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Chou Tokkyuu Hikarian - 001 subbed
Longest mecha evar!
Is it subbed or is it "retarded Russian asshole pretending he can speak english" subbed?
Your opinions would be ok... if you weren't a bunch of insecure losers that put stupid crap like "everyone who likes ARR subs will die". Please kill yourselves at the nearest opportunity, and quit with the bitching, you fucking losers! we don't want shit like you here.
Well that answers that question.
Enma-kun 1973, Vifam 13, TechnoBoyager, Getter Robo G, the remaining Dendoh episodes, the remaining Granzort episodes, Wataru, Tetsujin 28 1963, or Balatack would have been preferred.
russians are dying resources are limited it's cold plz understanding
Stop complaining that the charity you're receiving doesn't meet your high standards. Until you finally pick up a book and learn Japanese for yourself you don't have the right to offer any words that aren't of gratitude.
Nobody asked for this.
>"the turd was free - stop complaining!"
Verification not required.
Stupid analogy for stupid people. Grow up.
>200+ episodes
By the gods !
I wouldn't actually mind if they just didn't understand English well. I can parse broken English and bad grammar. I'd still appreciate a starting point.
But from my experience these guys are literally just guess subbing. They completely gloss over the fact that the first episode of Getter Go had the prototype Getter exploiting an unintended feature of building up hydrologic pressure to create an impromptu rocket punch, and just sub it as if it was an Intended function of the machine. I can't imagine what other kind of stuff they gloss over.
Just watch them raw, it's all kids shit, not the bible.
Why do Russians feel they're entitled to praise whenever they shit things up for other people?
You've never actually spoken to a Russian.
I do not want to.
As someone who watched some of those: No. You absolutely need some translation to figure out what is going on in them.
Plot twist: ARR is actually Ukrainian.
AniDB says only 156. Sadly it's train shit like Shitkeklion so it may as well be a thousand pieces of hell.
Let them die
A lot of it isn't just guesslation, it's straight up MTL from foreign language dubtitle scripts, preferably Italian because so much was dubbed to Italian. It's clear they do not care about the quality of their work whatsoever, so they'll use whatever shortcuts they can. Sometimes they lure in well-intenioned idiots to do sub work for them, though they generally aren't qualified whatsoever (otherwise they'd know to stay far away just from looking at single ARR release). Sometimes they straight up rip HKDVD bootlegs. There's no standard to their work, it's just throwing as much shit at the wall as they possibly can. Just make sure to leave in the donation links to secure that moolah. And if enough people donate, maybe they'll sub the second episode too...

There's a reason ARR is banned from nyaa and anyone dumb enough to act as a proxy for them gets banned as well. It's trash and spam.
Also each episode is only 7 minutes so it evens out to 52 normal episodes in terms of runtime. This is a pretty good show as well; it's got an endless cavalcade of new trains (this is what they do rather than MOTWs, which is great), some neat side designs, and some atmospheric music to seal the deal. The second series has normal-length episodes, but they're broken into two segments like Keroro, and the first segment is usually a MOTW while the second is just goofy comedy like the first series. I really hope this gets some sort of Moderoid or T-Spark release or something; the toys look really cool.
>each episode is only 7 minutes
Odd how it's not 20-22 minutes.
>Vifam 13
To this day I will never understand why nobody wants to touch this, it's not like Vifam is infamous.
ebik bump

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