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Previous Thread: >>22864905

>List of subbed series

>Direct Download Links

>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

Should have picked a picture that could wear the birthday hat
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First for got boost!!
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Chocodan looks great
It's fun to sing and the visuals are comfy
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I like it desu
The melting shawl is definitely inspired
wait so will we get valen first then chocodan? or will they fight together
Valen first.
to be fair shoma could shit out chocolate gochizos easily, they could do tandem
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Imagine trying to intimidate your enemy with this form and pose
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hanto is obviously trying to seduce here
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Repost from last thread
>[Uchuusen] Gavv's early theme is "Mermaid"

——Did you decide from the beginning to make snacks the theme of the story?
>Takebe: Actually, it was not snacks at first, but the theme of "mermaids". The six brothers and sisters, including Shouma, were also derived from "mermaids". At that time, Komura suggested that it would be better for mermaids to have a connection with humans.
>Komura: So what is the reason why the protagonist, who is a mermaid, yearns for the human world Everyone discussed this point together.
>Takebe: Considering that there must be a reason for the protagonist's origin, the setting of "the mother is human" was made. The advantage of "mermaid" is that you can foresee the tragic ending of "the protagonist disappearing into bubbles".
>Komura: So will Shouma disappear into bubbles as well? (Laughter)
>Takebe: I don't know what will happen yet (laughs). Maybe some people have already imagined the ending of "Gavv", but the story has just begun, so please enjoy Gavv at the moment.
>Komura: Before deciding on the snack theme, there was also the idea of "coming to fight as a monster", and snack elements were added on this basis. In the theme of "Monsters are coming to fight", the protagonist is set by Takebe as a "scary yet cute monster".
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——What kind of role is the protagonist, Shouma?
>Komura: Shouma's setting as the youngest was left over from the planning of "Mermaid", because the protagonist in "Mermaid" is the youngest among six. In addition, I thought, "It must be cute to be picked up by various people when he falls down." Despite this, the protagonist should also have a side that survives the painful growth process, and there is also the impression of the protagonist who is a "little milk dog" mentioned to Takebe.
>Takebe: If he is too cute, will it not appear so in the eyes of boys who are the core audience? There is also such a worry, so I want the protagonist to be both cute and strong. Therefore, Shouma's habit of speaking is not "僕 (boku)" but "俺 (ore)". Director Sugihara also learned from this point and filmed the backbone of Shouma in the first two episodes.
What's the gimmick going to be? Gun overheating causing it to melt?
Shooting melty chocolate bars
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>We almost had our sea-themed Rider show.
I like Gavv, but dang. Maybe some other time.
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>/krg/ is fast again
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You see this Rider enter your path, what do you do?
gotchard could never
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Oh, he has hearts on his gloves. That's cute.
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Pick your Gavv Q1 form
Ms. Stomach look kinda hot
post otocum's cooler rider art prease
Gummy > Choco > Marshmallow > Chips > Candy
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Which one will you choose?
Popcorn. I'm not much of a sweet-tooth desu, and the Macaron gochizo freaks me out
Caramel Popcorn
This is a shitposting schizo from /toy/ by the way, don't listen to him.
Nice try, Shitposter-kun.
Valen is the first Reiwa secondary since Fuwa who doesn't know the main's civilian identity prior to transforming for the first time
He's also the first Reiwa secondary to have no relation to the main character whatsoever. Even Fuwa had met and interacted properly with Aruto beforehand.
Would (You) allow yourself to be kidnapped and raped by a female kaijin and forced to be in her mansion for 16 years before dying horrifically?
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Apologize to me, /krg/
Damn, what crossover movie is this
depends on how loose her Gavv is (If you catch my drift)
>hot evil woman kaijin
As a Revice defender, I'm still disappointed how Hiromi got shafted.
One day anon. One day.
You weren't as bad as Neon
That's the only positive thing I have to say
I will always simp for Jeanne, the hottest female Rider in my mind, but never for the show. She may live in my mind rent free, but it's in a vacuum.
Probably my favorite q1 upgrade in the franchise
It is just *chefs kiss* mwah perfecto
I love how the silver and black undersuit along with it's pattern trick my eyes into thinking he's got cow pattern pants. The chocolate fountain poncho really completes the design too.
Also any other eyecolor other than yellow would instantly take away from this design
Please don’t fuck the gavvs. There is no such thing as a cumchizo
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Uh oh
It only took 13 years but Eiji finally kissed Hina
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>chinese fans discover a "FacinGummy" sound inside Gavv
>its finisher is "FacinGummy Storm!", so it's an assist gochizo
>Gavv's Poppin gummy form has a surprisingly empty back
>all Reiwa primaries as of now have at least one form that either gives them wings and/or the ability to fly
Gavvbros, I have a theory....
Wtf is facin?
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i think his mentor gonna die, to add the drama
The only thing shelfwarm is your virginity
>Hey Anon wanna be my lab ra- I mean, partner in conducting a science experiment?
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How do I obtain this gochizo?
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It's a funny story.
Next issue of Uchusen
whichever one has the best look while screaming im gonna guess macaron
A "free with the mag" or "have to send off for" deal, do you know?
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NTA but comes with it I think. I got some gotchard cards before from it
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I hate Geats, but I hate the """people""" who like it even more.
Awesome, thanks!
Rent free
god that paint job looks dog shit
everytime they just paint over something that's flat and has no structural detail of its own, it looks awful
Have anons' brains seriously rotted to the point that they're getting Whale to change the subs like this for no good reason? "Sus" has existed for about 100 years...
Nah, it only started existing when the game got popular.
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Faggots here have gotten sensitive enough that they see translators as their enemies and view any use of slang as a display of oppression
I can only hope for your sake that you're trying to be funny
Anon, everyone knows slang, dialects, character voice, accents, code switching, and growing lexicons don’t exist in Japanese.
They speak the same way they’ve always spoken since 2001.
Thus begins Sabertober. From watching the first episode, I get the feeling I'm going to have a good time. The bgm sounds great, and the fact that the Henshin Jingle lasts like a full ten seconds is the kind of goofy stuff I love Rider for.
I miss Rinne
I have a crush on her
They aren't getting forms, they're promo Gochizos.
>"Sus" has existed for about 100 years
You guys roasted a Revice subber for using the same word, nobody came to defend him with these excuses.
It's crazy how Aguilera went from being an interesting villain to completely unlikable and annoying when she became Hana
Is Rinne some kind of Jap-SEA mix? Something about her face looks really Vietnamese
No one should defend revice. It should be removed from rider.
Get ready for the final form henshin to just be a full on song.
Honestly? Instead of forms based on the Riders/Trinkets or just whole sale transforming into old Riders. A cool gimmick for the next Rider could be to get Legend Froms based around the general aesthetic of those Riders....wait that was just Revice, okay that but not Revice.
A certain line from Tassel's opening narration and the exchanges between Touma and the Golem Megid are way more important than they seem at first glance. Hindsight is one of Saber's strongest weapons.
Am I the only seeing it?
Am I getting crazy? Obsessed?
True. That's why it's all recycled and about Keiwa for some reason.
She looks like a normal Japanese girl to me.
I've been saying there's shitposters who intentionally sow discourse. Expect the same shit to happen to Gavv.
Keiwa is one of the most common criticisms because he's one of Geats' biggest mistakes.
You NEED to fuck off back to Redit/Twitter with this cringe shit
I only apologize for not being meaner
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Where's the Boonboom Curry Gochizo?
kamen rider is now too big to fail so we are forced to be tortured by eternal shoehorned femxle riders forever
you are so bad faith it's actually sad. you can't even take the "who cares" approach you faggots LOVE using because the change in this instance is no longer in your favour. funny how that works, right?
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I haven't watched Kamen Rider live since ghost do they still make Figuarts of every form? Because I really would buy them all if they did. Especially this one.
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Got Boost MKII when?
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I want the reverse of Revice, every form changes their aesthetic, and makes him indistinguishable from other riders from that season.
Okay yeah that was what I was thinking. It'd be a dope way to do legend forms. Could even make it a show gimmick that the Legend Rider forms help keep world balance or some shit, or doesn't fuck with time if they don't wanna do ARs
>do they still make Figuarts of every form?
Only for good shows like Geats.
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Only for shit shows like Geats.
Curry isn't a snack, bagerou
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I miss Yuna...
kill yourself
Sex with granutes.
Bring your friends, blowjobs for everybody!
Does orgasm make a good spice?
It is an unbridled good feeling, so yeah Granute sex workers are probably a thing.
>so yeah Granute sex workers are probably a thing.
Probably not in the human world since the disguised ones still have weird creepy monster mouths in their bellies.
Cosplay sex is a thing
People in Gavv's world see him as a scary monster instead of a dude in a superhero suit, they're not going to see the mouths as prosthetics.
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Episode 2 of Saber makes me instantly like Rintaro, I can already tell that he won't be a chore when he is on-screen. Also, Touma has a hope thing going on and it reminds me of Wizard.
I meant covering the mouth with a costume or something.
Best Reiwa secondary, unless Hanto does something about that.
The éclairs thing isn't going to be just a funny gag, if you pay attention they're actually signs of his development throughout the show.
Are you the guy who's just starting Saber? Because that means heavy spoilers.

Go back to fucking Twitter. I'd rather have Rinne than Sakura, fucking seriously.

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Bros I suddenly miss Shotaro. I wish one day the franchise would pull a Grease and cast a former main Rider in a new role.
>chrome paint
ehhhhh. That's usually prone to scratching off
Isn’t she in JAV now?
I miss Alisa
Would it matter since the customer would be pressed as soon as the clothes were off?
That means they wouldn't actually get to the point where they fuck and the human reaches an orgasm for maximum happiness.
No I've seen Saber twice and only remember eclairs as a shitty inside joke.
Ill always miss Shotaro, I rewatched W for the first time in nearly 10 years recently and hes definitely my favorite primary rider, I think his actor arguably had the most fun playing his role in the franchise too, you can tell how much hes loving it
I was sad to find he didnt come back for Fuuto PI
>Dubbing suit =/= dubbing animation
There's a reason why only very few toku alumni made it there
I think Kiriyama could have come back, but he felt it would be wrong to do it without Suda hence whey they decided to recast for Fuuto PI.

Even when Kiriyama appears by himself in Heisei vs Showa it is somewhat odd even if he's Kamen Rider Joker for the majority of the movie.

Which brings into question, what is the likelihood of a former MAIN Rider returning in a new role (preferably heroic) like Sentai did in the past? Are they too recognizable regardless of their career popularity? Or is it solely because Rider is a launchpad for talent agencies to produce new talent? Which makes me wonder when they casted Kouhei Takeda for Grease, do they specifically wanted a Rider alumni or what? I think this whole wish started back then when Legend was still rumored to be Decade as a tertiary Rider, so having a main Rider returning full time is something I really want to see.
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>Even when Kiriyama appears by himself in Heisei vs Showa it is somewhat odd even if he's Kamen Rider Joker for the majority of the movie.
I think this mainly comes down to Yonemura's weird writing style. He just had Shotaro not mentioning Philip at all. Things would have felt much more natural if the script actually referenced him, even showing Shotaro talking with him off-screen, rather than trying to ignore his existence because his actor wasn't in the movie.
Im not clicking that I don't want a virus
Gai is the real protagonist of Outsiders.
He may be going through some trials and difficulties now, but in the end he will save everyone and all the worlds.
>he doesn't know about the archive
Holy newfag.
>watching gaim in my 20's
Lol, what is Kaito even mad about?
>watching gaim in my 30's
Everything he says makes sense and I get it.
That too. It's why I said for all intents and purposes Shotaro in that movie is practically Kamen Rider Joker, with W being a 'form change' coz they need the main Rider.
I'll give Geats this, for all my gripe about the show, the suit and belt designs were amazing... well, all but Nago's anyways.
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congrats guys, we're famous in the fujo world
and yet, he still hasn't truly paid for all his crimes against humanity, ranging from work sex harassment, corporate spy, to this ittybitty thing about KICKSTARTING THE ROBOT APOCALYPSE!? regardless of what happened with ZAIA and the US president, Gai STILL pushed the button deliberately. and in canon he never truly apologized and the public still doesn't know. they can do all the 'you suck and we don't want to work with you in any possible way' jokes they want, but they will never work.
I mean, he's now trying to stop a robot apocalypse that's completely unrelated to himself for once and is getting beaten up a lot over it.
Also, the Ark he helped created is actually being one of the keys to stop it.
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I liked Saber a lot. Felt a little more sentai than kamen but it was a good time none the less. That particular rider also gets one of the coolest suits
It has ED song with dance BS of course it's a sentai
>It has ED song with dance BS of course it's a sentai

Oh, yeah, I forgot Saber had that. Man one extra minute for every episode could have helped with some of its early pacing issues. We know there was a lot of unused footage at least for the first few weeks.
The Sentai vibes were on purpose, so they could shatter that status quo in Q2.
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oi mate what you got with us aussies man?
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I can't believe this is a real suit
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How new?
Too wide, not the same
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He's not only one of the best characters in the show, but he's legit the best secondary Rider in Reiwa and one of the best secondaries in general. Kento and Yuri are also great too.
Literally the same build..too bad for the suit actor
>being this delusional
Anyone else noticed this form has a thong?
Shut the fuck up, saboreschizo.
We get it, you're mentally ill and mentally challenged, you didn't need to waste 7 years of your worthless life to prove it.
Will you post everything or just some random pages?
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Trying collages for some of the pages for image limit's sake.
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Good ass design, terrible looking weapon. The secondary curse is still going
What Secondary curse?
No other good secondary since fuwa
What does that have to do with suit and weapon designs?
Don't worry about it unless there's a double spread.
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Thank you for this gift anon
You're welco/m/e.
Yeah I know, still disappointing from a fan perspective who really enjoys Kiriyama and his performance in W
Plus he clearly loved the role and itd have been fun to see, even if I know Suda will never stoop so low as to do Kamen Rider again
>ugly design
>ugly weapon
>shit character
Shut the fuck up, gochtard
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The thicker the better
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>"I made a child with one of our spices..."
That must've been an awkward family dinner
>Suda will never stoop so low as to do Kamen Rider again
A little unfair to say, no? Maybe it's an agency thing
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It's like Heisenberg telling Jessie "I fuck our meth"
Like another anon said, it's like sitting down to dinner and saying you had sex with one of the farm cows which birthed a cow/human hybrid that now wants to kill everyone that harvests cow meat
I unironically hope you develop a blood clot
That is honestly an awesome pitch for a minotaur horror movie
In a more literal sense it's like saying
>Kids, I used a cinnamon stick as an onahole, and a child ended up popping out of it
>the half-cow hybrid just made friends with a cow and now they're teaming up to kill people
It's probably fine. Looks kinda dry.
>more geats content
Fuck off!
Sorry anon, outside of /krg/ it's an acclaimed series.
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Kenzaki is a very naughty boy
But we are the primary audience!
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The Geats milking never end
Another chinese exclusive?
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Kenzaki steals? No dignity
Yeah, from CICF event
Stealing is also a form of power
b-b-but I thought chinks only revere saber!
Saber also have some chinese exclusive toy. Keep up, anon.
Geats truly is peak after peak after peak
I like geats but stop setting us up like that, it's annoying
I love all the crazy designs that are coming out of Gavv.

The only good suits last year were the base suits.
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Raising Sword doko
I actually legitimately like Geats. I want to see Ziin's new form already.
you mean crazy ugly?

Last year we got dread and valvarad and rainbow and atropos, so your argument is invalid
Raising Sword next please
Or get the guys who did the Saber upgrade stuff to finally do them and the Zombie Breaker Kit
I KNOW it exists
Tokullectibles sold out so fast and I can't find it anywhere
Not Rider specifically but I know he didnt want to do Phillip again to avoid being type cast as a androgynous twink, or at least something along those lines
I said I liked Valvarad's base suit, just not his rider suit. Rainbow was a miss for me because the shade of blue they used is ugly.
Don't let Grandpa see this
He has already established himself as a versatile actor. Plus, I think it will speak more of him if he somehow pulls androgynous in his 30s
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The twink look is the only look he can pull off.
Rintaro is right there
Being a contrarian for contrarian's sake is retard shit, anon.
Normal people agree that Rintaro is a very, very good secondary.
He definitely can't now. They'd need to drastically reinvent the character to have him show up again now
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He look cooler in this BL
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He looks exactly the same except the photographer had the bright idea not to have him look like a bug eye'd deer
You're actually retarded, none of the posts I quoted were praising Rintaro, they were all shitposts from the same fucking 1-2 smoothbrained retards who can't find anything better to do with their time.
My ONLY problem with Gavv so far is that...

Usually, not always, but usually, each Rider show after Decade uses a different word for "forms"
>Half Change
>Best Match

Of course, for many Riders there's no appropriate unique word, so they just go with "Form".
But Gavv missed a trick by not using
>Gummy Flavor
>Zakuzaku Chips Flavor
>Fuwamallow Flavor
>Gurucan Flavor
>Chocodan Flavor
but they're not flavors
Nevermind, the shitposter decided to copypaste one of the insults thrown at him (again) and I can't delete this post for some reason.

I hope whatever's causing your mental illness is actually a brain tumor that's days away from ending your worthless life.
Literally the same uniform too.
He really does have those psychopath sanpaku eyes
Literally none of the reiwa shows do all that, progrise isnt even a name for the forms. You're stupid and you should stop using this board.
>>Half Change
W and Zero-One's forms aren't named like this, they're just the name of the particular trinkets they're using and that's it.
>Literally none of the reiwa shows do all that
Revice does with the Genomes.
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I love Zero-One's final Progrise, the Ark One Progrise
>Ark One
Yes, Tajadol, the Final Combo of OOO, and Ark One, the Final Progrise of Zero-One
Who are you replying to, faggot?
Realizing Hopper was the final one
Forgive me. Realizing Hopper is the true final Progrise
it's ok at least you realized it
It's like Gotchard never existed...
Reminder that Gotchard still has a whopping zero Memorial item announcements
Vcins not even out yet retard, calm down
Not like they can add voice lines into the cards
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Almost thought this would appear there as well:
Whoever thought of this photoshop, I will put a bullet in their head. And no, it wasn't mine either.
It real >>22868382
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All the shit they announced during the span of the last 3 episodes takes the spot of the Memorial stuff.
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Hmm Dark Gavv use Sparking Gummy but normal Gavv driver also has jingle for that Gochizo.
Possible Berserk Form?
Almost all belts have sounds for the "evil" trinkets. Dark Gavv is P-Bandai, and so would be Sparkingummy, so even if Gavv gets to use it, it'd probably be a one-time thing rather than a whole month of berserking like a retail upgrade.
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did hanto need to take the coat to the toilet
The Geats Buster X is legit, the Ultimate Seiken might not be.
He needs training wheels...
Gochizou abuse will be the best thing to come from Gavv
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It's not p-bandai, anon
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Dark Gavv Belt is this year’s DreaDriver/ VisionDriver…
stop motion spinoff of gochizos going on adventures when
Like that one hopper1 episode except it’s an army of gochizos that are trying to do a single task but every one of them gets stuck/dies en route
Realistically how long would it take to see if Gavv is worth it? My plan was when Q1 ends but from what I've seen Reiwa series tend to fell off after Q1 (except ironically Saber). And that's not counting the Komura factor.
Or you could just shut the fuck up either start watching it already, or commit to waiting rather than doing this maybe-will-maybe-not dance week in week out because of "muh Komura :(" like a few of you are doing
I don't want to invest if Komura doesn't deliver (which she usually doesn't). My god anon, you're so fucking defensive. I don't see you defend Gotchard like this. Kinda reminds of of Powaa Renjaa shills who begged people to watch the final season as if their lives depend on it.
Y'all fags are so busy that you can't spare 30mins per week to watch a show?

It takes more energy to constantly be shitposting.
The issue with Komura, if she falls to her usual problems, isn't a sudden drop at the start of q2. It's that we'll get to some kind of status in a few episodes and then the show will be stuck there with nothing happening. Any new villain would then die quickly or fade into the background too without much of an active role. And any extra Rider at that point will just be around for character interactions but won't have any real impact in the plot.

So, yeah, if the show doesn't settle into a status quo by then, she's probably avoiding that.
Wharton MBAs don't mean much nowadays if we're judging based on the joke that was cosmic fury.
Then just DON'T WATCH IT FOR NOW and stop asking this stupid question every week
let's hope the back-up writers can cover up her mistake
Kamen Rider Gavv is a better TV show than Kamen Rider Gotchard.
Revice and Geats were still okay up until the 30s.
The show is unmistakably great RIGHT NOW, regardless of whether Komura falls into her usual bad habits. But it's so bizarre watching Komura-antis try to convince themselves AND others that the show is outright altogether bad and not worth watching ever on an insinuate promise that it'll be bad because Komura show.

And then you have the little group that are being wishy washy about allowing themselves to enjoy these first few unarguably good episodes because they're so scared of being disappointed later down the track
>Evolto is now a wrestler and WILL powerbomb people
how does he just keep winning?
And because of that, they've turn from awesome to mid
That's okay
That's not Evolto, that's his Foundation X clone.
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Niggas need to learn to enjoy the ride.
They can't really do anything since Komura is the main writer so the flow of the series is up to her (or the producer if Takabe mandates something). The problem with the show coming to a halt is that usually the plot/set up is too specific, which also limits what she (and other writers) can even do with episodic stories which end up dropping in quality at some point or just getting too repetitive. And then towards the end you have a rushed conclusion.

It's probably why Zenkaiger is considered by many mostly fine. People who like it were in it mainly for the humor, and if that worked for them in the beginning it can work throughout the show.
That makes it better not worse
>Finally a brother that isn't shit!
They turned from great in Q1 to mid in Q2 and then to shit in Q3.
>planet-destroying monster that took two universes being smashed together to shut him up for a while
>"let's clone him!"
Oh Foundation X, you so crazy.
Welcome back Kamen Rider Blowjob Brothers.
Enjoying the ride just makes you madder at what could've been.
That's the way of the road. Sometimes she goes and sometimes she doesn't go. Fuckin way she goes.
>Evolto X
>Banjo Ryuga
>Another Zi-O II summoned Evolt

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i'm okay with things being repetitive like saber or exaid instead being plain boring like gotchard
I hope that one anon who went nuclear for a thread when people said Gavv was going to be Reiwa era Kivva is fucking fuming at the last two episodes.
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What's wrong with kiva? Haven't seen it btw
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His many masks
I'd rather take a show where nothing happens but characters are fun to watch rather than show where a lot of shit is happening but characters are so bad than you don't care at all (hello revice and gotchard)
Revice Q1 was like a dull attempt at Phase II Heisei show
Nothing but its a series where the protagonist has ties to a family like the stomachs and one anon lost his fucking mind about this for some reason.
Hi Thanksgiving-kun
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I love how blatantly teary-eyed Gavv's compound eyes are
Why is Chocodan a cowboy?
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How was Saber repetitive? I think it had a good pacing from Q2 onwards by not letting any arc or villain overstay their welcome, giving constant shake-ups to the story, the only glaring pacing issues it had were in Q1 when things moved too fast as they kept introducing many Riders and toys one right after the other.
Because guns pew pew
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today is ex-aid anniversary
say something about this slop
I've heard its good but the outfit and theme is so fucking cringe ive never given it a chance.
Show had a lot of great episodes, like Emu tricking the doctors into working together, or Emu and Kuroto's team-up against Parad. Taddle Fantasy's power straight up being summoning minions was delightful as well.
Takahashi's best show by far, I hate how overshilled Kuroto has become though.
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The most beautiful suit ever come out of this serie
It's not a LED belt though?????
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I blame takahashi for ruining the christmas experience
Don't include me in your boogieman delusions, you absolute scrotum
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I haven't seen Gavv past episode 1 cause life got in the way, how are we feeling about it so far lads?
I love it and I'm excited to see Hanto BUTSUBUSU some Granutes.
"What if Kiva was Showakino?" the show.
>Chocodan, Zakuzaku Chips, and Fuwamellow all have solid eyes
>Poppin Gumy and GuruCan have compound eyes
What did they mean by this?
I liked it but also consneed that it had the Gaim effect of seeming way better because it came after a very monotonous show and relied on hype and twists.
As usual it follows the KR rule of "what the fuck is this silly ass theme?"=peak.
The eyes match the look and texture of the snack.
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Fill out the form, /krg/.
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>Give your life to me so that another may live, or lose your life to a vice…
I enjoyed it but in hindsight it ruined modern Rider. It feels like Gavv is fixing things but we'll see.

Also it's Takahashi's only good show.
She wrote more episodes of Wizard than she did of Gokaiger, and Zyuohger is an extremely mid show with lots of wasted potential that only stands out because its Red wasn't the usual genki archetype that had been overdone in the past few years. Takahashi and Inoue's writing only deteriorated over time, so there's no reason to believe that doing more shows automatically improves one's writing quality.
>in hindsight it ruined modern Rider
I was already a Komura Konvert and proud
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I'm in love with her
Not that anon but it catalyzed (though did not start) a lot of modern Rider trends that have become drawn out and agonizing.
>Bunch of Riders for no reason other than to pad out toy releases (And also basically saturating the cast into a "Sonic and his friends"-esque pile of colored assholes who rarely get to do anything of relevance)
>Wacky face psycho antagonists (Because it's popular with kids and on social media, very rarely do we get outright serious villains anymore - an eerie lunatic like Kanzaki just isn't an option anymore)
>Redeeming otherwise absolutely irredeemable villains through increasingly bizarre attempts at making them sympathetic (usually turning them into meme characters as a result, because their agencies don't want their actors becoming seen as "bad guys" for some insane reason)
>No one can actually lay down and die, something always brings them back or undoes it (Not exclusive to Rider, modern media as a whole is doing this and it's gay, but shit like Imperer's death will never happen anymore)
>If they have a face actor, they inevitably become a good guy or get written off (Rarely via death because of the above trends)
>Characters are effectively useless if they are not a Kamen Rider (Even villains - a scene like Reiji beating the shit out of Gatack simply wouldn't fly with these trends anymore, even Sabimaru getting a Dread kill required him to use a Rider weapon!)
I don't think any of these are writer-exclusive mind you since we see many of these trends in plenty of Rider shows afterwards that Takahashi didn't work on, I think they're a mix of Takahashi, Omori, and Bandai seeing money and chasing it. Note how Zi-O (Shirakura's baby) lacked most of these things and while it wasn't good definitely didn't have most of the worrisome hallmarkers, it was janked out because it was a Shirakura season.
Gavv (and even little parts of Gotchard) are showing marked attempts at a course correction.
>but shit like Imperer's death will never happen anymore
Nigga, Ryuki ends with a reset where every Rider is alive.
True enough, I forgot that. I should've cited Yuka's death in Faiz. That similarly would not fly.
He wasn't even meant to become a rider. He was meant to die Episode 1. Fuck that suicidal faggot, he's cringe and the worst part of Revice.
Can someone list down the nicknames /krg/ has given rider shows? excluding nicknames for fans/haters.
Gotchard did not commit any of the greentext flaws and you fags hated it.
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>a scene like Reiji beating the shit out of Gatack simply wouldn't fly with these trends anymore
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Episodes 3 and 4 of Saber, and things are starting to shape up. What's not to like about Buster? Awesome suit, and it's animal is a turle. That's neato. Now, I gotta say something about the WonderRide Books. I like this gimmick. Enough that perhaps I'll buy some if I find them at a cheap price.
>Gotchard did not commit any of the greentext flaws
Not only did I mention that Gotchard showed attempts at correction, I also said little because they still fell into some of the trappings (Lachesis was a psycho bitch starting out and they still gave her a redemption arc) and it similarly tried padding out the toyline with unnecessary Riders. I like Daybreak and Wind, they also only existed to sell belt attachments. Eldo was completely unnecessary and should've just been a normal monster but that'd mean one less marketing opportunity for a new P-Bandai belt. Sabimaru fighting off Dread singlehanded was rendered moot because he needed Gotchard's weapon to do it showing even in a non-Rider's moment of in-theory independence they still depend on the main Rider.
Did you not watch Kabuto? I'm talking about this scene:
Reiji beats the stuffing out of Gatack using nothing but a cane and kung fu. No macguffins, no transformed weapons, no monster form, not even his bullshit timestop power, literally just bare hands and Worm physiology packed into a human form. Even Isaac was using the Seiken when fighting untransformed. Reiji beat a Kamen Rider with a fucking walking stick.
If you like Buster, he has his very own manga covering his backstory. Chapters dropped around episodes 22-24, so read it when you reach that point.
You just said characters are useless if they're not Kamen Riders. Scenes specifically like Reiji Nogi's are extremely rare across the whole franchise.
Say what you will about Gotchard's writing, but Daybreak did serve a narrative purpose.
>You just said characters are useless if they're not Kamen Riders.
Yeah, and I see that as an issue. As stated, it's a modern problem. Leading well into the early 2010s non-Kamen Riders, even non-villain ones, had some semblance of agency and their own interactions with the world at large that mattered. Even as late as Ghost we had Akari's technological contributions for a very short period (though they were neutered by Takeru just conveniently getting toys that did the same shit) and by Ex-Aid anyone who didn't transform was basically just a prop. By Zero-One it wasn't even just if you didn't transform, if you straight up didn't have a belt it didn't matter.
24 years ago in Kuuga the police scored multiple Grongi kills on their own. 9 years ago in Drive we got to see the police killing multiple Roidmudes on their own. In the past 5 years, how many times has a non-Rider contributed to the plot to that level without holding a Rider toy?
Future Hotaro served a narrative purpose, and he could've done that without a newly styled suit or his own belt. Gotchard Daybreak, the suit and belt and cards, served no narrative purpose, purely a marketing one.
Why does it matter. If he just used the Gotchard equipment there’d be no difference story-wise, which means your only argument is that toys = bad. I’ll give you Wind and Eld though, completely superfluous riders
>24 years ago in Kuuga the police scored multiple Grongi kills on their own
They didn't, the Gurongi killing bullets don't get finished until the very end of the show, at which point it's just Ichijou who gets to kill the Rose Gurongi who never transforms or fights in the show.

>9 years ago in Drive we got to see the police killing multiple Roidmudes on their own.
I don't remember this happening. Only complete Riders could destroy Roidmude cores (not even Protodrive could) and the plan to give the police their own mass produced belts gets thwarted.

Humans killing kaijin on their own is, again, an extremely rare occurrence even in older shows
>I don't remember this happening.
Prior to the MP belts, the police get their own anti-Roidmude bullets from the same material as Kiriko's shoes. They show a couple scenes of them blasting Roidmudes to death and clearing up the counter a bit as part of a short timeskip.

And it's less about humans killing kaijin and more about humans generally being irrelevant despite the main crux of these shows being protecting human lives. It changes the tone from protecting humans because they have a right to freedom and peace and more protecting humans because they're glorified toddlers compared to the Riders and need to be coddled all the time with no higher thinking or agency.
Daybreak's toys are justified, he's supposed to be a mysterious stronger version of Gotchard, his new motif ties into the Alchemist of Dawn and Majade, and I heard that the movie has his original belt break which explains why he doesn't have Nijigon.
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Watching early Saber live was a comfy time for me; glad you're enjoying
>In the past 5 years, how many times has a non-Rider contributed to the plot to that level without holding a Rider toy?
Izu, Korenosuke, Fukuzoe, Mei, Tassel, Luna, Zooous, the civilians from Saber's finale, Akaishi, Giff, Chameleon man, Tsumuri, Mitsume, Samas, Archimedel, Sara, Daichi, Kekera, Atropos, the 3 Dark Kings.
Takahashi's worst show.
Agencies fucking ruined everything. Once agencies saw Kamen Rider as a legit way to make their actors A Listers they started meddling in everything like they usually do in Japan. Tokusatsu in general was better when it was just martial artists, models or people wanting their 15 minutes of fame as most of the actors and nobody had any serious aspirations of making it big.
Lmao filtered by bing bing wahoo
In the NHK poll Rintaro was ranked the 97th best Rider, under Riders like Durendal and Delta.
Agencies were a thing back then too. The difference was agencies up the late 90s wanted pretty men who were also capable as action heroes, meaning good stuntmen who could put on cool showings - and sometimes playing a bad guy got you good roles for that (especially since yakuza thrillers were popular for decades at the time so it was a good showing of how they could play more ruthless characters). The media aligned with the agenda. Nowadays the agenda is to have pretty actors who focus on more dramatic roles that can be parasocially endearing to their audiences, and being an outright bad guy or typecast as one isn't conducive to that, so the media has to realign itself to the new agenda.
Chinen's a tiny bit of a fix in that regard, given he's a martial artist and gymnast who's been getting to do some of his own stunts.
>Sara, Daichi, Kekera
Man, Rintaro's actor is something else.
They did nothing relevant as Riders, it's not until they lose and/or exchange their Rider powers for kaijin ones that they become important.
Best season, best suits, best toys. All that needs saying.
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You underestimate how popular Durendal is and a lot of people love Delta for the impression Kitazaki made during his run (on top of nostalgia).
Just got to episode 9 of Kiva, is the secondary rider a christcuck paladin? in grorious nippon??
>christcuck paladin
the christianity and holy cross motif is there but none of them actually practice the religion or do anything even remotely paladin-like
>christcuck paladin? in grorious nippon??

Have you not played a jrpg they love that shit there
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What's the best looking showa era suit?

For me its J
Yeah i just didn't expect a kamen rider in white armor with a gold cross on his helmet going "Send your wasted soul back to THE LORD" like bibleman with a death warrant.
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More Gochizo released
J and ZO basically look the same to me. Yes I know there's slight differences if you compare them side by side but that's almost nothing to my brain
the coolest catchphrase in Kamen Rider btw
>Will you drop the Dark Treats or do I have to beat you up?
>I-I can't...

How will Shouma deal with this?
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Zombie team
He still placed only 97th despite being the newest secondary Rider in that poll. Even limiting it to Saber Riders he wasn't in the top 5. This is the only place that considers him one of the best secondaries.
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>Can't keep eye contact
>Can't shake hands
>Socially retarded
>Obsessive over his hyper fixations
>Stutters and drops things constantly until its fixation time then locks in and becomes a savant

The word has been heavily devalued by the internet but Wateru is easily, EASILY the most genuinely autistic rider i've seen yet. Even Sento cannot come close to this power level.
He gets pussy so he's not a true autist
we're all gonna make it brah
He has good looks and his gf was autistic just like him.
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You know, rewatching Gaim with some Biblical knowledge is pretty neat. Micchi is a lot more interesting as you realize that he's made to be irredeemable, that's why the themes of forgiveness and particularly Kouta's endless forgiveness for him hits so hard. It was on purpose. Kouta is obviously a christ like allegory through and through. I just wish Micchi could have had several more episodes dealing with the fallout of what he had done and really exploring what it takes to accepting forgiveness and moving on and changing as a person. Like, first time watching it I HATED Micchi by the end, but upon the second watch I find he is a painfully human character.

It'll stay pretty consistently good if you're enjoying it. Story doesn't do anything too crazy, there's a little moment in the middle where covid affected it, and at the tail end there's a minor gripe with the final """form""" but it's over all very decent.
It was alright, but feels like it got hampered by scheduling. Cronus feels introduced a bit too early, and then we get straight up padding with stuff like the Reset episode. I think I need to rewatch it, however, as looking back on it 8 years later, I'm having trouble remember it by itself and not staining my memories with how fucking insufferable Ex-Aid fanatics are and what they kept trying to push as the perception of what the show was/was trying to do.
> I just wish Micchi could have had several more episodes dealing with the fallout of what he had done and really exploring what it takes to accepting forgiveness and moving on and changing as a person
Urobuchi wanted Micchy to be truly irredeemable, but Takebe went against his wishes.
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Why are women like this
>Story doesn't do anything too crazy
Except for Q1's ending twists, the mid-series twist and the ending.
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This is what Sachika is and you fuckers love her, usual double standards there krg
Sachika ass nails.
Whats the name of that bug at the end of episode eight of Kamen Rider Agito? It's got claws, a whip like tail, and it's underwater, so it's clearly what Gills is based on, but all the websites keep calling him a longhorn beetle which gives me something that looks completely different
It really has the problem of
>Villain is invincible and kicks the heroes ass for a whole arc.
> Ex Aid finally gets an upgrade that can stand against them and drives them back.
> Before anyone can really do much with this a new villain steps up and takes out the old one, becoming the new big bad
> New villain is invincible and kicks the hero's ass for a whole arc

It does this 4 times, from Kuroto to Parado to Cronus then Cronus resets the world so he's the unstoppable villain again. It doesn't allow any breather time, the second Emu can stand up to the current villain a new one dethrones them by the end of the episode.
Im glad Urobuchi didn't get his way, especially considering the heavy emphasis on the Christian theme. At no point was Kouta willing to turn his back on Micchi, no matter how evil he got, even to the point of sacrificing himself to Micchi's hatred to save him, hell, even after that Micchi still didn't change and it took him legit losing everything before he was willing to turn his life around. It's pretty neat. Like I said, the gripe comes from how quickly if "feels" like Micchi and the others came around to the forgiveness when in reality it was almost a year I think? Having a bit more time of Micchi pointlessly trying to earn Kouta's forgiveness as the last Rider before realizing he needed to forgive himself would have been a nice final touch, but overall, still a 10/10 series in my opinion. Last time Kamen Rider felt truly serious and dark to me... which is ironic considering how much I hated the fruit theme when it was revealed all those years ago. Also, the fight choreography and cinematography were absolutely excellent. There's a shot in particular where Kouta is at the peak of an emotion and the Camera follows the fruit down from the sky zipper that's just incredible, let alone how the camera will often move to accentuate the little movements of the characters.
Are you autistic?
It has been a while since I watched it, but I don't remember any of the twists being too wild or shocking.
emotional dragon was super cool though and sticks out in my memory, as well as how cool Tategami Hyoujuusenki looked.

Feel free to rejog my memory though.
>Im glad Urobuchi didn't get his way, especially considering the heavy emphasis on the Christian theme
Jesus forgave Judas, but the latter still ended up suffering a terrible fate.
Right, but I think the way they did it really highlights Koutas forgiveness and lengths he will go to sacrifice himself for the ones he loves, even when Micchi deserved none of it. It's a very hopeful and uplifting thing really. Just neat how much thought they put into the themes of something they themselves probably didn't believe in. Some of it was kind of a miss if we are talking allegory, but man, I really liked the theme of forgiveness and self sacrifice this time around. Both were completely wasted on me on my first watch.
>Kiva summons in Buffon Booster
>Looks significantly better than Zi-O's TAIM MAZEEN
>Is a fucking decade earlier.

What happened?
Oh, and Kaito's character was a lot better on the second watch. When I was younger I thought he was a bit petty, but the displacement of one's place as a child can have really detrimental effects, and where as Kouta had an optimistic look to create the future, Kaito had a pessimistic but not necessarily wrong look too. Throughout the series it was neat how both he and Takatora wanted to gravitate to Koutas outlook. Man, there's just so many good things in Gaim... it's crazy.
Covid plus rumors time mazines were a late addition to replace bike scenes they couldn't film with a full crew to recycle some scrapped sentai giant robo designs for bandai.
Tassel turning out to be not just a funny narrator but an actual character with a huge impact on the story and the most tragic one of them all at that, Touma being unable to save Kento despite gaining a new power-up and beating Kamijo, Kamijo's reveal that he did all this because there's a traitor within the Sword of Logos that corrupted Kento's father right before he gets offed by Desast, all the swordsmen turning on Touma, the reveal that the world is predestined to end, the reveal that Storious knew how everything would play out from the get go which also recontextualizes a bunch of his past scenes, the world actually ending in the finale despite the trio beating Storious, and the semi-meta thank-you to the show's audience when the world is about to be restored.
COVID wasn't a thing during Zi-O.
Oh yeah!!
the traitor and predestined ending were definitely the big ones. I forgot about those. The scenes showing the end of the world and what's his name dropping to his knees in defeat were particularly well shot.

I take it back. There were some good twists. You're right.
I forgot about this too
Saber takes quite a bit of influence from Christianity too, alongside Judaism and esoterism. Some of it even goes pretty deep.
The only religious thing I remember about Saber is the tree of Kabbalah thing.
Is she even set to do anything now that Gotchard has ended

I assume this tourism ambassador stuff doesn't pay much if at all
remember when lachesis said refugees welcome
Don't sully her name like that
I think it's because, while saber was very competent and enjoyable, it didn't necessarily set itself apart or do anything AMAZING. Still, I think it was one of the riders where they were siphoning the budget for the next one and they did really well with what they had. That and just after time you forget stuff. I thought I remembered Gaim fairly well but I was surprised with how little I actually remembered while watching it. Mostly just the big details and even some of them I remembered incorrectly.
Is about all I remember too.
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I'm assuming some databook got it wrong
The name of the monsters Megid (coming mount Megido, where the battle of Armageddon happens in Revelations), alongside the name Solomon at least.

I think there was some other stuff, but I can't remember it right now.
Why was Sabers final movie so tonally different though
It's a V-Cinema so it could be aimed at an older audience.
Oh yeah, a vaguely remember the Solomon stuff. Sucks how fast this stuff goes but it always makes rewatching the ones you like worth it.

Also... I'm tempted to watch Hibiki now as it's one of the two I haven't but I'm afraid as I'm going from a personal peak, to one that people consider one of the most disappointing... and man, the last one I watched that's looked back on as negatively as Hibiki was Kiva and that ended up killing my Kamen Rider marathon for a bit back in the day because it was so bad.
>Gavv preparing for the aftermath of eating nothing but gummis and hot chips for a week straight
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Or maybe it's time to go for something completely different and get SG-1 off the backlog.
Muteki was my first clear understanding of how something ugly can be beautiful
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And Genius was my reminder that being ugly just makes a bad thing even worse
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I loved it the moment I realized the dreads were his infinite HP bar.
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Christianity in East Asia is hardcore.
There's a Samurai flick about this people swear by and i completely forgot the name.
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The only two I can think of are Makai Tensho (Which is absolute kino and features two Japan Action legends, Sonny Chiba and Hiroyuki Sanada) and The Revolutionary (Which I still need to see). Those jog your memory?
It was Makai Tensho for sure. Some anons on /vr/ recommended it to me a while back when I was on a samurai movie kick and just never got around to it. Whelp, know what I'm doing tonight. Maybe it'll wash the reveal of Ghost's of Yotei out of my mouth.
Also, thank you
Some of the religious references are completely intentional as per the staff's words, some are obvious even if not stated directly by the staff, and some may or may not be coincidences. Anyways, here's everything I could find:
One of Yuri's finishers is literally named "Let there be light".
"Rekka Three Volumes. The crimson blade will pierce evil and burn everything"

There's also some references to the Arthurian legends and Night on The Galactic Railroad (that book Touma and Kento reminisce about when they first reunite).
Autistic dedication like this is hard to find and I admire it. It'll be nice to have a reference post to go back to.
I accept your concession
Going through these, it is neat how much thought goes into some of these Riders, especially considering they are more or less children's shows to sell toys almost completely now. Like, a lot of this extra thought would go right over the kiddos heads and is something I'd expect more in a phase 1 rider.
Whelp, you've done it anon. You've convinced me to rewatch Saber. I was up in the air between Stargate (which I will finish the first movie at least, genuinely forgot how great sci-fi used to be) and Hibiki, but Saber with a fresh set of eyes and all this in mind will probably be really neat, especially considering I already liked it well enough initially. I'll end it on the final movie I never saw.
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Touma cucked Sakura...
>2 Whores
Japan truly has creative titles
but there are 3 whores in that image
The way it was utilized was shameful. It's an all bottle form, you figure we see some mix and match of multiple abilities

And you just informed me of it.
One of the Northern Base books that Touma requested in Q2 to learn more about Wonder World and the Rekka is titled "The Last Messiah".
>I assume this tourism ambassador stuff doesn't pay much if at all
sure it does, you're getting paid to tell people to give Japan your money to go places
there's plenty of gaijins on youtube that literally get paid to make shorts talking about every single piece of shit restaurant they got so tourists will go
I fucking hate how he obtained his last "upgrade/power up". Warring Statesman just handed over the Yomotsu Lockseed from his drawer, that is collecting dust there.

It could be better if the LS-Yomi was made by Redyue and it's from sacrificing civilians during episode 39.
I fucking love Genius
it's in 720p
While I agree.. kids show. This isn't from the kuuga days where they could get away with offing entire cities... or really, any innocent bystanders. Still, that would have been a better introduction to it rather than Sengoku just pulling it out of a desk. Still, it was used by him in the hopes to slow down Kouta and off Micchi which was appropriate for what was happening at that point.

Honestly, going back I was shocked they even did the scene of Mai dead on the table. The way it was shot and presented was insanely dark for a phase 2 rider.
Dude Thanksgiving-kun loves Revice, he would never criticize it.
>It's that we'll get to some kind of status in a few episodes and then the show will be stuck there with nothing happening.
Oh yeah this. This so much. Most blatant example would be Twokaizer.
For me Revice was ehhh and then when it hits the 30s it fell down even harder which is why I loathe it to death. Geats for me was when Keiwa's Bujin arc brought down the show, but the run is mostly solid. Gotchard in the meantime stayed mediocre throughout, some people are fine with that, some don't.
Even though it's a kitbash/Zero Form 2.0 I'm kinda bummed Yomotsuheguri Arms is just one time even if it's plot-specific.
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Possible references to the Arthurian legends. Keep in mind that the theory that Touma was meant to be Tassel's successor was made long before the actual reveal in the show, Tassel could be seen as the ruler of Wonder World in the same way Isaac acted as the king of the human one.
-Touma basically pulls the sword in the stone in episode 1
-The beach dimension Avalon is a reference to the mythical magic island where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was made and which later served as his final resting place after he gravely wounded
-There are also the legends concerning King Arthur's messianic return

Connection between Saber's story and Night on the Galactic Railroad
True to form, Tycoon is still a campaign exclusive.
Goshart is so bad that it makes Revice's 2nd half looks mildly fine.
Let's say "less bad".
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>Beroba recruit Ouja
Her kink is Purple rider huh
If she can't have the son anymore, why not the daddy?
Not only does it really highlights Kouta's forgiveness but Mitchy was also kind of an investment in a way too since neither he nor Kaito would be around to protect everyone they love after the final battle, so this was Kouta giving him a second chance to repent and redeem himself since despite all the shitty things he did Mitchy does still care about everyone at heart. That's also why Takatora is there to keep him in check and I think keeping the brothers together was in a way a gift to both of them from Kouta. And to be fair, the investment did pay off since Mitchy contributed a lot to saving the world in Full Throttle and even helped Zack later on too. I know a lot of people hate that he survived and thinks Kouta would be better off if he got killed, but I think Kouta is probably really happy that Mitchy was able to change for the better and find peace.
It feels like a lot of the hate for Micchy surviving is from people misreading his character into wanting to kill Kouta due to his crush on Mai, with everything else being just an excuse. In that sense, Urobuchi kind of ailed badly with his character since that clearly wasn't ever meant to be how he was seen.
That's what I ended up appreciating so much about Micchy and the message they delivered in Gaim this time around. There's just such a good understanding of what forgiveness is and how it can give somebody a clean slate even when they themselves can accept it.
For what it's worth, it's a really hard thing to grasp. Micchi is a turd. He's completely unforgivable... but that's the point. That's what makes the forgiveness gives him so significant. It's why I think one of the directors really understood a Biblical principle more than the other, or it was a happy accident. Kouta refused to give up on Micchy. Not for one moment was he going to give him up even when he found out he hated him and wanted him dead. It's why the scene where Kouta forgives him after being stabbed is so significant and they put so much emphasis on it. It's a really beautiful scene. It's a forgiveness with no bounds. Really, the way the directors did allegory was very well done. At no point did they just say "Kouta is the new Christ," or anything like that, they just made a character with similar motivations to the Biblical character of christ and made him go through similar hardships until he realized he would be hated by the very people he would save, but he saves em anyways.
Mind you, I don't wanna sound preachy, I'm just amazed how much depth went right under my nose on the first watch and how awful and meaningless Micchi was initially.
Or I guess I should say, the allegories. Finding out how much care was put into Saber as well, I wonder how many other series have that much thought pug into the themes.
I don't think Urobuchi did a bad job at it at all. It's genuinely just how people are, some are very good at forgiving even the worst people and some aren't. Most will see people like Mitchy and just chalk them off as a terrible person and hope something bad happens to them, but there's still a handful of people that are willing to forgive (especially friends) and whether that pays off is up to the other person. Like I'm sure anyone here has at one point in their life known someone that they hated for being an asshole and just showed up again one day with a new leaf, especially like seeing someone from school grow up into a different person. Mitchy's biggest sin was just being human.
>You have two options
>Give up on dark treats, or I’ll beat you down
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In regards to Saber, there's way more to look back to.

In the show, there's a few texts written in Ridermoji (the fictional characters present in all of the gear and SoL paraphernalia) that can actually be translated. The forbidden books that Touma and Daishinji read in episode 6 foreshadow Q2's twists and the Xross Saber, while the book that the heroes read to learn more about Primitive Dragon contains his whole backstory that he doesn't reveal to Touma until Elemental's debut.
The text from the opening book in the Phoenix Swordsman movie can also be translated, but I haven't found a TL of it yet.

Regarding Xross, besides the potential foreshadowing via Night on the Galactic Railroad back in episode 3, the forbidden texts from episode 6, and Daishinji's grandpa's prophecy from episode 21, there's also this:

And there's many other foreshadowings done throughout the show in regards to several different plot points as well as an insane amount of attention to detail that one can easily miss on their first view:
-Daishinji finally using the somen he bought but didn't cook back in episode 16 for episode 41's celebration.
-Pic related.
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They are so sponsoring that 10YA
Also this:
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Well put
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Gotchard vs BoonBomger vs Arc - TV Viewership ratings
I'm gaining a new found appreciation for Saber. Really looking forward to the rewatch now.

Off the top of your head do you know if it's common for riders (pun can be intended) to be this in depth or is that specific to Saber?
>the episode where Lachesis dies is the least watched one of the entire show
Motherfucking waifufags.
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Gotchard summer movie made 492 millions yen
Slightly lower than last year (500~ mil)
Really? Even though it had a longer run in theatres? Wild
Me and my cousin have never dropped out of a Rider faster than Gotchard, and he's way more forgiving with his toku than I am. We got two episodes in and never went back.
thats nice sweetie, do you want juice boxes with your snack?
Can you find the one from zero-one to geats?
uh oh, someone's being cranky! Time for nappy byes~
oops wrong pic
Ahh, so it's goes down more and more ...no hope for rider then :(
>Gotchard did better than revice & geats
These are TV ratings right? Is there anyway to know how well the shows do on streaming services?
>worst rating out of the 3
>Gotchard did better
There is TVer rating but they post separate thread for each ep and I'm too lazy
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Best secondary ever
Post the thread
I found this interesting info about Geats:
-The big Jyamato plant from Boost MK. II's debut turning into a lotus (a flower that symbolizes reincarnation) when the secret of Ace's past lives is revealed
-LaserBoost being a union of past and future.
-Also something about red foxes' sleep patterns possibly tying into how Boost MK. II makes Ace tired.
There's always gotta be the one weird fan... but man, it would suck to be a Gotchard fan.
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It's going to be super weird if it turns out there's this long running religious theme through Kamen Rider that's just been hiding in plain sight. I don't wanna project or read too much into it though. There are two series for sure with ridiculous amounts of lore and depth, and it looks like maybe Geats has some of those themes to but from your post not quite as much depth. Still, it's all very interesting. I've been watching for years and I had no idea they could get this deep in terms of planning and extra material. I think the closest I've come to realizing this was maybe when an anon broke down the themes in Faiz for me back in the day.
Agito is heavily based on Gnosticism:

Gotchard has some potential deep lore stuff too:
This possibly explains the transition from Iron to Platina to Rainbow:
Links that could explain Rainbow Gotchard's rainbow motif:
Takahashi never do that, it's just anons autism
Also Germain is named after St. Germain, a famous alchemist. Gaelijah's named after Elijah, an Israelite prophet. Gigist's named after Hermes Trismegistus, an important figure in Alchemy. Glion was named after Pygmalion, a legendary sculptor from Greek mythology who fell in love with a statue he had carved. The Dark Sisters were named after the Moirai from Greek mythology

El Dorado is a reference to the lost city of gold in Spanish folklore

And the Rebis, which Clotho's power-up form references too:
Nagare being tied to the Hod sephirah is also fitting because it's associated with mercury (the metal), which is liquid at room temperature.
All of that shit was nearly as predictable as Wizard
A BAD END Shouma would say something like
>You made the wrong choice. I'm taking you down.
are the devices from decade even phones?
His face just looks so dumpy

Look at his jowls

You can't pretend he's ikemen
ikemen( 逝け面 )
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Great-aunie Dente
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>Sticker says "for items with this sticker, only one per customer"
>When you'd need two to replicate in-show accuracy
Suffering from success
Go and buy it on another store
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>more takahashi spin-off
I feel like a fool now, having only ordered one of the chocolate guns.
If it really was, people would've figured out every single one of the twists before they happened and they would've perfectly guessed almost the entire plot within the first five episodes, but they didn't. You're just butthurt.
Has it actually gotten to the point where Gavv toys are so popular they have to do this? Crazy.
Must be annoying for the people that want to buy two chip swords or two chocolate guns for the lore correctness.

This. It's actually amazing how pretty much all anons correctly guessed Wizard's "twist" by like episode 5-7. No one knew how important Tassel would actually end up being.
>Has it actually gotten to the point where Gavv toys are so popular they have to do this?
It's just an individual store in the picture, I doubt it's THAT bad overall
Chocodan/Doumaru/Bûche Noël/Cakeking in ValenBuster
>shared upgrades
motherfucker I knew Komura would find a way to ruin Gavv for me
>Waiting for something to get annoyed about
Actual retard
Yes yes, It is the writer that comes up with the toys and design and weapons of the Riders.
>shared upgrade is bad
..but why?
because i hate komura >:(
Leakers never said Valen would use CaKing and Bûche Noël hasn't even been mentioned by them, the ValenBuster just has sounds for every Gochizo according to the official promos. The only confirmed upgrade for him so far is Chocohore.
its how you wind up with ugly kitbashed suits like how geats stopped using magnum after he got command
I don't necessarily think they are going to be power ups but it is curious that Bûche Noël exists as a cake variant. We know that Caking should drop at the end of Q1 or beginning of Q2 but for Bûche Noël if it doesn't drop at Christmas I don't think there will be more opportunities to present it
>eating bait
The anons in this general must have room temperature IQ
Winter movie
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
>it was all a ruse haha
Just admit you got tricked again
More like on my way to getting tricked by Komura again despite the warnings from the future-seers in /krg/. Woe is my hubris
Shut the fuck up shitposting ape
I was just pretending to get tricked
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Would you call it a...misunderstanding, perhaps?
It's more like a computer terminal, but it's always treated like a phone anyway.
Sex with Rinne.
>rinnepedo is back yet again
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>AIslop literally better than most reiwa design
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It's not a shared upgrade, the Valen Buster reads all gochizous, the sound that plays before caking is the same as the one that plays before popping gummy (ie. generic non chocolate gochizou)
>not chubby
you were this close to greatness...

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