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This is an improvement
Hot take possibly, I dunno, but I think Apple Bloom rocks a hat better than a bow.
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Now it's perfect
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Apple Bloom's Feed and Sneed.
This is stupid, they should all be clothed, otherwise it's weird and awkward
you're weird and awkward
AB's sisterhoodwives need to be ready whenever
Formerly Apple Jack's
>Girls who look like boys are sexy
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>look like
Dress like*
Because working men's clothes are practical and seeing a girl in practical work clothes instead of dolled up says something about her that might be desirable to certain people (namely that she has interests beyond gossip and other inane bullshit).

Also it makes the rare moments where she does get dolled up a nice treat.
>chicken not changed
>t. city slicker
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Chikun is already perfect
You don't need to change perfection.
What would make her more tomboyish?
Buzzcut. Shave that chicken.
Like Bulk Biceps?
Sweetie best as always
Applejack's Fack and Snack
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Damn right she does. No toilet is safe from her wrath.
>Dress like
What, you mean a hat?
t. rural nudist?
Wait a second... they're all tomboys now?!

>inb4 always has been meme.
Yes, basically. Ponies don't exactly wear denim jeans all the time. A baseball cap is a relatively boyish piece of clothing in a show as pink and fluffy as MLP.
When I think back to all the toilets Sweetie Belle has clogged with her gargantuan turds, I...it's just so sad. So many toilets, just installed, in the prime of their usage, their pipes filled with unreasonably sized filly poop. As a matter of fact, Sweetie Belle has clogged so many crappers with her leviathan-sized shits, that outside of Ponyville, the citizens have even started a toilet graveyard for all the potties that met their untimely ends at the ass of Sweetie Belle. Of course, Sweetie Belle being...well, Sweetie Belle, takes no mind to this and continues her toilet carnage, filling them up with nearly unflushable shit and sending them off early to meet their makers.
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>anti feminity
Just say that you're a faggot that want to fuck little boys
Formally Sneed's
I want a green about Tomboy CMCs
I think he's referring to this >>41449378
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I improved your improvement.
This is just adding more sugar to your food compensate for too much salt
Food analogy
Applebloom actually looks really good with her mane braided
i love the juxtaposition of Scoots short, messy tomboy hair and the cutesy, girly hairclip

truly we have peaked
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Just putting in the canon eye swap.
>Rich girl + tomboy harem.

Sweetie's hair is too fluffy
That little hairclip adds so much.
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Sweetie's hair isn't fluffy enough. Make it bigger!
Terrible hair for Sweetie
Cute swibbles and apple Sneed
More chikuns
In response to >>41449378
For real though, friend, the dumps Sweetie Belle takes are no laughing matter. That filly has an ass that can shit out a turd the size of an anaconda. If she ever comes over for a visit, you better make sure she doesn't poop in your toilet, otherwise it will no doubt be joining the many other latrines that have fallen victim to Sweetie Belle's powerful dumper.
No, the clothes are corny.
Your meme is dead /tv/ garbage
Well la dee dah Mr. Gucci Loafers
Chicken butt
I forgot about that scene in for whom the sweetie belle tolls
I like the mix of both, I think its sexy when a tomboy gets dressed up for an event like a party or date. Its moe gap
Ask not for whom the Sweetie Belle tolls...
It tolls for pee.
So that's why tomboys are popular

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