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Mare Fair is less than a week away!

Remember, with our updated website you can find musicians, vendors, panels and more! Make sure to check the schedule as well, to make sure you won’t miss out on any panels and more that you’d like to see!

Check them all out on our website:

We’re eager to hear what you’re excited for! With only so much time, and so much to do, it’s important you plan with yourself or other Anons!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at: https://marefair.org/venue/

Finally, just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
First for
Is anyone at the hotel yet?
hey ypu guys should check desuarchive for this thread i bet something really important and relavant to the con was posted but got deleted
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dashie plap plap
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jesus, what the fuck?
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MAREVAN anchor post

just made it to the hotel with the MAREVAN and moved everything in
If you pass by the Georgia welcome center on your way down south, make sure to stop and sign the guest book, pic related

still need to get caught up with the last two threads and add everyone to the list, I sure hope nobody thoroughly described their perverted sexual fantasies involving me in any of those posts

if you want a ride from the airport to the hotel on Wednesday or Thursday, respond to this post with the time you land, whether you're flying internationally, and if there's anyone else you're traveling with that also needs a ride

actually nevermind the marevan is cancelled forever
>number in party: 2

I don't think having a sack full of your Twilight plushies riding shotgun will let you use the HOV lane, *blushes* purp...
don't worry purp, I'll protect you!
Do you want us to respond if you already saw a post from like last week?
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wash the windshield its hard to take a picture of you in it.
Can I have a reminder of where the marevan/copevan will be picking us up? I've never been to the Orlando airport and I don't want to make the van wait if I get lost like a retard.
I will unf everything in site I will unf dashy I will unf purp I will unf the anon protecting purp unf unf unf
What text should I put on a little pillow?
florida foalcon 2024
landing 2PM.
Domestic flight.
When's the mare day? The fallen oak visit. Do I remember it right and it's 1 Oct?
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this is a long shot considering the board, but do any /fit/izens want to get a lift in and flex for your plushies?
yes, I'll go gym
Might have to swap gears from a morning plush run to a morning gym sesh if the storms are coming so there's a good chance, wonder how big the gym is there

kissimmee muscle gym is $30 for a day and pretty good

>wagmi to equestria brahs
Yeah brah, what time you wanna go? If it is gonna be raining then in the morning like >>41444050 said would be good.
I was just thinking casual gym at the hotel, probably can't be away for long (volunteering)
Yes https://fallenoak.org/mareday/

i wont be there until friday night so probably saturday AM
semi-unrelated but fun fact: the rental place told me that my spouse can drive the van without having to be registered as another driver. So once I get married to my twi plush on friday night she'll legally be able to drive the marevan!
thanks bro
if I already told you you were added to the list, please don't message again lol. You're already on there and it's a bit of a pain to manage duplicates. If your flight gets delayed by like 10-30 minutes I don't really need to know that, but if it gets delayed by like two hours or something it might be nice to know
basically just don't overthink it lol
oh was that you taking a picture? lol. I meant to get out and say something about this being a good "before" picture or something to compare it to when it's all covered in drawings and stuff
I'll clean the window next time I get gas, meant to earlier today but I was in a rush to meet people
make your way to Terminal B arrivals, the floor with the baggage claim. Anons will be gathered in the middle near the escalators, I'll be picking up right outside there (more or less), under the sign that says "24"
gotcha, added to the list
oh no he's gonna plap everyone in the state until he finds me ucu
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>Yes https://fallenoak.org/mareday/
thanks fren
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Purp, are you from around DC?
purp why are your holes so slutty
>So once I get married to my twi plush on friday night she'll legally be able to drive the marevan!
Isnt the wedding panel Saturday morning?
>4 days away
>Already too excited to sleep
WTF bros
Its the trade panel host, looking for another helper to pick up the plush in fort leonard wood, mo. My helper probably cant do it.
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I’m the Thursday at 1 or 2 guy from last thread. Would my buddy be able to hitch a ride too?
Rape Purp. Cuck Purp. Roundhouse fuck Purp on the concrete. Slam dunk a baby into Purp’s womb. Cock and ball torture Purp. Put viagra in Purp’s food. Launch Purp into ecstacy. Fry Purp’s brain with nonstop sex. Toss Purp into my rape dungeon. Urinate on Purp. Judo throw Purp into bed. Twist Purp’s innocence. Post Purp’s video to xHamster. Kamasutra position with Purp. Pummeling pregnant Purp. Trap Purp in sexual slavery. Crush Purp’s prostate. Liquefy Purp in a vat of semen. Eat out Purp. Dissect Purp’s asshole. Exterminate Purp’s virginity. Stomp Purp's asshole with my latex boot. Put a child in Purp’s oven. Lobotomize Purp with brainmelting sex. Stop Purp from aborting my child. Grind Purp’s gland with my 12 inches rod. Drown Purp in baby batter. Vaporize Purp’s delicate ass with my cock. Kick Purp down and violate. Feed Purp sexual stimulants. Slice Purp’s belly to deliver my child.
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guys it might be over for me. my grandma yelled at me about using so many towels (i cant ever find the one i keep cooming in so i get new ones) and they were all sitting in the laundry basket. she walked into my room and did the yelling then wiped her face with one, but she immeditaely smelled it and screamed and threw the towel down on the floor and left my room and honesly im kind of terrified to leave now. its been like 7 hours since then and nobody has opened my door or even knocked on it like they normally do. am i fucked? like really really bad? its like an hour long walk to the fair if i walk alongside the road and im terrified of asking them to drive me there now. if someoene could maybe pick me up outside my neighborhood maybe thatd be cool, otherwise i just have to show up sweaty and tired. could i get a room from someone too? i dont wanna show my face around my home right now
think of it on the bright side, if your grandma knowingly wiped her face with the used towel of a (presumably) grown-ass adult man after bitching that you've used too many, at least you know which side of your family your autism came from.

An hour walk is about three miles, that isn't that bad, just bring a water bottle or two or get an uber if you have no friends at the con that could swing by and pick you up.

Ditching your family for a weekend because your grandma found your cumrags seems a bit extreme but I guess it's Florida so not much of a surprise.

inb4 I just replied to some copypasta meme
Question for ameribros from eurofren, how's the tap water in the area? Is it drinkable or should I just hoard fuckload of bottled water from somewhere?
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>The theme this year is something about the mascot getting married
When will one of Mare Fair's mascots get officially married?
I think you're generally not supposed to drink tap water from other countries even if those countries have good sanitation.
Eufag here
Yeah pretty much don't drink it. Most of Europe has the same kind of water, minerals and the like in it, but going to the US and drinking tap water - even if it is drinkable - is gonna make you shit 20 times a day
It contains different minerals, different chemicals and other things inside of it that your body is just not used to

So no, don't drink it
>still haven't bought my badge or signed up for every event I'm attending
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Hmmm today I will cause problems on purpose
>using shitcord
opinion discarded
Let's ask different way then, do locals drink unfiltered tap water there?
Also I'm not really bying that mineral part because some houses here have wells with wildly varying mineral contents and that haven't caused any issues with me before. The chemical part I can believe, but why they would put chemicals into the water...
>but why they would put chemicals into the water...
Turns the frogs gay. How else do you explain the French?
It's not the chemicals, it's the microbes that make you shit.
>but why they would put chemicals into the water...
to create more fruitcake bronies
florida gets lots of rain, so the water is fine, in general. For the most part the only general areas where the [tap] water isn't great to drink is where it doesn't rain very often, so extra filtering is [generally] needed.
the exception is depending on the state they have different well depth requirements. Smaller properties won't have a choice digging through layers of rock that deposit excessive amounts of minerals in the well. Sometimes it is too much for any filtration system.
City water does not have that problem generally, but instead they add stuff because the FDA or similar says its healthy.

re: take it from somebody who lived inland and on the coast.
The water is safe to drink, but you can get sick if are Euro and not used to it.
Your choice if you want to risk it, just know that I will kick your ass if you throw up on me or my plushies
What if I throw up in you instead ;3
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Do not drink the tap water in Florida
Our watertable has been contaminated for years by all the land development and a massive chemical spill of hundreds of millions of gallons of gypsum thanks to Mosaic.
As a local florida man, sink water tastes like ass just go to walmart and buy a fuckload of bottles for like 10 dollars
Another hurricane forming to hit the panhandle of FL on Thursday. So expect rain
I bought one of those filter bottles that filters out any shit but I'm still probably gonna buy some water from the store anyway
It's fine
t. American who drinks tap water in Europe
Don't know if it would be better to ask you on the day or not, and I know you've mentioned you were thinking about it before but do you think you'd have time for a walmart run on Thursday? Obviously it depends on what your schedule is like.
Also, I'm a local who regularly drinks the tap water
Worst part is water here probably isn't as cold as you're used to
What kind of rain? Umbrella rain or raincoat and galoshes rain?
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Leaving today for Mare Fair, fuck I'm excited
This is me tomorrow morning.
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Rolled 8 (1d20)

Wanna roll a d20 for how much it'll screw up plans (especially for the KSC)? ^:)
how do I develop social skills in less than 96 hours?
starting to think this might not be for me
You ever see 2012 when that tsunami went over the Himalayas?
That kind of rain
you develop them at mare fair
A quick notice for everyone, but considering the impending rain from the tropical storm, the cigar meetup might be affected Thursday night. We will probably have to play that by ear. Also probably a good idea to ensure you have a poncho or an umbrella if you are walking over to the movie, and for those if you staying in the adjacent hotels that have to walk over.
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just be unapologetically autistic or get drunk. Seriously though, you're among friends here no reason to be nervous, it's not like we're gonna all start holding hooves or whatever haha
drinking booze is pretty much the go-to if your not gonna learn, trust me, if your going to the sponsor dinner load up on beer
this will not end well
just try not to make me a board meme
come to dashie fair
how about I don't??
Unironically tropical rain (which is super common in Florida) is unlike any rain you've ever seen
Not even exaggerating
Rain drops are very large and so thick it's like looking through fog
Going out in the sheets of rain for even half a second will have you completely soaked
It's pretty awesome
Come to twily fair
>tfw had to book the hotel next door
I plan to enjoy this con sober, so unapologetically autistic it is!
sorry, guys
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Do the US hotels, especially the Mareiott, have some USB plugs so I can charge my phone without an adapter?
The charger itself can take 100-240V and 50-60Hz so it's fine on that front, but the prongs won't fit into a burgerlandian socket.
It's very common in the US these days. I would count on it for this hotel.
Many hotels in the US do have USB chargers now, but if you want to be safe you can pick up an adapter for pretty cheap.
...or if you want to be unsafe you can just use some paperclips to make your own adapter :)
The person I'm rooming with won't be around until the end of Thursday, so I won't be able to get into the room for at least five hours.
What should I do with that time? I don't really want to tow my luggage around with me until then. If I have to I will but it's not ideal.
Could I volunteer at the con?
I do unpaid labor and in exchange you don't steal my stuff ha ha
The hurricane might be a problem guys
Or if you want to be cool you could buy a new phone and feed me your old one
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>The storm is getting worse!
>We have to prepare for the storm!
>I feel scared with the storm about to hit
>The storm is getting stronger!
AI ponies predicted this
The storm...
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Hotel front desk will usually hold luggage for you
With the news of the hurricane getting worse, my fear is intensifying of delays or airline cancellations. My flight is scheduled to arrive after 5 pm on Thursday, when the hurricane will be over Florida. A lot of people are saying it will be intense. If the storm is likely to cause cancellations or delays, I would like to know sooner so we can prepare.

We are prepared to call off work and cross the country to go mare fair if this storm is likely to delay the planes. Any weather/airline autists here that can comment?

If ya'll think Orlando is fine from the storm, then cool. If not, then we're going to drive 17 hours
>I've already set up a VPN to my home server over port 443 for just this reason
I'm renting a room and the owner refused to give me access to the router setup. Can I unironically just use NordVPN™? It's only three days.
Shit's no where near Orlando and predicted to be a CAT2 when it makes landfall. Also the con is held entirely in one hotel. There's nothing to worry about.
>ironically, it will be those not on the cope van that will be coping
Nah, all Nord servers are blocked on 4chan from what I've found. If you can get to the router the admin password is usually printed on the bottom. You just need to set up a port forward from 443 to your servers internal IP.
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Already packed. Only the most necessary things.
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Leaked pic of the hurricane from NASA super computers.
>KSC anons watching the launch on Thursday
It's absolutely fine health-wise, but the mineral content is different than in EU.
Already tried the defaults. They don't work.
I remember setting up a new router and it redirected my browser to setup and asked me to set a new password. I think they're all like that now. So the owner changed it, even though they have no idea what the router setup is for.
Welp ughhhhh hope your mobile range isn't banned.
For everypony driving to Florida:
All you need are your headlights for visibility
Flashers mean you're in an emergency situation and your car can't move
Not only is this common sense but in Florida it's illegal to use flashers while moving
I expect it to be. I hate shitposters so much.
I'm not a meteorologist or airman of any sort, but weather is unpredictable so you cannot get a certain answer. If you want absolute certainty then you should drive.
On the other hoof, getting delayed won't kill your chances of making it to the con, you might just have to wait in an airport for a half a day while the hurricane passes through (if the weather pattern turns into a tropical depression which then turns into a hurricane which then veers to the east and hits orlando). Make sure to get travel insurance if you can add it to your ticket.
It won't be a problem

No guarantees in life but at this point it looks very unlikely it will have a strong impact on Orlando
Don't worry, just keep an eye on things and stay informed
Don't fall for FUD
>all flights to MCO cancelled due to Acts of God
>only people who showed up Wednesday or before or drove are able to show up
>only ~500 attendees like last year
>mare fair is comfy again
Last year I had a 4chan pass for a different reason and that let me post easily from the hotel. I hate giving money to hiro but it is a clean solution.
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this is your fault
>hurricane dredges up salt spiders from the mile thick Louann salt deposit (look it up)
>they eat everyone in Orlando
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No fucking way.
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name checks out
Don't forget about the NHNB mare fair thread
Fuck Fuck Fuck KSCbros, is the launch gonna get scrubbed? I already sat down Nasapone and told her we were gonna watch a rocket launch. What am I supposed to tell her now?
>be floridian
>get arrested for having your flashers on
Do people actually turn on flashers for rain? Who does that?
Tell her to trust the plan.
you have to tell her the truth
No way! If NASApone found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me.
For the love of shit, don't let our flights get delayed. Nobody wants to miss this movie
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Important KSC Update.

So with the developing weather situation I just wanted to make a PSA. Most of the exhibits are indoors and please do bring a coat in your bag to be better safe than sorry, as we do need to walk outside to get around some of the exhibits and rocket garden.
For those of us wanting to bring plushies, as it has been said rainfall in Florida is built different so bring them at your own risk. Also winds are *projected* to possibly reach around 45mph with gusts. So do with that information as you please.

For the launch itself, it is still projected to go ahead. If it doesn't I'm sure we can find a toy rocket in the giftshop and launch it.
I really don't want to have to buy the passu
Thank you for posting this I was going to type something more or less the same. Good thing with the cigar meet is we can easily have half an hour or hour during the weekend and just post in the thread a time and place if we need to postpone it.
Really? Mutts don’t turn your lights during heavy rain? I’ve driven through some pretty insane storms and those lights been the only reason I didn’t rear end someone in the past. When the rain is coming down in the dark, your regular lights don’t tell you shit. A car just looks dark black. But when you have blinking bright red lights flashing at you you can easily tell how far away the other car is.
We're going to launch one sad bottle rocket from the hotel parking lot and somebody calls the cops.
Were you sending out emails confirming the KSC trip this week? I thought I saw a couple threads ago about you posting that and wanted to make sure I was in on it (I did pay).
I bet you also buy Nitro...
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For sure. If 4chan decides to go offline or posting stops working once again, definitely keep an eye on NHNB as a fallback.
I had to look up what that was. No, I don't care for your grooming platform.
Did you mean to reply to >>41445106 ?
touching and fondling
>stale mutt meme
>complete lack of comprehension of the actual subject of discussion
Please refrain from having and stating any opinion on America when you have no clue what you're talking about. Flashers and headlights are completely different things, and headlights are compelled by law to be on whenever it is raining enough to turn on windshield wipers. That itself hardly matters because most nucars are faggot shit that have the headlights on at all times.
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>not posting the updated model
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Oh yes I did send emails to drivers and have been slowly sending emails to attendees. Don't you worry I have everyone who signed up accounted for this adventure.
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The flashing lights leave me night blind on the off cycle
They're very distracting especially at night especially with rain on my windshield refracting the super bright light
It's more dangerous driving with them on
It's also illegal in Florida for these reasons and others
where are you seeing a vlc media player in that
>hurricane cone of travel
damn anon, even I got that
I'm driving from 18 hours away starting Thursday at noon. How fucked am I?
Hey priest anon, is it too late to sign up?
Very. What compels you to drive that long?
>Thursday at noon
literally why, youll be too late for early badge pick up and you'll get shit for sleep if you wanna make it into the con before the normies crowd the shit out of it
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Recommended kino for KSC group
Leaving an hour or three earlier isn't exactly not in the cards, haven't decided yet.
>shit for sleep
plan is to sleep in thursday morning til I leave and pull the full 18 hours in one go.
The weather's my only concern. Never drove in a hurricane before.
Driving from DC Thursday morning
Who ready to get their fart box tongue punched when I have a tire blowout in south carolina from dipshit truckers throwing debris?
You're just looking for an excuse to tongue punch a fart box.
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Hopefully some based anon makes a secret babycon panel!
euro cars dont have the rear red lights on with the headlights? what purpie plap was referring to was the emergency lights that flash yellow
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Nah. I mean, flurry heart or pumpkin cake would look adorable in BDSM gear!
Hopefully some anon brings a foal / baby pony plushie and shows off its lovely plot in front of everyone.
>get there Friday at 6am
>get a couple hours of sleep tops before the event
>thinking sleep was ever part of the plan
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You ARE bringing all of your plushes, right anon?
Well congratulations, you got yourself no sleep, what's the next step of your master plan?
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fellow derby best pony scarf enjoyer
>all of your plushes
no, the luggage allowance isn't enough for that.
>get badge
>go to open ceremony
>go to a few panels
>meet frens
>buy degenerate merch
>enjoy mare fair
>sleep that evening
same as you most likely. You never pulled an all-nighter in your life, anon?
Hey im not here for pedophilia, this isnt a furry con
No, if I try an all-nighter I crash. Hard. All hands lost.
I'm driving, my car will be chock full of mares. and during the plush meetup I can just bring the luggage over ezpz
What compels you retards not to fly
I refuse to believe 36 hours worth of gas is cheaper than a round trip plane ticket
Well I won't have any issue. Once I'm -at- the con, I won't fall asleep unless I find myself utterly bored to death and I doubt that'll happen
I'm bringing three other retards with me so it is economical. Plus I guess I get to see the lovely hurricane-destroyed countryside.
Spec at least put your flair on for god sake we know it is you
imagine bending over and you suddenly let loose a gasp when you see a cute little green mare at your feet smiling up at you but its a stinker so everyone clears the room so they dont get pranked by all the traps the little shit placed around the room
I don’t mind if I get trapped in Orlando for a hurricane but if my flight to Florida gets delayed I’m going to eat one of the airport workers faces I’ll be so mad
Boy am I sure glad I'm at Mare Fair down here and that he's up there and that he's a zombie and that we're being eaten out here and that we're up there and I just remembered that we're down here. What I want to know is, where're the Anons?
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Ok cool, I'm bringing a bunch of $1 bills too and leaving my chips behind because your friend has that covered: they're heavy and I'm flying in
is that filly magically jerking off the other filly?
bro lmao I was wondering where that horn magic was going, didn't check under the table until you said something :( LEWD
Hurricane is right in the middle of my driving path. Not sure what to do now desu.
>strip poker
how gay is this board
>driving across the gulf of mexico
you can do it, I believe in you
Leave a day earlier. It won't even hit until like 10pm Wednesday.
So lets's say I get scammed out of a room by an anon and have nowhere to stay. Does anyone have any emergency floor space?
depends, do you have emergency ass space?
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yeah, I feel sort of like a jerk for getting a 2 bed room when I'm planning on just being by myself, but if there's a chill anon that's in dire straights I'll have space
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Oh fuck. Now I live in fear of what other truths were revealed that day
I think she's levitating the leg of her own chair with magic, to lean back
Thanks. I'll post itt if something happens.
The guy I'm emailing wants $200 for Thursday to Sunday but something seems off to me. I might lose $200 and then get ghosted. He might not even be attending. It's easy for some /biz/ anon to just say they have a room available and just scam people.
we gotcha anon, my room is gonna be crowded but if it comes down to it we can share with anons who got robbed too
I can’t. My plan is to leave Wednesday and stop half way in bama, and finish the last leg Thursday. I fall asleep on drives over 8 hours, so it’s to prevent that. I’m unable to leave Tuesday due to work.
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Attention Catholic Anons!

So far we have 7 of us attending the Sunday morning mass at the Basilica of Mary.
I'll have a rental van ready to shuttle people over, however if anyone else wants to attend, we'll need to discuss a having another one of us help drive people over. Please reach out if you have a car and are willing to help.
Departure will be at 7:30AM to make it on time for their 8AM mass. Meet in the lobby of the Hotel and we'll leave from there.
We should have time to tour and take pictures. Estimated return is about 10:30AM, but if some of you need to return sooner I can work things out.

If anyone else is interested, shoot me a (you), and let me know if you need a ride.

Uhhh guys, we might want to bring an exorcist back with us...
Why are you paying him in full beforehand? I guess there’s a lack of trust on both sides but surely a ‘half up front half when I know you exist’ approach should work
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>for the first time in 1500 years, christcuckoldry is somehow the hip new transgressive thing

Our society is truly rotten to its bones
How you gonna bring 15 life size plushies on a plane and save money over driving
That makes no sense, anon
If they're staying at the Mareiott in the room block I can verify they have a real res if they give you their confirmation number and name
If they're asking you for $200 that's not asking too much
Email venue at marefair dot org
what's the word on the cope pizza party?
Possibly, I might be too hung over from being up late partying to show up though
you could room 2 anons, one in the other bed, and one in the bed with you
unrelated question, how jiggly are your cheeks?
I will never, ever, ever, ever, e v e r, understand bugchasing.
pozz my neghole corpudaddy
Its cause changeling have enough holes one of them is bound to be tight enough for an anon dick
Its why nulings are hated
Twilight understands it, and knows Chrysalis is weakened by lust, causing her to flee the Anons Twilight regularly imports just to keep their population stable to keep the changelings at bay. (Anons keep getting themselves killed in manners that would be comical if they didnt die)
Good luck hurricanon.
Any requests/recommendations for MAREVAN snacks and drinks?
Water® brand water.
arnold palmers .. those big ones .. or just get one and only one for me
condoms and lubricant
ice cold watter for one dolla
bottles of mare / filly milk
edible lingerie unf purpie plap plap
boiled peanuts
Monster Rehab, in the Copevan if possible, I need something to keep me awake.
white powerade
Orange Cream Ghost
purpie drank
I got a king and have a buddy coming, willing to trade?
Give us bottled water filled with an unidentifiable purple liquid. When people ask why it’s purple just be like “wdym bro it’s water, it’s supposed to be like that”
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>"Okay we got soda, OJ, purple stuff, Sunny Delight"
>I want that purpie stuff unf
Ejaculate into the palm of your hand, lean back and cup it around my mouth so I can lick it off
A fully stocked bar. (Bar)ring that, white monsters for my inner boomer. Those salsa Verde doritos also kick ass
Goldfish or animal crackers
Alright guys, just showered and the truck is ready with the oil changed and other fluids topped off. taking tons of stuff to mare fair, so pray we don't crash or anything. we should be ahead of the storm quite a bit so that shouldn't be an issue at least.

Here is to seeing you fags at mare fair.
godspeed anon, dont fall asleep at the wheel
1873 Montague de Chateu
1914 Dorevaure Blanc
Niue-made caviar
Kobe steak strips, lightly seasoned with Etruscan salt and Afghani white pepper
with the current track as long as you're not coming from the west you should be fine regardless, looks like its gonna wreck the panhandle and western Georgia for the most part
In terms of real suggestions, you can’t go wrong with a big bowl of welshes and capri suns. Just make sure to rub your dick all over each of the packets individually before you put them in the bowls
Fairgoer badge price increases to $74.38 on Friday to account for sales tax
Latecoomer badge sales end Thursday night
it would probably be too much trouble, I'd want to get the hotel to put the room over to your name for the days you'd be there (and yours to mine), but if you want to try I'll be there 24th to 1st, just have to ask the front desk about it
yeah I'm there far fewer days. No worries, thanks for looking out anon
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Omw 2 fair at mare
Golly anon, I can’t wait to get in the backseat of this motorized vehicle!
Cheez-Its, I like the hint of raspberry
Communal gummy bear bowl
>everclear on the dash
Candy in the Marevan!
Worth a shot, 3 europoors, Thursday 7pm landing time. Hurricane dependant.
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I think mare fair sucks
If possible get some Big Red, if not then a nice cold can of Dr. Pepper will do. Welsh fruit snack bowl would be sick to have too.
Yeah, me.
Me with the pipe since I'm bringing one to Mare Fair
Unreal feeling that it's just in a few days
>casually doxxing all those innocent people
shamefur dispray
Hey guys I land at SFO at 6:30am and have another flight at 8:30am. SFO will be my port of entry, will 2h be enough time to go through border control and then reboard for the 8:30 domestic flight?
Prepare for your flights to get delayed from the hurricane
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Joke's on you, I'm flying in on Wednesday.
jokes on you I'm driving
>inb4 flash flood
lets have a thinking panel
How do I do that?
we think about dashie
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better than cigars imo, loved smoking on pipe tobacco when I lived in the snow.
THINK about it nigga....
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Just arrived at the hotel, hope everyone has a VPN and 4chan pass lul (or just mobile data I suppose).
Feels like I'm in school again with internet filtering like this.

Also the Hotel's shuttle I do not think runs on a regular service for some reason, you have to call the to summon it apparently. Maybe it does run on a regular schedule and they are just trolling with that but yeah just in case anyone is flying in and curious now you know.
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you broke her
you can use boards dot 4chan dot org to bypass the block
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that's fucking retarded. sometimes the rain is so bad, you need something extra to see properly, and the flashing can actually give you a better sense of distance than stagnant lights can.
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yeah, you have to call to summon the shuttle
lmao circumvented by a subdomain 10/10 IT work
Why not both?
>proceeds to kill lungs speedrun any%
cigars are the long term commitment of smoking, when you light one up you're married to it for quite a while. Just not my thing, cigarillos are more my level of commitment when it comes to cigar stuff. I'll probably pick up a pack of optimo peaches for the cigar meetup, and/or Djarum specials
Hey can someone with a room already ask for a parking pass and give it to me i dont checkin till wednesday and d9nt want my truck towed. Will give booze. Wont be pulling in till modnight so its no rush.
Stand back, there’s a hurricane coming through
>filtered cigars
All mares to point their flanks at the hurricane and fart it away
I can't wait to swim in the pool during the hurricane.
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Rainy vibes for mare fair
Fluoride causes the same IQ drop that lead exposure does.
No they don't. They distract you and blind you from seeing. Flashers are to be used for vehicles that are a potential hazard, as in vehicles stopped on the highway or moving significantly slower than the surrounding traffic. It's as retarded as using your high beams in fog and thinking you see better because the light blinding you is brighter.
Yo is there a hot tub at the mareiott?
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Jealous of everyone already there
I’ll see ya all Wednesday morning!
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They’re gonna scrub the launch
Can't wait for the art of mare fair mares in a hurricane
praying the hurricane hits you directly for this post
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>my plane gets in an hour after the rain is supposed to start
I live on a farm with horses, yes, including mares If the hurricane were to hit me directly me they will be in danger. Is that what you want?
you misunderstand
i hope it just singularly hits you, physically, nothing else, nobody else
it'd be a miracle of nature I tell you
Damn i can't type apparently. Anyway, i actually live close to mare fair as well. If the hurricane hits me it'd also hit mare fair lol.
ive been working on an anonfilly plush and i wont be able to finish (You) before my flight. unless a bald filly is allowed.
but then again its so big it wont even fit on the plane or in my checked bag. this makes me sad.
>wake up to a cat 5 hurricane localized entirely with-in my bedroom
I'd tank it.
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My plane gets there after 5... This is what NAM says it will look like around 3. Fuck the NAM
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requesting pickup thursday. regional flight, arrival time 5:32
Wednesday @ 10:30am
No additional people

If it's too early I can just uber instead
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Anon the anon! Lockheart! Loafanon!
I'm will find you..and I will kill you...
So how was the shower situation at least years con? Did enough people take a shower daily so that BO doesn't murder you?
Why shower when axe body spray exists?
There is no hot tub but the indoor pool is heated to 80 degrees
BO wasnt that bad last year, probably thanks to soappone
You must've had a lot of fluoride huh?
plap dashie
I'll make a name for myself one day
I'll have strangers wanting to make me friendship bracelets one day
One day...
Clarification: arrival is 5:32 PM

Actually it wasn't that bad Everyone showered and considering there were only about 500 people there, there was plenty of space to not be bunched up. Only became a very slight odor at the auction, but it was jam packed in there for a while, and the air circulation wasn't great. Aside from that, one of the cleanest Cons I've been to.

That being said, I doubt this will be the case this year.
It's fucking Florida. Why would they do that?
It's like a ice cream stand in the North Pole
Now I wanna make you one anon, is there a pannel or time I could find you at?
If you're going to the spaghetti tendie dinner I can hit you up
Purp, I hope you throw anyone who says "plap plap" in the marevan out onto the interstate going over 45 mph
so they can run it year round, even when the air temp is 70 in winter night temps get low enough that you don't want an unheated pool
t. grew up 2 hours south of Orlando
Asking every anon not to shower. I want this con to stink something fierce.
Tamers12345 himself is going to be at mare fair. He isn't announcing this publicly at all for obvious reasons but he will be there.
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I feel this feel deeply, brother, just keep on the grind as I have and maybe together we will make it
Jokes on you I'm walking.
but anon I have cool new soap that smells really good :(
Thursday ~7pm
The flight is DL 867 from Los Angeles
Two people
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Hey dudeman I made you a bracelet and it GLOWS in the dark. Meet me at the make some friends pannel or the tendie dinner
>verification not required
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I sent some screening details to all movie attendees. Please check your emails, including spam.
amen brother, keep hope alive
>tendie dinner
No such luck. But I'm going to KSC, screening 1 of the movie, and I'll be getting married. I'll also probably be at the make a friend panel. It'd be my pleasure to accept a glowie bracelet from you. And I'll have fun stickers to gift you in return.
Holy shit I'll be at KSC! what are the odds I'll see you there friend!
Also good luck on the marriage I'll try and see if I can catch the wedding panel
Wednesday, 1632 landing, have checked luggage so probably exiting the gate at like 1700. Pretty sure that means copevan.
I am excited!!!!!!!!!! When should we expect the QR codes to be sent?
peak hurricane hours
Tomorrow or Wednesday. I want to double check some things first.
Hell yes, see you soon friend
You'll be able to recognize me, I'll be the one who looks like a big awkward dork
>The movie will be playing at Epic Theatres at Lee Vista
>Lee Vista
Oh fuck
Could I tag along if I am not Catholic? I am Eastern Orthodox but that church looks rad. I could help drive people as well.
I'm Catholic, so this is probably the first time I'd ever think it would be fun to go to church.

I might sleep in though, put me down as a maybe.
Fuck I might not be able to get down to Orlando because of the hurricane. My family is urging me to reconsider. Flooding, extreme winds, outages, etc
Absolutely, this is totally permissible, you just can’t take communion because we leaven our gigachad hyperborean bread, while you guys don’t leaven your bread which means it is onions and Jewish and not fit for human consumption.
It's a nothing burger
Absolutely! The Roman Catholic catechism also permits members of the Eastern Orthodox church to receive the Eucharist as well. However, I'm pretty sure the Eastern church disagrees.
I very much appreciate the offer to help. I plan on getting a 7 passenger van. So we'll definitely need your help now that he have more attending.

Got it. Hope to see you there.

We got 8 maybe 9 people confirmed now.
>Not realizing nothing ever happens.
meant to reply to >>41446810
priestfags ITT
hopefully there's lots of foalcon merch to be bought.
>My family is urging me to reconsider. Flooding, extreme winds, outages, etc
Same. They want a phone number too. Not sure what to do about that.
>They want a phone number too
Anon do you not own a phone? Or are you a Eurofag?
Just give them the number to that mare hotline.
>my emergency contact is my friend who is also going to the con
lol nobody will know how i die
Obviously I have my own phone. I mean they want someone else's phone number.
>google the hotel
>provide their number
>he didn’t type in gobbledegook
Currently looking at all these non-Floridians panicking over a little CAT 2 that's going to make landfall hundreds of miles from Orlando (an inland city). These are the kinds of storms where you get a handle of vodka, 6 liters of soda, a bunch of snacks and have a hurricane party. Shit only starts hitting the fan with a CAT3 and only if it'd directly hitting you. All y'all tanks watch way too much cable news. This will just be a rainy weekend for us in Orlando. Tho Mare Day is gunna suck because of it.
>hurricane explodes to F5 status
>anon’s mom is calling him over and over again but he isn’t picking up, on account of having drowned at one of those beachside hurricane parties
>she punches in 808-HOT-MARE
>”Hello and welcome to mare! Press one for mare! Press two for mare! Press three for mare!”
>anons mom starts sobbing
>all of Fallen Oak’s shitty wooden horse roofs fall down during the hurricane and it’s up to /mlp/ to raise new ones

Bros… do I smell a GAZEBO????
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i am so unbelievably fucking hyped
whos going to hold greasy hooves in the depths of the popcorn bucket with me?
gazeboanon... pls come back we were too harsh
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>Raise this Barn IRL

It's time.
Hell yeah brother, I'd like nothing more than to wrap my mitts around your greasy hooves.
Will parking be an issue for non-hotel guests during the convention?
it's definitely predicted to be a CAT 3 with impacts going from Pensacola to Tampa and that's before landfall. Right now it's looking to be another 2018 Michael except hitting right into the Apalachee Bay
Thursday, Domestic , landing at around 4-5pm assuming no major delays. Hoping I'm not too late for the marevan
Delays from weather are gonna make marevanning pretty hellish. Good luck and remember you can get to the hotel for free without it.
Hoof holding?!?~
How lewd
Actually it'll be completely gone by Friday afternoon
Mare Day might be fine

There's plenty of parking, it'll be $22 per day or $11 per night if you're staying at the hotel

For Orlando this means a rain storm
Not even that bad of a storm
t. lived in Orlando for over 20 years and weathered actual hurricanes (this is looking to be nothing)
>tfw have a dozen pone shirts I wanna wear, but only 6 days of mare Fair time (including Thursday - Tuesday). Guess it'll be 2 shirts every day for me. Plus Anon costume...
>confirmed to be a cat 7 headed straight for orlando where it will keep its eye wall over the airport for 4 days straight
If I'm not the one who booked a room and are staying with a roommate, do I still get the discount?
>t. lived in Orlando for over 20 years and weathered actual hurricanes (this is looking to be nothing)
Do you know how the airlines usually handle storms like this? Looking at the maps, the normal path for my flight goes straight through where the hurricane is projected to be. Do they normally just go around/over to avoid it, or are they more likely to cancel the flight entirely?
Based wrestlebro, will chokeslam you when I meet you
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Excuse you I was going to be the big awkward dork to make sure I got everyones attention when leading the tour.
This couldn't have gone any better than it did.
>three days before my flight, finally tell my family that I'm planning to go somewhere in a few days
>where are going anon
An event in Florida
>oh Florida that's nice, you have the PTO right?
Yeah I do
>you have everything ready, you're all prepared?
Yeah, I've been planning it for a while
>that's great, it's nice for you to want to get out of the house, hope you have fun!
>they didn't ask me anything about where I was going in Florida
>I didn't have to evade questions
>I didn't have to tell them I was going to a pony convention
>I didn't have to explain what will happen at Mare Fair
>I didn't have to tell them I have incurable stage IV pony autism
>I'm a bit surprised and amazed
I'm glad my family doesn't care about what I'm doing in Florida. I really didn't expect that at all.
The room key gets you into the parking lot
So, got a room key?

They just go around it, it'll add like 20 mins to flight time or something
It's no big deal and happens all the time in hurricane season
Ask for a Mare Fair room key when you check in to the Mareiott
How does the marevan work in practice? I just walk to some specific spot at the terminal and van should arrive there at requested time?
It is just the one design?
What the fuck is this Anonfilly doing?
her best
other way around
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This just happened with me and my roommate
>be me
"Hey man, just to let you know I'm going on a trip to Orlando for the weekend, so you'll have the apartment to yourself"
>OK man, thanks for telling me
>doesn't inquire further
>I don't have to spill my spaghetti to my chad roommate
>Don't live with family so I can keep the entire thing secret from them
>Told friends already, they either don't care or think it's cool
Life is good
you say unf purpie three times in the mirror and the van will appear
My family tried to dissuade me and then asked a million questions
Yes, to the cope van you go
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I am so excited! So what's it gonna be? Death by hurricane? Or death by con shooter? Ooh, or death by hurricane after getting shot trying to escape con shooter? Who knows what will happen?
Oh, and there's also a fourth option! Death by suicide because of the flight being canceled by the hurricane!
So! Many! Choices!
>Missing mares because family FUD
I really hope you don't miss out on Mare Fair, I know you'll regret it afterwards
>Life is good
I thought this would happen to me and then it happened to you. I guess you got the fate intended for me. Sorry about that.
>tries to summon purpie from airplane toilet mirror
>van crashes through the fuselage, leaving no witnesses or survivors
I'll be there! I can contribute 4 seats in my SUV.
I am bringing one too, are you going to the cigar meetup? I hope I'm not the only one with a pipe.
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God I want cum inside fluttershy so badly
>Marevan is falling from the sky
>purp sighs, looks in the rearview mirror and says “unf purpie” three times
>marevan crashes through its own rearview mirror
>marevan is inside of itself
>marevan breaks the worlds physics engine, freezing it in midair and giving purp time to call a helicopter or something to pick him up
Should I bring a second pair of shoes in case one pair gets soaked?
why, are you planning on pissing yourself?
Yeah, a few times.
>marevan goes full tesseract mode and starts to turn over itself making time and place trivial and pointless
>every point in universe at all times can be considered being part of the marevan
I'm just going to get some sandals when I get there
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Brought some of them at least
Awesome! Thanks for the help.
email anonymousflutterfag@horsefucker.org so we can keep in contact.
Or send to @proton.me if you use an email that has discard filters, such as gmail.
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>THREE suitcases full of pony
Is that a MARE SCARF?
I NEED one of those!
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Much better than my roommate
>left yesterday
>had a new roommate that was looking for a job
>a few hours after I leave, I get a text saying "hey I'm moving out, I couldn't find a job. Do you want that fish we got?"
"Oh shit that sucks man, how long you got until you leave?"
>I'm expecting like 3 days to week in advance
>"today, I already left."
I'm coming home to dead fish probably, if not worse considering how quick he was to leave
I was gonna take a pic like this on my bus ride to the train that takes me to the airport but mom offered to drive me on wednesday so no pic but I still feel bad.
I passed my certification exam. My parents graciously gifted me enough money to go to Mare Fair. It'll be a modest trip, but I'm very happy I'll get to hang out with you guys after all
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>zoomer parents are not only ok with their son being a ponyfag, they will even shell out hundreds of dollars to send him to conventions

I was fucking robbed.
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What is the hardest thing to get out of a fursuit? Paint? Pic rel? Asking for a friend.
>hardest thing to get out of a fursuit
Yep. I'm very grateful!
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What is this mental illness?
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Is anyone still awake and want to drink everclear. I have no mixers
Read twifags:
>Tfw don't have any pone plushies.
I wanted to get one made of my (originally non pone) waifu for next year as I didn't think I'd be able to go this year.
I will still likely bring my waifu along, just cuz it'd be nice.
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I drive. (To mare fair)
fuck I flipped the dang car
Wow! Purpykins,you should check DesuArchive again, I bet there’s something even better there this time! Go on, you can do it!
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Told my Nasapone that she might get wet if I took her along and she came back with a solution, seems legit. Hope there's enough airflow to breathe in there tho.
cute but I'll just leave her in the original bag.
you didn't throw it out, right anon?
aaa i need to get some accessories for my plushes
What is Cocoa Beach? It sounds interesting.
>he doesn’t know

I shiggy diggy
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Whoops forgot pic.
>itoddler likes wild manes
color me shocked!
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redneck Epic mare truck
Drive (2011)
N-no of course not haha, it's been a few years since I've taken her out of the bag so I don't recall where it went. This'll do for now, I only have a day before I head out on Wednesday.
>I'll just leave her in the original bag
Wtf mare is for air!
hows the hotel, anon?
NTA but if you want a preview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv3ywqCxsV8
Asian fellatio can only bail you out of so much.
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Boarding time
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Preflight drink
Safe travels friend, I'll see you on thursday if the hurricane doesnt get too crazy.
t. another euro anon
Real and straight or fake and gay?
Fuck yeah dude, congratulations
I've sent a link to the marefair site to my mom and sister. They are just in awe of how creative and inspired people are, telling me to have fun.
Wednesday 8am, domestic, just me
I want a nasapone so bad it’s unreal
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Get an automatic feeder and return it when you're back home. Be nice to your fish
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Hayy lmao, fellas. A bro and I arrived hella early and already got checked in (they couldn't prepend our Mare Fair reservation, so we'll be moving luggage up a floor later). We have up to 2 spots in our room if anyone else is early, although only until check-out on the 26th when we switch rooms.

FYI, the dude at the front desk who looks like Childish Gambino if you squint and tilt your head is a board lurker here and seems cool so far.
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Fillies ready for rangeday
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The mares are real, bros.
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Also, since a dude at Everfree Northwest recognized me and asked for more, Thrills® is available again >:^D
No fucking way. I refuse to believe a guy works here is an actual /mlp/ brand mareschizo. The odds are too danm low..
>have to play a game of schrodinger's available hotel room with a potentially scamming anon evading my questions
i just wanted to have fun at a pony con, i'm too tired for this
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This is how Mare Fair makes me feel.
If you were familiar with Schrodinger's work you'd know that in actuality your room is already either available or unavailable.
>Sunday Mass
Hell yeah count me in
What are you supposed to say during the check-in to get that?
T. turbo sperg
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Anybody else flying out from LAX on Wednesday at midnight?
i cant sleep im too excited
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Can someone ponify Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine?
i will be now just so i can sit next to you
We'll cuddle
you fuckers are only just now realizing ebonyglow is on the directors seat? god yall are fucking slow
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Morning Mimosa is excited you're all coming to her hurricane party.
Any Texanons going to HOU on Wednesday? Will be there in the late morning for my flight at 3:50 pm. Would be cool to hang out with some horsefuckers for a bit.
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Just chatted with one of the guys about Overwatch bc he complimented my tank top. Nothing but good vibes so far
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Can you settle this once and for all? Do the rooms have a fridge or not?
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Nice dubs btw
>no timestamp
You just grabbed that from google images.
I want to believe.
Do we get to keep it?
Where is the breakfast and is it free. Also are there close by mixers. I need to start day drinking will trade mixers 4 everclear.
>Where is the breakfast and is it free.
There are three places attached to the lobby. There is no complimentary food.
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Jfc you faggots are insufferable
I thought they called him ebonysnow, you know, cause he's addicted to cocaine
>Hell yeah

That makes about 9-10 of us now.
Looks photoshopped.
That's it ur getting plapped anon
Btw I think I'm gonna get a morning gym sesh in and then go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast if anypony would like to join. If you just wanna do breakfast I'll update when I'm done my workout.
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There's a walkthrough of the hotel and its rooms right here, anon: >>41447586
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Are these decent prices for room service? You order these the night before and they're delivered to you in the morning.
I mean you dont have to order them before you want them. And the price is really subjective. Do you think its worth it for breakfast in bed?
Cracker Barrel solos
Ill go woth you anon. Qhere at?
Lmao Rap check ur disc I've got an extra queen

I'm in gym rn, at least another half hour. Gonna shower after and then meet in lobby around 08:30?
Might be a delay. My tummy is suddenly angry
Hurricanes are nothingburgers
>Almost bump limit in barely over a day
The atmosphere is absolutely electric, I just can’t wait
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A second Mare Fair has struck the second venue.
Faggotry is under attack.
>ywn point and laugh at Anon the weird monkey child with all the other schoolyard colts and fillies because he shit his pants
Fear of airline delays caused by hurricane are giving me an anxiety. I hope all you anons are right that this will be a nothingburger in Orlando
Cramker Barrel frens, I will be chilling in the lobby until 8:30. Black tank top. Red hat. My ADHD meds have not kicked in yet and I'm so hungry I could eat (out) a horse, so I may not be in my most sociable condition.

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Nuh uh
>those pillars
Is this the national cigarette museum?
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Squash soup ^:)
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I know Florida is quarter a globe away from me but this is ridiculous.
I can confirm one of the hotel desk staff does indeed lurk the board and is intending to be Mare Fair staff/attend, and he's also a total bro if you need help with anything
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T. Finnbro
This is some illuminati shit.
>super fancy flight every convention he goes to
>even has whole seat dedicated to plushies
Okay you HAVE to tell me what you do for a living to afford being this based on a regular basis.
I have been asked to call you a nigger, you nigger
dubs get you a fridge
everyone else gets takeout
eat good at mare fair
Are we doing pre marefair air fairs at the airports
If I see anons at JFK I will compliment your plushie
>got a text from Southwest that the storm may affect flights

It's over.
Anyone getting in around midnight wednesday night/thursday morning?
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it hasn't even started and my FOMO is immeasurable
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Yep, doing my usual retarded shitposting through the in flight Wifi. Isn't technology great?
Just got a good deal on the air fare, have to share the seat with the plushies though.
Chat me up at Mare Fair and I'll tell you more
When are you going to be at JFK and at which terminal?
I'll be at 4 approx 1pm-2:30pm catching the Delta flight
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Twiggles on da roadtrip, what will she see?
guys give me kandi phrase ideas, i'm running out o_o
NTA im flying from JFK at 9:30am on the 26th
I love this plushy so much
it's so over
I talked to the guy at Galacon this year. He's a professional semen collector for high end horse breeders. He even showed me some of his AV techniques.
Jokes on you I'm crashing this plane
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Should I bring just a windbreaker or proper raincoat? I'm traveling very light and don't really have room to bring two jackets. I take that temperature wise you don't really need jacket if it's not raining?
I brought one you should too
Better to be safe than to be sorry
Brong the rain jacket anon. Its the gulf. It is very hot.
I got one too even though my flight is today
Make your own planes that run marelove
It's okay guys I just talked to the NOAA and they said they're willing to delay the hurricane for a few days
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This is going to affect most Thursday flights.
they really dont, they're not distracting at all unless you have stupid monke brain that can only focus on "oo pretty lights". and even still, if someone is coming up on you rather quickly because they like endangering their own and other peoples' lives, at least they might see the flashers before they barrel into somebody going slower.
high beams in fog is asinine though and anyone can understand that by even trying it out.
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Gonna be taking a road trip tonight. From New England straight to Florida for the con, wish me luck bros.
why are you white
the thought of emergency flashers preventing some cars from using turn signals effectively is a good reason to not want them to be used when visibility already sucks.
>unless you have stupid monke brain that can only focus on "oo pretty lights".
Anon, please re read your post while thinking of the intelligence of the average driver.
No flashers in rain is the law for a reason, break it if you want an idiot driving through your windshield
You still around? I have a question for you.
have a Florida con during peak hurricane season they said
there won't be a problem they said
Good. More mare merch for me. Also I call dibs on the first vacant tendie dinner seat
t. Wednesdaychad
Masshole? Based! Stay safe dude well wishes to you
If my flight gets cancelled ill never attend marefair again, gods will and all.

Anyway guess its back to trotcon.
Get in on Wednesday or delay to Friday
Thursday is gonna be a no-go for flights unless you're getting in before 11am or after 11pm.
Thank you unnamed potential cyclone #9, very cool!
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Got this too. Gonna kms
I'm one of the vendors flying in on Thursday, and you have my permission to keep any merch that you can recover from the plane wreckage.
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but where would they divert a flight if flight goes through but can't land
Anybody else going to do the Dinner with Kim thing? It’s $60 to ride in the limo if you get in early enough, $30 otherwise for the dinner reservation, but it’s all for the benefit of the mares. Dinner will be at Lake Nona Armando’s at 5pm on Saturday, with a pickup at 4:30 if you are limochad. Non limo copeoids can figure out transportation on their own accord. If you are still seething that you had to settle for the pizza cope, you still have a chance to dine in style at an exclusive event for a good cause, since slots are limited to 9 in the limo and 10 with self arranged transportation. The form to sign up opens at 7pm EDT on Tuesday for the plebs who aren’t regular donors. All the money goes directly to Fallen Oak. Here’s the link if you want to join: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/7ebc43eb-4249-405c-bf23-17f6c9066fa2
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Florida during hurricane season is a bad idea. My recommendation for next mare fair: Hamilton, North Dakota
They won't divert a flight, they'll just delay it. until the storm has passed and a path is clear again.
Airline companies do not like to delay or cancel flights because those planes cost millions of "potential" dollars every hour that they're not flying.
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Which apps do Americans use to order stuff and get around?
I vote Butte Montana. It's a beautiful place and...I mean c'mon. The name.
uber or lyft for getting around
uber eats, doordash, or postmates for ordering stuff
next to nobody's going to be changing lanes when it's that waterlogged out, and if you do need to, then you turn them off and then back on, ez

it aint the law in my state
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here I am
My deltard flight is 9:30ish AM on the 26th
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Is this good for you? (Its still wet so it looks a bit weird)
So uhh, one month of travelling Europe has left me completely in the dark of what events anons have been organising alongside the con, am I too late to join in on the shenanigans?
anyone on the British Airlines flight to Orlando right now? ^:)
thank you
Planning to fly from London on Thursday getting in at 7pm, unsure if I should try and change my flight to Wednesday or if that will have as much chance of getting cancelled.
Thanks anon. Jet fuel can't melt my desire for pony merch, even if it is crumpled and singed and stained with the souls of a hundred screaming plane passengers
Guess I'm rolling the dice because my landing is on Thursday at 5:45ish in the morning. Not sure how I'd move my flight earlier at this point either.
lonesome gambler
out of luck but the night is calling
midnight chancer
the die is cast down to the wire
lonesome gambler
running low please take me higher
midnight chancer
the games that we play
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yooo looks good to me! as long as the sunglasses parts are aligned, although I think that's just a fold in the shirt from when you took the photo
Do it in January, then all the Mare enjoyers can go to Gasparilla as well
I look forward to convening with you again at the Council of Anons, Anon.
Same delta, see you on the flight then.
>laid it flat to check
>misaligned by a full half cm
Fuck now I'm mad I didn't catch this. Apologies, Anon, maybe next year. I'll still give you the shirt no charge if you want it.
Flying in thursday evening, am scared
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Im flying from Gatwick tomorrow just after 2pm .
Doing bit of traveling on budget so I will pretty much ignore 99% of stuff from the outside con event list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17CUfrC9hP_MndY1H3-cAR9gQ6VjW9lY0ksFIytSNkTk/edit?gid=0#gid=0
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Non-flying conditions will be Thursday from 11am to 11pm give or take. Please be aware.
If you can move your flight to Wednesday night, super early Thursday morning, or Friday morning I would recommend doing so.
That should work, but you're pushing your luck with the wind.
Move your flight if you can nigga, Thursday afternoon/evening is FUCKED.
>Sheraton next to the Marriott is hosting Florida Fur Fiesta this weekend
Stop spreading FUD nigga. Most models predict it's not even gonna get close to Orlando.
Will I make it if my flight is scheduled to get in at 12pm
Depends, are you a manlet?
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that's okay anon, I'd still be interested in it if you'd be down.
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doesn't look like it to me
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Layover at JFK, fun times
But it will be creating high winds in Orlando, which is what causes flights to delay.
That Derpy plush is so adorably retarded it's heartmelting
Anon, hurricanes are big, the strong winds will reach Orlando and that's why the airlines would be delaying or cancelling flights.
Why are there so fucking many?
>t. Never actually driven in severe rain or even seen it.

Anon, please stop, you're only making a fool of yourself and endangering others.
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>tfw the FA offers to take a photo
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>Babyfur Con, CA
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>southwest giving option to change flights for free
>no earlier Thursday flights
>no late Wednesday flights
>can't leave early Wednesday because in wagecage
celestia will hold back the storms long enough to let Thursday anons in
Delta does have a warning for Orlando.
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NOAA currently says there's only about a 20% chance of Orlando getting high winds within the next 5 days
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wow a hurricane in hurricane season who could have predicted this
20% of 500 is still 100mph winds
1 minute average >= 39MPH sustained winds you mongoloid
Hey, if you want to take the chance knock yourself out. It may turn left and flights won't be impacted.
Turn Left? Dr. Whooves reference, drink!
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Anon, we are on the same flight!
I change lanes to get around flasher-using morons and pass em
Anyone else?
>People won't be changing lanes in heavy rain
Anon... You've never driven in Florida have you? People will be cruising at 70+mph in near whiteout rain. It's just how we are. Your flashers will cause us confusion and give us a hint of doubt that there is a stopped car ahead of us.
I've been keeping an eye on every forecast as it's released every few hours
The storm is continuously shifting west and further away from Orlando
I'd be surprised if there are any massive airline delays

>b-but wind field goes far
Once it hits land, wind field gets super large and that embiggening actually slows the wind down
Again, I've lived here for over 20 years (as an adult) and seen countless storms, this one just doesn't look like it's going to be a major impact on Orlando

IF YOU ARE DRIVING IN ON I-10 on Thursday evening/Friday morning, I'd recommend seeking out an alternate route
The panhandle looks like it's gonna get clobbered
This, absolutely and exactly this
Thanks anon
Northerners see our rain and absolutely freak out, for us it's just another day driving in tropical downpours
The storm is getting stronger!
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They are doing their best!
You won't know until it's in the Gulf. Right now projections are all over from Louisiana to Tampa. It's not safe to say that this is only targeting the Panhandle at this time.
ONT Chad reporting from superior airport. Jealous, we need a SoCal meetup one of these days
The hurricane has just picked up anti-matter from an oil rig converted into a research facility, and the energy of the storm is now generating new antimatter that is erasing matter and creating energy that is then converted into additional antimatter.
Mare Fair is canceled due to the apocalypse. This is real and not FUD, I promise.
I just cancelled my flight. Sorry friends, I'm too afraid of flying to begin with, let alone a hurricane.
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>flying to PHL for a connecting flight to Orlando tomorrow
>landing at terminal F39
>connection is at A16
>56 minute connection time
>17 minute travel time between gates
>something about my checked bag going to baggage claim F1 instead of the connection
Did I fuck up? Am I missing my flight? Am I losing my bag?
Out of all the spaghetti models, only one at this time has the storm going anywhere near Tampa, and it will still remain 100 miles from Orlando
Every other model agrees the thing is going to the panhandle, it's a surprisingly high consensus right now
Booked last minute massively overpriced tickets for Wednesday because my Thursday tickets were non-refundable. I’ll feel stupid on Thursday when my original flight is unimpacted but fuck it.
you faggots need to relax
If the two flights are on the same reservation, the airline will transfer the bags for you automatically. If you manually booked two separate flights XXX->PHL and PHL->MCO for some reason, then you might be fucked.
If it's on two separate tickets, you need to recheck manually.
I really hope they don't have to close the pool due to all the sting rays that the storm is going to fling in
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putting it this way I guess I can understand. I still disagree I think, but hell, I dont drive through it every day.
I actually do appreciate the warning and the knowledge of the law down there though, otherwise I might be doing what I would regularly do.

1v1 me any january day where I live, corp
Shut up, it's free merch for me like that one anon promised!
>not wanting a stingray mare to skewer your chest
>NOT getting the ultimate ending to Mare Fair
There's an indoor and an outdoor pool.

Also, Storm is now named. Helene is coming to visit.
Of course a femoid hurricane shows up to ruin the manxmare festival
Florida law and customs related to driving in the rain are empirically wrong. They have way better roads than Germany but 15.5 car deaths per 100k compared to 3.3 for Germany.

They need fog lights but American cars don't have them. It's very hard to see sometimes. When the rain is really strong, put on hazard lights. Some may seethe but at least you won't get rear ended.

And try to not rear end retards that drive with no lights whatsoever
>retard boomers and niggers think they should still drive 60 in the 45 zone with reduced visibility and no headlights "cuz its daytime"
Staff, if there’s a MF3 please don’t schedule it during hurricane season
Delta is a CHAD AIRLINE that isn't going to cancel because of a hurricane, right?
/r/ ing Cyclone Helene art. How fast can we get a "I SURVIVED MARE FAIR 2" shirt printed?
No warnings or anything from them yet.
Something's gotta be done to filter out some people. This is supposed to keep out normal congoers. Normal people are afraid of hurricanes.
Delta literally cancelled my flight to Gala, fuck them
Anon, you need to survive it first...
I'm doin same route tomorrow thru Delta but arriving 1845

At least not for orlando, MCO is the airport code for Orlando International and the one to watch out for in any updates.
it's so over
Serious question
Are these real American toliets or those bizzarre dainty average european male or small nondiabetic american child toiliets?
I am tired of cons having bowls so small my dick touches the sides
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brb cancelling my mare fair ticket to go to babyfur con
>bowls so small my dick touches the sides
Well in that case, it's likely yours isn't the first to do that...fag.
stand up when you pee you fucking fag
wow it's almost like they're bigger than us
thats why I dont like it
oh yes let me stand up so my ass cheeks clap with shit cakes and get messy
Let me guess, you wnat me to use the bidet thats in the stall next door to wash the corn from my ass hairs as well?
Or should I just show God the hairy asshole He bedecked me with and let His storm cleanse me in the parking lot?
I say we bring the fair to Jacksonville instead
it's a well known fact that us Americans shit everywhere except the toilet in public restrooms so yeah, do exactly that faggot
kill yourself for making this post
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>Sep 26-30
>5 full days
That's only in the women's bathroom. They hover, and therefore get piss and shit everywhere. Not to mention the slapdash disposal of tampons
Means I won't have to rent a hotel.
Mare Fair 3 better be a week long, hosted outside hurricane season, and in a venue that can hold 2,000 people
>japanese furries
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>can't find my anon cosplay getup from last year
o-oh wellzors
Same ticket so I'm good there then
Now to worry about connection time since I have to go from one end of PHL to the other
I dont think anyone else is flying out of MDT on Wednesday at noon for me to sperg at with my lack of flying experience. This is the second time I've flown on my own in 31 years.
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>all those fucking amazing kemoket doujins I'll never get the chance to buy
me in a former life is STILL very upset about this
Its why Im still in favor of gendered bathrooms
Also so many single stalls lack vantilation and just become a hot box like iM up daybreakers ass after she finished eating Luna and the mane 6
Nigga had you signed up for the various events going on, Mare Fare is 6 days long.
This is the first time I've flown on my own ever.
>6 != 7
where are the japanese bronies?
They apparently have panels and vendors like a normal con, but you can't see the details unless you're registered, and registration includes a verification step where the organizers check your social media history to make sure that you're "actively involved or interested in our community".

The main attraction of this event seems to be:
>We’ve bought out a whole hotel!
>What does a full hotel takeover mean for your Babyfur Con® experience?
>Imagine having the full host hotel property as a safe space to let your inner cub out, for the entire duration of the convention! Imagine toddling around in your cutest kid couture–or even in just a diaper–for the whole con! Imagine lounging poolside in a onesie or romper while being served cocktails in sippy cups! Imagine exploring our many fun and interactive con events and panels, socializing with friends and having incredible adventures, all in a completely accepting and judgment-free environment! Thanks to our full hotel takeover, Babyfur Con® is a very special event where you can fully embrace your little side in a one-of-a-kind, immersive ageplay experience!
There was a guy that came to Babs this year, had some really neat animation
Burgers blew them up
I would wager they are in Japan.
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They hate this show. Over there, talking animals are for babies.
The Chinese fandom on the other hand has levels of based I've never seen before.
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>five days of this
>vomit anon from the Cult of Mare panel last year
That shit was so funny, made my entire fucking night.
Japan is weebshit central. Talking animals are for babies but they spend their entire lives gooning to sameface anime 1000 year old little girls. Japan is a failed country full of autists and retards and retarded autists.
Japan Ponycon is still running, though it's not as big as western cons.
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Hey, if you find something that works, why innovate?
cute mascots are like the most popular thing in japan though.
>at college
>go to women's floor to help friend study in her room
>actual study, I'm not giving my virginity to a 3dpd
>need to use restroom
>restrooms in dorms are shower-sink-shitter boxes meant for one person at a time connected to the main hallway
>go in one
>bloody tampon deliberately slapped onto the wall, held up by period blood acting as glue
>piss around the toilet
>piss in the corner opposite the toilet
>but most prominent is "FUCK (college initials)" written in what I can only assume is period blood on the mirror above the sink
>Now to worry about connection time since I have to go from one end of PHL to the other
Don't worry too much. The airlines have a big complicated system with a bunch of rules like "it takes X minutes to get from terminal A to terminal B in this airport" so they can avoid accidentally giving people impossible connections. Just check the flight status for your connecting flight after you land in case it changed gates, and then follow the signs.

It sounds like PHL is not too bad:
>Travelers can walk all the way from terminal A to F or use a courtesy shuttle bus connecting Terminal F with Terminals A and C. Walking from Terminal A-West to Terminal F takes approximately 45 minutes. While shuttle buses run every 10 minutes and the ride is about 5-7 minutes. Shuttle bus stops can be located by following the "Shuttle Bus" signage placed throughout the terminals.

I had a real shitty connection on a flight last year where I had to get from terminal B to terminal E (I forget what airport, maybe Phoenix?). Terminal B had signs pointing the way to terminals A-D, but no mention of E, and when I looked up my flight on the airport information kiosk, it told me that the flight didn't exist. Turns out (after checking flight status on my phone and asking a few random airport employees) I had to go out of security, take a train to a different building, and go back in through security to get to terminal E. However, they gave me 2 hours for that connection, presumably because there's a line in the big database noting that this particular transfer is an absolute clusterfuck
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women are the grossest entites on the planet
t. former janny
thanks for sharing bro
We LITERALLY still don't have a new thread
Jap men need the cute mascot to be a 1000 year old that looks like she's 10. Maybe with some cat ears and a tail. If you make her any furryer then you make them mad. Just look at how they handle monster girls.
>1000000 year old dragon, but we need to make her attractive so she's just a 16 year old girl with a dragon tail and wings now
>all califags riding Delta
Any united bros?
Never been to a con before. Quick rundown on how it works? Do i need to sign on a schedule to go to panels?
>he hasn't reserved a seat for all the panels he wants to go to
>people here don't even /a/
FiM, this board, and this site would NOT EXIST without ANIME
walk to whatever panel you like, hang out with anons, have fun and a good time
There wont be a new thread. I'm concerned about the storm. It got so strong it blew away the next thread.
>The storm?
Yes! The storm!
>Oh dear, did you hear the storm is getting stronger?
No, I didn't. Thank you Rarity, I'll be sure to prepare for it.
>Prepare for what?
There's a storm coming in soon.
>Oh dear, I better pick up Sweetie Bell from school.
You've had enough of my anger?
You've had enough of my problems.
You've had enough of my anger?
You've had enough of my problems.
You've had enough of my anger?
You've had enough of my problems.
Japan and India need to be fucking glassed
>invents Playstation, the only videogame console with no games
>invents anime, spreading a mind virus that destroys their own fertility rate and leads to the creation of modern day e-girls who outpopulated mall goths and emo chicks
>food is just various raw seafood served on a bed of rice
>were using samurai swords and paper/wood armor until europeans gave them guns
>gave the world tentacle porn
I hate Japan.
make sure to beat up any anon who looks at you, doesn't even have to be the wrong way
I'm so glad I get to be away from all the shitposting NEETs at Mare Fair, since they could never afford to go ahahahahahahahahahaha!
Just stay away from the darkskins and you'll be fine.
Oh I can answer that
its cause a great deal of the ones going there arent into diapers
Theyre into pedophilia and try to justify it with age regression and really 10 thousand year old loli withces
Its why they get purged off fur affinity reguarly, and all their pronounced doom of how diaper furs run the place keeps failing
Diaper furs are not baby furs
Seperate folk
You must be burdened to have great knowledge of such things
mare nigger
>Its why they get purged off fur affinity reguarly
Interesting - I did notice Babyfur Con isn't listed on https://furrycons.com/calendar/
you can't fucking say that
I am a vore, post vore, and diaper lover
Also femdom and guns
I know my spaces and what goes on
I dont care for the attempts to justify that turning yourself into a baby isnt a kink its just a baby photo in any way
If its just a baby, then why do you feel the need to have them dressed in fetish materials?
Make them an adult
if you cant handle them as an adult, then its rather clear you're a pedo
Same as with any other material, if you claim you have no issue and that its not the focus, then simply test them on it
Works great in any area, life, politics, and more
Yeah, I really wanted to do a panel for fetishes, the return of late night mania
But I wasnt entirely sure if I would actually make it this year due to life
So I dint want to commit to more than one panel in case
I do have a prjector and gear with me, so if its okay and a panel flakes or the room is empty for after dark, i can happily do a q&a
I have much knowledge
>who wants a twitter fo depravity
I'm the bald Flutterfag, I can say whatever I want
I was going to call you lemon and to fuck off, but I don't think he calls his fellow pedos out
>bald flutterfag
can you narrow that down a bit more
Flashing lights make it more likely I'll end up rear ending cuz if changing lanes without signaling or blindness from flashing lights
Also, all modern American cars have fog lights wdym
Tickets will start at $80 and hotel room nights $220
We either filter stormphobes or the poor
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No, I'M the bald flutterfag
>Theyre into pedophilia and try to justify it
No different than the foalcons that plague this board, except they don't get purged. Makes you think...
don't you talk about me you son of a bitch
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Is anyone a bigger schizo than the bald flutterfag?
Oh you mean woot and trying to defend his buttfuucker boy friend who made the pedo flag, and tagged in musk and his ilk for it to the point where they had to sacrifice him to avoid the heat?
The musk who is a big baby diaper pants?
As in he wants to be babied and it soothes his autism to be so coddled
Yet again, you can get therapy and holy hell does it work to get therapy
Or deny it and then I jsut see no reason the sacrifice of mr copper jacket isnt worthy of his workplace
All flutterfags are deranged.

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