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Previous Thread: >>41429633

We’d like to highlight another department for Mare Fair that is in crucial need of some more volunteers. Our Info Desk needs (You) to come on out and lend a helping hand. Currently, they are looking for two more volunteers. The requirements they’ve set are as follows: be willing to study and know the map layout of the convention, keep track of panel/event times, and be willing to communicate with attendees and staff in a professional but friendly manner.

Additionally, our attendee relations lead is willing to provide free lodging in his room for the two volunteers accepted. So, if you want to help out the convention, and save a bit of cash with your room, please send in an application!

As stated in our previous thread, our website has gotten a large update, and with that means lots of news to share!

First off, musicians! We have a large lineup of musicians for this year’s Mare Fair, and we’re excited to share them with you. You can check the performers and their times inside the “Musicians” section on our site.

Secondly, vendors! We’re happy to announce that many vendors, returning and new, will be selling their goods at this year’s Mare Fair. Not only that, but we’ve also added in a little something for those after dark fans…

You can check out the vendors, and their wares, in the “Vendors” section of our website! You can access AD vendor details in the “Clopper’s Cave” option within the vendor page!

Finally, you can now view the panel and event schedule for the convention within the “Schedule” section. Make sure you plan out what panels and the like you’d like to attend, and be sure to have as much fun with them as you can!

Check them all out on our website:

WE'RE HIRING: Do (You), yes (You)! Want to be involved in how the sausage (Mare Fair) is made? Well now's your chance!

We are currently looking for anons to help volunteer for many departments, especially Operations, Info Desk, and Distribution! Of course, if you want to help in other departments, such as A/V or the Game Room, please apply! We're always looking for more help in making this con happen, so don't shy away from applying!

If you have any questions about the responsibilities of working in certain departments, please feel free to send an email or ask here in the thread!

As mentioned before, our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates, so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area, just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at: https://marefair.org/venue/

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org
First tor jobs
unf cozy plap plap plap plap
I have lost the ability to sleep I'm so excited. Eager to buy that Lyrant Croc charm that one anon 's selling.
AZG Milky confirmed
unf purpie plap plap plap
AZG should get breast implants that are the size of his LS plushies heads
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anchor thread for any Cozy Bros at mare fair, i dont have any activity in general to talk about i just wanna see how many of us will be here. Moralfags BTFO
Does the hotel have a gym?=
This is just in, Mare Fair has been CANCELLED

Every single organizer and staff received the news from the venue that they weren't allowed to come around, the hotel itself receiving a staff wide threat in the form of milk bags, with some even getting high grade milk bottles, filled to the brim and reportedly freshly taken. With such risk looming over them, they had no choice but to let go of the con.
The con organizers meanwhile came forth and reported that some of the hotel staff actually were found missing from the system workers list, despite such info being hidden from the report they received, as a few workers were seen waiting outside, hoping that such catastrophe could be reverted so they could go inside and work normally, their job pass' not working. As of the report, no measure has been found to return them to their posts yet.
More over, there was a note left for the Mare Fair con head as well as the organizers, and with such massive proof towards Mare Fair bringing such misfortunate curse towards them, they decided to cut their losses before they too ended up like Mare Fair's last venue after the building 7 incident.

Hopefully, we can find new jobs and opportunities in 2025, this is not a good bye.
Keep the pony up, and mare on.
nonnies will really believe this and rope, you gotta calm down baitanon.
we should fund a filly golly plush with a pocket and take turns fucking her, I can think of no activity more based for us to do at florida foal con
Dibs on going last.
I thought the shitpost was on the face enough for the funpost, doesn't even have a trip either
That was bait?
Damn, I already kmsed myself to death
unf, I'd be in on that~
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I missed out on Mair Fair 1, what was the building 7 incident
twily plap
plap plap purpie unf unf~
me when i find the mare van
I think I understand. Beautiful stuff.
comically loud ass fucking
There was a new box of pencils in the room. We stripped all the drawfags, held them down, and gave each one of them a pencil that was analogous to their dick size. There was a sharpener on hand too. We used that a lot for accuracy.
Perhaps it was meant that one anon can enter in 6-8 plushies?
conspiracy theory about how 7 WTC fell down during the 9/11 (never forget) antisemitism attack for no apparent reason
Here we fucking go!
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adds six hours to my 5 hour drive. you are from atlanta so are you gay or colored? Ass or Gas, pick one. I leave tuesday evening and comeback early tuesday morning.
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Can we not get the hotel wifi banned this time?
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posting filly cunny on /co/ until rangebanned.
Hey staff, so for people who need internet for their panel, you said bring a USB to Ethernet right? Just want to double check.
I've already set up a VPN to my home server over port 443 for just this reason. If anyone is serious about shitposting, I advice you to do the same.
Yep, we'll be providing a device with an ethernet cable coming out of it that you can plug into, so if you don't have one on your laptop you'll need a USB adapter.
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cross posting here but if you’re the guy selling her form out of your car i’m still interested in buying her. i couldn’t get back to you because the email you gave me didn’t work.. im still interested
KSC Update

Hello hello! Sorry for the radio silence last thread, I am actually in the US finally and just recovering from jetlag.
Good news, we are fully paid in regards to our group trip and I bribed Elon to delay the launch for the day we arrive.
This does change things slightly with Cocoa Beach afterwards as it is going to be so busy. So it may be one or two places to visit + the beach instead of several places. Just because it is going to be very congested.

For the drivers that have their own minigroups, report in to me at the lobby around 8:15 or so and to the van driver we will get everyone in as soon as possible. Because once again traffic is going to be a bitch on launch day. I will be sending emails out over the next couple of days as well to folks so keep an eye open on the inbox
Hey so we’re gonna adjust our schedule so we can watch the rocket take off while we’re there, right?
Something a dummy who can't avoided a rangeban would say
Of course the intention was to open and close KSC anyways, which closes at 5pm. It's an instant launch window at around 4pm so it would be the most kino end to our trip.
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That’s perfect. Thanks again for organizing this, nonners. Quick question, how many of you guys would be open to staying maybe an hour or two if the launch gets delayed?
You're more than welcome anon.
If it is delayed it is scrubbed for the day, hence the instant launch window. As it is going to the ISS
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Linkies standing by.
Linkes are standing by like… mare.
We'll have USB adapters too, just need a USB A or C port available
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nah, I think they're going with a more "miss america/universe" style thing where the contestants have to answer questions and do exhibitions. I haven't even seen the entry form posted anywhere yet. Maybe my eyes just skipped it, I'll check desuarchive
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For any Catholic anons in the thread

We'll be attending Sunday morning mass at the Basilica of Mary.
Departure will be at 7:30AM to make it in time for their 8AM mass. Meet up in the lobby of the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside and we'll leave from there.
Afterwards we can spend time perusing the grounds and various landmarks. We'll return to the con venue around 10:00-10:30, depending on if anyone is attending the Photo Session panel.

So far we have 4 people attending, including myself. If you're interested, shoot me a (you) so I can get a grasp of the numbers.
I can provide transportation if needed.
>Hi monkey
>Hi monkey
I would go if not for that 1054 schism :'( any orthoanons going to be at MF?
This is a beautiful church, I've been there many times
Never for mass, tho
Traffic will probably be shit
Donut worry anon, you can still attend, you just can’t take Christ’s flesh into your mouth on account of the bread being unleavened. If you want I can leaven some bread for (you) and give it to (you) to snack on in the pews
I will absolutely be there lel
Oh geez. Mare Fair, less than a week away. I sure am excited!
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nice trips trinity of trinities 333 x 3
I'm not really Orthodox, just was in catechism for a little while, so I haven't received the mysteries of the Eucharist leavened either. I might check it out just to see the differences, thanks for the invite
I'm the host of the trade panel. Is there anyone who would be willing to pick up and bring down a large dream plush of mine from a seller who won't ship in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri if I pay the costs plus extra or in exchange for 4de rainbow dash + nasapone + funko cadence + extra mlp figures and plush? If you have no space, I do not care if you unstuff it. I really want it, and if you are friendless this con you guarantee one if you help me out. Lol. My last trade panel at megaplex helped me and others make friends, it was awesome.

Please remember to leave one or two tables in the room for me. You'll know me when you see me. I'm the crippled girl with a massive amount of mares, plush and figures that I'm bringing.

So hyped for the con.
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based crip
I missed all the communication around setting this trip up. Is there any way for me to tag along? (KSC and the launch too ideally)
I replied in the previous thread after this one was made, but to be sure: count me in
What defenses exist to protect con-goers from purple dinosaurs? Is this simply a risk I'll have to take?
>window at around 4pm

Everything I can see online says 14:05
thats 4pm in non-american
12 + 4 would be 16
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Don't worry, Mare Fair security is comprised of highly trained professionals that can handle themselves.
It's 2.05pm ...
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I’ve got the watch.
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Yes. It's 2:05 PM

Glad you're coming along.
I saw your earlier message, you're part of the initial 4 I mentioned.

There's 5 of us confirmed now. Not sure if >>41439064 is coming or not, but you're more than welcome to.
Keep that at 5 confirmed, I'm not coming
Is anyone unable to get the schedule at marefair.org?
I can't view it either

On a somewhat related note. Does anyone remember if they said there would be printed con books this year? I'm going to print a copy of the schedule for myself otherwise.
Question, how are we supposed to view very panel when some of them are happening at the same time?
Purp posted something about sending the con book file to the printers here >>41400837
and that there should be enough for everyone unless we get over 900 we have>>41402403
ask your tulpa to attend
Send your plushie to attend
I might have missed it but is there a listed time for the After Dark vendor hall?
Guys I'm being serious here, how?
You just have to choose which panel you want to see more.
If you don't know how to exist in two places at once by now, you never will.
On the All panel page on the schedule, that is inaccessible at the moment:

Pre-reg on Thursday (no badge sales, pickup only) 6pm-11pm
Friday and Saturday reg 830am-730pm

Vendor Stalls
Friday 11am-12pm sponsors only, 12pm-6pm everypony
Saturday 10am-1030am sponsors only, 1030am-6pm everypony (1pm-2pm closed for lunch)
Sunday 10am-1030am sponsors only, 1030am-4pm everypony
Finally done. 32 should be enough.
AAAAAAAA those little hoofsies!
Hi Anon, would love to go to Mass with (you)
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Air filters:replaced
I'm ready for this 1200 mile drive down to FL!
Nigga HOW it's been in almost every thread for about two months now. NTA but I'm not sure if you can do anything this soon now
This post scares and confuses the Eurocucks
That's a real numget moment from me. Yes that is the correct time, sorry I am both jetlagged an autistic
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1500 miles for me, will be leaving monday. Still need to get the oil changed and figure out the air conditioning.
Good. Fuck them train riding bitches. I'm about to drive the equivalent of Copenhagen to Sicily.

Bro get that AC fixed. You won't want to be in FL in September without AC.
to be fair orlando isnt too terrible with just the windows down
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does this cute little tv still serve a purpose or is it mostly a deco piece at this point?
I specifically meant the After dark stuff, not vendors in general.

Unless you're telling me the after dark stuff will be OPEN during regular vendor hours, which I guess is entirely possible given this is an 18+ con to begin with (and I didn't go last year)

And then Anon somehow ended up in Massachusetts.

Chances are they can still tag along for the main KSC venue and see the rocket launch, but the KSC Explore Tour stuff is probably locked in at this point since the existing group is so big that KSC itself had to split it into two groups for the busses.
That’s a microwave retard
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Why won’t you fly down? Are you bringing a fursuit?
There you go, I don't recall there being an AD vendor hall last year.

Clopper's Cave
Friday @ 09:00 PM-09:30 PM - Sponsors Only
Friday @ 09:30 PM-01:00 AM
Saturday @ 09:00 PM-09:30 PM - Sponsors Only
Saturday @ 09:30 PM-01:00 AM
You're dressing up as Ron Burgundy but with a Doom shirt?
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What counts as being a gollyfag?
Unless he's got his own system set up I don't think there's any analog signals to pick up. Might just be a white noise machine.
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Can I leave and come back to the spaghetti dinner?
To the guy hosting the Brony Debates Live panel can I drop in real quick and mention something? It's about how Throax and the reformation of the changelings ended up sending a message that their race was fundamentally wrong and had to be changed from the outside rather than them being able to learn to change their ways on their own. Thorax didn't decide he wanted to change because of his experiences, but rather he was simply born different due to pure random mutation.
What are you on about with this noncanon nonsense
I'm in spitting distance of Fort Leonard Wood

But I'll be flying out on this Tuesday and Ill be bring down a large empty checked-in bag

You got a way for me to get intouch with you?
newfag get out
I don't remember the details but I recall that Thorax was bullied by the colony because he was weak and also couldn't stand up for himself.
Also, the transformations because of love are a thing so maybe they were a peaceful species until Chrysalis appeared?
I'm speculating here and I have severe memory problems, so my bad if there's something wrong.
Drop the price for that Aryanne right now and I’ll buy it and pick it up at Mare Fair. Discord: someponyguy or email bigfatlunateats@horsefucker.org
checking in
wanted to apply to do a filly panel, kind of, but didn't want my face (or voice) attached to that or all my friends who will be at the con to see
How much for the plush? I'll put down 1000 right now.
On the topic of the trading, wondering if i should bring stuff to trade, I've got a couple anonfillies 1.0 & 2.0, a twiggy, and a frosty.
I guess I'd be looking for a nasa or an Ary, or any cool Dash merch? Figurines? I gotta finish packing and see how much space I have, but if anyone wants the stuff I mentioned please let me know.
Im also curious to know how much you're looking to get for her
Slight update!
Should be arriving at 4:40, not 4:30. On Thursday, Domestic.
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you could've just worn the anon outfit
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gigundo derpy
An Ary? Them some extremely rare plushies. You'd probably have to trade like 5 G1 anonfillies for one. Even then, I'd never part with mine.
He said "or voice", but I think the bigger issue is making an official panel about fillies at an 18+ con. I don't think the venue would want that kind of heat.
Being retarded and wasn't sure if I would go later in the week with a smaller group. The launch changes matters considerably though
Got you noted. That makes 6 of us.
This is going to be the only time I post this, for any real people itt stupid enough to register and attend this.
Last year's Mare Fair NEVER happened. The images/videos you saw of it were staged by the CIA in order to lure in nazi horsefucking chuds. These threads are fake (and gay) and are also staged by the CIA. About 20 anons did go last year, and they were all arrested immediately and given the MKUltra treatment. That's why the Mare Fair registration asks you for your legal name, address, email, and phone number. To collect information on you. Why do you think this site is still up? It is a CIA honeypot. DO NOT go to Mare Fair 2. You'll be sorry you did.
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What’s the dress code for spaghetti and tendie dinner? Is that the part where we don our Anon apparel?
Yes you can reenter tendie dinner, we'll have cool wristbands attendees will wear showing they are dinner chads
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If you have it please do wear it, I want at least 4 full Anon tables this year

Will I be trapped with it until I can find someone with a knife like last year?
I swear to God, if I need to find a knife to cut that fucking gay pride wristband off my arm at 1am again, I'm going to take my frustrations out on Anon's ass.
>sonic medallion
well no wonder the wyndham shut down
Mare Fair is now the inverse of being canceled. Due to a convergence event with a parallel universe, there will be two simultaneous Mare Fairs happening in the same location at the same time. If you're lucky, you might see yourself attending Mare Fair now!
It's been a while, but I'd love to go to mass with (you)
>If you're lucky, you might see yourself attending Mare Fair now!
Amazing! So even though I wasn't planning to go, I'll be there anyway? Sure beats wasting money on something as retarded as a spirit congoer. Now I can brag to all the fags that couldn't go, when I did!
(You) can't brag, the other (You) is the one going
I'm still technically there!
if that were they case, then they could have just denied him his panel
>people are actually spending money to spend three days with the autistic schizophrenic degenerates that post on this shithole of a board
Wow, I guess Friendship really is Magic, isn't it?
Yeah, but only because my goal to not come off as a dick is entirely feasible and not magic
Is the spaghetti and tendie gonna have an open bar again?
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oh cool the marevan made it to the OP image, lol
good news and bad news, the stickers got here in time! but I ordered 3 types and they only gave me two... and the finger on the monkey's paw curls
heading to bed now, in the morning I start heading down to florida. It'll be a while until I can confirm or add people to the list but keep the signups coming

if you want a ride from the airport to the hotel on Wednesday or Thursday, respond to this post with the time you land, whether you're flying internationally, and if there's anyone else you're traveling with that also needs a ride
Well now I now somebody who won't be virgin after this con anymore...
Highly likely considering how much of a moralcunt Ebonyblow is.
What is the prize for going "plap plap unf purp plap get pregnant" in your ear at the con?
>Please wait a while before making a post
unf purpie plapie
All the more reason to have a filly panel
I ordered and am bringing scissors

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so what youre saying is there should be a secret filly panel
Absofuckinglutely. where and when?
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nice anon. have done the same
>forgot to order Fallen Oak merch
>probably won’t ship before the con
Fuck, I really wanted it for Mare Day. Can I get it shipped to the hotel?
this is why fillyfags never get anything done
>hypno poopnigga with a megalomaniac oc that draws the cmc as fat cows is a moralcunt.
Interesting if true.
Almost right, he gets his boyfriend to draw his powertripping coom art, bragging about both things
How is that a flex?
Holy shit thanks. I was sleeping all day email me at marefairtrading@outlook.com
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As a sponsor, how do I check into the hotel? Do they know my name at the front desk or something?
Yeah just go
>"Hey I'm John Doe with Mare Fair."
and they'll have it sorted.
>yeah guys my noncon mindrape hypno porn is totally fine but fillies are mUh LiTerAL cHilDreN
certified hypocrite
How much can you cram into a backpack before they won't let you count it as a personal item anymore?
Hey Purp, can you squeeze in two more seats on Thursday morning?
I am arriving at 7:45AM and my friend's at 9:50 AM. We're both flying domestic so it's gonna take us an extra 10 to 15 minutes to come out.
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Based as fuck
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It varies, check with your specific airline
est is short for established as if it was a business, retardfag
Mare Fair 1 wasnt real, it was an ad campaign to drum up interest and support for Mare Fair. Mare Fair 2 is the actual first con.
The Marevan was birthed at HarmonyCon 2023. Get up on your Purp lore, Anon
purp what kind of flowers do you like purp

make sure to bring some plan p pills to marefair just in case
Harm Many Con has nothing to do with mares
may as well the train to Auswiss a locomaretive if the Marevan was created to hurt people
Fuck dude I just had a dream where I showed up to the hotel in my anon suit but I forgot the rest of the suit so I was just butt ass naked inside of my green morphsuit. I felt deeply sad that I forgot the rest of my 3 piece suit. I show up to the hotel just as it’s getting demolished and then I see another anon with this long, unwashed curly ponytail and he takes me down an escalator. At the bottom is fallen oak, which is inside of an airport terminal for some reason, and there’s millions of tents stretching as far as the eye can see and dramatic music was playing and the anon with me said in a female voice, “that’s a lot of people…” as the camera panned over the millions of tents that were stretching across this airport terminal with Fallen Oak in it. There were so many tents full of anons that I couldn’t even see any horses or Kim or anything just tents. Damn I wish that dream lasted longer.
You dreamared of a Marestile Takemarever where Marenons marenited maregainst realimare mareself, even marevolting maregainst the instimaretions to marestall an emarenal marenarchy
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holy shit purp is literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for my cock and my cock alone. Genuinely and literally, he is the perfect little dick taking nymphlet I’ve ever seen. Imagine his underdeveloped, freckled little chicken legs opening wide for my pulsating mass of man meat that will ingratiate itself into him, morph and twist his innocence into bestial lust, his Snow White milky thighs parting and his asshole clenching but I push through and force his flesh to swallow my alpha steaming rod whole, and him clinging to it like a bitch in heat as I mate and deflower him. Imagine Purp’s little thin ass bespectacled face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummelling and rutting from his tribal dominator, as my thick cock erupts it’s primal seed past his brown starfish into his hidden womb, getting him purpgant and completely staining his perfect lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white children with my steaming slavic ape spunk, imagine him sweating and screaming as those child like hips birth my offspring, forever staking my claim to his lineage and every single one of his progeny. Fucccckkkkkkk bros I want to have sex with purp so bad
I'm gonna print this post on a shirt and wear it when I ride the mare van
Oops, my brain mashed him and WeLost together.
Did some digging and I could be wrong on this too. Anons were saying he was in the mandatory poop edit ponut packs but his name isn't on any I could find.
if someone was selling that at the vendor hall i would spend hundreds of dollars on it
Personally, I think Purp should charity auction it himself.
might as well make a profit off of our primal lust for him kek
Got you marked down as the 7th.
I'm surprised I have a full van of anons now. I may need to see if any of us have a car of their own if we have any more tag along. We could ride in 2 separate vehicles.
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Thanks whoever used my airalo referral code
For anyone else the code is ANONX8409
I hacked into purps Flo account and he’s gonna be ovulating during marefair, just thought I’d give you guys a heads up
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had a dream I I could only buy a soiree mini plush instead of mimosa or flyer, and then I got lost trying to get to my friend since instead of the convention being in one building it was spread around a plaza of several small buildings, it really is almost time for mare fair bros
I arrive in Orlando at 10:56pm Thursday, domestic, alone
Probably too late for you
I'm still not convinced MF is real. I feel like I will get to the Wyndham and it will just be empty or something. Idk.
had a dream where someone was selling some small plushies and i joked how you could fit them in your mouth, and then the vendor went "huh, never thought about that" only to grab my head and shove a pinkie pie plush in, and im not sure how I swallowed it but I did somehow because the vendor just held my head down on the table and kept forcefeeding me his plushies that I kept swallowing whole
soon enough I had a stomach ache and bloating but he kept feeding me until I looked like I was nine months into being pregnant with like five kids
then shit got weird because I DID somehow give birth and it was like passing a kidney stone but worse, which had me wake up right when shining armor's head popped out of my dick and said "TVILY" with the russian accent

dream interpeters, what does this mean
Fairgoer badge prices increase to $70 starting sometime after midnight tonight
You check in just like you would at any hotel
Show your ID and credit card for incidentals
itll be even less than empty anon...
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Jolly cooperation!
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>feeling physically ill from con anxiety
>felt like vomiting all week but it never happens
wouldn't it be funny if i were too sick to get on the plane, ha ha
room panel?
I am growing concerned about the Hurricane forecast. Some analysts seem to believe a Cat 2 Hurricane may hit Florida on Thursday.

I am worried about flight delays getting down there. I couldn't care less if a flight gets delayed going home, but if the flight is delayed long enough my group might miss a chunk of the convention.

Can anyone help me disuade these fears? I want to spurg out with the rest of you faggots
if a hurricane delays my brony sex at mare fair I'll scream
It's gon be aight, bro
>source: trust me bro
I really cannot wait for the twins run. Seriously Soireé and Matineé are simply perfect to have, both of them
You're only getting one next year. That way you'll have to come to both Mare Fair 3 and 4 if you want to catch em all.
Dubs confirm, being the local mare, Mimosa is the one who will be at every fair, although with different suits. Clean Mimosa only available during this fair only
Ironically, the people not on the cope van will find themselves coping and seething if a hurricane strikes.
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But that's not (mare) fair! They didn't make 900 Mimosa plushies! How can I ensure that I get one, while calling everyone who missed out, a fag?
fug, and lightning storms to follow over the weekend. The morning run might have to turn into a group gym session.
See you there
Trading cards are a big thing for a reason Anon, and the clean original ones are always the rarest
Better not lose your chance while you have it

I'm homecon this time, it's never been more over
Arriving domestically at 5:45 pm on Thursday with one other with me!
ok fill me in on the name thing again, I can leave my real name blank right?
>Better not lose your chance while you have it
What chance? I don't even know what I'm preparing for. Do I need to show up three hours early? Do I need to fistfight some autists? Will con staff just randomly announce that it's 3:17 PM and Mimosa plushies are now available, massive droves of autists flooding the halls, using their B.O. as mustard gas to ensure their success? I think I'm beginning to understand how people feel when they fight for the new iToy on release day or the people that kill each other for a 4K tv on black friday. I can't believe I'm going to do this for a pony plushie.
You don't have to have your real name printed on your badge, but they do check your ID to make sure you are the right person and are over 18 when you check in. If you don't have your real name on your registration then they won't be able to know that it's actually you and you're not trying to swipe someone else's registration, so maybe you'd have to do something extra like show your registration email?
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>Mare Fair was actually created by barneyfag in order to round up and exterminate as many horsefuckers as possible via hurricane
4:40 PM
he is too powerful
I just discovered iodine for setting up a DNS tunnel, you might be interested in that too. I guess it can punch through paywalled hotspots
lmao how do you get the "mode" of your travel bag gb2stats101 airline unless they measured a bunch of bags and are posting that for people who want to be normal as possible
breathe dude, breathe
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Here's fluttershy's wedding dress for the wedding panel, looking back it came out better than I initially expected.
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>turns out there is no hurricane, nothing to worry about
>anons are happy to board plane
>but pic related happens instead
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do not do this to me
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Wednesday Chads win again
Quit worrying about it. Nothing ever happens.
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>links to the artists' pages STILL aren't fixed on the vendor hall pages
come on guys
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Last year an anon's flight was delayed multiple times over the course of the weekend. In the end he never made it to the convention center and lost over a thousand dollars.
Sorry anon, but you've been chosen as the cursed one this year.
Don't forget that last year there was a chance of hurricane Lee hitting florida during the con
I think I already replied to one of your previous posts, but just in case, I will be arriving at 12pm on Wednesday. It probably won't take me too long to get out of the airport since I'm only bringing a carry on, so I'm guessing I'll be out by 12:15. Also can I have a reminder of where the cope van will be picking us up at?
Good thing I fly Delta.
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Oh a hurricane? Damn that sounds wild bro, Orlando is over a hundred miles inland from the west coast of FL. The hurricane will be literally nothing by the time it gets to Orlando.
>checks NOAA
Yeah this isnt gonna be anything.
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Final count for friendship bracelets is 275. I’ll be carrying them around all weekend until I run out. Don’t be shy, ask for one and make a friend!
glad to see other dresses about, I was kind of worried I might be the only one when priest anon told me I was the only one so far when I registered early

I didn't want to stand out to hard despite how much I love her
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Thanks Anon, now we're really fucked
as somebody who lives on beach side daytona and ate two huricanes last year, just ignore them and they litterally cant hurt you
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So what's everyone bringing? I have no travel experience and had to buy a carry-on bag just for this. I definitely feel like I'm forgetting something, but this isn't one of those "I'll just drive back home and pick it up" things.
While I may be ill-prepared, I decided to give this a chance anyway. Who knows, there might not be a mare fair next year so I had better come to this one. I would also rather come here as I really don't want the memory of my first pony con to be one full of fursuiters. I heard there were only ~5 furries last year and nobody interacted with them.
im bringing my plushes, shirts, sketchbook, some whiskey, extra clothes in case pukenon pukes on me, cash, a pillow and towel since im sharing a tiny room with 2 other dudes
What theater is the movie watch gonna be at?
Hey hey people, The Equine Emporium here. I'd just like to show a small sampling of the things we're going to have for sale at our table. We've got more artists bringing a wide variety of goods this year, ranging from the con classics such as a huge variety of high quality prints and many different stickers and buttons, to some truly one-of-a-kind items like hand painted figures, papercraft automatons, and more! We also have a whole lot more hats and T-shirts with new designs!
I hope you'll stop by and check out what we got
Oh man, are they gonna cancel the space launch over this? Nasapone is gonna be so disappointed…
You got it dude!
40k Anon here
Im looking at a dollar an infantry and like 10-20 on vehicles
How much are you guys willing to take from me so i dont need to bring it back?
Its pretty much all marines plus a raft of catachans
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can't wait for hurricane don to finish what hurricane lee couldn't do
a bunch of pony stuff to trade and hide around the con
a blender
cosplay stuff
toiletries, don't forget your retainer
and that's my checked luggage getting to be about the max weight... I'll shove most of my non-cosplay clothes into my carry on along with laptop, anonfilly, lunchbox, 1qt bag of 50ml booze bottles to pregame on the flight, zyn, camera, extra hat (I'm wearing my cosplay hat during travel so it doesn't get crushed). I'm also bringing secrets along with being a miserable pile of them. I also need to remember to remove my knife and wallet pick set and put them into checked luggage so I don't have to surrender them at TSA check
I'm bringing tyranids
I could buy some marines off you if you don't want them
>had another mare fair dream last night
>corp and I are playing super smash bros at his house
>he gets mad at me cause i keep winning
>pushes me down the stairs later when no one's looking
I'm sorry Corp, just please stop hurting me
I do not
I also have a chaos army box aand some temis, a defiler and other stuff
Ill be posting photos
Im looking really at like a dollar for the 24 mm base dude, id like 2 for the 40mm, but a dollar is fine
I got a bunch of dreadnaughts and rhino patterns that will be like 10 or 15
I simply value th space they occupy more than the models
>at his house
there's your first problem
unf corpie plap plap
sex with corp
I want a bracelet but I dont want to be your friend
>this kills the anon
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Myself and one other anon are landing on thursday at 3:35 pm barring delays, and will likely have our stuff and be ready for about 4:30. I'm hoping there won't be too many people wanting a ride at this time, would love to catch the marevan if we can but if its too full we'll just take a shuttle or something
>all these horny faggots
How do I unironically stop looking like a twink? I don't want people targeting me.
It's not that I want to look like this, I just do.
You're selling Kronk?
Does Disney know?
>How do I unironically stop looking like a twink?
Start lifting
Get pregnant. As your belly swells with my child I’ll keep you safe from angry anons
clothes (including 3 green body suits, a custom-made shirt, 2 custom printed shirts, other shirts, some hats, socks, undergarments, shorts, a pair of pants)
no fewer than 5 plushies
a bag
a backpack
a suitcase
a few snacks for the trip down
40lbs of yellow mustard
some misc merch to trade
oral hygiene essentials
speed stick
anxiety and hype
Anything more short-term? The con is in less than a week.
Guys I just tested positive for aids. Am I still allowed to go to the orgy? I’ll wear a condom if you ask
Clothes a size too large.
Inject mineral oil into all muscle groups you want to increase in size.
I only have one pony shirt and one pair of pony socks.
How bad will I get laughed at when I don't have a full set for each day of the con?
>a blender
>40lbs of yellow mustard
What are you sick freaks planning
buy a bra and stuff it
anons will avoid you since you're a female without hooves and the ones seeking a female will stay away since they can tell you're a male
Look at this guy.
I don't even have pony clothing.
You put in the allowances for several airlines in a table and calculate?
You're gonna get slimed at mare fair with squash soup!
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Holy shit NASA just announced that a 40,000 ton asteroid is on course to impact Orlando, Florida in 6 days
you will be sexually harassed and you WILL like it
If only there was a vendor hall where you can buy new shirts.
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I just finished sewing a pony shirt after taking way too long from the initial planning and cutting phases
no bully
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haha, liking dyx makes you gay
Too bad there isn't. So do you have any advice on clothing?
suck >>41442158's dick and see if he'll give you his shirt
you dont have to worry about liking dyx making you gay since you already sucked one
he's gaynon, haha
That shit does not work my nigga trust me
t. foid
Apologies m'lady, might I hold this thread open for you?
When I lived in the mountains, I could pick up one or two radio stations. The only inputs on the back are for external antennas. Not sure if can get a display adapter for it. UHF and VHF tv signals are long gone.
don't get my hopes up like that anon
>The only inputs on the back are for external antennas
You're supposed to use the external antenna input as a coax input, you know, for VCRs, converter boxes and the like? I had a TV like this and for fun I used that input to watch pony on it. Wasn't very good quality, but these TVs were always just meant to be portable and run off a stack of D batteries.
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>That shit does not work
Good, you be the distraction, while I get my Morning Mimosa plush. These weak faggots desperate for women will make sure I get my plushies.
I had like five Mare Fair dreams last night. This is getting out of hand.
>run off a stack of D batteries
I simultaneously miss and want nothing to do with having to once more load in a world trade center of Ds and hope the manufacturer's spring wasnt so tight it'd fling the entire stack out at you when you tried to put the last battery in the other stack
Is this sarcastic? I genuinely can't tell I am autism
Hey man save me a plush!
>manufacturer's spring wasnt so tight it'd fling the entire stack out at you when you tried to put the last battery in the other stack
this gave me whiplash
also, checked
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Domestic or international travel?
You can usually solve issues by throwing money at them, so it's more about avoiding unnecessary expenses and making sure you do bring the things you can't throw money at to solve (like forgetting to bring your passport containing your US visa).
For domestic travel you should be set if you just bring clothes, shoes, extra clothes and shoes, money, electronic devices and chargers for them.
Personal hygiene stuff, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste is a good minimum. Preferred mode of shaving. Clothesline if you are planning on washing things in the sink.
Snacks for the trip
Water bottle (fill it after you pass security checks)
Bag/tote to put things you buy from the vendor hall.
"Fun things": sketchbook, art supplies, plushies, stickers/merch to hand out, whatever floats your boat.
If you are doing an international trip. Make sure you have your passport with whatever visa/ESTA requirements, know the address of the hotel so you can recite it to the CBP officer on entry. Make sure you have health care coverage through whatever insurance you have, and know where to call if things go to shit. Make sure you don't bring in prohibited food stuff. Make sure your electronic devices work with 110V and you have the needed outlet adapters.

Do check the rules for what you can and cannot put in your carry-on, as getting things confiscated is a shit.
If you serve as the distraction and ensure I get one, I _would_ save one for you, but it is limited to one per person ^:)
I'm sure a nice guy will be happy to part with his.
do you have pics or a list of everything you're gunna bring
I can always buy more plastic crack
Nah I'll fight with other autists to get my own I won't make someone spare a mare for me
Post tits or gtfo
who needs adapters
Responded to your email plush pickup friend
You'll see plenty of me around the con do not fret
Just look for the uhhh...anon that's a femoid I guess
I'll be holding some plushies too
Last year I signed up for the marevan but I ended up running into one of my friends and split an uber with them. We'll see if that'll happen again this year, but just in case, expect to have an anon coming in on Thursday at 1pm
I will be sure to make the same eye contact with you as I would an Enderman.
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>who needs adapters
The guy in your webm?
Ignore him, he's disabled.
Thats what the RF converter box is for. UHF and VHF TV is still alive and well, but its a digital broadcast now.

Get a DTV converter box, one that outputs RF, a small piece of coax, and a 75 to 300 ohm balun and tune the set to channel 3 or 4. You'll have to change channels with the remote that comes with the converter box.
>puts on pumpkin mask
>walks right up to feminine
>"who looks away first is gay"
>75 to 300 ohm balun
Assuming it has one of those. It should, but mine only came with a 3.5mm ext antenna input.
Im going through things now as we speak, trying to figure out what I do and dont want
I want that defiler
I need a real-life reference for making a pony version
My flight lands at 12:00pm Wednesday (with one checked bag). Would I be taking the copevan or marevan?
You should, you won't be the only one though kek
Please..anything but that..
ok but do you pass? how much did you spend on your transition?
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I was tempted to call you a tranny, but I’ve recently been made aware that this board is composed of 8%, maybe even 10% actual honest-to-god two-x-chromosome females. so you know what? I’ll take your word for it.
That's not true. Girls love ponies. Girls then grow out of ponies so that grown men can love ponies. Women hate ponies.
The Cope Van
Mare Van service is replaced by Cope Van on Wed between 8am-8pm (specific time depends on when Purp returns from Fallen Oak)
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That seems easy to deal with too
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I havent played since 5th and all I really know is that primaris are the nu and hotness marines
>Most models unpainted, primed or with just a couple of base colours
Ahhh yes. Just like my own experience with 40K back in the day
how fucked up are those raiders?
A million bits
I mean you can, I would prefer if you didn't I hate troons but this is 4chin so you really don't know if im a woman or not unfortunately. I will not show my boobs I'm in a committed relationship with my stallion boyfriend and only he gets to see my boobs
With the power of God and Autism I'm still here
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>female stallionschizo
kinda based
why do foids have to always talk about how theyre foids
is she a real biological female or a not real one?
You tell em spoonie
We should... take away his metal bawkses...
absolutely interested in rescuing some of those dreads and vics, where can I find you at the con
I fucking love the achilles
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Euro here. I’ve heard that Florida can be quite dangerous and that there are lots of criminals and drug addicts. I’m getting a bit worried. Was anyone mugged or attacked last year?
Are there any precautions I should take? I know this might sound silly to US anons, but I’m genuinely worried. I live in a country with basically zero crime, and the stuff that goes down in usa scares me.
no one survived last year's mare fair other than the hosts who took all the con money and bought private security and anons were armed with nothing smaller than automatic .80 caliber automatic rifles
I reside in California and I'm still here, despite what people say about my state. There are criminals everywhere. Just don't go in any alleys or leave the hotel at night.
I think this post >>41442174 was fine but nothing after that was necessary.
>mass reply

I take back what I said before, you are a 5,11 purple-haired skinnyfat man who calls himself Artemis

No hate to the ones that pass tho those ones are hyperborean ubermenchen who deserve to be treated like the females they are
me nigga
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Thursday at 4:30 PM (plus however long it takes to get my checked bag), domestic, just me
I wish there were more at the con, specifically because they can expose waifu traitors. That never gets old. You threw away your perfect mare to simp for some woman that's just gonna leave you. -300 IQ bro.
It's mostly memes. Don't do stupid things like flashing tons of money, or provoke random people, and you'll do fine.
If you are really scared, stay in the hotel most of the con and only move outside with other anons, preferably ones more out of shape than you so you can outrun them if you get jumped on the street.
You're spoonie. Every post with a Silver Spoon flag is clearly spoonie. All 168 replies to the Silver spoon thread are her too
>schizophrenia is cool now
Naarkerotics, Im doing the community cringe oc panel again this year
im spoonie btw
The Florida Man meme comes from the fact that Florida has some of the most transparent public records in the country. So there isn't more crime and insanity in Florida, you just get to hear about it more.
Florida is more dangerous than chicongo (chicago, but racist red state name)
You will find someone has suffered a crime while there
no im spoonie
Yee, just like California has the lowest cash limit on crimes and so is always talked about
Why'd they have to take away the IP count? This shithole gets worse all the time yet I can't leave. Hoping to make some friends at Mare Fair so I can exchange this shitty board for group chats.
Unironically how many layers of self hatred and irony is she buried under? This board is filled with such contempt for biological females that I seriously don’t understand why they would hang around. It’s like voluntarily moving to Saudi Arabia, ceding all of your rights and putting on a burqa even though you’re not even a muslim.
if you’re spoonie then who am i ..
how many dashfags will be there
Attention is attention. On paper, being called a worthless whore while being fucked is not something anyone should want, yet it is.
>This board is filled with such contempt for biological females that I seriously don’t understand why they would hang around.
>post anonymously
>don't mention you are a foid
>no one cares
This is the problem, the foid always self-outs herself to gain attention, even subconsciously
I'm squidward
no im spoonie
Getting hype for mare fair
I'm a male btw
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Is this the new thread target for F5ing dopamine addicts? Alright, fuck these threads. I'll continue this discussion at the Mare-iott. See you fags there.
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not enough.
Any groups planning stuff for Monday?
Don't fall for the hurricane fear mongering.
This is the year I get a marefriend(human).
You guys need to stop falling for shitty bait
There's shitty bait, and there's trying to play off being an attention seeker to gain attention, unfortunately for everyone, it works.
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sorry, I need my dopamine hit and nothing fills it better then pointless low-effort arguing and biting onto bait.
BRB time to give Lunar Harmony a nursing hand job
Unf lunie plap plap
I feel like autists get addicted to the most pointless things magnitudes more easily than normal people do. Why don't you instead channel that energy into being an autistic savant? You could do things normal people could never do, you could make $150k a year doing stuff that comes naturally to you, you could make AI waifus real, but instead you use it to shitpost on a my little pony coomer board.
Why don't you clean up your fucking life? I make a bit over $83k after taxes as a sysadmin and I fucking loathe seeing you people do this to yourselves.
id rather be a shitposting neet, much more fulfilling
Well versed anon
Damn I remember my parents had one of these, we'd watch the news in the basement with it during tornadoes.
Go bald.
Mummy makes me breakfast and I work 2 days a week. I’m living large already but thanks anon. Im sure your 5 day a week wagie job and lonely cold house is super fun too
Just avoid the brown and black people and you'll be okay.
I'm waiting for a specific position to open up with an airline. Mon-Fri 8-5 is the most fucking bullshit schedule to work and all the boomers are crazy for it.
was about to post exactly that kek
>Oops, my brain mashed him and WeLost together.
not your fault, might as well be one person
would anypony be down to play some texas holdem poker at mare fair?
I'm down
what's the stakes?
ya start with five sticks. if ya lose all yer sticks, we take yer hole.
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Poker? I hardly know her!
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Sure. I can bring cards
unf jackie plap plap
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I'm hoping to get a game going in my room, post something on the bulletin board, or join one. I don't have that much experience live, so I'm sure I'd get confused in certain situations (dealer is small blind in heads up? maybe! How to make side pots without saying "Whoa hold up, let me think about this"... stuff like that). I heard there was a professional dealer anon coming, that would be cool and we could tip for his service <3
I was planning on something small like $40 max buy-in, .25/.50 or so, could even go smaller if people want
If I can get my hands on this deck this would be fun, otherwise it'll be picrel
sex with applefag
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just talked with my parents. could have gone better, could have gone worse.
>going to mare fair
>pack everything
>figure it'd be irresponsible to not tell my family where i'm going
>tell them i will be traveling to florida
>"where the hell are you going anon, you don't need to be in florida"
>sperg out about this pony convention i'm going to
>i can see the absolute disappointment in all their faces
>siblings start giving their opinions too
>"wait, so grown ass men are gonna be at a my little pony convention? who's hosting this? are you sure it's real?"
>"i don't think you should go"
>"i remember, it was fad from like 2013, those guys are pedophiles, you shouldn't do it"
>"so you're a furry?"
>i can see that they are unpleased
>i continue to talk about it but i'm not as excited anymore
>"y-yeah, it'd be cool to go"
>more awkward talks about it for what feels like an hour where they they try nonstop to talk me out of it, jokes are made about me, no one is really supportive
>"at least he doesn't have a pony waifu"
>"wait, do people actually waifu them? they're ponies!"
>feel absolutely sick from their reactions, being at my own roast doesn't help
>eventually they give up
>"well anon, you're an adult, you're old enough to make your own decisions, even if those decisions aren't the best ones"
>"but that's how you learn and hopefully you learn something from this, whatever the outcome may be. just try to stay safe"
>everyone leaves
>no one is happy for me, just disappointed
why does nobody understand me. not even my own family. why do I have to be an outsider in everything I do? everyone else in my family is an ultra normie.
I'm just tired of being alone in this world.
your siblings know what a waifu is?
you hear stuff all the time, but its only in shit cities, and if there is a political rally going on, or if somebody thinks you stole their girlfriend.
The only other thing is gang activity, but even then it generally falls into one of the other three categories above.
USA is huge, I'm traveling 1,500 miles and that's only about 1/2 way across, driving. Since its Florida, I'd guess about 5% or so of anons are conceal carrying, so relax, we got your back.

Recovering and chill hangout. Getting ready to leave.
Anime is mainstream now Anon, people know what waifus are
show them the website at least, so that they know it's legit and not just a scam
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I'm doing my part
Pictured: all the sponsor soap for the convention. pray I don't crash along the way.
You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends, and you'll be among friends at Mare Fair, and you will have a good time, and if your family are just going to make fun about you for it, then you don't have to share it with them.
Just plan for going next year as well.
You talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded. Just own it
greentext your "owning it" please lmao
my man soap slinging bars like the best of them
You’re still going to Marefair and that’s what counts. See you there, brother. I just lie to my parents constantly about what I’m doing so when I told them I’m going to a friends house this weekend they think I’m finally being honest with them. Lel
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been a bit since I talked with my parents. could have gone better, could have gone worse.
>going to mare fair
>planning everything
>can't go unless they know due to circumstances
>tell them i want to go to florida
>"oh cool, where are you going, Anon?"
>keep my spaghetti in and just let on casually it's an MLP con
>i can see the absolute joy in all their faces
>siblings start giving their opinions too
>"wait, you're finally going to a convention? do you know anyone there? are you sure it's real?"
>"i think you should go"
>"its nice to see you getting out and meetimg people"
>"so you're making plans so we can step in while you're gone?"
>i can see that they are pleased
>i continue to talk about it but i'm getting excited
>"y-yeah, it'd be cool to go"
>more awkward talks about it for what feels like an hour where they they look at the website, jokes are made about me, everyone is really supportive
>"whos your favorite character again?"
>"wait, its the nerdy one!"
>feel absolutely nervous from their reactions, don't want them digging TOO deep into it
>eventually the convo moves on
>"well anon, you look excited and we just want to make sure you stay safe and enjoy it"
>"you dont get out much so its nice to see you try something new. just know your limits and stay safe"
>everyone leaves
>every one is happy for me, my mother seems jealous of my excitement and wants me to take lots of pictures and live vicariously through me
why am i terrified of the day my family might understand me. they dont really know my full self. was it a mistake to let them into my new enjoyment all those years ago? everyone else in my family hasnt said a word or of they even know.
I'm pretty hype but hope I can get enough photos and merch safe enough to appease my family so they don't try to look into the con again
yay twily plap
>kneejerk canned reply 26 seconds later
you F5ing gen zombies need to get off my board
This would never happen in current year.
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his parents accept him!
Hey anons! MF is close so I wanted to give a light menu for my Saturday and Sunday coffee bar so anyone interested had an idea of what I’ll have

Ceremonial Matcha
Chai Latte
Earl Grey
Tropical Green
Loose leaf tea bags so you can bring your own tea leaves

On Saturday a Mocha Java blend
On Sunday a blend from New Zealand courtesy of Kiwi
Irish Coffee
Almost anything Espresso based
A French press so you can bring your own beans
And possibly a special drink straight from Trottingham"

Dont expect perfect artist tier coffee since compromises needed to be made, but I hope it end up helpful to any of you who need some caffeine to survive the con
As for tea I chose to bring a little bit of everything over a lot of one type, so sorry if I run out of a certain type
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Im so excited for mare fair! Cant wait to see everyone again and meet some ponkfrens
Is Kiwi involved with everything for Mare Fair?
Good shit! Beware Blondieanon and nullenvoid. Nullenvoid is frank hassle pretending to be a brony because frank is a freemason.
NTA but that's essentially what happened to me, my immediate family has known I liked mulp since season 2 and just doesn't care. I just keep my sexual spaghetti out of sight and they dont bother investigating. Pretty sure one of my sisters knows I'm a deviant porn-wise but I know she is too and neither of us care.
Sorry about that Anon. From my experience nobody will care in a couple weeks. Take the roast now and it probably won't even matter by the time you're back and they see you had a good time.

t. unapologetically autistically poni. To the point where friends, siblings, cousins, my parents, even my moms friends go out of their way to look for mlp stuff to get me.
Unironic answer: stop shaving immediately.
Twinks have smooth, beautiful faces. Grow some scruff and it will help dissuade the drunk and horny anons who need an outlet for their pent-up mare lust. It won't stop all anons from wanting to pay the troll toll, certainly not, but it will at least cut down the numbers.
Kiwi married my parents and ruined my life
I make more than you do and sometimes it's fun getting mad on the internet. Stop trying to stop me from having fun.
>parents are talking about "waifus"
Pictured: shit that never happened
dont shave your face starting now
shave the top of your head so it looks like you're balding
start eating greasy foods right now so that 1: you break out in acne and 2: you'll be gassy and taking nasty shits twice a day, making the thought of creaming up your pooper a bad one
dress like a slob to give off the middle age failure
eat garlic while at the con and stop brushing your teeth, then breathe into the face of anyone you're scared might struggle snuggle you
So he was the minister at your wedding? Proceeded to ruin your life because your parents conceived you on the honeymoon?
>he can't read
No, Kiwi entered into a polygamous marriage with that Anon's parents. Anon's life is ruined because he's not sure which of the 3 dads is is real dad and how he doesnt have a mom.
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Man, 3rd day of Mare Fair was a blast! Can't believe I had such fun, half of my friends aren't here though, they thought it started next weekend! Lol can you imagine?
Favorite moments from the con guys?
It's still so hyper-specific that I'm hitting X to doubt. Whose siblings bring up "waifus" and "waifuing" in a parent discussion setting
It's just a retarded thread FUD fanfic to make people uncertain about coming
>spilling your power level when you know full well it won't work out
actually autistic, your parents are right to be worried about you lmao
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First time I am hearing that name related to Mare Fair. Is it the same Kiwi I am thinking of?
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I told my parents I'm going abroad with a friend. No word of pony, though they know I'm into it from seeing my stuff when they've been over at my place.
I think they now believe I'm gay.
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>Parents ask about trip
"Oh yeah, going to Orlando again."
>"Why whats going on in Orlando?"
"Oh a convention, art and media thing. It's a fun thing, make some friends, network, drink, that kinda stuff."
>"Is it like that comic convention type stuff? Like comicon?"
"Yeah, more or less."
>"Any cool guests you'll get to meet?"
"Nah they don't really do guests, it keeps the costs down, but there's plenty of talented people there I'll be fucking around with."
>"Huh, alright, I hope you have lots of fun."
"Yeah thanks."
You guys need to figure out how to do doublespeak.
You niggas just need to be honest with people. Whether they find out is irrelevant. But you shouldn't hide yourself from others.
Kiwi is my dad. He gets sent to the past sometime during the ksc trip. He will go on to do great things that have already passed. He hit me a lot growing up.
What's the point in provoking needless conflict with people who won't understand? you niggas need to keep your autism in check, this ain't a Saturday morning special
Never hide who you are. Do not live a life of shame.
Building up your immunity against dying. He did it out of love
story of my fucking life. Sat both of my parents down and told them that I got fired a couple months ago. My dad didn't even try to hide the incredible relief he felt when i told him i got booted, blud 110% thought i was about to come out as gay.

blud i wish i had the option to do that, but our relationship is precarious as it is. maybe when i'm older and have my own place i'll let them in.
My parents thought I was gay before FiM even premiered and sat me down to say they're supportive of me. I had to explain to them I'm just not interested in having sex.
I do this all the time, probably too much because my friends are starting to notice.
>"Hey Anon, now that you're 30 do you think you'll find a nice woman and give me a grandchild?"
>>"Nah, mom, I'm a wizard now, why trade in my v-card at this point?"
>"Y-you too"
Laughing at all these Anons having parents.
I think the issue is more that you just showed them your power level for the first time. My family had the same reaction when I told them, but now they couldn't care less. In fact, my parents and siblings are a bit supportive. Anytime time Secret Santa comes along, my Mom offers to help with crafts, and when I got back from Mare Fair last year my siblings were asking all sorts of questions; how it went, what did I do, if I had fun, etc. Of course they're gonna break your balls every now and then, I view it no different than banter from my normal friends. Don't dwell on it so much, they'll come along. Just focus on having fun this week.
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Giga-based caffiene anon. May the princesses smile on you for this.
Do you serve mare milk?
Plone milk only.
You're not actually gay though... right? Because that'd be really fucking gay if you were.
it might even be homosexual if he were gay
cash is boring. make the stakes something more FUN like >>41442901
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Nah. Asexual. That means I'm not sexually attracted to anyone.
But you would straight plow a mare though right?
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not the ones you want but I do have a few decks of very confused playing cards
>g5 box
>g4 cards
In all likelihood you're just fat or hormonally fucked from drugs/goyslop
The incidence of true asexuality in men is probably <1/1000
I’m sure you’ll find the right mare one day.
Would be nice to use the mare cards for sale posted in the thread if possible, but a backup wouldn't hurt
You’ll need to decipher that answer yourself
What level of degeneracy for props is allowed?
Can I slap a horse cock ont he table?
What about a silicone horse cock?
Can i wear the silicone horse cocks as shoulder spikes and express my desire to rule the wastelands?
I would.

I do have a waifu who I'd love and support. And it isn't the edgemare I'm posting.
I will never gamble my holes, I am a sinner, but I have my limits when it comes to no limit hold 'em >:(
haha I thought the same thing, I picked up a deck of those off ebay, really low quality finish, sort of hoping I can swap it out at the merch swap
I hate to be a coc-head, but check this out https://marefair.org/coc/ as long as it's not in a public area I bet you can go pretty wild
Mare Fair - Corruption of Champions crossover?
Neat, nothing says I cant have horse cock armor for my panel, i jsust have to be a good pious christian when I step out
Oooooh who is it nonny? Is it another edgemare?
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Why, the best pony, of course!
Holy based
i'm making kandi to pass out :> i hope i get to pass some out to everypony. MARE FAIR SOON!
Rat poison flavored gollipops?
I have an extra 4cc scarf, any newfags have anything they want to trade for it? It's in pristine condition and never worn, one of three I own.
What kind of things are you looking to trade for anon? I would love to snag that scarf for somepony special
Fuck, I have a mighty need, though I don't have much to trade for it. Would you take cash?
i was going to ask for one of these
I don't have anything interesting enough to trade but I will PURCHA$$E it from you
I would be willing to pay for it if anything
I don't know if anything I have you'll want
I have a blackwater derpy plush about 36 inches
Her wings seams are coming apart but I can get those repaired
I would trade her for that scarf
If it is not too late, I will be arriving Thursday at 11:20AM. I will have a checked bag so I will be out a bit later. Flying domestically by myself.

I am interested, but the only pony things I brought along are some /mppp/ plushies. Are those of any interest to you?
Yoooo iodine looks pretty cool. Could be a good way to get free Internet on airplanes. Admittedly paywalled internet portals are becoming pretty rare though. Also looks like I'll need to get a domain name too.
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I can't wait for the KFC trip Anons, less than one week to go...
fucking KEK
This. Imagine getting KFC when Publix fried chicken exists. Or PFC for short.
The chicken tender sub from publix is top tier
I have every /mppp/ plush, Vinyl of SoGreatandPowerful's "The Standard Model", silver bits that were sold at last year's MF, mini 4cc scarf.

I'm also looking for the second SoGreatandPowerful Vinyl and a colored version of "HORSE PUSSY 2: Annals of Rape: OP is a Fag"
I got it set up myself today, it was horribly slow in my test (client -> mobile hotspot -> home server) used a dynamicdns domain name in a domain name nameserver field. Did the ssh -N -D 9090 me@iodine_server_ip to socks proxy. Not sure if it'll be useful, but should be fun to mess with. Like you said, maybe get to make a shitpost from the airplane kekeke
I got that Ponies the Galloping MTG set I'd trade for it
and the cuban!
what interesting topics should I talk to people about to make friends at mare fair?
I don't have the time to set it up before I begin my drive down (plus unnecessary cuz driving) but I'd be curious to hear about your experience with it. I could def use it next time I'll be on a plane so I can shitpost from 30k feet.
How many people total will be on the KSC trip? Is it more or less than 50?
Does picilo still have his demon circumcised penis, or did it regrow when he became a namekian
i got 2 of the /mlp/ silver coins. a few of the /mppp/ aryannes. not much else considered valuable that i have duplicates of.
I have a /k/ scarf if you want to expand your collection
Niggas holding like $200 plus of merch
/k/ has a scarf? I thought only /mlp/ and /x/ had one.
Might need to keep an eye on the hurrimare
aren't we only allowed to talk about mare topics at mare fair?
I mean goku rides him and he is certainly been made a female as of late
They had a couple different designs with different guns, even. Mine has an M1 Garand on it
Ditto. Parents figured out I was into pony years ago before I really got into being in this community, but besides the occasional riffing at Christmas time when they'll slip a pony thing in (one of the multi-packs of blindbag figures one year, a Rainbow Dash pez dispenser another), I think they're just happy I'm being more social. Mom even once asked if I meet any girls at these conventions (lol would be hype as shit to meet somebody at Mare Fair but I must verify if such true unicorns exist first).

Also, very hard to hide the power level when you got the motherfucking Life Size Derpant in the Secret Santa. Mom calls her 'Sadie' because she can't remember 'Derpant' but allows her to live in the spare bedroom.
I'd be totally down for a $40 buy in, and I have live game experience both at tournaments and cash games. I also have a NSFW pony card deck I can bring, but the catch is it's anthro.
if you make another, I'll buy it off you
>sloppy stitching
>faggy fandom character
I hope you dont pay more than $10
I want to kiss him
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fuck 'em anon, you're gonna have a good time, and maybe they'll learn they shouldn't be so damn judgmental
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>gonna have a good time
Yeah, what this anon says, so grab some pony; don't be shy.
My god... live Brandon kino... my knees...
Neat I thought I was only one bringing that. Have 1 & 2
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>thinking I give a shit
it's awesome and I want it
More than 50 according to previous threads. Wait for KSC Kiwi to stop dying of jetlag and post again
I dont think I can whip a second one up in time for the con, sorry. Plus I have no idea what size shirt it would need to be.
I’m down for Texas hold em and the buy in is agreeable. Keep me posted with your plans anon. Which night would be best for y’all?
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medium, but it's alright, you'd have no idea who I am either. just know that I admire your craftwork and taste in poni.
I'll see what I can do anyway and post in the thread if I manage to get it made. I fly out Wednesday so don't hold your breath.
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I'd like to cope with anons at the pizza party, if whoever is running it is still taking a headcount.
I land Thursday at 1:10 pm domestic, if there's room and anyone other than me around that time. Otherwise I'll take the hotel shuttle.
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thanks anon, and no pressure or whatever, if it happens it happens and if it doesnt it dont
That's strange, I thought the e-mail and phone number I gave both would've worked. Huh, I guess since multiple people are interested, I could bring it to the merch swap on Friday. My initial offer was for $700, but if anyone wants it for more, then that's okay with me. I think the ceiling should be $1,000, since I paid 1,100 for it and got it shipped from overseas. It's got some minor stitching loose that was fixed with a little hot glue, but that can likely be easily remedied with some heat. It's near lifesize and pretty big.
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I'm volunteering and don't know my hours yet, so if I end up hosting it'll have to wait until I know. I'm guessing Friday evening would probably work best if everyone isn't doing the spaghetti/cope dinner. Saturday is the concert. If enough people are around Sunday/Monday that would probably work too, I haven't planned anything for Monday in stone so that would be a good time too
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She looks exactly like this, if anyone is wondering, though the hat is a tad squished and she doesn't have the blue ribbon. I would credit the plush maker, but I don't want to get him involved in a media frenzy or something. He's a cool guy, but it took over a year for it to get made and shipped.
Use that NSFW deck. That's what will make it truly high stakes.
i love this video i cant find it anywhere though. anons pls.........
Holy fuck I need this anon
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Last night I had a dream that I was British but had spent my whole life deluding myself into believing I was American. Come time for Mare Fair I wasn't allowed on the flight because I had no proper documents to enter the US. I ended up stumbling around the airport trying to not vomit and cry from how soul-crushing the reality of my situation was.
I blame the anons talking about whether their passports and whatnot will expire or be invalid.
Alright, here's my compromise on the Aryanne, since it seems multiple people want here. I'll be at the merch swap on Friday at around 4:30 PM. I'll have a box of stuff and the plush in big trash bags to hide her. I can take Paypal or cash, but I don't do anything like Cashapp or other sketchy apps. If anyone's willing to work with that, the plush is yours.
oh wow, i forgot how poorly sampled this is. obvious stops in the segments. cmon man a quick stop to audacity would have fixed it up
I can trade a blackwater derpy plush alongside payment I'm really trying ro get her a new home
Does it have a pocket and can we see it?
can i trade her for my gewehr98? its a stainless steel parade rifle with walnut wood, ill add some cash too to complete the deal.
No pocket, but the hide does have a little hot glue on it to fill a broken seam. Sounds like a joke, but some of the stitching come off her rump, and me being an idiot, some hot glue was used to fix it since I don't know shit about stitching. The glue can be scraped off and smoothened probably easy, so yeah, no fucking it.
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I had a dream that it was the weekend before Mare Fair and for some reason, EFNW was having a stealth pony weekend in which all the events were located in buildings other than the hotel, which was hosting some other professional convention at the time (even though you could still walk through the hugeass lobby of the place all fine? who knows).
I only think I ever went in one building, and it was a cross between a mare gallery type thing where artists were showing off different pieces and arts and crafts where you could create your own stuff with artists' help. Most everyone was in full cosplay getup, the lights were like pic related, and the tables and stuff were all close together as if it was a vendor hall, but it created cozy yet full and kind of chaotic atmosphere.
It was really entertaining and interesting, but made absolutely no sense.
I know the maker of this plush irl I can get him to fix her up for me if I able to snag her
making this anon's dream a reality at a local pub, who's with me
That sounds good. Thankfully the fabric is all intact. Other than that little thing on the back, the plush is otherwise in perfect condition.
I got a couple cosplays queued for the con, I'm in
Oh dang, that's pretty cool. If it's lifesize like that, I might consider.
>But you shouldn't hide yourself from others.
If you're poopnigga-diaper fetishist, you should most definitely stay in closet. Not every single thing of your persona must be made public.
Why does Mare Fair cause so many dreams?
She is 30 inches she will not be as big as ary unfortunately
I've had her for about 3 years now so she isn't in pristine condition
The seams on her wings are coming off but I can get friends to stitch them up as I mentioned some of them are plush makers
I think I still have her socks lying around somewhere they are blue and black striped socks, I can also make her a kandi necklace if you would like
The emotional response many Anons have to the experience
i will trade a lanacraft derpy for her
That's okay. I'm cool without the necklace and I'm very flexible on negotiations/price. If you can, still bring her because I am enticed to see her in person.
It's over for me bro
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Um, wow. If you actually have one that looks like that, consider that a deal for me.
Sorry anon :(
she is not faux fur but it’s the same pattern and eye shape. good condition just has been kept on my guest bedroom bed
It's fine!! I'm a MAN
I will take the L, as the kids say
Same with my Aryanne. She's been sitting in my closet for over a year.

Also, just for the other anons, I'll bring a box of random pony stuff I have to see what anyone's interested in. I have Ministry of Image books, little statues, official books. Build-A-Bear plushies, and so on.
Kids haven’t said that for close to a decade, anon. That was a 2016 term
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praiser's of the sun and Moon butt worshipers rejoice! I have herd your prayers and answered them with these deluxe princess panes! Celestia's crown is made with 24k gold leaf and the stars in Luna's mane are made from pure silver leaf. I'll be selling them for $100 at Marefair
I guess I'm just old and not with the times
i can throw in some yellow striped socks i got for her too .. if you want we can exchange email and i can show you her up close and stuff
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if I brought my pinkie pie mouldforged ponut to the trade thing, would anyone want it
unless it's been used, im not interested.
Don't worry about it, anon. I know how it feels. You know I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now what I'm with, isn't it, and what's "it" is weird and scary to me.
And it'll happen to you.
this is the most /mlpol/ thing ive ever witnessed. offering a rare rifle for a plushie.
How many?
but how will they look in the light?
Are you bringing any brick booty ones?
Fucking hell, I'll pay $1000 right now, I'm scheduled on staff at 4:30 Friday. I can pick her up on Wednesday.
9 of each + an extra special set with gemstones in the crown. I'll show those off when they are dry enough to de mold.
I just finished them so they are still liquid. I'll show pics of them in the light when dry, in 2 days.
I have work on Wednesday, since I live local, so unfortunately I can't really go in the direction of the hotel. That's why I figured it was fair to just bring it to the room so others could look at it.
>an extra special set with gemstones in the crown
How much for that one?
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If it actually has the Garand on it that’s the one I’m missing. I’m willing to trade this scarf for it.
im desperate for this anon i really want her damn it .. i can throw in some money too along with lanacraft derp
I like Friday night personally, I'm not doing the spaghetti dinner personally. Sunday I already got some plans though.

Alright, I'll bring the NSFW deck. It's got card art from several artists. Lil Miss Jay, StunnerPony, Phurie, I got it from an under the table sale at Bronycon a few years back. Look up Full Service Playing Cards from Lil Miss Jay if you're curious.
That's cool with me. Again, I'm flexible with whatever anybody offers. I kind of just want her to go to someone who will actually use her and display her. She sits in my closet all day.

Oh, from hoof to tail, she measures 35-40 inches give or take, so it's lifesize, not XL or something.
Add me to the pizza cope as well, I don't think I ever gave him a (you)
thats ideal for me .. lifesizes are nice but way too big for me to properly cuddle without getting a neck cramp
Damn I really want her too, fuck how many people actually want her? How long have you been trying to sell it? I’m willing to go above $1000 for her.
i got about tree fiddy
I wouldn't pay that much for it honestly, unless it becomes a bidding war or something. Yeah, I didn't think there would be that much demand for it. Last year, I only got that one offer. So that's why I think it's best I just hang around the merch swap and judge then. I'll try to be very considerate to everyone, we're all frens here.
Any time is fine, but I can give you cash in hand whenever you are free.
Plushies on adventure panel anon; I sent an email in early yesterday, did you get it?
I'll get back to you on that tomorrow. I need to run the calculations and don't have time tonight.
I could go friday or sunday night anon, though the only poker I've ever played is poker night at the inventory. I'll watch the thread
Shit man I would’ve bought her last Mare Fair if I had known. It’s rather rude to ask to buy someone’s pony plush from them.
Chin up though. Mare Fair will be a good time
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dude ill hug the utter shit out of you at mare fair. meet me at the badge swap, ill draw you something nice and get you a drink if you wish
mare nigger
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Nice, lets make it happen. I'm not in till Fri morning but I'll post here then
What about me?
What about you?
Sounds like a done deal my man, I’ll try my best to keep an eye on the thread. They move really fast during the con.
You guys can post during the con?
See >>41438749
updated (but tiny updates like these are hardly necessary)
definitely! added you both
get me some magenta flowers. That or just purple and yellow
yep, unfortunately too late, I'll be in the movie. I'll add you to the list just in case another copevan pops up, but fwiw we tested out the hotel shuttle a bit and it's pretty easy to sort out. Basically just call when you get your bags and they'll be by in like 15-20 minutes or so
added the two of you to the list
uhhh pretty sure you're already on the list, not sure why you felt the need to tripfag but ok. Added another entry just in case
uhh ok, we have 3 people arriving at that time on the list, not sure which one you would be so I'm just going to leave it unchanged
I imaging copevan will use the same pickup spot, B terminal under the sign that says 24 at the curb. At Arrivals, right next to the bag claim. Look for the other two anons landing around the same time
brb, setting up something i've never done before
>too full
we're not even going to come close to filling all 12 seats at one time during the airport pickups, there will be plenty of room. You guys are the only two at that time period right now anyway. Should have plenty of room!
ok, added you to the list with a note. The wait should be much, much shorter this year fwiw
yup, copevan. added!
cute pic btw
at first when you said "too late" I thought you were talking about 11:20 PM, and I was going to say that is too late, but nah it's never too late to sign up or jump on lol
the list is just to help me know what demand looks like, if there's someone I should wait for, or just when the busier times are in general. I won't be checking whether you're on the list or not when I pick you up
but like, if you're the only one landing at like 4 pm for example, and you never get added to the list, well don't be surprised if you end up waiting a while lol
added to the list!
added to the list, yep there are a few others that will be around then
wowow it's Purp
Tripfag was a leftover from another board I forgot to take off. and I had my time wrong so I wanted to make sure it was corrected even if it was only 10 minutes.
Sorry about that.
But why are you trying to part with the world's most gorgeous plushie? And why did you not get her made with a pocket?
dangerous 444444 territory. who will obtain the legendary get
your mom
Looking for another helper to pick up the plush in st leonard wood, mo. My helper probably cant do it.
*fort not st

Half asleep
>don't have enough cool shit to trade for this one
>also missed out a few years ago when i was a broke NEET and some anon was selling them for about $50 each
one day I will get that scarf.
one. day.
okay friday night is good. just need a more specific time and place. i can look into buying a poker kit with chips somewhere around there unless another anon wants to bring one
nvm i got my friemd to bring a poker set we can use.
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If it was sen to the @horsefucker.org mail from a gmail with a litter link with a zip with 39 pics, with one featuring this confused normie.
Yes, I got them. Thanks.
It’ll happen sooner than you think Anon, we are in a renaissance for Pony, another opportunity will present itself.

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