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I hope the fluttertrannies dont get to this one
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havent been on 4chan in many years
but i recently saw a stupid pony recommend on youtube
and well nostalgia got the best of me
bless you trixiefags for having a thread up
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>“Trixie looks amazing, immaculate, great AND powerful! You don’t need to keep going.”
“Look, just stop fussing for a single minute and I will finish this. You’re only making this harder for both of us.”
>You struggle to pull the brush through her tail as she fidgets and wiggles.
>Clearly she is nervous about the show, she hasn’t put one this big on in several months.
>As far as the performance goes you’re sure she can pull it off, but you know that she must be in the proper state of mind to maintain composure against the inevitable neighsayers.
>fuckin pon-speak
>She swats you away.
>”OKAY! You are finished with Trixie now, correct? She will judge your work very harshly for making her wait so long.”
>She steps in front of her large gaudy mirror and looks herself up and down at various angles.
>”Look at her. She is stunning is she not. Trixie is the most beautiful, the most talented, most, most-“
“The most perfect mare in Equestria.”
>You coo in her ear as you adjust the final hair in her mane.
>You’ve also learned the best way to hype her up is to play into the worship aspect of her persona.
>As well as a little bit of sensuality keeps her focused on the reward of a successful show.
>”And you,” she jabs at your side with her hoof “are the most perfect assistant this mare could ask for.”
“Wow, pre-show acknowledgement?”
>”Yes well, I know this show is very important for us both, and you’ve done so much more to help Trixie prep for this. A-and well …”
>You place Trixie’s hat on her head and plant a little smooch on her cheek
>”Hmph. Thank you Anon.”
>God she's so cute when she's trying not to act flustered.
“You’re more than welcome. Now! Knock ‘em dead Trix.”
i-is writing still cool
i do not understand glimmerniggers
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Holy shit I recognize Starlight Fan LOL
When I used to browse the mlp subreddit he would constantly bitch about Trixie there and how so much better Starlight was. I just checked and he still does.
I wish Trixie could use her magic horn to make my virginity disappear.
very cool
Yeah, specially if it's as good as this
What did trixie do to him?
stole his waifu
thread cant die today
post what makes trixie best horse
for me its her voice
i could listen to her talk about how great she is forever
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she cute. I want to buy her
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She’s great AND powerful anon, don’t forget
of course, my mistake
and she would never let me forget either
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No reason in particular.
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alright well i dont have much experience with writefaggery, but i am feeling somewhat inspired recently
so im gonna rewatch some of the show and see if i can cook something up soon
pls keep thread alive
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>trixieniggers are so insecure they seethe over and snapshot anyone that dares speak against their waifu
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>the fan of the manipulative whore is speaking
i would tell you to go back to your rarity thread, but your waifu is so shit she doesn't even have one
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wait what the FUCK
there are 9 seasons of this show now
holy hell ive missed a lot since glimmer was introduced
how much does trixie appear in the later seasons
sh-should i watch the rest of the show
also fucking netflix doesnt have past season 4 im mad
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Go for it! The show is worth watching to the end and there are some great Startrix episodes.
S5-7 are my favorite seasons, Trixie even gets to play an important role in a two parter. And remember to watch the FiM movie before you start s8 since it contains important context. But yeah, Trixie gets way more love in the seasons you missed.
>The show is worth watching to the end
Lie count +1
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I only like Trixie for her cock tbqh
>how much does trixie appear in the later seasons
how do we tell him
>all his stories are about starlight, twistar, or starlight cutting off her friendship with trixie
Of course.
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this makes me fear something sinister
but ill give them a watch then
i cherry picked a couple episodes from season 1 so far and somehow the show is still entertaining, if not a liiiiitle cringe
also in boast busters trixie did nothing wrong
>boast busters
can't believe the hack writers tried to paint trixie as the bad guy while making the m6 look like sociopaths at the same time.
Glimmie should be shipped with my cock alongside Trixie
yeah i didn’t remember the writing being actually that retarded
>traveling performer puts on act at magic show
>magic is common so they have to be extra special at it to be impressive
>proceeds to do genuinely impressive things considering that all uni’s have magic
>is then considered the devil
like bro come on
sure she was a bitch
but she was boo’d from the very start of the show so that’s kinda valid
Are you seriously that retarded?
It wasn't posted because they don't like Trixie, it was posted because they're flat out wrong and delusional. If you actually watched the show you wouldn't come to that conclusion. They're glimmerniggers though, so I don't expect much from them.

Also, congrats on the new thread, enjoy it while it lasts.
Obnoxious, arrogant, and flippant I can understand, but selfish and cowardly are delusional.
Would it be better if it was a flutternigger or twinigger trashing Trixie?
no they aren't. she literally runs off afterwards instead of facing ponyville, she's a certified pussy.
You're trying too hard
are you saying that she doesn't run off like a pussy to escape consequences? twice?
does anyone have that one AI voice meme of trixie saying fuck jannies?
No? She tries to defend Ponyville from the Ursa by tying it's hands together, obviously it doesn't work, but she tried. She stayed around until the threat was gone. And when was the second time? Are you just making shit up?
she runs off before ponyville can confront her in boast busters. she does the same in magic duel. quit being disingenuous. she is a coward.
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for what reason does she even have in "facing" ponyville
she didnt do shit besides brag about her ability, it was the two retarded children that actually caused the ursa problem
and trixie did actually try to solve it
so the only thing she would have faced was incorrectly placed accusation
to which i say yeah dodge that shit
thats not cowardice
She could have stayed to help clean up the mess, to show them that she means well and is really a nice pony, then the ponies wouldn't have any reason to ostracize her afterwards.
>and trixie did actually try to solve it
Her attempt was more to save face than to solve it, she knew she had no chance against the ursa. She wouldn't have tried if the colts weren't goading her.
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>She could have stayed to help clean up the mess, to show them that she means well and is really a nice pony
1. She's a performer and is constantly going from place to place
2. Her wagon got destroyed thanks to two kids from said town, why would she feel the need to help "clean up" anything?
>then the ponies wouldn't have any reason to ostracize her afterwards.
There would still be no reason to ostracize her, if you genuinely think she did anything that warrants being ostracized you're a cunt.
>Her attempt was more to save face than to solve it
pic related

People have been so desperate to demonize Trixie since 2010, the fact that it's still going just as strong is baffling, if not worse.
Anyways, I think you're lost. Don't worry, I found the thread you're looking for >>41356061
>1. She's a performer and is constantly going from place to place
She's self-employed, not under any strict schedule.
>2. Her wagon got destroyed thanks to two kids from said town, why would she feel the need to help "clean up" anything?
Because her reputation is tarnished and she should want to correct the record, let the ponies know that they are wrong.
>There would still be no reason to ostracize her, if you genuinely think she did anything that warrants being ostracized you're a cunt.
Magic Duel proves you wrong, Trixie literally claims she was ostracized unless you think she was lying.
>pic related
The show.
>She's self-employed, not under any strict schedule.
This doesn't create obligation to clean up a mess that wasn't made by her in a town she has no connection to with ponies that actively hate her without genuine cause.
Also she isn't ever trying to prove that she is nice, that point was never up for contention, and it is strange to me that you are trying to argue about that.
>Because her reputation is tarnished
Again has nothing to do with cleaning up an unrelated mess. Furthermore these two retards just ruined her entire livelihood. If anything ponyville should be repaying her for the damages caused by its citizens.
>Trixie literally claims she was ostracized
She probably was ostracized as she claims, but it was never for a good reason so I don't really see how this is supposed to prove anything
Trixie was a simple showpony who got shat on mega hard for problems that she didn't cause because people thought she was a braggart
Sure she lied about a feat of power, but like that isn't at all related to the responsibility for the following situation
>This doesn't create obligation to clean up a mess
She still had a choice, she chose to run instead of confronting the problem. The problem being the town thinking she did anything wrong. But another way to look at it is her obligation to her show business as her financial success is dependent on her reputation.
>Also she isn't ever trying to prove that she is nice
The point is to prove to the ponies that she isn't at fault, that she is not who they think she is.
>Furthermore these two retards just ruined her entire livelihood. If anything ponyville should be repaying her for the damages caused by its citizens.
If she had stayed and made her case then Ponyville likely would have repayed her.
>but it was never for a good reason
Because she ran away without defending her reputation so she got cancelled on some bullshit. If she had addressed the allegations sooner then things would not have gotten to that point. It's a shitty situation made by the shitty writers, but it is what it is.
>Magic Duel proves you wrong, Trixie literally claims she was ostracized unless you think she was lying.
I wasn't saying she wasn't ostracized you dunce, I KNOW she was. I'm saying the ponies had no good reason to ostracize her, and yet they did anyways.
>The show.
What about it? It never implied she only helped fight the Ursa to "save face", though I to be fair, it didn't imply either.
At least twifags actually make sense, flutterfags are a different breed of retard.
im not entirely sure what point you’re trying to argue
trixie ‘could’ have done a lot of things that may or may not have made ponies feel differently
but i dont think any of that is relevant to the morality of her actions, which is what i am arguing
i would appreciate if you could succinctly state your claim before we continue
>”Just levitation? JUST LEVITATION!!?”
>”Do these FOALS not realize how difficult it was to fly Trixie’s wagon around like that?”
>”How can nop0ny, not a single one, understand the magnitude of her talent. Hrngh!”
>You dodge the shrapnel of the plate Trixie just shattered on the floor.
>”Fine, Perhaps they’re ignorant to the fact that she didn’t simply levitate her wagon around in circles.”
>”They didn’t grasp the nuance of the speed, the precision, the raw power and concentration it took to suspend it from a SINGLE contact point so her magic aurora didn’t distract from the wagon's design.”
>She magics the plate back in one piece and prepares to spike it again.
“Trixie it’s-“
>”Also it ISN’T even levitation. It’s NEVER levitation! IT’S KINESIS!!”
>the plate bounces with a loud thud and clatters about without breaking.
>”Levitation is a specific spell that is cast upon an object in order to suspend it at a predetermined height with predetermined weight capacity.”
>”Kinesis conjures a semipermeable softlight barrier that allows for manipulation of the encompassed object.”
>”Why is everyp0ny so uneducated about the most basic mechanics of magic!?”
>Trixie leaves the intact plate on the floor and magically grabs a fresh one from the cupboard.
“Uh, Trix-“
>”If they don’t know how magic works they won’t be awed by her incredible feats and creativity.”
>”Dear Princess Celestia, you put an absolute moron in charge of the department of education. Yours truly, the wise and scholarly Trixie.”
>She slams the second plate down onto the first, splitting them both.
>”And, and they’re completely unwilling to listen to Trixie explain why she is amazing. The least they could do is allow Trixie to enlighten them about their shortcomings and thank her for the lesson.”
>”Preferably with bits and worship.”
>”Trixie swears, sometimes her greatness is a blessing and a curse.”
>She lifts the pieces of both plates and fixes them, before smashing them together midair.
>”She can hardly believe that what those ponies enjoyed the most was the opening light show.”
>”Why even bother putting effort into other astonishing feats when small minds are entertained by the simplest luminescence.”
>”Next time Trixie will spare those peasants her sophisticated acts and save her energy.”
The origin of the argument is whether or not Trixie is cowardly. Her running away from problems are cowardly acts. The morality makes little difference, cowardice doesn't have to be unjustifiable. It's also possible for cowardly characters to be brave, it's a common trope even, which makes Trixie standing up to the bear and also sacrificing herself in the changeling hive so much more impactful. I think it makes her character better, part of why I like Trixie is she's not as much of a cartoon character like the m6 are.
then if the argument is about cowardice i dont think trixie exhibits that
she never makes it apparent that she was afraid of the citizens of ponyville or cares at all about their opinion of her being a showoff
she “ran away” because her house was destroyed and she has no reason to be there anymore
i just count that as leaving, though she did literally run
the only thing she was afraid of was the ursa, and rightfully so
and when she first saw it she ran away, but that was to dodge a direct attack
after that she did stand up to it
and regardless of the motivation, whether it was because she was goaded by the retards or because she genuinely wanted to stop it
that’s courage by definition: standing up to something scary
>cares at all about their opinion
Her business is kind of heavily dependent on their opinion, she should care about it.
>she has no reason to be there anymore
Other than clearing her name and demanding reparations so she can continue her work unimpeded, she should care about those things.
If she just left simply because she didn't care about the consequences that just makes her look more incompetent and entitled when she goes for revenge. I find it more endearing that she's too scared to confront the issue properly since she has trouble expressing herself.
I'd also mention s6, but I have a feeling you only consider the first two Trixie episodes canon.
>that’s courage by definition: standing up to something scary
A coward overcoming their fear to be brave when the situation calls for it is a beautiful thing, I always love seeing it, never gets old. I believe Trixie is a much more nuanced character than you give her credit for.
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get your ass off the table
she definitely should care about how her audience views her because that is her income
but caring about consequences is a non factor given that she didn't bring the beast into town
she probably should have hung around to at least see if anyone would agree with her side
but given how the mane6 was up her ass frame 1 for her act I don't blame her for just dipping
btw dash literally does the same shit but catches no flak so
anyway I agree that social anxiety and the inability to drop her persona in order to properly communicate with the denizens of ponyville is endearing and while not clearly stated, I subscribe to that headcannon
but I don't think that necessarily constitutes as cowardice
though my definition of cowardice may just be more extreme than others
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and onto my "you know what" hehehe if you know what i mean...

and trixie did nothing wrong by the way!
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>anyway I agree that social anxiety and the inability to drop her persona in order to properly communicate with the denizens of ponyville is endearing and while not clearly stated, I subscribe to that headcannon
I love interpretations of her character like this, it's subtlety hinted at in the show like in NSP and the end of Magic Duel, it makes her a much more interesting and sympathetic character rather than just seeing her as another Rainbow Dash.
She's just a pony who wants to entertain others and wants friends, and she conveys that in the only way she knows how.
If you like that take on her character, you might like these stories, they're some of my favorite interpretations of her, though be warned, they're both kinda sad, especially the latter.
thank you friend, I will definitely check these out
>both kinda sad
I wouldn't have it any other way
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ik you're trolling but c'mon
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Just because you don't like and/or disagree with my post does not make it a troll
>You both stare down at the mess she made.
>Trixie huffs and puffs, clearly tired from her performance and her post show tantrum.
>You let her catch her breath for a moment while you consider where to start.
>Carefully avoiding the shrapnel, you kneel down next to Trixie and wrap an arm around her withers.
>”Trixie is sorry … she did it again, huh?”
>She avoids eye contact with you, clearly ashamed of her outburst.
“It’s alright Trixie.”
>She begins to weakly piece the plates back together.
>As you watch the shards slowly combine and seal together, Trixie lightly taps your thigh.
>She reveals a small cut on the bottom of her hoof.
>”…I stepped on one.”
>You can’t help but smirk a bit at her directness.
“Would you like me to grab a bandage?”
>”Yes please. I’m too tired to heal this right now.” Her eyes begin to water. “Fixing those plates was hard.”
“Okay, give me one second Trix.”
>Thankfully, you were able to convince her some time ago that a simple first aid kit was worth putting together, in case of small injuries that she was unable or unwilling to fix up with magic.
>A few minutes later Trixie is resting with a tended wound, the plates are back in their home, and the remaining ceramic dust has been swept up.
“Alright, I think we should talk about how the show went.”
>”mmmpf, do we haaabe do?” Trixie complains into a pillow.
“We have to address some issues, Trixie. Preferably sooner than later.”
>”Trixie has no issues, her performance was flawless, ‘tis everyp0ny else who has the problem.”
“You know I’m not trying to pick on your performance. And I would never doubt your skill,-”
>A smug smile slowly creeps across her face.
>It fades.
“-there are more factors that go into a successful show than the performance itself. And I would like to share my thoughts on it.”
>You motion for her to sit up.
>She does.
>”Fine, you have Trixie’s attention.”
i have to be up for work in a few hours and im spending time writing this shit
feels like home
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place your bets, trixiefags
is this ever gonna happen?
we aren't. a few autistic outliers that you think are multiple people is not representative of the whole group. you should know that mr.oh-so-intelligent.
If he doesn’t do anything then I will, getting sick of seeing it myself too and it wouldn’t hurt to try
Then that's even worse. I'm afraid you're retarded and a faggot. Your faggoty list has two other mares on there. Fuck you. Wasted trips.
yeah you are, pipe down.
I want to suck Trixie's huge crotchboobs
betting 3 dollars that the mad lad does it
betting my left kidney and a bag of chips
keep us updated if you do
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Trixie is, in fact, a pro gamer
incredible rebuttal, retard. concession accepted, please carry on without your incorrect beliefs holding your IQ down.
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>calls someone retarded
>immediately resorts to concession posting
The irony lmao
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Be quiet for mommy, pumpkin.
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All this images tells me is that Trixie owns and likely dominates Starlight and if given the chance she'd do it in front of twilight and Starlight would let her.

Trixie is more based than I ever though
I hate how much I relate to this silly mare. I’m plagued by my smallness, everyone around me is better at what we do. I’m slowly making friends but there’s a deep bitterness there. Maybe one day the world will see how GREAT and POWERFUL I am.
I get that. As I was growing up, every time I thought I was special in some way, or uniquely good at something, one of my few friends would unintentionally 1-up me. At first I thought that I just needed to persevere and find my one thing that I could prove to them was mine alone. But cutie marks don’t exist in real life, and I had to accept that I’m just dumber and weaker than everyone I know.
Just rewatched magic duel. I kinda forgot how powerful magic is in this show.
Guys, we're all gonna make it. Even Trixie got a decent pencil pusher job in the education-industrial complex. She's probably not even homeless anymore.
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There's no way Starlight didn't invite her to live in the castle with her when Twilight left.
>key item
give her more credit
trixie is my great and powerful traveling companion
What do you mean? Key items ARE important, you can't get rid of them. They're important and you shouldn't ever want to throw them away, like Trixie.
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hi :)
>still replying without a hint of introspection
>expecting me to read or reward your bitching, whining and revisionism with a (You)
not likely. replies hidden, go be a nigger somewhere else.
crossposting from the other thread >>41371056
What's important isn't what you're capable of doing, it's what you actually do that matters.
Someone else might be smarter or stronger or more creative than you, but they aren't going to do every possible thing. There are better writers in the world than Lauren Faust, M.A. Larson etc., but only they wrote MLP.
>t. "gifted" child who ended up doing nothing with his "talents" and jealous of the fags who actually make stuff people enjoy
that was an adorable comic
what is this schizo on about
It's absolutely important what you're capable of doing, because you might be incapable of doing anything that matters. You can't write a new MLP if you can't make yourself write, for no observable reason, regardless of how good at writing you could be.
Trixie when I show her my penis and it's bigger than hers
They look like gourds.
Pony doesn't really matter in the long run. You think people 200 years from now will think of pony as anything more than a footnote in a book about a fad during the early days of the internet?
You'll probably think this is pretty hypocritical coming from someone who's "capable", but what "matters" is all a matter of degree. That said, it's important that your work interacts with other people. If it all stays as ideas in your head or notes in a secret journal somewhere, then yeah you'll just float through life and your memory will die with you.
Have you tried finding intrinsic motivation in your work? Trixie is braver than any of us, because even if ponies don't like her work, she still continues to perform and travel. Although on a certain level she needs attention and validation from others, I think at her core Trixie is motivated to perform for the love of performing.
>dykeslop ship
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do you just complain on every thread about literally everything and anything
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tixie :)
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Glimmerniggers keep moving, this is a Trixie thread.
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>Glimmerniggers keep moving
As they should. As for Glimmerfags though they're welcome, Trixie and Starlight are best friends!
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all im saying is is that i think trixie and starlight are really cute and attentive friends
She gimmer on my starlight
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imagining a trixie version of this
There is something so sad about her character that I can't help but feel the utmost sympathy for Trixie. We don't know what she went through before she stepped hoof into Ponyville, we don't know why she is the pony she is, yet I feel sadness for her that remains inexplicable. She has her sad moments throughout the show and some ponies have worse lives to face (Applejack's family), yet it feels she has the saddest tale of them all. Why is this? I feel the need to give her the greatest support one could ask for. Trixie feels like a suffering friend I can't help; a friend in need who feels trapped and can't/won't reach for help in escape. But, Trixie isn't even real. I have never known anybody like her. And yet, I feel so deeply entrusted with her plight. Why is this?
Feels like how the show was accidentally written to be much better than intended, so did her character.
>she needs to be a boastful one off character
>she's also a travelling performer
>which explains her boasting
>also she can't have close friends due to travelling so much and playing a stage character
Her personality is comparable to Pinkie in some ways.
I am quite the opposite. successful, talented and look like the saver of aryan race, but Trixie is also my numer 1 soul mate. She seems more intelligent than an average mare, is very cute and quirky and would definitely make a great friend.
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She isn't more intelligent, she's more bullheaded than most and brute-forces her way through problems, provided someone else hasn't solved the problem for her on account of her good looks.
I don't think she was ever intended to just be a one-off character, she shows up in the show bible which predates the show by a whole year. They definitely wanted to do more with her even early on.
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I think this guy put it best.
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Lauren Faust just needed any character that was boastful, and originally wanted it to be a guy since she's a misanderist. Fortunately, Savino (pre-allegations) was able to push for Trixie as we know her now. Thiessen and Miller kept trying to find a way to bring her back, which first happened in S3. It wasn't until S6 that she was able to become a semi-regular character, which goes to show just how bad S1-5 were since they couldn't find a way to keep someone as great and powerful as her a permanent resident.
As much as I like Trixie being kept from dying in obscurity, let's not pretend her return wasn't a dumbed down mischaracterization of her and an attempt to prop up poochie.
>faustard brainlet
Trixie was finally given some actual depth to her character. She was a one-note clown in the Faust era.
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Nobody is arrogant for no reason, and in a show that tries to explain why people are the way they are, having Trixie be a one-note is boring.
>hurr durr flim and flam
>hurr durr iron will
Shut up.
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The thing is, even then the show didn't really explain all that much about her. We know she's never had any friends which explains why losing Starlight utterly destroyed her, but that's really it. Anything from her childhood would've been nice.
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We know her father is a failed stage magician and her father abandoned their family. So she's simultaneously trying to live up to fantastic musings of what her father might be like while also struggling with daddy issues (which would logically make her gay and/or date earth ponies).
Trixie 100% tapped that
That's her mother.

but you're probably right
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Lesser ponies would call it taboo, Trixie is great and powerful, she knows the only law that actually matters: Game is game.

If her mom is down, she was all up in that like Celestia on an unattended cake
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Don't bother, you'll never get through to those retards.
shouldnt there be a distinct canon
i dont get how people can disagree on trixies backstory
is it just that people dont want to acknowledge content that was published after a certain year
cause thats what it feels like
Where is the contradiction? Trixie has been a life-long loser since she's a unicorn who didn't know how to do magic, and even prestidigitation was too difficult for her since she's actually a moron. The only thing she has going for her is that she's genuinely too stupid to know when to quit, which smart people find incredibly endearing.
Yeah, there's a faction that only considers the first (or two) Trixie episode canon. It's a problem with /mlp/ in general, show discussion suffers a lot in this board.
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>only seasons 1 and 2 are canon
>only seasons 1 through 5 are canon
>season 1 through 9 are canon, but the comics aren't
>everything is canon
What a disaster...
can you stop posting this fag's ugly ass "art"
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I'll get right on that.
yeah i see, you're a loser who sees nothing wrong with sharing art from these kinds of people. just further endorse them by sharing their art.
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Here, I'll post some of your artwork instead.
fuck off its funny
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>Coffee Mate
ok now thAts disgusting
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There's two kinds of artists. Those who make Trixie out to be a filthy, crass, incorrigible, insipid, stupid vagabond, and everyone else.
>she's a unicorn who didn't know how to do magic
She was able to do magic plenty fine until Glimmer showed up.
Those were just illusions, not real magic.
Really? That thundercloud seemed pretty real when it zapped Dash on the ass. She was also able to manipulate rainbows and fireworks.
yeah actually rewatch boast busters
trixie does some real shit
especially that rainbow manipulation i thought was very cool
also “illusion” is a rather nebulous term while literal magic exists
Even Rarity can manipulate clouds, it's not that special.
Illusions are her specialty, it's her cutie mark. Magic Duel reveals some of the tricks behind the illusions from Twilight's side, it's how she "beat" Trixie. Just because she is good at illusions doesn't mean she isn't completely void of magic, it's clear she can do basic magic early on, but not high level magic like teleportation and transfiguration.
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Talking about early Trixie, but yeah, she eventually becomes impressively good at magic after training with Glimmy.
That's just simple telekinesis.
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>shitty art style
>the same "lol weed!" and "trixie's a loser" jokes for the 30,257th time
>trans activist
oh man, i can't imagine why you shouldn't endorse this tard
it's funny if you're mentally below the age of 14, sure.
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You are posting on /mlp/.
What does that have to do with anything? There's still people here with functional brains, even for as little as there are.
just because you have experienced the same thing multiple times and become unsatisfied with it does not mean its wrong for others to continue to like thing
little bitch baby
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You aren't personally providing any exceptions to the rule, so I find your assertions dubious.
Trixie was the most powerful unicorn in the show discounting Twilight and Shining Armor before Magic Duel happened. The spells she did in Boast Busters are more than what the average unicorn can do.
Cutie mark magic gave her that ability. She wouldn't have been able to do it without Twilight's fuckup.
>Cutie mark magic gave her that ability.
It didn't. Cutie marks explicitly do not grant ponies any abilities. This was quite literally part of what the plot of MMC was built off of.
Abilities weren't transferred in MMC, only their jobs, that's why Rarity was doing weather stuff and not racing or whatever, and also why they sucked at their jobs. So it wasn't really cutie mark magic being swapped at all, just their jobs while their memories were changed.

Cutie marks do grant abilities. MMC was more about everyone's career paths.
>Cutie marks do grant abilities.
They don't. If they did then the mane six would've had no problem doing what their other friends did in MMC. They weren't able to, therefore cutie marks do not grant abilities.
Those were illusions skillfully performed by Trixie's sleight of hoof.
It was only their jobs that were swapped with some sort of mind control or memory manipulation from Starswirl's spell, not their actual innate cutie marks. The marks were changed/painted over only to represent which job they inherited.
mmc is not canon
MMC is kind of like BB where the writers intended Trixie to be more of a standard villain but due to incompetence in writing ended up making her a blameless victim.
>It was only their jobs that were swapped with some sort of mind control or memory manipulation from Starswirl's spell,
Except Pinkie's job isn't stand up comedy, it's baking. Also, Pinkie grew up on a farm yet is incapable of doing any farm work.
>not their actual innate cutie marks. The marks were changed/painted over
>okay their cutie marks were changed, but it wasn't really their REAL cutie marks, it was just illusory cutie marks
The whole episode is predicated on the cutie mark switch, but you're trying to say that wasn't really what happened contrary to absolutely everything we see and know. Following this line of logic we could argue literally anything to "actually" be the case against every bit of sense. For example I could say that cutie marks don't grant abilities but rather that Celestia can manually turn on an off different abilities for different ponies at any time. Cutie marks could be entirely fake if we're just expected to believe anything in the show could be a lie. It's absolutely ridiculous religious rationalization that you're coming up with as though you're reading the word of God and it must be completely infallible so it's up to you to figure out how to make it make sense no matter how many leaps of logic it takes.
>Except Pinkie's job isn't stand up comedy
Party planner / clown can be considered one of her jobs, but that's besides the point.
>The whole episode is predicated on the cutie mark switch
If that was the case then why did their memories change to make them do each other's jobs (along with the townsponies)? As we all can agree on, cutie marks don't represent a pony's career path, neither do they represent their memories. If it was truly their cutie marks being switched then Rarity would be speedrunning dressmaking, Fluttershy would be throwing a party for her animals, Applejack would be doing farm work in style, etc, they'd be encountering trouble from that conundrum instead of the other way around and they also wouldn't be oblivious to their change.

Because the cutie mark switch didn't have the expected result it is fair to assume the spell did something else as taking it at face value conflicts with the lore therefore it cannot be the inherit characteristics of the cutie marks that was changed. The only explanation that makes sense is that they (and the town) were under a powerful memory changing hypnosis, in which reminding them of their original memories breaks the spell. So essentially, it has little to do with cutie marks other than showing who's memory was switched with whom.
>it is fair to assume the spell did something else
Also switching their memories.
>taking it at face value conflicts with the lore
It causes logical conflicts no matter what. There is no making it make sense, only twisting it to be slightly less nonsensical with certain other parts of the show. Also, the only lore that MMC conflicts with is the strongly implicit "no fucking with cutie marks" rule that had been established. Anything that comes after MMC conflicts with it, not the other way around.
Every single instance of cutie mark switching in the show conflicts with every single other instance. Cutie mark switching as its own idea distinct from an outright body swap is fundamentally flawed and just never works.
“You drew in a decent crowd tonight, but as you pointed out, they weren’t so impressed by the finale. I think we need to start tailoring the show to appeal to the audience in front of you. Consider what earth ponies, pegasi, and other unicorns are used to and what would feel novel for them.”
>”You know Trixie incorporates a variety of acts in her show to display her vast knowledge and talents. That should cover appealing to all kinds of ponies.”
“Generally I agree with the whole ‘jack of all trades’ thing, but tonight showed that you can’t only rely on that. Did you notice that there were hardly any unicorns in the crowd? It’s not very surprising that no one appreciated the mechanical aspect of your magic. I don’t imagine the average earth pony or pegasus spends their time studying unicorn magic.”
>”Trixie ... didn’t really notice, but everyp0ny should be impressed regardless.”
“I think you need to shift your goal from impressing to entertaining, at least for less discerning crowds. As you said, they all enjoyed the light show the most, and you’ve made it clear that those spells aren’t particularly difficult. We could probably take advantage of that and put on a much longer performance mostly focused on just your lights and pyrotechnics.”
>”Mhmm ...”
“Also we should consider venue. When was the last time you performed indoors on a proper stage? And that birthday party at that Chuck-E-Cheese rip off doesn’t count.”
>”Wha-! You-! “ Trixie struggles to form words through her indignation.
>”Trixie told you to never speak of that again.”
>You two were desperate for money and the clown that family had hired canceled last minute.
>It was tough getting Trixie to agree to it, but the family couldn’t disappoint their precious snooky-gookums on their special day, so they paid out the ass.
>Totally worth the two week silent treatment.
>And Trixie did a great job despite her whining. You didn’t expect her to be so good with kids.
>”Furthermore, how dare you imply that Trixie’s wagon stage is improper.”
“I know you’re really comfortable on your stage, and I can’t think of anything more stylish and convenient for a traveling magician. However it does come with some downsides to exclusively perform on it. You and your audience are at the mercy of the weather and terrain, plus we need an up to date public performance permit when we roll into larger cities. Also we both know that it's vulnerable to have to find a spot to park and sleep if our welcome has been worn out.”
>”…Trixie acknowledges these limitations. But she would like the record to show that she has made great strides in improving ponies' opinions of her.
>It’s true she has done a much better job at not pissing ponies off. She keeps her challenges few and harmless, the bragging toned down, and she takes brief intermissions to keep her head cool.
>Things are certainly going better now than when you first joined her. She thought you would be an exotic attraction for her show, and your wanderlust fooled you into believing that.
>Who knew ponies would be unwelcoming to an ex-tyrant braggart and an extra-dimensional alien. Thank god Celestia was willing to perform some damage control and smooth things over for the two of you. Unfortunately you owe her big for that, and she won’t let you forget it, and you have no idea what her ulterior motive could be haha.
>But that's not important right now, what is important is-
>”Are we finished talking about this yeeeet? Trixie is exhausted and famished after her show and your lecture.”
>Trixie limply slides off of her seat and splays out onto the floor.
>You let out an exaggerated sigh.
>No real point in continuing if she’s decided to act like a slug.
“Alright, we can wrap this up for now. We WILL come back to this later though so don’t think you’ve completely won little miss.”
>You intentionally bump your foot against her flank as you step over to the pantry.
“So what do you want to e-“
>She jumps up and excitedly dashes to sit at the table.
“Oatmeal is a b r e a k f a s t item. What would you like for dinner?”
>You look over to find her staring deeply into your soul. Chin resting on her hooves, eyes half lidded, lips slightly pursed as she slowly breathes the first syllable of the dreaded word.
>This fucking mare.
>the only lore that MMC conflicts with is the strongly implicit "no fucking with cutie marks" rule that had been established
That has never been established. Applebloom's shenanigans prove the opposite when she was receiving abilities from random cutie marks.
>Every single instance of cutie mark switching in the show conflicts with every single other instance.
Only MMC taken at face value which I explained is actually just memory manipulation so that is covered. Or you can consider MMC retconned if you want, its writing was botched so hard that it has no legitimacy in its lore anyway. All other instances are consistent with the lore.
>struggling with daddy issues (which would logically make her gay
No? mommy issues would make her gay not daddy issues.
life can be enjoyed without constantly being a moralfag y'know. Just enjoy the funny art
But it's not funny.
And wasn't there an entire discussion about this in the previous Trixie thread?
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>That has never been established.
Call of the Cutie.
>Applebloom's shenanigans prove the opposite when she was receiving abilities from random cutie marks.
Unlike your stuff about fake cutie marks with MMC, the cutie pox is explicitly something that merely mimics the look of cutie marks. Cutie marks don't make a pony perform an associated action nor do they appear anywhere but the flank of a pony, both of which the cutie pox does do.
>Only MMC taken at face value
What you mean is that if you assume something entirely different then you can change it to make it fit.
>All other instances are consistent with the lore.
Cutie marks cannot grant powers because it creates a paradoxical situation with ponies attaining cutie marks. They need to be able to perform a certain action to be able to get their cutie mark, but if the cutie mark is what gives them their power to do those things then they'd lack the power to be able to do the thing to get their cutie mark. So if cutie marks grant powers then no one could ever get cutie marks. If your answer is that cutie marks are static intrinsic things that grant powers without being there this creates other problems later.
In Twilight's Kingdom when the princesses lose their cutie marks their personalities aren't affected. In The Cutie Map when the mane six lose their cutie marks they do lose part of their personalities and who they are. Except they also sort of don't but only partially because they're entirely aware of how they've been affected and they can all act the way they normally do but then it doesn't count because reasons. Fluttershy's kindness doesn't come from some magical entity imbuing her with power, it's just who she is. Pinkie Pie wanting to make others smile doesn't come from some magical entity imbuing her with power, it's just who she is. The way they all act and behave isn't because of some magical force making them that way, it's just who they are. And if your answer is to try to make some distinction between their "unique" or "intrinsic powers" versus their elements or personalities, that also doesn't work because Rarity doesn't have a special power in being able to identify if something looks good and Applejack doesn't have a special power in being a country pony.
In The Cutie Re-Mark the whole plot is predicated on preventing ponies from getting their cutie marks. If they're so intrinsic then this would be meaningless because the ponies would just get their same cutie marks anyways. There would be no preventing the mane six from getting their cutie marks, there would only be delaying when it happens. This renders the central plot of the episode impossible. In fact there would be no such thing as "getting" a cutie mark at all, only unveiling it.
Its funny to me, therefore its funny. The world is not centered around you, anon.
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The only way to make The Cutie Re-Mark work is for cutie marks to be dynamic things, not preexisting. But this leads back into the cutie mark acquisition paradox. These are mutually exclusive. If cutie marks grant powers they have to be preexisting, but if cutie marks are preexisting then The Cutie Re-Mark can't happen.
In A Royal Problem the cutie marks have zero impact on the princesses' personalities. If one of your explanations for The Cutie Map was the equals sign being its own cutie mark and so doing cutie mark things, this would debunk (or "retcon") that notion. It was established both before and after The Cutie Map that removing a pony's cutie mark does not alter their personality. Additionally, in one episode Luna's butt splotch is treated as part of her cutie mark and in another episode it is treated as not being part of her cutie mark.
There is zero consistency in cutie mark fuckery. It is arguably the single least consistent thing in the entire show. To say that only MMC is inconsistent with other parts is to admit either that you have not watched the show or that you are literally incapable of performing logic.
I just have one question for you: Why are you a corporate bootlicker?
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I feel the same way. It's been almost a year since I posted this, it stills pops up in my mind every now and then. I really shouldn't care this much about a fictional blue horse.
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Trixie is the waifu for losers because it's the only mare that their ego can associate with and not feel shame.
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This is so hot
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Trixie is the waifu for the overly-competent who have lost their humanity because of their natural superiority and need a beautiful sub-human to keep themselves "grounded" and remain morally sound.
New rule for Trixie threads
No glimmerniggers (or glimmers in general)
They always fuck shit up for everyone
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That's like having just a peanut butter sandwich, or just a chocolate sandwich, instead of a peanut butter and chocolate sandwich.
yeah the dykeshippers are trash, they and the troontards
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>That's like having just a peanut butter sandwich
I do that.
then you don't have autism lmao

what is fucked up
trixie is cute, glimmer is also cute, trixie and glimmer together is also cute
suicide is always a option dyke
It's more like having caviar and potato chips.
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>Call of the Cutie.
All this showed is that Twilight can't force a natural cutie mark to appear before AB realizes it herself, not that cutie marks can't be swapped/taken.
>cutie pox
I'll grant you that it isn't real.
>What you mean is that if you assume something entirely different then you can change it to make it fit.
You're only right if looking at MMC in a vacuum. But when you know the context of what cutie marks are throughout the entire show, then it tells a different story.
>Cutie marks cannot grant powers because it creates a paradoxical situation with ponies attaining cutie marks.
Everypony is born with cutie mark magic, the visual mark just doesn't appear until they realize their calling. This is why Dash is magically able to do a sonic rainboom as a young untrained filly when no one else can.
>In Twilight's Kingdom when the princesses lose their cutie marks their personalities aren't affected
Personalities aren't really part of the equation so that checks out.
>In The Cutie Map when the mane six lose their cutie marks they do lose part of their personalities and who they are.
It's the equal sign mark that's causing that, similar to the cutie pox. It's part of the joke of equalization.
>If they're so intrinsic then this would be meaningless because the ponies would just get their same cutie marks anyways.
Right, though the mark itself doesn't have to be the exact same picture. The significance of changing the rainboom is that it changes their paths in life, not the cutie marks themselves. Twilight fails the entrance exam, and though she wouldn't give up on magic, Celestia's school and mentorship is no longer a path to her even after she realizes her mark later. This by itself drastically changes the timeline. Fluttershy, Dash, and Pinkie may never have moved to Ponyville either. So they don't all meet up in Ponyville to become friends thanks to delaying their marks which was Starlight's goal, well it was to specifically fuck with Twilight but the rainboom was like a 6-for-1 deal.
>equals sign being its own cutie mark and so doing cutie mark things
>Luna's butt splotch is treated as part of her cutie mark and in another episode it is treated as not being part of her cutie mark.
That was just for the sake of the animation so we can see Luna's moon on Celestia's fat butt. I wouldn't really call it an inconsistency, but it's certainly a thing that can be nitpicked.
>There is zero consistency in cutie mark fuckery.
You're clearly biased to a certain staff member which blinds you to the obvious logical conclusions right in front of you.
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I just want to see Trixie and Starlight team up and torture Twilight and her retarded friends to death.
I just want to see Trixie and Twilight team up and torture you and Starlight to death.
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>All this showed is that Twilight can't force a natural cutie mark to appear before AB realizes it herself, not that cutie marks can't be swapped/taken.
>okay well it did say no fucking with cutie marks, buuuuuut technically it didn't explicitly say no fucking with cutie marks in all these other ways that it didn't show
>You're only right if looking at MMC in a vacuum. But when you know the context of what cutie marks are throughout the entire show, then it tells a different story.
I.e. if you don't look at the later cutie mark lore in a vacuum it requires very liberal use of headcanon in order to try to make it not be in contradiction with preestablished lore.
>It's the equal sign mark that's causing that, similar to the cutie pox. It's part of the joke of equalization.
>>equals sign being its own cutie mark and so doing cutie mark things
>Personalities aren't really part of the equation so that checks out.
Therefore incorrect. It wouldn't be able to affect their personalities.
>You're clearly biased to a certain staff member which blinds you to the obvious logical conclusions right in front of you.
Extreme projection.
You have to keep jumping through hoops to avoid acknowledging the obvious, that being that the lore doesn't make sense. When I find a contradiction in the writing, I can simply call it out as such and say the show is wrong. When you're presented with a contradiction in the writing, you start your process of rationalization where you become determined to find out why it must secretly be correct, contrary to everything saying otherwise. The only reasons for doing this would be either having ulterior motives or viewing Hasbro as a divine, infallible authority. Neither option is good.
Under your framework the show must have never actually contradicted itself in anything. So either you claim the show to be perfectly logically sound or you're choosing to arbitrarily say it can be fallible in some parts and infallible in others wherever you feel like. Basically "I like this thing so it must be correct."
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>okay well it did say no fucking with cutie marks, buuuuuut technically it didn't explicitly say no
Your mistake is conflating two completely different concepts as the same thing. Twilight failing to force AB's mark to appear has no bearing on whether cutie marks can or can't be swapped.
>contradiction with preestablished lore
MMC is a fucked up disaster, but at least the incompetent writers accidentally left some wiggle room to work with due to how nonsensical it was.
>Therefore incorrect. It wouldn't be able to affect their personalities.
Equals sign isn't an authentic cutie mark so it's not the same. It is a bootleg manufactured to suppress ponies, its effect is not indicative of the real thing. You already said as much with the cutie pox, so you're contradicting yourself or just being a contrarian.
>presented with a contradiction in the writing
It's not a contradiction until verified to be. When I'm presented with a piece of information I first check to see if it's logically consistent and if its context reveals anything new before I confidently make a judgement.
>Under your framework the show must have never actually contradicted itself in anything.
More strawmanning in your tirade. Under logical reasoning there still exists contradictions such as Twilight being afraid of ladybugs. And I admitted long ago that MMC is the only one with inconsistencies in the cutie mark lore. Your all-or-nothing attitude is quite frankly childish.
>Basically "I like this thing so it must be correct."
Saying this is very telling of your mindset, because you don't like thing it must be incorrect.
jannies not doing their jobs as usual i see
>Under logical reasoning there still exists contradictions such as Twilight being afraid of ladybugs.
Nope. Twilight developed a fear of ladybugs.
This is the type of logic you use. There is a way to explain it away therefore it can't be a contradiction. This is far more reasonable than any of the arguments you've had to use regarding bullshit with cutie marks.
If telling you the consequences of your beliefs constitutes strawmanning it means you've not thought through what you're saying.
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>This is the type of logic you use.
Nope, that is your strawman of my logic. Twilight fearing ladybugs makes no sense because there is no evidence supporting it. In MMC there are literal clues such as the town-wide brainwashing and Rarity taking on Dashie's job, so evidence does exist there although not conclusive.
It looks like you've ran out of substantial arguments so you've been resorting to attacking my logic for the last two posts.
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Your failure of logic is at the core of your entire faulty argument. There's no point going over the same things again and again when you just repeat your failing argument each time no matter how much everything points against it.
>Twilight fearing ladybugs makes no sense because there is no evidence supporting it.
Cutie marks being switched or removed makes no sense because there is no evidence supporting it.
Things didn't happen, until they did. Either both are okay or neither are. Picking one and not the other is arbitrarily applying logic only when you want to.
That you are too stupid to follow your own logic does not make you immune to the consequences of it. That you resort to crying strawman when someone shows you what happens when following your logic shows only that your logic is completely absurd.
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Ah you're the type that erroneously says Shining Armor and Cadance are contradictions.

I'll try to help you understand.
>Twilight fearing ladybugs makes no sense because there is no evidence supporting it.
There is a scene explicitly showing Twilight smiling at a ladybug flying right in front of her. This sets the precedent of Twilight's feelings towards ladybugs, that of positivity or at the least neutrality. This is the information that is later contradicted by Twilight fearing them. Understand?

There are no scenes showing that cutie marks cannot be switched or removed so there was no information to be contradicted.
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When it's actively contributing to a larger problem? Then yeah it does, retard.
>screencapped himself in a different thread while using a mobile device
>calls everyone else the problem
yeah the troon stuff sucks and kills the character
the glimmerniggers are no help too
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Based trips.
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I will continue to monetarily support LGBT artists and there's nothing you can do about it
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There's nothing we need to do about it when they'll just kill themselves.
read "BB" as "breaking bad" at first and thought i ran into a rare waltuh apologist in the wild
You're right, there is nothing we can do about it because natural selection is a thing.
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>"The schizophrenic is talking to himself again!"
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homeless chads rise up
Based tru trixie enjoyer
Best mares best ship
Gays exist. keep crying about it kek
holy mother of samefagging
Occasionally have to come back in and stir the pot
Glimmerfag confirmed tranny.
Now this is what I like to see, show us some trixie on Twilight too Anon
you're gonna have to ask t72b on derpi for that one, i saw someone suggest this in his replies a month or so ago and he ended up doing it.
Unf yes please
You’re surrounded, surrender or become cucked
too much word
this will never happen
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I've seen more and more people say she wasn't a victim and deserved what she got, and it's starting to make me question myself to where I shouldn't feel bad for her either and that she isn't someone worth feeling sorry for. Am I being gaslighted or are they right?
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You're not supposed to feel bad for her, since she's so inherently worthless. That being said, some of us can't help but feel bad for her regardless, because she's so incredibly incompetent she loops back around from being unlikable to totally lovable.
This just made me even more miserable, thanks.
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You're being gaslighted. She already suffered her punishments, and their vendetta against Trixie is completely irrational and unjust, which shouldn't be shocking.
>another glimmernigger
Anon, the only thing they do is gaslight. Why would you listen to them?
nta but are these glimmerniggers?
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Trixie and Glimmy are naturally the most misunderstood ponies since they're more complex than the m6.
The real challenge is convincing purists and semi-purists that S6-S8 are worth watching, a nearly impossible endeavor on account of them being incapable of understanding why Starlight Glimmer needed to take over the role of protagonist to keep petrol in the show’s tank.
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I just think she should be publicly flogged and hanged. She's a net negative on society.
This, this is literally me and my current gf
Also this, at some point I felt like an extreme loser, like I wasn't a genius at all and never gonna become the next US president or whatever

Trixie has always been my favourite, but I think the anon who compares waifuing Trixie to wanting a sub-human is correct, since my current relationship with an extremely dumb girl is actually my healthiest and most long lasting one
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>proudly admits to dating a retard
who's the retard now, retard?
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It's almost like I know what it's like to date and then trick into marriage a dumb girl myself!
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>since they're more complex than the m6.
Fuck I wish this was just bait. Holy shit I hate knowing this post is sincere.
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trixie superiority makes faustlusters seethe
moar GREAT and POWERFUL news at 11
Glimmer's should be no boxes for anyone.
Did Celestia actually do that? I don't recall anything about her being particularly effective for the commoners as a politician.
Equestria seems to be a pretty good place to live for everyone.
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Anyway, gonna share this picture, have this saved from years ago, and despite purging my devices many many times, this pic of her always remains. Trixie is easily my top 3, maybe even top 1 when I feel sad. She is just lovely, no other female characters in fiction feels like her, even the mane 6 have characters in other media similar to them, but I have yet to watch or read about other Trixie-ish characters, she is unique.
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I find it a bit unusual that Trixie's first response to being heartbroken is to kill herself. It's like she never learned how to emotionally mature or anything.
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twiniggers are even more insufferable than their shitty waifu
Trixieniggers why half of this thread is about the glimmerXTrixie ship?
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The trisket well is forever poisoned by the pink snake
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Because Glimmer is a parasite who leeches off and steals from others, it's no surprise that glimmerniggers would do the same. As far as they're concerned Glimmer never has enough, and whatever she does have she needs to be more important in. They're not content to let other people just like other characters, you have to like Glimmer too. They see other characters as nothing more than vassals for Glimmer.
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only the best deserves the best
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They're easily the best duo and most popular ship in the fandom.
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i like them because they bring the worst out in each other
Lessbians can't like any character without projecting themselves
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The perfect pair
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>get called out
>start passive aggressively sperging
Nice way to prove this completely correct.
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You are superior, do not descend to their level.
I was saying this post >>41385801 was correct.
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Too late to undo it, we all know what you meant.
Less than 1% of the population if you don't include groomed porn addicts.
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silly ponies!
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In a world where friendship is magic, and means everything to ponies, it is not a surprise she would take it that hard, especially when you remember that she said Starlight was her first friend EVER.
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I felt the same way when I lost my first true friend after they found out that I was putting so much effort into doing things they liked doing and going to places they liked visiting even though I just wanted to stay underneath my comforter because I wanted to lose my virginity to them. It was the darkest period of my life.
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>try to cozy up to someone just so you can get in their pants
>be surprised when they don't like it
Anon, you're a sociopath.
Yeah I'm sorry this is nothing like what >>41386216 said at all. Trixie was lonely and wanted a friend. You're just a weirdo.
meant this as a reply to >>41386225 mb
No it was the exact same because I came to actually like them and putting my balls in their butt would have been a bonus but actually liking them didn’t matter to them anymore because they thought I just wanted their butt just like how Starlight thought Trixie only wanted to one-up Twilight
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>have miserable, lonely life
>never learn social skills
>make first friend
>lose that friend very quickly over something you didnt really notice was bad
Nah, makes sense to me. Character development isn't gonna be from an asshole to a perfect well-adjusted individual overnight.
How do you know it was miserable?
A unicorn who can’t do magic isn’t a happy unicorn. Scootaloo is a pegasus who can’t fly, and even with her friends supporting her, she was still upset about it sometimes. Since Trixie never had friends, she never got emotional support for being a genetic failure, hence why she became boisterous and narcissistic. Since no one else would tell her how great and powerful she is, she started doing it herself, hence the third-person speaking.
you can’t just download somepony like that
That is an interesting outlook on Trixie, though would you say this makes her a more interesting and/or sad character? Do you sympathize with this or do you think it brings her down? Genuinely just curious on your view of her, I always love discussing her.
>A unicorn who can’t do magic isn’t a happy unicorn.
I don't know about that. She seemed more competent than any other unicorn besides Twilight/Starlight even if most of her tricks were illusions.
Yeah, she was originally a pretty above average unicorn.
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I thought you were overexaggerating about glimmerniggers until I scrolled up and saw >>41359759 >>41359820

I strive to be as delusional as these people
wait why are we belittling trixie and calling her a worthless loser i thought this thread was for the opposite of that
I love Trixie even though she has no value. If you’re willing to watch past season 5 then she at least starts becoming a better, healthier pony, and I think it’s that pony everyone fell in love with.
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>past season 5 then she at least starts becoming a better, healthier pony
>I think it’s that pony everyone fell in love with.
Wrong as fuck and kill yourself.
Make me faggot come make me choke to death on your sweaty balls bitch
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It's just one person. Most glimfags love Trixie and vice versa.
bump (again)
That is not one person.
3 at least. me and 2 other nibbas

no offense but if guys like this ship so much why not ya'll make a thread about the ship?
It’s illegal to talk about mares and sex unless it is prefaced with the phrase “I want to cum inside…” and none of us want either Trixie or Glimmer to cum in the other because trans bad.
Anon recognized him as one person. Far far more trixiehaters come from twifags and the other m6 anyway.
>Anon recognized him as one person.
Yeah, how though? That's clearly two different people on Fimfiction. Granted a lot of glimmerniggers just seem like palette swaps of each other but still.
twiniggers are definitely the worst
other one looks like a shimmernigger
I want to cum inside Trixie and Glimmer while they compete over which of them is the better lover until they lose themselves in pleasure and start making out.
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nsp made me realize just how much twilight sucks
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I realized that back in boast busters.
Womp. Get over it, let ppl make art
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>"Get over it, let people ruin your favorite character and everyone's public perception of her"
I can excuse Boast Busters because Twilight really didn't know what was going on, even then her line at the end of "She'll learn her lesson someday" was pretty ignorant. In NSP she's downright malicious and could care less of what happens to Trixie.
>everyone’s public perception
bro only your own perception of the character matters
you need to be more secure with your feelings about your waifu
just because someone else thinks something different about her shouldn’t change how much you love her
and vice versa
let people like things
and be happy yourself liking things
even if they’re different
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fuggin dorklight snarkle
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I like you Anon, you got spunk
>only your own perception of the character matters
I disagree to an extent. While your own opinion matters foremost, there comes a point where the publicly agreed upon perception becomes damaging to the character. It's gotten to the point where new fans think Trixie is canonically trans because these people pushed it hard enough. A lot of old fans have fallen to this as well.
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well I agree that those who believe its canon are stupid
and it would be good to properly educate people on the line between canon and fanon
I just think its an exaggeration to say that people are ruining your favorite character
I’ve been gone a while
but what I’m seeing is a lot of cute/funny mostly harmless images and then really aggressive backlash
I’m an early show Trixie loyalist, I know very little of glimmer
but I think she is cute and that they are cute together and I’m chill if people wanna pretend that one of them is trans when shipping them
but I understand your concern with new age fans spreading misinformation
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>I’m chill if people wanna pretend that one of them is trans when shipping them
Then you don't understand the larger problem at hand.
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>properly educate people on the line between canon and fanon
That's gonna be hard, people are stubborn. Lots of people still mistake Celestia and Luna as being all-powerful goddesses for instance because that's how a lot of early fan-made content portrayed them as, eventually people start believing it as fact despite there being no evidence.
>Lots of people still mistake Celestia and Luna as being all-powerful goddesses
This is unfortunately the opposite of the case.
i still need to know
>I love Trixie even though she has no value.
These are two very conflicting statements.
night bump
Not particularly. Have you ever seen someone with a quadriplegic retard, still with a big smile on their face despite how useless their friend is? That’s me with Trixie.
except Trixie actually has personality and motor function
Yeah, she has a SHIT personality and a motor MOUTH LMAOOO
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Don't talk about her like that...
>no value
>goes from town to town to grow a career in magic
If I had a dollar for every brain cell Trixie has, I’d owe the US National Debt!
ey if that edit anon is here can you make a trixie cum edit of this because i don't think t72b is gonna
Trixie does NOT have a great and powerful penis.
every mare has a penis when its hot
Only when the time calls for it.
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>the only character analyses about trixie are about whether she's trans or not, nothing about her as an actual character
And no the one by GatorGoatJohnny doesn't count, it's shit.
swallow my balls
hate to break it to you but she's not deep or uniquely interesting
be the change you want to see in the world
we can start writing an analysis here and now
me when i have zero media literacy
yeah she isn't "uniquely interesting" to you because you don't bother to look into her character at all
if she's so uniquely interesting then make an analysis on her
i'd love for you to change my mind
why are you even on this thread if you don't find her remotely interesting? and i don't have the editing skills or equipment to make my own video analysis.
though if i could suggest any "analysis" i'd suggest you start from here. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40823565/#40851570
or y'know, lurk more and find it yourself you lazy fuck.
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Dangerously high concentration of glimshit itt. We have to do better.
Trixie is a recurring character thanks to Glimmer’s intervention, so you just have to frickin’ deal with it.
Stay in your own thread glimshit.
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I do retarded shit and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over while I have a big mouth and get angry easily making everyone around mad at me. Everybody who knows me is already fed up with my stupidity.
What I'm trying to say is I feel a great empathy with this dumb mare.
and not a single comment in this thread includes an Eminem reference...
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Her hooves are sweaty, knees weak, legs are heavy. There's vomit in her magic hat already, mom's pasketti.
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>incessant whining and doesn't even bother posting a trixie
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hot ‘n ready made me kek
whats this?
Trixie as a cute little filly.
Why it is this legendary video!

Lmao nodraw faggot I'm going to keep drawing her with trans pride and a marecock :^)
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Lowly talentless trixiefag can't even write a script and a slideshow. You know the video part is just fat right? The analysis is text. You voicing it and making a stinky slideshow is just presentation.
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Shut up nigger, don't act like you're any better when you're here on your ass arguing.
I can't even relate to Trixie and yet there's no other character I've ever felt as bad for and I'm not sure why. I guess it could just be because "cute pony" but I feel like there's more to it than that.
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You feel bad for Trixie because she isn't retarded, but she's legitimately the most stupid character in the entire show, and your instincts want to protect her because you know at any moment she could mix ammonia and bleach while trying to make the bathroom cleaner than normal.
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trixie goes hard
Unfunny animations by made by sonicfag-furry
Funny animations from the creator of the Pony Renaissance.
I meant insightful. Being a loner and all, she would be very sweet to talk to, share, etc. I want her to tell me about her past in the most annoying voice possible while we watch the sunset.
Her insights are based on her perceptions, and she’s stupid, so her insights are going to be about as deep as a bird bath. Just admit that you want to cuddle her and want her to ramble freely about stupid shit so she won’t leave in the middle of the cuddle session.
Selfish is not the same as stupid. I want to see her get out of her bitchy shell while preserving her main character traits.
She uses real magic to perform fake magic. She’s stupid.
from where are people getting this “real magic to do fake magic” thing
she just uses real magic
I fear troonxie lunabonner
She is a performance artist
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She uses a blend of unicorn magic, trick props/sleight of hand and good old fashioned stage presence to entertain ponies. Most of the real magic she uses is just telekinesis (and maybe alchemy if that counts.)
Remember, her most real-magic trick we saw was teleporting out of a manticore's stomach and she explicitly required Starlight to do that for her.
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>magic on the lighter is blue
who is helping Trixie with that
Sie ist wieder da... es'st verloren.
Rarity is a known severe homophobe and transphobe.
honestly they don't exactly teach you how to make chemical weapons in school, so my dumbass could possibly have done this at some point not knowing what I was doing.
Bro? Why? :(
As well as a racist, and an anti-semite
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Trixie fags, whats your opinion on your favorite little shit being made into a body horror villain in FOE?
Granted, it makes sense since FOE is a worst case scenario basically, but still, Trixie can't catch a break.
who cares about the dykesis fic?
As a horror connoisseur I like it, though it could go harder.
Does this suit your fancy then?
If it makes you feel better anon, she got a bunch of her ""kids"" out and a quater of them look like a alicorn version of her.
This is pretty cool. I have a few nitpicks, but overall it hits pretty good.
The artist for this said that he just fucked up the coloring because he did this as a funny unpolished meme and didn't put too much thought into it, and just colored it blue like her because it simply fit.

But i like to imagine Rarity behind the camera holding the lighter with the same shit eating grin. Its just sounds funny to me.
my curiosity has been piqued
what is FOE
A fusion of Mlp and Fallout it was written before/during season 2 airing, its a grimdark story while still holding onto the idea of Friendship IS magic and playing the concept straight.
>what is FOE
A waste of time
>"Trixie will never deserve someone like Starlight."
Yeah, Trixie deserves an actual good friend that cares about her.
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best pony
Keep up the good work
Go back to shitter troonie
Jannies still not doing their jobs I see
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You know I'm not usually into this sort of stuff but this just gave me a primal urge to pound her like a feral animal.
She's gonna be the one doing the pounding. >>41392084
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>see Trixie
>hear Marie Kanker
Why would she have trans pride if magic exists and she could become a stallion? Or is it about attention seeking?
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You faggots will swallow up bait from four fucking days ago, then you'll turn around and wonder why Trixie threads are absolute fucking garbage.
God why do I even bother with this fucking board anymore?
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mm mmm yummy bait and non trixie posting in trixie thread
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She would not be the Master. She would be Frank Horrigan.
>"You've gotten a lot farther than you should have, but then again you haven't met The Great and Powerful Trixie either. Your ride's over, Sparkle. Time to die."
I love you
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head empty
the most interesting part about these threads is when people start arguing about her character lol
Fuck it, if nobody else is going to make a proper analysis, I will. I'll start writing the script and share it here.
Trixie can be described as a vulnerable narccisist but she isn't really one. She travels from town to town, unable to have close friendships, and has to put on a front for her stage character to build a reputation. She's kinda a bitch to twilight but she is trying to sell herself as a great magician. Probably shouldn't have challenged the actual student of the leader of equestrian.
all me btw
twifags BTFO
I want to kiss her on her big stupid forehead so bad
So real. People have entirely lost the concept of bros in media because they don't understand that type of genuine deep friendship.
>Two characters call each other best friend, spend tons of time with eachother, and genuinely care about eachother?
>Well I've never felt a shred of emotion for anyone I didn't want to fuck, so they must be gay.
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forgot to ask, but thoughts?
Trixie with a great and powerful pp, ready to be worshipped
i havent gotten to them yet
i noticed one was tagged with glimmer and i wanted to rewatch the show cause i saw very little of glimmer past her introduction way back when
halfway through season 3 currently, shit is surprisingly cash still
oh well have a good rewatch anon!
thank you, i am so far
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She's not a transphobe. Why would she be afraid of some faggot wearing drag?
Rarity is transmisic. She just hates them.
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Is this AI?
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ai cooked here, show accuracy is always a plus
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I have a few ideas for a title
"Nobody Understands Trixie"
"My Little Pony's Surprisingly Sad Character"
"MLP's Most Depressing Character (besides luna)"
"Trixie Lulamoon: The Mare Who Friendship Denied"
corny i know
How about...
>The Pathetic and Friendless Trixie's Way-To-Go-Dum-Dum-You-Really-Messed-It-Up-This-Time Repentance Analysis
The separation of sex from marriage has been a disaster for the human race.
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she's been recontained
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Sometimes, it's not easy being the greatest, the most-powerful, and the most humble pony to ever exist. An important aspect of being respected by others is respecting one's self, and that includes getting plenty of rest.
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holy unf more please anon
Don’t be gay dude. Even if you are gay you should stop being gay because Celestia looks down and condemns gay behavior. Even if it’s a marecock it’s still gay.
I can never tell if you types are being unironic or not
So do you think that everyone making gay posts are being genuine 100% of the time instead of being ironically gay, too? Everything posted here is a work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything here posted as fact.
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My lifesize G&PT from BlackWater has a hat now. She still has to make her cape before she ships.
>My lifesize G&PT
Your whatnow?
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someone's gotta do it
Cute. My favorite part was when Starlight Worthlessbitchcunt died.
get the fuck out newfag
say it out loud. guh and puh tuh. what does that sound like? come on anon i know you can't be this new
never heard of that expression before? and I thought I lived under a rock lol
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You all ARE lifting for your waifu, right? After all, even the most basic pony is a rippling muscle monster with a body designed basically likes a sports care. Don't tell me you think you can handle 900lbs without training for it...
Trixie weighs 70 lbs actually. And I only do pushups and pullups. Lifting is a scam.
This was adorable. I hope you write more.
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How many sets and how many reps of each? If you're lying, I'll know.
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Do NOT bully the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie.
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close enough
is there a 4chanx setting to set filenames to IMG_XXXX?
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replies reminding me of this lol
why do people on this board complain about mobileposters i genuinely don't understand
not everyone is always at their computer
NEETs think that everyone else on 4chan are also NEETs
Access to the internet should only be allowed for desktops. If you don't have the time to sit down in front of a computer you don't have the time to post anything good.
i'm mostly doing EQG but i'll make you a pony if you prefer however i'd like to read more details of your /r/ like pose etc
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NTA but if you're doing EQG I'd rather Shimmer with a horsecock.
>Shimmer with a horsecock.
actually posted this recently
why is it so erotic
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Kek I can see it
I am that Anon and I'd like more of futa ponies please! Trixie being smug and lording her bigger cock over Starlight would be hot.
i'm gonna commission a futa animation from nika-rain, i was gonna commission pinfeather but he hasn't been online in 4 months. they're both show accurate artists so it's gonna be the REAL trixie and starlight, not 3d bullshit.
ref: https://files.catbox.moe/it3je9.png
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thanks anon
im struggling with some irl shit and have kinda run out of inspiration/motivation
but i enjoyed writing what i have so far so im gonna try to not give up yet
some direction or critique would be appreciated as well
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You can't change the wind, but you can set your sails. It's all about how you react to the bullshit that is life, and the only people who are happy to see you face-down in the dirt are people who fucking hate you and never want you to succeed.
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Yes, but I don't think my little pony weighs that much.
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This is canon, by the way.
i appreciate your kind words anon
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You're welcome. Never stop hating. When you finally beat the thing you hate, find something new to hate. The only way to get better is to constantly be in a hateful state, hating everything that is bad and evil and ugly.
thats an interesting take on things
not fully applicable to my situation
but i see the point
thats genuinely the worst advice ive ever read
Die thread die!
gj hitting the bump limit trixie fags
great and powerful
posting this classic before the thread gets archived
damn trixie has been smoking 10 packs a day lmao
50 year old chain smoker trixie do be sounding kinda nice though
i would love to grow old with her
and hopefully pony cigarettes dont smell so bad
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i just wanna say what was up with all the trixie trash talking this thread, is your guys love fading or something?

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