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Fellas, can a mare be TOO pretty?
You used the wrong picture for this
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Nope. Sunny a cute
A three-dimensional mares is fine too.
Verification not required
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Only if pizza
Pic unrelated
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The bliss of eating peetzer
I really bet these two would give me an absolutely passionate BJ, especially Izzy.
Yes, certainly
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No Izzy would be sloppily slurping on your ass while Sunny would be lapping at your cock and balls
Very cool.

What episode?
She loves milk
Izzy should be that big
Pussy bitch too afraid to break her skull/not good enough on skates that she has to wear a helmet. Lol.
Sunny is a role model and has to ride safely to set a good example. I know that's hard for you to understand since no one looks up to you for anything
>Breaking news: man dies in tragic accident while roller skating without a helmet. Witnesses say that he was beat to death with a golf club by OP at the roller rink on 2nd avenue and Pinkie Pie way.
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This is why you need a helmet
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She's precious
A mare never be too pretty. The real question is, can OP be too gay?
how can pizza be pretty?
Did he died?
Yes. I didn't want to post the aftermath but him, his passenger, and the hike before him all died
With some imagination
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The most marryable pony ever!!!
Nope. Next question
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This time it really is Sunover
She's going to suck in g6 so self-own
Sunny is cute but she's a really bland character, and no being obsessed with Smoothies is not a personality.
That's not a mare or even a pony, is a horse
She had a personality in the movies
Agreed. The movie was so much better in all regards.
Sunny would never laugh at genitals
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anon... pleese...
I meant what I said
>Beanmare's blush when they cum shows up as hearts on their cheeks
What an intriguing reaction
Anon is comforting Sunny
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Is she sorry?
Doesn't look like it, she's just happy
Because of the comforting
Post a better one
Requesting Anon carrying a broken Sunny asking Anon if she did good and he's just teary eyed reassuring her that she did her best while carrying her to the Hasbro glue factory.
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Yes. That's why Zipp refuses to wear dresses and won't let her mane grow long.
She's perfect...
Careful with that edge, 11 year old
It's been cheering all week like an obnoxious subhuman that g5 is dying
G% is rent free in twitranny's mind. Good job, you're bumping threads you don't like
Twilight would find you repulsive and then after she saw your character she would find you doubly repulsive.
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Sunny Starscout is the prettiest mare ever!
Yes, certainly
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How considerate of Sunny to give Anon a heads up. She's a keeper!
I guess it's time for me to impregnate my wife (Sunny) again
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How is this thread still here?
Because of me
You said that an hour ago
So yes?
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She was too pretty for Hasbro
Some hasbro retard had it out for her and dismembered her character
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What a waste....fuck Hasbro
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wtf Sunny
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We were robbed...
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alt Sunny
Bats. Why does it always have to be bats?
Luna tampered with the genepool
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The hippie girls you ordered are ready
Protip: NEVER fuck a girl who's on acid. Just don't do it, it's a bad idea man.
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I've seen the show and I forget what was her character about. Can you remind me what else is in addition to be the protagonist and a smoothie seller?
Sunny is autistic for stairs?
Outgoing, optimistic, enthusiastic, nostalgic. Kind of the team mom.
Aren't we all? Shame the bright house uses ramps
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Do girls like that?
her hooves must have great traction
a lot of girls used to be like that
She can turn you into an alicorn
Drop some acid and you'll find out.
No, not at all
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Unf Sunnie
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>Good morning sun, no time to chat, I gotta run, 'cuz I've got places to be!
Spends all of her time in the g5 shows just doing her job
>So much to do, excited yes and nervous too, a change is starting with me!
Spends all of her time in the g5 shows reacting to things instead of doing things
God, I miss movie Sunny.
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Such a good hardworking girl.
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Corrupted Sunny
Wtf Sunny is a Silverstream descendant?
Yes, certainly
Sex with both
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Ha, bicycle helmet has birthday cap on it
Misery loves company.
I think its really unfair and quite disingenuous to not mention the fact that hasbro got people who hate equestria and ponies to design g5
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Not corrupted enough.
What do you propose?
Pipp loves it
Well it does have food
I can't wait!
What kind?
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Not really.
It's funny seeing how worked up some people can get
I just remembered how much I love Sunny's laugh
You mean like the entire shitpost brigade going on for years against g5?
Sure why not
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Sunny your tale is almost over...
What's she doin?
Putting on her socks for the sock party
>Sock party
Is Minty involved?
Yes, all of the forgotten mares are going.
I'll never get tired of her
Sunny is such a good girl I bet her pussy heat stays at a consistent 32C.
What does that have to do with being good?
What will they be doing there?
Talking about important things.
Like socks and smoothies.
And cabbages and king.
God these figures look ugly ass fuck.
You heard me
Sunny's berries
I'd watch it
This bitch's ovaries must be literal dust by now.
Sunny is meh next to Queen Haven.
Then Izzy would magic up a stallion dong and backstab you while you're loose, lubricated, and unsuspecting.
>Totally organic post after G5's end
Don't be a cunt to her. Even older mares need love too
Healthy mares maintain a consistent warm and comfy temperature so that they're always to accommodate you.
Those earth mares were cruel to Sunny
I thought the randos like the disgusting fatass were worse. At least the mean mares are obviously bad
Come on that mare has grey hair
That is true the swedish german(andy richter) earthie was the worst.
I'm glad we never see him in tyt
The g3 one. Not you!
More Sunny
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The most marryable pony ever...
No, not at all
Damn that bitch is HUGE

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