to fill,, hopefully with something with glass panes
I'm willing to pay more for LED white light already installed instead of having to buy them separately and do it myself
any advice?
I'm glad one of my local gunpla places doesn't have an online store, stock is a lot less volatile
Think I'll just stop going at the other one physically cause you can't ever cop good shit
I finally finished the Motor Nuclear Ao Bing. I didn't realise the dragon was nearly a metre long.
I want one of those jackets. As far as 'subtle' anime clothing goes it actually looks pretty comfortable.
What the fuck it got sold out all over the internet
Turns out everyone loved the fuck out of Armored Core.
nigger i replied to you in the last thread saying it was in stock on surugaya and aliexpress
also solarisjapan
I think i'm going to gruntmaxx, any must have kits?
the ones you like
It got sold out on those site
They're charging over $100 for a $40 kit
not sure if you're just retarded or you didn't actually check and are trying to bait me into doing the work for you, but if it's the latter it worked
https://www.suruga-ya.com/en/product/603166567 in stock 7200 yen (~50 bux)
https://solarisjapan.com/products/armored-core-mirage-c01-gaea-variable-infinity-1-72-kotobukiya?oid=76801&qid=6e81558e8552433db14996a1c66d6ac8 in stock 8700 yen (~60 bux)
https://solarisjapan.com/products/armored-core-v-i-series-mirage-c01-gaea-kotobukiya?oid=180895&qid=6e81558e8552433db14996a1c66d6ac8 in stock 7000 yen (~50 bux)
there's multiple on aliexpress but they're like 80 bux
Marry me
I've only seen three wips (Schwarzette, grimzockenstein's monster, and the monoeye hand) for it posted so far personally, so you're looking at 4th place at the worst.
Jestas, Geara Dougas/Zulus, pale riders too.
So I bought my first RG. I really hate how the mechanics are preassembled on the frame (I don't know how they even accomplish that). It's extremely revolting though and this will be my last kit, I was expecting to put every part together by hand. This isn't a similar case with HG bandai kits right?
What the hell I'm ESL today
*this will be my last RG kit
*with MG bandai kits right?
HGs have no mechanics
>Revolting about some nitpicky shit

Nah just pack it up and dont bother building anything at all.
Don't think I'm being nitpicky just that the mechanics parts are really small and look fragile. I've only done HG kits before this. So I'm sort of excited just to jump to MG kits right away per the guide
Magnac and Leo are pretty cheap kits but not really must haves. The Zudah is a must have though like the other Anon says, I really like that kit.
Why do I see shelf space wasted for this crap at my store
Are people actually buying them?
Wait til it goes on a deep discount and then buy three kenbus
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i believe starting from Sazabi RG, the the "advanced MS joints" are very minimal, usually to justify the RG line's motto about pre-assembled frame.

RG nowadays are just HG sized MGs
RG GaoGaiGar and Goldymarg have no pre-assembled sections at all.
But they don't really have any inner frame, right?
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Bandwagoners don't deserve oldgen kits. If you were a real AC fan, you would have owned this when they were first released.
oh boo-hoo
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What’s the most fun toylike kit you have? The one that’s the sturdiest or you find yourself reposing or just playing with the most?
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didn't know about them they look breddy good
i prefer smaller scales though
>when they were first released.
I wasnt even born yet
>find yourself reposing or just playing with
none, i leave them all in the pose i decided on during assembly
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technically, the fingers are considered the "advanced MS joints" of the kit

RG Eva has no "advanced MS joints" IIRC, but it has "multi colored parts" which Bandai can claim as the gimmick of the kit
you weren't born in 2005?
you have to be 18 to- wait people who were born in 2005 are 19 now?
Looks cool anon, I always thought mecha-trains were cool, super Japanese.
I respect it but that’s no fun, they’re not statues you know.
Do you glue your joints, too?
I just got the Nu ver ka and heard it loosens over time, how do I tighten up the joints during the build to prevent this?
No lol
I only bought some cause my stores discounted them by like 70%
I remember I was about to buy this kit but then stopped myself, seeing this, I remembered my reason for wanting it now, and it's to display it in this goofy transformation
this but pharacto
Growing up poor and having to settle for chinese knockoff toys of what I wanted ruined this type of hobby for me. Everytime I think of buying a plamo I just think "Man I'm just overpaying for some Chinese plastic"

Anyone in the same boat who was poor and now is buying these? How did you over this hurdle?
most bandai kits are made in japan tho
I was poor before but didn't buy bootleg kits and now I have money, I alternate between, and I'm always left with why do I keep buying these bootlegs.
does the metal gear rex kit come with a little figure of snake and/or liquid
They're not made in China though. The only reason things are cheap in China is because their wage is so low
The zeon water niggas are top tier for posing. Love my aquasquad and I'm going to build a dozen bootleg GM so they have something to slaughter.
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70 bucks for both. Bandai seems to be awfully gracious.
Bootlegs were a joke back in the early 2ks, but now they're almost as good as the real thing for like 1/4 the price.
Not required but it obviously will look great if it does get painted like the OP pic. It doesn't have the camo OOB
excited for bootleg
Yea things huge, once you get it and the model up on its display base it has a huge footprint. Good centerpiece
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Hell yeh, MG Zgock is on my shortlist.
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And now think of how much of it is permanently stuck in your lungs.

Retards. Spray booths aren't enough. You need an actual well ventilated area and mask.
For me there was no hurdle to get over.
If you have the money to buy them and you like whatever model you want to get, you shouldn't feel like you didn't get your money's worth out of it by the end.
I wanted this kit so bad but it was only available here for 150 fucking dollars, hell naw
The clear paintable Psychoframe only comes with the full set, unfortunately. And I don't like how B-Packs looks so I shan't be buying it.
Yeah you get Snake, sitting Liquid, and two Gray Fox. The MGS4 version comes with different ones.
oh good so all the important things are still in there
looks like a must buy for me then
does anyone know a place to buy the MG sized LEDs that ships internationally?
none. the lungs self cleaning system is more than capable of removing paint particles, unlike say resin shavings
if it's healthy, sure, but let's be honest your decrepit ass is not healthy
Those "healthy" lungs will stop cleaning itself soon enough.
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I didn't like it too until I thought about it more.
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Finally finished Structure Arts Zenith, something that was supposed to be small stuff to do while primer dry on MkII Gundam turned out to last for three days with lots of sanding, cutting and drilling. Ball joints couldn't even get into sockets without over sanding and I still did a little too much at the end (nothing a thin layer of varnish can't fix however).

I love Front Mission designs. They deserve better quality kits, preferably by Bandai or Kotobukiya (technically latest 30MM is pretty FM like already but still).
Just needs some topcoat and panel liner
I was rather thinking of doing actual painting. Either urban, desert or forest camo. Gundam Mk-II is getting urban already so maybe other two.
I feel like a bit of metallic drybrushing and maybe a couple rust streaks would be perfect to bring out the detail easily
I legit rather listen to mechagaikotsu than zak, you can tell the guy doesn't write anything in advance because he rambles way too much
A shame because i like that he does more generalist plamo
MGK we know it's you. quit shilling
what brought this on? everything alright at home?
bro i haven't even done the annoying voice in years check my recent videos
not really no. I fucked up my dinner and my apartment is cold
I have had the Wing Zero Ver Ka sitting on my table for a year now because I don't know how to assemble the inner frame first and I'm scared to try
i believe in you honey
I keep getting told it's possible and that all MGs have inner frames but I can't see a way to assemble it that doesn't have the blue or clear parts mixed in with the gray and I obviously can't paint those
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oh yeah this is as good as you can do with it
true; though the stealthgao section arguably has some inner frame
>god hands are $60
is it really worth it
It's an investment to make denubbing slightly faster.
If you're poor it's not really worth it. Just get the $10 entry nippers, and x-acto knife and some automotive sandpaper. Personally I love it because it saves me a few seconds of sanding but that's all it's good for. Nobody is going to look at your kit and say 'OMG you used Godhands didn't you?!'
Dspaie's and some other single bladed nippers can perform similarly, or just below them and can be picked up for like half the price, but Godhands are a bit better at the end of the day, but they really milk that cost to performance curve.
It really comes down to how much of an impact 60 bucks is on your wallet.
Yeah it's worth it, other nippers are somewhat close but just can't match it. Also don't be a retard and treat it with care. It's fragile.
I'm gonna use Godhands on the HG Mazinger infinitism and you're not gonna stop me

Welp do it, I kneel.
I use them. It's a huge time saver, basically. Pretty much my build process is
>nip off runner with tamiya cheapo nibbers
>godhand for removing the nub
>hit it with a hobby knife if anything is left
Comes out virtually perfect every time, unless I slip with the hobby knife.Just follow the care instructions (ie: don't use it on too thick plastic, or on translucent plastic) and it'll last forever with an ultra sharp edge. Been using mine for years now.
How important is it to have good ventilation when working with Tamiya acrylics (or perhaps regular water-soluble acrylics)? Will a cheap spray booth from amazon and an air purifier suffice?
how do you finish off with a hobby knife and never need to sand anything? I'd be too afraid to gouge the part.
Steady hands.

But yeah even I slip sometimes. It happens. You'll never ever notice it unless you supremely fuck up however.
>Steady hands.
ah, that's the problem then
Rest the blade flat and push. You can hit it with a file after if you want. Not rocket science or anything.
I'm gonna use this opportunity to shill the Valtcan nippers.
Why are all the hobby knife blades I buy so damn dull? I put a fresh olfa blade on my knife and it can barely cut masking tape
What the fuck
You sure you're using the right end?
Yes, obviously
Buy the dspiae 3.0 nippers and a glass file. They'll cost less than the godhands together. Even with godhands, you still have to clean the surface of where the nub was. Only reason I own them is because they were a gift.

Why do you retards make this so difficult. If you're spraying anything, you're putting particulates into the air and onto anything in the surrounding area. Good ventilation is important for spraying any type of paint.
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Never really had an issue with Olfa blades. I do find i prefer using the smaller blades with a steeper angle over the typical no.11 style blade that seems pretty standardized. Unless I need the narrower tip for something specific.
What does making gunpla with a girl feel like, bros?
how did you do this? wire brush?
>Good ventilation is important for spraying any type of paint.
Right, okay. Since you ignored half of my post, I'll reiterate: I want to know what I need in order to achieve good ventilation and keep the room clear of paint dust. Will a booth/purifier/respirator do that?
>thinking bout unopened kit
>thinking bout finishing current kit
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Never built Gunpla before.
Is this RG Zaku II good?
Same, cleaning nubs and sanding takes up the most time for me though. Not counting waiting for paint to dry.
I never stopped using my $10 nipper but I don't mind nubs
actually i'm ok with cleaning nubs and sanding since it's active but yeah waiting for shit to dry and cure really takes the wind off
It is good, but be careful not to lose the transparent eye lens or the piping pieces. I own two - one was my first Gunpla and both lost the lenses and a few piping pieces. Forever incomplete and I still feel guilty.
>cleaning nubs and sanding takes up the most time for me though
same, hate it and it's 99.9% of the process
It makes starting a new kit hard for me. Honestly, I wish I didn't buy like 90% of the kits I have and only bought the ones that really stood out to me. I went on a spree of buying kits that I thought would look good after being detailed & painted but then realised I absolutely do not want to detail & paint that many kits. I should really sell most of them and only buy the kits I completely love.
Detailing is as easy as relaxing with a lining pen and slapping some stickers on while you watch youtube or something.

Painting is for suckers. Most kits are molded in the colors they should be in already. Hundreds of dollars spent on bullshit to put it in the colors it already is in?

>nb4 muh customization
Yeah bro real creative doing Sazabi in candy coat or black.
Hey guys what perfect grade do you recommend me between the PGU and the Unicorn? I was thinking about the latter because I don't have any Unicorn in my collection while I already have plenty of rx-78-2, plus it's bigger and cheaper and comes with a stand. I don't really care for the LEDs either

Slop review is here.
stop linking to this creature
If you want Unicorn, go for Unicorn, it's a very pretty design. Dalong really likes the PGU, I think the RX-78-2 can be boring looking but apparently they went all out designing this one. What I can tell you is that after reading various reviews of the PG Unicorn (I have one but have yet to build it), I would say don't expect to be able to pose it in much more than block standard poses, PG kits tend to weigh so much that the arms aren't able to support holding themselves plus a weapon at 90 degrees from the body without an extra display base.
Yeah I think I'll go with the Unicorn, I want something different. Will be my only PG though cause I've run out of space
Never bought a kit that wasnt a bandai one. Is this Kotobukiya similar?
wow what a cool advertisement thanks
guess i'll go buy the underprinted kit that he's advertising in the video
oh wait...nope can't do that...so i guess i watched a manchild onions about plastic garbage for 30 minutes for nothing.....
Wtf he talks like man but they show girls hands.... wtf
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>30 minutes
30 minute long video? But I thought people loved megagoy's reviews because they were 2 minutes? Now xhe's just like all those other pesky reviewers with their 20 minute plus long reviews.
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I got a bunch of antique curio cabinets when my grandma passed, they're in there. Honestly if I didn't have those, I'd probably have store display cabinets at best, something like these.
HGUC Z'Gok is the best ¥800 you can spend on Gunpla. Kind of a shame that the plastic wears out quickly if you fuck with it as much as I do, but it's only ¥800, who cares, just buy a new one.
Honestly, I'd recommend like three other 1/144 scale Zaku kits (Zaku II F2, either of the green Origins Zaku IIs and the Revive Zaku II) before this one as a FIRST build, but there isn't anything especially wrong about it.
I rather the MG I just built the Char one I will get the blue one next
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A minor groupbuild update on the ЗOГOК.
Just fleshing out the limbs with fast curing Epoxy putty. Next up will be Greenstuff skin. The Torso armour and diaper are removed for better access to the inside bits.
I like both in any case.
no, almost all the RG kits before Unicorn suffer from Early Real Grade syndrome. If you want a zaku better get a HG like >>22866380 said or a Master grade.
the real mvp is mj2005gundam
thorough and to the point
but he uploads way less
>Early Real Grade syndrome
Also known as
>skill issues
>gunpla litmus test
>tard check
It was a very nice review, enjoyed specially the effort he put in weathering it.
it's more valuable to have a source that reviews the kit you are interested in than another that hasn't even reviewed it. That is why MG and Zak are the MVP's. They may have their quirks according to other anons, but at least between those two you have a high chance of finding a review you are searching.
the hallmark of the shitter contrarian is disregarding well known issues just to be a contrarian.
my favorite part is how all my size requirements get ignored by every search result
I don't know why all web searches stopped working over the last few years, but god damn
Why does he have the fashion of a teenage girl. His AC reviews are both weirdly distracting with how much he shows his sleeves and nails.
People here pretend to hate on MechaGaikotsu but we all watch him
Speak for yourself, fag
Can Badger airbrush lube be used on nippers as a coating/lubricant or is it too specialized for the airbrush?
I can't stand his voice and his fucking hands, but moreso his voice.
>Early Real Grade syndrome
This will never not be retarded
It's real tho? Early RGs flop with time
Its not. My second kit was an RG Zaku and it holds up fine to this day. IDK what you people are doing with your kits but if you want to play with toys, buy some robot spirts figures.
Only thing I watch on youtube is One Page Rules related battle reports. Checkmate, faggot.
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SEO optimization techniques
only women fuss about clothes and nail anon.
don't be so solipsistic fag
I only really watch the belgian guy for random gundam news, dont rope us in with your fetish
i didnt go
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Why is the Turn A so cool?
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>out of every adult in that pic, only 3 of them look like they're remotely in shape
north americans are a unique species
What about making girlpla with a gun?
I only watch MJ 2005 Gundam
>Painting is for suckers. Most kits are molded in the colors they should be in already. Hundreds of dollars spent on bullshit to put it in the colors it already is in?
All kits look substally better after being painted. The reason my backlog is so big, is because I saw Rach of the kits after being painted and liked how they looked. Out of the box they don't look great to me and just hitting it with topcoat doesn't look fantastic either.
They hate him because he is what they want to be. A successful gunpla reviewer that has a waifu while dressed like a fag.
>Finally get my HG Cuaron Use
>See manual theres no model art cover on the manual.

Is this normal? First time that I see Bandai not including a model art for the manual.
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Bandai made many of clear variant kits but I barely saw people build it online
his videos are usually being forced on me by the algo, but as much as possible i rather watch an equivalent review by Zakuaurelius instead. i really can't stand his loud and hyperactive voice.
ERGS is a real issue for me because it's annoying as fuck to paint pre-assembled frames made from polycap material.
He is limited by his financial issue.
i don't remember this gundam, its a zaku variant?
My Todesritter is like that but my Pale Rider isn't, just random pbandai shenanigans
Seems to be intentional, the Gilboa Sant arrive a little while after and the manual is the same with no cover art.
never watched a kit review never will
I only watch scenic medieval diorama builds and videos of Japanese guys engineering anime abilities into Mini 4WD.
Clear kits are really an odd one, people buy it but it seems that most are ashamed of it. There's barely any reviews at all.
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One of the only Mobile Suit designs outsourced to a westerner, Syd Meade , a legendary futurist and artist.
They kinda look cheap and tacky to me so I've never bought one, psycho frame on all my unicorns is enough for me, can't imagine buying a whole kit covered in it, if i want to see inner frame i'll just build without armour or only have armour on one half. Each to their own tho
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the only time i've ever seen anyone anywhere in anything build a clear kit was in that anime with the weeb elf girl living in a shrine
Crucial question for those who have handled it before: Is plastic cement a requirement in building the RG Zeta, with all the word about every piece falling off?
They look a lot better if you bother to polish the plastic, the same way you would with car models, but I'm still not a fan of them. I assume they must sell well in Japan considering how many clear versions of kits exist.
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Are there any good alternatives to MrTopCoat? (flat/matte specifically)

This shit is sold out across Canada, at least all the best retailers... amazon has some but they are scalping the fuck out of it, like bitch I'm not paying $40 for a can. I'm basically at an impasse with my current build until I get some.
mr super clear
new line when
can't go back to old clunky shit after wfm kits
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Embrace the bosny.
So when is chinaman going to make more kits? Where are my 5 dollar unicorn grunt kits chinaman? Where's my 10 dollar bylarant custom? My 10 dollar juaggu? Huh???
Waiting on gundam netflix kits.
This brand wasn't banned in leafland as well right? Just Tamiya spray cans?
Anon Bandai forced Beijing to crack down on XFS (GM Spartan bootlegs) and other gunpla pirates.
thank you I'll look into these

not that I know of but wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for the shortage, shit gets banned here like every other month.
So a couple of months hiatus?
>embrace bosny
im white and don't eat pagpag tho?
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Boomer here. What is the best RX-78 in MG. Been into Gundam for years but never had one of these. Wanna do it right. P.S I’m a snapshitter I want it to look decent out of the box.
Sounds to me like a skill issue.
Literally any mg RX-78 from 2.0 onwards are good. Personal favorite is the 2.0, but origins is very stable and posable with no core fighter. 3.0 has the most details and is more complex but way less anime acurate if thats your thing.
I swear to God if you're only 28 years old.
more fucking zakus
Hey, there's also Assault Guntank and cursed GM and who knows, maybe we'll get a surprise cameo of aquatic suits.
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Weird, did I not post any reply? The MG 3.0 is generally considered good, if you want you can try to get the MG gundam base exclusive rx 78-2 3.0
boomer here (29 years old) who loves building vintage (pre-2010) kits
>I’m a snapshitter I want it to look decent out of the box.
MG Origin or MG 3.0. Pick the one you like the look of the most. Or go all out and get the PG Unleashed.
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I was leaning towards the 2.0 , a super detailed RX-78 is cool but I think a cleaner design is truer to the 70s animation and feel.

Just turned 34 sonny.

Never seen this one, looks neat.
Hadn’t looked at the origin design much. Will check it out. Thanks.
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>I was leaning towards the 2.0 , a super detailed RX-78 is cool but I think a cleaner design is truer to the 70s animation and feel.
None of the kits are true to the 70s animation and feel, the 2.0 is just less detailed. Only resin kits really capture the feel of the classic Gundam.
Well, the HGUC Revive is about as close to the anime as you can get without meme sculpts of animation errors, but that's a HG and not a MG.
Does all the epoxy not weigh the joints down?
The design is simply impossible to replicate faithfully while also including articulation.
Protogouyo is the only good kit
Oh deer!!
I'm a newfriend to Gunpla and this Zaku RG is my fourth kit, and the first I want to attempt painting on. But I was confused what to do when I realized the mechanics were ABS and preassembled.
I think it would just be easier for me to just avoid painting the ABS parts and paint everything else. The inner frame is supposed to be completely covered by plating anyway. Not sure if I'm alone in thinking of such a technique.
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Thats why I use giant 5mm polycaps. They hold.
If you're looking for something close to anime accuracy then the 2.0 is really the only modern choice.
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you mean the best mecha collection revive
You reminded me, on the kit I'm working on now I welded something that needed a polycap shut without the polycap and then somehow I was able to j-j-jam it in successfully afterwards. I underestimated their elasticity.
they are worth it, but if you are painting you are probably sanding too. so it only saves a little time, theyre not super necessary.
though I do get a stiffy from how the nipper goes through plastic like a warm knife through butter
Huh, I'll have to pick some of those things up. Congrats on the groupbuild win btw.
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There's no god damn way
>limited goods get scalped and flipped
nothing new
There’s an origin Gouf prototype and some WfM kit that are new on AliExpress. Think they came out recently
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>casually sits on your $3000 model
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I can't build without them.

Thanks for the support. Only about 42 people vote in these contests now, so it's really anyone's game. Besides, I'm nowhere near finishing with 30 days to go...
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Oh God, I didn't see that giant pube on its's leg. I swear my beard sheds in the fall...
Do you temporarily stop with your custom builds and build another kit? Im have no motivation right now to make more pla plate parts.
I do whatever I want.
Cats have good taste in robots.
yes, but usually when i do this i don't go back to it. on my desk in my wip box i have a wave 1/144 kog with 75% of the joints replaced, an mg providence with half of the rubber pipes replaced with metal springs, and 3 almost finished painted kits (not customs) that just need a couple of parts stripping and repainting. all of them have been there for over 6 months, i think the oldest has been there for 1.5 years and the only one i've picked up and done more work on a couple of times since i put it in the wip box is the kog
Hey guys I have hundreds, possibly THOUSANDS of spare parts/runners leftover from custom builds/kitbashes and I don't know what to do with them. Is there a store, event, website, forum or any resource to get them to people who need it? I don't care about making money it just feels like a waste to throw them away or let them rot in storage. Some of them are even 99% still in box, just missing their weapons or accessories.
local gunpla facebook group or ebay would probably be the simplest and easiest option
post about it in here every thread because every few weeks we have someone saying they broke or lost a part and don't want to pay 3000 yen shipping from japan for a single part
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Keep them so you can make the Runner Gundam
I don't really have the time or the patience to post a listing for every single one though. Best I can do is type a giant list and take one big photo.
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you paint the parts *before* putting it together.
that's already something
I'd be interested in that myself too but I bet my left nut the shipping to my shithole will be lethal to my wallet so alas
What exactly are you looking for? I don't mind paying for shipping if it gives me some IRL karma points
Surugaya prices are insane sometimes. They've been trying to sell a MG infinite 2.0 for like $120. There's nothing special about it, it's just the standard retail release.
anyone here use uv resin? are the effects any good?
I have at least 10 started but unfinished projects atm, maybe closer to 20.
>I obviously can't paint those
Looking for waterslides I see
2.0 in terms of value and anime-accuracy. Origin for engineering and articulation.
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i love the old MG Ver OYW, its a simple build but has great surface detail for the time and has a nice boxy chunk to it that newer, slimmer designs shy away from.
G-3 and Hi-nu (purple) are my favorite gundams
Thinking of buying a cheap ass bootleg gunpla to practice making battle damage
I love the G3. Is there a decent MG of it? Time to check Dalong and Ebay.
G-3 has a 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 (this one is gundam base exclusive)
it's gonna be a lot cheaper to buy a RX-78-2 kit and some paint
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i want to sex her
This image cured my broken dick
shouldn't have watched Turn A with my ex
if he's your ex then don't think about her
Thanks for the info, Anon.
I have the RX-78-2 2.0 and The Origin MGs actually. But I did not want to paint those since one was a gift.
that's fair really, though in case the 2.0 was the gift I think Origin Gundam works particularly great with these colors. Been theorycrafting turning the HG into the Late Type and using the G-3 color scheme.
Yeah, 2.0 was a Christmas gift so it is precious. The Origin was $28 at Hobby Lobby and could get airbrushing.
you are being fed his videos because you want, fag. If you really didn't want to watch them you would pick "Don't recommend channel".
>store guy tells me ting dont exist
>it do
internet really made some jobs obsolete
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everyone should have a MG Turn A, such a strange build but comes together so well.
no real biggie desu
I just asked if he had a specific marker and he straight up told me it doesn't exist in that color
I believed him but I checked and it's even listed in his online shop
Got more pictures of your Turn A? I like the monochrome
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i based it on that one manga page with the mass production Turn A variants, there arnt alot of Turn A alternative colors to work with and most people just do straight builds.
Great choice, that panel is great for fueling imagination. I'd like to do one like that too someday, but include the 7th GMPT
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hard to see in pictures but all of the white has a pearl white finish, looks really sharp at the right angles.
I wouldn't blame him, probably doesnt even manage the site and or order product. I'm wageslaving at a grocery store and this is a common occurrence.
This is why I always have a photo of what I'm looking for. Not every store personnel will know what inventory they have.
God I hate when that happens. Went to Blockbuster as a kid and asked for 'the Macross game for the Gamecube' and the dumbass motherfucker told me it didn't exist. Went back next week and found it (technically it's called Robotech Battlecry but it's literally Macross) and showed it to that son of a bitch
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yeah i was just feeling pissy and wanted to post some hate, it's not that big of a deal, though he was the actual owner or at least in charge of stock and not a just a cashier
i mean you could just say you don't have it or even that you're not sure it exists and check, instead of affirming it's not a thing, but whatever, markers ARE fairly adjacent
>mass production Turn As
how horrifying.
considering how critical those things are I think retailers would've said something if they were banned as well
This sort of stuff will happen more around the world as time goes on. Same thing that happened to body spray aerosols in the 90s.
Good. The multi-million dollar companies will adapt.
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I havent watched IBO, but which decals would fit jackal here?
>Watching 0079
>Realise why I didn't watch it before and its because I don't like Amuro and the RX-78.

God I just want to skip and start Zeta.
sir this is the plastic model thread
Sometimes I watch them to see the toy size.
None. Those are ibo decals. If you watch it or not is irrelevant.
My bad sar, I mistakenly posted on the wrong thread.
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God I wish I have the skills to scratchbuild.
People don't know what Macross is in the US, especially from that era, anon.
you gotta glue it there. its part of the horror.
do you have spare dilanza or dilanza sol parts? even guels dilanza would work if you have the parts im looking for.
>bootleg Jestas around 30 CAD
Gonna see if the price drops further in a couple of days...
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I finally finished one again
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Bandai Jestas, HG & MG, got reprints recently so if they haven't already, they'll start showing up soon.
How the hell is it standing?
I'm good at balancing.
Targets are breaking the street date on RFV kits. Speak to CS and hope they don't give a shit to get some.
looks great especially the coats' contrast makes a dope accent here
good job!
Walls Fall Out
Requiem for Vengeance. The UE5 movie with the ugly Gundam, the ugly Zaku and the disgusting character design.
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Ah, that thing.
Whoever wins this Halloween group build will win a box of my country's exclusive candies.
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Samurai pizza cats
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hey /gpg/ tourist here, do you guys think this mfer will come out before the show comes out or do these type of stuff usually come out way after (i believe its expected for october release in jp)?
An anon here said target already got shipments but are not on shelves yet
i just saw lmfao
target?? i checked gundam planet and nothing on there @.@
Does that mean the movie's gonna stutter like crazy and run like shit?
Very good work anon, it looks great. The only advice I would give is next time when highlighting dark parts like the shoulder either use a slightly darker tone, or blend the highlight in with a thinned to shit version of the base coat. As it is the contrast on the highlights is just a little stark, but otherwise it looks fantastic. The shading on the lighter parts is perfect and the metallic red parts really pop. Do you have a better picture of the burnt metal effect you did on the thrusters? That looks like it came out really nice too.
theres a trailer, looks like your generic 3d gundam desu, english dub sounds like dog as usual
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Yeah, I had this issue a little with the MG guntank I did too. When you leave it uncoated, or gloss coated before details/decals, the part looks darker. Matte coat always makes it much lighter. I'm glad you like it thou! I appreciate the feed back!
Yeah, it can be hard to gauge exactly what it should look like before topcoating to get the finished look you want. Either way, it's just a minor nitpick on my part, I do really like how it came out anon. Keep up the good work.
beautiful hand
yes I am.
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New Tekkaman kit coming soon
I look like this IRL
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Is there a better combination for your display than Sazabi and Nu?
LED Mirage and another LED Mirage
Moderoid Dangaioh, Iczer Robo, Zeorymer and Hagane
as many kotobukiya muv-luv TSFs as possible
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I am starting to dig how it looks
25+ unpainted GMs
You just gave me an idea for a diorama. Sazabi and Nu duking it out while surrounded by Zakus and GMs cheering them on.
this is how lost inventories usually happen. sometimes model shops will unearth an ancient kit from their warehouse because they thought they don't have them anymore. that's how i nabbed an old Aoshima GaoGaiGar kit recently.
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so how many colorways of this knockoff pbandai jim spartan did they manage to pump out before the shengai police shot them
A lot and they are still pumbing out recolors FYI, just not 1kit/week like usual.
BTW, chink 1/100 black rider.
God I need to hold off on buying more chinkpla. I have the dom troppen sitting in my backlog.
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it's 11 usd shipped on aliexpress, just buy now and think later
ummmm.... where are the airbrushes
dont tell me toronto is full of sn*pshitters
rg3.0 rx78 and best mecha collection rx78
like 6 or 7 I think, and that's just the XFS recolors. JMS did their own GM Spartan too, though I don't think with any recolors.
Effect Wings released one as well, but they threw in some actual original newly molded weapon parts too.
>why aren't people bringing an expensive piece of equipment that requires space to avoid inconveniencing others, spraying paint all over or causing health hazards to an in-person event in a tiny crowded room?
make bootlegs of the hg riders you motherfuckers
Was there any new announcements here last year?
was there ever
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>SRW/Sunrise OG panel
>Gunpla panel #1
>Yamato panel
>30MM panel
>Macross panel
>Gunpla panel #2
>30MS/P/F pane
and it should be the same this year
How different are Mr Color's aqueous paints in terms of performance (durability, vibrancy, coverage...) compared to their regular paints? They moved most of their licensed paints to aqueous now
Colors and coverage isn't too different from Mr Hobbies standard Lacquer paints, but whats definitely noticable is the smell and durability.
The fumes won't stink up the place when open the jar or spray it (but you still need to wear a mask with the correct filters).
They're much closer to tamiya acrylics, so acceptable durability once cured but you'll need to wait a day or two before thinking about doing polishing work.
Aqueous is far less tolerant to mark softer and other aggressive decal solutions so either use X-22 or a lacquer varnish prior or use less aggressive decal solution like micro sol.
they're shitcrylics and not the children friendly kind, no reason to ever use them when lacquer paints exists
>no reason to ever use them when lacquer paints exists
I'm a yurocuck so we don't get the good lacquers
>mr color lacquers
>not good
They're inconsistent, some of their paints are great but their regular range hasn't gotten updated in decades so it's far behind other brands in quality now, and most of their new releases aren't lacquers
If you're willing to pay the price you can import glorious nippon paints folded thousand times from aliexpress
Was this posted a thread or two back? I saw this posted before and want it.
this is so alien to me
What do they do, bring their own kits and sit around people to build them? Why?
There are similar events near me in fucking bars with some 4th rate content creators, endorsed by shops who also sell some uninteresting kits there
>anon is baffled at the concept of people spending time together
legit yeah
model building is such a solitary hobby to me, a lot of the satisfaction comes from the focus you put on it for me
why would I do it with strangers
I'm doing the MG RX-78-2 Origin and I fucking detest the Emition Manipulator hands. Are there any good replacement hands for it available that are fixed in place and hold weapons?
>want to build kampher
>realize it has a bajillion guns
>get psycho zaku flashbacks
>reminded why my aqua niggas are the best boys
unlike psycho zaku, Kampfer is a fun build
it also already looks great with just one gun
I love chinaman and wish him success in evading the bandai jew
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>comes out tomorrow
>still not a single kit announced
think it's gonna be all p-bandai?
Isn't it all recolors?
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PGU Starry Night variant
MG Nu & Sazabi cross contrast color variant
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there's a wee bit of new stuff at least
some people can't survive without the presence of other people and they stop existing when other people aren't observing them.
>think it's gonna be all p-bandai?
Obviously. All of that shiny coating ain't cheap. And also nobody have Meta Quest so no normies even aware it existence
Only 4 guns
>another re/100 jagd doga
Oh shit, /ourguy/ is there at the far right of this pic
I've been edging myself waiting for the preorder to ship. One of my favorite mechs of all time.
I've been so thirsty for a UC story I'll likely down that gaijin slop.
Looking for a solid (as in doesn't fall apart) kit around the size of a standard MG with lots of greeble and/or spikes for my grandma, what would you guys recommand?
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I wonder if anyone really talks to him? he looks lonely here. This is my chance to one day befriend him.
A gelgoog to go with buff zaku.
>macross panel
snapshit deculturebros this is our year
Man, that hand sculpt is unfortunate
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Yeah, it was a problem on the zaku as well where I used the other Brolly kit. I have no idea why they dropped the ball so hard on Brolly's fists not having molded fingers on the sides.
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Japs really do have the best tools.
All theeffort making this for 1% of the people
1% would be if it was a general VR thing, but it's exclusively meta quest to boot
It's a Fr*nch production, they had to be bigger hipsters than the other western Gundam entries somehow.
What did you use for that clear parts on Nu?
this would unironically look amazing, but too expensive and would take up too much space
is there any point in getting the perfect grade Unicorn now when the mgex exists?
It's trying to get people to buy that meta quest shit. Personally, if I was in charge, I'd make the best VR POV anime girl sex games exclusive on the meta quest, and I guaranteed a ton of people will be saving up money to buy it.
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that's the chink recolor of Nu and Sazabi recently announced on chink wonfes.
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larger, and the "unchained" gimmick exclusive to that kit?

Koreans are really ahead of the curve arent they? Having a gunpla studio with a monthly membership seems nice.
Literally a reverse-engineered toy you put together, and so it requires some sanding and strength to put some pieces together alongside not speeding through it and seriously considering the orientation of smaller parts so everything actually fits together. Once it does, though, the only thing finicky are the chest windows and the head. Everything else is stupidly sturdy, flexible without being limp, and fun to fuck around with posingwise. Just don't touch the head or chest unless you glue the window pieces to the frames. There's sadly no salvaging the head.

The HG 00 kits are also exceptionally toyetic compared to most model kits, thanks to how simplified they are while having a surprising range of movement for their age.
Something like this could probably work in LA or NYC. I've thought about trying to open one since I have time and money now but I'm scared nobody will use it.
not to be a weirdo but I would have liked to have a gunpla wife like this
1.5 MG is the best for snapshitting and being the fucking RX-78-2 as the fucking RX-78-2. 2.0 adds unnecessary details even further and 3.0 is one of the single most anti-snapshitter MG kits to date.

Origin is next best if you don't mind it deviating from the print, but 1.5 borrows from the PG while keeping things simple on the outside where it SHOULD be.
It helps that probably A LOT of Koreans enjoy plamo beyond snapping. This wouldn't work in the West, this hobby is still niche despite gunpla gaining popularity and attracting newcomers. I can only see such a studio here have the usual boomers use it regularly, with a couple 20~30s year olds.
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>Their booth mogs my ramshackle desk.

Not like this bros. I might try to replicate this with a bigger desk space.

I won't ever do business in NYC just because of how hostile they are to business owners.
We all do anon. Imagine, having a waifu who builds paints, and enjoys gunpla/figurines.
and pretty too
we have something like that here in the Philippines too. i wanna visit, but it's on the other side of the country for me.
Her husband was giving himself fucking brain damage huffing paint. She said he used to complain about feeling drowsy and his eyes burning after painting, she asked him if he was wearing a respirator and he said no because he had a booth. Fucking mongoloid was breathing in paint for hours at a time and never stopped to think if the burning sensation was an issue.
I'm trying to do some kind of shading with real touch markers. I've seen a couple youtube videos so I get the general idea but i'm still lost on where exactly I should apply said shading.
I see people "outlining" parts and filling in panel lines, wiping up the paint to make the inside of the part stand out like it's more exposed to the light, but I'm used to Warhammer tutorials where they want to highlight edges instead, so I'm at a loss for what logic to use. Any advice?
The art is mostly women so my interest was lost.
Hardly. I appreciate women, but if I see mechs fighting I want male protagonists that are not retards. Kamille gets a pass though.
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not just strangers, from the look of the pic they also have obnoxious "comedy" anime playing in the background for noise pollution too
New P-Bandai drop tonight
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>bandai made this bullshit leo r before Virgo 1 and 2
Gato's Gelgoog! Woo!
You already know it's coming bro just wait
You told me that 6 years ago.
That's just Robin Mask from Kinnikuman.
I've been waiting with you all this time
Dude fuck yeah I've been wanting a PG Blue Frame for a while. All the ebay scalpers asking for $400 can go FUCK themselves
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I'm fucking mad that only the first print of this lets you attach it to previous gen ACs. And everyone online wants $250+ for it
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all i want is Taurus why is that so hard.
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Both. Bandai will shit out 5 different versions of the faggot gundams but not the awesome grunts from Wing.
it will be p-bandai anyway
Fine, I don't care. I have given up. Just make the fucking things instead of the shitty resin.
Regular Taurus (black) will be a general release but the white and red versions will be P-Bandai
after p-bandai deathscythe hell?
as far as retail Wing kits go the most you can hope for are first Tallgeese and Epyon.
part of me wants deathscythe hell to have been P-Bandai only because they're still afraid of what happened with the action figures back in the day, but that wouldn't make any sense for it being P-Bandai in Japan, too.
also the MG was retail, it and Wing Zero are the only kits from EW that appeared in it and have regular retail MGs
What's so anti snapshitting about the 3.0?
absolutely nothing, like every other kit
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They really can't help themselves, can't they?
Just 3d print the connector parts, it's not that many and they aren't that intricate
With how prominent they were in the show, I would expect Aries, Taurus and Virgo to be regular retail, at an eventual date. Noin version will be P-Bandai, and eventually Virgo II also P-Bandai since it only showed up at the end. Cancer and Pisces also too big and weren't used often enough in the show to be retail. And then Serpent as RE/100 P-Bandai, because all the EW designs are 1/100 scale only.
>full package comes with not only the clear Psychoframe, but also an extra Action Base 4 and custom waterslides

I'm still not going to buy this since I already got the C-Packs over the summer, but goddamn am I mad.
Heero spent more time in Mercurius than in Wing, prominence in the show doesn't mean anything
Is there even an STL file available?
I keep seeing this shitty meme being reposted like it was funny. He only piloted it for two episodes, Wing was center stage for at least the first full third of the show and is the titular Gundam.
you're a fucking amnescia
How's the SD Neo Zeong bootleg?
it has a bootleg???
probably pretty alright, depends on company
That is massive copium, bandai knows how the Virgo, Taurus, and other Wing grunts tickles the fancy of Western fans, and WILL be p-bandai.
first it will be Gundam Base exclusive, just for the lols and the extra fuck you the xenophobic execs at Bandai Hobby crave. This has the added benefit of teasing the west with Japanese posted kitbashes and what not in social media.
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At least you have the option to buy it. Us Eurocucks will get the option to buy it for double the price via resellers if we're lucky. In general though, Bandai are really starting to push it. The clear psycho frame only being a part of the full bundle and not part of the expansion set is super bullshit.
in bootlegs we trust
I don't get how p bandai works
We supposedly have it here in france but the shipping is 12 fucking bucks
Is it literally just the privilege of being allowed to order from japan? why only in france in europe?
It's the privilege to pay more money for kits that are exclusive to their online store. That's literally it.
>Is it literally just the privilege of being allowed to order from japan?
Lmao if you think shipping from Japan to France would be $12. They very rarely put things up on PBandai France and when they do, it's not the same stuff they put on the other PBandai stores so it's basically useless.
>They very rarely put things up on PBandai France and when they do, it's not the same stuff they put on the other PBandai stores so it's basically useless.
lol the fuck
i mean based bandai gatekeeping us from buying overpriced items
>the shipping is 12 fucking bucks
It's $10 in the US, which is only marginally better. The goal is to get people to buy multiple things each month and consolidate them so that the shipping charges get spread out.
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Except you can't consolidate half the shit. I have a few orders pending right now.
hearing about trouble with p-bandai is like being cucked out of a cbt session
Free shipping coupons / codes are a dime a dozen if your explore external sources though.
Please share. I've only ever gotten one free shipping from the site itself once, and I've missed a few purchases because there was only one thing in a month's catalog that I wanted and I couldn't justify it (or it was a no-warning In Stock item).
Anyone participating in the Gunpla Secret Santa this year?
they should release more than one fucking thing i want a month if that's the goal
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Target in US hasnt even ordered RFV kits yet.
See this is why I don't trust those people posting about inhaling lacquer fumes and say they have no issues.
Aren't random hands enough for you?
where is my gallus j perfect grade
Did you pay with paypal? You can't consolidate if you pay with paypal.
No, I use my credit card.
99% of those people are just shitposting but you don't need to listen to anyone when it comes to this shit. You can look up material safety data sheets for all paints which show what's in them and how toxic/carcinogenic they are. You don't want any atomized paint in your lungs, the effects of it are compounding.
Skill issue
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WTF i suddenly like Schwarzette now!
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interesting reaction to the dino bikes speeding by
Anything looks infinitely more cooler with Sinanju's frame.
This actually looks pretty good
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He's /gpg/'s mascot
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>Perfect for children with no necks.
speaking of, i hope i can get the Puni Mofu Mao when they arrive at our stores. i kinda regret not pre-ordering this considering it's selling very hot in Japan right now.
How is Bandai unable to replicate this? their 30MS line is okay but nowhere near Kotobukiya's musume kit quality
holy shit, some of you are lost causes
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I look like pic related IRL, your words mean nothing to me.
>a fucking bonsai plamo
the MG line died for this!
Bonsai is the real ojisan's hobby.
/ourguy/ just enjoying his kits and figures.
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>HG G-Self 1.5
>Gundam base exclusive
It's okay, it'll go from base exclusive to regular PB in a month or so.
not any better for me
Stopped few years ago after being tired of admin/mods shit.
Who let Relena decorate the Wing Zero?
There's no chance in hell this would be a regular release when the RG 1.5 Freedom was also an exclusive, but damn, it still stings.
I don't know why, but this is giving me jem and the holograms vibes.
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God will they ever make a Gaia gear official?
New thread

the first time i used lacquers i was still using a cardboard box instead of a spray booth (i was poor and didn't know how much i'd enjoy painting so i went for the cheapest of everything possible at first) and it was awful. got a nasty headache and a weird almost vertigo-like feeling. that's what made me finally get booth, and i didn't spray lacquer again till i got one. i still don't use a respirator but since i got a 180cfm chink spraybooth (that people always say isn't good enough) i haven't had a single headache or dizzy spell after painting, and my room is clear of fumes within 10 minutes of finishing if i keep the filter fresh (i generally change it after every kit and use cheapo wool aquarium filter that costs £5 per metre on ebay. well its more like £10 per metre really because it's about half as thick as those 2 part blue filters so i double it over)

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