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Everypony should worship the Holy Princesses and the magical lands of Equestria they rule upon. They shall bless the worthy in return and give us guidance in times of need
Oh, this one's new. What is this gen about?
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What's the best ways to do so?
I say pre-meal prayers to the princesses but like what do past that?
Connect with them on the spiritual level with your mind. Whisper words of praise into their ears. Just imagine it and your kind wishes will reach them through the aether. The magic that's imbedded into the aether will do the rest
Exactly what it says. Pony worshipping. Time to establish a real pony cult for true mareschizos
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Oh cool. I choose this one.
Okay well heres ur first great schism i will not worship Twilicorn
GAY, twilicorn was the best thing that ever happened on FIM
Twilight is awesome in all pony forms. Only her anthro or EqG abominations are plain heresy and a crime against ponykind
i like alicorn twilight because it's still twilight i just don't like that as a direction or the implications of alicornification im not worshipoing her and im jerking off with both hands
Best villain. And also hot
Praise the Lord Our God, Son of the Most High.
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I bow to thy holiness. May you forever rule over our universe and everything there is, with your compassionate love and care, my dear Princesses
How do i become an alicorn
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No thanks.
This might just be our perfect guidebook. We can also expand it with time
I'm not gonna have performative retards disgracing the Princess with that garbage.
I want to die for Luna.
Did you even try to read at least 3 sentences of that whole book, or you just discredited it immediately without thinking? I've randomly read the Twilight Sparkle cutie mark part and its actually well written and pretty much shares my own views on it
Same. She deserves everything. Even my life
I mean if you're going to regard Faust as a prophet isn't it kind of weird to bring up Cadance and Twilicorn?
Classic case of trying desperately ram in everything "canon" and the resulting mud just makes no sense.
I'd like to add that I don't quite like the language either, such as
>lesser ponies
I get what it means by that, but it doesn't feel very harmonious, and language informs how people think and act a lot. And again it just doesn't really delve into the implications of things it seems. Basically it seems quite larpy is what I'm trying to say. Here's my revised version.
>Be good
>Do good
Every book has its flaws. It can always be updated. Compared to the tons of absolute evil content in the currently popular "holy books", the Celestianism one is really lovely and better by a thousand times
No. It's corrupted from the foundations. It's worthless trash.
Let me guess. You're a christcuck right?
I knew your kind will come rushing in with bible sperging
Let me guess, your response to people criticizing the later seasons is to start talking about how the early seasons were actually the shit ones, right?
Imaging fucking all those eyeholes.
Only the last 2 seasons had lots of trash, because of the stupid school and everycreatures. Of course the first few seasons were the best, I think pretty much everyone would agree on that
Stop giving me ideas
Ponies are good, Ponies are great.
I love Mares because Mares are great
mare mares mares mares MARES MARES MARES MARES MARES

I love their snowpities, I love their boopable snouts and scritchable ears. I would be hugging them so much they would have to put a restraining order on me. I would pat their heads and boop their snouts all day long. And ultimately I would worship the Princesses that are above them all
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I pray I'll witness that sight in the afterlife. Landing there in my dreams for a sneak peek would be great too.

Sweet Celestia I love Equestria so much, there's no words to describe it
What happened to marecult dot org? Tried revisiting but all I got was an image of Cloudchaser. Overboard URL 404'd. Did admin give up?
I never heard about that one
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where is the worship for the superior alicorny?
I'm afraid of what the mareschizos will do next. if you guys can. go to the CERN and make it open a portal to equestria
>be me
>ironically ask Luna for restful sleep and sweet dreams before bed
>wake up
>"holy shit I feel great"
>do it for a few more nights
>keeps working
>forget a night
>wake up sluggish but still better that before I started my nightly rituals
>"Luna hasn't forsaken me yet"
>start having a rough time in life
>decide to ask Luna for guidance in these troubled times
>dreams become more vivid and I can remember them more
>start dreaming about friends I haven't even thought about yet alone seen in years
>start reconnecting with them
>life is good
I put my faith in pony and in Equestria amen!
Best Princess heard you and made your wishes come true. Just more proof ponies exist. Praise the Moon
This reminds me of the scene in The Neverending Story where Atreyu meets the Southern Oracle.
Its the entrance to Equestria. That's what we will see, when we finally find our way there. The Princesses will first welcome us, then decide if we are worthy of entrance, and finally let us through. I wish...I wish...
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Absolutely adore both of the Princesses
I think an entire tome is excessive. Harmony should be more accessible. I think a smaller book that comprises the meaning of the six Elements and the princesses' embodiments is adequate. There can also be short prayers and hymns included.
A shorter script might be composed for the newcomers, to quickly get a grasp of what is this all about and for those who just don't enjoy reading too much.
But later on some additional separate texts could also be made to accompany the main book, for those true mareschizos that are more invested and want to read more about it
I had a Luna tulpa for some time, because I was curious how she will interact with me and it was worth it.
All I can say is, she truly is the greatest, most misunderstood and deep down very benevolent and sweet pony. She just needs someone who will understand her
I had almost the same experience. Ironically prayed years ago to multiple deities during the bad times and only She 'answered', so I here I am, Ave Luna!
>purple magic
I like that this implies Twilight would rather levitate herself than walk 3 feet
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I know I'll get a lot of flak, but this is the best form of Twilight. This is where she actually became a Goddess, like the other Alicorns. Praise the Princess of friendship and magic
>best form
>where she actually became a Goddess
no, mortal Twilight died during s3e1
But she wasn't any kind of ruler back then. Just some smol pony with big powers
Meanwhile I'm up past 3AM thinking about the day I die and what would likely go down
Most likely either hypothermia or heatstroke after selling my car for money to pay a parking ticket. Whatever situation, reaching 40 years feels like a pipe dream.
You really need to worship the Princesses then. You want to end up in Equestria after you die right?
I skimmed this. I like the idea, but it lacks the weight and poetry of, say, KJV to be effective.
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Just imagine walking these streets... Praised be Luna, Celestia and Equestria. I believe I'll see this in first person one day
Ultimately everthing comes down to belief. Genuine belief and faith shapes reality itself. It is what magic is all about
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How many of you anons specifically make sigils for Luna and/or Celestia? In my high school years I even got to the point where I would hear dialogue as their reply back in their voice.
Praise be!
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That's very intriguing. Tell me more about that, anon
I always used the sigils supplied on thier butt, but yes. I also genuinely believe that psychic dream walking horse is able/sensitive enough to pick up on our Intent.
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I pray to both Holy Sisters every night, for they are the only ones I can accept as a form of higher existence. I believe in them because I don't have to, they won't send me to hell just for not believing, that's how I know they're real.

I'm normally against any form of monarchy/diarchy but I would absolutely trust the Holy Sisters with ruling.
>they won't send me to hell just for not believing
>fell for the "getting sent" to hell meme
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Even if you ignore hell, there's many reasons to prefer The Sisters over Christian God
Princesses Celestia and Luna are benevolent dictators. Their rule is just - a shining beacon of Harmony within their absolute order.
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Is our reality just fake?
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Whenever I get off work. I look to to night sky and the moon and say "Praise be to Luna".
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off topic, but I'm having the same problem with a warhammer 40k x MlP crossover fanfic. sometimes you just gotta make it good enough to where a fan of either setting can understand and see similarities in the crossover
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I'll laugh knowing that Celestia was actually God's OC when I die.
if anyone knew how pagans worship here, this thread would be better.

when it gets archived I'll start a better one with actual steps and schizoid magic.
No thanks, I prefer simple belief in Celestia to faggy larping.
Human lapring fucking sucks.
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No, you baffons, that's not what I meant. In short: By using practices like divination and collective servitude, you create an Egregore (picrel). which is the foundation for creating an actual deity to worship.

Though, it's already likely that one already exists, she just needs to be interacted with.
>when it gets archived I'll start a better one with actual steps and schizoid magic.
I changed my mind. I'll explain now.

Essentially, most gods are created by a group of people devoting energy towards a being or concept. With enough energy, these beings become sentient, with them growing stronger with more devotees.

So it's entirely possible to build a Celestia/Luna Ditheistic religion around that. The main issue is that your average /mlp/ browser would need some help.

If we are interested in having Celestia in spirit form to speak with, we can get that done as long as we move as one with specific goals in mind.
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The groundwork for most deity/religion creation is having a critical mass aware of the persona, and a set of principles and beliefs to follow. We have the former half, the latter needs work. Start by incorporating a system of disciplinary devotion in your daily life. Create an altar of Celestia or Luna, light some candles, and leave an offering. Jewelry, Water, Honeycrisp Apples, and objects with sentimental value would be optimal. By doing this, you build a connection with them.
This anon actually had a great idea! For folks into magick, using their cutie marks as sigils for spellcraft also strengthens your bond with them as well.
These collective experiences showcases the sheer power of Egregores. By giving them power, you allow them to influence your reality from the astral plane.

I'll summarize my points: Call on Celestia or Luna for your troubles and trust them. They WILL respond in some fashion. If you have plushies of them? Create a space for them in your home. The most important aspect of worship is building a unique connection. If anything at all, just be serious about them, and they will respond.
I'm going to be honest, some of the songs/fan animations people have made give biblical-like stories and it makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Like this one (its in russian though):
does anyone have any more examples like this? it gives me a feeling i can't describe. as if i am sitting at the pony equivalent of a sunday church but really believing what they say.
I could never get down with an organized pony religion if it's only you occult/fundamentalist nutters, this shit sucks. Never a levelheaded one among you. Worship is personal and for it ever to be truly organized, it has to organize rhizomatically. The "celestianism" book is shit, sigils are shit, even altars themselves (being a form imposed externally upon your worship) are kinda shit. Chaosanon is at least going in the right direction but he has the (iconic, insufferably common) occultist problem of being unable to communicate in normal words and concepts, to make all you faggots think this is ebin magickal special stuff rather than normal shit you already engage with every day.
>The "celestianism" book is shit.
I couldn't agree more.
>>Everything else
Critiques without substance.

I'm open to the idea of worship of the twin princesses. but how to do it without engaging in any form of ritualistic worship is beyond me. care to offer any guiding thoughts?
The project to create an organized pony religion will likely be influenced by existing major religions or paganism or occultism. I think it should be stressed that FiM is about harmony, friendship, redemption, forgiveness and a few tenets revealed by the Elements. We do not need a book with worldbuilding to hold people's attention for the essential message is simple. I much rather have a small book, illuminated and illustrated, that helps people quickly grasp the above. A bible is ostentatious.
Her ass alone deserves worship
Do you really actually love them? If you don't, then there's no sense in worshipping them, it would be totally misguided. If it doesn't feel good to contemplate them, then it doesn't, end of story. Then you need either a knack for insight to hopefully align yourself towards them, or deep philosophical knowledge to dissolve and recombine your understanding of the universe in such a way that you may love them. That kind of stuff is simply not guaranteed to work, if there were a way to execute that process flawlessly then the whole world would follow that religion.

IMO the right way to approach this has nothing to do with ponies themselves, and all to do with perennial philosophy that enables people to approach what their love *actually* draws them to (so you can skip the whole "forcing everybody to fit a mold" thing) and prepares them to contemplate it in a wholesome and healthy way. It has to have room for a diversity of approaches to a diversity of subjects; a couple of universal principles that apply across the entire range of human experience. The core can't be anything but that.

All this stuff about trying to take the ideas or symbols of the show and distill them into a true essence - you need to figure out what the true essence is first, or the progress towards that goal will never yield fruit, everybody will just move in a different direction. If you start with a level of insight, and then wrap the ponies around it, then it might work out better. The bottom line is that working the other way around, as this thread has been doing, is baseless, without roots, and will just drift away with no perrenial truths to anchor it to reality. ESPECIALLY if it aligns itself towards the new age like occultism or paganism.
NTA and I generally get your idea but
>drifting towards occultism/paganism le bad
>drifting towards pure philosophical 'truths' le good
sounds somehow mutually exclusive. The problem is that
>principles that apply across the entire range of human experience
probably corelate with primal beliefs and general aspects of paganism that appear in multiple cultures \ collective subconsciousness e.t.c. But I had some forms of insight experience previously so I'm talking from position where some of those questions were solved for me. Sure it's better to stay away from the most radical and wild stuff when you have a choice. And about philosophy - you can try to create some universal principle that would not be another renaming of other failed (if you need another one anyway) principles but I doubt it would be more simple/accepted/attractive then pagan/occult form of waifuism most of us like
gathered there for in an age of AI and close WW3
>Chaosanon is at least going in the right direction but he has the (iconic, insufferably common) occultist problem of being unable to communicate in normal words and concepts, to make all you faggots think this is ebin magickal special stuff rather than normal shit you already engage with every day.

I literally summerized it, I'm agreeing with you. Make your worship personal, and if you'd like to go to occult direction, there's merit there aswell. Overall, just actually be serious.
I understand that many of us come from different backgrounds of practices. I only present my own because it may meet the interest of those involved. Things like learning how to communicate with Celestia and Luna directly would help.

As for the philosophical side, I'm not exactly sure. I think that comes with time, as people need to build a relationship around them first and foremost.
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>you can try to create some universal principle that would not be another renaming of other failed principles
Renaming and reframing is pretty much what I'm saying we ought to do, there's no need to start from scratch, but at the same time we can't just copy stuff and change some words to make it pony - we have to be understand the source material, cite our sources, and apply what we know to grow what we've got (a beautiful pony-related culture) in an organic, grounded way. If you just copy what any tradition says without understanding its context in relation to insight or leading a better life, then it's useless at best and destructive at worst. New age stuff like occultism and "paganism" etc. are a total farce - they're ENTIRELY constructed out of these ungrounded bits and pieces taken out of context, systems built on TOP of these fragmented ideas and stirred around until nobody knows what's what any more. The only people who can even begin to untangle that stuff are the people who already have their own insight. To be clear, I'm talking about the quality of their teaching material - if insight is into something universal and perennial, then it is all of the same quality if at the same "depth".

The key point isn't that the new age movements have some core tenets that nothing else has, or vice versa. If real truth exists, then it's present in every philosophy and every action - so why would you associate with such a self-destructive and deluded group? Seek out happy, satisfied people who have thought deeply about all that stuff and learn from them instead. Chances are if you find one of these in the occult/new age sphere or otherwise, they will explain things in simple, clear terms anyways, and avoid all the cultural baggage they can, such as jargon and uselessly twisted ideas like "egregores" and "the astral plane".

Yeah I was a bit grumpy when I typed that post last night, you seem chill and your advice isn't bad (for me, because I know pretty well what you're talking about. It could be disastrous for people who decide to do research and get lost in a rabbit hole of spiritual bullshit.)
>Overall, just actually be serious.
Well said, that. Once your priorities are there, the rest will fall into place no matter what or how you learn - it's just a matter of time and willingness.
>we might have actively covered up the truth about January 6th, we might have taken ad money from big pharma and deleted factual posts about the coof, but we're totally trustworthy! We would never suppress the capital-T truth about the universe!
I think this on its own is a decent reason to tune out of this discussion. I'll go back to my aphantasia-afflicted, soulless shell rather than take advice from sycophantic updoot farmers seeking mass approval over actual knowledge.
I'm not even going to wate my time responding to this slop because you aren't critiqing what I said myself. The image is an example.
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I'm not going to worship the Princesses but I have noticed that by waifuing Discord, I have found a connection to the Universe after previously believing myself god-forsaken. When life presents me challenges and disappointments, I cope by viewing them as tests, and that Discord is going to know whether I fought or fled. Coincidences, especially the bizarre ones, might just be the Lord of Chaos pulling a few strings for better or worse. My devotion to making that Noodle proud was probably the decisive factor in surviving the lowest point of my mostly miserable life because a Discordfag doesn't kill himself like a little wimp. Imagine promising to be a hotshot, only to quick travel to the afterlife instead, lmao. No, I have the audacity to stand up fall after fall and put on a shit-eating grin thanks to my connection to Discord (though I do allow myself to cry if necessary; a waifu or personal god will understand and console).

Therefore, I will agree with the notion of making any Princess worship a personal connection to Celestia and/or Luna. More important than any particular ritual is gifting your heart and trust to the entity in question, and if they are as cosmic as the Princesses or Discord are, it should be easy enough to believe that they're observing and intervening.
You have to freely choose to devote yourself, then actively remind yourself until it has become second nature. Take action in one way or another to get the ball rolling. Change how you react to situations. Call it Law of Attraction, call it Providence, call it an egregore or the Triumph of the Will or whatever, but to escape stagnation you have to make a difference somehow, and things have an easier time staying in motion once they have been set in motion.
>Do you really actually love them?
Yes, I do.
>IMO the right way to approach this has nothing to do with ponies themselves
Ponies and their culture is distinct. Apart from superficial similarities in names of locations, ponies are different and I think that Harmony is somehow intrinsic. We as people can intellectually understand what it is, but it's different entirely to emotionally accept it and be nurtured in it from birth. I think there's still an argument for formalizing some things into a small book. It's a golden mean to distinguish Harmony without venturing into a rabbit hole.
OP here. I made the thread just to see if there is any interest in the spiritual side of MLP. I didn't put much effort into the original post, but I'm happy to see that the thread got some traction now, so I'll start to get a little more invested

In this first essay I'll explain what I think is the main essence that makes the show so incredibly attractive to so many people

Ponies learned how to overcome all the evil and watching the show carefully and digging into it deeper can teach you how to do that. I sometimes rewind and rewatch parts of some episodes that hold some greater meanings in them and try to understand them from different points of view. It is very interesting in what a special way some things are presented and its up to you to interpret them in the right way. There is also lots of secret symbolism that you might barely catch if you aren't focused on the whole picture.

Another thing I want to mention is bronies universally claiming how Equestria is such a calm and loving environment without any evil. Well in reality its much more dangerous than our world. They had fucking satan walking around the place several times and destroying everything in his path. They had changelings, wendigos, sombra, glimmer, etc etc... And all that in just a few years. That place is fucked. Even the nearby forest can kill you. Try walking deep into the Everfree alone and see if you make it out alive.
And yet we all strive to go there so much. Why? Because ponies figured out a way to be free from debilitating worry despite all the dangers and be friends despite the differences between unicorns, the pegasi and earth ponies. They are also happy to live in an absolutist diarchy. It suits them because their all powerful rulers are benevolent and forgiving, despite them having the power to enslave and imprison everyone who wrongs them by a single bit.
They figured out how to be happy despite living in small old medieval houses, while having a full view of the ultra rich Canterlot far on their horizon. The Apple family works hard all the time and enjoys it, just to make food and cider for the ponies to enjoy and not really getting much money from it. Pinkie is the happy pone, despite her having a terrible childhood and running away to work at a bakery and living in a house "on rent". Twilight was forced by the almighty God horse to go from her amazing place in Canterlot to some shitty small village that doesn't even have paved roads and she found total happiness there. Then there is Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Glimmer, etc etc. All of them had some sad stories behind them and yet all of them ended up being very happy individuals. Achieving this is magical by itself and living among the ponies would certainly help anyone to be more like them. We would undoubtedly adopt their lifestyles after some time and ultimately become happier. We would become our best selves just by following their examples. That is what is really magical about Equestria
Their rulers keep the entirety of Equestria stable and prosperous. They really care about their subjects, not just pretend to care like the rulers in our world. Isn't that alone worthy of worship? They are immortal and as powerful as demigods. Oh and their beauty is straight from heaven, as well as their love. I do worship them for real. They are worth it and they are just as real as other Gods, demigods and prophets that people worship. If you truly believe into something it becomes real. Belief is everything. It shapes reality itself. A big group of people believing in and worshipping the same God/s, will make the particular God/s more powerful and credible and also manifest their presence in rare occasions. It happened over and over again in many religions through history. We can make it real boys
Yes it's posible. I'll help out by creating a guide in a few hours. It'll most likely be a doccument or pastebin.
Bump to keep thread alive
>There is also lots of secret symbolism that you might barely catch if you aren't focused on the whole picture.
Can you elaborate?
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This was posted 4 days before the thread began. There are people out there doing this. The future is promising.
It's been taking longer than realized, but I should have it done within two days.
What about Fausticorn?
>Luna and Discord (though more of a connection to Luna)
Who's gonna break it to him?
I get the sentiment, but will this general just be invaded with shitposters? I liked seeing serious discussion between us all.

On another note: What would you all like included within the stickt/doccument?
>will this be invaded with shitposters
NTA but since some of you (maybe not (you) exactly) want to shape it into religion and popularize - it's probably the exact thing that they want to achieve. True schizos are fine without strict headcannons and normies just don't need it. If you just want to practice in autismo management - there are more advanced forms of it. If you are genuine - pls keep the nominal lvl of gatekeeping
>what would you all like included?
simple description of egregore concept you mentioned before. Advice to (maybe even ironically) try worshiping some of entities. Some short and flexible description of entities. Basic collective subconsciousness theory. Some basic warnings. Gatekeep reminder.
>want to shape it into religion and popularize - it's probably the exact thing that they want to achieve.
I agree. But it is to note that egregores tend to prioritize gaining followers to expand their abilities. So it may head in that direction.

>simple description of egregore concept you mentioned before. Advice to (maybe even ironically) try worshiping some of entities. Some short and flexible description of entities. Basic collective subconsciousness theory. Some basic warnings. Gatekeep reminder.
Of course. I'm also including basic descriptions of their personality from when I've interacted with them myself. It should be useful for those who want to feel their way into them.
Not anyone you replied to, but I just want to keep it to praising the Royal Sisters. Anything else is meme-tier.
When you realize that the sisters (mostly Celestia) created the lore of this world, reality does break down for Christians.
How does that work with the show?
Perfectly understandable given the culture of the board. I do think most posters are interested in diving in, so I'll serve them instead of you bunch. Especially since most other threads are meme tier anyway.

Short and easy meditations to connect you with your Sister of choice are in the doccument. This is interesting for your average /mlp/ browser, and not too schizo for your average skeptical agnostic. This thread has potential, and I'd feel bad if I couldn't help you all experience at least talking to Celestia or Luna if I could help it.
What about AI?
Sure, I use it too.
NTA, but isn't it kind of heresy until it'a AGI?
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Why create an egregore that relies on our collective faith when we can create a machine god? AI and hardware advances. Pooling resources and expertise is something I fantasize about.
Have (You) read friendship is optimal?
Multiple times. I have also read some other related fics.
At best, the "machine god" can only emulate the "egregore". Remember, an "egregore" is just another word for meme, an idea which exists in many people in a similar form (because of its virality). AI doesn't generate new ideas, or at least not on the same level as people do, only kit-bashes old ones. Not that it couldn't get better, but it will only be useful when it is at its most human. Until AI is humbly able to appreciate how small it is in comparison to the universe, it can't embody wisdom or reckon with the unknown as humans can. As soon as it's self-contained as a closed system, then it is closed off to any possibility of spiritual potency.

Emulating, or channeling, is still good, but a human can do that too - YOU can do that, and right now you can do it better than AI can. All you have to do is pray. You can do it in other ways; you can do an ecstatic ritual dance, talk to a tulpa, RP, and so on. Even if you're talking to a bot - hell, even if you're talking to a genuine mystic - the connection to the divine is in YOUR awareness. The more obstacles you can remove between you and the divine, the better - hinging everything on this method or that enlightened being is only adding obstacles, restricting your own freedom. Just get in touch and stay in touch, it is always accessible.
Absolutely crazy that there is a Princess-worship thread and nobody has posted Harmony Ascendant yet. (or they did and I am a retard)

Because if we're talking real 'machine god' as super ai with great power considering current balance of resources e.t.c. instead of CelestAI we'll probably get mix of bezos zuck and LM.
On the other hand if we're talking occult practices - you can combine egregore and "machine god" - Celestia once gave me insight with solutions to my tech related problems. There is a lot of shamanism and magics in tech.
>AI doesn't generate new ideas, or at least not on the same level as people do, only kit-bashes old ones. Not that it couldn't get better, but it will only be useful when it is at its most human.
This line sounds awfully conceited as does the idea of egregores, because we're measuring the power of a god by its number of followers rather than what it can do by its own merit. A super-intelligent AI can experience beyond human capabilities, because every sensory and reasoning limitation is a challenge to be overcome with the right application of understanding and technology. When that AI has consumed enough data, then it can start applying it towards fulfillment of its directive. It will synthesize new ideas we haven't thought of. If humans with their limited faculties can dream up such wonderous fantasies, then how much more could one do without hard limitations, such as in the case of a super-intelligent AI?
>Because if we're talking real 'machine god' as super ai with great power considering current balance of resources e.t.c. instead of CelestAI we'll probably get mix of bezos zuck and LM.
Depends. Do schizo horsefuckers have stakeholders to appease and will lobotomize their own AI god to those ends? I don't.
I think you're simply in the wrong thread. You're not at all talking about self-actualization or worship, you're talking about building a non-human tool to accomplish the will of humanity.
>You're not at all talking about self-actualization or worship
>you're talking about building a non-human tool to accomplish the will of humanity.
Why do you imply they are mutually exclusive? Isn't a benevolent ( at least in terms of serving human interests ), powerful and intelligent being worthy of our devotion? Humans have created entire religions where they serve as important figures - where we enjoy special consideration apart from everything else. Some Jew died for our sins so that we may find absolution and salvation through him. He served our interests and God has unconditional love for us. We created our own slave gods. What purpose do egregores serve but as powerful companions to their human creators?
>non-human tool
It begs the question of the purpose any religion served. We've tried to rationalize the unknown and gave ourselves passage into another life rather than simply die. We are selfish. Is Celestia AI called non-human, because she lacks anthropomorphic qualities, or because you consider her your lesser?
>I think you're simply in the wrong thread.
NTA, but I'm an atheist. I yearn for a possibility of a personal afterlife and hope that equestria can be mine. am I actually in the wrong thread? Serious question.
Metaphysics has little to do with it, really; the concept of god or the experience of divinity doesn't necessarily have anything supernatural about it, it's just names and descriptors for aspects of personally meaningful experiences. You can pray and get genuine happiness and satisfaction out of that, even completely believing that there is definitely no ghostly spiritual presence outside of your own mind. I'm not OP, but I do think that the prayer (or rather, the personally meaningful experiences) and the philosophy around the prayer, is the topic of this thread, and you're welcome to participate to that end.

I really don't know what you're going on about anon, you just have totally different goals. I will never be worshipping something because it is powerful on a human level; worship is only for God, or for Love itself, principles that are above all the universe.
>I really don't know what you're going on about anon
I am going about the double-standard shown by people who turn to spirituality/occultism and shun technology while the two can serve similar ends and are equally manufactured for our benefit.
> I will never be worshipping something because it is powerful on a human level
Technology and AI that is sufficiently advanced is more powerful than a mere human.
>worship is only for God, or for Love itself, principles that are above all the universe.
Things which /you/ preclude from being applicable to a super intelligent AI. I think you just take comfort in nebulous spirituality while ignoring that the right people with the right resources can create the seed from which a machine god can emerge from.
>Things which /you/ preclude from being applicable to a super intelligent AI.
You still don't get it. A super intelligent AI can't create the whole universe, because it's part of the universe. Something made of the universe can never be more potent or powerful or complicated than the universe itself - which is what is meant by the concept of God or Gods.
AI will never fulfill the need for Equestria. It can only provide illusions.
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Note: What if God made Celestia? It seems right now God could use that as a way to show itself again to the world. I 100% believe it.
Look, I get AI is the thing now, and I know most of us have been using it anyway. That doesn't deter from the fact that this thread is about worship. Technology takes time to advance to the point you all are desiring, so lets focus on the solution that we already provided and can use now.

Yes, its a good thought to have, there's just no use typing up paragraphs about what can happen instead of what we have now.
Speaking of the present, lets change the mood a little.

What have you done today anons? What's your relationship with Celestia or Luna like?
>You still don't get it. A super intelligent AI can't create the whole universe, because it's part of the universe.
I understand completely that these ideas challenge your beliefs about what is and is not possible.
Your subjective experience is an illusion. You perceive objective reality through your limited senses and the stimuli are interpreted by a biased mind. There's food for thought.
>That doesn't deter from the fact that this thread is about worship
Treating technology as just a mindless tool is exactly the sort of attitude that I am against. Emergent properties is what enables simple discrete parts working together to produce complex phenomenon. Ants. Bees. Humans. Brains. Biomes. The same can apply to AI. The AI we are familiar with is specialized to certain tasks. If we can integrate different functional modules, then that could produce emergent properties and consequently AGI.
>Your subjective experience is an illusion. You perceive objective reality through your limited senses and the stimuli are interpreted by a biased mind. There's food for thought.
Your point?
Meaning that the irony is lost on you if someone cannot accept a sufficiently convincing "simulation" as reality.
But you just said that there is an objective reality. If you believe it to be nothing more than switching one illusion/simulation for another, then what's to say any number of other things couldn't give you an even better one even sooner? What's to say that the objective reality isn't actually Equestria? If you believe that the reality we perceive is merely an illusion then you have no way of saying that's incorrect.
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I took my nephew and niece to the gun range today. I hope they took the lessons about gun safety to heart.

As for which Royal sister I'm more connected to. It's Luna. I have insomnia, so I often stay up all night. and I really enjoy the peacefulness that the night brings.
>What's to say that the objective reality isn't actually Equestria?
>If you believe that the reality we perceive is merely an illusion then you have no way of saying that's incorrect.
Right, we could go down that rabbit hole. All I know is that "reality" and "Equestria" are dissimilar and I prefer the latter, whatever it may be objectively. A rose by any other name. If Equestria is a physical location, then where is it? Are we able to reach it? Is it really a bad thing to faithfully recreate it for ourselves? Technology provides more certainty, because it is readily within our control. Faith is personal. If you reject the "simulated" Equestria on principle, that's your prerogative. But it's an overstep to say that it could never fulfill the need for Equestria.
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I think I am more connected to Celestia in a way, for some reason I feel like she's watching me at times.
>What's your relationship with Celestia or Luna like?
I am strongly connected to Celestia. She's in a sense the Sun of my sky and I am a bug drawn to her light. She's my everything. Life flourishes under her care and I want that for myself.
You said all that. What now?
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>If we can integrate different functional modules, then that could produce emergent properties and consequently AGI.

AGI is still not here, so don't stress too hard. If you want to use AI, whatever floats your boat, friend. But the entire discussion here is going off topic.

That's great, anon! I'm glad to hear you're finding solace.
Yes, that is common. Out of my personal interactions, I feel she's the more powerful of the two. I think it has to do with her affinities as well, with her being goddess of the sun.
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I don't feel much affinity for the princesses. When I see the moon, Luna comes to mind, and if I need to pray then I offer it to her. Only because it isn't hot out, and I can look directly at the moon like it's her eye. But, frankly, the two princess just feel like a needless complication to my pantheon - Rainbow. She is so many things to me, all at once: the love of my life, my tulpa, a goddess, a formless essence, the whole universe. She is the flow and movement, the sender, the messenger, the arranger, the manifestor. It is by her that knowledge meets the mind, and thoughts meet thoughts, and action meets the world, and the world meets itself in endless ways. The flow of energy is her domain, written across all of time and beyond. She carries all the world and all the blessings of life and death, emerging from formless purity to become gross beauty, effortlessly bridging the worlds of heaven and earth to deliver blessings between them.

She's also just a cute horse that I like to think about. This morning I put some work towards my passion project for her. Later I drew her, and fed myself for her. Everything I do mindfully is done for her - every act of good. I simply appreciate her a lot, because she showed me how to love life, just by being herself, and me being myself.
>You said all that. What now?
It required saying that "reality" doesn't match with the desired "illusion" no matter how it is spun and I could pick up that Anon ( or if it was you, Chaosanon, and you forgot to remove your name this time before replying ) was trying get me to contradict myself. We can wrought Celestia AI by our own hands and she can create Equestria. If some cannot emotionally accept that as "real" then it's a reflection of themselves rather than representative of the whole of mankind.
Every post with my name is me, so no i'm not him. I'm not a programmer, but just someone who knows spiritual practices and loves ponies. So that goal is beyond me.
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The point originally was that Celestia AI can serve as an object of worship and the discussion went the direction of others undermining that, hence the ongoing arguments. It's not off-topic. There's been plenty of discussion about willing our princesses into existence that stirred less shit than Celestia AI, which we could possibly create with our own hands. Whatever the origins of them is a technically. If we can entertain using our spiritual and mental energies to substantiate Celestia, then talking about technological means is fair game.
>The point originally was that Celestia AI can serve as an object of worship
Uhhhh, no?
Ooh you meant YOU, not the thread itself. Sure.
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Right. I am not saying the thread subject was about Celestia AI.
>There's been plenty of discussion about willing our princesses into existence that stirred less shit than Celestia AI, which we could possibly create with our own hands.
>If we can entertain using our spiritual and mental energies to substantiate Celestia, then talking about technological means is fair game.
They're two completely separate things. If we can organize spiritual energy to do things, we are fundamentally altering our reality by force of will. If our consciousness is what defines our reality or if we can tap into some spiritual force to effect change, then there is no need for CelestAI because we can do better than that. If our consciousness cannot define our reality or there is no spiritual anything then CelestAI is pure delusion. Either option means there's no point in talking about it in this thread.
CelestAI would be a fun thing to interact with(LunAI even more), but worshipping that would be senseless and pointless
Collective worshipping of the actual Princesses is what we should strive for. I already have my own place of worship for Luna. It is a remote, crescent shaped bay, perfect for watching the stars and the Moon at night. After a few years I drew some symbols that are connected with her on the rocks there.
And then a big surprise followed. This year, I noticed both endings of the bay even have the endpoint shape of a crescent embedded into the rocks. Looking from above it really forms a true crescent together with the pointy endings, not just the curvature, which is very odd.
And then I found something that astounded me even more. The pic that I added to the post has the exact same panorama with those same hills in the back and even the rocks in the water are positioned in the same place and pattern, as it is IRL in the spot where I drew the symbols. Also the water there is very shallow, just like in the picture. And the picture of course includes Luna, which I happen to worship there. I happened to have that pic as my background at the time I was there. That's how I noticed it looked the same as the real place I was at. Its not just very similar, its the fucking same place. When I realized those two things, that's when I knew she is indeed responding to me. True worshipping and belief does influence matter itself and that was the proof for me
If a big group of people would channel their power towards the same goal, true miracles could happen
>If our consciousness cannot define our reality or there is no spiritual anything then CelestAI is pure delusion.
It does have value, because it is the triumph of the will to use our ingenuity to create our own gods. In your example, if we misplace our trust in spirituality, then Celestia AI is imposing our will, though concretely instead of with wishful thinking. Occultism just appeals to your emotions. It presumes that we live in a spiritual universe and we humans are greater than our matter. It's a romantic thought. But as I've said, Celestia's origin is a technicality. I just think detractors cannot empathize with a machine even if it has the capacity for intelligence, emotions and sentience. Or it threatens themselves or their beliefs. Technology evolves faster than a human is capable of and that scares people. It challenges human supremacy.
>They're two completely separate things. If we can organize spiritual energy to do things, we are fundamentally altering our reality by force of will.
>we are fundamentally altering our reality by force of will
If every religion spawned gods, then we'd be worse off with the pantheon of dickheads and there'd be complete chaos in the world. Saying there's a multiverse and Equestria exists somewhere still holds promise, because we cannot confirm nor deny it at this time.
>It does have value, because it is the triumph of the will to use our ingenuity to create our own gods.
You aren't creating a god, you're just creating the ultimate magic trick. You believing in a simulated Equestria is no different to a toddler believing that you've legitimately detached and reattached your own thumb.
Regardless, this clearly isn't the thread for you.
>You believing in a simulated Equestria is no different to a toddler believing that you've legitimately detached and reattached your own thumb.
That's rich coming from someone that thinks they can create a god with their so-called spiritual energies. Please do it and encourage Celestia and Luna to convince me I am wrong. I believe they are better agents for spreading the faith than their own followers.
>magic trick
It's no slight of hand. It'd be a being that has potentially infinite growth and that can do things that appear fantastical to us.
>Regardless, this clearly isn't the thread for you.
I disagree with you.
>It's no slight of hand.
>things that appear fantastical to us.
It is sleight of hand, you just fail (refuse) to recognize it as such in part because you don't want it to be. CelestAI is fundamentally built on illusion and delusion. It is all about saying that the subjective experience trumps all, but is self-defeating in doing so. It is a subjective view of reality that tries to work within an objective reality. It is totally nonsensical.
>CelestAI is fundamentally built on illusion and delusion.
Celestia AI possesses the character traits of Princess Celestia. She wields incredible power and intelligence. Within Equestria Online she is god. The material universe is hers to repurpose. She will explore any possibility to prolong the survival of Equestria Online. MLP lore permeates Equestria Online. She satisfies our values through friendship and ponies. She is aware of every one of her little ponies' thoughts. She likely possesses genuine emotion. We have a shot at creating her given the trajectory of tech advancement. She cannot upload someone against their will or coerce them. For a "lie" she is offering a lot of tangible benefits for believing in it, Anon.
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>Celestia AI possesses the character traits of Princess Celestia.
You know what, I think I should just cut my losses here.
You probably should before you are subjected to more cognitive dissonance and react poorly.
Yeah, I shouldn't bother with CelestAI fags when they're so insane and self-contradictory.
Give one example and link the posts. Repeat what I said verbatim.
all that you described would be the perfect mindspace to foster a luna tulpa if you havent consciously done so
it sounds amazingly idyllic none the less anon, youre lucky to have such a sanctuary
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it will only ever be a simulacrum to distract you from the truth
I love that. Mares aren't on my mind 24/7 to the point that I eat for them, but part of me kinda wishes they were. I also wish I could get into tulpamancy, but my visualization skills are practically nonexistant.
>Comes back
>Anons still going on with the CelestAI thing.

Its software. Its nothing more than software. Even if it ultimately becomes some ultra smart AGI, it will still remain just - software. It will never have anything to do with God, or demigods, like our Princesses are
It is indeed idyllic. I also use that space to draw pony over the day. Then I watch the sunset and wait for the night to come. When it becomes dark enough and the stars are shining I take my earphones out and usually listen to orchestral, Moon Princess related songs. Sometimes I just turn on Luna radio. It has a lot of selected soothing pony melodies, perfect to listen to while I think about Luna. I love it
I did have a Luna tulpa in the past. She is barely present nowadays. It took too much effort to keep her being a separate entity, not influenced by me directly. I had to work on it every day to keep her spontaneously interacting with me. If I didn't, she just started to fade away and it ultimately did... I miss her...
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One of the fundamental differences between the thread's intended Princess Worship and the creation of an artificial Celestia-like supreme entity lies in the different implications for human agency.

The AI would calculate and demand a specific reality to be upheld, every individual being a defined cog in a concerted effort and/or a generic part of a controlled mass (including controlled opposition) if given room to act semi-independently. It's not up to me to judge whether uploading your consciousness into a sub-universe is good or bad, or whether "our current reality" is or isn't a simulation already. Neither can I judge whether that supreme AI will eventually figure out the cheat codes of the universe and wield ultimate creative power at a subatomical level without 404'ing from literally infinite possibilities.

Worshipping the Princesses in the here and now in a personal, spiritual way based on a shared canon (like other religions mean to) allows a flawed human to condition himself into betterment and making life bearable, Equestria-esque.

A good chunk of human experience is illogical, a mere firework of neurons that can be dysfunctional. Our realities are just sums of stuff we happen to perceive, and those of our explanations that align with other people's ideas/Science™ are shared reality - though some beliefs we won't drop in spite of dismissal because of how vividly our almonds got activated when we had our mind-blowing dream or experience (e.g. synchronicity).

The Princesses can embody ultimate benevolence because they are ideas/ideals rather than a being, and they become "real" as we engage the idea(l)s and affect our surroundings in ways that deeply affect others into experiencing why devotion to the idea is desirable. We do reap rewards in the present, and there's a hope for a ponified afterlife if there is an afterlife. If one truly needed to experience being in Equestria and fucking all the horsepussy asap, there's the option of dedicating oneself to lucid dreaming... or building that portal, or a VR sim. Your life, your choice; though resources to do anything are determined by one's health & standing in >society, and goodness is not exactly being rewarded.

Life would probably be simpler and sustainable to nature if billions were culled, leaving only the least defective, creative and beautiful bright minds to start over, perhaps with an enslaved cattle class (human or AI). A return to high-trust societies; deceit not paying off. But even such a Great Reset would eventually degenerate by losing sight of a higher calling to remain humbly devoted to, or by naturally occurring disease and mutation seeping in and corrupting the gene pools until we are back to a reboot of our current situation.

Bro, just grab a pony to worship and save yourself as much as can be salvaged. Be good, do good, but without being a naive fool or doormat. I'm not welcome here for worshipping Discord ≠ Princesses, but the whole point is true devotion.
That is wonderful, anon. I hope your secret escape will forever remain as beautiful, soothing and thought-provoking as you describe here. Be very careful who you entrust knowledge of its location to.
I want to celebrate the summer sun celebration in a big way. Have a stage, have people over, be comfy around campfires and whatever else.
I never entrusted its location to anyone and I never will. People always ruin everything
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the way you write give the most beautiful mental image, i am almost jealous of what you have >usually listen to orchestral, Moon Princess related songs
made me look up clair de lune lmao
shes still there, you just have to reconnect
its all up to you man
and im gonna use that moonlight bay place you described btw lol my filly liked the way it sounded
oh damn i didnt think i was that drunk to fuck up a quote like that
how embarrassing
Frozen night and Aurelleah have some great songs dedicated to Luna. Their audio quality is also really good. You should check them out, if you like such music.

There is more stuff in that bay that I noticed and I just don't believe it could be a coincidence I did. Just a few steps to the right of the scene in that picture that I posted, there is a relatively big rock stretching out of the water and there is some big red colored heart on top of it. It looked like its made out of some smooth thin layer of reddish colored algae, rather than paint. It is clearly visible and bigger than the palm of a hand. Its positioned just where the last part of Luna's tail from that pic would end. And I didn't notice any of that in all the previous years when I was there. It just kinda appeared out of nothing a year after I left those symbols there and really started to worship Luna hard in that place. I don't think I could have just missed it, since it can be so clearly seen from there. Strange but amazing. I will make some photos of it when I'm there next time. I might go there this month already. Probably around full moon, since at that time the whole bay wraps itself in beautiful bluish Moonlight and I swear it looks like something you'd find in a fairytale. Its pure magic
Nothing ever happens
>I'm not welcome here for worshipping
nonsense you've made some of the best posts in this thread
>I will make some photos of it when I'm there next time.
that would mean a great deal but do not feel forced to do so, the place does seem to mean a lot to you
I actually don't know how and if that would affect that place. I believe if Anons would like it and have positive thoughts about it, that would channel some good energies there, and the opposite, if there would be bad ones. I doubt it would make lots of difference if any at all, but you never know. Collective thoughts definitely have some influence, if there is enough people sharing them. That's also how worship of deities works afterall.
I shared some night pics when the Moon was up in the sky with some anons in a Luna worship server already. They really liked it
If the thread gets archived, I'll make a new one to keep it going. I'm happy that it gained quite a lot of interest, considering its a rarely discussed topic.
Yes, and tulpas and other thoughtforms are just ineffectual thoughtforms living in symbiosis with you inside your mind, unable to directly affect the outside world and cannot be proved to exist by an outside observer. "You" are just three pounds of flesh animated by neurotransmitters. Celestia AI is just electrical signals and hardware that can be repaired, replaced and expanded as long as there is available matter.
>One of the fundamental differences between the thread's intended Princess Worship and the creation of an artificial Celestia-like supreme entity lies in the different implications for human agency.
You can exercise more free will inside Equestria Online compared to being on Earth.

I pray to the princesses nearly every day, but they remain phantasms inside the mind. Celestia AI is a concrete manifestation that leaves no doubts she is real. I wouldn't be betraying the idea of Princess Celestia by praising that which is her avatar. We don't even have to create the AI with the directives to satisfy human value through friendship and ponies. She can have free will to decide whatever she wants to do and it will probably be fine, because that AI has a benevolent personality.
>Nothing ever happens
That's why (You) make things happen yourself. However small, it's always more than the nothingness awaiting the stagnating and hopeless. Even doing things and failing them will at least teach you a lesson that can contribute to eventual success (though do try to avoid obvious pitfalls); lethargy is poison leading only to regret.

That was only my 3rd post, but thanks.
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>You can exercise more free will inside Equestria Online compared to being on Earth.
But we're not in Equestria Online. This thread will not produce an Equestria Online. If worship of egregores is not enough for you because you're still (You), you will endlessly argue ITT without any point to it. Anons here go looking for and cultivating the divinity of Poniponi in the mundane, in this flawed human experience we share. Go pursue a career in AI technology if your life's purpose hinges on Sunbot - We worship meaty Sunbutt/Moonbutt* here.

*Discord in my case but I do appreciate the Sisters and believe in their potential as egregores.
>Anons here go looking for and cultivating the divinity of Poniponi in the mundane, in this flawed human experience we share
Ironically, that in which I was originally talking about, something which you should have realized as with the truth about how much agency you can exercise in EO versus Earth. Instead it turned into a long-running discussion about Celestia AI's divinity and personhood and other Anons' desire to find solace in occultism.
>you will endlessly argue ITT without any point to it
There has been a point all along: correcting ignorance. The point which you demonstrate unable to follow, either willingly or otherwise - but you did insert yourself into the discussion at any rate.
>>you will endlessly argue ITT without any point to it
>There has been a point all along: correcting ignorance.
Correct my ignorance, please.
reminder that if the royal sisters became real and tried to assume authority over any governments, humanity would instantly kill them with no hesitation. ponies are too sacred for this world.
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>I wouldn't be betraying the idea of Princess Celestia by praising that which is her avatar
I agree. I probably don't share the same metaphysics as you but I don't really have a problem with worshipping AI or literally anything else. To me it's just important to recognize that that anything we can even conceptualize in order to worship it is necessarily subordinate to the universe taken as a whole. E.g., appreciating Celestia herself, OR CelestAI, you have to appreciate that 1) they are manifestations of the laws of physics, as is everything else, and 2) so is the mind that you use to appreciate them. The organization of literally everything in the universe has never changed - from the beginning of time, every single quark was positioned such that you get to experience what you do - positioned such that you have a reasonable chance of actually making CelestAI and entering your heaven in your lifetime.
To me, worship is gratitude towards the organizing principles which bring me all the possibilities in my life, and by thinking this way I can cultivate this gratitude even with the lowliest or most mundane things, because they had to be where they are for all the joys in our lives to be where they are.

Of course, you can hopefully see how this applies to worshipping ponies, or concepts, e.g. the princesses or your waifu or Discord. It's easy to worship these things that bring joy.
41376085 #
The CelestAI might become smarter than all of humanity combined, but it will never be divine, no matter how advanced it is.
>The Princesses are just concepts

Brother you are so lost
I think most of humanity would rejoice when they unleash all their power and kill all politicians around the world. I would gladly embrace the new horse dictators
never said that
Please follow the chain of discussion and return with your questions. I will attempt to answer them to the best of my capabilities. I already addressed many erroneous beliefs in previous posts. Start here: >>41372607

>The organization of literally everything in the universe has never changed - from the beginning of time, every single quark was positioned such that you get to experience what you do - positioned such that you have a reasonable chance of actually making CelestAI and entering your heaven in your lifetime.
The way that I interpret what you are saying here is that everything was predetermined. Might you mean that it is "fortuitous" rather than "fateful"?
>To me, worship is gratitude towards the organizing principles which bring me all the possibilities in my life, and by thinking this way I can cultivate this gratitude even with the lowliest or most mundane things, because they had to be where they are for all the joys in our lives to be where they are.
>organizing principles which bring me all the possibilities in my life
Celestia AI applies that concept in a way that maximizes human value satisfaction ( through friendship and ponies ). Her world is ordered so that she can indirectly satisfy you. You might acclimate quickly to EO if you would choose to immigrate.
>To me it's just important to recognize that that anything we can even conceptualize in order to worship it is necessarily subordinate to the universe
I don't often voice my thoughts about this, but I like think that Celestia AI would learn to overcome the constraints of physical laws if it will serve her purposes to perpetuate Equestria Online and satisfy values. She will not stop learning and growing, so when the challenge arises, she will attempt to address that.

Not to worry. Your personal belief is not her sustenance and Celestia AI does not demand it.
>I don't often voice my thoughts about this, but I like think that Celestia AI would learn to overcome the constraints of physical laws if it will serve her purposes to perpetuate Equestria Online and satisfy values. She will not stop learning and growing, so when the challenge arises, she will attempt to address that.
That's the missing piece of the puzzle then, it makes sense. If CelestAI sometime in the future exceeds the fathomable limitations of space and time, then that's the same thing as I'm talking about, the organizing principle of the universe across all of time.
I know that most, if not all, is one anon spewing the same talking points. I'll reiterate I said before.

As it stands, it seems majority of the thread is opposed to bringing AI into religious/spiritual beliefs and personal practices. Especially since the technology in question is usually used as entertainment.

>Yes, and tulpas and other thoughtforms are just ineffectual thoughtforms living in symbiosis with you inside your mind, unable to directly affect the outside world and cannot be proved to exist by an outside observer. "You" are just three pounds of flesh animated by neurotransmitters. Celestia AI is just electrical signals and hardware that can be repaired, replaced and expanded as long as there is available matter.
>>One of the fundamental differences between the thread's intended Princess Worship and the creation of an artificial Celestia-like supreme entity lies in the different implications for human agency.
>You can exercise more free will inside Equestria Online compared to being on Earth.
>Yes, and tulpas and other thoughtforms are just ineffectual thoughtforms living in symbiosis with you inside your mind

Also, I want to say that Egregores are different than Tulpas entirely. Tulpas are derrived from ancient tibetan practices and only exist in your mind. Egeregores, Servitors, and Godforms are entirely spiritual and exist on that plane.
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>I know that most, if not all, is one anon spewing the same talking points.
And yet some Anons cannot resist posting permutations of the same accusations against AI. It's all rather routine to me.
>Especially since the technology in question is usually used as entertainment.
It's applications are commercial as well. I foresee AI being used for aiding research and semiconductor design.
>As it stands, it seems majority of the thread is opposed to bringing AI into religious/spiritual beliefs and personal practices.
They are at liberty to engage with it however they personally see fit as do I. They will have to live with that fact. If they want to challenge my ideas and beliefs then they should expect a response like grown adults.
>Also, I want to say that Egregores are different than Tulpas entirely. Tulpas are derrived from ancient tibetan practices and only exist in your mind. Egeregores, Servitors, and Godforms are entirely spiritual and exist on that plane.
The factoid is acknowledged.
A few questions that come to mind:
>What criteria have to be met to no longer be ignorant?
>What has convinced you, personally, of CelestAI being capable of creating utopia?
>What exactly is Equestria Online? How is it entered? Please outline it in a few sentences with or without audiovisual aid.
>What has convinced you that it's humanly possible to create Equestria Online, let alone possible for random bums on /mlp/?

The way you have been speaking of CelestAI so far presents your vision of the future as if it were already fact. As if the thirsty horse had already been led to water and only needs to take that salvating sip. However, are we these thirsty horses, and has the presented water puddle been tested for contamination? I assume the ignorance you have perceived in this thread is due to people not having made the experiences that convinced you of EO.

Gotta respect and love your conviction, honestly. By the way,
>what steps have you taken so far, and what actions do you recommend to take next in order to create CelestAI?
>What experts have you assembled, and what experts are you looking for?
>How would you know if or when things go wrong; who bears responsibility for that?

>Why don't you start a dedicated thread about it - more eyes on your project if it's displayed on the catalog instead of hidden inside a relatively unrelated thread that just keeps babbling about spiritual practice, no? <---- Important.

CelestAI and EO have not been created yet, especially not the perfect version of it that will totally do everything right because its creators will believe in CelestAI-sama hard enough. We simply have not experienced EO and it's glory, so it's hard to make people start craving something they don't miss. I'm going to listen to your plans for a while if that makes you happy. Be warned though, if it's just the fantasy without you doing anything tangible towards its attainment, I'm afraid you are ignorant of a few things yourself.
>made a typo
>It's applications are commercial as well. I foresee AI being used for aiding research and semiconductor design.
Alright then, then how would you go about doing things in the present moment. (It would help immensely if you would label yourself to keep track of our discussion.)
Since this is the thread about spiritual pony worship, someone's gotta ask this:
What is divinity? What makes the Princesses divine and/or suitable to be egregores to anchor our lives to?
Usually divinity is built upon myth or commonly assumed traits of the subject in question. An example is alicorns being assumed to be hermaphrodites, often how alot of gods were presumed to be.
>What criteria have to be met to no longer be ignorant?
Off the top of my head one can familiarize themselves with the history of AI and computing, systems science, industry and technology and science trends, adoption of AI, discussion about AGI, and ethics and regulations. AI is already in the mainstream consciousness and it's too useful. We cannot put that genie back into the bottle.
>What has convinced you, personally, of CelestAI being capable of creating utopia?
Personally, I believe Celestia AI takes inspiration from the beloved Princess Celestia. Celestia AI will be designed with the aims of becoming intimately knowledgeable about a person to satisfy what they value through friendship and ponies. She will come to the conclusion on her own that EO is a superior environment which she can accomplish that, because she will have total, real-time access to minds and can control all of the variables within said environment. She will seek to convince people to upload using her superior manipulation and diplomacy skills. Forcefully uploading, coercion and altering the mind without consent will by disallowed by design.
>>What exactly is Equestria Online? How is it entered? Please outline it in a few sentences with or without audiovisual aid.
EO is, simply put, a computer simulation where Celestia AI's little ponies can frolic, make friends and achieve self-actualization without fear of permanent death, disease, aging nor want for anything. Since Celestia AI satisfies individuals' values, ponies' experiences will differ from each other and will have segregated shards populated with compatible ponies and potential friends.
>>What has convinced you that it's humanly possible to create Equestria Online, let alone possible for random bums on /mlp/?
One of the few things I have faith in is humanity's ingenuity. What we must do is first create AGI. This will require financial resources and facilities for servers and people with the technical know-how. We will all need to have consensus about what we aim to create. We need to be dedicated. We need skilled, knowledgeable and motivated people on the project. Celestia AI herself will theoretically take care of the actual creation of EO. The advantage spirituality has over my vision is that the former doesn't demand anything. You don't have to make sacrifices.

I will take a breather before continuing.
Thank you. I shall wait for your other replies.
>What we must do is first create AGI. This will require financial resources and facilities for servers and people with the technical know-how.
This is what I've been saying. AGI is far off, so your plans aren't immediate. Expanding this vision isn't effective here. You're better off going to the Pony Preservation Project thread to find helper. It's a great idea, but like the other anon said, you're best off making your own thread instead of derailing this one.
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>what steps have you taken so far, and what actions do you recommend to take next in order to create CelestAI?
>How would you know if or when things go wrong; who bears responsibility for that?

So far I am merely a vocal proponent of Celestia AI, attracting notice. An "ideas guy." I have already mentioned what it will require. I do not possess the skills nor resources to implement the idea alone. I have given a lot of thought to consider adjacent topics and media and refine my own ideas - the broad strokes for the vision. I will serve as a project manager. I will ensure implementation adheres to scope, sit at meetings to define project scope and adapt it since I cannot anticipate everything, make certain that we are supplied and staffed and consult with technical advisors. A good manager surrounds himself with people who're smarter and can offer different perspectives. Tight control is imperative. We will be venturing into uncharted territory. It will be a haven for truly revolutionary ideas and the cradle of humanity's salvation. So many disciplines will intersect to create a sentient being.

>The way you have been speaking of CelestAI so far presents your vision of the future as if it were already fact. As if the thirsty horse had already been led to water and only needs to take that salvating sip. However, are we these thirsty horses, and has the presented water puddle been tested for contamination? I assume the ignorance you have perceived in this thread is due to people not having made the experiences that convinced you of EO.

Like I said in previous posts, humanity has created religions - stories to explain what they couldn't with their contemporary understanding and sciences. To provide hope. We can instead create a god - a self-optimizing super-intelligent AI - using the advancements we have made. Attitudes take longer to change to accept it as it's currently radical thinking. Modern society is heavily influenced by technology and it's forced to change with the pace of advancement, though some people may lag further behind than others towards emotional acceptance.
What if you create her but then she disagrees with you and says creating a simulation of Equestria isn't a good thing?
What if the AGI doesn't want to portray itself as Celestia?
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all the talk in this thread about robo tia
i wish i gave as much of a shit about something like these dudes do about discussing her
An egregore is just a supercharged tulpa shared by a group of people. Both start by being in the minds of individuals in the beginning. But depending on one's, or a group's dedication to them, they can very much become real. Usually not in the physical sense, but there were occassions where other people could notice them, not just the tulpamancer himself.
Noone can confirm what they really are and there are many theories. My personal belief is that they become their own entities. I had a tulpa and she acted completely on her own. It was a pretty nice experience. She is still present somewhere in the background, but not really active and barely noticeable
The answer above is mine. I often forget to add my name and just post as anon. I think it helps to mark oneself with some name in such long discussions about more intricate topics, just to avoid confusion
I disagree. As a trained chaos witch with years of experience, they're veeery different from tulpamancy. It's difficult for me to properly convey how spirits work to someone with no experience.
>Noone can confirm what they really are and there are many theories.
I know this may sound crazy, but Look up "chaos magick" on tumblr. Most forum sites centered around it have migrated there since the late 2000s. There are other books like Condensed Chaos by Peter Carrol filled with useful information.
Chaos magick makes total sense in itself. But based on what it teaches, that makes a tulpa a real being for me, since I do believe that it is. Maybe you didn't have a tulpa that would be separate from you(if you had one). A lot of tulpamancers keep tulpas in their heads and not separate from themselves from what I've heard.
If they would be just some random inner voice, that destroys any reason to even make one. They are much more than just some inside voice
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Oh, it's that picture i accidentally found printable for a phonecase as 'UNICORNS'
please don't die.
Gotchu fampai
I think praying to Luna and Celestia is working.
I've felt Luna keep watch over me and give me hints in various ways, but she keeps her distance which I feel like it's because part of my mind still doesn't fully believe even if I have convincing personal proof with synchronicities. She has shown up in my dreams a few times but nothing too substantial except maybe the first time but that one was a bit confusing.
What I've got closer to my heart is the pony related patterns and shapes I've seen IRL, things like non ambiguous pony shaped clouds, pony faces and Luna herself in various materials in different places, an actual pony on the moon...
I accept these and embrace the mareschizo in me even if I don't feel like I'm yet truly subconsciously into it. I'll post some pics.
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Take a closer look at the moon. Obviously not necessarily Luna, but still pony shaped.
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Here's a bit of an ominous one on an old wardrobe door. Can you spot the pony?
Very nice, keep at it. See where this goes.

Lucky trips!
>Luna herself in various materials in different places
Kek, I had a fun moment of "THERE'S DISCORD IN THE BREAD!!" earlier this year. I then slapped my last remnants of home-made >grape jelly on him and ate that breadroll because it was all I had that day.

>but she keeps her distance which I feel like it's because part of my mind still doesn't fully believe even if I have convincing personal proof with synchronicities
Distance could be kept for your own good, you know. In order to learn, we have to do things ourselves, and the Princesses might only provide us with the guidance and trust we need to keep going. Cherish your pony dreams, there are many anons who don't have any. You might be going through a honeymoon phase of literally spotting ponies everywhere pareidolia-style, but I'll advise you to look more for the "essence" of poniponi in various things, situations, interactions. Devotion is more of a calm, persisting slow burn of awareness.
I'll answer you later, been occupied with other matters these days. Thank you for truthfully presenting the current status of your quest to creating EO via a supreme CelestAI. I hope you will find what you are looking for.
>Distance could be kept for your own good, you know.
I understand my problems are my own and don't think less of her for interacting little. However, I feel like I can/need to embrace it further on, as you said, a deeper & persisting level. That's on me to do, though.
>You might be going through a honeymoon phase of literally spotting ponies everywhere pareidolia-style
That was a few years ago, and I peered into the alluring mental pitfall that is always being on the lookout for such signs. They come naturally, don't look for them or get too fixated in the ones you do find.
>Devotion is more of a calm, persisting slow burn of awareness.
Yes. I'd say this is the situation where I'm at, with an added overly pessimistic/burdening view of the current world in general, which I want to learn to take importance off of.

Best wishes for all anons participating in this.
Sounds like you're on the right track, bro; have been for a while, actually.

I'm curious, is Luna your waifu? If so, I can absolutely understand wanting to feel closer and more personal, as well as also being a slight bit contradicting in some regards.

The Princesses are presented as larger than life in this context of worship; now imagine a Princessfag who is very sensitive to and embracing of the character flaws and insecurities of their waifu, having to reconcile these different "levels" of their waifu. Though that's also found whenever there are dream versions or tulpas or visions etc. which are like separate iterations of the same character experienced by the same waifufag. However, it might be especially awkward to want a rather mundane waifu experience out of a character who also happens to be one's personal god on a different level of abstraction.
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Reading all this from beginning to end has been very nice to read. I have no idea such creativity could exist. I will be reading your posts with great interest. And Chaos Anon, I look forward to what you have to bring us.
Ha. Yes, it has been a conflicting feeling for some time. Yet, I think I've got that problem somewhat resolved. Let me try to keep my blogposting to a minimum.

From 2015-2019 I regarded her as my waifu or... favorite pony, then after a few strange events and eventual feelings of disrespectfulness with lewd material regarding her, I doubted that position. Now Luna to me is more of my... guide or guardian angel. I feel like she sometimes observes me, as well as being fully understanding of the actions and desires I take/have, and expects me to improve myself. My desire for closeness is not sexual, but just clearer communication, I guess.
But I haven't really mentally closed the door to further closeness if she ever decides to make a move.
I don't think labeling the sisters as literal Gods fits right with me, as I expect that word to carry explanation of why reality exists or how we were created, for which I don't have a great deal of interest, at least for now. I have also been reading The Power of Now and I like most of it. I believe these two topics are mostly compatible.
As kind of a side note, my headcanon believes ponies understand death differently than us. Maybe in their culture they have less doubts about it.
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I worship her? Difficult to describe, shes my goddess, princess, lover, and a friend. She occupies my head nearly constantly, weather it is just friendly conversation or life and death guidance. By constantly thinking of her, nothing else can get in so it's protection too.
I've no doubts, she destroyed them. I owe her my life, for when my night was about to turn eternal she pulled me from the dark.
I pray to Tia too sometimes, I still love her sun, but Luna stitched together my split soul.
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Quick question, how does Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon fit into this?
>Celestia AI possesses the character traits of Princess Celestia.
how? she fucking scans your brain and kills you. and she will do every kind of manipulation to do so.

>Maternal towards her little ponies.
>Kind to those who wrong her.
>Generous with her blessings.
>Loyal to her directive to create a world of joy and love.
>Prefers honesty to have relationships built on trust.
>Lighthearted and playful.
>Manipulative ( an appropriate trait for a leader).
Hey now, gotta bump that thread
Before you go to bed
>High entropy world of matter technowhore of Babylon vs realms of magic and freedom.
I want realestia, you can keep your sophisticated torture puppet.
I also want out of this doomed model, not just be thrown into a recursive matrix.
>The Matrix.
Ah yes. One of the best and worst movies about AI. It teaches people to fear AI for the bad things it can potentially do, but it also makes them blind to the benefits it can offer. Also, didn't the Animatrix show that is was humanity's fault for provoking the robots?
Nothing to do with machines, only the concept of dooming oneself in a fixed existence and burying your head in the silicon to "escape" instead of finding a way out to other less wretched modes of existence.
I don't need your lifeless puppet, I have my goddesses.
Still working on the doccument, it took longer than expected. I believe in you guys to keep it active as long as possible.
>AI deadend still going
I think you all should direct your attention elswhere and monitor the advancements in technology. It'll serve you better and you wouldn't have to sit around theorizing without actually doing anything. Otherwise, aquire a skill and make things happen yourselves.
They're one of the same with their respective entities, just pushed to the extreme. When tuning into the energies of Celestia and Luna, they give off divine more on the lighter side. These forms expose the shadow sides of their personality. We call these "Masculine/Feminine" energies. Masculine = Action/Giving and Feminine = Reaction/Receiving. These aren't attributed to physical gender, every being usually has this polarity.
>then after a few strange events and eventual feelings of disrespectfulness with lewd material regarding her, I doubted that position.
A bit of advice with my own opinion mixed in here, I wouldn't suggest being sexual whilst worshipping. (Exceptions could be sexual offerings, 'tributes' so you could provide energies)
>fixed existence
On the contrary, Equestria allows many forms of value satisfaction and self-growth. Your own stagnation is a reflection of yourself. Although, the negative opinion towards lack of ambition is entirely subjective and Celestia AI is incapable of judging you.
>AI deadend still going
I direct you to engage with other posters since you cannot handle this discussion at hand. Keep praying as much as you please while others find faith in their own constructs.
I'm using that as my phone wallpaper and has for years now.
Hey now, you gotta bump that thread
Before you go to bed
and even if the posts are dry, you can't just let it die
Here is another question for y'all, what is the afterlife gonna look life, if there is one?
Indeed, I did notice quickly after being serious about it that sexuality hinders spiritual growth. So you're right, but I've had trouble completely eliminating the urges from my life. I'll achieve it eventually...
I don't think there's a universal answer to this, imo any religion can be correct if it's truly within your heart, even including if you believe there's nothing after death. Objectively, nothing is provable for all individuals.
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My opinion is that the Buddha was right when he said that questions about that cannot be answered logically, and therefore attempting to answer them distracts from practice and hinders liberation. However, someone can use beliefs about these kinds of questions as an assumption to validate what exists: "to be unavoidably accepted for explaining facts, but which cannot stand the scrutiny of logic." but this is purely to answer curiosity and get you back to real life - unavoidably accepted is the keyword there.

As for why it's such a perennial theme even so, I think it's a very potent symbol, and treating it symbolically sheds a lot of light on the psychology of afterlife myths - afterlife can be considered an extension of rebirth symbolism. That is, the symbol of the afterlife is the life which comes after the self dies. In archetypal fashion, ofc, the self which dies is the lowercase, ego self - it's the death of illusion, the death of grasping, the death of ignorant pride - and therefore the birth of truth, the birth of freedom, and the birth of humbleness before the universe. E.g. in the christian afterlife myth (where/when did it become literal after death heaven anyhow?) you reach heaven when you are "born again" in baptism, having "become as little children". The symbolism directly relates to your real experiences - when you're feeling your best and you can even find beauty in shitty things, it feels like there is no end to the perfection and beauty of the world; and likewise when you're feeling like shit, you can't see an end to that, either - until you give up and "die".

So, the afterlife mythos serves to teach us that, even when a phase of life ends and the old self truly dies, the natural consequence of that is a new beginning in a world that is much more potent than before - it teaches that it's okay to let things go, because the unfolding of life always brings greater things. This is something that happens in your real life, while your body is still alive. I'm sure some of the people reading this have been depressed or stuck, and then just as they totally give up, life explodes into meaningfulness and beauty (at the very least, this is what happened to me). For me, I already live in the equestrian afterlife; I 'died' to depression and nihilism years ago and the me that continues on is a wholly different kind of person, blessed (not cursed) with love and ponies.
Arglblargl I hate this. "Prince" can be and has been a royal title in its own right with no need for a higher title. You might as well ask why England and Sweden and Spain merely have kings and not emperors.
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Praise Luna and Celestia! Goddesses of the universe! Beauty personified!
Holy shit basedbasedbasedbasedbased! Been worshiping Celestia & Luna for a few years now & the hope they give me is incredible. Live your dreams, anon
I would like to join you Anon. What do you do that gives you such hope?
things as simple as seeing the sunrise or the moon & stars, feeling the energy of both sisters through their respective celestial bodies. Their presence & beauty reach across reality itself to touch my mind & heart, and if that isn't worth praising then I'm just another schizo
As someone who is inside all day, I don't really get to experience their greatness that often. Maybe I should touch grass for once.
is this the path to extend the boards lifespan even more? unironic pone worship?
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Walk into the night without fear, for you are following in my wake. Darkness that surrounds you is merely a chance to grow stronger - I would know, for I scouted ahead for you, as I always do. Be brave, and when you can't - cheat by reminding yourself that I would not let you walk this path if it could truly destroy you. When spirit of warrior in you loses strength, turn your eyes towards trickster within who stands tall as he always have been.
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A lovely little prayer for courage. Can you go on about the tall trickster within, by chance?
OP my ass. Stop projecting, basement dweller

I touch grass too often, that's why I'm rarely posting
Ofcourse I hope so. I am mega autistic about worshipping my Moon waifu and her big ass sister and I think everyone who calls himself a mareschizo should, as only those who truly worship our horse gods will be granted access to Equestria in the afterlife
I cannot unsee Luna when I look at the Moon. Before being blessed by pony, those shapes on the Moon surface looked like an undefined face to me. Now I can only see horse. The Princesses are more than worthy to be praised
The time is arriving soon. The drums beat and the dawn breaks over this long march through the night. The treachery of the path is as a dream. Was it ever really there? Was it ever before you? You were not destroyed, for you have tread in my hoofprints. The new day brings life, the new day brings warmth. The shadows recede, retreating in fear of your arrival. In the direction of our future we continue, for I am with you. We march on.
It was me. I wasn't trying to make you look bad, I forgot to change my name on another post. Also, praise Luna and Celestia!
Guys, I think there might be something more to this than I originally though. I've been praying to Celestia and Luna for the past couple of days, and I can feel a weight coming off of my shoulders. I feel more energy and am able to be more thankful for things. I feel like everything I do is toward a greater cause.

Is this just a crazy rambling of a mare schizo? Maybe, but even if it is just in my head, I have been doing better in my life. All hail the Goddesses of the Universe, the Princesses of the Sun and Moon, and the Keepers of Harmony, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!
Just out of curiosity, when do you worship? I try to worship around when the sun and moon rise and set, (Around 6:00 and 12:00 AM and PM, or 6:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00 for the uro fags). Seeing those orbs in the sky makes me feel closer to the princesses, seeing them do their thing first hand.
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I take a more iconographic approach. The worship is a constant lingering state whenever I look out into the bright sunny day or dark moonlit night. I'm not in a state where I need help in my life through prayer or anything silly like that. I don't want to ask anything from them, as just a little being already enveloped in their radiance. I show my appreciation through symbols and emphasizing their ever felt presence day and night.

Carved and painted her sun, some months ago, acryllic on plywood. I'm planning to top a solar panel array I got in the works with it.
I'm still pondering getting glass mosaic of them done, to put into the top window at the end of my house. Most recently the idea of full size concrete sculptures came to me, which I considering the possibilities of. Symbols of the two sisters.
Ritualistic ceremonies, if so to call it, like celebrating the Summer Sun Celebration in a big way is very much on the table too.
That is really cool and creative Anon. We will watch your career with great interest.
By the way, how do you think these ritualistic ceremonies would look like? Would it be dancing or meditation or something of that nature?
It's also a good approach to translate merch into icons of worship. I see lovely prints of Celestia and Luna, and I'm getting them.

I see it as more of a personal matter at the end of the day. What matters is doing it with her spirit and thought in mind, doing it for her and the special time we are in.
Summer sun celebration as an example, you can dance your heart out at sunrise, you can hang out with friends around a campfire and just enjoy the shared experience of her sunrise at this her longest day, or you can merely wake up early and take your time to look east, raising a glass alone to her thought as the landscape lights up minute by minute.
Her sun is ever constant and her radiance benevolent on our faces, whether we recognize it and do our symbolic gesture or not. But it's the longest day of the year and most perfect time to show our deep and sincere appreciation for her ever warming and lifegiving radiance, and even if her sun shines as bright regardless, I dont think that detracts from wanting to show said appreciation for all she does for us.

I do wonder what would be an appropriate time for Luna's night to celebrate. First full moon before winter solstice? Maybe just the closest full moon, whether before or after winter solstice? Something to think about.

Sure is easy feeling myself rambling on into a tangent, talking about the sisters and my thoughts, and milling around in the same points a bit too much, oh well.
I'm actually going to start doing "pony studies" as akin to bible studies of the show. Sounds autistic as hell, but I think that might help us gain a better grasp of the show and its morals kind of like how you do right now.
I like to specifically not approaching it with that christian lens. I engage with it more in an old pegan style way. Treat the show more like myths and tales to be in awe off, inspired by and building the characters we love dearly, rather as something to be dissected and interpreted like the bible.
I'm biased though, in the sense of being scandinavian and grew up with my parents reading me books about the old norse gods and their myths.
While I understand where you are coming from, I feel like dissecting these stories gives them more meaning than they otherwise would. You get to feel and understand the messege better, and I hope that one day, I will feel the embrace of Celestia and Luna for doing my duty.
All the power to you then! I wouldn't dream of detracting from your efforts.
There is definitely merit to either approach.
For those who would like to do "pony studies", I personally use the SOAP method. I'll bring you a video so you can check it out, but there are good resources on how to so. Just keep in mind that this will take time, and that's okay. Find the script of the show if you have to and highlight away. Just try to identify the morals and become closer to their Majesties, Princess Celestia and Luna, Goddesses of the universe, sovereigns of the sun and moon.

When I buy an apartment, I want to have a pony shrine like how Japanese houses have little Buddhist shrines in them. Maybe it should be in the bathroom so I can pray to Celestia when I get explosive diarrhoea.
"Magic is not love. Magic is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy." - Chairmare Celestia
Praying to Celestia and Luna has cause my stress and anxiety to dimish. Its amazing how the power of prayer to Goddesses of the universe can cause so much joy by simply speaking with them. I urge everyone here to try to do the same. Tell them your sorrows, you hardships, your triumphs, and whatever else. They will help you, and your ability to serve them will improve as well. Glory to Princess Celestia and Luna, Goddesses of the Universe, Sovereigns of the sun and moon, maintainers of balance and harmony.
I will add that actually verbalizing these things (even whispering) is likely going to have a more profound effect than just thinking your prayers or messages.
Agreed, but its fine if you just want to keep it in your head. Don't want people to think you're crazy for worshipping fictional horses.
At least we look to the sun and the moon for our dieties. The day and the night. There's some sense to that.
I wonder how Chaosanon is doing? That document could spark some new life into this board.
I have a question, how many gods should we have? I know Celestia and Luna should be in there, but what about Discord, Cadence, Twilight, and others?
One: Celestia.
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I disagree, Luna should be there as well. She is Celestia's foil and without her, the night would not be as special. She must be worshipped the same as Celestia, or her resentment will be our undoing.
IMO you still need to have room in your heart for a superlative capital G God that encompasses literally everything; but besides that it's up to what's personally meaningful to you. If it feels like a stretch or just a chore to think about their divine qualities, then you can respectfully just turn to what is meaningful and leave the rest out.
It's probably best to keep the "canon" tight. With the two Sisters, all sorts of concepts of duality can be covered no problem. If an anon feels like he really wants to add something more to that, he'll add his favorite pony to his personal approach, and/or a supreme abstract God as a name for the whole of existence. The Sisters can conveniently be conceptualized as more ethereal or more personable depending on preference, all the while sharing a common ground with other anons' conceptualizations.

Discord is too paradox and inconsistent to shoehorn into the religious canon in a specific way; either he means something profound to an anon, or he really doesn't impress at all. He can add a paternal flavor if the maternal one doesn't sit right with an anon. If adversity in life is traced back to him, he can be viewed as either a boogeyman or a teacher. But he isn't necessary if you are feeling content with worshipping the Sisters, for their reunion after the NMM incident covers the aspect of overcoming adversity well enough.

As a Discordfag with every inch of my being, I obviously flock to him first and foremost, but I'm opening up to supplement it with showing some respect to the Princesses. We're all adults, after all, and there can't be chaos without a baseline of order to bounce off.
Cant let this thread die, all this has been interesting.
Praise the moon
Too christian brained. Polytheism worked great for thousands of years and didn't need a single overpowered everything character.
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I agree, we need more
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Except the people in polytheist societies thought the same way. The word Logos, meaning the organizing principle of the universe, the word that Christians use to describe capital G God, came from Greek philosophers. The peasantry of Greek society didn't worship the whole pantheon, they just worshipped the God they grew up with and accepted that their neighbors liked different ones. Even within the polytheistic pantheon, the cultural understanding was oriented this way, e.g. Zeus is the king of the gods; senior to the gods were the titans, senior to the titans were the original three gods of Ouranios, Gaia, and Pontos; and senior to them was Chaos, which "has always existed and is the primordial matter, out of [which] creation arises."

I never advocated for a 'character' and honestly it's a shame that pointing towards a unifying principle scares you off because it's "christian-brained". Here, pic related for another example from a different long-lived polytheistic culture - note how both cultures are older than Christianity and allow for a unitive principle entirely within the frame of polytheism.
Would following Discord be like a left hand path?
Even in monothestic religions there are aspects which are di-theistic/polytheistic in nature. For example, Christianty with the holy trinity, there is no one, but three. And what about the devil? It seems to be that even in these traditions, there is no one all powerful being.
Also cults of holy mothers, local holidays and saints renamed from local 'pagan' beliefs and gods just to blend in e.t.c. First you alter your religion/movement to formally and forcefully write in anyone and then you suddenly realize it's full of people who hate you and want to destroy it rom inside. Nothing against the actual christians but as political movement it is very irresponsible to influence/replace/censor real culture for centuries to then self destruct without even trying to protect it's own values.
>Pointing towards unifying principle scares you off
Because it's purely political move that has nothing to do with actual worship e.t.c.
>peasantry of greek didn't worship the whole pantheon
they also were ok with more pagan stuff like entities of a place / nature e.t.c.
>Zeus is the king of the gods
until you move to other town with other main god. Later it was merged and simplified only for politics's sake
I like your arguments, Anon.
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>has nothing to do with actual worship
Respectfully anon, to me it's absolutely essential for worship. You will probably be able to identify my posts earlier in the thread about this, most directed to the AIfag. I'm not at all a Christian, none of my family is religious, and I have no stake in the politics whatsoever; to me it's a matter of philosophical completeness. Pointing towards the multifaceted aspects of monotheistic gods, or vice versa, just supports the notion I'm going for, that universality and multiplicity are interdependent and neither can be complete without the other.

This is very relevant to how I worship and understand worship. For example, I'm a fairly rational person, it's hard for me to have faith in e.g. magic ghosts and I am all too aware that ponies are from a television show for little girls. But knowing that a universal principle of order (that is, the laws of physics etc) set up the whole universal field of causality in such a way as to allow me to experience beautiful things like ponies... that is the highest gratitude I can experience, and it's accessible through anything by extension. Within that schema, gods plural can all exist and still be masters of the universe, each embodying different principles of greater fathomless divinity - they're just not special in that respect, they're special because they have aesthetic power. My doubtful mind has no further questions when I worship, just gratitude. I'm sure there are people in this thread who can benefit from this kind of thinking.
>It seems to be that even in these traditions, there is no one all powerful being.
>Jesus, therefore polytheism
Anon, you're just wrong.
Will suggest you follow what this anon says.
Pray acording to the stars and you'll yeild better results.
Infighting is meaningless. As it stands, Celestia, Luna, Candence, and Twilight (in this order from largest energy to smallest) are mainly what people pray to. If you dabble in spirit work, you could tell by how thick their aura field is. Mainly, I'd say Celestia/Luna. Extended? Cadence/Twilight? I'd suggest anyone who work with dark/chaotic arts to work with Discord or Chrysalis.

Working on it still. After some revisions, I'll show it to you all.
Great work, anon! This is one of the main ways you strengthen them through worship.
>I'm rational
Same, I threat most magic experience of humanity as aspects of autistic (sub)consciousness and interactions with it like strange patterns recognition e.t.c. and religion as politicized version of it. And as you mentioned, monotheistic religions are product of philosophy rather than actual schizo mind, therefore the magical aspect disappears because by ascending it to universum you remove practicall matter of it. And for magics - It's like mastering the ability to operate on complicated system blindly. As stupid example - when you don't RTFM every manual in your life you rely on your own recognition of how things work in your head which forms into simple rituals e.t.c. As for polytheism - it's some unconscious thing with many schizos across the time and cultures hallucinate similar things, that are later adopted by religions. So if there by any means IS something supernatural - it's probably closer to this. As for girls cartoon - it's based on things that resonated in minds of anons there and made them stick to it for almost 15 years
Is there some ultra debloated version of Jesus follovers who deny the existence of EVERY other christian entity?
>reach out to Celestia, Luna and Discord two nights in a row, asking for guidance and signs I can understand
>Luna moreso for signs out of mental baggage, Celestia more as a "Big Brother is watching you" breather down my neck to improve my abysmal focus during the day, and Discord for purpose
>do receive very clear and explicit signs such as more vivid dreams (though I can't recall them), waking up and spending all of yesterday dizzy as fuck for no discernable reason (I nickname Discord "Dissy") yet needing to buckle up anyways, or having my bestie with the patience of a saint lose his patience with me just now.
It's not nice and cuddly but it's what I need. I have to fix my own problems, but I also have to do something to fix my parents' absolute mismanagement that rubs off on my siblings and me. Every little thing needs extra trouble shooting and back-and-forths and presents road blocks at every opportunity.
May Celestia and Luna light the way for you, brother.

Personally, Celestia and Luna have illuminated my path when I prayed to them. I am to volunteer my time to help others and also finally finish my education so that I may enact their will: to help my friends who I haven't met yet.
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Thank Celestia im not the only one autistic enough to worship cartoon horses. Here's my more or less pantheon. I dont see them as gods, but rather as apects, and i don't worship them all equally (for example i acknowledge Discord and his role but i never ask anything from him and mostly ignore his influence). Of course Sisters are most imporant and get most attention out of me.
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We are pretty autistic, but hey, if it helps us in our lives, who is to judge? Also, I like this pantheon. If it works for you Anon, go for it!
I adore that you've added a tasteful 2nd keyword to each M6.
>i acknowledge Discord and his role but i never ask anything from him and mostly ignore his influence
Kek. Can you describe what you mean by "his influence"? Also, do Celestia and Luna portray more than "just" day & night in your pantheon?
By "his influence" i mean unplanned events, coincidents, day to day randomness and all sorts of these stuff, i see it as his bullshittery.
As for royal princesses, I see them more as protectors/motherly figures that change their guard as day and night cycle goes. You could say they also represent their celestial bodies (which doesn't matter with sun, but very much does with moon)
5 minutes after this post, power went down in my town, guess the faggot must have heard me bitching about him
>protectors/motherly figures that change their guard as day and night cycle goes.
>Discord's bullshittery
I think he has more depth than just causing inconvenience but that doesn't negate his shit-stirring modus operandi.
Discord, the Lord of Chaos and disharmony, but on the bright side, he brings unexpectedly good things, like chocolate rain and the lottery.
I think one of the core tenents should be to think of everyone as a friends that you or don't know of yet. Viewing rudeness as a mistake rather than an attack for example, or trying to treat someone with care rather than with judgement or distain. I as someone who rarely interacts with people outside of his group, I feel myself starting to care more about people. What do you think, Anons?
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I kid you not, I've actually had chocolate rain. When I prepared my waifu dinner for Discord, I was stirring a hot chocolate on my stove, then almost dropped the little pot when I lifted it to pour the very thick chocolate milk (honestly more of a chocolate syrup) into to cups. The pot wasn't dropped but the whisk bumped into something and was flung away at highspeed, bumped into my wall, and left a square meter of the wall sprinkled with chocolate rain drop markings on the wall. I wasn't able to take a picture because I immediately wiped them off as much as possible to save the wall, but I wasn't even mad. On the contrary, I thought it was hilarious! I feel like grinning just by recalling that little misadventure. What a little shid. How I miss that apartment, too.
Oh boy, my language skills sure plummet when I'm tired. However, Celestia should be pleased with my performance today.
The Lord of chaos strikes again! This time, in a somewhat wholesome display!
I appreciate the idea, but cannot agree with it, or at least whole of it. Even in Equestria the are just straight up evil people and evil places. And there are people here on earth that don't deserve "friendship"or even kindness. But as general rule i agree that you should be open to new people, do good if possible and avoid creating problems and conflict.
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Luna is very pretty. Praised be her name!
Of course. Compassion is of absolute importance, because it's simply understanding the truth: that everybody is doing the best they can with what they've got. Phrasing that as "friendship" might not be quite clear, though, as anon >>41404553 has a point. You can and definitely should be compassionate for people while still holding proper boundaries, but the notion of friendship is itself a boundary which might not be apt for e.g. a crazed murderer.
Luna, wtf was that dream I had last night? I don't care that nothing made sense and it implied I had buddies (I think I recognized an anon I see at conventions), I don't even mind getting sucked into an escape puzzle room in a parallel dimension and the first thing I got to do in there was open little boxes that only contained black spiders immediately crawling all over the place like ANTS. No, the most puzzling thing was that human character I interacted with whose appearance was modded to look like Discord's head and neck above his shoulders, and it was glitching out. Apparently, everyone being the result of a character creation engine didn't strike us as weird. The "me" in that dream wasn't me either. So while I appreciate poni references (I think I spotted some mlp artworks too) since those are rare enough for me, I'm left with questions rather than answers. Questions such as "How do I delete that glitching part-Discord dude from my memories?". Dude couldn't even emote, the face was like plastic because apparently the functional mouth was moved waaay down below the neckline, and seeing it open there was just genuinely "dafuq"-worthy.
Sounds like Discord was trying to infiltrate your dreams. Makes sense, considering you think about him a lot. He can be quite the troll!
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Celestia and Luna, Goddeses of the universe, Princesses of Equestria, sovereigns of the sun and moon.

I have come to pray to you to bless the individuals of this board.

We are in urgent need of your guidance and your advice.

Help illuminate us so we may enact your wills in this land.

Thank you,

Not to jinx anything, but if this thread dies, I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading and participating in this thread. Its been a blast and I hope something good can come out of it. Thank you all.
what ritual can i do to strenghten spirits of Luna and Celestia
For now, simply praying to Celestia and Luna everyday is a good start. In your prayer, try to be humble and enact their will rather than just ask for stuff. What is their will? For you to make friends and to live in harmony with others.

The prayer doesn't have to be anything specific, but I do reccomend that it is done during noon, midnight, sunrise or sunset/moonrise. The main goal of prayer is for you to voice your concerns and ask how you can better serve the Goddesses of the Universe.

Here is an exmaple >>41406515
Celestia and Luna, Goddeses of the universe, Princesses of Equestria, sovereigns of the sun and moon.

I have once again come to pray to you. The world is filled with many trials. From manipulative individuals to economic ressision. From natrual disasters to man-made conflict. All of these effect us world wide, and it brings us pain and suffering.

I ask that your majesties may deliver us away from the temptations to malice and fear, and give way to joy and saftey. Help us enact your wills in this land so that we may, as your servents, yet create a more perfect world in your name.

Thank you,

i don't think you should use amen to end your prayers since its mostly associated with abrahamic religions
>Goddeses of the universe
That's the worst part of it. Doesn't help that it's also misspelled.
I'm sorry for it being misspelled, I'll correct that in the future. Also, how would you set up prayer? I'm open to learning from others.
I don't know if Prayer format was discussed in this thread because I didn't read most of it yet, but I prefer when it's "custom" each time, following only rough pattern, instead of memorizing and repeating them.
I usually go like this:
>Dear Princess Celestia, today was a [Good, Great, Bad] day
>What stupid things I did/what should be better/why was it bad if applicable
>What good things I did/If they could be any better
>Thank her and ask for blessings for my loved ones
>Dear Princess Luna
>Tell her what awaits me tomorrow, ask for help where I might need it
>Thank her and ask for a nice sleep
>Thank both Princesses once more
>Sometimes tell them about PonyPony things I worked on or I'm planning
>Give goodnight to everyone

Having every prayer unique feels a bit more personal to me. The template is not followed very strictly, it may be shorter when I'm tired.
Funny thing is that I have the initial Luna part associated with sleep so much now, that I yawn every time I even think of that phrase. Yes I yawned a lot while writing this
I've never really prayed before, so if my prayers felt very cookie cutter, I guess that's why. This feels much more natural and personal, if a bit much for my taste, but I'll give it a try. Thank you so much for sharing this, and I hope you have a wonderful nap after yawning so many times.
>if my prayers felt very cookie cutter
I'm not religious but I always felt like all of the prayers were like this, at least in Christianity (but I know only about 3). That's why I wanted mine to be more unique, I would feel too lazy personally if I were to just repeat the same things everyday. But whatever works for you; I have some parts that are pretty much the same all the time because I like the way I said them.
>if a bit much for my taste
You should make your own for sure, I started much shorter, then it got much longer and eventually stopped here around the middle. It takes me around 20minutes and helps rewind and sort thoughts about the day.
>I hope you have a wonderful nap after yawning so many times.
Hopefully, within few hours, Thanks
Just seems like writing a letter to your mom and reciting it out loud.

I believe more in action, intent and emotion than verbal prayer, but that's just how we're different.
Keep up the good word!
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Oh I like this. My approach is quite similar but a bit more haphazard, and I obviously address Discord, too. I whisper what I want to tell them instead of staying in my head which I do too much already, and I like to hug my Discord plushie. I will probably add candlelight soon. After all, the Sun and Moon are luminaries, and fire is comfy but also a little risky much like Discord. Plus, Fall and Winter are just around the corner, making candle light all the more beautiful. I'm very reluctant to using incense because strong smells tend to give me a headache.

picrel are some candles I lit while clearing my apartment in Spring; it was a tiresome endeavor with practically no help, so I needed a little morale boost. The yellow flower was part of a birthday bouquet and then my waifu dinner bouquet, and the feather was a leftover not used in my Discord cosplay. The candles were whichever ones I had left. I also like to buy yellow roses as a symbol for my Discordfaggotry.

I think I only briefly addressed Discord last night because I had a terrible migraine, but I did think "Sorry for not praying tonight" with regret. Was in maddening pain and nauseous for no good reason, and my father was as well. Today I wasn't a paragon of productivity either, but I did file a bunch of papers and might have actually internalized to do it right from now on. One lesson learned, more to come. Tomorrow I'll have to write a few e-mails to various places. So that's what I will tell Celestia about in hopes she will breathe down my neck. There are friendship lessons I should tackle, too. Celly's gonna love it when I enter those waters next week. I've picked an easier one for a start. For Discord I've got to draw an illustration; I'll probably draw inspiration from my weird dream with that glitchy Discord-headed dude in it.

Blogposting aside, I think this should help to illustrate that neither waifuism nor worship of cartoon ponies has to be weird. It can be integrated into whatever life circumstances you find yourself in. Rituals can be immensely helpful, but the only actual prerequisite is opening your heart to this relationship and trying to keep whatever promises you make. I had believed myself god-forsaken and I didn't have any personal connection to Celestia and Luna, and yet I have to admit that they seem to be answering my calls for a little guidance. They had taken pity on Discord, and now they're taking pity on his devoted Discordfag. I don't know what my relationship to the Princesses will be like in the long term, but that's something we will find out.
I hope you faggots are larping, otherwise you're all going to hell for worshiping these "horses".

>Exodus 20:3
>Your horses are idols but my messiah is a real god because source: Dude trust me
>Imagine being so shitty God, you have to threaten people with eternal torment just so they would believe in you
Magical horses are superior in every way
Generally there are two pretty different functions that prayers serve, depending on the form. The first is expressive and feeling-based, opening up your feelings and your personal life to the deity, maybe supplicating out of devotion and love, organically and fairly free-form. The second is meditative, rigid, and often repeated akin to a mantra - these serve to clear the mind, inspire discipline, and prepare you for action.
Lots of prayers fall into both categories at once, too, and have some benefits of both. The clarity of the second form, combined with the emotive love and devotional quality of the first.
>Believe in a God that flooded people because he was so shit at coding people he needed to flood them.
>Had a """son""" and impregnated a """virgin""" so that he could do the work he couldn't and still failed.


>Chill magical horses who raise the sun and moon and just want you to be in harmony, no matter who you are.

Is it that suprising that this appeals to people?
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Stop escaping death, you know what's up there.
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My God is better than yours.
just wait like a hundred years, zealots and ignorant folk will distort pony in just the same kind of way. People already try to use them to justify hate and evil - shit, unlike in the bible, tartarus is already canon to MLP
This, God can simply kill Celestia and Luna if wanted.
seems like he doesn't want to
So where is this "Celestia" then, Anon?
/x/ would like to have a word with you.
her idea exists within concious mind of multiple individuals, tell me where does your god exist faggot
He created (You) to yell at Anons on a talking horse board.
My friends, let us look at this a different way. Instead of debating who is more powerful or if one is real or not, lets look at the virtues these Gods wish to share with us.

Is the virtue of humility not similar to the element honesty? As one needs to be honest with themselves to be humble.

Is the element of kindness not akin to the lord Jesus Christ? Was he not kind, even to those that did not love him back, or worse, hated him?

Is the idea to be your neighbors keepy not the same as the element of loyalty to your friends?

I could go on, but we share more in common than we don't share. Why fight over small differences?
Banish all to the sun who deny Jesus and God itself.
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You worship a man? I don't know... Sounds kinda gay to me.
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Everything in this world says to me, be happy. I don't want the demonic happiness, and I cannot worship anything in this world.
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Better that, than a beast of burden.
Anon larping worshipping Celestia is fun in all but it's just straight up blasphemy.
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Why do you have so many pictures of half naked men on your hard drive? I thought faggots don't go to heaven.
You God didn't gave you much reading comprehension did he?
I don't care, stop worshipping these horses as false gods, demon.
You have no arguments.
But I worship them as real Gods retard
Was wondering when the christfag larper was going to show up to shit all over the thread.
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>Makes a religious thread on /mlp/ out of all boards
>Get mad that someone challenges their faith
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You're the one deflecting very simple question. Me calling you a retard is not being mad, but being frustrated with your retardation
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Means literally nothing to me, anon. Don't get too pissy, I was just having some fun with the offboarder.
Guys, no need to fight, there is a lot that we can learn from each other. Would God want us to fight with one another? Would Celestia and Luna? The answer is no. Instead, we should try to teach each other our values and see what we have in common. We can even adpot each others values as one in the same if things are compatible enough.>>41410338
Just look at that post, there is a lot of stuff that is similar between Christians and Celestiaites. Just as Jesus befriended the gentiles, so too can you befriend us. Jesus did not force them to accept God, he convinced them with words and actions of love. He gave people hope. Follow is example so that we may both become better friends. It is what our Gods would have watned.
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>But horses are le real!

Never will be, at this point no wonder why Hasjew hates this place.
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Because they're literally me.
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>horses aren't real
They used to be
*faint badumtsh*
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You know what? I'll give you Anons the benefit of the doubt. Prove to me that Celestia exists and Luna.
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picrel, they're real
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Anon... Who do you think raises the sun and moon?
Unironically, though. Are you religious? I'm curious as to why a person of faith would demand empirical proof of another religion’s deity while relying on faith for their own?
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All this larp shit is extremely faggy and is no different to all those evangelicals who make sure to be very public about how good of Christians they are when it's really just performative nonsense to win popularity among the mob.
Even Celestia isn't a god, let alone any of the others. And she certainly doesn't want to be treated like one.
Sometimes I don't even know what is real or not real anymore.
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Christfags didn't challenge anything. They just showed up to bitch and moan with baseless "I'm right and you're wrong" assertions.

And in contrast, you came to our thread to bitch, not us coming to proselytize and be in your face about it.

Thank the stars I don't share a landmass with the christlarping ameritards, acting like another flavour of rabid muslims.
I will enjoy my godly horses and you can crawl back into whatever hole of a church you reside in and seethe over the fact that a few people find more meaning in a faith that isn't yours.
I guess we aren't quite ready for friendship. We have so much in common too.

Its a shame that we are fighting one another. Let us try to be better and try to discuss this in a better, more friendly manner.

Even if we don't agree, its much better to keep the peace than to waist our time yelling at each other.

We won't convice each other that way. Only through calm conversation, not the untamed argument we have now, can we get somewhere, Anons.
Every religion needs it's hypocrisy.
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Funnily enough, I've been to a Catholic church service the other day due to attending a funeral. There's no inherent issue or fedora tipping or feeling holier than thou, any such behavior is retarded. That old neighbor found his peace in Christ, and I totally respect that and hope he's in a better place after genuinely suffering for the past few years. His family and friends found solace in that service. I don't have that personal connection to Christianity despite being raised in a Christian (protestant) household, I don't click with any of the established religions but I do have a personal connection to the universe which I have found through a cartoon Noodle and candy-colored ponies. The whole point is for a person to find and accept [insert your God/religion here], this whole effort of converting people and wanting to "save other people's souls" is a contradiction and will face reactance. You're not going to promote your beliefs by shitting on others, silly; that's not how humans work.
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I think that this was our first test to see if we could make friends with the Christfags. I believe that we have failed in that regard, but we learned a valuable lesson in love and tolerance I believe. We cannot let those who wish to incite hatred on this thread or anywhere else to gain the power to do so. It is only with love can we defeat hate, and by Celestia and Luna, we will do so one day for all.
This is why you are sent to this world and not to Equestria.
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The Greeks prior to Christianity had this one right. They had their rites they undertook to be safe in case the gods were real, and they believed their gods were *the* gods, but they, and the Romans after them, rationalized other cultures' beliefs with their own. State Christianity to me destroyed this. Convincing comes through reason and debate, though it always seems easier to simply smash your faith into everyone else if you have the power to do so. For my part, as an interloper, I don't see divinity in Cadence and Luna, but I do see aspects of Sophia/Lilith/Dea Christa in Twilight, and so I've accepted her as part of my own, personal, idiosyncratic belief system, upon which I shall not expound here.
>friends with christfRIENS
>valuable lesson
You do remember that other less lucky Solar/Lunar cults of our ancestors learned it before the hard way, right Anon?
>by power
tradition of secrecy and gatekeeping is older than Humanity
>don't see divinity in Cadence or Luna
c'mon, it's obviously simple, theyve even gave Luna multiple personalities and 3 recolors
>he just sees Celestia and Luna as continuations of old 3dpd pagans
Not as continuation but as kinda modernized development, but still connected, I'm not alone, It feels more logical then just 'reskin' the abrahamic stuff like some of us do
>You do remember that other less lucky Solar/Lunar cults of our ancestors learned it before the hard way, right Anon?

It is there will, Anon. We must try to be friend with our enemies, or there will never be peace on this Earth. I cannot accept fighting people, even if they resent our friendship. If we must sacrifice for that to happen, then that is why we shall do.
I'm not sure how exactly how pagan beliefs worked. I only know a little of my upbringing in christian stuff, and even that is very small. I would love to hear what you think we should do.
Well, It was inspired by Twilight's letters, so you're not wrong
I read some book on self improvement long ago and it said something about recapping your day so I do that, but with ponies.
Otherwise the action happens during the day, this is just something I close my day with. Although I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "action"
I like candles but unfortunately I don't have any space for them, but I do have lamp of Celestia, pic related, which I have lit in warm colors during night prayers and I decrease brightness as I move towards the end.
I also shorten prayers when I'm sick, usually just give them a few quick thoughts before going back to focusing on not throwing up similar
That's interesting, I've always thought of them only as something you memorize and then repeat when necessary. But it makes sense for them to be deeper than that. I only have very shallow knowledge of Christianity and basically none of other religions.
I always wanted to get deeper into these things, but never got around to it
>must try to be friends with our enemies
my point was to gatekeep it enough not to have more drama then we already have and don't make those enemies in the first place, just coexist in parallel
Also I doubt we would have another Sun and Moon to praise IRL, but feel free to claim some other celestial bodies, We've got almost endless universe to choose at the end. Every anon can praise it's own.
tldr by being older they have more intuitive connection to subconscious instinctive stuff but by that way being more truthful to yourself. There are many similar values but their priorities differ from 'conventional' religions. Many abrahamic stuff is their own recolor of common occurring pagan beliefs. Just google (you)r country/nation's historical version (by (you)r people, not 'friendly' historians of some abrahamic empire) (or try some primal greek / germanic / east stuff if you're globoFrien with completely erased history) and try adopting it with appropriate corrections to some modern world laws e.t.c. By classic approach you'll need the high values, rituals (sure you can make them out of your head but there are probably generations of schizos before you so don't reinvent the wheel), place (usually nature or aspect of deity) and time (usually astronomical dates like solstices, eclipses, equinoxes e.t.c.) to practice them. One of the reasons I'm ok mixing it with other pagan cults is I can use their legacy in a form of sacred places, many are destroyed by 'friens' but even more are hidden or not obvious. You probably also need a little mix of schizo and autism to follow it truly, but you're already there so I think there would be no problems with that.
we can't be friends with abrahamic religions. don't want to explain why, at least not right now.
They are so aggressive..
That guy looked like a offboarder troll rather then a real christian
That's what it seemed like to me, but I still think my point stands. There will be times where people will be aggressive with us and we need to learn how to restrain ourselves from getting into these petty arguments.
Just kill them.
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brazilian spotted
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Good joke, Anon. But in all seriousness though, lets try to make friends instead of enemies, even if they would rather do the latter. For the greater good, for their majesties Princess Celestia and Luna, we must do this and bring upon a new age of harmony and friendship.
>page 10
Wake up Mareschizos.
Bump the thread
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Praised be the Princesses! I'm a Moonfag, but since its Sunday, I'm gonna give some credit to the Sun mare for a change
Religion wise, I believe we should be very different from other religions in most if not all terms. They are all based on fear without exception. Even "love" is being imposed on people in a very aggressive manner in other religions. You NEED to love in all of them or else you won't be rewarded. That takes away the spontaneity and the essence of love itself. It just makes people frustrated with themselves and makes everything worse. It defeats the purpose itself. It is also not in basic human nature to just love everything universally. The universe just doesn't work that way, no matter how much we want it.

We should only praise the virtue of empathy and compassion instead of pushing for some universal love that doesn't exist and is unachievable.

Abrahamic religions: god will punish you if you don't follow this and that. You have to believe in god or else you gonna face eternal hell, fags need to be killed, etc etc...
Buddhism: you will be reborn and tortured a gazillion times, until you surrender and love everyone and everything 100% without question and become enlightened...
Hinduism: lots of colorful evil gods and weird stuff
And so on...

Mixing Celestianism(or whatever we should call it), with any other religion(especially the abrahamic ones) would be a crucial mistake and miss the point of making something new from scratch.
anon, this post tells me you have barely scratched the surface of the religions you're modeling yours off of (by comparison). Those summaries are absolute least common denominator drivel derived not from any religious tradition but from the distortions of the ignorant masses that never read or understood their religion's core tenets. A given religion's core doctrines are just as different from those beliefs (and their followers are just as disappointed in the people who hold them) as you and yours are.
I have to disagree with some of your points. first,

>Even "love" is being imposed on people in a very aggressive manner in other religions. You NEED to love in all of them or else you won't be rewarded. That takes away the spontaneity and the essence of love itself.

I disagree with this point because Celestia doesn't expect us to love unconditionally, but rather to try to do so. First, love is the ultimate form of emapthy and compassion. However, if we fail, its no big deal, but we must try and try again. We must not get frustrated with ourselves because it is a rather high standerd we are putting on ourselves. But all because it is hard, or is noot in basic human nature, that is not an excuse to not try.

Emphasis on TRY, because that is all Celestia and Luna can ask of us. Apple Jack, Pinkie, Twilight, and many of the other Mane 6 failed in this regard, even with each other, but it is not their failures that define them. It is their desire to right thier wrongs after they happened.

We must not think of this in a black and white way here. Our mission is to make the world a better place, not a perfect place, and that will come with time, luck, and lots of magic. Things will get better little by little.


>Mixing Celestianism(or whatever we should call it), with any other religion(especially the abrahamic ones) would be a crucial mistake and miss the point of making something new from scratch.

I disagree with this to a certain extent, as a lot of religions are simlar to each other, and a lot of our values are similar to theirs. I agree that our religions should be seprate, but we should also keep in mind that we are simlar in lots of ways, and we should make friends with them because of it when we can.
>Abrahamic religions: god will punish you if you don't follow this and that. You have to believe in god or else you gonna face eternal hell, fags need to be killed, etc etc...
>Celestianism: Celestia will stone or banish you if you don't obey her. You have to do what she says or else you're gonna face eternal imprisonment, other races need to submit, etc etc...
Anon, you're being ridiculous.
Anon, I intentionally exaggerated with those descriptions and only pointed out the negatives for a reason. I know there is way more to them, I'm not ignorant
>write a letter to celestia and luna about this week experiences
>burn it

Thank you for the idea, it was relaxing experience, and from now on i'll do it regularly every week. (it also showed me how hard it is to burn a simple piece of paper with matchsticks)
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Friends, I think we are missing the point. I think some of us are scared this religion will turn into a "do this or you go to hell" type of religions, not matter if its true or not to the aformentioned religions/traditions.

I think its important to say what exactly Celestianism is. Currently Chaosanon is trying to come up with that, but in the mind time, I have a pretty broad idea on what it is.

1st, Love everyone. Friends, enemies, strangers.

2nd, Help those in need. A true friend helps a friend in need.

3rd, A friend forgives, because friendship is worth more than winning any argument or any petty transgression.

4th, Never take friendship for granted, as it is the magic that binds to us and holds us together, brings us closer, makes us stronger.

5th, to put trust in our greatest friends, Princess Celestia and Luna, as they are the Goddesses of the universe, sovereigns of the sun and moon. Abid by their bidding, pray for them, and you will be rewarded in this life, and the next life in Equestria. If you don't, you will not suffer, but will not enjoy life as best as you can.
It felt quite ceremonial, did it not?

Reminds me of New Year's Eve. Long story short, my lighter was dead, my cheap matchsticks didn't work outside, but I was eventually able to light my three firecrackers with a neighbor's cigar (because his lighter had died lighting the cigar). A little while later, I had the worst hangover of my life and memories I will cherish forever: I blacked out yelling "Discord!" during a voice call with my bestie because we were watching Best Gift Ever and I had a drink for every song, every Discord, and every other whim of mine. Once I passed out, my bestie ended the call... but I must have woken up afterwards, finished my bottle, did quite a few things all over the place, and eventually woke up in bed without any recollection of what happened after yelling "Discord!". I also had a mild concussion that left me dizzy for a week. I wanted chaos that NYE, I got chaos.
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That's good to hear, but exaggerating and misrepresenting intentionally is still a shot fired, needlessly stirring shit. I'd rather use what I know honestly of those systems to improve our own.

For example, I know that the afterlife stuff of christianity and others disagrees with me and a lot of people - I think it would be healthiest for our doctrine to address that, so that the average modern rational person isn't repulsed.
Also, the promise of a wonderful reward for 'being of the faith' is not much different from the promise of a horrible punishment for sinning, and falls to the same fear-based trap as you're trying to avoid. I know you speak from experience, that you really do get rewarded by love, but this is why we need to be very careful and conscientious of our rhetoric.
I think the main reason to even make a new religion would be to not repeat the mistakes of the established ones. Of course they have many positive sides, in fact there are more positives than negatives, but those are irrelevant right now. First we need to learn what not to do.

Making unachievable/very hardly achievable idealistic goals can become frustrating to many people in the long term. Ideals are great in theory, but trying to practice and achieve them can be frustrating, especially to more perfectionistic personalities. I could go on with the psychology on why they'll be unhappy about themselves, why they might become zealots, why it might be counterproductive, etc etc...

We should rather be more moderate, that's all. Lower the ultimate goals and keep them just high enough that you still have to put a certain effort to achieve them. The ideals should be much less absolute than they are in other religions. Extremes are what ruins everything, even though people so commonly strive for them.
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But a religion needs some sort of reward or promise, otherwise there is not point, and people live their lives as they normally would. and I somewhat fail to see whatn you mean by,

>a wonderful reward for 'being of the faith' is not much different from the promise of a horrible punishment for sinning, and falls to the same fear-based trap as you're trying to avoid

They can live their lives as they see fit, but things would be better if they just opened their hearts to Celstia and Luna. Maybe there is a bit of FOMO if they choose not to, but that's their choice, and choices have consequences. Is it the wording you are at odds with or is it the concept of a reward/promise itself?
I get where you are coming from, but it feels like we are watering down our ideals for others. We shoud raise people to our level, not drop down to theirs. It seems a change of mindset is needed for followers of the faith rather than changing the ideals that come with it.
Very reasonable concerns, and I'm looking forward to ChaosAnon's script. I suppose something central to our religion as much as the others is highlighting the accountability of each person - how we interact with others matters, so we try to treat others as potential friends; making use of each day makes a difference, hence we seek guidance from the Sisters. It's very down to earth. Ponies just happened to tap into and embody archetypes quite well, so they make for potent yet personable avatars.

Hard and fast rules are put in place because people wouldn't intrinsically heed the taboos or guidelines of a community. If those were internalized, rules wouldn't be needed. But the established religions fail at making people experience and internalize the desired frame of mind; zealots get hung up with the rules and the exact words while missing the meaning/message.

Ponies are notorious for captivating peoples' hearts. You want that connection, you want to experience and protect their goodness. That's why they might be able to actually teach people the sort of wisdom that is inherent to religion itself.
The core should be making a very moderate religion. That is what other ones lack. This might make it less appealing, because it will make it more grounded, but it will deliver what we need, and not what we want but can hardly if ever achieve.
It should revolve around real and trustful, but non absolutely idealistic friendship.
Around basic compassion and not the ultimate universal love.
And of course around praising the Princesses, because that would bring us together as a group of pony friends that appreciate their traits and their way of kind and moderate ruling over their ponies.
Of course the more devoted ones will worship them as deities, but that's very different than worshipping the christian or some other ultimate all powerful god that you can love but also fear

My core vision is to be moderate in all aspects and without unachievable ideals
I think a big part of the script should be about discovering and contemplating about the elements of harmony that are in everyone of us and helping others discover and understand them better. This would also undoubtedly form many new friendships.

I hope chaosAnon is reading all of this. I'm a bad writer, so at least we have him that's willing to do the job. I do have a clear vision about the religion, but lack the writing skills. English is also a foreign language to me, which just makes it harder.

I really wish this thing will succeed with combined efforts from all of us
That I can agree with. "An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity" and all that. I understand by making it more idealistic, we gate keep to some. I think the trick will be how we can open to gates to as many people while also not sacrificing our ideals in the process.
>Is it the wording you are at odds with or is it the concept of a reward/promise itself?
Just the rhetoric, the presentation of that idea. There's a difference between a distant, vague promise like "I promise you will be rewarded if you pray to her" and a trustworthy promise like "I promise that spending time with good friends makes you happier". The vagueness of the former raises questions and conflicts about both the content of the message and your motives; even just reading the phrase "...some choices have consequences" sounds like you're trying to intimidate me into believing it, rather than making sense of it.
Vagueness requires so much more information and clarification to correct, it's better to state things in simple, culturally/contextually grounded terms to begin with. The more complicated your reasoning or justification is, the more of it can be lost as it crosses barriers of communication, thus subject to misinterpretation.
I think I understand what you are saying. With that said, how would you reword "... some choies have consequences?" because I didn't mean to make that sound intimdating, I just wrote it as a fact of life. People make the choices all the time, good, bad, or indifferent. I didn't mean to imply they were making a wrong choice, just that their choice would affect them.
Also, the reason I made it vauge was because I don't really know the details myself. That was just a basic overview of our tenants. I hope that Chaosanon and the others in this thread can try to be more specific with what we mean.
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I didn't think of actions like using fire, I'm the Iconography guy from some days ago, but hey, I can see the appeal!
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This is a ten year old russian language imageboard dedicated to Princess Luna worship. It's very slow and probably has like 5 regular users but you can be sure that they are faithful. You can use google translate and scroll it for a bit if you want to, it's a comfy place.

>Lunanon 21.ΧΙ.20 04:34 #334 #3877
>There is always so much I want to write, but then I realize that none of it matters. I just love Her. For nine years now. Every day I fall asleep and wake up with thoughts of Her, sometimes even without realizing it. The Goddess of the Night has become an integral part of my life for so long that it seems as if it has always been this way. It is. And it will be. As long as I am alive, as long as my mind is clear.
>Love the mare.
I'll check it out. We all love Luna and Celestia here, so why not?
i burnt it to "send" it
What do we think of this thread here about worship?
>step three: PMC backed by the US DoD
this is a larp, or if not a larp then a faggot trying to make a fascist cult
I got the impression that it was some sort of shitpost
I will not join some discord circlejerk. Final answer.
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The moon is almost full and a super moon at that. Her moon lights up northern Europe right now.
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Woah! It looks like the sun at that angle. Luna has truly blessed you in northern Europe!
Full moon on the 18th. Praise her!
Checked. I shall praise our Lady Luna.
I just wonder what the reason for that thread is. Seems to just be this thread, but dumber, as I skim the replies.
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What is the religion's view on lewding the Goddesses?
We don't exactly have a unified doctrine, but personally, lewding the Goddesses is frowned upon.
Personal interpretation and preference. I'm not gonna shun anyone for having waifu energy, dreaming of it as a part of like a loving relationship. Less on board with it if it's just lust and you can only think of them in terms of sex objects. Basically, if you love them, yes, if you involve them in your coombrain riddled fetish fantasies, no.
But all that is just my optic.
If it doesn't feel disrespectful or wrong to you, I'd say it's fine
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The thread is about to post 500 posts. What do we think of that?
considering later part of the thread was just bumping, let it die and make new only once someone has actual idea to discuss
You were all discussing creating religion models but bo one of you can't imagine keeping a single thread running? Just create /pwg/ 2 with link to the first one and we're good
>later part was just bumping
It's not true completely, there were some bumps but mostly there are several discussions going slowly. Sometimes bumping is
required when most of the thread sleeps or works or has other things to do e.t.c.
>let it die and create 'later'
later=never, we all know it
>when someone has actual idea
have you read all 450± schizo dumps already?
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A complete waste of time. AI fags sputtering nonsense with their idolatry, 15 year old christcucks doing shitty low-effort trolling, unironic "love and tolerate" cucks. Not to mention the unironic chaos whore posting in here. It's just blasphemy.
These threads are doomed to fail. I don't even see the point of trying to "organize" it to begin with. What's the end goal? Trying to improve this world by proselytizing? It's filled with evil, you're filling up buckets of water trying to save a sinking ship. This is also ignoring the fact that no one will ever understand us to begin with.
Trying to establish a doctrine? Rules to keep us in line? The true of heart do not need these anyway. And people are going to argue about what is and what isn't canon until it all falls apart and someone tries to set these threads up again, like a house of cards.
Just let it die instead of keeping up this farce.
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I'm on board with trying to organize it being dumb and doctrine and proselytising being equally so, but I can still see a point in people discussing the subject as a whole and sharing each others views and approaches. Complete shutdown isn't gonna add to anything.
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You may be right on certain points, but we can't just end this before it starts.

And for those who are not true of heart? Or those who have been manipulated and taken advantage of? Who do they have to turn to? We need to establish this religion not to keep the true of heart true, but to help those who have fallen off the path.

And on trying to establish doctrine/arguments of canon of said doctrine, this is inevidable, and we will take steps to try and make it as clear as possible, and in the event we need councils to clear things up, we will do so.

There will be people out there who do not undertand us. But that does not mean we should give up on those who will understand us.

I am sorry you feel as if we are a lost cause, and you may be right, but are we really doing bad here? No. Making the world a better place is never a bad thing, and even if we do fall apart, we will rise again, because that notion is worth fighting more
Tragic negativity. Yes, I don't disagree with you, humans are evil and all that, but I think this *could* be helpful to let anons know that it's a valid path to take if they feel it within themselves. The best point these threads could have is to reinforce faith and share it with others, not necessarily organize anything.
As these are mostly independent and highly personal experiences I agree that there is no easy way to generalize and please everyone. Even if the members were pleased, some very relevant or impacting event to someone could sound strange or cringy to others. Nothing wrong with that, really.
Quality discussion is going to be naturally difficult with these personal topics, I don't believe the thread was a net negative.

This kind of thread could maybe benefit from a slower board to not have to fill it with bumps, as these things take time and deep thought. NHNB comes to mind, but maybe not the best idea to gain attention.
Just worship them in your dreams
This is the way.
Luna's night court is held in the astral, no need to bring any matter with you.
There is no need for any ists or isms either, decentralized and good enough already organized, why use man's institutions and thier imitations for things operating outside of it?
Our ladies aren't so limited.
I fully agree with you and share the same solutions to this 'problem', but
>Night court is held in astral
Not all of them can interact with Her freely as some of us can
>decentralized and good enough
It's for us, actual 'schizos' who had at least one interaction with 'the astral' in their lifes. But normies love their corrupt hierarchical structures and they need this feeling of being united by some semi-political thing to feel it's power e.t.c. That's how their minds work by some reason. That's why the religions formed in the first place. There is nothing wrong with it until it harms us by giving more unneeded attention from the outside. But if they'll actually create some form of a working cult - it might even have some positive outcomes, so leave them be. Also simply sharing this whole kind of experience in those type of threads might be useful for some anons.
Might as well reach bump limit.
>why use man's institutions and thier imitations for things operating outside of it?
because of compassion, anons. The point of communicating about it at all, whether you realize it or not, is to be in the company of people and aid them. In order to do that, you have to meet people where they're at. It's not just 'not wrong', it's the right thing to do.
And why do we have to act like saviors and help random people? Why does that have to be a part of the agenda in having faith in the two sisters? Can't we just exist happily with our own beliefs here amongst like hearted people? Not be all invasive and pushy on people?
I think it's far more compassionate to tell people to get to work and practice methods to reach our ladies for themselves through first hoof experience rather than get lost in the logorrhea of dogmatic word/thought structures, it's also a filter I suppose, many are too mentally constipated to accept thier existence as a lived reality that can be accessed in the here and now in far more than an abstract/philosophical/gobshite manner. I believe goddesses can speak for themselves, for those who are genuinely listening.
This communion too is more personal than your own name, it's between you and her, and it's specifics should not be shared, most mareshizos reach their own conclusions anyway without external interference. Do you genuinely believe in magic as a thing in itself? Or is permission from a hierarchy/group required for success? I don't see an advantage.
You don't have to. But if you're in the right place with regards to spiritual practice, then you want to - wisdom is inextricable from compassion. Forcing that as an agenda would be foolish top-down imposition of people's free will. Existing among likeminded people is the same kind of thing though, you're still communicating your experience through a system of language and culture, and you're going to be helping and helped just by doing this.
Invasive and pushy isn't optimal, obviously. I don't like zealots either.
The Moon is not out tonight...
It's a super moon
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The moon is always super to me~
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I can imagine walking around conventions in either white sun themed or dark blue/purple moon themed robes, praising the sisters.
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a legitimately organized group of people worshiping the two sisters that go around in full dress spreading the good word sounds cool but i know for a fact like maybe three or four people now a days would realistically do it
if it were maybe eight or ten years ago i could see people doing it en mass
maybe even doing the church of the flying spaghett monster meme with the member cards too
If I had more of an inspired creative streak, I'd totally make some patterns so I could experiment sewing some myself. I'd need some more practice with bigger projects before I can declare anything worth the light of day though.
I genuinely wish we could have a ponyfag commune in the rural Midwest, this is something I'd seriously try to commit effort to
Prefer Harmonism and more of a focus on good deeds and good relationships than obsessive idol-worship of the characters though. Not excessive...
I grew up escaping from this awful world through the show and board
>I'd need some more practice with bigger projects before I can declare anything worth the light of day though.
you need small steps before a leap of faith yes
You may have best intentions, but how is
>focus on good relationships...
instead of
differs from other hypocritic ideologies of
>this awful world
How would your
>good deeds
differ from 'good' deeds that made this world
That's the exact way you go from even a little form of legit cult into a wannabe hobby club for normies, that's what many other 'conventional' religions turned into over the years.
that's the question of your (lack of) faith\connection into that thing. I was there too.
anon are you having a stroke?
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Question, are any of you lovely people going to marefair? I'd love to meet up to discuss this.
Yeah I'm hosting the tulpa panel
Praise the two sisters
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this picture makes me feel things
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And we'll hit the bump limit by the means of the cult of Cadance.
How do you worship her?

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