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Here's a drawing I did
Octavia Melody general - /omg/
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Very nice drawing, anon
Very floffy donk

Post her fat, grey donkey ass
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Her arse is well toned, lean and muscular
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/donk/ is the big ass thread on /trash/
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Thank you Anon!
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Heart status: Muh
Also nice flaming looking mane and tail
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Tavi's not amused by the lewd posting...
Secretly, she loves it.
shes a lewd mare after all, with a donkey plot
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I love my donkey wife
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Well I don't frequent such place so I didn't know
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>>41360785 I like this one very much.
Wonderful. Thank you for these Octi's.
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What if I don't wanna?
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And thus 'tavi became a serial shitposter
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Thank you!
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Dont worry about it Octavia, you just be yourself, you're best pony afterall
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when not in her uptight mode, i like how much smugness she exudes. great for reaction images
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damn bro I think you dropped some octavia in your pixels
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What's Tavi's drink of choice?
Calypso Paradise Punch Lemonade
Fuckin noice.
its fookn mingy!
I'm sure I've seen a vid with Octavia and Calypso. Here or on YouTube.
thats why i love that image so much
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I love her so much..
And I love Saint-Saens' 3rd. One of my favorite symphonic pieces.
I remember the one where Octavia tosses the bottle at Vinyl.
Found it! Just searched for "minging" on desuarchive lol
Kudos to the author.
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I wonder why she's mad?
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Because there's a bloody dumb watermark on her beautiful picture
She knows humans are perverted apes.
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>Octavia slowly whoring herself out as she gives up on her dreams
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ily 2637 for making art of my angry tavi green
>cunnilingus on octavia while she plays
fuck I wish
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sleep time
Did a streamer actually do something like this ?
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Yup. Sad to see. I even watched a few of her videos by happen chance when I was in a piano craze a few years back, but now...
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That's awful people really will do anything for money and fame.
Nah I think most humans have a limit. Like your average person wouldn't feast on an innocent child's flesh for 10,000 dollars.
You're going to feel really stupid in 2027 the future is a not a nice place.
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Numbers go up means good right? Who cares if no one cares about your stupid cello? Flaunt that ass and get attention. You'll never succeed otherwise. What, you want people to listen to your music? They will, then they'll pause and jerk off.
So put down that cello and go grab the b(ass)
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Tavi would NEVER do this. Just like other pony mares, Tavi has self-respect and class. They (ponies) do not stoop to this kind of degeneracy; that is a human thing, not a pony thing. I wish that Anons would not project human degeneracy and fetishes on to ponies. Sure, ponies are sexual, but I cannot see ponies engaging in the kind of soulless, hollow, monkey-brained sexual degeneracy that humans do. Well, this is my opinion anyway.
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Ironically, she's been losing more and more visits in her YT channel with time
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She would. After a lifetime of accomplishing nothing with her cello skills and failing to gain the renown in Canterlot, she'd sell out and slowly devolve into softcore porn. You cannot fix her.
Octavia is the prettiest earth pony in Equestria and no one else even comes close.
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She already plays naked though?
>Bra and panties
Tell me that's NOT sexy
You know how in our culture less clothes is more provocative? In Equestria putting on more clothes in certain areas is their version of lewd. A pony putting on cute socks, panties is hotter than being outright naked and you know it.
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Octavia in one of these "dresses"
Well of course Vinyl does it, she plays in a club she owns after all, it’s part of the experience.
I’m sure she’d groom- …er, encourage and help Tavi to do the same
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Yeah see. Or saddles.
It's nice to see you again! I still really like your green so here's another art of it
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I don't know what shitpost she would make but being banned would be a funny result of it
That is a very happy DJ
That's not true
She's wearing her bow tie
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Probably something to do with footie
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I love your style. It reminds me of PPG
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Buttercup is best PPG
Octavia would be a football hooligan
I felt really guilty making them argue so my latest vinyl tavi green has vinyl lovingly "serenading" screaming Kanye West lyrics in tavi's face but I posted it like an hour before the nuke so I have to repost it on the current vst
I felt bad for Vinyl in that green too, so I drew a nice part of it. I did read that green too before the nuke, you're a good writer! Do you plan on saving them somewhere like ponepaste?
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Thank you! I don't really know a lot about PPG, but I did get inspired by a similar cartoon for my artstyle
Checked also I never really considered it. I may later today since I have nothing better to do.
Draw anon can you draw her eating some pie ?
Draw anon can you draw her eating out some Pie?
That would be sinful anon!
Draw anon can you draw me eating her pie?
Forgive me.
>Overcompensates on the dressing part.
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Let's post the classic.
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First time drawing Pinkie
Very cool!
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Thank you!
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She's murdering anon during his sleep, am sure
first time and it looks so good! You must be a lucky guy. but it is sinful of her to eat pie
she's so serious no she's determined focused even it's majestic honestly
Can you Vinyl chastising anon behind Tavi's back, while she's also eating a slice ?
* Can you add Vinyl
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>*tugs on tail*
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That happened to me once man only it was a cheese cake instead of a pie.
>Has a whole pie to herself but will only share a slice
I want to try Vinyl's pie
Wonder what flavor she bakes?
Worth it, cheese cake is awesome
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I wanted a simply shaped pie to draw, but it is alot like a pumpkin pie, it could be any kind of pie you want though!
>she bakes
That's a good idea I had to draw it
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I'm currently drawing this now, I did draw some Octavia and Anon snuggling art before, but I havent posted this one animation so here it is while I complete that request
>Vinyl waifus Tavi and makes her sweets
Mega cute, wonder how Octavia expresses her gratitude in return, she seems pretty good at pie eating.
Nice animation, very comfy.
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Wanna see it
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good draws!

I wish I was better at doing quick little funny doodles.
picture unrelated.
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Oh dear
I’m sure that’s just the face Tavi makes when she gets an appreciation cheese cake from Vinyl
Yep, definitely nothing else going on outside the view of the picture
Image, I had a lot of fun drawing this! It was worth it. I tried adding a bit of Tavi's dreaming (she is just performing a cello piece)
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Thank you! I spend about half an hour to probably a few hours on each doodle I post here, I tried experimenting with different art programs too. Since there was a lack of Tavi threads, I started this one, also with the intent of drawing art for other anons. I ended up drawing quite a lot! It's very good and fun practice, and all of you are very kind. This thread is my pride and joy.
Good things take time, I did practice drawing for many years, and my first few Tavi art weren't very up to standard too. You can draw good quick little funny doodles anon, I believe in you!
I drew the image before I got replies to draw >>41378358 but I choose not to complete it since its not canon to this thread
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Wonderful, blessed, thank you
There's a "dynamic-ness" over your stuff that I really like. Keep at it, drawfag!

Bonus discussion question: What's you guy's favorite cello piece? I like János Starker's Bach #2 cello suites.
God I wish that were me
God I wish that were me
Me too
Yeah me to- …wait a minute
Thank you anon!
I don't know alot about Cello pieces but I'll check that one out. This would be very basic but I like The Swan (by Camille Saint-Saëns) because it is nostalgic
selfish britmare. how rude.
It's okay Anon gets some Tavi appreciation cheesecake later
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I wonder if any of you want a say in how Tavi's appreciation will go, I'll draw out some suggestions (if any) in a comic form. In the image, Vinyl's dubstep dishwashing is a ploy to get her attention
I don't really have any immediate ideas that are appropriate for a blue board.
This but in red.
It's the other way round they pay 10k to feast on flesh.
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I have the urge to see your cute octavia paired with tolltavia now
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Tavi is going to eat her cake
Then she’s going to eat Vinyl’s cake
Finally she’s going to eat Vinyl’s pie
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I admire your art anon! I love your tolltavia and vinyl and they were fun to draw. I worry I mischaracterise them though
Nice idea Anon I will try to draw this
Seeing double
Sweet, literally
Tolltavia makes my knees weak...
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How Octavia would react to Cryptid Tolltavia?
Very cute. Just make Tolltavia sillier or scarier and you'll be fine.
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Shenanigans ensue!
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Drew this a while ago
Proud, as she should be
Very floofy
I want to grab the donk like she were a cat
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My heart
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Tried to add some Cryptid Tolltavia
Yay cheesecake party!
Octavia will be extra appreciative of Vinyl now.
Very adorable Vinyls and Tavis in this thread
Much love from /vst/
Wouldn't she do it for you?
Bravo! Just bravo!
I loved every single one of these, you are a very talented artist
Got a small hint of anime artstyle on the last one, and I liked it
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tol tall? octavia sketch. she's cool, draw anon
W-why she has dark demon eyes?
Fookin noice
she cute
I did it from memory
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Good shit mang
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Very cute
Bri'ish buhmp
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Triple Tavi!!!
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I want to gently grab tolltavia's snoot and playfully shake it
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Why the long face?
Imagine the tongue on her
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Something like this?
Maybe like a hummingbird's one
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Or a chameleon
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Actually, closest would probably be an anteater. Even has the long snoot.
Oh how horrifying
This, in addition it's a mammal.
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Smelly donkey
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cute donkey

I bet she'd dig playing this
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I really enjoy the 'very-arrogant but still very-competent' Octavia archtype.
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I can't carry this thread by myself, guys. I've got a full-time job.
I guess it deserves to die... Too few 'Tavifags on this board...
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Fucking fight me, faggot.
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too tired
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Well, do you arseholes like EQG, or something?
I'll try posting some >nohooves shit.
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I put hers and Vinyl's cutie marks above my piano
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i'm okay with >nohooves
What is this grotesque looking garbage? Some kind of discord groomer tier OC?
fucking nice

it's content. more than what can be said about your contribution.
Don't devolve the tavi thread into the sad coomfest that is the vinyl thread :c
Earth has been scorched there with the relentless amounts of nohooves and people drooling over tits.
Then post some donks fag, I don’t care if nohooves or pony is posted either way but I’ll never admit to not liking tits.
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>do you arseholes like EQG
Not really, but booba
Their kind literally always does this. The agenda has to be pushed everywhere.
I’m more of an ass man as a proper donkfag but goddamn
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Can el burro run fast enough to dodge the rain?
Done for now.
Golden as usual my friend
Now I want to see Octi and Tolltavia merely having a slice of life episode, spending some quality time together
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Also, I won't be drawing as much anymore. School's started again.
I like humans.
I wouldn't think too hard about it. The anatomy of Tolltavia has always been to whatever's funniest for the given moment. Just like her looks, which have evolved greatly since >>41386037
In images like that, I just slide the mouth along the bottom of the snout to wherever seems aesthetically pleasing. Otherwise, nice.
Very very cute.
>Half uncanny
>Half hot
Oh no...
Nice flow. and cute mares. Did a great job making the hair chaotic and long.
Anon appears out of nowhere. and i already love him
Hope to see you again soon, drawfriend
I like to imagine her with a long prehensile tongue because it’s hot
She could do a lot with it
Nice drawings, and human Octavia is just as nice as pony, despite what the spergs say
Tolltavia is a gem. I wish it was all put up somewhere, so I could catch up on everything Tolltavia. Oh well.
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I drew the image yesterday, its a bit suggestive so I spoilered it
I also have school, so I won't be able to contribute to this thread. But if we ever make a new thread please name it /omg/ after this >>41359927
I think the designs are nice and I like drawing human Tavi sometimes
Thank you so much for contributing to the thread with your art! And tolltavia
>just slide the mouth along the bottom of the snout to wherever seems aesthetically pleasing
Tolltavia is awesome
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on the subject of unf posting and bumping the thread...
I want to slap octavia's fat buttcheeks and play it like bongos
Lossbian trash go back to shitter begone thot
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A tight rhythm, or a thunderous beat?
there's nothing "tight" about octavia
She’s loose?
Or do you mean she’s not cool?
She'd play until she popped.
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Fukken kek
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me on the right
That's a great video!
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>"Wot do yew think yew're doin on moi block m8?"
Pet her, saying "funny talking horsey" and keep walking foward
I've never seen an 85 key piano before. Where'd you get it?
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Andreas Christensen is the brand
started in Denmark
it also has only 2 pedals
cant pin down the year or model though
Oh, it used to be my Mom's ever since her dad had the idea she should learn the piano. I grew up with it being decoration in the living room and eventually inherited it when I got the space to have it, since I'm marginally more musically inclined than anyone else in my close family.
It's like 50-60 years old, i think. Could be older. No idea if there are any production markings with a year anywhere.
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going beddie bye
hope some /omg/ers can keep the thread alive...
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The donk has been arrested
Will you bail her out?
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I'll just swap places with her.
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That was close
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Hammock donk is comfy
I want to plap
Racism online is no joke, donk.
Tavi unf plap plap
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I want to hug the donk
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Cute donk
Has anyone here interacted with a donk irl
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>Has anyone here interacted with a donk irl
Anon... I...
I-impossible! When did this happen?
I'm afraid the donks perished in the great rosin shortage of 1762
no...... NO....
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The mare is cheering for you
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She looks pretty in a bikini
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Can someone draw her as a stuffed donkey like Eeyore?
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I hope this is good enough
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Yep. I approve.
How would she react if you kissed her cutie mark
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Can you imagine her face as red as a cherry?
Only married ponies are allowed to do that.

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i might write a green.

anonstallion x octavia because im bored
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She's so cute
Do it! Give us some anonstallion shenanigans. I'll read it.
She's the mare
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Bros… this can’t be happening…
Based. I look forward to reading it
I want this too.
never been particularly interested in anon stallion desu
human anon is fine tho, easier to relate to, (not necessarily green)
I wish Octavia would play the cello again
I love my wife!!!! She's so pretty!!!
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You confessed your love for her, she deeply reciprocates and you take her on the bed to make sweeeet tender love
Now I wanna see her with her “tail” detached from her rump.
Thats cruel!
hey that's a 3d model isn't it?
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>verification not required
no, there's a little web app called "depthy" where you crudely paint a greyscale image/heightmap to something and it uses that as a depth measurement for how much to displace pixels as if it's 3d.
but people don't know how to actually paint the depth effectively, so results are often really crappy.
I want to cuddle cute pretty Tavi
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Fresh from the drawthread
The sexual escapades of detective Octavia
I like both
1000% necessary
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Mares in suits are so sexy. Especially Tavi.
I think she needs a darker suit, since her coat is already grey. But holee fuck I would.
>tie not pink
missed opportunity
Oh fuck, almost missed this. Nice little comic.
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W-why is she looking at me like that?
Sock wife
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Who's this mysterious mare?
In sleep, she sang to me, in dreams she came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again? For now, I find
The Phantom of Equestria is there
Inside my mind
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The donk is eepy
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>No bowtie
She looks cuddleable.
High intensity kisses for tavi
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Smooch the donk

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