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Wrong pony, bitch.
If that's true then why isn't she in Camp Cutie Mark?
She's working with the resistance to get her friends out of the camp.
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>if she's best pony why isn't she in slop?

gee who knows
I think Pinkie Pie is best pony. Rarity is a very great pony too
first pony to get 3 images/webms/gifs ITT = official best pony. oh fuck wait this is the 3rd rarity post.... i guess rarity wins. i mean we all knew that would happen already but cool.
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This is not even true if you go by the board. On /mlp/, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie are the more active general threads. This apparently lines up with Hasbro’s metrics because those three have more official merch and toys the rest of the M6.
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I love how simple images like the one you posted can still bring me such joy
best =/= most popular
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Not everyone can have superb taste, sadly.
>brain dead coomers
>cucked incels
>schizo spammers
>alt right chud larpers who dont realize applejack is the polar opposite of their tradwife fantasy
>fucking cultist weirdos who worship her like a god
>so busy insisting she's objectively the best waifu you wonder if they actually love her
>pepper spray a gamestop employee because someone called her trans
>asperger syndrome
>submission fetish
>pedos who just chose the cutest filly
>non existant
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>>asperger syndrome
>>Oedipus complex
>>pedos who just chose the second cutest filly
>>pedos who just chose the third cutest filly
>>Rainbow Dash
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>trvth dubs followed by based opinions
>pepper spray a gamestop employee because someone called her trans
That's just fucking based of a trixiefag. Now I want to know more though, what do you think of bugfags?
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>spergs who think that their autism makes them perfect for her and would kill themselves when she's attracted to mentally healthy men like everyone else
>either spastic and obnoxious like their waifu or irreparably broken inside and out
>skinny soifags who think a shitty button-down shirt and slacks makes them "classy", would lick stallion cum out of her pussy and thank her for it
>coombrained apes, nuff said. ironically might have a shot
>squishy city people who'd break down in tears when AJ says she doesn't want their help on her farm, idolize country life but doomed to shallow imitation and fantasy forever
>worst of the bunch, manchildren who dream about a perfect shy girl who wants to do nothing but feed them and cuddle and suck their cocks all day for the rest of their lives, if they tried to approach her they'd either immediately scare her off or break her heart somewhere down the line after getting bored of her
bug fags.... i like how they force other anons to see their horrendous nightmare fuel fetishes. pretty based 2bh.
>skinny soifags who think a shitty button-down shirt and slacks makes them "classy"
This is frighteningly close to how i am irl, not gonna lie
> twilight doesnt have social skills, easily manipulated
> pinkie pie is a people pleaser, just say I'll kill myself
> rarity I will rape, she probably enjoys it and calls me a "ruffian"
> rainbow dash is narcassistic, just feed into her ego
> I dont want applejack
> fluttershy is easily coerced or raped. You really cant mess up
>twilight doesnt have social skills
How? Twilight talks to other ponies just fine. The one time she had less-than-great social skills was saying "Hello?" to Pinkie.
>Pinkie Pie learns a very important lesson about how you shouldn't always try to please others and sometimes you just need to let a faggot kill himself
Is there an episode with a similar moral to this?
I don't think so. We'll just have to make it ourselves.
>ACKSHUALLY your waifu would H8 you and le turn you down >:^) trololololo
literally based on 0 evidence
>whatever satisfies my fantasy is canon
literally confirmed to be canonically true by writer after the series finale
Is there a fanfic like this? I love the idea of going to Ponyville and just shamelessly pump and dumping all of them.
get to work.
here, i'll place the first character for you.

Kek. I might've done it myself but now I'm definitely not gonna.
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>t. read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" in high school
>>ACKSHUALLY your waifu would H8 you and le turn you down >:^) trololololo
Not rara, she'd give you the privilege of sloppy thirds after getting home at 2am from a party with her "designer friends"
>such low self-worth that they go for the easiest mare in the show, 2 nice words and she'd lick your asshole live on stage
>sun-sized mommy issues due to shitty parents, ideal life is spent wearing perpetual diapers confined in a crib, would fuck an actual horse if given the change
>thinks their princess is a cool edgy outsider just like them, don't realize that people avoided them in school because keeping your sweatshirt hood up and pretending not to care made them look retarded
>desperate for sex, would stick their dick in crazy if crazy ever thought they were worth bothering, would whore themselves out if they were women
fillyfags of any flavor
>ironically disgusted by human children, only go for fillies for the power fantasy (dom or sub, take your pick)
>like a combination of trixiefags/twifags, go for derpy because they think only a retarded mare would even give them the time of day, fantasize about taking advantage of an innocent mare who can't say no, retarded enough themselves to pick up some stallion's dirty laundry
>wish they had an older sister to rape them in middle school, thinks they could do anything beyond begging for wish fulfillment and free handjobs
>get hard at the sight of actual horse cocks, would drink cum through a straw with their parents watching
>Not rara, she'd give you the privilege of sloppy thirds after getting home at 2am from a party with her "designer friends"
Canon says otherwise. Her friends are ACKSHUALLY the mane 6, out of which she is tied most likely to be virgin and pure with twilight having never been seen with offspring or a canonical relationship. Meanwhile, your fleshlight glimwhore has canonically been creampied by another stallion.
>You walk into the outskirts of Ponyville, the first human in Equestria, you know what you must do, and yet, none know what will come. It's perfect, a quick pump n' dump and then it's just a matter of getting back to the portal, and shattering that shit with something from the other side; can't have Celestia getting Celestia on your ass once you make it back to the human world.
>You see Flutterfag gently flying back to her shitty treehouse full of scat, and all other foetid animal unmentionables. Knowing it best to get this over with as soon as humanly possible you raise your pinkies to your mouth and whistle like they do in the cowboy movies; but alas, as you are a faggot you don't know how to do that shit and just whistle normally.
>Flutterhussy notices you, and flies right up to you in a matter of seconds with the wonder in her eyes of seeing a new type of animal, or some gay shit like that you assume. "wow! hello mister orangutan! I've never seen an albino like you before, whats your na-" she says as you interrupt her.
>"Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo." before she can process your promise, you unbuckle your pants and whip out your full girth. She is too stunned to react, but as she just regained her senses it was already too late.
>The distance she closed in on you initially in her excitement was her downfall, as you simple reach down, grab her wings, and force her too the ground. You then drag her to somewhere more private, that being the bushes of course, and fuck her vehemently as she whimpers and sobs; fully dry.
>"Fucking faggot twink." you say, knowing full well she's a mare, but generally just getting annoyed at the near-constant whimpering. "now shut the fuck up as I impregnate you with satyr children or whatever."
>You then CIFS, leaving her the whimpering mess as you started with, you quickly realize that fluttershy is the only one that you might be able to face-fuck, as the others would most likely geld you with their teeth.
>You then face-fuck fluttershy, she doesn't resist, knowing full well she's in the mind of, 'if I let him do what he wants it'll be over quicker,' this thought sours your mood so you face-fuck her harder.
>Her lack of willingness is dampening the experience, so you say 'fuck it' and fulfill your original promise of sodomizing her, so you pull your girth out, spin her around, and ass-rape her with no resistance on her part.
>The dryness of her tight asshole is beset only by the thickness of your foreskin, and the juices already covering your shaft. You rape fluttershy harder in order to get a second load off, almost certainly bruising the inside of her ass, not that it matters of course, but you can't really figure if her moaning is from pain or pleasure.
>You CIFS again, leaving her to her whimpering, you pull out, practically dropping her as she goes fully limp. She immediately assumes the fetal position on the ground trying her best to cover her shame.

>You wonder where applejack is.
Brilliant, lovely, riveting
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>skinny soifags who think a shitty button-down shirt and slacks makes them "classy",
kek rarifags probably do browse /fa/
Please roast Discordfags next.

Classic /fa/
>that absolute neck
Impressive. He should cosplay Discord and double down on making it bizarre and disconcerting.
Neck guy actually looking kinda drip so they had to photoshop him kek
>Dylann Roof on the right
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>>squishy city people who'd break down in tears when AJ says she doesn't want their help on her farm, idolize country life but doomed to shallow imitation and fantasy forever
You know that sounds like my dad he loves to larp as a country boy cowboy but he hates having to do any of that kinda work in the sun.
There's only 2 best ponies and their names are Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. these together can produce the actual best pony named Zipp Storm.
Any combo of TwiDash can produce the true best pony.

You motherfuckers wonder what a based Twidasher looks like? just remember that Vogelfag is a Twidash shipper and not for the the porn oh no, their contrasting personalities and chemistry.

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