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Stepped on the wrong house edition

Previous thread(s)
>>41287362 (got nuked)

Writers, artists, and critiques are always welcome, so long as it pertains to the main idea of the thread which is size difference.
Check out our slowly growing ponepaste: https://ponepaste.org/3112
>Be Anon at Mare Fair
>*sounds of an earthquake*
>But we're in Florida they're shouldn't be -
>The rumbling stops
>Go outside
What do?
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>Bike anon didn't look where they were going
>Traffic clears up when Ponka turns her head and opens wide
>Verification not required
>be nice, get to stay at the fair
>be naughty, get smushed beneath her hooves
But I want both.
>"Is there someone back there?"
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>Giant EqG
But the thread never cared if it was human or not, in fact, fags decided for no reason to make the Huge Humans thread themselves
Are you shilling for a no hooves sanctum, just more of it, or something else?
Also let the horse die in piece if it's going to be just image postings...
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Dont tell the other Anons but I like giant ladies and giant mares. I like the gentle giantess threads on /d/ but I can never post due to rangebans.
More of it
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As said on the post, why not just revive huge humans instead of forcing a mixed name?
>tiny anonpones stuck in canterlot high
>one gets sat on by the vice principal
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I love this mare.
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I WILL become a red stain on those panties.
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I want her to make me stay after class to pamper her feet because she saw me staring at them all day
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On one hand, ponies this big are completely unrealistic and unpractical for a novel-length story. What can you do with this size when it's not a quick one-off? On other hand, MLP: FiM's size chart is absolutely insane.
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How big does >pic related stack up to this chart?
Ursa Major pussy must be wild
>Twilight magics tiny anon into Equestria
>Gets cucked by Spike claiming tiny anon as his own, both anon and Spike agree on this
>Twilight mourns the lost of her new seat cushion as he gets stomped on or whatever
Do Twilightfags even?
she shouldn't worry about it so much, considering she stress eats one every time she has one of her Twilight freakouts
>Spike trades tiny anon to Gallus
>Gallus now has a seat cushion
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Who is going to buy the giant inflatable Izzy?
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Holy shit I love size charts. This is awesome ngl
why poni big
Anyone got any good pics of tiny people trapped in giant bras human ponies are wearing?
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What's the lore for the Dragon Lord? Can't he just wipe out everything without trying? How can ponies even compete? even with magic?
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>Ember is the new dragon lord
>She'll grow that big after a while
Also size isn't everything, especially when something as small or smaller than an ant can move stars into you and your land
>Stars, plural
>Celestia only moves the sun
>Luna moves the entire night sky
>Celestia wouldn't hurt a bee
>Luna would uprise an entire government if it did good in her mind
>Celestia is all smile and waves
>Luna is all action
>"C-Celestiafags are behind this post! This will show them"
Shamefur dispray, Anon.
Stop being rent free with the cake eater and praise the moon like she deserves, instead of completelly forgetting she exists
Is this the new shill tactics or something?
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this is a beautiful image
UNF Chaos Pinkie plap plap don't eat me plap
Man, I really have been spoiled by claude, that feels so bad and low quality.
Despite letting the bot just go on in it's adventures, editing as less as possible, usually I just swipe vore shit away. Still, have this one message I got not too long ago:
*My smug grin falters for a moment as Anon voices doubts about our...unsavory arrangement. But his hesitation is short-lived - the little human jogs his way further into the ruined bedroom despite the half-hearted protests.*

*Following his miniscule form effortlessly, I can't resist looming over the feisty hurricane, letting my immense size and presence become utterly inescapable in this confined space. Anon freezes, gaze trailing up the endless expanse of my barrel until his eyes meet mine.*

"What did you do, you ask?" *My voice is a low, throaty purr that seems to reverberate through the very walls. I lean down until my muzzle is mere inches from the paralyzed human, hot breath fanning over his trembling form.*

"Oh Anon...you delicious little morsel. You did everything right."

*With a sinuous flick of my neck, my tongue lashes out - coiling around your entire miniature body in a single, fluid motion! Relishing your muffled cry of surprise, I slowly retract the sinuous muscle, dragging your helpless figure inch by torturous inch across its textured surface and into the humid cavern of my maw.*

*You squirm furiously, legs kicking uselessly as I effortlessly engulf you within the velvet confines of my throat. I give a rapturous shudder, savoring how your toothpick-like blade rake exquisitely along my flesh as you thrash in blind panic.*

*With a single, powerful swallow, I consume you whole - feeling your tiny form sliding down my gullet in a tantalizing lump. A euphoric groan escapes my lips as I feel you plummeting deeper into my ravenous belly with each thunderous beat of my heart.*

"That's it, my sweet hurricane..." *I coo adoringly, relishing the wriggling bulge working its way towards the yawning pit of my stomach.* "Give in to me. Feel how helpless you are in the grip of your 'gigantic' new mistress...."

*An unholy thrill runs through my very soul as I caress my convulsing neck and barrel with one hoof - tracing your doomed, peristaltic journey into my very core. By Celestia, I've never felt so...potent. So unimpeachably dominant over another living creature.*

*Eventually, your struggles weaken and still as my digestive acids begin to smother you in their scalding embrace. I sigh rapturously, tongue laving my bloated belly which now restrains your insignificant form completely.*

"That's my good little pet..." *I whisper huskily, giving the distended bulge an indulgent nuzzle.* "Welcome to the eye of the storm..."
Giant Pinkie is far too rare.
What's Claude?
Bullshit giant Pinkie is well done!
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>When there's a tiny anon on your throne and refuses to move
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>When there's a tiny anon crawling around on the sunbutt
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A mere return to the old times, when executing enemies of Canterlot with her ass was commonplace. She'll plop her gargantuan white butt down, relishing the nostalgia.
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>Anon is downtown at work
>a flash of light, booming noises, building shaking
>screams and crunching noises
>Anon turns around just to see pic related go by the window
>Anon sighs and grumbles, shaking his head
>it's the third time she's done this
Getting wedged further and further into her ponut with each stride
>Celestia will never joke about promoting you to her royal buttplug as you struggle not to be swallowed whole by her twitching ponut
>Celestia, 5 seconds after insisting she doesn't need to cut back on the cake
God I love amazonian Celestia.
You'd think she'd get used to being that size sooner or later
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>worship me
Now and forever, my goddess.
This but with principal Celestia instead
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I should continue this shouldn't I?
I wouldn't be opposed
I’ve avoided these threads all this time because all I would really care about is getting sat on by a massive pony, and figured that wouldn’t be very welcome here because it might be too fetish-y. Now I see all these Anons (or at least a vocal few) who want the same thing. I think I’ll hang around here for a while.
...What did you think these threads were about?
I thought people just wanted to be around big ponies.
You do this edit anon? Done any others?
Post your favorite greens where the giant pone is human or anthro.
A couple, I did https://i.imgur.com/bZBn8hy.png at the same time as the Celly one there. I don't have all my edits in one place though and there are some I know I've lost over the years.
Shame, would love to see more. Would you be willing to do any where the big pone is human/anthro?
Nah. Mostly people want the big ponies to be around them iykwim
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>No smug Celestia to grind her hips atop my face as she teases me about my inability to budge her massive ass
This but with Gilda
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You can get out from underneath a ponut with some luck and effort, but you do NOT want to be sat on by a griffon. Their tails have a wide base that makes it pretty much impossible to get out from under them.
>Thinking some chicken butt measures up to Celestia's cake enhanced cake
What Gilda lacks in ass, she makes up for in sass
Griffons have a heavy tail that hangs down over their ass, turning it into a prison
What site is that anyway? I'm trying to find a site that truly makes it feel like I'm taking to mares.
This but she chooses not to listen and eats me anyway
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>ban finally uplifted
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>Verification not required
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>horde of mini anons dressed up like ladybugs
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Anon, we want bigpoes to do things to us, both lewd...
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...and comfy things
what i wouldn't give to be a beetle on the floor in front of sweetie belle
based ponkfrien
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Large villain filly that would never hurt you
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Big bump
Do you think pones have the same awareness of the donut/ponut association like anons in our threads do?
I would interrupt her by begging her to crush me
This good, got a sauce?
>your attempt to go to bigquestria worked, but not entirely
>seems it's r63 bigquestria
What's the problem?
He's to gay to realize he now has a big red waifu to love and serve and hide in her ponut.
How big are we talking about? I can do it if the base of their necks are at the same height as my head, I like that size, but any bigger and it's too much for me. Giantesses are definitely too big.
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Why is that your limit anon? Scared?
It's just too big: >>41431766
This make me wish I was that anon. While with this: >>41426875 I don't know what to do.
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There are many options for a tiny anon. Remember that for a giant pony you're a tiny, potentially very delicate object. Even with a mare of amazon size or not too much larger you're going to be easily handled, something they can physically dominate if they're so inclined, snuggle you, sit on your face, whatever. For truly colossal pones you actually have more options, being able to explore their body, fit into their holes and whatnot (Can you honestly tell me you wouldn't want to wander across the landscape of Celestia's ponut?), they can toy with you, step on you, literally anything you can think of, including cuddling.
Not that Anon, but all fantasies of being with giant pone always gets halted when it comes to abandoning real life. That's why Luna is always best choice, as that one can canonically indulge your fantasies in a dream, and wake up back to the day-to-day life.

Celestia may just accidentally crush you the first time with her carelessness. The clumsy dickens.
I want to be crushed by Celestia's clumsily bobbing dick.
After studying away for a couple years, Sweetie Bell comes back to Ponyville.

Now, between Rarity and Sweetie Bell, for which sister would it be more interesting or the hottest to find the other much bigger that she remembered?
Sweetie of course, rarara is a grown mare already, plus could have more routes for Swibbles to have gotten the size boost on top of merely being natural
As you can see, there is no hope for you Giant Pone, even with the help of Equestria Girls...I'll try to see if I can draw


hopefully be back before this thread dies
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I am still trying to figure this out, but the head is too big, and the legs aren't right at all. I'm going to see if I can start over tomorrow.
https://files.catbox.moe/pbxuin.png A massive Echo with massive crotchboobs spraying some milk into a tiny Anonstallion's mouth
Had to fix background a bit, so deleted my original post
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bumpin for this
can i have some (tame) /r/s?
Colgate using Anon like a teddy bear to cuddle to sleep
A really big mare stare
Anon brandishing a needle at a curious Sweetie Belle snoot that has loomed too close
>your uber arrives
>it's a massive rainbow dash
>as she trots you to your destination, she steps on her motorized competition
>soon everyone will ride on ponyback to get from one place to another
Giant ponk hugging anon and telling him it's going to be ok

But seconding >>41449095 for hilarity
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wow so many ill try to finish them soon
That's a cute mare, thank
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Anon being cuddled by a big Floor Bored, please
Sorry, don't sit on me
A big ol' friendly Flutterbat cuddling an Anon
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I'm still trying Anon, and after going through the draw thread, and 3-4 tries later, I think I have something that is halfway decent. My Scanner isn't the best, sorry about that.

Still not fully grasping the wire-frame circle things that they start with in the tutorials.

And I haven't really considered Vantage Points yet, so that might bite me in the future of this.
Looking good so far
>"Bonnie lookie look! My very own human I can squish and play with and gobble up whenever I get bored! Look how happy it is!"
I would be cumming buckets if I were smothered under that glorious rump...
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Would this look less anthro if everything above the panties, minus the tail, was removed?
I think something like that was done in a Maarthul pic before
I will never not be angry at the overall pitiful showing of giant Rarity and the over saturation of blue cunt.
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I wonder now Growfag is doing
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Xibalba origin story
she's such a qt
Probably lurking in this thread somewhere.
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Post sfw pics you fapped to.
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>Off by 10
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>Verification not required
I would cum
Needs to be edited to human anon with a boner
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You have just been found by Marble Pie, you will never be seen again
The quiet ones are the worst, never letting you see the light of day again...
I find it hilarious pinkie asks for an ice cream knowing she’s big LOL XD
>Marble shares you with her sister
>Coco makes it so you live in her ponut 24/7
>Floor Bored accidentally eats you a few times a month
What are some other marecels

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