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Previous thread>>41355454

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

>Greentext stories short and long:
Note, I am no longer linking to every post for a green, only the starting one, so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends
>>40174714 Then they have a sleep over
>>40191358 Izzy loses a special friend
>>40251133 Sunny examines her mane
>>40320756 Izzy is very good at Uno
>>40357033 Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood
>>40495392 Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong
>>40743258 Green based on >>40742480 (Dead)
>>40752997 Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane
>>40761851 Green based on >>40760857 (Dead)
>>40798016 Anon compliments Izzy
>>40950252 Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC
>>41020882 Anon tells Sunny the truth about Princess Twilight.
>>41040729 Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does... stuff.
>>41253223 Continuation (and maybe conclusion?) of the plush-come-to-life saga
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Main OP here, i.e. the one who made almost every thread so far.
So, MYM ended, TYT ending is coming fast, a possible G6 has been leaked, and now this thread keeps dying before its time.
I gotta be honest with you bros, I'm losing my hope in G5. I just don't think it has any long-term staying power - Hasbro killed it far too effectively with all their retarded decisions.
THEREFORE: I propose switching to a simple G5 Mare Appreciation Thread or something along those lines (I'm open to suggestions), which would allow for any G5 mare (including some that deserve love but never get it because there's nowhere to post them like Posey or Sugar Moonlight) and naturally blocks out things like Hitch and his little abomination and the terrible "dragons" we got.
Let me know what you think.
Finally, some normalcy.
I wouldn't worry about it, Izzybro. It's not like we talked about the new stuff anyway. There are also other threads that subsist without new official content. Also, the threads dying the past two times were out of our control.
I wouldn't mind a g5 mare thread.
The thread died because I had to wake up earlier in the morning, so I went to sleep earlier after bumping the thread and there was a lot of slide threads and shit that pushed it to the bottom in a few hours
It was for the best desu. That thread was abnormal.
Whoops, I didn't read your post all the way through. I would prefer if we just stuck to our own separate threads. I think a general G5 thread would end in disaster. Besides, we tried that before and both died before two hundred posts.
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Is that orange or carrot flavor?
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Platonic bff hug
Probably the latter.
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Anyone have any good writing prompts?
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g5 is crashing and burning
Who cares? G5 stops being good at various different places depending on who you ask. G5 could literally end this week and nothing would change for us. Even if the worst case scenario of G5 dying on the board were to happen I'd still talk about it.
>Who cares?
Me until they decided to start forcing Misty, now I think it's a sweet release
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Reminder: barricade your doors before going to sleep because Izzy has a nasty habit of sleep-casting.
As long as she doesn't use telekinesis on me I should be fine
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Sunny loves salt
You'd be surprised by what salt is used in.
It crashed when they killed MYM. It's just been a burning wreck since then.
For example, try a pinch of salt in your chocolate milk or hot chocolate. Makes a surprisingly large difference in the taste.
It flourished when they killed MYM.
If you actually believe that and aren't just being contrarian for the sake of the meme, you're unironically delusional. Pay better attention.
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We could try it easy enough
Oh. I was talking about stuff like pancakes and other baked sweets. I had an idea involving Sunny and packcakes, and had to look at an actual recipe since we've been using mix for years. I'll try it next time I have hot chocolate. I'll never forget the one time someone on /ck/ suggest using mayo instead of butter for grilled cheese and it was actually pretty good.
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Isn't that from that EAW game that hates ponies?
All the more reason to inject ponies into it
Why would Equestria At War hate ponies?
The modders that are left on the project gives way more focus to to other races, and made the ponies into jobbers against the changelings
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The woodstock outfits were nice. I still don't like G5, but that was cool at least.
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She's so cool...
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I like G5, and I agree.
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Shortest gen ever.
Best Generation ever
On one hand, I absolutely despised G5 past a certain point. I stopped liking MYM post Chapter Three, and stopped watching TYT at episode sixty-seven. On the other hand, I really do love the parts I like and all the threads. I’m not very good with emotions and things that should be sad don’t really hit me right away, but I feel nothing. I’d say I feel indifferent. I’ve been through this song and dance four times in my life, the most traumatic and shocking of them being the cancelation of Bionicle G2, that may be a reason why. Another reason is because G5 will probably never truly end for me. It’s inspired and pushed me to learn new skills and be creative, and I have tons of ideas and have been grinding behind the scenes to make them into a reality. Like, even if all the G5 generals were to die (I hope they won’t), I’d still post my work elsewhere. I’ll stick with the threads to end though.
RIP G5; I’d say you’ll be missed but you’re not really going anywhere for me.
Stiiiiill delusional lmao.
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Good night
Aren't we supposed to get a tyt today?
Still not tyt at 10AM
Fuck this
Time to sleep
You're welcome....
She became Pipp-sized
I'm not liking this trend of pairing Sunny with Hitch now. Too little, too late.
Why is Izzy looking so sleep deprived?
Having eyes that let you see someone's sparkle takes its toll on you.
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Sounds logical since I bet character based threads will go down in posters. Plus I would like to talk about Minty (The gilf one)
I forgot Minty existed
No rainbow streak?
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Zipp found herself a pre-streak Sunny
I don't care about more magical moments
She doesn't mind g5 dying
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pretty good defense
It was
Had no idea I was so tasty
It's the salt in your sweat they want.
Though things are ending we’re still getting new merch. Chinese collectible cards.
Is it even possible to get here in the states though?
There probably is, I've seen people import some other Chinese G5 merch but I don't know how.
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BFFs forever!
Silly anon, we don't need a get to know that.
But it would've been nice! Better than letting a script kiddie have it. At least it was silver spoon this time
Yes, that's a hoof alright
Look at the camera
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A little birdie told me today's your birthday, OP.
Is today what we’re considering Sunny’s birthday? I thought people were using the TYT episodes date. Personally, I just say the entire month of September is Sunny’s birthday. I wish I could prepare something.
No I meant the guy who makes these threads, it's his birthday.
Oh, I didn’t know. Today is also G5’s anniversary. Happy birthday to the Izzyfag.
Didn't realize anyone knew who I was, but yes and thanks! Are you the one who edited that pic? I found the original and she's not looking at you like this.

Yep I remember being excited because I got new pony for my birthday.
Happy birthday to everyone and g5
Explosion of G%.
I hope you enjoy it.
I forgot how to draw
Its like a bike. Even if you lock it up it can dissapear by the means of diversity.
Sunny flavor. My favorite
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She's in a wonderful steampunk equestria...and she's still selling smoothies
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not liking this one
Why do they all have beards
Just a typical overly-complicated redesign. I liked the Sunny so I wanted to share it.
How do the fuck do you give hitch a beard and have him end up looking MORE emasculated?
I kinda like Izzy. It's a bit much, but still cute. Sunny is meh. The rest are fucking terrible.

For some reason I am reminded of King Sombra in the worst way.
If Sunny and Izzy had facial hair I would groom it for them and make it luxurious and radiant
I'm kinda tempted to fix them. Mostly just because I'm bored though.
What's your take on improving those designs?
ohhh let's see...
Remove faggot beard, that's all
Remove batpony ear tufts and simplify the dots on her hindquarters. Maybe remove that one bit of tail that's sticking wayyy out to the right for no reason.
Remove tip of ear tuft (inside ear tuft can stay), remove weird goatee, simplify cutie mark, make fetlocks look more like actual unshorn fetlocks than spiky whatever the fuck that is.
Remove most if not all piercings, remove stupid beard, remove all the blue cloud patterns why does every single redesign put cloud fur patterns on every pegasus ffs, simplify weird zigzag pikachu tail, fix backwards cutie mark, maybe try to fix the dumb expression
Irredeemable tumblr tier trash, would require a complete redraw to fix.
Yeah Pipp is a mess
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Was this their last real bff moment?
She looks Greek here
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I mean, Ancient Equestria was America+Greece. Modern Unicorn culture seems to be inspired by pagan cultures, primarily Celtic and Native American.
Anyone got that Sunny animation Haltie did last month? Kemono isn't working and that faggot hid it behind another 10 month paywall.
Seconded. I suggest you also ask this question in some MLP thread on Trash. Maybe someone who has it will answer more quickly.
New G5 Christmas ornament.
It gets bigger Sunny trust me!
Sunny and Izzy fans are skinflints. I think that's funny.
People that don't spend money
I spend money, just using cash.
Her streak on the forehead is missing two colors. Unless it's the angle
G5 cereal, might be exclusive to the UK because of the company making it.
But why doesnt it have all the harmful chemicals that the G4 cereal had in it.
I want it
bff up
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>mmm boy are you gyatt
Needs to be kissed immediately.
On her little hoofsies?
No-one said anything but I got an idea.
Yeah and then brushies.
What's the idea,?
Making tea.
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A steaming hot load in Zipp's face
>Work work work!
Lmao literally the first thing I thought of, don't know any other way you could interpret it.
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Just as planned
Sunny is a little too happy about her dream
I love her curls. The movie followups did not do her mane justice. Only the comics
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I still can't tell if Izzy is supposed to be an extra retarded version of Pinkie Pie.
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Stroke those curls
Izzy (forma de abmonician obscura)
Nice choice in music by the way. I’ve never played Silent Hill but I listen to it and stuff like (sometimes called fogcore) while writing.
Thanks for warming my bed
So many goddamn genres kids come up with these days it's hard to keep up.
What the hell is fogcore?
I like it. There is a dedicated, little sub-genre for everything. Dungeon synth, nightcore, dreamcore, sadcore, and etc. >>41479394
I don’t know the exact definition. Using context clues I assume that it’s just label for images and music reminiscent of the first two Silent Hill games.
>"Fogcore" is a highly niche subgenre, primarily rooted in ambient music with a focus on creating an eerie, atmospheric, and often mystical vibe. It's characterized by slow, droning soundscapes and a heavy sense of environmental immersion, often evoking foggy, overcast settings. Artists associated with fogcore use minimalistic beats, long reverberations, and low, almost ghostly tones to create an enveloping mood. It sits somewhere in the ambient spectrum of electronic music.
I see. Interesting
limited edition toy promotion thing with Burger King in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Each booklet is double-side, one MLP and the other transformers. Inside is a colouring book.
This took way longer than it should’ve as I meant to finish and start it on Sunday. Hopefully I can finish it today. Any feedback is appreciated. Lately I’ve been in rut where I think everything I do is bad.
>A low roar filled the dark sky. Everything shook: the ground, the brighthouse, and even the air all quivered in fear of the monster in their midst. An explosion of light briefly revealed the creature and all its horror; it was a mass of writhing winds, blacker-than-night storm clouds, torrents of rain, and almost continuous growl of thunder. Maretime Bay cowered in its wake, the indistinct shapes of buildings seemingly shifting in the maelstrom. Just as quickly as it arrived the light faded returning both into the dark.
>The Unicorn watched in awe at the display. Storms were common back at home in Bridlewood. They were an important part of life there; the rain collected being used in daily life. This was different. The cyclone that chose Maretime Bay as its victim was like the mythical monsters from old mare’s tales.
>Just thinking about them gave Izzy the jinxies, or was that because it was chilly? Now that her trance was broken she took noticed of soft, “clak, clak, claking” of her teeth. It’s not just chilly, it’s cold.
>In one motion, the unicorn turned around and slid from her seat on the windowsill, landing gracefully on all four hooves. Cold quickly became freezing.
>The clattering of teeth escalated into her entire body shaking as if she were tree in the storm outside.
>”T-This is new.” She said aloud.
>”What’s new?” Responded a voice in calm but curious tone from somewhere behind her.
>”EEP!” Izzy yelped.
>Her body moved on its own; forelegs soared high as she arched backwards, the hind legs were trying to position themselves to face the source of the voice. Instead they landed on her silky smooth, and slippery, tail. Resulting in the unicorn laying on her back in a contorted mess of hair and limbs.
>”Sorry Izz, I didn’t mean to scare you.” It apologized.
>Izzy looked up to see the bright blue eyes, white coat, and redish-pink and blue mane of her friend Zipp.
>A silver hoof was extended downwards in an attempt to help the downed unicorn.
>”I-It’s fiiiiiiiine. O-one of the downsides to being maximum sneaky i-is that y-you c-cant just t-turn it off w-w-willy-nilly.” She shuttered quickly while taking the other mare’s hoof in hers.
>Now back on all fours and still shivering Izzy noticed something else about Zipp—the pegasus didn’t look cold in the slightest.
>”H-Hey, is it j-j-just me or is it c-cold in here?” The unicorn questioned, thinking she might be sick. “Y-you don’t s-seem cold.”
>”I’m no meteorologist, but between the change in seasons and storm outside, it being cold matches up. Not that it makes much sense, it was hot yesterday.” The Pegasus stated.
>”To answer your question as to why I’m not shivering: This is nothing compared to how cold it gets back home this time of year. I just finished a refresher in calculus and was going to kitchen to get a snack. Wanna come with me? It’s probably warmer.”
>Without a word, Izzy nodded up and down in response and followed the queen-to-be.
This promo will outlive the end of g5
All good things come to an end.
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Izzy is a hippie that doesn't wash her crotch.
I know she's copying Zipp here but the lighter color makes it look like a dye job that's wearing out the color
wtf I love Izzy now
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You cannot rape the willing
Her mane is gorgeous there
Ugly dog ass.
cute mare butt
And yet you're here
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Good news and bad news.
Bad news first: It took way longer to complete than I anticipated. Both because my skill level and plain laziness. Even as I type this it is only ninety percent done, but I'm going to force myself to finish before I do my nightly activities; only about a paragraph or three left. After that I'll still have to edit.
Good news:
I did some editing, particularly of the the first to parts. Luckily for me, someone taught my how to use ponepaste recently, so I'll just post a link to that once it's all said and done.
A link is fine
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MLP G5 Switch case. I'm not sure if it'll release here in the US because it's made by the French.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm sometimes able to stomach when characters are written OOC. I have no idea but some interpretations really rub me the wrong way while others don't.
the fuck even is this
What's this from?
G5 concept art
Which ones rib you the wrong way? The ones where sunny vores and digests Opaline are absurd
Too bad the games are massive shit.
Just play like Triangle Strategy or Unicorn overlord or Three Houses
I'm just going to use mine for my PSPs (if it comes out in the US), I already use a DS carry case for the 3000.
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I prefer idw Izzy personally. Got real sick of pseudo-pinkie in tyt and mym
What's her personality like in the comics?
Completely OOC. She's sad and clingy towards Sunny.
Definitely an improvement over the two barely interacting in tyt and Izzy spent more time with Misty than Sunny in that show and barely felt like friends
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I strongly disagree.
Izzy showing an interest in Sunny is more canon than tyt Izzy having more episodes spending time with Zipp and Misty than Sunny.
It's not interest, it's obsession. The second Sunny leave to do something that isn't spending time with her she gets all mopey. The point of the picture I posted is that instead of being sad about not being able to fly, TYT Izzy uses her imagination to come up with a creative solution. What I like about movie and TYT Izzy is that they have this background sadness that's not really addressed because it's not important to Izzy herself.
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Wow, talk about an upgrade. I think G5 is the only time I've seen previous iterations and concept art and thought the final product was better.
Not a fan of the color?
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Not fan of everything about it. I assume that's supposed to be Izzy's house? The final version looks special and unique. This just looks like a generic modern house with trees and crystals.
I had corn pizza and it was too sweet
Would love to cuddle up with these two cuties.
What a waste when this gen'll end
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Why couldn't TYT look like this instead of ugly bean mouths? Why does Hasbro think Americans only want to look at the ugliest shit imaginable? I've seen the asia exclusive G5 toys and they look miles better than the dog designs they dumped over here.
Because some americans DO want to look at the ugliest shit imaginable, apparently.
Cute mares, would give them ecstasy and fuck their brains out.
I hate beanmouth. At least China doesn't have it
At least it'll be over soon. If only that meant MYM was coming back though.
I remembered thinking that was a plot point they just abandoned since in ANG it's hinted that she was an outcast before she met Sunny. We don't really know anything about her back story. We know more about Misty's history in Bridlewood than Izzy's.
Yet another reason why adding in a new MC and really ignoring the five other ones is unhealthy for a show
>I remembered thinking that was a plot point they just abandoned since in ANG it's hinted that she was an outcast
It wasn't. One of the many reasons why I prefer TYT over MYM is that the characters are better. TYT Izzy isn't liked in-universe by most ponies, we this literally in the first few episodes and it is continued most of the way through the show. She is an absolutely weirdo and I love her for it. Meanwhile, MYM Izzy is just Pinkie Pie.
>We don't really know anything about her back story. We know more about Misty's history in Bridlewood than Izzy's.
Good, keep that way. I don't trust the hacks that wrote MYM to do. If you asked me last year I would said the TYT writing team was capable but everything post sixty-seven tells me otherwise.
Hate to be a blogfag, but I just watched ANG and now watching MYM. I enjoyed the movie and don't get the hate surrounding it. Hell, it's leagues better than the G4 film.
Wtf happened to Izzy and Hitch? Not only their personality changed but their voices as well. Couldn't they get actors that sounded at least similar to the movie cast.
I don't mind some things about TYT Izzy. I just don't like how they crank up that Pinkie Pie meter to 11. If they just combined the good things from ANG Izzy and TYT Izzy, she would be better.
>I just don't like how they crank up that Pinkie Pie meter to 11.
She's nothing like Pinkie in TYT. MYM is the closest she gets to being Pinkie.
ANG Izzy is definitely when she was at her most unique. If you look at the behind the scenes content she was definitely built up to be a Pinkie analogue (she even replaced her when they ditched the reboot idea). I think they managed to pull off making her stand apart and gave her a nice gimmick where she likes to make new things out of recycled parts. Unfortunately MYM took that interpretation and decided to make her a crazy hobo that steals people's garbage, and TYT just kinda made her an asshole.
>Unfortunately MYM took that interpretation and decided to make her a crazy hobo that steals people's garbage, and TYT just kinda made her an asshole.
>she even replaced her when they ditched the reboot idea
Incorrect, she's Fluttershy's replacement, hence why she's a hermit unicorn(cause g5 fluttershy is a unicorn) that at one point was meant to be bullied, they added "Pinkie" aspects to differentiate her from that. Pipp is what "replaced" Pinkie Pie.
Just like how the childhood friend gimmick for Hitch was actually something that came from G5 Applejack, or how the inventor angle for early Sunny was from G5 Twilight. None of the replacements species swapped.

This is also probably why it was five initially as no reboot G5 content seems to have any clue what to do with Rarity.
>Uses her friends' shit without permission
>When they gift her the same stuff she tosses them aside and says she doesn't want them
Yes I did unfortunately
Curious that you left out the her reasoning for this behaviour when she very clearly states it.
>no reboot G5 content seems to have any clue what to do with Rarity.
>What do with the girly pony that likes to do girly things in a show for girls where the main gimmick of the toy is brushing and dressing in girly clothes.
It amazes me when people say Izzy is like Pinkie. Like, maybe on the absolute most basic surface level of they're both ponies and both sometimes hyperactive, but if you've actually watched the damn show you'd know they aren't anything alike.
Izzy is sowing dysentery in the ranks
How people make the connection:
Pinkie = annoying
Izzy = annoying
Therefore: Pinkie = Izzy
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Tapered legs are cute is just that the rest of the body is ugly.
Thats what happens when you hire men to make a show for little girls.
If only she had a smoit and like the Wild Manes
Tapered legs are cute is just that the rest of the body is adorable. Looks way better than the absolute eyesore that is MYM which butcher her character design.
I wish this body got toys instead of the ugly dog bodies.
MWM was technically a TYT thing.
I wish I had sexo with Sunny and Izzy
More like a hawk tua spit on TYAT thing
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I wonder what Sunny would look like standing upright on her hind legs with her legs stretched out. Her proportions are quite human like.
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More, limbs fully outstretched like this.
Pretty sure that hasn't happened. There are a few where she is sitting upright and has her arms on the sides of chair or something. I don't know, my memory is shot because I'm also pretty sure we never saw Sunny's natural hair in the 3D series.
Natural hair?
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Post sex hair Sunny is so cute.
It's what I want to wake up next to every day
>The Brighthouse was big. The shared, singular space of the four inhabitants was on the second floor. Pretty much everything else was located on the first floor, including the destination of the duo.
>The living room, which was in fact colder than the upstairs, would have to be traversed to get to the kitchen. It was dark as if the power went out, but it wasn’t without light. Floating stationary in the blackness was a singular source of light.
>”I-I got t-this.” Izzy, hushed through her trembles.
>Before Zipp even had the chance to speak she was gone. In a mad dash, Izzy bolted towards the floating light.
>Two forward, two back, two forward, two back; Izzy’s long legs made it easy.
>”IZZ WAIT, WE DON-“ the Pegasus was cut off by a yell and thud.
>Something in the dark moved. It was vaguely pony shaped; the head was large and fluffy, body being disproportionately small. It grabbed the light and increased its brightness.
>”Zipp? Izzy? Is that you?” It yawned. “Why are you two making so much noise?” Asked a tired Sunny.
>The Earth Pony was a mess. Her normally tied up, straightened mane had unfurled into its naturally wavy state. Tired eyes drifted from Izzy, who was once again on her back, to Zipp who was on the edge of the light’s circumference. Sleep lines marking the seams of the couch she was sleeping on left an imprint on her face. The left side of her mouth covered in drool.
She woke up in nocturnal emissions
>”Hey Sunny, Izz and I were just making are way to the kitchen.” She continued on with a question. “Why were you sleeping down here in dark?”
>The orange pony opened her mouth to yawn again, this time her body stretched, causing the lantern she held in one hoof to shake a little.
>”I was sleeping?” She asked. “I guess I fell asleep while reading.”
>”You were reading in the dark?” Zipp inquired.
>Sunny began rubbing her eyes using her free hoof.
>”Uh-Huh.” She affirmed. “Ever since foalhood I would bundle myself up in a blanket, turn off the lights, grab my lantern and a-a-achoo!” She was interrupted by a sneeze and suddenly felt very cold.
>A look of confusion spread across her face.
>”T-that’s weird. W-where did my b-blanket go?” Sunny began searching for it to the best of a half-sleeping, half-waking pony could.
>”I-I k-know.” Pipped up Izzy.
>Sunny lowered the lantern towards the floor, revealing that she was wearing a turquoise, pullover sweater that matched her eyes and satchel.
>On her side looking up at the Earth Pony with an embarrassed smile was Izzy. The blanket in question tightly wound around her back legs.
>”Jeez Sunny, you know you’re damaging your eyes by doing that, right?” Her usual casual tone subsided and gave way to concern as she moved to untangle their friend.
>”I-I know. G-Grandma F-F-Figgy always t-told my dad he s-should nip the bad habit in the bud.” None of the ponies on the floor could see it but a small smile began to take form as the earth pony reminisced. “He would a-always say it was i-inevitable because both of my him and m-mom w-wore glasses.”
>Freed from the trap, Izzy shimmied onto the the couch beside the delirious pony. Using magic she draped the blanket over both of their shoulders.
>The pegasus opted to save this discussion for another day and deal with the cold now.
>”Can I have the lantern? I’ll use it to find the light switch, then go to the kitchen and make us all some hot chocolate.” Zipp accentuated that last word with a sing-song tone.
>”T-t-that would be g-great, Z-Z-Zipp. T-thanks.” She responded lazily.
>Now having the go ahead, Zipp grabbed the light by the handle and began search for the switch. Shadows completely obscured the pegasus’s form the further away she got. From the couch it looked as if a firefly had gotten lost.
Time for Sunny to get glasses
Sunny's drool...
This looks like something out of Sesame Street
Because her whole body isn't in frame
Goddamnit she looks so fucking cute, why did Hasbro have to fuck up this gen so hard? Now we'll never see her again...
Maybe she'll be in gen 6
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it's that time of year
It hurts to see her to mistreated, but I don't trust Hasbro to do her justice if the Camp Cutie Mark leaks are to be believed.
My evil mares
Camp Counselor Sunny will make it fun in the sun
Someone's excited

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