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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):>>41359252

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41354708
I've really been enjoying all the art from the guy that made the OP pic. Anon if you're reading this, keep up the good work. Your mares are super qt and your ideas are cool
based, im pretty sure its artist:vomitvomiting
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Please give me some doodle requests
applejack with some zap apples
a mare with braces
Hey thanks man. Makes me very happy to see people enjoy my stuff. I owe it to this thread, i hadn't drawn anything in forever when i first posted here and the people here gave me my motivation back. I love seeing all the different kind of stuff that is posted here, and seeing people grow and experiment with stuff is very inspiring
Yep! That's my derpi tag
dessert princess
I'm glad to have gotten your tags right!you are really based!
A teenage Fae on a lil adventure inna wood.
A lazy Fae (re)draw to end the day and greet a new /bale/ bread, plus a cameo from an OG amre.
fae is super cute
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>say cluck again motherfucker
I had to make a shitpost because high effort projects cause much suffering.
Rarity being cute.
Love how soft your lines are.
The brain works in mysterious ways. Doing something you’ve thought about for a while now? Later. Doing something funny or humorous spontaneously? Yup. Such is life in the Zone.
I have drawn many a mare, but Fae will always be the marey for me. I love her so much bros

>"Do you think this is a motherclucking game, Nonny? I will break into your house and hide eggs in places that will leave you bewildered and afraid. Mark my words, Anon. Your chicken choking days are numbered."
I like chimkin Ponk.

soft lines make for (terri) soft mares.
I just understood the joke behind Terri.
One more for the guardmare set. Poor mare doesn't even have a name or a proper cutiemark, and I'm not imaginative enough to give her them.
You've quickly become one of my favourite artists. That Trixie comic you did for the draw thread was peak kino.
>2 (two) entire mares
You spoil us anon
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Digitized the pic from last thread, my ponies have been regressing :( need to study more
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The feeling is mutual brother! Your drawings always put a smile on my face
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last doodle before art vacation
I like this one, mare on the right is really cute
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What are the names of the fillies and colt?
I want to give twiggles a pizza
No way that is so cute.
cute fuckinq twiqqy!
A good reminder that I need to draw moar pones interacting. Haven't done much in that regard in a hot minute.
Speaking of mare numbers, I wonder what's everyone's record for most pones in a drawing? I think mine is 12~13, but that's not counting sketch pages.

Naisu. Always glad to see happy lil families.

Beeg mare and little mare are a cute and quite pointy point. Have fun on your break, anon.

What a mare. I like that stretchy peetzer.
Ey Sparkle, what the fuck's the matter with you, huh? That was my goddamn pie, mare! I paid 38 bucks for that fuckin thing. Thirty eight dollars! I can't even leave a pizza out for 5 fuckin minutes without you sticking that cute little muzzle of yours where it don't belong. Unbelievable.
Made me chuckle.
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traditional hurts my hand, but I must try for the mare fair sketchbook swaps
So cut! Now I feel the need to eat petza tonight.
Kek, she can't even fit on one page. And hol' up a second, is that whole part of her tail considered a dock? Very lewd if true.
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fae a cute, took some liberties with her mane hope you don't mind.
I'll leave coming up with names to someone else If anyone cares enough to name them.
Makes me think of Snake but with a giraffe instead.
Good luck on you sketching!

Cute Fae! She deserves all the pets.
No worries about the mane, it kind of reminds me of purple grapes. I'm curious what your thought process behind black manes is, though. I think you do a similar thing with your Anonfillers at times. It's to color black hair without actually using black, right?
Yeah exactly, it allows for different color selections than just grey for the details as well.
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particularly uninspired lately
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comic format practice
Cleared the canvas at https://magma.com/invite/DXPPI_ZG
png: https://files.catbox.moe/1hh8p3.png
psd: https://files.catbox.moe/0b4wt9.psd

Previous canvas: >>41411808

Had to wipe early because I'll be leaving for Mare Fair. Just a week away! I'm so happy with this information.
Mare Fair, just a week away! Oh wow.
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Hadn't drawn Roseluck before, decided to give her some love
haha great comic bro I love that last panel
>Beginner and low effort art thread
>You post this absolute perfect picture
Why? Not saying I'm mad at you or something but I don't get it.
Where are the Intermediate and average effort, or Advanced and high effort art threads?

I appreciate you saying that. I know artists are usually extra critical of their own work but I think my stuff is far from perfect and there's a lot I still want to improve on and learn. That being said I do feel I've come a long way since I started posting here a few months ago. I just feel at home in this thread
Nice roseluck
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How's this?
barbie shit is garbge, just fuck off.
>The game
You motherfucker
Nice draw except for that fucked up thing on the right.
Seems traced
I'd argue it's just heavily referenced.
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when i drew this i had zippers in mind
I like it
nice floorb
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felt painty
Really nice bro. Pony is real cute and you did a good job on the sheets, I know how much a pain in the ass it can be to get that shit to look right. Like how you stylized the letters as well.
Nice twi with an interesting background. Any reason you went with a bridge?
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First attempt at drawing a fully body pony. The hind legs took me WAY too long.

Also her flank is a little too big. Didn't really have any pony in mind, so I decided to make one from imagination.
that florb is so cute holy fuck
in my mind, I was thinking about walking with a pone along a sorta riverside boardwalk Cafe area, across from some nature and such. just an excuse to get real loosey goosey since I'm having trouble figuring out where I wanna take my art
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between paint doodles or sketch doodles, i think I will always prefer sketches like this to probably any other kind of doodle I do, its just ticking all my tism boxes
Who should she be
Dump truck Cadence.
Verification not required.
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oh lawdy she thicc.
My wife, Twilight, please.
not bad at all
Jesus Christ brother relax
Oh wait, I didn't notice the wings. I retract my request and recommend going with this anon's choice >>41437605
twilight had wings for far longer than she didn't in the show.
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Rainbowshine bro
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Best pegasus AKA Strawberry
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Redrew the first thing I posted to this thread back in may. Time sure flies huh
Nice improvement for just four months. Solid linework too, and if you're already able to get that level of symmetry when you freehand, you've got a ton of talent. If you want suggestions on how to improve, I would say you should focus on trying to get your drawings to look more three-dimensional. Your Rarity's eyes are stuck on her face kinda like decals on a flat surface, instead of following the curvature of her head.
Awesome improvement!
It's kind of funny how her tail is strategically out of frame in the old one because it can be so hard to draw, but in the new one you conquered it.
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This is my sphinx character. I've been trying to work out the appropriate dimensions for her face.
based and improvement pilled
Thanks for the advice! I'll try to keep that in mind in the future
I find her mane in general is tougher to draw than most. Not just the shape but the coloring too, I feel like I still don't got it completely down but getting better
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Erm what the spruce
The neck is completely fucked I’m too tired oh well
the welost ass kills it, only turbo coomers like this dogshit.
nice, looking forward to this getting more work
you have shit taste, goddamn!
>you shouldn’t encourage an artist if they aren’t drawing exactly what you like already
Nah shit taste is shit taste! If you like that it's fine but don't claim it's accurate as far as I'm concerned. Ridiculously Huge asses are hilarious though. They are hilarious to look at.
i never mentioned accuracy
you’re just projecting or something i dunno man
i think you meed to chill and let the anon cook
if you’re like genuinely concerned that its poor design you could try giving more constructive criticism than just being insulting
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Forgot to post this one from last night.
Some anons are just incapable of giving constructive criticism, many such cases.
A drawing from yesterday's rewatch stream inspired by a mare from Sundae, Sundae, Sundae short.
That is golden Anon. I'm so happy Autumn Fields and Plumberry got their ice cream so they can cool off on a hot day.
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Came out as total garbage. I could post what I made if you'd like to see it anyway, thoughever.
very nice i like the mares with braces
another silver spoon appreciator my brother in arms
That's very cute bro
I like that Rarity
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Uhhhhh, so apparently washing a hand made marker design shirt requires to be IRONED before hand washing in cold water. Lesson learned I guess but at what cost. Sorry balechads, I will do better next year.
>Tie-dyed snowpity
Could be worse, I'd say. How does the back fair?
I like the effect ditto >>41442687 lets see that back
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Mostly fine since the black marker seem to be unaffected however the OC red scarf, the blue of and Colgate got the extra blue smudge under themselves.
I guess it's not THAT bad in the end, but still not ideal scenario.
It was /bale/ tier
Honestly that looks kinda cool
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Ideal human-to-pony size.
Love your stylized ponies.
I’m sucker for the “reluctant accepting of affection” look and I think you nailed it.
So talented
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The mare on the right can get it.
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Did some mare-searching and been focusing a lot lately in understanding shadows and values, not a lot of work done here now but will keep going.
>blue unicorn in the corner
fkn kek.
lovely little mares
I fuck w it.
literally me
small mares galore
wonderful painting, what program do you use
Thank you, I use clip studio paint (version 1 currently thinking of upgrading)
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nippony twiggles
Based. I love anime Twi, she is so damn adorable.
Don't you have to keep paying a subscription if you want to use the new version? Nice AJ, by the way.
I think you'd benefit greatly if you used a multiply filter over your background and intensified AJ’s saturation and lightness. Vice versa would also work.
Yeah if you want the version 3 ”newest” features, kind of a scam imo. I just need ver.2 for the EX version to be able to animate since I can’t buy ver1 EX. Also Thanks!
Thank you for the input, the whole Thing is still a huge WIP so I’ll deff try out some different layers and colour corrections. Got some feedback last thread that the values on AJ were a bit too bright so I gotta experiment a bit here.
My favourite panel.
Long giraffe is long.
The purple is really striking.
I know that feeling.
One last drawing before Mare Fair. Hope to see some of you lads there /)
Amarezing drawing.
do you have a personally gallery to post art or is it just here?
some people just post their stuff just here other's also post on their booru of choice or other art website of choice.or god forbid twitter. I for example post here and on derpibooru too, out of convenience though rather than having love for the site. It guarantees that it get's to all of the alt boorus and that some people will see it. It's ultimately down to your discretion if you want to post elsewhere.
Nice trix man! Wish I could make it to mare fair, hopefully next year I'll be there. Have fun brother.
thanks, i guess ill use derpibooru for just art and a tumblr for lore dumps.
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The bottom
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Either my last post wasn't posted or my Internet's slow, so here are some doodles
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Regular bottom or power bottom?
Based amre
Very nice. Wish that was me
That is a good wisdom.
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I'm the best artist evar
very nice anon :))
Slow day today
Would love to see some people try to make some new op images. That would get the thread moving
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heres my attempt
idrew something new but I'm shy it's not pointy
Oh hell yea, good shit bro
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Didn't draw in like two years or so, tried to make the M6 from memory with no reference at all and my head hurts a lot by trying to this shit. Let's play who can guess which one is every one of them. I don't feel proud at with this crap and I feel like burning the paper asap
Easy bro. Flutter, dash, rarity along the top. Twi and aj in the middle, ponk on the bottom.
I didn't expect to anybody to recognize them with how badly the proportions ended up
It's rough but it isn't so bad it's unrecognizable. I know it can be hard to pick up drawing again after taking a long break. You should give it another shot with a reference. References help so much
aj with tiny hat is adorable
What's the difference between reference and just plain copy?

Thanks for the compliment
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Just because you are using a reference that doesn't mean you have to copy exactly what you are looking at. If you are trying to draw something original, think of it more as a guide. Looking at something similar to what you are trying to make really helps your judgement when deciding where and how you want to draw your lines
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here I dug up an unfinished version of a something I made to show you what I mean
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Hi /bale/!
The usual Anon who did Pinktober didn't post it, so I thought I would gather some prompts for this year.
So post any costume ideas you would like to see!
just throwing some stuff out:
Ponk dressed up as the other main six
Might be too close to 'witch', but I think "The FUN and FANTASTICAL Pinkie" would be a fun prompt.
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doodling at mare fair
That sounds like Pinkie dressed up as a likeable Trixie
Pinkie would make a great street magician.
You did pretty well. If you were to remove the words I could roughly tell what was going through the art alone.
Lots of Pinkie and Twi
Fluffy tail.
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Did filly in paint
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And color too
Rarity is not a dumb slut, she is a sophisticated and elegant mare. Nice draw tho
Looking good. Love me some ms paint ponies
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Is that a bomb blowing up a crown?
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Minty I drew with my finger while in line for the badge at Marefair

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