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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
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Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

>Draw Thread Information -
>/mlp/ drawfag improvement -
>Pony Drawing Tutorials -
Anon baking and giving Celestia an erotic cake of her own butt.
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A twiggle animation I just sketched
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Ponify pic related
Draw Ms. Harshwhinny pregnant, please. There's not a lot of artwork of her like this.

Very nice.
bretty gud
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Ponify pretty please
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Can I get Silver Spoon on a sailboat?
Requesting Anon as a caveman in a tree cuddling Linky and there’s a cockatrice on the ground.
Really nice!
Is it for a project or just for fun?
Sailor Spoon
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That’s real cute.
Thank you!

Just fo fun
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Anon telling Rarity she looks good with her responding nicely, and the nerd pony saying the same thing in the second panel while she calls for human resources.
*horse resources
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Kinoplex Robert as a zebra stallion
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ponify this
Requesting a scene with King Sombra and Wheaties (that shudder crystal pony) at wedding Ceremony, standing together before the Crystal Heart (and between Ch and them - some pony in long white clothes playing the role of popa or whatever). Sombra looks self-righteous/cokcy/pleased while Wheaties looks lost an startled. She does not actually understand what is happening but she follows orders because too afraid and too weak to resists. Other details is up to you.
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come in what?
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that do be how it is sometimes
Good shit
Requesting this with anon and fluttershy
Poor Gizmo.
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ponify this pls
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d/r/aw anon, his waifu, and their fillies
ponify this fluttershy or pinkie pie
Man ain’t that just life.
I could totally picture Pinkie Pie saying that.
/r/ Trixie casting magician's brick on Twilight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvAyPBuqGFU
Sorry it took so long. Blame me for being lazy and getting shit ready for MF.
You'll have to get someone else to draw that I'm afraid.
Aww. This is so good!
That's really sweet, thank you. 5 foals, what a man. And only one colt. I pity him.

>You'll have to get someone else to draw that I'm afraid.
Yooo very nice brother
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Not my art but a friend recently drew a sona for me. Any suggestions for a name?
I suggest you not make a sona. this fandom is oversaturated with ocs, do something original.
ball basket
Anon hates fun?
Primary Color
anon never liked ponysonas or ocs and is tired of them after a decade of everyone doing the same thing.
Maybe anon should try making one and get over himself
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anon has one, he's named anon
explain cutie mark pls
you do remember what the "O" in OC stands for, don't you
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M.A.R.E. Squad
>le semantics argument
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Best suggestion.
It's a basket full of candy.
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you didn't ask for a drawing, but have this low effort shitpost as tribute to Cumrag.
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>basket full of candy
Then I dub thee: Candy Basket
I love it, anon.
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forgot her glasses. whoops.
how about wicker drop
cause its a wicker basket maybe filled with gum drops
its a bit of a stretch but i kinda like the mouth feel
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Requesting a pony biting a human metamorphosizing first into an EqG and finally into a pony. Alternatively, a pony bites an EqG and turns it into a pony.
ponify this
Requesting Italian New Yorker Anon scolding Twilight for snagging a slice of peetzer (or the entire thing)
A la >>41431456
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Requesting something with this meme.
Cumrag a cutie.
Poor thing. She never asked for this.
Ya hate to see it, but some folks just don’t like to see other people enjoying stuff.
Nyx doing an office job and she's wearing office lady clothes with a skirt.
Cute or horny, either way.
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Hello everyone, as you may or may not know, /mlp/ is hosting the upcoming babby cup, and for that we'll need a logo, so if anyone's interested, the logo competition is going on right now, you don't need to know graphic design or be good at drawing, shitposting logos were accepted in the past, all you need is to send a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file, alongside a qualifiers (fetus) version of the same logo to potatotron.4cc@gmail.com .The Deadline is September 22nd, 23:59UTC, and all your submitted logos will show up in this gallery https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2024_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Logo_Proposals_Gallery
Butterhush humping a daki and asking it if she’s being too rough.
Ah, nerdpones...
Very wholesome.
Twilight carrying Scootaloo on her back while flying.
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Applejack brand horse electrolytes
Draw Humanized Pinkie Pie passed out drunk with someone drawing a dick on her face with a sharpie.
It's Ivermarectin all over again.
MLPified rhino pills (no headache)
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Lewd version
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Wholesome version
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Ponify this with Anon and Fluttershy
seconding this
Just kill me me already, this is too good for this world.
some anon asked for daybreaker and nightmare moon booty

nice gloss on the day mare
nice mane on the moon mare
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With hat
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Without hat
i love the little apple bloom
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This is a 10/10 too bad this is whats going to happen to that Anon after a 10 minute cuddle session with Limestone.
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Ponify this
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Or this one
Draw Nyx with a tummy ache.
Please hurry as my stomach hurts and I may not live to see the finished drawing.
Thirding this.
Very cute! Love the lil bloom
Lt. Solo is that you
What will your PFP be this weekend
requesting a pony version of this
ponify this
whaddya mean, that's already Anon's giant ogre hand
a hoof would be nice
>Celestia after reading the NMM prophecy.
I sometimes like to think she's just kind of a lucky dumb-dumb rather than being a giga schemer.
draw your waifu but looking like she walked out of an 80s anime
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Hijacking this to request it specifically with Twilight’s hoof and this book
It would be Gummy.
I feel like she should have still been scrunched up at the wedding and with the family. Like:
>"Is your wife mad or something?"
"Nah, she just looks that way all the time. Doctor's call it resting scrunch face."
I'll buy ten
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Ponify this and replace pepe with anonfilly
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Requesting your favorite pony wearing a silly hat
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very nice /d/
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/r/equesting with anon saving either ember or nightmare moon
Anon breaking into area 51 to see the alien mares.
Had a random idea for a Honey Mooners refeence.
Celestia saying, "One of these days, Luna! One of these days! Bam-Zoom! To the moon!"
Then Luna becoming Nightmare Moon and saying, "Waaa!" but snarky.
Last panel is the Mare in the Moon.
Celestia may or may not be wearing a fedora.
Anon displaying his latest artwork in Ponyville town square.
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Requesting waifu positivity. I'm not a waifufag myself, but I think it's cute and also I see way too many tryhard waifu negativity images on the boorus.
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Unicorn Twilight version
>my dear
I can't read those words without thinking of that pasta
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Wholesome as fuck.
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watch this, he's gonna ponify us
Requesting Equestria's capital getting sacked by the Vandals
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I know that this is a request from last thread that got a delivery but i wanted to contribute it anyways, this took me way to fucking long though. sorry for the delay anon!
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A milf mare wearing a white t-shirt that says “Man I love apes”
haha, that's perfect
Where are my crab legs
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Ponify this
I appreciate this apple
Nice bro, that turned out great. Digging the pink eye shadow
Ponify Captain Brickbeard
why must this make me feel worse than negativity
Couple reasons, probably.
One, you don't enjoy being called out like that even if you know it's self-destructive behavior.
Two, you might not have anyone around you to say that, so needing a fictional character to do so simply highlights that lack of support structure.
Three, you're focusing on the "you're precious to me" part and not having THAT in your day-to-day is emotionally crippling.
Four, all of the above
Captain Brick Booty
absolute perfection
i just want mares to tell that my work is not in vain and tell you did a great job at work
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>down for maintenance as I post the first time
well fuck you too 4chan

>forget the /r/ the second time
god DAMN I'm fucking retarded

anyways, Just Dance has this ugly ass unicorn coach with no hooves and I was wondering if anyone could ponify her so she looks like an actual mare from the show
Wasn't sure what here cuite mark was. All the pictures I could find of her she was wearing a dress. So I just gave her the nut
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Excellent choice in mare
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Screen Beans clipart ponies?
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I don't have a waifu but twiggles is hands down my favorite horse, hope I did alright.
I love that pudgy belly.
Cute mares galore.
/r/ing Cadance looking at this strange mare who wears a hoers mask
Could even have it be Sugar Belle wearing the mask with an alternate manestyle.
qt twiggle
gud jerb
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Still working on it but got this so far.
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This is beautiful anon.
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Was really in the mood to draw today. here is another d
damn bro you're not even done and that already looks way waaay better than what I made
Still great bro! Very cultured Milf choice btw!
this is great
but i now have the urge to see the roles reversed
anon looking smug saying “you’re stupid, I like that in a mare” to trixie
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I love it.
yep it's all of the above, fuck
amazing choice in milf holy shit
yes this is dog fort
I love your Trixie drawings so much. it's perfect, and the nutmilf looks great too.
Requesting your filly taking after her mother.
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Requesting CMC luring an unknowing Anon into their clubhouse
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ponify this with bonbor or with glim glam
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didn't feel like coloring it, sorry
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Absolute chad
thanks anon
Unbelievably based
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/r/ redraw of attached image featuring Pinkie Pie
/r/ a disgusted Poseidon summons Hurricane Helene to smite the degenerates at Mare Fair.
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Already done a while ago
She's going to be pissed when she sees the mirror.

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Cheerilee reading a book titled “The Joy of Cooking Scootaloo”
Nice thanks
i love this one too
requesting your fav pone living your dream
but she can't be married to herself
Trixie marrying a plushie of herself looking smug
I kneel
Requesting derpy delivering a hug-o-gram
it's like a telegram, but a hug
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Fluttershy is so happy with (you), quick sketch before work gonna clean it up later, maybe.
Usually just do request when I post here but I am looking for critique this time. Tried my hardest on this. I really want my mares to look sexy, any advice on how I could make them better would be nice. It's lewd https://files.catbox.moe/7q2h2n.png
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Please dear God, I want this to happen to me.
Those booties look cute to me.
Not an artist so no critique, but as a layperson, I can clop to this.
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i should just stick to mouse and keyboard
Cute, add teats and train yourself on the colors and shading. It's hard to pull off sexy with flat colors unless it appeals to your style and works with it.
I'm not an artist, so take this with a grain of salt. I really like how Trixie turned out, but something about Glimmer feels a bit off to me. It might just be personal preference, but her hips seem slightly too wide. I prefer their hind legs, when spread, to form more of an upside-down V shape rather than a П, if that makes sense.

>add teats
They're already there, and in the right spot too.
I actually did try some shading but it was looking really off to me so I took it off. Not at home rn but can post later when I'm off work maybe yall can help me with that.
Now that you say that, looking at it again I see what you mean about glimmer. The v vs n really does help me visualize it
Winking is sexy. I think it would look nice on this glimmy since her stance and face say she's doing more than just flashing her bits like Trixie and she actually wants sex right now.
Looking great already.

Derpy is an adorable little health hazard, isn't she?
This is really adorable.
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Requesting Starlight complaining to Trixie that the screaming jar she made is full
Trixie continues to eat cinnamon nuts without realizing she's the reason the jar is full.
ok this was the shading I attempted this morning. Like I said I wasn't happy with it so i didn't even bother with glimmer. I really like drawing them from this angle but I feel like I can never figure out how to do the lighting correctly.
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Well, if you're really serious about improving try this. Drawing and practice are one thing, but they won't help you if you're not learning anything meaningful. If you're making that time matter. What use is drawing for 1000 hours if you're really only training bad habits into yourself rather than seeing what works for others and you. Learning objectively where mistakes are being made, how and why, and what to do instead. That's more meaningful than ambiguously stumbling around the page. YouTube videos of tutorials and artist tips can only go so far. Look into some art books like this one. It's at the top of the list for every artist who uses these kinds of references.
Also some pony references.
Llametsul does pretty great stylized stuff (before they quickly departed for furry shit - don't you dare do the same). Here in color and non-color you can see the difference in shading.

Sorry Anon. Only so much I can really teach you on one image. It's best you just dig in deep to train the basics in entirety. Keep practicing though. Throwing fear of failure out the window and just doing it takes real motivation and that's promising! Hope you find something that works for you and shading. Some YT videos can also help simplify and expedite the process depending on what program you're using. Good luck.
Draw Celestia dressed like the Wild Manes cowmares, with a too-short skirt, extra eye shadow, a choker, painted hooves and pink mane highlights.
She should have a dumb bimbo catchphrase too, like "suns out buns out".
draw anypony whispering this to anon
looking good anon, can't wait to see it finished
Thanks for the detailed response. Drawing has always just been a fun hobby for me, I'm completely self taught. I've really been getting into it recently though and I really do want to get better. It was easy to find a pdf of that book color and light online, I intend on reading through all of it. Let me know if you have any other recommendations, especially stuff you think would help specifically with pony. The program ive been using is krita, but desu i havnt put much thought into it. Just been using it because it was free and rated well. Also don't worry about fur shit. Recently I've pretty much only been drawing mares, I did some humanizations in the past but I've never done anthro and i don't plan on doing that or anything like it.
Twist could be funny too
Im at the mco airport, where are the horsefuckers?
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Consider, if you will, that it is Thursday.
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Requesting this with regular pones and the princess you think is most appropriate.
but thats oppai loli not shortstack

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