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/mlp/ - Pony

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Previous thread: >>41335345

/moon/day Thread OP template: https://ponepaste.org/4423
/moon/day Story Archive: Coming soon? (some deprecated can be found on ponepaste)
Lunar Tunes Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDi8dQxLXiDoVZPCL31D2EXLy4DZw1gxY
Equestria Project (meditation/lucid dreaming guide): https://pastebin.com/3mQfmH24
old /moon/day story archive: https://poneb.in/He5X50m6

Humanizations of Princess Luna and others have a dedicated thread - post them there. Keep it pony (aside from inclusions of Anonymous in pics).

Ongoing Stories:

Stories On Hiatus:

"Moonlight, Veiled - Book 2", by horsa: https://ponepaste.org/6285
"Assistant to the Night Court", by LmonE6: https://ponepaste.org/121

Dead (Until proven otherwise) Stories:

"Lunar Entanglement, Act I", by ReggieSomething: https://ponepaste.org/1113
"Ghost in the Shadows" by ReggieSomething: https://ponepaste.org/7522
"Embracing the Night, Part 5", by AutoPony: https://ponepaste.org/3605
"A Heart Longs for Another", by AnthonyC4: https://ponepaste.org/873
"Our Thirty Years War", by TheGhostlydude: https://ponepaste.org/6795
"A Bond Through the Ages", by Ar-Adunakhor: https://ponepaste.org/6722
"MoonyCYOA", by Krivvy: https://ponepaste.org/4290
"A Nightmare, No More", by Starla: https://ponepaste.org/5708
Untitled story by Alcatraz, >>37516085

Upcoming moon phases:

Full Moon: Wednesday, 30 AUG
Last Quarter: Wednesday, 6 SEP
New Moon: Thursday, 14 SEP
First Quarter: Friday, 22 SEP
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The beautiful moon pony returns! I love her so much.

Also, OP, amazing picture choice. Worth the wait
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You are welcome!
Keep thread alive dear moonfags, I am going to... Zzzz
Goodnight anon
Goodnight, beloved moon pony. I hope to see you in my dreams
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6th for Luna accidentally crashing the moon into the sun.
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Hey Luna Lovers, Hugh Neutron here. I think now's a good time to mention I'm working on a sequel to short story 'Nightmare Moon and the Healing Heart'. It won't be necessary to read the first one.
Let me know you're ideas, criticisms, hopes, dreams, etc.
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>go to sleep
>everything delet
is this how Luna felt when she came back? Things she remembered from old Equestria, now to be found only in archives?
Also in case some anons haven't seen it, there was a bit of talk about moon story ideas in last thread. I hoped it would last longer than it did, but oh well.
One of the best pics of Luna I think I've ever seen. Adore her mane. She looks so soft and comfy, I wish we could hug
Adult Nyx?
>I'm working on a sequel to short story 'Nightmare Moon and the Healing Heart'
Hey, I was one of those Anons asking for a sequel.
This is great news!
>Let me know you're ideas, criticisms, hopes, dreams, etc.
You said it's not necessary to read the first one. Does that mean this upcoming part will also be self-contained? Because I like that format of short, open-ended stories - they don't require as much work as fully fledged stories (time-wise at least) and you can always add more to them later (just like you're planning on doing with the first part).
As for my hopes and dreams: I'd like the sequel to more or less keep the tone the first part set, with dark or edgy themes kept to a minimum. I liked your take on Nightmare Moon and how she's more intimidating than evil. Those daydreams of hers were also an interesting concept and something I'd like to see Anon try and help her with.
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Reposting this absolute gem.
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We furry mlp gods are white lol
Thank you. Shame the thread dedicated to Moonie died in the purge; it's not often that she gets a thread where discussion revolves mainly around her and not her lighter counterpart.
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Let's talk Moonie, then. If you wanted to summarize her - not Luna - in one word, what would it be and why?

But not necessarily in the super scary way. Her presence is powerful and regal. Charged with emotion.
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>go to sleep
>everything delet
>things to be found only in broken archives
>is this how She felt?

Do you possibly have a prompt / og catbox with meta? It's clearly a good AI art
She's not pointlessly malevolent, but she's not benevolent either. She's willing to get her hooves dirty and has the resolve of character to show for it. She may be Luna's shadow but she's also her spine. She knows what its like to truly suffer and come out intact.
Damn shame my pics and catboxes got purged. Will do some more in a couple of hours.
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Do whatever you need to do. You are carrying the moonfren thread
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I love the moon pony so much bros
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Turning her helm into hair can work.
I should get back into writing, though the one green I wrote most of last week feels short and messy and the other is humanized at least until the end.
>Does that mean this upcoming part will also be self-contained?
Yes, but it won't always be like that. I'm gathering my skill and hoping to tackle larger stories. The way I'm writing these short NMM stories is that I'm pulling sequences of scenes from a larger story outline, and chopping it down to a self contained episode.
I'm noticing this may be an effective way to work on a larger story, like eating an elephant, I'm taking one bite at a time. But I'm feeling the story flow between short stories may not be the best, the pieces may not braid together into an continuous narrative like if I were working on the whole thing with chapters instead of short stories. I would need to combine all the short stories and rewrite/stitch the work together, because a lot of the in between is left out.
It's not a good or bad thing, it's a trade off. I'm finding making a story is a surprisingly 'mechanical' process, laying foundations, making the building blocks, and fitting them together. Tumblr writers who just follow floozy flimsy whims, chase abloo bloo dramatic exclamations, and end up written into a corner, may have a different experience than that, I'm sure. I will admit I have an attraction to making dark pits of despair, but those stories are usually dead ends with no solution so I don't write them. Just reading the effects of solitary confinement on Wikipedia inspired several Luna/NMM stories of decay. I teased the idea in a greentext and Anons hated it, kek.
>dark or edgy themes kept to a minimum
That's kinda funny, I consider these stories kind of dark. If you're a fan of 'hopeful dark', then you'll probably like this short one "What if Nightmare Moon had Anonicorn while she was on the moon"
If you like sad mopey stuff, you might like "Pies and Slander", though it's not about Luna or NMM.
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She was missing her mustache
Moonie bump. Fuck this heat.
Nice, looking forward to it. First part was really nice.
Love this gif. Makes me think moonie would be very protective and intimidating when it comes to anon, but the deeper you go it's because of the attention/admiration he shows her that she has lacked
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you fucks need to step up the moonpony posting
I'm calling the lunar guard!
I love this style. Is there a specific name to it?
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It's AI art
Yes I am aware it's AI. But usually most of the AI doesn't have that sort of "flat"(?) style. I was wondering for my own prompts
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I use a cutesexyrobutts lora along with a couple of generic ones. I was posting pretty hard in the AI thread before The Purging.
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Would you hold the Princess until she falls asleep?
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She's just too cute bros
I like to think she has control over her mane and would do things to you with it
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she's hitting levels of smug that shouldn't be possible
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Looks familiar to me...
It's like the five second rule, as long as she doesn't leave it for too long then it's like it never happened.
>"Princess Luna, why is one half of the moon black?"
"Nothing to be concerned about, Twilight Sparkle."
>"But it's... black!"
"'Tis but a singe."
>"A singe? What, it's been burned?"
"I never said that. Stop asking questions. You're banished."
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>ywn be squished under her and can hardly breathe
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Explain yourself anon
>"It's less because you're a mare, and more because you're flat."
>"I like breasts, moony. Boobs. Melons. Donhonkeros. If I look between your legs you're as flat as a board and it makes me want to cry, because you've got such nice wide hips, but no mega milkers to back it up."
>"That nice yellow, blue-maned mare from Trottingham, for example, is what I'm talking about, you know?"
>rejecting Moonie's advances
Faggots, both of you.
>If I look between your legs you're as flat as a board
Ok, that's just a straight up lie:
Couldn't of said it better myself
possibly my favorite pony picture of all time
definitely top 5
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I'm going to need more human on moonhorse cuddles.
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how about the softer moonhorse on human?
holy shit, I thought this was drawn just a few months ago at most.
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Personally I prefer moonpony to be about the same head height as Anon. It means her body and mass would be pretty considerable and lovely to cuddle with
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This ones my favourite
>"Who's dream am I in this time?"
>"It's awfully... barren in here."
>"Is that a-"
>"...What is this little green alien?"
>"Oh, he's wearing a little suit!"
>"He's like a little business pony"
>"Look! he's sitting down, probably tired from all the business he's been doing"
>"Don't worry Mr, I'll help you relax"
>You envelop him with a hug
>They don't seem to be phased
>You feel as this little creature leans into you
>Very trusting
>"You are mine now, I'll be right here till you wake"
A pony was in my dream for the first time ever last night. It was Luna but she didn't actually appear before my eyes. I called her on my phone while watching somebody else play Minecraft to ask her a question about using magic.
She kept dodging the question and criticizing the gameplay of the person I was watching even though there should've been no way for her to tell what I was looking at. She was just relentlessly making fun of this person for making shitty looking buildings, progressing slowly, and generally playing inefficiently.
I was going to tell her that having such an elitist attitude towards clearly new players is kind of mean since Minecraft isn't a competitive game or anything and people should be allowed to play it how they like, but I woke up before I got the chance.

What the fuck does this mean? I thought dreams about Luna were supposed to be deeply meaningful or comfy or something. I haven't even played Minecraft in months.
I think it means Luna's the person on /v/ telling you "Parry this you filthy casul".
Is this a panel in a comic?
Do you have source?
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>Ideal mare to human ratio
A connoisseur I see.
I'd prefer the Princess to be either the same head height (which would still give her a LOT of mass) or a few inches taller than you, a good 3"
>Anon singlehandedly sparks a new beauty trend in Equestria.
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Do you guys ever dream of the Princess?

Is there a certain dream you'd want to have?
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what does she see, anons?
Very rarely, but I'm thankful for the few positive dreams I've had involving her. I would love to have a dream where her and I go on some sort of adventure together, or one where we cuddle and relax. Her appearances in my dreams are generally short-lived, and I would like it if she stuck around a little longer.
pg 8
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Classic moon.
This is what they took from you
That front-left hoof has some bullshit going on.
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>gift socks to Luna
>she puts them on
>they start Z-fighting
That's adorable!
It's the first time she sees (You) without your pants on.
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Do any of you moonfrens know if there is a Luna equivalent of picrel (with Luna being launched by moon knight? I feel like there ought to be, you know, for symmetry etc.
I'm afraid there's no such arts cause DS (unlike BB or ER) in general has more of a sunfrien vibe fire=le good, darkness=le bad e.t.c. But nothing stops (You) from making your own version
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So gorgeous, so graceful, I love her
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Goodnight moon
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Feeling, hearing the moon gently flap her wings in your proximity.
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Unironically this would fix everything.

I can image the softness of her fur, her gentle breathing, her silky wings wrapped over me. I would cherish her a 1000x more than any other could
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>be depressed
>have a sip from the nightmare bottle
>no longer depressed
don't you have to drain it of night mare milk every day?
>Depression is replaced with egomania and dreams of conquest
>On the whole you think it's slightly better than having depression
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Goodnight bump for the lovely MoonMare
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It's 3 months into this summer and we still haven't had a proper moon beach thread episode?
sell me your entire stock
We also sell bulk
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Oh no. Anyway...
Such a beautiful picture.
>no signature
AI can't possibly be this good now, right?
It was on DB, but AI is getting really, really good. Although AI has a very distinct "style" that you can usaully tell between
2 threads before, 'outdoors edition'
>AI has distinct style
that's when normies use it on default settinga without additional configs or prompting tricks. There were \ are many borderline arts made specifically to troll db admins
Anon please... https://derpibooru.org/images/3433726
>Butt triangle
Kinda reminds me of 90s lara croft's poorly rendered triangular tits.
>Age of AI
Luna save us. I hate this dream.
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How would you confess your love to her
Through a letter, probably.
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>"What if Nightmare Moon had Anonicorn while she was on the moon"
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As much as I'd like for the whole scenario to be romantic with fireworks and flowers and stuff after a beautiful moonlit dinner where I confess my love for her, asking if she feels the same way in return. Then she flings herself at me with teary eyes proclaiming
>"Yes! we hath been harbouring the same emotions for thou for so long!"
- that's just things that I want. I realised that at some point I have to ask, who is this confession for? is it for her? or to fulfil my grandiose sense of self importance?
>Meet Luna
>Try and position myself so that I come into regular contact
>Get to know each other
>Then state that I would like to be more than friends
Of course the "Try and position myself so that I come into regular contact" part is like, 100 billion steps but stating you want to be more than friends is just once sentence. I'd do it nonchalantly and straight forward. don't beat around the bush and no fucking kicking your feet while standing there going "oh- um, uhhh. so I uhhh, kinda eerrrrrrm liiiiiiiiiiike yeeeeeeww >w<" you're both adults, act like it.
But of course, having stated that. You give Luna one of two options, reciprocate or reject and you have to be at peace with both.
If she feels the same or is willing to give me a chance, then great. that's when the romance starts
But if rejection- take it on the chin and move on. I can't stand there pissing and shitting myself with tears and snot dribbling down my face blurting out "abloo bloo bloo, ah'm gunna kill myself :(((" because that's a one way ticket to having the whole relationship you've developed previously destroyed and shows that you only want to be with her if she loves you back.

I'd just tell her I like her and would like to be more than friends.
>inb4 "You mean best friends? :))))"
Alright, I can take a hint
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I feel like the Princess is definitely mature enough to give you a straightforward answer.

If you get close to her, and be a true, real friend, I also feel like she wouldn't reject you. But that's just the thing, you have to be a real friend to her. Luna being Luna, would probably greatly appreciate said friendship.

It also would make the newfound relationship way more sincere. True friends taking the relationship to the next level. Honestly, you probably wouldn't NEED a confession.

It would eventually become a mutual understanding between you. That certain look in your eyes when you see each other is all you need
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I've always felt that as immortals both her and Celestia wouldn't want to be committed to a relationship where the other person would just get old and die and that the feelings of loss and sadness would have gotten too much after the first few times and now they try to contend with just being friends as while the loss of a friend hurts it doesn't quite hurt as much as losing someone you love. Of course if you were willing to go through hell and back making yourself immortal that would go to show just how devoted to her you are.
The relationship would start, and after she explains her fears you would accept immortality for her. That would seal the deal on the commitment at that point
I do not feel like loving anything anymore. I lost all that mattered.
Ponies are different. She would be worth loving, because it would be real and sincere. Deep emotion would drive it, not status or other outlying factors
English? What are you even yapping about
What is happening here
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The moon has been doubled. What happens now?
Friendship with her sounds reasonable. What qualities does she seek in her company?
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In apology for double posting
Huzzah! The posts have been doubled!
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>What qualities does she seek in her company?
Something familiar is my guess,
hit the books to get that deep lore about what was going on 1000 years ago to get some conversation topics
>Likes to relax but also have fun sometimes like on nightmare night
Being chill with spontaneous excursions once in a while might be best
>All powerful being that gets into crises semi-regularly
Being able to hold your own would be beneficial, wouldn't want her to feel like she's babysitting you when shit hits the fan. Better hit the gym and pick up some sort of self defence training
>inb4 i'll use muh intellect
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I have a burning desire to comfort and care for the beloved Moon Pony
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>inb4 that one anon starts screaming about skin cancer
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Screaming never fixes things. But paint does.
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Imagine rejecting moonbutt who loves you becaus nO bOoBs
Of corse Luna is flat n' small crotchboobs! just like her butt is addorably flat!
If all he has is fixation on specific physical features, tis lust, not love, and he's doing moona a favor.
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Couldn't have said it better myself.

The moonpony deserve love, not lust
Moona has got to be her best nickname
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FUCK I saw that post lamenting about AHLfA's ending and I still read it. GOD DAMMIT dude what a moment to close on
>'Nightmare Moon and the Healing Heart
Just read it, it's nice
Would be nice to see Nightmare overcome her E.D
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quick draw. open for requests.
Black Snooty smiling warmly.
Luna trying to suplex Anon.
I've been waiting 77 days for this /r/equest >>41170314
one day, I believe anon will deliver
but I'm not opposed to someone else taking the mantel
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oh I must have forgotten. luna doing martial arts should be simple enough.
Seconding, love me some Moon
Need more nicemare moon
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Falling asleep to thoughts of night pony.
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Escape. She always meant an escape for me, escape from the prison that holds a person, whatever it is.
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There are no stronger prisons than the ones we build for ourselves.
And no stronger chains than the ones we wear for our benefit.
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After a long day, Luna finally raises the moon to start the night. She then asks you to accompany her to her bed. Can you imagine how plush and soft she'd feel?

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I want to be Luna's best friend.
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I want to be Luna's husband.
Doth thou loves truly? Or merely lusts like the rest?
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What sort of husband would I be if I didn't both love and lust for my wife.
Goodnight bump.
moobie a cute
I adore this picutre, and the one of anon handing her the flower.

I remember a greentext of someone handing her a flower and then realizing she is still infact a horse so she eats it
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I gave moon horse an SKS.
She looks really happy.
Once she comes out of her shell Luna would for sure be the most affectionate and caring of the ponies/princesses
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Luna eating anything is cute
Goodnight bump for the beautiful Night Pony
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There needs to be art of Luna with a different hairstyle for each of the luna phases.
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that rump, holy unf
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so afro luna at the full moon and bald at new moon?
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I need more affectionate Luna+Human pics
I was more thinking along the lines mane pulled back in a ponytail for full moon and having her mane fully cover her forehead like bangs for new moon. So essentially how much of her face/forehead can be seen would correspond with the luna phase.
This is a particularly lovely picture of her, even if anatomy seems a little off.
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>Oh the things I'm going to do to you my dear.
>Unspeakable things.
Comfy Luna.
Stop with your nasty shit
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>I'm noticing this may be an effective way to work on a larger story, like eating an elephant, I'm taking one bite at a time. But I'm feeling the story flow between short stories may not be the best, the pieces may not braid together into an continuous narrative like if I were working on the whole thing with chapters instead of short stories. I would need to combine all the short stories and rewrite/stitch the work together, because a lot of the in between is left out.
This is very interesting. I guess I work off of individual inspirations for individual scenes or smaller stories. Working on smaller sections is the only way that I can think of working unless you just want to cook a story idea in your head for several years and when you think it's good enough just poot it onto paper as some kind of first draft. Of course you can write an outline and slowly flesh things out over time. This is what I do for my Non-fiction. That is because usually you usually have a better idea where you are going if you are dealing with factual ideas. The problem is the creative process and the fact that it is not controlled. It guides itself and goes where it wants to.
In Real terms the stories that I write end up being smaller stories that I work on individually that expand and sometimes end up linking together.
Story about Pinkie Pie.
Story about Rainbow Dash
Story about Pinkie Pie + Rainbow Dash (with cameo by Princess Luna)

Story about Pinkie Pie + Rainbow Dash -> Story about Princess Luna
Overall History of the Equestrian Space Program
>I'm finding making a story is a surprisingly 'mechanical' process,
Mine is a chaotic process and one of discovery. I had no intentions of really writing about Princess Luna to any extent at all. The stories are dragging me along rather than me directing a story to some predetermined conclusion. One inspiration gives rise to another. When the story gets to a certain point it tells ME what it should have all been about.

Of all the ponies, I think that Princess Luna would be the one who would most likely be into meditation. She'd want to do this at least to practice her mental focus and control for when she enters the minds of other ponies at night. This might also give her the ability to see into the future to some extent.
I don't see the point in life anymore bros
If you an hero Anon Luna will be very disappointed.
Have a cool story bro, helped me out.
I'm starting to feel the same way man. There's so much happening in my life right now and it feels like everything is about to collapse at any moment.

I can still look at the moon pony and feel good though
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A mare who brings us all together, anons from different worlds. The common constant in our lives, the guiding star who keeps shining. Embodiment of peace and distinct comfort, like a night in an outdoors place you feel safe. Mare of grace that'd make you delighted to take in, who'd inspire you to reach for the stars, to make her proud too. The moon pony.
mfw a cartoon horse has legitimately helped me take control of my life more then any of the other real people in my life.
pls don't say it that way. I get the meme e.t.c. but there is nothing wrong in actual heroic death espwcially in Her name
>see point in life
there is also point in death. Some deaths have more value then others. So if we won't make you change your decision - at least try to make it more useful (for our \ your values) way
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goodnight, moon
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5 minutes later
emergency bump because board fast for no reason
justmoonthings TvT
With Celestia having the Summer Sun Celebration, what does Luna have?
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Maybe reverence of Luna is more of a personal affair, as opposed to the public displays of Celestia.
According to popular autism:
Solstices, Longest Night, Nightmare Night e.t.c.
accorsing to some more deep theory - SSC is connected to Luna also (longest day of thousand years, Sisters started controlling their celestial bodies simultaneously, probably reseting The Loop)
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bump for moonbros
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Luna has her famous grilled cheese sandwiches.
Grilled cheese moonday monday
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>anon discovers he can make his nightmare wife become beanmouth nightmare using this one simple trick
>however, 5 minutes later >>41399941 occurs
How did he make it up to her?
as always thanks for draw, anon
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>observe lots of suicidees
>instead of learning how to notice and prevent it, catch and forcibly brainwash them into obedience at the time of the act
>with the description full of mixed signals and red flags
>it's called and tagged Luna and not Nightmare Moon even though the behavior is literally worse than what NMM is canonically shown doing
I'm surprised that story was written and posted a decade ago.
The amount of out of character stories for Luna is insane
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Do you have an idea for moonbutt related vacation?
>leave city
>go to some place with less light pollution
>stare at stars, holding beeg moon plushie close
>sleep in a tent
On cloudless nights i like turning off all the lights in the house, going outside and just look at the milky way. Paradoxically a bright moon ruins that experience, casting shadows and deminishing your night vision.
>NMM is shown doing wrong
Like what? She was shown only 3 times: In a book Twilight reads (it might be Celestia's biased version of history) during s1e2 (she only laughs maniacally, defends and retreats to her old castle without physically harming anypony) and during alternate timeline (her government there still functions successfully even without the elements or twilicorns) She is as evil as Luna herself which is kinda proof for no NMM theory
Cause 90% of 'cannon' of a character goes from fandom. It's not a bad thing because otherwise character would be ruined like any other. She is mysterious by design The only more less official character development was in those side comics but AFAIK they're declared half cannon by creators.
>/moon/ vacation
unironically, sleep for DAYS (literally), maybe with practicing some moonschizo stuff if you're into it + visit night nature, preferably some forest or desert
>moon ruins experience
fake /moon/frien
What can I say? Her moon blinds the view of her own stars. She is a silly moon butt.
fast m00n is fast
Anon, you don't need to list out the ways NMM's height of wrongness is still far below "literally brainwashing ponies to serve her will on flimsy excuse that she had all the power to prevent from happening".
The only people to do brainwashing in the show were Discord (and even then only at the end of his rope, when coercion failed), Chrysalis, and Starlight Glimmer.
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>found a moonbutt named and colored flying ship landing thing(?) in ED a couple of years ago
>no idea how to find it again
>no clue how I named the screenshot either
well shoot, your post makes me want to play this again, now with the goal to try to reach the Extreme Velocity Moon.
Silly lovely moon horse
>no clue how I named screenshot
Another reason for proper archivefaging. Organize your garbage. Use some gallery software, index your stuff, generate previews, maybe auto-tag them by some model. For txt screenahots find a time to pass them trough OCR to store text in compact searchable form in some note taking system, delete old shit saved without a reason, compress it all e.t.c. You'll save yourself a lot of time in the future (or maybe just wipe it all, if it's unsearchable usually it's just taking space)
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As if the moon isn't prettier anyway.
The beautiful moon mare can blot out the night sky any time
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Is that a knife earring? Everything else looks cool and atmospheric but this exact part looks kinda dumb
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It looks like its her mane running through it.
Praise the moon
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Who's your second most favorite pony, moonfags?
Pic very unrelated, but this moon has been looking at me every time I opened my moon directory for last few months. Would hug and give her a gift too.
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It's a tie for me.
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Pinkie Pie. I like Pinkie for much different reasons than I like Luna.
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Early season Twilight's sperginess will always be endearing to me.
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Luna has been the main force in my life to get my shit together, maybe it's a side effect of waifufaggotry, but I'm almost more afraid to disappoint her, rather than any personal failure. I've seen her in dreams, I know she's real, and it would feel like the greatest of tradegies if her faith in me was misplaced. She's something special.
[/spoiler]pic somewhat rel, as horrible as it is, I feel like the protag when I relapse to old habits and suicidality she helped me out of, it feels like I'm abusing her (by proxy/trust), spitting to her face for her efforts, and if I were to kill myself it would feel like I would be murdering her too in cold blood, and I'd feel like the biggest POS for even thinking about it, and so she stays my hand
I understand where you're coming from but please don't post that pic ever again, anon.
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Posting heart-warming version to counter the sad.
It must be done.
I understand that feeling too, Anon. I want to make her proud, but I keep doing things I know she wouldn't approve of. Sometimes I feel like she would be so disappointed in me. I try to tell myself that she would stick by me through anything, but then I feel like I'm just taking her for granted.
Fuck, sorry for posting a duplicate. It's been a long day.
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She's an understanding sort, given all she's been through herself, it's genuine honest effort that matters, and a refusal to quit even despite repeated failures and set backs. Loyalty and honesty. Nothing is unforgivable nor insurmountable so long you stay her friend till the end. Never surrender, you only fail when you stop trying.
I won't, but it's one of the few that accurately invoke the pure wretchedness of these feels.
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Eh, these things happen from time to time.
No harm, no worries.
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goodnight bump
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So would Luna be the assertive one in a romantic relationship?
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>I love the mall
>Moonbutt married a human, Sunbutt married a human soon afterwards
>sometimes they just need a new dress for an occasion
>both of them
>of course, they take their husbands too
What shenanigans would (You) and Incognito "accidentally" become a part of during a shopping episode?
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A moon with socks.
>anon fell asleep in your mane
A troubled Anon and Luna finding solace in each other sounds lovely
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I boop my moon every morning and evening as she travels between my bed and chair's headrest. Turns out that lack of permanent waifu shrine corner can be beneficial to pony affection levels.
Having that said, I still don't know what to do with v2 Symbiote. Start putting both moons on chair and bed, one with tiny butt that excites me so, and one with heft? Hug and pat them both while watching movies?
I imagine she can switch back and forth like an equal, rather than getting stuck in one role. She's a big mare and knows what she wants.
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Sometimes I will admit, I hate being around Celestia at times
What's the ideal date with the Moon Pony whether it be in the real world, or in your dream
good morning bump
Whenever the winter solstice is
I'd love to see snow on her snout, hooves, wings.
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Woona bumb
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I bet once you knew each other, or got into a relationship, Luna would be very mushy and affectionate. There would be a lot of kisses and massages to return to her
tfw you will never raise filly Woona and Celly. Why live?
How would Luna fight? Besides the lasers, I mean.
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At least in my headcanon Luna and Celestia being demigoddess mages are considered in the context of geopolitics WMDs. They exist as the ultimate deterrent against hostile action towards Equestria. It's why Equestria doesn't have much in the way of a standing military. If she was to fight Luna seems to be the kind to overwhelm her opponent before they have much time to react. Something along the lines of constantly summoned blades, flurries of teleports all over the place meant to disorient, cones of herself up the wazoo, and never letting up the pressure until her opponent buckles. Does that make her OP? Yes. Do I care? No. In my eyes any immortal demigoddess who is in charge of a celestial body earns the right to be OP.
I just need to read and look at more things about Luna. I love her so much.

How is it possible she convokes something in this like me and I've never met her? It makes no sense.

Outside of degeneracy, outside of blind lust, I feel something real. Even though I've never *met* her. It makes no sense
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Welcome to having a waifu, Anon. We've all fallen for her. It's not just about wanting to stick your penis in her. It's about wanting to hold her in her darker moments. To be there for her, scratch her ears as she tells you about the rotten night she's having, to make her feel as happy as you are just being with her, just looking at her.
And hopefully, we'll all be able to be with her in the next life.
I don't think I'd ever, ever admit this to ANYONE on the outside but there is a part of my mind deep down that thinks about the next life and imagines I'll get my chance with the moon pony.

I know I'm not delusional or insane etc... I'm of sound mind and I understand the reality I live in. Yet when I see her it makes me feel something I can't describe
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Its so rare nowdays to observe a new waifuing anon, i can only congratulate you in bittersweet way, though.

I guess you may want a >>41406451 thread in your bookmarks now
Their manes look so pretty and soft. I like to imagine in physical form, Luna/Celestia's mane is still hair and is soft, but just flows like magic.
I thought Luna was THE waifu, with millions of adoring fans.
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Congrats, if you're serious - there is no way back. It's probably also not the worst of obsessions. Be aware that your next options are:
becoming a /moon/schizo,
start praising the moon (ironocally then unironically), >>41355023 becoming a hero (pls don't, unless it's valuable)
>need to read
read trough the archive, listen to playlist e.t.c. if you haven't yet
>how is it possible
I like to explain it via subconsciousness, but other anons might have another explainations
>I've never met Her
You could have, in other forms or places. Dreams, hallucinations, insights. It's all in your mind.
>so rare
not everyone is open about it even there, considering the whole image and some individuals. But there were several new open moonfriens there some threads ago.
>able to be with her in the next life
we'll meet on the moon for sure
She Is THE waifu. There is no way back. I've been returning to it several times over the years and I've read stories of others like me
numbers are relative. But there are probably little less of us, if you count only explicit /moon/friens without some borderline cases
I still wouldn't risk touching it. It's charged with several magical gigavolts
moon buns
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At this moment I think it could be explained with: you and we all find her so "good" that it stops mattering whether she's real or not. You've met someone, or rather somepony, who makes you happy by her existence. You probably feel more complete now, imagining blue pony snuggled into you in bed and talking about your days or nights. You might be planning your future together with her, more than you've ever thought you would without her.
But she's not here, perhaps yet, perhaps won't be ever. Yet it doesn't matter to your heart, you've met her by seeing and hearing her in show, reading other people's stories about her, looking at art people made for her. She's a creation of people, through and through, yet feels like an independent entity. She lives through us all.

Maybe that's just what love is?
Same here, anon. I also don't know how to describe it, maybe it is just some unusual kind of love. Love that can be expressed in different ways, but without the pony herself there are fewer ways. I keep coming back to the idea that I should create things "for her", as she's my most constant inspiration to become productive, for two reasons - she'd be proud, and other people will have higher chance of "meeting" her too.

What do (You) think was the thing that brought you to her, of all ponies?
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What brought me to her? It's a little hard to pin down.

I am really into the aesthetic and style of something regal, refined, powerful yet in a subtle and professional way I guess you could say. Luna as the sister ruler to Celestia and with the whole moon/dream thing that helps.

She also looks amazing. I can close my eyes and visualize running my hands through her dark blue coat and looking into her brilliant aqua colored eyes.

It's a combination of many things, some of which are too vague and cryptic to put into words.
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Is there a discord for fellow moonfags?
Go to sleep, night court is held in the astral.
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A Luna a day, keeps my poisoned imagination at bay.
Love these charts. Icey made one but other than that not too many new ones
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I love this art style
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Good night
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not flat, but certainly not impressive by any means.
I'd argue the WMD aspect would be the ability to drop a celestial object on some poor bastard's head.
Dragons gonna be real sad if the moon smacked into their caves.
this goes hard. holy shit.
Imagine an alien fleet parking in orbit and demanding submission, only for the moon to stop and then accelerate towards them. No need for fancy orbital defences when you've got a particularly large rock.
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Who knew luna wanted that kind of pump action
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Prepara tu ano perra...
I don't think people consider the effects Luna's powers would have on Equestria
I've always headcanoned that she doesn't directly control it, but rather guides it, letting physics do the heavy lifting
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How does she relax?
Of course, I was more thinking about a one on one fight with a similarly powered mage. Against a standing army she could just summon a bunch of meteors and Rods From God their asses.
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They'll just die from contracting Lunabetes.
When she laughs/smiles like that it makes something tick inside me
Hopefully someday it'll be spent with me under the stars
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Shameless sister posting.
love you /sun/
s-some homo
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Reminder there's a lunar eclipse tonight.
It's hard to describe my love for the moonmare
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Does /moon/ prefer cute Luna?
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Or sexy Luna?
>implying those states are mutually exclusive
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Both is good.
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the moonmindâ„¢
both moons do feel the way she wants me to, but I'm somehow more fond of the pretty, elegant moon. She makes me feel delightful.
Full moon today. Embrace her moonlit night.
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They go hand in hand. However personally I like the more "tasteful" depictions of her. So no degeneracy
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One of my favorite tasteful Lunes. There's nothing overtly or even implicitly sexual about this, and yet for me, it screams sensuality.
Exactly. I love stuff like this so much. "Tasteful" moon pony is best moon pony. Sexy but subtle
She's so precious.
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You are my favorite pon artist. Keep your unique style!
The moon is big, the night is shining
unf big moon plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
>There's nothing overtly or even implicitly sexual about this
Nigger are you blind?
"Princess, I'm blind, I had to put my palms on your cutie mark to truly know who you were. It's a custom from my land, where humans run their digits across tactile embossed paper to be able to read. My sincerest apologies, I would've never thought this could be taken as anything more than an unfortunate man's only way of seeing."
>"That I can understand, fair Anonymous, but did thou truly need to knead our buttocks as well, to «see» Us properly?"
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sp00king season is still half a month away, anon
It isn't overt. It's literally just her sitting down
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>there's nothing sexual
>"look at this obviously sexual thing!"
This is your brain on coom.
this is boop bait
I know it's >eawshit but I think Winter Moon Celebration is pretty good for Luna's winter solstice.
I need help. Luna is calling me, she's stalking me in my dreams wants me to rest. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? I'm not joking this is the 4th time in a row she met me this week! Am I being claimed? Is this a trick? Did I finally snap?! Genuine advice needed moonfriends
Name works, denouncing origin and all. Musing on it, would Luna's celebration be on day of the solstice, risking the moon at an awkward phase, or the first full moon before solstice, or something?

Celestia never has this problem with the sun, always in its own full glory every day.
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slide into the water
become one with the sea
life seems so much smaller
swim to the moon
If you're talking about Equestria at War then I'm pretty sure they took inspiration for that from "Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon" - one of the official mlp books about the princesses.
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How would you relieve her from stress, and how would she relieve you? No obvious lewd ideas, please.
For her, I think that neck and ears would be soothing spots.
She just wants you to try getting well rested. It's her job. Git gud at sleep.
t. moonfag posting at 4am
i would preen her wings and massage her to help with her stress
i would be able to destress just by being hugged and held close, may or may not need to scream/cry into her tuft every now and then in frustration
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The way her cute ears prop up her hood kinda kills the intimidation factor
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>day 742whocares of trying to reach anon
>anon still can't remember his dreams
>disgruntled dream horse noises
wake up, moon
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It happened again. She was holding me she was about to speak but i got too excited and woke up and when I tried to go back to sleep I just woke up without remembering the dream. I can't.
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Keep trying anon, even if you can't remember your efforts. I struggle with this, sighting her exites me so much it usually wakes me.
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If you were in a relationship with the Princess how would she act/feel towards you as NMM? Would she completely disregard you after that, see you as an equal, or something else?
Obsessive, jealous, and probably insecure enough to lock me away
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The relationship would endure, and you'd be an "equal" Very possessive of you in a somewhat mean way, but she still loves you
Of course. Just because she's possesive and insecure mean you have to split up or something. Means she will never let you got
I like my alicorns like i like my dragons
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Luna turning into NMM and she takes a motherly role over anon. Her requests become demands, but she still makes sure to remind you she still cares for you even if it doesn't fully seem like it sometimes
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That would make (you) the only one she trusts to get that close. She'd be a constant shadow, yandere, infatuated and possessive, she'll see you as a direct extension of her and thus subject to her will, she'll expect the same unconditional trust in return, she bears loyalty, she'll see you as one.
Not an inferior and one day an equal, a partner, like a reliable seasoned blade.
Betray her at your peril, for not even death will save you.
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well, yes
but i also mean in a similar way; some strange symmetry of qualities.
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With that dynamic she would receive the same level of unwavering loyalty and trust. Only death would separate me from my queen
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I need more POV Moon
Is this her handing you a flower in a cute way, or is this you handing her a flower and she unexpectedly takes it from your hand with her mouth. She'd eat it after all right? She's still a pony afterall
>woke up without remembering
make a habbit of recording it into some voice recording app to sort out later. Usually you've got like 3-5 seconds.
>i got too excited
>sighting her excites me it wakes me
You're lucky. Last time I saw her It was semi lucid, so I felt more of an eldrich horror from accidental realization of who am I looking at. This >>41434421 pic gives some of the vibes. I also remember askibg her some question and her answering it before I woke up.

I believe that it might be hard to accept for some of us, but there was no NMM in the first place. (Or if there was - they're constantly in a sort of a balanced state with shared memory)
>but there was no NMM in the first place

What do you mean exactly?
They're not separated as much, as it's shown from 'Celestia's perspective'. I see it as Celestia's made up excuse for the whole powergrab thing It's more of a powerlevel than the actual identity or possession, replacing the 'main' one. That also correlates with her shown feeling some induced guilt in s6, with whole s1 Luna and with other questionable things sisters were doing in the past e.t.c.
I understand they are not separated. I'm not saying they are different ponies. But her taking on the form of NMM definitely has an effect on her personality would it not?
She would be obsessive, possessive, and jealous. She would be suspicious of your loyalty, and grow angry with you if you spent too much time with others. If any of your friends happened to be mares, she would expect you to cut them off. She would never fully trust you, but she would still love you in her own twisted way. She would be affectionate towards you, and never allow you to be harmed or disrespected, but you would not be free.
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Sign me up
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>has an effect on her personality
>I understand they are not separated
You probably don't understand it fully.
My point is, that it IS her personality in the first place. We may like it or not, but separating 'them' feels kinda offending to 'both of them'
>would it has an effect
yes, it would. On 'both of them', if you wish.
>How would you relieve her from stress, and how would she relieve you?
I would pet her and hold her close. Brush her coat, perhaps? We could take a relaxing bath together. Maybe we could play games together, or maybe I could read to her. I would do anything to help her relax. For me, when I get stressed I usually get insomnia, but I bet Luna would know how to put my mind at ease and coax me into a restful sleep. That would mean so much to me.
People like that are usually guilty of cheating themselves.
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It always surprises and awes me at how bright and beautiful the moon gets when it's full
Take her to the beach and sit with her in the dunes, watching the sea, enjoying the company and in the gentle breeze.
My headcanon isn't as grim as other Anon's. She'd still love you as she always had, just now she wouldn't show it in public (that cold, stoic facade won't last on its own you know).
In private she'd be more affectionate than Luna (to make up for the time spent in public) and a snuggle addict in bed.
She has a short temper compared to Luna, so I imagine she'd be easier to rile up with my pranks and banter, but I don't think she'd ever go further than shouting, even if a more serious conflict were to happen.
I think Luna tastes like a mix between blueberries and chocolate cake.
I wouldn't say cake. I think strong, more refined/raw things. Like pure vanilla
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Definitely a combination of these two. Publicly? You are the Champion of the Night and you would be expected to act as such. The stoic guard that keeps her seperate, above the common pony. One wrong move, one public display of affection (scratching the royal ear?!) and she'd order the guards to escort the creature to its holding cell...which is always stocked with your favorite foods, reading material and a nice comfy couch for you to hang out until she can deal with the barbarian herself...whether that be yelling, a lecture, or just sitting on your lap, demanding petting and mane brushing as she complains about how insufferable the other ponies are.
After all, you're the one she can trust. The only person of whom she can take her armor off. The star that completes her night sky. It wouldn't be long before she has trouble sleeping anywhere but in your arms, and woe be apon ye if you need to get up in the night for any reason no a bathroom break is not a good enough excuse.
But she is still Nightmare. She's a bit unhinged. She would never DREAM of harming you! But she also doesn't know her own strength...and you're not nearly as durable as Dear Sister was. Her idea of a funny prank might be dropping you off in the Everfree to fight a dragon she just possed off with a rusty spear, or giving you a dream in which Jason Vorhees butchers your family in front of you, isn't it hilarious? A joke might be a very specific threat about throwing you into a Saw style trap, with the punchline being that she wouldn't ever ACTUALLY do that, she loves you too much.
Any complaints, asking her to knock it off, are proof that she's a horrible pony. Not in the sense that she's trying to guilt you. But simply that her self loathing would take hold of her. Deep down, her greatest fear would be that she might drive you away like she did everyone else when she was Luna. She wants to be as perfect to you as you are to her, she just doesn't know how...
I'd recommend going to a dark sky site if you haven't already. For me it makes the moon at least twice as bright.
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I'm not gonna lie, this is one of the most interesting discussions I've read on here all in all. I think like this one the most out of them.

Interest is piqued heavily. Way more interesting than "Le NMM dommy mommy abuses anon!!" This is way better
What if NMM isn't truly evil and just needs to be loved?
I mean isn't the whole premise for Luna. She wasn't nearly as loved as her sister so it drove her to that end?

Perhaps loving her on a personal level would turn her back into Luna. Or maybe she'd be too far gone
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Anti-Twispam Bump
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Don't bring your obsessive shitposting here, nigger.
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Haven't seen a bigger moon shine bright for a few months until tonight. Feels nice.
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I'm gonna keep bumping your thread because I like woona, though I won't say "Anti-Twispam Bump".
Fuck off glimshitter.
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Well thank you! I get wanting the dommy mommy for fetish reasons. But... that's not who I think she is. In the timeline when she wins, she doesn't kill Celestia. She brags about how she did the same thing to her sister, that her sister did to her. To me, that's not the behavior of a sadist. That's the behavior of someone who thinks they're the victim.
her tiny rump,
excites me so!
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I think she'll trust you fully in time, however that trust is proportional to her clinginess. Yes, you're a lover and a partner, but your a friend first, and her only one at that. Friend, lover, those are not just cheap words, but absolutes, it's all or nothing, you're either with her or against her. For those who cheapen these and are used to shallow superficially her affections are carelessly called clingy, jealous, overbearing yet these are the very things that make her so endearing, for only somepony who's been pushed into the corner all their lives, used, left to rot and go mad can appreciate the ideal of unconditional trust and loyalty, and demand nothing less. You will love the moon mare unconditionally and you will be happy, lest you one day awaken to a tear stricken nightmare sliding a blade into your ribs.
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Death is preferable to falling out of love.
I've got my own characterization of moony in my story that I still haven't written. To everyone she reveals herself to, she's this enigma that slowly gains the aura of a cosmic horror with each spoken sentence. A stranger talking to her will realize that they're dealing with someone they must respect, else that building fear in the back of their mind might become manifest.
And she would enjoy every moment of it. Depending on the conversation she could appear uncompromising and threatening or just be openly gleeful of the fear her presence generates. If allowed she would employ theatrics to an absurd degree, complete with nightmares brought into reality and maniacal laughter.
Of course, that is what she would show to those not close to her. To "family" (and in this story she ends up in quite a strange one) she acts as a proper queen. Stoic when she must be, benevolent when it's the best course of action. A matriarch in her own right. She can still be aloof or have a villainous smile, but it's either in jest or in the spirit of conspiratorial mischief.
As for >you, you were the first one she tried to gain power over, to own. She failed, like she and Luna did twice before in their bid to rule, only this time she had nopony to blame but herself. It would have been too hard a blow to her ego and she would have simply passed on, like a god forgotten and finished with the mortal realm, were it not for >you. You and your forgiveness to her. In this complex journey, far away from Equestria, she learned humility from you. She learned the pleasure of success and, eventually, the joy of loving and being loved. She still produces nightmares, of course, but throughout the story they go from simply playing into people's fears to ones that make people learn about themselves.
A rather romantic view of her, but I feel it would be my take on what Nightmare Moon would be if she became her best self.
Goodnight bumps for moon pony and this NMM conversation that keeps me interested
>lest you one day awaken to a tear stricken nightmare sliding a blade into your ribs
Naah, I don't buy that. We're going way too far into edgy territory here imo.
Maybe if we're going by the "NMM is a Tantabus-like sentient nightmare or a split personality" headcanon. Then yeah, sure, why not?
But if she's Luna, even corrupted, it would look more like this:
>lest you one day awaken to a tear stricken nightmare
without that second part about the blade. Frankly it would hurt just as much as the blade, seeing her like this.
On two separate occasions she didn't kill Celestia - her biggest nemesis, she also didn't kill the Elements of Harmony - the only ones who could stop her. Why would she kill the one she loves the most?
When she first assumed the identity of NMM she told Celestia that it was her royal duty to "destroy" her. What do you think she meant by this? And do you think she expected the m6 to tame that manticore? I would count that as at least one attempted murder. Maybe seven if you count the m6 getting killed by the manticore as murder. Maybe ponyslaughter? If Luna didn't become dangerous as NMM, why would Celestia have resorted to banishing her in the first place?
>she didn't kill the elements of harmony - the only ones who could stop her
She had no idea that they could do that and neither did the m6. The first thing she did when she got back to the moon was destroy the physical artifacts which she thought were the elements of harmony. After she did that, she figured she had won.
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>loving her on a personal level would turn her back into Luna. Or maybe she'd be too far gone
I don't see it as being quite that simple. I look at how Nightmare acts and compare it to her behavior Luna Eclipsed. Her eyes glowing to show she's serious, throwing lightning and thunderclouds around (in a place where weather is done by hoof) just to add dramatic effect to what she's saying, crazy over the top dramatic entrances? That's all stuff that Luna and Nightmare do. Luna's bedroom, her chariot, her batponies, Nightmare's castle, and guard, they all match. That's just the kind of stuff she likes.
Nightmare, to me, IS Luna. She's a Luna who no longer cares if others don't like what she does, she is the alicorn, she is the Princess, it is happening whether they like it or not. She will be on the throne wearing the pony equivalent of a fedora and trench coat with her armor and dumb cerebro helmet and nopony gets to tell her otherwise.
In private with you...I could see her turning back into Luna. But she'd be her at her most sensitive, most vulnerable. It'd be more intimate than getting under her tail.
>When she first assumed the identity of NMM she told Celestia that it was her royal duty to "destroy" her.
I'm focusing more on what she does than what she says. And both in the pilot and in the alternate timeline episodes she banished Celestia instead of killing her.
>And do you think she expected the m6 to tame that manticore?
She wanted them to abandon their goal of finding the Elements. All they had to do was to fuck off back where they came from. If she wanted them dead she could've fought them herself then and there.
> If Luna didn't become dangerous as NMM, why would Celestia have resorted to banishing her in the first place?
Not saying she's not dangerous as Nightmare Moon, but Celestia didn't banish her because of that.
I mean, if we're going strictly by what we can see in the show, yeah, luna never killed or even really hurt anyone. If you read between the lines though I think there's evidence to suggest she at least tried. They obviously can't have a character that actually attacks and kills people in a kids show. But if Luna never did those things, I don't understand why Celestia would banish her in the first place. I would have to interpret the act as just a greedy power grab by Celestia, but that doesn't fit with a Celestias character at all.
>luna banished Celestia instead of killing her in the alternate timeline
This is true, but I would argue it was more an act of cruel revenge than an act of mercy. She wanted her sister to experience the anguish that she did, trapped on the moon, perhaps forever. That might be worse than death.
What he said about the whole blade thing. That goes too far into edgy territory. I'm really enjoying what the tread is cooking up, and the relationship dynamic seems extremely interesting as a delve into her character and her personal side
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>If you were in a relationship with the Princess how would she act/feel towards you as NMM? Would she completely disregard you after that, see you as an equal, or something else?

>My personal headcanon

Sorry to use weebtalk but assuming this is post friendship blasting by the Mane 6 then NMM is a chunni tsundere. She talks big game about doing and being evil, but she rarely goes through with it and is mostly just childishly petty and bratty. She pretends to begrudgingly allow you to cuddle her, but she can be cowed by threatening her with no more cuddles. Basically she's Kuromi.
Pre banishment? I've said this before but you'd be the Padme to her Anakin after he fell to the dark side. She'd love you but it's almost inevitable she'd accidentally kill you in a fit of rage before being horrified by her actions and then blaming somepony else for turning you against her. She's a demigoddess in a real unstable bad headspace so it makes sense i'd be the Linus to her Heracles.
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I would have to disagree in some parts. I like the interpretation of other above. She wouldn't "begrudgingly" allow you to give her affection.

Rather, she would rely on your affection heavily outside of the public eye. Her whole trope is not being appreciated by anyone, so your close relationship with her is a major support beam for her well being. Sure, with her personality as NMM she could seem mean, and demanding, but it's still obvious to see that she loves and desires you. Not begrudgingly
Also to add one what someone else said. In the public eye you are an extension of her. She might get mad or perhaps discipline you (not in a harmful way) but you carry a similar authority for the sole reason you are so close to her.

And in private, that is where everything changes. Maybe not come off as mean to you since she still cares for you. But assertive and a little controlling. But that doesn't mean she isn't ready to drop the burden of leadership to come to you and give you affection in the form of cuddling and kissing. Your loyalty would mean more to her than anyone else's
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She has shown to have some control over her form. Being able to take the form of NMM on. So the idea of her turning back into her smaller Luna form WHILE she is still the ruler as NMM? You're right. More intimate than any physical intimacy you could ever have with her.

Thinking about it makes my heart flutter
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I was OP who asked the original NMM question and I have to say I love the discussion it sparked. Good job /moon/ this is way better than the normal 4chan slop
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She's lovely isn't she? Can you imagine kissing her? Petting her?
Lust. You shall wear a collar.
Luna deserves love like no other.
She deserves a stall in my dungeon.
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>5 star wanted level successfully cleared
>But if Luna never did those things, I don't understand why Celestia would banish her in the first place. I would have to interpret the act as just a greedy power grab by Celestia
Why do you think that?
Celestia's use of the elements against Luna is made out to be a desperation move. Celestia's last resort to protect the realm. If we accept that Luna didn't even try to harm anyone before her banishment (which I don't accept), then we have to call into question why such drastic measures would even be needed in the first place. What trouble could Luna cause without hurting anypony? Refuse to lower the moon? Celestia is known to be able to manipulate the moon on her own. Is that really an act deserving of 1000 years banishment? The only way Luna's banishment can be justified (which even Luna seems to agree that it was justified) is if she was both violent and beyond reason.
If Celestia unjustly banished her sister, then it would have to be because she stood to personally gain by doing so. The main way in which she benefits from her sister disappearing is gaining unchecked political power by becoming a sole monarch. The Celestia I know would never be motivated by that, and she would never have banished Luna unless she had absolutely no choice.
>The Celestia I know would never be motivated by that, and she would never have banished Luna unless she had absolutely no choice.
The idea that she must have been violent doesn't follow from these. I agree that she was more dangerous than what she would be if we just took everything at face value, but these don't necessarily imply that.
Her effectively performing a coup on day itself and refusing to budge is enough to justify taking action to stop her.
>Her effectively performing a coup on day itself and refusing to budge is enough to justify taking action to stop her.
How do you stage a coup without violence? Furthermore, while I agree action was warranted since Lunas intentions would destabilize and eventually harm the realm through famine, I disagree with the severity of Celestias response. If Luna wasn't being violent, why jump to the nuclear option of using the elements of harmony and banishing her for 1000 years? She could have tried reasoning with her, she could have used the elements in a less severe way. Take Lunas magic for a few weeks, try to calm her down and work things out.

In the tantabus ep she said that she made the tantabus so she wouldn't forgive herself for "how much equestria suffered because of her". How could she cause the entire realm to suffer if all she did was refuse to lower the moon and then get banished?
>She could have tried reasoning with her,
She did. She tried to reason with Luna, but for whatever reason Luna ended up deciding to go full Nightmare Moon.
>she could have used the elements in a less severe way.
She couldn't have. If Celestia was in full control of the elements then she would've just done what happened when the mane six used the elements against Nightmare Moon.
I have no counterpoint to those arguments. I'll acquiesce on those points. I still don't see how Luna caused suffering or deserved what she got if she didn't physically harm anyone though.
I prefer it when she's black
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the existence of weeaboo bronies make me wonder if there are actual japanese fans of the show, and how popular, if at all, it got over there
That's Chinese
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>She tried to reason with Luna, but for whatever reason Luna
If you take drug induced and Discord altered visions to be totally accurate to reality, then no, no she did not. Celestia voiced no confusion at her sister's physical transformation, asked no questions about why she just punched a hole in the wall and caused an eclipse, no negotiations, no compromising, nothing.
Celestia ordered her, she demanded Luna obey. "Luna, I will not fight you. You MUST lower the moon. It is your duty." That was her attempt at reasoning. Denial of her sister's desires and a command. Celestia did not care about what Luna/Nightmare was feeling or thinking. She was either as cruel and heartless as Nightmare is accused of being, or that was not the first incident. Me personally, I think if it's accurate/canon, then that was the end of decades of build up, of Luna temporarily turning into Nightmare, of secret massacres, of releasing monsters to make Celestia look bad, of insane arcane rituals designed to simply snuff out the sun. They've probably even fought a few times before then. That was just the moment she snapped.
I doubt that Nightmare even really thought it through. She didn't try to confirm her kill. She got one good hit in and just sat there laughing hysterically until Celestia grabbed the Elements and came back for round 2.
But let's be real, Lullaby for a Princess is how it really went down.
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It got a fair bit of popularity over there from what I understand.
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I love Luna. (All of her)
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Perform pic rel with your moon princess.
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I love her. She can be my queen and I her loyal lover
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I want to cut out a piece of my flesh, cook it and let her eat it.
You turned it from an interesting discussion about NMM and her being possessive of you into this
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moonbump for the lovely Moon Mare
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