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If a paprika prrrts in an empty server with no one around to hear it, does she still make noise?

Previous thread: >>41354286

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

An update is supposedly coming... eventually.


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/
>Patch Notes:http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=574980
>Notation and Input Primer:https://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?threads/785/
>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide:
>Mizuumi Wiki:

>1.0 trailer:
>Shanty trailer:
>3.0 trailer:
>Texas trailer:
>Stronghoof trailer:
>Nidra reveal trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi725FRDS88
>Baihe reveal trailer
there isn't one lel lmao
>2 threads
this one is made better, I am choosing this thread
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I never saw the other thread, even though it says it was made five minutes before mine was. I even checked the catalog so I don't know how I missed it.
This one fears the floof
is there something going to make ponyfags post more lately?
this shit keeps hitting page 10 really fast if i don't pay attention
the last thread went through bump limit though
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throat goat
after dying a couple times before that
the thread before the last thread was killed through unnatural means (a mod did an oopsie and wiped multiple boards)
there are still a lot of one-and-done shitpost threads and sometimes you'll get a guy posting porn on a blue board.
Cute gote
Of course she makes noise I can hear it all the way fr
>previous thread was deleted despite being made earlier
>barbie spam threads still untouched
jesus this board's moderation is incompetent
it was a shit thread
>no subject
>didn't even copy the previous op format
the embeds are thread culture and once spanned the width of the page
Either a sudden revival I doubt it happens, or a surprise update for TFH even MORE unlikely
>Expecting a tourist to know that
What would a Them's Fightin' Herds G2 be like?
supposedly there is going to be another update, but it's 100% just going to be bug fixes
Them's Floofin' Herds...
If the general public isn’t interested in Them’s Fightin’ Herds G1, what hope would a G2 have?

…Than again, it took MLP g4 to get a really big fandom…
MLP G1 was huge, but little girls in the 80s and 90s didn't have internet access
I'm just asking how it could differ stylistically and what parts would be dropped or adapted into some new universe.

Why hasn’t this been updated yet?
Because you haven't updated it yet
>If the general public isn’t interested in Them’s Fightin’ Herds G1
Only because the full story mode never released. We never got to learn all that much about the characters.
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I bet she could do this with her udders.
what's the point of this thread, game is dead, you don't even play the game seeing the steam numbers and there is barely new content
half of the threads on /mlp/ fit the description of being mostly dead
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i still play the game
I hate this move. It just seems too brutal for a grown man to do a jojo style ora ora ora on a literal child.
You just described Texas's balance philosophy as a whole
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who are you giving the aux cord on the herds road trip
No I did not read the chart
none of them, we're listening to my collection of dadrock and video game OSTs, with a little eurobeat on the side.
ok Fred
Not everyone is /mu/ and can recognize albums by cover art alone
Baihe because Linkin Park
damn straight
now shut up, Ogre Battle is coming up on the track.
I don’t know how. Someone else do it.
my truck my rules
time for 3 hours of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJAE65BX79g maybe they'll get the hint
i-i think i'll just take the bus...
this is so fucking cringe, that general is so fucking cringe. they would not act like this
Which ungulate would enjoy synthwave the most?
synthwave is baihe coded
Either Texas or Bahie
>Tian gets glizzard lizzard
lmao, dodging that
Is Shanty human male coded?
keep that retardation out of here
Most likely, I don't there there was a single female programmer in mane6 during Shanty's development
>female programmer
yeah why would they have something that doesn't exist on their team
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imagine her looking at you like that while you fuck her doggystyle
Creepy, but I'd also be enjoying it too much to care
>"Come here often? Baa-aa-aah!"
With WHO?!?!? There's literally only discordfags that play only against each other, and the few that don't are 20000 hour literal gods that you can't even touch.
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i'm one of those thousand hour fags but still very far from untouchable
Imagine fucking Pom while her dogs look at you.
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Artfag here
I used to make some doodles here and there because I'm in love with Faust's worldbuilding and lore
The devs are faggot cunts who both
>could not complete story mode
>took effort that could've been put into story mode and put their shitty ocs into the game
I plan on going back to making art when the official servers are shut down. This game was a lot of people's first fighting game, the appeal is more with the lore and the characters themselves. People still want to discuss the setting and characters. Sometimes I get a hankering to go saltmining but I know only pain awaits for me. I quite literally grew up with this game, from the age of sixteen I was playing the game and drawing the characters, now it's fucking gone.
I think Paprika stinks
Paprika stinks good.
cute sheep
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ew zoomer
20y old zoomer its over
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Why is this relevant?
You might think things can't possibly get any worse but it's totally within the realm of possibility that a future patch will remove a significant amount of content.
That sounds very unlikely. There's no way they would remove season pass characters without issuing a refund, and if they did do that and revert patches a decent amount of people would see that as a blessing.
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I'm talking more about them removing chapter 1 of the story.
>Woops, wouldn't wanna give people the wrong idea that there's a full story mode coming! Better remove this unfinished beta content!
And Velvet's sexy voice lines. Can't have that in [current year]. Especially problematic to say such things around minors too. Better age Arizona up to 18.
Oh and sometimes people micspam or say naughty words in text chat online, so say goodbye to those features!
im not gay im not gay im not gay im not gay
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I seriously doubt the publisher cares enough to do any of those changes. The only thing more possible is taking servers offline.
This game had so much potential and it breaks my heart
It was truly a shame. But I guess this happens when a small team gets a big responsability.
Or at least, bigger than they thought.
You do known that TFH runs on the Z-engine right? The same engine as the incredibly cursed Skullgirls? The game that got repeatedly CENSORED into oblivion. Nothing is off the table.

>removing chapter 1 of the story.
Given the current state of things, that would be the logical way to go about it. Just have a story mode like a typical fighter i.e. Character dialogue followed by Fight, repeat until final boss.

I doubt they have money for voice acting but I blame the devs for squandering all the money over the years.
they couldn't even afford to finish the voice acting for the fucking INTROS
I would like to see just how much money was spent over the years. Both the indiegogo money and whatever cash they got from Humble Bundle.
>Should we get Texas to say his name on the character select screen?
>Nah, let's just youtube poop the default announcer to say "Teek sass"
animation - $1,200
pixel art assets - $475
celebrity voice acting - $53,000
snacks - $125
discord community manager salary - $10,000

please help me budget my indie game company is dying
>Didn't spend money on a writer
>Didn't spend money on a rule34 expert
This whole thing was such a shitshow.
jokes aside, don't be like this guy >>41458256
these morons legit thought tfh could make it. absolute bongs who laughed at people who warned about so many things, at least five years ago it was actually obvious, stupid games stupid community stupid fans
I feel like TFH could have made it, if that EVO wouldn't have been cancelled
even if really somehow managed it to be okay I'll never touch this shit. rot in there forever.
Anon >>41463551 is obviously a shitposter please don't take it seriously
"it is just a fighting game" and you ate the words
Who are you quoting
It also happens when you have an incompetent team with no real experience.
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>tfh could make it.
Nigger, if they had just scaled back storymode and focused on it instead of shitty balance changes for EVOfags, yes. It's not hard to make a straightforward arcade story mode or a VN style storymode.
I agree they should have focused on story mode before mandatory balance patches but disagree they should have scaled it back.
The story chapters are supposed to familiarize you with how the characters work so you can go from no-knowledge to passable by the end of it, and get a few free cosmetics along the way.
What the team NEEDED was someone to crack the whip and not be their friend. That's literally all it would have taken.
>if they had
>they should have focused on storymode
that was the part that was NEVER DESTINATED to happen, NEVER.
well considering they took steps to ensure no one could put them to the grindstone on it, yeah.
Lore one this? Was it just banning people from their discord or did they try something more.
they hired a friend instead of a team manager. By making sure the guy holding "the whip" was on their side, they knew it would never be swung.
Explain all the fake outrage at Modus/Maximum. Finally have bosses that make them work and when they didn't, cut their losses.
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backer goal goat was a mistake. Story is fun, but i think they should've aimed for a different funding strategy. the fundraising shouldve been to build the game simple as possible. 6 characters and lobbies.
small audience, small game, small team. prioritize solvency.
team gets royalties some royalties from sales and the rest should go into a trust to ensure financial solvency. profits from the trust beyond inflation can be used to maintain the game, and if it gets enough, can be used to build features like salt mine and story mode. features, if any, will be slow to release but it's better than the nothing we see now.
They instead tried to expand the team like a real game studio. thier artists never created original designs that held a candle to the ones given to them by lauren faust. they animated and implemented her designs great. but they cannot create thier own designs, you only need to look as far as the goat.
the goat/story backer goals held them accountable to build these features as fast as they can, meaning expansion, which was ultimately insolvent. the game was too niche for that style of expansion.
studio servers should only be up when there are no private servers or no space left in any private servers.for cost cutting.
employees should make most of thier profit from royalties, and work on a casual basis because there isnt always going to be enough work to justify full time salary. they are still incentivised to work those casual hours, because they want more royalties. game is too small for a release schedule or a roadmap (post the initial implementation of basic 6 character fighter with online)
They didn't even get 600k usd from the crowdfund, that's not really "pay everyone's salaries from the interest alone" money. They also had to work for 2.5 years after the crowdfund before even the early access release and still had to pay rent and buy groceries before any "royalties" were even an option.
Obviously there's a lot of things they should have done differently and I'm sure money management is one of them, but I don't think dropping what was by far the most demanded feature entirely and drip feeding dlc characters over an even longer time scale is how you fix that.
Ultimately with the pace of work they were capable of, whether that was management or individual issues, was not enough to keep the game active, and sales of the game and DLC characters at that pace not enough to sustain development. There's not really a significant difference between the game having ceased active development because the company that bought it canned everyone and has one guy doing the bare minimum bug fixing, and the original devs not being able to pay anyone in the first place.

and hosting servers at that scale costs basically nothing. I'd be surprised if they broke 5k$ in server expenses over the lifetime of the game. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they were just running on a couple mac minis in Beta's basement.
I like the goat's design
We could have gotten the goat and then the devs worked on story mode. Instead they alledgedly rewrote a huge chunk of the engine just to make level 3 supers, which you almost never see because of how purposefully bad most of them were made and which were most of the way done all the way back in fucking 2019, flashier-looking. That was the real tipping point for the game in hindsight, spending so much time trying to do Guilty Gear-level instant kills despite having no budget relative to an Arcsys title and determining that to be more important than single player content that casual players were looking forward to and that even a lot of hardcore fans wanted
Level 3s would have been fine if they had come out a month or two after they first showed them off 90% complete like everyone assumed they would. They really couldn't have taken /that/ much work, especially since they still had a lot of the same issues they had in the Xanadu demo version when they released an entire year later. Many of which still exist desu.
Console ports and crossplay were probably the biggest "simply should not have done that" moment. It's really impressive that they managed it at all, even AAA devs struggled with crossplay at the time(or still do) and I don't know of another fighting game out there that has full crossplay between every modern console and OS. But despite people treating it like it's on the same level as rollback, crossplay really doesn't matter that much. Maybe a decade ago when everyone played on console and pc was dead it would have but these days the majority of a game's playerbase is on steam anyway, and adding crossplay doesn't unlock an entire secondary group of players it just lets the people that were already playing on steam play on switch or ps4 if they'd prefer it. Which is nice, sure, but in this case not worth the effort, much less having to maintain parity between 4 different versions of the game and try to coordinate updates and gets patches verified across multiple platforms.
This is one that's way more obvious in hindsight I have to admit though. Back in the late 2010s and very early 2020s when they were deciding to commit to stuff like console ports it wasn't obvious how much of the fighting game scene had moved to pc, people still thought consoles had like 90% of active players. It probably seemed like a good idea that would be easily worth it at the time, just didn't work out that way. Could have still been saved with good management and faster development but that's almost a tautology at this point.
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Fuck you Shanty is a treasure
I'm disappointed that TFH is almost never on fighting game setups at conventions. Even at furry conventions, I've only ever seen TFH ONCE somehow loaded onto an arcade machine. Sometimes I bring my laptop and start playing and someone will join me though. I've never been to a brony convention but it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't even have TFH there either.
Forgot to say, I was reminded of that by the console ports. Events and tournaments usually have a bunch of PS4s. Maybe Mane6 could have given free TFH keys to event organizers to get people to see it and play. Also LMAO at the xbox port. I know it's not much extra effort after porting to playstation but there's no way that version sold more than a couple hundred copies. Even the epic games version has probably sold more. Speaking of which, I wonder how much Timmy paid to get TFH to be free for a while?
>free TFH keys to event organizers to get people to see it and play.
Safe to say they did that...But as usual, EVOniggers are irrelevant. The devs wasted a ton of time on "balance changes" and it amounted to NOTHING once the story mode got cancelled. Same thing with the "level 3 supers" which in every game are fucking pointless.

Meanwhile Marvel vs Capcom 2 is broken as fuck yet is still the top game played after all these years. Magneto, Storm, Sentinel, Psylocke, no we ain't gonna ban the obviously broken characters/teams. They're the "gods".

Them's Fightin Herds is an MLP:FiM game. That means story and characters come first. The fighting game stuff is third or fourth behind the "community" and "fanworks".
don't forget that we never see them because of how they gutted meter gain
if you've got to sandbag a round just to have enough meter to do it ONCE, no one's going to bother unless they're doing it for bad manners.
I like how everyone's level 3 barely does any damage over any other option and can be harder to land, whereas Velvet's has a massive hitbox and does like 40% of the opponent's health. They just had no idea how to balance her so they gave her the only worthwhile lvl 3.
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On that note, when did they add a story mode to Fighting is Magic? Haven't paid attention to it at all.
i'm glad they made a fighting game instead of whatever people like you wanted, no matter how much they fucked it up
Don't care
TFH’s roster could have had used more men.
Guys aren't hot though
what if we make them feminine
They would still have dicks which is gay. Ungulate pussy or bust.
its only gay if you're the bottom
Doing anything sexual with someone that has a dick is always gay. ALWAYS.
>masturbating is gay
nigga give me your copium pills and glaze bottle, crazy ass mf
so is masturbating gay or is your statement false?
So yuri is straight and pure?
The two male characters they added were the worst ones though
stronghoof is pure sex
I'm not gay but I'd let him fuck me.
>The two male characters they added were the worst ones though
Texas? Probably, but that's mainly due to being fairly OP and staying that way. Stronghoof? Nah.
stronghoof was literally broken functionally and not even being voiced by vegeta could save him.
not even the strongest character in the game not counting baihe
it's literally just lingering scrub cope

keyword, WAS
>keyword, WAS
for like a year
If Oleander is stronger than Texas then how come I get stomped by every Texas player but can hold out against any Oleander player?
i'd fuck Himmel tbhq
You haven't fought a strong Oleander, they've always been reclusive outside tournaments and in the last couple years the strongest ones stopped competing beyond 1-2 tournaments per year.

Also Texas is easier to play at a basic level. Oleander is also one of the easiest characters to play but Texas players can mash buttons and spam safe armor to do as much damage as an optimized 0-bar Ole combo. He's a bigger threat at low level for that reason.
pomfy pls, control yourself.
Too late. All the TFH girls did it already.
you've had way longer to get used to oleander and figuring out how to deal with her
also texas is just inherently harder to fight at beginner/intermediate level, since his skill floor is fairly low and he requires very specific counterplay - his flaws become more apparent against experienced and players who lab him
but he's almost unquestionably top tier if you only play casually
From a shitter's/low-mid-level player's perspective, I think it's just not intuitive how to play against Texas. With Oleander if you see her do a fireball then you just jump over it or block or hit her before it hits you. You can get a feel for her range of motion and play around it. With Texas he may be slow (when he's not charging at you) but he can hit you at any range and drag you into a combo off of any stray hit from anywhere. You just don't feel safe anywhere when you're up against a Texas. You either have to be really confident in your movement or you'll have to hold block the whole time.
yeah he's kind of the ultimate counter against the "just press buttons and do stuff" style of gameplay, which is coincidentally how most beginners play
I'd play video games with Himmel
I'd dress up as a girl and let Himmel fuck me.
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gayest post in the thread
I challenge anyone to be gayer.
checked and your competition is this guy >>41469996 who rationalizes performing gay acts
He also filters traditional counterplay in the sense that he can't be traditionally punished for a lot of things. There is no "let him mash and then punish when he does something stupid" when even his massive 5C is functionally safe and his stomp and bells are done so far out that you don't even get to take your turn after blocking one, while the risk of making a play to get in through them is relatively massive, netting Texas more damage on hit than any dedicated zoner in this game. If you get close enough to poke when Texas becomes minus you still have to worry about Texas's armor, which different characters have varying levels of difficulty punishing. You have to know the Texas player's habits and make good reads, much moreso than any other character. He eliminates footsies as a concept, you have to play HIS game to win.
>He eliminates footsies as a concept
truly the ideal grappler designed by a grappler main
not like this game really has "footsies" to begin with with its ridiculous disjoints and walking being probably the least used movement option
cuddling ungulates
if pom wasn't in this game i don't think i would've ever bought or played it
This, but Velvet
very welsh post
Rank them all by cuddles in a tier list.
By physical qualities alone? Best to good.
>he'd rather cuddle with a stinky dirty cow than pom
Disregarding any smell Pom is simply very skinny. You'd be cuddling a skinny bony sheep.
>disregards all the wool
She doesn't have much wool unlike the older sheep in Baah
still enough to be fluffy
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But still also skinny and bony
I like my women like that
Lucky, but also wierdo
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Like you don't either, Velvet is also very skinny.
>Like you don't either
Velvet only has skinny legs. Also floof.
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Why am I even here? I got no TFH news.

Not a tournament or anything, but the absolute last piece of outstanding prizes has been delivered. Perhaps one of the most ambitious ones years in the making. For those of you who remember the one off QT Poker Tournament here it is. The jackpot.

Congratulations to the faggot.
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damn! that's good
oleander discovering that human semen is needed for the spell to seal the predators
I'm sure she learned that from a very reliable source
That source was me indirectly
what a lucky faget.
>Look... look with your special eyes!
Arizona would rank higher than Pom after a nice bath, but the top of Pom’s head would be very fluffy and good for resting on. But where would Nidra be ranked?

Stronghoof and Texas would probably be in the same tier list as Arizona but before smelly sea goat; still soft and furry, but probably rougher and not as good for cuddling as some of the girls would feel or smell. Baihe is tied with Tia for F tier for obvious reasons.
Nidra would be above Tian, but no higher. Dad's are in no cuddle tier because that would be gay.
All ungulates are ranked by cuddliness, not if you would want to. Thant being said, both of them would be near bottom anyway.
Drawing ungulates...who's first?
Stronghoof but as a milf
Stronghoof but gay
Stronghoof but a gay milf
Oleander doing horse things
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>Arizona wearing pants
Wouldn't've pegged her as the most modest one
Shanty also looks like she's wearing a one piece swimsuit so maybe it's not the most accurate image, but still fun to see them all in different summer outfits.
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Will Nidra visit me in my dreams?
Only if you're a good boyo
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>Story ends at chapter 1
>The story will never progress further from that point
>The Predators will never fully break the hold
>The Devourer will remain a footnote
>All the ungulates return to their peaceful lives as there is no driving force pushing the narative along
>mfw The Key Champions can just chill out and have fun
For us, this is the worst timeline
For them? this is the best thing that could've happened with minimal effort
We could also interpret the story ending at chapter 1 meaning that everyone failed their quest and will spend the rest of their lives getting raped by predators.
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How about no
Get the dog knots out of your head
fire noodle
Hot noodle
I will protect them and when I mean them I only mean Pom.
TFH better come back, or else ill kill all Modus niggers.
Based unhinged Velvetbro
I advocate for Total Publisher Death.
Is it still worth it buying TFH? I'm already used to enjoy games in shit development and shitty issues.
If you want to play the one story chapter that will ever exist with Arizona sure. There won't be any more updates besides maybe another balance patch, and the multiplayer userbase is tiny and won't grow any bigger.
Not if you're looking to play with other people, unless you set up your own local thing or drum up an event worth hosting a lobby for.
The one chapter of story mode they did put out is at least good to kill time with.
if you want to play online I guess, wait for a deep sale if it's not currently. It's still a pretty enjoyable fighting game despite the flaws and if you have people to play it with or don't mind asking for matches it's pretty fun and feels good to do stuff in even if you're mashing randomly with friends, but it will be hard to find matches online despite the netcode being good and the balance and a lot of the system mechanics are in the worst state they've been since closed beta. That doesn't mean it can't be fun to play, but it is not worth taking seriously or really trying to get good.
If you just want to try it out and see the story mode chapter(they only finished one and active development has ceased) then just pirate it, giving the current owners money will not help anything and while what the devs did finish is very high quality and was promising once, 1/7th of a game is not worth buying.
Eh, fuck it. I'll buy it.
Maybe i can get some anons to play with me.
Or just join a TFH group somewhere.
I'd be around to play over the weekend. There's also the official TFH discord where you can find people to play with.
I'd like to play with you but I am terribly busy lately. TFH is still one of my favorite games.
I'll come back later when i'm able to buy it. Gonna wait until a sale shows up.
Alright, understandable
Forgive me Steelsoul, I must briefly shed your name to defend my honor.
Such a declaration is met with open arms and cutC's primed. One might note such biblical levels of greed to claim the goat as only yours, I find it distasteful. I accept your declaration and counter with my own, Let us have a truly brilliant duel to decide who amongst us is truly the most devoted of Shanty fans. In other words:
you wot fight m8
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Only a Shanty mirror match on The Capricorn can solve this
This will end in hot lesbian Shanty on Shanty sex.
I'm ok with that outcome
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work is a dragon but i'll keep drawing

Why am I like this bros?
you like dragons
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I do. Guess I was just thinking about dragon horses
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You have Tian on the brain or maybe Baihe
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speaking off I need to draw more of both
good stretch!

what are the implications here?
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>both are blushing
You guys have serious turbo autism that requires medication.
Didn't ask, cowtist
Your schizo induced enemy never existed.
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You will never escape your shame, ever
You fail to understand... retard... I never had any shame. I mean my boss and coworkers know about some of obscure waifus and laughs with me.
ignore cowtist
do not reply to cowtist posts
There is no "cowtist", retard.
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If I ever met Nidra, this is the first thing I would do.
>laughs with me
laughs at me*
You'd get a swift hoof to the crotch
No, faggot... You don't even know who I'm talking about.
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Smug ass alpaca
homophobic much? gonna be racist too?
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Already happened (cowtist's alt got banned shortly after)
That wasn't me being racist. It was a joke that I shouldn't have to explain.
backdash stomp is a fucking war crime and i'm tired of pretending it's not
JC solves this
sorry i don't play airdash cheaters
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holy shit this gas station has a QT tourney reference
dead game
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Yes, and?
My love for Velvet will never die.
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Same desu
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Pom saving the thread from page 10
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as she should
POV: herocolt
smol butt
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10 again
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Imagine waking up to this
I would never leave the house
They... never came back, my arch rival and new nemesis is gone. I feel a certain emptiness inside knowing that the shantoff will never take place :(
Anyways goatbutt is supreme. Shanty is a buttslut for human dick.
I could annihilate you this instant, but give a couple months and you'll be sorry you ever typed that shit in the name box
alright you two, settle down or actually make a live shanty duel
I agree with anon, I intend to face annihilation in the face and simply 6c over it's hitbox. A live duel to decide who above all is the true shanty #1 fan is simply the smartest route to take.
Winner gets head from the goat. Simple as that.
>Winner gets head from the goat.
brb, gonna learn how to play Shanty and steal the win for this goat tournament.
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Would hop in with my cao just to show off my subpar skills and have fun. If i win it will totally be by accident
I wouldn't mind trying to organize a tournament, No TO or livestream (unless someone wants to volunteer) but I can make the challonge page
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wait a minute this isn't video games, this is anal sex
its not anal, there's nothing sexual at all, just nudity
flutters no
I see Pom's collar right there
Uncensor it, Steelsoul, you COWARD
A tourney could be fun
Writefag here. I will write a sexy fanfiction for the winrar of the tourney.
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Imagine lying Velvet down and lovingly kissing her.
are even there any differences between before and after the development has been cancelled??
Not sure if I dig the 2.5d look, but still that's some quality AI slop Velvet
Updates come quicker after everyone got fired.
I've decided to set it up properly, I'll drop the link whenever, it'll probably be a few days out though. I've gotta defend my honor as THE shanty dickrider. Anyways Goat is sexy and I need her throating it
Can you give a day and time we're doing this? It's better to schedule ahead of time to avoid scheduling conflicts and get as many people to join as possible.
How's next Friday sound for you ungulatefuckrs?
thats perfect. I'm off on Friday's anyway
bros are we being revived?
So the 18th? I can probably make it. I'm just a mid level player though. Some tryhard Texas main is probably going to come in and cuck us all.
playing someone else other than Shanty in a Shanty tournament is very gay
The 11th, optimally
For a time at least
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Average Pom gameplay
Kek I get it because she's a scardey sheep
Yo, Pom listens to MJ.
What does Pom think about public displays of affection?
Probably that she'd be spooked if you initiated one
Maybe, maybe not
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