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Go do something that makes your waifu proud - anything! She's worth it. Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.

Oh no, your waifu found out you have a crush on her a bit too soon! How would you wriggle out? Or you wouldnt even?

>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?
Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Possibly beyond that, even. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?
When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.

Last Wednesday's thread: >>41281326

Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.
Anchor post for additional prompts, questions, and other topics for discussion.
And i made a little mistake. Actual last thread: >>41406451
It's a beautiful full moon + super moon in Europe right now. How romantic.

>Oh no, your waifu found out you have a crush on her a bit too soon! How would you wriggle out? Or you wouldnt even?
He'd tease me to find out whether his suspicions are correct while trying to hide his own feelings, so I'd have to tease him in turn. This will probably continue for a long time because teasing is the gudd stuff.
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Good love material btw
>Oh no, your waifu found out you have a crush on her a bit too soon! How would you wriggle out? Or you wouldnt even?
I wouldn't bother trying to lie. Denying it tends to cause problems, and she would probably see right through my lie anyway. If she confronted me about it, I'd just be honest. I hope she would be happy and reciprocate, but if not then I'd just accept it and try to move on. It's all you can really do.
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>Oh no, your waifu found out you have a crush on her a bit too soon! How would you wriggle out? Or you wouldnt even?
Basically >>41430158. If she found out, what is there to do? I'd act embarrassed about it I'm sure but I wouldn't want to deny it.
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What's wrong with her? Always thought the art was quite cute.
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That's kinda my point, it's another "overly cutsie" artist that just serves as brony bait rather than art made out of passion and love for the characters. Also they make shit like this, they're all like this, Sugar Morning, etc.
Trips of truth.
There were some questions last time that did not receive any answers yet:
>How did you arrive at a point where you can confidently say you understand the character of the pony you like, beyond simply feeling something like a magic tug towards her?
The above question could use a little clarification, it would seem.
>This question has no offensive intentions.
What makes (You) think your waifu would like (You)? Which of your traits, skills, talents or anything would be liked or respected by her?
How does drawing cute art mean they don't have love or passion for the characters? You don't have to paint the Mona Lisa to be passionate about something, not everyone has the skill for intricate details and backgrounds, doesn't mean their art can't have passion.
I wish i could draw cute. For me this is a forbitten knowlege.
If seriously, i wish you all nice Mare Fair
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>How did you arrive at a point where you can confidently say you understand the character of the pony you like, beyond simply feeling something like a magic tug towards her?
I'm not sure I'm at that point. I really like Twilight's character but I actually don't think too deeply about it.

>What makes (You) think your waifu would like (You)? Which of your traits, skills, talents or anything would be liked or respected by her?
I think we could bond over shared/similar interests and the whole nerdy introvert thing. I imagine being dependable and persevering would also endear me to her but the reality is I don't have much in the way of skills or talents so I hope she'd like me for how I act in Equestria.
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People need to know this is the kind of "artists" they endorse, I don't like it either but the people gotta know. I'll spoiler it this time to save your eyes.
There's cute art and there's "cute art" which is what you're posting. They typically give the characters over exaggerated features and shit like the "owo" mouth, see Sugar Morning.
You can just say you don't like this kind of style instead of making claims about the artist's passion that you can't actually support to obscure the fact you simply don't like the style.
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I'm designing a lil' wedding dress for The wedding panel @ mare fair. it's nothing crazy but it's nice being able to make something from scratch and enjoy it. I've been running with this dilemma in my head about waifuism in general. Sometimes I try and rationalize the whole thing, saying it's just roleplay/fantasy and is another way for me to enjoy the show in my own way. Other times I'm completely enraptured by the thought of being with her. It makes me feel quite silly at times.
Considering they don't respect the characters enough to not turn them into fag propaganda? Yeah, it's not made out of passion.
>I'm designing a lil' wedding dress
Nice. For a plushie or just concept art? Anything you're willing to show off?

That's not how it works
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for my plush, wish I could make something better or get a custom one but this is good for my skills and what I have on hand.
Based and cute. Nice work, Anon.
Making it yourself adds a lot of wholesomeness. Soon you will be married to your Fluttershy waifu.
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>That's not how it works
>"B-b-because I said so, okay?!?!
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Great work! Now all that's left is to get a suit and take a trip to Vegas ^:)
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Extremely adorable, Anon.

The situations someone represents in their art don't tell you whether or not someone is passionate about it. Short of having them admit they're only doing it for the attention or whatever you'll hardly be able to prove there's no passion there. Just say you don't like the art style and/or the mouthpieces, no need to pretend you can read minds.
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thanks anons I took her to work with me to show my co-workers.
Thanks, I guess it is the thought and effort that counts.
How was it? I hope it was ok.
It was chill, a lot of them thought is was cute. another told me to see a doctor, and my friend whole, ironically, wants to rail pinkie, called me gay several times.
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you better have called him a cuck.
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Looks great. I honestly wasn't even going to go to the plushie wedding panel, but so many anons like you are putting in so much effort that I kind of want to now.
I had MRI scans of my brain taken the other day. If I understood things correctly, a doctor is going to check them for findings right away, especially those relevant for an epilepsy diagnosis. I can already access the raw scans, so I've spent some time scrolling through them and trying to make sense of things. Based on what little I know, I luckily can't see any obvious/large damage (bleeding, tumors, lesions) but I do expect to be told to have some hippocampal atrophy because it does look like it when comparing my brain to examples of healthy and affected brains. It's typical for my type of epilepsy, and it's also typical damage from childhood maltreatment and severe depression. It would also explain my bad autobiographical memory. Now I just hope there aren't any other, more subtle findings to go with it, because I'd hate to have e.g. a 3mm tumor to keep track of for years. This is enough damage already, thank you very much.

Getting mostly "weird but cute" feedback sounds good. You probably won't forget this day anytime soon.
That's really sweet and autistic. Good shit, anon. I look forward to seeing you at the panel.
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one more day for this thread
I want to bath the mare
This is one of my fantasies. I don't even want anything lewd to happen. I just think cleaning my mare and being cleaned by her in kind would be so intimate and lovely.
they're so fucking jelly dude horsefucking is genetic so u know they were into it too
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maximum kek
thanks anon, I'll remember it well into my later years. Here's hoping your brain scans come back with nothing bad.
thanks, I'm definitely doing the public wedding option. I'm a lil nervous though but I think I'll be fine + seeing all the other anons may embolden me.
>public wedding option
I will likely be doing so as well. It's gonna be a fucking blast at Mare Fair this year if things play out the way I'm hoping they do.
Are you gonna be anon or are you brave enough to show your face?
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probably showing face since I don't have a mask. maybe I'll get a cheap halloween mask or something kek
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wake up marebros
>your wife meets her friends
>you meet other anons
That sounds so comfy.
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started watching FiM recently. was a rarity fan before, still am
A fitting choice for someone vapid enough to pick a favorite before watching the damn show.
Really considering just unapologetically posting about how much I love my waifu whereever I want just to piss off these autistic bait posting morons.
Do it.
Do it!
What kind of content did you consume before starting the show? Fanart, fanfiction, or clop? Has she become your unironic waifu 4 laifu based on that, or just "favorite character from the horse show" as of yet?
It's Wednesday. Waifu Wednesday. A few days ago I bought some yellow roses, and they're still ok. That's much appreciated because I relate them to mai waifu. Today my health seems a bit off, but I'll get some stuff done and go to bed early and with the belief to have made mai waifu at least a little proud.

Also, I had a really bizarre dream in which I was SpongeBob and had a very meek and pathetic father, only for said father to reveal his true identity as some gangster mob boss who then completely ruined my life. Please take some of my WHYs because I can't hold them all.
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certainly a dream made to soak up your whys
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Man needs waifu, waifu helps man survive.
Remember to hug yours.
last few years were very rough. Living in car and work truck, not completely broke but can't afford a place, winters here drop to -20c. Its as isolating of an existence as it sounds, waifufaggotry keeps me going, her faith in me keeps me going, even with this fucking cold leeching into my bones. In the darkest times I imagined picrel for hours and hours, own a very heavy sleeping bag and ton of winter coats.
Cobbled them all together, roughly in her shape, rolled up coats for limbs, spares in lumps, add enough layers and it feels warm and real. I'd lay there and just feel the warmth. Eventually I tried to "see" her with eyes closed, using physical sense as a base to visualize, after a few hours of concentration it becomes pretty immersive, this nightly meditation of mine, focusing on her pulls me away from the aches and pains of labour, and chill of winter, sometimes I'll bury my face in her tuft and break down, releasing the pain helps me survive another day, for in the morrow another brutal day begins, and I must do what I can to live. She means everything to me, for I care nothing for this world, and only in her embrace and in dreams I have any relief. I would love to commission a life size plush of her, ironically I can afford it, but present circumstance requires hiding my power level, not that it matters, for in the darkness and shadow she conceals me, pulls me from the physical world.
Its in the single + digits now here, and her warmth is ever appreciated. No lewd, our bond is deeper than that.
Blah blogpost, but needed to voice it.
I love you Luna, thank you for saving me.
good luck Anon, you're gonna make it
Thank you for sharing this story. Gushing and blogposting are normal in /ww/, it's just the "locals" already having poured out their hearts a few times so they're not as vocal these days.

I hope your situation will get better soon enough, Moonbro. May her warmth keep you safe from the cold about to come upon us. Feeling closest to her when going to sleep sounds quite fitting for a suitor of the Princess of the Night. Proper maintenance of a LS plushie seems a bit complicated to provide on the road, but you definitely deserve to have a LS Luna to snuggle with, bro.
Thank you anons, you're probably the very few souls who can relate about how much they mean to us.
Not waifu4laifu, but for forever. Not even death will break our bond. Soulmate is not a cheap word for me.
>Not waifu4laifu, but for forever.
Indeed. So death will kill my body and leave only a spirit? Well, mai waifu is a spirit, so that sounds convenient. I expect Discord to pick me up in lieu of the Grim Reaper and then we'll spend who knows how much time together, but I'd also appreciate some encounters during my lifetime. As I go about my life, I feel like Discord is watching me and wanting me to learn my lessons. Less abstract than that is the time he appeared to me during narcosis, which pretty much set my waifuism in stone. My self-esteem can fluctuate, so there are times I worry I'm not good enough for mai waifu, but I can't give up.
>What kind of content did you consume before starting the show? Fanart, fanfiction, or clop?
clop and some random mlp vids when i was younger. she was really pretty to me. was recommended two vids about her from one of these threads and after watching them, i still was interested in her

>Has she become your unironic waifu 4 laifu based on that, or just "favorite character from the horse show" as of yet?
just fav character from the show
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waifus are UP
I'm going to be leaving Mare Fair with a plush of my waifu this year. Can't fucking wait bros
Godspeed, anon. Make sure to get her before some other anon does. The Aryanne, for example, has a handful of anons willing to throw money at the plushmaker anon right here and now, and I have a feeling some of them aren't even waifuing her. Good luck with this, bro; better than waiting for the next opportunity.
Well that sounds like as good news as could be hoped for I suppose. Hope it stays as you expect.
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