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/mlp/ - Pony

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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

>Draw Thread Information -
>/mlp/ drawfag improvement -
>Pony Drawing Tutorials -
Requesting a pony with a mane, tail, 4 legs, a body and head.
Preferably female,
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yooo that's my drawing,nice. I just finished this /r/ from >>41348628 hope u like it dud.
I love Celestia a lot.
/r/equesting anything latina ponk
Very nice.

Latina Ponk after several children.
her big
Nasapone with a Mare Fair mascot of your choosing. Or Nasapone in a box fort shaped like a rocket?
This with Jasmine Leaf pretty please.
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please accept this derp filly draw
my my, board sure is fast after that nuke.
d/r/aw anypony saying this
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draw cloudy quartz and limestone pie having this conversation
/r/ Derpy accidentally destroying the servers with her iron ass
Accepted and saved, I love her
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ponify this
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I'm wondering if anyone could color on this AiE pic? It's one of my favorites.
I know that phrase and I'm unhappy to know why.
Chrysalis and Anon facing away from each other like picrel in a very small boat on a lake. Anon is fishing, Chrysalis is crossing her hooves, and they are both pissed.
Requesting Anon giving ">Rape" to someone but the outcome turns good, like
>Scootaloo can finally fly, Derpy gets her eyes fixed, Octavia stops speaking in Brit
Cozy Glow playing chess with the CMC.
and losing
Fluttershy trying to convince a sad sheep that has decided to lie down and die that life is worth living.
Thanks. Meant to say that before the board got purged.
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This, but Fluttershy
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/r/ ponify with Rainbow Dash carrying Scootaloo (the censored option optional)/
So what’s the best place to post pony art tho? Is Twitter good? I don’t have an account there. Or is there a better place?
Here, /bale/, Twitter, or pone.social
twitter is middling but probably has the most "reach". You could always just have your shit in one of the boorus to make sure it doesn't vanish under the sands of time, that way no matter where you end up posting people can find the rest of your stuff fairly easily.
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/r/ human caucasian hands edit on the red hooves
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ponify this with bonbon or anypony you want
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was doodling that for 2 hours and forgot to save the file
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There u go my negro.
brazilian detected
nice addition of wedding rings
Too bad it's the wrong hand
nothing a quick canvas flip can't fix
Waifus and their anons mourning for pinkiefags
fuck that blows. was really cool of you to try it out though anon, ur a cool faget
i don't get the censored option
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Pick related but with Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon or Cozy Glow
This but with Luna
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Crumbles gingerhorse as a pony
Thank you!
I hadn’t considered posting my own stuff straight to a booru. I may try that since I’m not really into building a following, I just want to draw and post FiM stuff where a few FiM enjoyers will actually see it.
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wtf I love her
I’d die for gingerbread friend.
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based, thanks anon! nice additions to the image as well.
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fuck that noise, simply ignore the finale and all your problems go away. it's fiction and can be whatever you want, all you have to do is make it. and don't fall for the low effort trolling you'll endure regardless, it comes with the territory.
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>s1 luna
holy fucking based
>not using the royal We
You get a gold star for effort though.
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Or here ty for delivery
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Ponkafag jumpscare
that IS scary, freaky ass AI melting my brain
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This with Nightmare Moon
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Christopher Barnatt explaining computers to ponies in Ponyville.
Anonfilly going absolutely rabid for some bait while Twilight struggles to hold her back with a leash
I'm just picturing her foaming at the mouth while she's in a full harness like a guide dog but instead of the guide dog patches its just blue "please be patient I have autism" shitpost
>we *are* not scary
>and *I* can speak
It's not fixed yet reeeee
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Ponify the most squeezable snoot on a plane please
For more references its a EL/M-2075 Phalcon
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Holy shit it’s Red Circle
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/r/ ponify with Celestia. Or have her behind a normal-sized-school-desk in the swan class listening enthusiastically.
while we're at it, topics*
God I love her and gj anon.
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Fug, here another fixed.
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>didn't fix *topics*
A cute
Love it
it's on the way
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'Twas an ez fix so I did it for good artfag OP.
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This with any filly
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Bit of oversight. My part.
Also here a Luna sketch for compensate for the misspell.
hail the conquering moona
So much this. s1 luna is top princess.
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Requesting Pinkie setting Donut Joe's ice cream parlor on fire.
Nice moona
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/r/equesting a pony version of this with anypony
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she lies as easy as she breathes
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A recent portrait I did.
that's cute as fuck
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tried muh best
moon! fanged moon!
Stop staring at me with them big ol' eyes!
She’s cute and I love her!
Very neat!
Adorable nightmare
A filly embarrassing Anon in advanced trigonometry
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Very nice.
Adorable Discord, comfy atmosphere, awkwardness ensues. I adore this /d/.
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based, great art anon
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Ponify this.
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does she mean it though?
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Ponify this
Perfect. Thank you.
honestly she probably does
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/r/ ponify with Discord, Pinkie Pie, and Cheese Sandwich
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/r/ ponify with Octavia
/r/ing anon, Ponk, and Weird Al in divorce court.
/r/ Suri Polomare's hoofs getting licked.
man what an autist
and, I mean, I know where we are but he really takes the cake
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Someone please lewd this non-urban african mare
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Requesting Rarity about to go on a spree
/r/ Anon considering a conspicuously labelled machine called a 'Human Penis Washing Station,' which he doesn't realize is just a poorly disguised Lyra, the insert being her mouth.
Some anon asked for daybreaker booty. I will finish it once I get some free time
nice floot i like your use of textures
I like how you interpreted this request, you did good! simple yet effective.
sweeble a qt
based and unicorn twiggle pilled
Witnessed and noted, we shall keep watching
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Request this, but with moon knight launching Luna. I think it would be nice to have both versions so that there can be a fictional lore that princess launching is part of normal, chivalrous, knightly tournaments. Thanks! Maybe also versions with Cadence and Twilight? Both with their respective, representative knights.
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forgot the /d/ again drats
I love how the little details tell a story here.
Discord’s horns aren’t centered on his head (both are on one side of his mohawk) and he’s missing an ear.
holy fuck this is great
obviously the ear is behind the big goofy horn
and the lopsided horns are part of the bait.
Requesting Lyra and Discord in The Devil Went Down To Georgia.
Is it safe to come back yet or are y'all still being absolute fucking retards
Is that a fluttershy colored dildo on the ground near Anon's hand
When are we not?
it was worse than usual for a while there
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I was born in rural georgia fucking sue me
post your farm
I'm aware cultural appropriation by filthy city folk is a pox but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
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Moved away a few years ago but here's a pic of my old boy Toby
He looks wise beyond his years
Fantastic image, saved for much future use.
>you actually added my silly little details
Thank you for this blessed /d/
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He looks so tired
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luna would say this
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Requesting this with Berry Punch.
*thou didst this to thine own self
Thou is for the subject, thee is the object
i.e. "He did this to thee" -> you/thee is the object of He, whereas "thou didst this to him" has you/thou as the subject where him is the object. Thy and thine can be somewhat interchangeable so it's likely a matter of preference since they're both the possessive form.
Screw you Luna. Why you gotta hit me with the truth like that?
Luna doing some dream spying to know that.
Ponify this guy's old boy: Toby >>41369402

We must immortalize Toby
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Hi, different anon here! Drown yourself in a sink full of vinegar.
That's how horses look when they're happy and relaxed, bro
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Elitist prick
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these are sweet. theyre not "technically" good but theres heart and charm to them that better but more "shackled" artists sometimes lack where the ability and awareness of their lack of skill causes nervousness in the lines and general output
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Requesting Floorb explaining her philosophy to Applejack. Or just food-ponify. Either is good.
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Quick sketch/design, gonna work on it a bit more but I ain't got the time rn.
He's looking perfect
I know I requested something simular before, but I am requesting Beachcomber and Fluttershy enjoying a picnic together
That's so well thought out lol, I majorly appreciate your words! XP
One day I will be PROFESIONAL
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Date night
I love you schizoanon
But she’s the hot one.
Keep this coming
Bro I remember this
You all mean so much to me
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Mb forgot to include the file
Ponify this with Trixie.

Either this or any of his poses honestly
Draw Nyx next
fuck Nyx
someone draw Dyx
Someone draw Dyx fucking Nyx
this but she's fucking her financially (she stole her credit card)
Thank you for this suggestion, I posted on Twi and Derpi, and my uploads both ended up hovering in the first ten pages of the trending posts on the latter site. It was pretty cool to be honest.
happy to hear that
I like what you did with the construction paper for the text bubbles and Celestia's crown. I laughed out loud at that second one you posted as well. That's some good shit, keep it up.
Dude are you that pothead who had a thread up like a week ago? Either way I love your art.
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Could someone draw a moonmoon pony?
>moon moon
Now THAT is an old meme
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/r/equesting an edit or redraw of pic related to make Rainbow Dash more show accurate and prettier. I love the background and the artist was so close to perfection. Dash just needs to be prettier.
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higher res version
Tumblr face lmao
damn I hate those guys that draw ponies like some kind of weird potato head
I don't draw but whenever i write something my hand automatically presses ctrl+s from time to time, it's not even a conscious act anymore. Try to make it a habit, it may come in handy
Kek, amazong job anon
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Fuck you fags.
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hmmm got this so far.
Oh yeah, looking much better
You have any account where I can follow you draw anon?
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kek'd and unf'd
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Lol thanks bro! It's actually all sticky notes too! I appreciate your kind words! :P
Lol yeah that's me XD I decided just to post in these tho cause I feel selfish making my own thread
Picrel is my reaction to this
Where did you get this photo of me?
Awesome! Thank you anon
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Finished delivery, Toby 4ever
YEAH, Toby is now eternal!
Requesting Derpy and Bailey cuddling with Anon
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Early morning, being forced to see my family, I do not like my family, doodle
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uf9h5jtinwpmrcg/AADgtt_AtxoWr3F4ujcmndoda?dl=0
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41236992#41249439 is not in 2024/7-15-24
Draw Nyx trying to remember something, like it's on the tip of her tongue but she can't quite put her hoof on what it was
Requesting either Twilight or Cheerilee reading a smutty romance novel.
May make an AI bot of this.
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secondng for cheerilee
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Ponify, if you dare.
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I am not fulfilling a request but I did draw this
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>We know'st the heaviness of thy degree,
>Just knowest that thou brought this onto thee.
Now it has proper meter. I feel like Luna would deliver such a line as such.
Wow you butchered that worse than they did for H'aanit's dialogue in Octopath.
I love her. I hope she gets many cookies.
itsa boy lol... but thanks
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That ain't Nyx
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someone beat me to it but I already started it and I might as well end it. have fun with two /d/s
That's a lot to take in that's not what she said
Np friend. It was fun to draw.
she just needs to wait, one day that fanfiction will be real.
Requesting alternate inverse ; A femanon coaxing in a stallion with the same entrapment.
Anon booping a guardsmare
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/r/ this but with a fat twilight
or this with Anon and mares
this but it's Anon complaining about terribly-designed OCs (he has an even more terribly-designed OC).
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Requesting /ic/
I think I was a bit bolder than usual on my bichromatic coloration.
Genius mare building the wondrous machine. I feel like she might get away with >>41381263
this one but >>41378215 Anon might just catch on.
You got that mixed up. He'll be wise to the complex setup, but with the simple one he's:
>"This is obviously a trick...too obviously a trick..."
And he falls for it. Possibly out of spite.
I think it looks neat but can't offer any actually constructive criticism.
Very exquisite.
Thanks, Lucifer.
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Fluttershy is making the freaking frogs gay.
Love it, thank you
That’s so many ducks, Fluttershy.
That’s too many ducks.
Requesting some of the M6 asking "how come Pinkie's coat color is so different from her parents?" (panel one),
and in panel 2, Cloudy Quartz is scrubbing Igneous Rock in a wooden tub with lots of bubbles, scrubbed hard enough to break granite, revealing a much brighter coat color, giggling "Hee hee that tickles!". His wife reacts with "I did not marry a party hengst."
Hengst is Pennsylvanian Deutch for stallion.
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Ok https://files.catbox.moe/k7weiz.png
Nice. I'm gonna face fuck her later tonight.
kek, good shit Anon.
it's thursday
imagine being so desperate you facefuck a hygiene device
Draw Milky Way in the style of a "cow" from Wild Manes, with udders instead of teats. This should make her entirely legal and safe to post on this board.
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Counter point:
You’re Thursday.
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counter counter point: you're also Thursday
also /r/equesting Thursday
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d/r/aw anypony saying this
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nice Thursday
Lmao. I read Mendacity recently and i can't help but imagine Aldrovanda (a keplie) saying this
/r/ing a guilty pony trying to pathetically hide after you catch them doing something bad.
Thursday is so pretty.
I'm sexy????
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/r/ this ponified in whatever way you see fit, with or without text
Hot takes welcome
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Oh right it's September
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I hope this is good enough, Nonny!
I'm surprised you remembered
Fucking based, amazing work drawfriend
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That is amazing anon!
you're amazing
Going to make sure that this is seen by the right folks
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Fluttershy saying shes not a chubby crybaby.
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Filly Twi and giraffelight.
thank you!! currently working on the maid rarity /r/, i hope its to your liking as well!
Nyxday the sixth
It's her! Thanks drawfriend, have a nice thursday
I woke up on a Friday and it's Thursday again anon you are amazing thank you
It’s really her! I love her!
NTA but Ponk would be good for this too
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ponify this
Aryanne holding a sign that says "fuck nazis" and she's looking at the viewer with bedroom eyes
/r/equesting a pony version of this with anypony and anon
Interesting, I think this would work both ways. Anon as facepalm and and as smile.
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/r/equesting regalia-less Celestia and Anon relaxing on the porch of their country home during winter and sipping on some hot tea. Anon's casting glances at Celestia with barely restrained adoration.
She has such a wonderful energy! Great draw!
/r/equesting you pointy whatever banner/ad hiro has on your screen right now
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Never heard about Latina Ponk till now
Thank you for opening my eyes
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I want pic related with a pony but not in a Vtuber related context. It would be like a mare reading some kind of complain or something
ponify this with pinkie pie or fluttershy
I don't really like nazis so I Rarity-fied it
Video version: https://youtu.be/aniRNb3VePo?si=j7-TTOgp5CgUDkAV
Ay caramba!
Ponify this furshit with Anon and somepony fitting, maybe Rarity please.
>Cadance lets her true thoughts slip.
Sorry if the spacing is sort of wonky, I hope you like it anyways!
aww....poor rarity....
kek, perfect. Thank you. They fucking warned me for the original post lmao. I rolled my eyes so hard at that.
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Ponify please
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Stop posting furries you fucking nigger.
>I rolled my eyes so hard at that.
You clearly do not belong here.
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Holy shit my fucking sides!
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G3 Minty as a Kirin
>Stop posting furries
>Is on a website about talking ponies
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I’d die for Henry with a smile on my face
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asking for critique on anatomy and the lines
horse legs on the dude probably don't work like that
and if they're in a trench and he's that high up he's just asking for a new hole in the back of his head.
A horse isn't a horse. It's a cat. Draw a cat and then you have a pony. Your anatomy wouldn't work for a cat.
/ic/ please.
Can I get some critique?
A long time ago I made comics with some errors in paneling and framing. This time I tried to put deliberate effort into flow and continuity. I tried to still be experimental while not being formulaic. If there are any more tips to the trade, I'd love to hear it.
luv me some tolltavi. simple as.
I think the paneling and framing improved a lot, it only left me with a question, did anon fuck Vinyl in the ass again?

Stop asking for critique, it is a waste of everyone's time. Most of all yours.
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I have a crush on her.
oh fuck she's starting to bud now
kek alright retard
Oh quit being a faggot.
important question, also if he then fucked the other one and the two Tavi's
I want some Tallvia lewd
octavia and anon cuddling please. please.
Fucking checked. If I could draw humans worth a damn I'd do it myself but all I can draw is ponies
As the artist, identify the center of mass of the stallion in his current stance. Perhaps a red dot will do the job.
sorry for /bale/, I tried.
Somnambula doing something lewd since shes asking us not to fap to her.
if it looks fine, whats so wrong about being /bale/? dont be so hard on yourself, that's for me :^)
It's a bad habit. Just me being a tard, not really expecting anyone to like them despite anons saying otherwise.
its clean. it reads well. its not weighed down by gunk because youre staying in your current skill range, as opposed to forcing stuff into it that you cant do yet and hence cant fit into the overall scheme of the drawing. its very good.
it's shit! SHIIIIIIIT
Double Thursday? Oh boy!
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Don't apologize
Well this just made my day! What a couple cuties!
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Cute! Hope mare doesn't arrest him.
now draw her having a date with anon
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Overall I'd say you're improving vastly with the readability of your layouts as these pages are vastly easier to follow than some of the previous ones. That said you're still struggling a little bit with making the most out of your speech balloons and panels to really emphasize the timing and flow of dialogue.

Gave a quick redline here to illustrate my point but Octavia's dialogue feels disconnected from the panels of Vinyl and that's largely because it's disconnected in the literal sense. Overlapping her dialogue with the panel in which it's meant to take place makes it much clearer when it's meant to take place within the chain of dialogue where it was a little more ambiguous before. Additiionally you really crammed Vinyl's final line of dialogue into the corner when you had plenty of free space to work with. I also added a comma to the "No, Octy" lines because it puts more emphasis on the "No" that I'm pretty sure you were going for.

I have no real nitpicks on this page though I do think the Anon's first line might get a little extra punch if you split it into a two-panel reveal where he initially says "Hey Vinyl" from off panel.

I think you're trying to cram way too much into those three tiny central panels, I think you need to give them more space to breathe, especially since the focus is on close-up character expressions. Those should always be the panels that take up more of the page's real estate but here you're cramming two at once into the smallest panels of the page. Ideally for this kind of reaction shot you'd want a panel each for each close-up shot. The final panel, in contrasts, uses a third of the page and nearly half of that panel itself to just show the back wall and ceiling, space that could have gone to making the previous panels less crammed.
Requesting an uplifting pony to help us all make it through the week. Maybe a nice pony reminding (you) to be patient and kind with others.
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/r/ pirate poners
On Sunday night, I look at this post I made on Friday and feel depressed. It's time for another week of work. And still no Nyx.
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/R/equesting Velvet from TFH with her chest floof cut off and a look of utter despair on her face.
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Please draw Buttermilk. Canon milk mare a cute.
It might be /bale/ but at you're making content
Very nice, thanks drawfriend
Can't draw Anon so have a pov
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Draw your preferred pony as seen from above
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Draw a guardsmare aggresively saying “Surrender and die!”
Draw Fluttershy asking Applejack what HOA stands for, and Applejack replying with it stands for Kiss My Ass, while parking a boat in the front yard.
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Today is Cirno day (9/9), for those not on the know Cirno is a fairy from Touhou, known for being loud, brash, stupid and loving to brag about being "the strongest". Basically Rainbow Dash/Trixie but with ice powers. Regardless draw Trixie/Rainbow Dash dressed as Cirno
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The best /d/ I've ever done. Hopefully I'll add colours later.
Had to. No, needed to.
Thank you so much. This is exactly what I needed.
Seconding this, I fucking love it
It's perfect, incredible job
Draw teenage Flurry Heart as the front mare for her new screamo band named Doom Load. And put golly horse on drums and Sweetie Belle on guitar or something. They're playing in her dad's garage and pissing off all of her neighbors.
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Ended up doing two versions.
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Heckin adorable. Now give me the one where they're both smiling at each other
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give me one where she's naked
Based happy quads
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I was working on this before. It's kiiiiiiinda close i think.
>>41402222 (check'd)
>>41402255 (check'd)
>Absolutely adorable Twilight multi-/d/
love these
love it
>men only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
now that's the kind of lifting I could really put my back into
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Requesting this with Pinkie
one last /d/, please draw her marrying anon
>>41402222 (check'd)
5/5 would watch!
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Glorious, great job Anon. Thank you.
Bless you, anon. Bless you.
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Exellent /d/ anon !

Poor Trixie
memes aside i still hate twilight for this
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also that's one of the cutest trixie's i've seen good job
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Cheerilee reading what Anon wrote about her.
Upsettingly accurate.
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Had to throw Chrysalis in there.
tempted to do this with a kid anon
Do kid anon and a dissapointed Zecora saying it
Wow, a second cake! Thanks!
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Very good buggo and not scary at all.
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not a fan of zebras, sorry. only true and proper equestrian mares and stallions.
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Ha, I knew that was coming. Tried going all out for this one and gave Anon a go.
I've been posting my pony art on Twitter again but I don't get any interaction. It is a new account because my old one seems to get no engagement but it seems like my new one is doomed to the same thing. Do I need to boost it by posting to Discords using an embedding service?
Ponify this with a pony of your choice
Good work anon, I like it.
Since I'm not /or/, I can request more stuff from you ^:)
Now draw her being pregnant.
Replies popping off at https://derpibooru.org/images/3440369
great job /d/, your doing celestia's work. you even add the flower from their date that's so sweet
at this point, we're gonna have enough material for a greentext, kek.
if your going to do this /d/ >>41407314 add some fillies too please
Lucky Anon...
>add some fillies too
Noo, that's supposed to be my second /r/...
Fuck, I saw that coming too. Was gonna put in that post that I'm not drawing her pregnant but decided against it. Now I might have to do it or at least draw the family.
Yes, draw them in the process of making foals too c:
Compromise and draw her and anon in the Loss comic.
/r/ mare for president
So like Lyra playing a fiddle?
this looks so good
The Dragon went down to Equestria
He was lookin' to make life surreal
He was feelin' kind, cause he was so inclined
And he was willing to make a deal
When he came across this young mare
Sawin' on a Lyre and plain' it hot
And the Dragon teleported to a hickory stump
And said, "Filly, let me tell you what."

He said, "I guess you didn't know it but I'm a Lyre player too,
"And if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you,
"Now you play pretty good lyre, mare, but give this lizard his due
"I bet a lyre o' gold against your foal, just to think I'm better than you."
The mare said "My name's Lyra, and it might cause a scene,
"But I'll take your bet and you're gonna regret, 'cause I'm the best there's ever been."

Lyra, loosen up your hooves and play your lyre hard
'Cause Discord's loose in 'Questria and the dragon deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny lyre made of gold
But if you lose, the dragon gets your foal...

The dragon snapped his fingers and he said, "I'll start this show"
And fire flew from his nostrils as it suddenly started to snow
And he raked his claws across the strings and then ate some cheese of swiss
Then a band of seamen joined in and it sounded something like this

[Sick Lyre solo]

When the dragon finished, Lyra said, "Well you're pretty good, ya snake,
"But sit down on that stump right there and I'll prove you for a fake!"

"Fire in the mountains, run, mares, run!
"The dragon's in the castle of the rising sun!
"Lizard with a suntan diggin' out snow!
"Granny's apples' alright, go, mare, go!"

[Sicker Lyre solo]

The dragon bowed his head because he knew that she'd done good
And he laid that golden Lyre on the ground at Lyra's hooves
Lyra said, "Discord, just come on back if you ever wanna try again,
"I done told you once, you accursed beast, I'm the best there's ever been."

She played, "Fire in the mountains, run, mares, run!
"The dragon's in the castle of the rising sun!
"Lizard with a suntan diggin' out snow!
"Granny's apples' alright, go, mare, go!"
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Kinoplex Robert as a zebra stallion
It's thursday
ponify this
Requesting Anon proposing to Applejack with this as the ring box
This is really funny, but I think it would have been better if the last panel was trixie in her cannon.
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I know it's kind of mean, but Trixie trying to kill herself with the cannon will always be funny to me.
out of context it's pretty funny, though knowing why just makes me depressed. nsp really lowered my opinion of twilight.
I don't suppose this will get finished
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the upload will have slightly changed text. i didnt realize how cramped one of the lines looked, so i'll just enlarge them.
Nice /d/!
Thank you!
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an alt version if you dislike 'satyr'
God I wish I had a teacher like that.
>little did Cheerilee know this shame would only give Anon more fetishes to deal with later
Awkward, but accurate
I want Cheerilee to teach me sex ed and tactfully not comment on my accidental erection.
this man looks jolly, I second this
Requesting Pear Topping art
schizoanon has his own unique style
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Princess Luna holding a GLORIOUS GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH in her mouth like so.
I could swear she exists.
>pic found
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Based apple waifu, saved
Great art
The solution is to make a Papple
This is the dream
Totally yee-haw delivery, pardner. /)
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Ponify this
2nd, surprised this hasn't been done before.
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Yee - and I cannot stress this enough - haw.
Thanks Anon.
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Two characters of your choice with their personality swapped.

Hard mode: the personality change doesn't come with a change in clothing or manestyle.
Harder mode: no Mane 6, Celestia or Luna.
Applejack and Celestia
Maud and marble
Film and Flam just trying to make an honest living inventing cider squeezers while AJ tries to get Sweet Apple Acres a 90% cut.
This is the best image I've seen in a good while
this is the best
Requesting anon referring to his dick&balls as his “green eggs and ham” to some pony.
noice but aj is a lesbian
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Gilda gets Educated™.
This is brilliant
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Can I get Silver Spoon on a sailboat?
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Like one of these
Heh, made me giggle
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what a cutie! great /d/
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pony version of this with trixie in patrick's place, rest can be whoever
d/r/aw celestia saying this
OR here, thanks for making my weekend, fren.
A good little moncher.
which image should be the next op?
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swirl filler
this one >>41405957
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It could work
oh that's kinda perfect
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Maybe make the DRAW THREAD text a bit bigger so it's a bit more readable at catalog size?
I mean, I made the changes in MSPaint, anyone could do it if they felt the urge when we hit the bump limit.
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Requesting Tavi rocking this fit
Fucking kek, this is better than I could’ve imagined
Thank you drawfriend
The swirliest
Where did you get this photo of me?
Cute Luna.
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very cute
>request mare
>go to sleep
>wake up
It’s like Christmas morning! Thanks a million drawchad, I love your art
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Draw a red blood cell as a mare
Requesting this with anon and fluttershy
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hope you like it
Now this is a strain of leukemia I could get behind.
God I wish my veins were full of mare.
Great delivery.
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How about a redraw of this DunMeshi scene but with the sirens reacting to Twilight's awful singing?
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I love it. Thanks you.
If only my cells were this adorable...
Remember, if you don’t do your cardio this week, you make blood mare sad.
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Momlestia makes my peepee feel funny.
My doctor says I have mare anemia. Is there any point to living or should I just sudoku?
I feel like it would make more sense to have Anon singing terribly and ponies hating it.
Cute. Post this on the next thread.
I swear I saw another picture of tiny microscopic ponies in the blood stream once upon a time but I can't fucking find it
Probably drawn by ja08126ck or whatever his name is
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What would happen to the fats? Would they become horses?
Was most likely this one.
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it was this one actually but I'll take the AJ blood cells.

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