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Previous Thread: >>41451826

Marefair incoming, Brace for Impact!

Remember, with our updated website you can find musicians, vendors, panels and more! Make sure to check the schedule as well during the convention

First off, musicians! We have a large lineup of musicians for this year’s Mare Fair, and we’re excited to share them with you. You can check the performers and their times inside the “Musicians” section on our site.

Secondly, vendors! We’re happy to announce that many vendors, returning and new, will be selling their goods at this year’s Mare Fair. Not only that, but we’ve also added in a little something for those after dark fans…

You can check out the vendors, and their wares, in the “Vendors” section of our website! You can access AD vendor details in the “Clopper’s Cave” option within the vendor page!

Finally, you can now view the panel and event schedule for the convention within the “Schedule” section. Make sure you plan out what panels and the like you’d like to attend, and be sure to have as much fun with them as you can!

Check them all out on our website:

As mentioned before, our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates, so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area, just make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at: https://marefair.org/venue/

Finally, just another reminder that Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own!

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
first for dashie fair
dashie clap clap
LAX anon where are you
Official twily fair here, we are sending an emissary to Mare Fair
Wish I got to meet ya fellow LAXanons but I just boarded united
There's still this Delta anon
This nigger has been avoiding me
Anon can lift the entire moon!
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Found him, he was sitting at the front lmao
Anons... how cooked am I? Am I NGMI????
Anon...you're getting their earlier than I am
Godspeed Anon. I hope you make it in. Where you coming in from?
Alberta Canada
Flying out to Denver in 6 hours, then down to florida after a 5 hour lay over.

Should be there by 7pmish
then gotta sprint my ass to the marevan if its there, if not Taxi to the hotel, dump my shit and sprint to the movie theatre for the movie screening
Zippers be on the lookout, I'm gonna find you!
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Flying rn
The fmoid next to me smells like fish
Why are 3dpd so disgusting?
Some drunk retard at the event told me what stupid fucking room you are in jarhead
i might leave you a something idiot
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What did you try to do anon??? Summon Mare succubus??
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I was doing a little cooking.
In Heathrow, quick pint before the flight
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MAREVAN anchor post

Haven't been able to check the last three threads or so, been too busy. If I haven't replied to you I haven't put you in my sheet, feel free to keep me posted with any updates to your flights. Won't be able to update the list, but I'll have a co-pilot helping me by checking the thread and stuff
I'll be making trips all day, from 6:20 am to about 9 pm. I'll be taking breaks or doing other things during gaps in my list, but otherwise if you just go to B 24 you can hop on the van whenever you see me, regardless of your status on the list or whatever
I'll have plenty of snacks, drinks, and plushies for you to enjoy during your trip
Keep an eye out for me stopping in front of the hotel, if it's dry you can draw on the van, and if I have some time to spare I might take groups to Wawa or Walmart now and then
Shirts finally made it in, but hats don't get in until Friday. They will be available along with stickers and 32 GB USB drives (empty, sorry. Didn't have time to prepare something for them like I wanted to) for purchase to help support the MAREVAN: stickers for tipping any amount, USB drives for $30, and shirts for $30 as well.
If you want to buy one but didn't ride, just wait in the hotel lobby, I'll be passing by all day. I'll be selling them all weekend too until I run out, just find me and we can figure something out

Alright I'm off to sleep for like two hours before my 15 hour shift starts, lmao
Anyone wanna meet up in the lobby and head to Wawa at 5:30?
4 of us were meant to land at 2:15pm but now it’s looking more like 3, just to let you know.
Plap plap?
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Excited to see ya when I finally get to florida!

also just in case i'm not on the list
domestic, 7pm arrival time
>Flight arriving at 7PM
>Still hasn’t been cancelled
I’m fully expecting to have to move it to Friday but I am praying to the mare gods to guide my plane to Orlando
>on my last leg of the 15 hour drive
>Running on mare thoughts and caffine

Pray I make it to check in so I can nap.
Anyone else?
Hopefully it's not canceled
Any fellow latefags?
>Texas to Florida
>landing at 08:00 PM
>Helene's supposedly going to be directly in the way
I'm hopeful, lads.
This is the anon from houston Texas, my flight should be arriving on time at 9 AM. I will be the guy with huge long curly hair (Caucasian) and glasses in a black shirt and jeans.
Flying Oakland->Denver->Orlando in case there are any anons along for the ride with me
Will be boarding in an hour. Should be there by 11am. Here's hoping everyone later is able to show up on time and not get delayed until late Sunday.
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To the anon who wanted to work out this morning, not sure if you're here but I'm in the wife beater and shorts currently there if you're still trying to get some gains.
I'll be at breakfast you lumpy fuck, how about find me there
Alrighty I was so totally wrong about this cause I'm a giant inbred trailerpark retard. I missed my flight so I will be taking the next one at 12:40. I'm going to be arriving at 4:14 PM, my appearance is not changing though.
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Weather is totally calm right now. What are you guys scared about?
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She's on my flight halp
Brah I just woke up, haven't had breakfast though
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Ah rip(ed)
Wanna schedule for tomorrow before the con? I'll go in an hour or so if any other anons wanna
Works for me, what time works for you?
Guys what do I do if I see a fellow horsefucker at the airport? I’m too autistic to know what to say if I approached them
Gonna be at the movie screening till late so maybe 7:30am? Should give enough time to get to maremonies at 10
"Hey, are (You) going to marefair too?"
If he is, call him a nigger
If he's holding himself at a cold distance, start singing Winter Wrap Up or Smile Smile Smile so he walks over and talks to you to shut you up.
USbros is dennys a good place to eat? Can I walk there at this time without being mugged?
This guy at the airport keeps looking at me weird, I wonder if he's going to mare fair too.
Any europoors going from FRA to MCO right now?

Just say "how do you do fellow brony" and then spend a couple hours sitting in silence next to each other.
Approach and go
"Wassup my nigga"
as loud as possible of course
I'm not part of the KSC group, but I've got a rental car and will be heading to KSC this morning. I'll be hanging out in the con hotel lobby with nasapone.
Nigga where you at? We are two fillyfaggots sitting at the departure gate, left side by the pillar
Morning KSC folks.
Going to be leaving to get the vans in about half an hour. I am excited to see you all and we're going to have an amazing time!
Just a reminder we are LEAVING at 8:30am and try to be in the lobby around at least by 8:15am or so to make sure everyone is accounted for.
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Here, cannot miss them
Guys, I just flew to the Mare Fair, where the fuck is everyone?
Taking the same route, hope we both avoid delays.
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Yo I thought the con started today. Damn, I let my bro do all the work scheduling I just showed up. That works for me
The Explore tours are canceled for today due to weather?
>Update, September 25, 2024:
>Due to anticipated impacts of Hurricane Helene, the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour and Explore Tours will not be available on Thursday, September 26, 2024. At this time, all other attractions and exhibits at the main visitor complex will remain open. Continue to check back frequently for updates.
>northampton, great britan
anon, i......
So somebody (a week ago or so) was talking about doing a trip to the big MacDonald from the previous hotel, any newa on that or did Anons loose interest? If it's happening, are we using cope van for that or what?
I got a message that my explore tour @ 10:30am was cancelled. I'm not with the big group so maybe they are still "go"
Well then, no one from KSC Group Sales has been in touch with me in regards to that. Thank you for pointing that out. I will discuss things when I pick up the tickets when we arrive and it is a case our tour has been cancelled since it is a large booking I will make sure that everyone has their refund before Mare Fair so they have extra money for mares.
itll be on 7:30 on sunday!
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Going to see if I can get rubble souvenir from the ruins of MF 1 after visiting moon man at McDs
When will this be taking place?
OK anons, say that you spot someone using janny tools on his phone during the con. How would you deal with a 4chan janitor irl?
thank him for his earnest efforts and kneel before him.
oh and also
Take a picture of his face, these scumbags must be dealt with
this is a joke janny, don't ban me
call him a nigger really loudly
Hit them with your car, that's how you kill them. I killed one back in 99.
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Finally boarding my first flight, huzzah!
Hand him a $5
Let /mlp/ be the first board to have a janitor that didn't do it for free
Hope you have that hat ready for me to give a tip because you are so based for doing this
But that's during fancy dinner ^:(
I want to visit moon man and have a mcpizza
Hi, Anon!
Denny's is alright, not the best breakfast ever but it works
I can't wait for Mareicane Faire! I hope we see a gatornado :)
Still waiting for drawfags to draw mare fair mares in a hurricane still carrying on. Fair Flyer trying to hold onto her hat or something
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Alright faggots, we are departing from Germany
Wish us luck
Vans have been acquired, second one has been attained and will be at the lobby soon
Just hit TN. 12 hours more to drive. Hype!
>those Dashie socks
Baby sized pack of mane 6 socks
I've got an extra set for merch trading
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Hi all Cope van riders, thanks for riding the Cope van and I hope you had a good experience and enjoyed the snacks I brought. Especially thanks to everyone who tipped.
Sorry to everyone I missed picking up or was unable to help out with Walmart runs, had a bit of hard time keeping up with the thread.
If anyone riding the Cope van didn't get a Mare van ribbon, hit me up and I'll give you one.
Wishing you all a good con.
Purp we are waiting for you to come get us, there's two of us
They're all on the plane without tablets
To the left of gate C14, DFW boarding in a little over 25 minutes with a gray hoodie.
Unf pick us up we want to plap you
The anon I made the glowie bracelet for WHO ARE YOU
I'm here im the only foid in the KSC group if you need to locate me
Boing boing boing ill bounce on a charity contributing nigger
>alarm betrayed me once again and made me miss my flight
I'm so fucking pissed, I knew I should've just stayed up all night fuck.
Departing from Denmark any minute now.
numget my beloved
Goood morning ponyfags and horsefuckers alike. Today is the dawn of day 0! May we all have had great sleep and a good day today! See whoever the fuck I see at the whatevers!
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Mare van is active. Head over to terminal B, follow signs for the baggage claim, pick up from B24. Look out for anons on patrol with the mare van sign.
Zippers was spotted near the everglades a week ago, something about restoring honor to his clan by killing the alligator who ate his sensei, he might not come back, he might come back smelling like swamp and alligator meat
Sweet shirt
You can pick up your badges later today, right? What time does that start?
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Griffon at mare fair too! Cant wait to see it all!
Im at the Atlanta airport for another hour here about. Wearing the red mare fair staff shirt from last year. Say sup if ya see me
I heard they're gonna wait until helene makes landfall and then throw all the badges into the wind and let anons sort it out themselves, free for all style.
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Flying to Denver shortly, then to MCO. Come talk to me about ponies if you see me.
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Anons going to KSC
Anybody have a glue gun or super glue?
I gotta fix something and I promise it's funny
I'm also coming in from LAX and haven't gotten any emails or anything
Yo purp, I'm the anon that was supposed to be arriving around 9:30am today. I had to rebook so now I'm getting there around 4:50pm.
Midnight LAX anon here
We landed just fine and the weather weren't bad. I think you will be fine
We’re doing a Mare Fair!
At the airport and waiting to board!
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what fucking nigger is fucking with the alarm system >:[
the fat guys in the suits and the anon masks are the most based convention attendees
Some horsefucker i bet. The red twinky is outside too
We’ve moved slightly in front of the escalators between terminal b baggage claims 23 and 24
My flight got delayed. Will you be able to pick me up at 9
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Sorry for setting off the fire alarm, everypony /)^3^/)
Not putting like 3 separate alarme on your phone.

That's on you buddy.
Dammit Sleezus
I just landed, cadance wants to experience the mare van.
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She's finally home
unf purpie plap plap plap~
it's the rape van
are you man enough to get her signed by the head of nasa?
Waiting at the entrance for anons that are in their own vehicles. I have your tickets. Though because of safety reasons the bus tour is cancelled but I will be demanding refunds be issued as soon as possible
Waiting underneath the self service stand with the rocket shaped ticket booths with a Nasapone.
A few of us are getting breakfast together. Anyone's free to join. We're meeting up in the hotel lobby. Look for the British guy, the guy in blue jeans and derpy shirt + scarf, and the guy in the mare fair con shirt blue jeans.
We'll be doing a Walmart run around 10:20
We will take whoever is in front of the hotel to Walmart, drop you off, then come back to pick you up later.
We'll probably do a few rounds of dropoffs and pickups between airport runs.
Get water bottles now before its too late, when the hurricane hits a lot of people could lose their homes and stuff could be moved out of the local area to the point of landfall
Flight one has landed, here's hoping flight two isn't yet delayed or canceled
Where's the tour group right now?
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How sigma, very rizz
Heros and Legends exhibit
So everyone has meandered around the rocket garden and other exhibitions. I am still at the ticket booth with my Nasapone
We're heading out at 10:20. We'll be walking to somewhere nearby.
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An hero is (You)
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At the Austin airport for my flight in a few hours, come say hi if you see me!
I'm going gym in 10m, any anons wanna join?
No marevan on Friday, right? My flight got cancelled so I'm getting in tomorrow instead
I was previously arriving at 4:30 (>>41442626)
Do you know roughly when the next pickup at the airport will be?
flight out of seatac cancelled as soon as i got to the airport. i'm so devastated, have extra fun for me bros
Same at pdx. They cancelled it while I was on the way to the airport. Managed to book something else that will get me in tomorrow, but it still sucks
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The power of autism and frenship
We're heading to Cracker Barrel
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Frenship 7
Not sure how the tendie dinner thing works but are there any anons who can't make it due to the weather who I could buy their tendie dinner pass from?
Am fine

A few of us cant get in because we're sheltered in the gift shop we won't pass security.
You guys have fun
It's radar indicated. False alarm like 90% of the time.
Tornado wasn't on my Mare Fair bingo card...
good to hear my dude, you still need somewhere to put your liquor?
We're just leaving the airport now if we didn't get you - next trip to the airport should be around 10:40-45?
i saw hotel staff members take multiple anon filly plushies and hide them behind the counter. im just wondering if they were hidden on purpose or something. i feel bad for them
Nah found the last guy it's in his car.
If I don't pick it up tonight worst case you guys can have it. Just remember it's 1 volume per 7 volume of water.
Probably same situation as >>41454859
>Anon's taken by Helene
>Dropped back in at Hurricane Fluttershy episode
Post your face when
Half an hour until boarding for my flight. I'm so nervous, bros, what if it gets cancelled?!
I also have enough caffiene in me to wake the dead, so I'm panicking hard
Marevan picking up around 3 to 4 PM?
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I just switched my flight from this afternoon to tomorrow morning, hope that was the right move and I can get through.
>mfw looking at the windspeed forecast
You'll be fine anon, either you make it to mare fair or you go to equestria
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KSC NASA plush meetup
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>Chicago flight leaves in an hour
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Freind suprised me, gave me this awesome pip! Now she lies where she belongs, in the fluffy hen wings
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Lets all wait in the lobby edition! Amirite?
i want to save them
how do you sniff out non boarders
>no scarf
>smells ok
>Verification not required
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Way more efficient than just sending one human
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Please feel free to brand yourself with the Numget Stamp™
Just don't take it :)
It will be at the lobby
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>I just don't know what went wrong with my space capsule design, anon
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Hey guys, I've been reading all the posts about how diaperfags will get the rope at Marefair. I'm part of the Anonymous and Filly crowd and I'm really scared people will find out I'm a diaperfag. Will people really be looking for diaper bulges and doing diaper checks before Anonfilly events like they said?I keep looking at my pants in the mirror checking but I am scared.

I was going to go to the Sunday diaperfag meetup but now I'm really anxious and don't want to ruin my friendship with you all if I get diaperchecked at the con...
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Please fags, I beg of thee.
6pm Thursday
I don’t have time looking for the mare van post, domestic 7:30 PM roughly. Very suddenly change of plans, Fuck you Alaska.
Yes, if I see you you're getting curbstomped
On the mare fair website it's 6:00pm, on the event tracker doc

It says 1:00pm. I'll go to the lobby and lounge around at 1:00, I had to book in a different hotel, and I'm tired of just sitting around
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Ah fuck send help I got black bagged and I hear neighing coming from up front I'm scared
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If I see you wearing a diaper I’m gonna pull down the back of it, put my dick in, ejaculate and then make you spend the rest of the day feeling my cold cum pressing seeping in between your ass cheeks.
Lobby con, Woooo!
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planet sized derpy, unf
Based stamp Anon
I'm here where are the anons and fillys
Any Anons gonna be in AUS airport, Tx from 3:00-4:30?
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>haha i do what i want
Another Walmart run in 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bait or kys
me too anon. we should meet?
KSC guys where the fuck should I be going?
For KSC anons, where's everyone at? Seems like the group split up after Gateway
I'm stuck in the "Departures" hallway
I have no idea where I'm going, I'm stuck in a curved hallway in a separate line from everyone
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Nasapone is taking off!
I don't know where I am, I just wandered into someplace labeled departures.
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*angery NASA pone noises*
Hey I was wrong about this again my flight was canceled and spirit didn't notify me at all. I waited for 5 hours in the airport and went through baggage and TSA. About an hour and a half before I thought I was going to be boarding I got a call telling me to pick up my bag. Haven't heard anything back yet about a reschedule, fuck spirit airlines.
It's a line for a movie or something
To the anon in the black tank top and glasses
Kinda cute some homo
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Wow! Cool! Wow! Nasapone thinks this is the bee’s knees!!!
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It's not bait! The guy who INVENTED Anonfilly is literally a diaperfag! Filly started as a diaper mascot, and now you NEWFAGS are trying to ruin the fucking board culture! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ALL ARE DIAPERCHECKING, but I don't want to lose my newfriends over it!

Anybody with a Filly plushy is diapercoded, anyway. We're probably just ABDLs shitposting on the thread and the diapercheck stations at the event rooms are just to find fellow diaperfags.

Maybe Corp's story time? Sounds fun for diapers.
It's the line for a simulator/ride, I'm also there since I heard it was good. 15 min wait though
Pool is NOT closed. Come swimming anon.
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Went to the Atlantis exhibit
Legendary image
I think you should just end it all already you stupid nigger
Enjoy your con I guess
>The guy who INVENTED Anonfilly is literally a diaperfag!
Death of the author
You desperately need a 90 day noporn detox
>Captcha: HHAPA
Kys zoomer
Just landed. When is the next van pickup time?
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Dr. Anonfilly MD PhD advises you not to lick or smell the rocket
Mare Fair antidiaperwaffen WILL be administering beatings to all diaperfags who get caught
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This mare is going to space. Wish her good luck!
I went on the Mars one and it just made me feel motion sick and think about how some autists would hate it for not being realistic.
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Great minds think alike
If anyone wants to grab lunch at bww I'm the guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt
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>Anybody with a Filly plushy is diapercoded
Anon I'm begging you get help. Stop watching porn. Anon filly is not a foal, Anonfilly was centered around abuse for abuse fags.
>corp's story time
can try to show up
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if there are any houston mares, im at the liquid provisions at Gate A. come get an early badge exchange and a free draw. im here until 3pm
you too if youre still here. come get a mare.
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You idiot, Anonfly is for love, not for sexual, not for beatings.
That's the one I just rode and I'd say that's about right. Though it was kind of fun
Can we all meet up somewhere? We are scattered in the wind
90% of us are in the line for the motion sim on the 2nd floor of the main museum
Go down the stairs to your right as you exit.
The Departures?
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I'm touching down in MCO around 3p.m. if I can hitch a ride
I am also wearing a black hat with the 10th mtn patch
anonfilly is for sexual love beatings.
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Child swap
Shout out to the anon in an Adidas jacket with anon fully pins waiting around the gate when I got off the plane.
Question, is Mare Fair going to be postponed because of hurricane Helene?
I'm utterly lost and near baggage claim A area.
Mare Fair 3 will be on Mars
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Rocket inspection day is now in effect
>Attendees caught wearing a diaper within Mare Fair convention grounds will be subject to intensive potty training (including mandatory pornography detoxification). Failure to comply will result in immediate ejection from the premises with no eligibility for a refund.

It's part of the Mare Fair code of conduct you agreed to when you bought the ticket, nigger.
It's being called off. There's also a meteor that's supposed to only destroy the Marriott and nothing else.
Picking up people for another Walmart run right now
Yes, it's cancelled. Nobody told you yet?
Brother looks like the CEO of mares
anonfilly is for nonstop >rape
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i should clarify that im actually inside the security checkpoint bridge. so youll need to check in too
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Can't stop the signal baby! We are here and you can't shut us down.
I have 0 clue where that is.
Some of us at KSC are at the Orbit Cafe, we starvin in here if you wanna meet up with us.
Now we're at the Orbit Cafe, and I saw another group just leave it
How's there no red rockets? This saddens me.
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Bye monkeys!
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Just because I wear the diapers doesn't mean I'm gonna shit myself (in the con). I have SOME standards. But are diaper checks seriously needed? Diaperfags aren't furries.

Why don't we do furry checks instead!? Nobody is demanding we ask people if they like Krystal or Renamon! The hate for diaperfags (who MADE the /co/ threads and MADE /mlp/ what it is and are politically conservative) is crazy.
just check in as you normally would through TSA.
if this is your first flight i cant help you. ask someone who works there. ill wait at the gay green tree at Gate A South.
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Stocked up!
Blanton's anon where ya at?
>not just autogynephelia, but autoequinogynophilia

I’m not saying I don’t want to be the small pony but you’re a fag for saying it out loud
He is tha CEO ah Mares. Verified. Tha suit should say it all
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Teamwork makes the dream work
I called the hotel and have a shuttle showing up at A3. If Purp is doing a Walmart run I may as well head to the hotel normally.
Sublime taste in suits… is that v-val- VALENTINO COITURE I SMELL???? *blows a load into my underwear*
Based soju drinker
Po-nut clarity
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She did it laws
Will they be able to fly me through 30mph winds?
Are you Korean?
I was told there would be fembussy at this event.
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They are anon, all outfitted with diapers. Get ready to get your hands dirty.
>The hate for diaperfags (who MADE the /co/ threads and MADE /mlp/ what it is and are politically conservative) is crazy.
Not as crazy as the lies you spout.
Should be landing at 7pm. Can I also get a ride?
real Rusty Venture shit
Where the fuck did everyone go after the space simulator thing
Buffalo wild wings anon still up for a trip? He posted in the last thread and went silent
mare on da plane
Which Discord server/servers are you using for mid-con communication?

I don't care if you call me a faggot, Discord has no post wait time or captcha. I'm still going to >>41455264
post in the thread.
Oh that's awesome, I'm on the ksc trip right now, probably be a hot second before I'm back
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Yes, the best kind
Currently finishing up eating at the Orbit Cafe right now
i don't have any pony merch with me. how much will you anons bully me for it?
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just learned about the "kraken mare" on Titan in the sim ride. proof we live in a simulation.
Movie anon, how do I know which of the two viewing I'm going to?
Everybody's actually using Facebook messenger for conversation during the con. It started out as a meme, but then it actually happened and everybody went with it.
What's your discord I'll say hi
Dude where can I meet you? I'm actually looking for more Koreans
Toppings are available at the toppings bar.
Relentlessly till you kys
anyone not using matrix or xmpp is gay
It says in the email with your ticket
Man spec didn't have to yell that bad at the hotel staff. We all are tired man just chill
Someone's not getting their food for a while.
KSC anons those of you who are lost, most of us are at the Orbit Cafe
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If you're in the orbit Cafe and have a sketchbook I will do a draw 4 u
Hit me up
Another Walmart run starting in 1 minute
Go to B24 and we'll get you at some point
staff here, we've actually pulled his badge already before the con has even started
What did he do?
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Beautiful drawing of beautiful mare
Anon, it was a only a wee joke. I'm not Korean but I am part asian.
I am not allowed to disclose that at this time, but he has been disrupting con operations during setup
This is fake fud I'm in my room throwing up rn and ordering a pizza
Thats looks like the crinkler from the lobby.
Yeah, throwing up on staff members
No femboy this year
I'm stuck in CLT for a few hours, anypony want to meetup?
>Pokemon Go notif spotted
You WILL not leave this con without adding me.
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Time to go to space
I was in that van, there was no crinkling
>those socks
What the fuck cunt
You will come to regret this post
Any of you faggots in Denver and want to hang out? My layover is still another three hours, maybe more depending on delays
What the hell hahahaha
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Guys don't you know, you can lick the exhibits!
Some of us at the Orbit Cafe are now leaving for Atlantis but a bunch others are still eating
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LAX horsefuckers spotted
>certified autism center
I-I'm home, lads.
I'm sat by Gate B22 how shall I locate you Anon?
I already want to die
actually the filthiest fucking socks imaginable
Damm, seems juat missed walmart run. Any idea when next one will be?
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I took this pic before you did
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Guys, it's shuttlemare's horsepussy.
Listen for weird plastic crinkle noises from anons. That's how you do a diaper check. Report crinklers to con staff for manual diaper check.
Siiick I'll head over there. You got any obvious pony stuff on you? I'm in a cheap ass suit with a red tie and a flower brooch on my jacket
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for xmpp goers let's get the bag gamers
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nasapone slide thread
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Autism awareness at ksc
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where is the range day??
look out for a seattle seahawks cap and blue jacket
Same I need shit from Walmart
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On top of the world
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unf clank clank
Good. There's a certain tolerance level for behavior, even at a 4chan convention. If these fags are going to be intentionally disruptive or do stuff obscenely disgusting, they should be removed.
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Mare van!!
Spec give me some pizza you nigger
is that a bubba'd Ar33 anon?
I didn't even buy a badge to get pulled
I'm getting it tomorrow
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>Be me
it's a CETME C
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This is fer tha Diaperfags
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Wish i could of driven and brought mine with me.

It's a solid rifle.
Ponkbros where you all at
Where are you motherfuckers at now? Atlantis?
In the plane, it's not canceled
>UberEATS forgot my fucking drink
>Still charged for it
Ask for a full refund for missing part of the order. I've done that before and gotten a chargeback.
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Lunafriend come claim yer art it's ready
@ orbit cafe
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you are I mean
get some friends and go out to a restaurant
man, all these cute nonny plushies make me feel a little guilty about how many times I've fapped to her.
None of my other room mates are here yet also I got a pizza for 2$
KSCfags there is an IMAX movie at 2pm if people want to attend the screening.
Also Astronaut Brian Duffy will be doing autographs at 4:15pm at the Shuttle Gift Shop.
Thinking that would be a good cherry on top before we all meet at the ticket booth and make our way back to Orlando. I am seriously thinking for safety reasons we just leave Cocoa Beach though. What do you anons think?
Is there gonna be another wallmart run for the mare van?

And if so when?
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>Flight cancelled at last minute
>Gonna miss movie screenings
>Gonna miss opening ceremonies and most of tomorrow
Why is Celestia so cruel
Also agree, there's enough to do here anyway.
Make him sign some Nasas if you stay
And tell him to convince NASA to take one up as a zero g indicator
Holy crap Lois that's my art!!!
I'm still down to go to cocoa beach. Even if there's some rain and high winds we could leave early if it gets too bad
If you have any Nasapones to spare. I think after today no one is giving theirs up
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She made it to mare fair /NEET/ bros...
Okay what is this renegade stage thing, I want to organize a jam. Could also do it in e.g. big suite-style room
Still down to go, but if we do go back we could stop by that Wawa we drove by on the way there in compensation
So excited to go to Marefair. And this time I'll be there for all 3 days, all night long!
I would like to go to the beach
Anyone down for twilight sparkles secret ship fic folder on level two? Look for two dudes at a table possibly with guitars.
If anons have spare instruments I can sorta play guitar and bass
my flight was cancelled and i am now wasting my refund money on as much liquor as i can buy. please console me anons. i need a hug.
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Maybe next year ;_;
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She’s basically tall enough, right?
In the way of a hug, get some good bourbon. and a virtual wrap of wings.
Its fine Anon, You can still live through us if that makes you feel better. Plus, there is always next year, right?
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Movie time.
They didn't let you reschedule for the next day?
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She’s ready for launch!
I agree with Wawa's.
You can't catch a later flight? If not, we're all gonna make it next year.
t. gonna miss it all due to my stupidity
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Anyone bring a commander deck or two and want to play?
at the ATL-hartsfield airport gate A11, hit me up if you're here anons. leaving 15-30min
So anons that are a bit tired and drivers that also wish to leave early. Please meet out by the Space Shop/Rotating Space Capsule so we can organize something so you can leave early.

Sorry again for getting separated it was that tornado warning keeping me in the gift shop
Meet in about 20 minutes*
Sorry for being that guy texting in the movie theater too
i drank 4 shots of airport vodka before i got rescheduled for 3pm. i arrive at 7. im not sure how but im still going. thank you united mare i love you
I'm fine with skipping Cocoa beach. Also thirding the Wawa idea.
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Anyone wanna play 40k in the lobby?
I brought a bunch anon. Some have proxies, and I haven't caught up with the banlist in a couple years.
When this IMAX movie said Cosmic Cliffs ah heard Cosmic Clits. Ah prefer Cosmic Clits. Mhm, aye.
I don't mind proxies, what heat level are we talkin here m8?
4 stars and one jail
Yes, I would love to play 40k.
I am currently at the KSC trip but when I get back, I would love to play
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I'm bringing a trumpet and trombone. Thought about bringing my keys, but I don't have the room. Fair warning, I suck at improv.
Oh wait, wrong thread
Don't mind me
I didn't bring anything but I'll absolutely play if you have supplies.
I brought a bunch of nids
I have everything but terrain but that shouldn't be an issue
This is good but we need a stage/venue and a time! Last year we had many willing spirits but the plan never coalesced
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I feel you here. I ended up rebooking from another airport an hour away just to make it down
I wanna watch people play 40k in the lobby
I vote for checking out Cocoa beach, but if people are spooked, I don't blame you, the wind is starting to pick up.

I know this is shitposting but your autism is making me unironically want to become a diaperfag now.
come hang out with me st the bar when u get here, we can drink and hold hands and drinkband stuff. maybe drink.
The only issue is I haven't brought my models :(
You wanna split my tyranids army and just do that?
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Cute! share a pic of her plot please!
I kind of want to leave. I haven't been able to gather any courage to talk to any other ponyfags. Everyone seems too normal for me.
Oh mother, I can feel
The soil pouring over my heeeaaad
The joke is the title of the song, it's so over for me. I will literally never be free enough to attend a convention as long as I live.
Remove your golly flag you don't deserve it
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The women in the KSC film would NOT stop talking. Idgaf about your opinion diversity hires.
I see you anon, the one with the blue pony and blue hair at Denver. Hi.
My fucking hotel canceled my booking, is there anyone in the thread I can crash with for the next 4 nights? Its that or fork over $800 please I need help
Bro there are people standing alone and sitting around at the lobby
Just slide in and ask about mares
Don’t worry anon, it’ll come in time. Remember: everyone here is even more autistic than you think.
next walmart run when
Holy fuck no way
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hey two of us chuds are at B24 rn. Where dat marevan
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no, i love very filly since all of them are extremely sexy.
Either way we need more filly plush plot pics
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Lemme check with my roomies.
We got 4 people in my room already, you okay with floor sleeping?
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we at da hooterz
Who here CLT?
nvm prices online were somehow double what they said at the front desk somewhere I can stay, I'm good
anon I
The freak flags don't fly until tomorrow
Who here at DEN?
Who here at PLAP?
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If ya spot me with the autism trucker t shirt, feel free to say howdy, would love to play a game or two.
Who here flying out of MKE?
Who here at FOAL?
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Just the tip
Trying this now
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This could be (you), anon. Just ask around and somebody will let you try a Megamax (reject all furry diapers). Peak comfort and smugness.
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>spec walking around in a Celestia onesie
well that wasn't in the bingo chart
those are all troons, there no real women at mare fair
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Unironically jump onto a cola superdeep borehole you absolute spastic retarded braindead niggers.
I don't think his diaper was either
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Any updates on the cigar meetup, or a time for poker tomorrow?
Shut the fuck up
So question any furrys attending if so we should meet I also have my fursuit and I'm not sure when I should wear it.
Me and my friend's flight was delayed so instead of arriving at the van by 6:10pm, we arrive at 6:47pm.
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Dont forget to diaper up in con appropriate padding anon.
Don't think nobody noticed
As long as it isn't raining or ungodly windy, I think we should keep to the time listed in the event tracker (8:30). Meet in lobby or con hall?
All of you furniggers and diaperniggers get the fucking fuck out of here. You're not welcome at this convention and if I see you, I will report you to the staff.
tell that to spec
Ksc Chads we meeting back at the table by the gift shop at 4:30. Cocoa beach seems to be out of the cards unless (you) and your particular driver agree to go. Same policy for leaving early, just make sure everyone you came with is on board so no one gets left behind
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Unless your fursuit is a pony, it's not welcome.
>not the mlp themed ones
Fur suiters will be tarred and feathered and fed to the local alligators, pony suits only.
Thank you I was going to post this PSA and sorry for the lack of updates. Wifi is patchy in the buildings and my roaming data hates it here
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chat how do I kill myself here
>Cocoa beach seems to be out of the cards
Nigga have seen outside?
suicide mare fair
how do do it
This is why we are going to meet at around 4:30 after the signing and discuss plans.
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Korvold lands matter deck is my strongest. Not a proper cedh deck but it did some damage in a cedh tournament.

also have a krupuix eldrazi and a souped up planeswalker precon.

I will be wearing this helmet and adorning it with mare stickers as the con goes on
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will any panel get livestreamed?
Only the suicides
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I'm gonna live stream me jerking it into my anon plush.
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Probably not. Though you can expect some anons recording videos and posting them to pony.tube like last year
Any anons staying at the other Marriott hotel on the other side of the road, by the longhorn steakhouse?

also how do I get my badge today, is it obvious when I go in?
suicide mare fair
>doesn't exist
>he doesn't know
Nobody tell him, just show up at MF with a pack and find him
ALL DIAPERANONS, we will be making sure to make it to Corp's Saturday's story time for our "nappy" and blankies. Crinklechads will indicate their diapered state by flashing the universal diaperfag hand signal intermittantly.

Wetting is optional, messing is BANNED and will result in cuddlepuddlee privileges being REVOKED and being reported for STAFF DIAPERCHECK and BADGE REVOCATION.
Three autists waiting at B24
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>too poor to pad up
>too poor and busy to be at MF
It's not fair, it's not fucking fair
Given how budget department refused request to even purchase pack of bootleg MLP diapers, con is way out of budget.
But seriously, what's the deal?
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best pony
Is vultraz really dead? someone told me they were dead, due to boating accident, I thought they just couldn't make it this time. I hope this is a rumor due to inactivity.
Roping if true
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B-but anon, I’m not in control of my bowel movements! That’s why I wear my diaper!
Just a thought, perhaps the cigar meet should be moved up. Seeing as how NASA trip is returning early, and heavy rain is expected around the original time (8:30). Maybe do it an hour earlier?

Any one have any input on this idea?
He got turned into a diaper and shitted into.
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Maybe the real treasure was the rocket inspections we made along the way
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will there be any Wild representation at the fair?
Unf Milky's ice cream
I need a room. If you have an opening please talk to the short brown guy in the autism hat and black backpack
>Yakubian Mare
Fucking kek
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Bros wtf NASA stole our Marevan
Same, lel. I've felt like a third wheel all day, every time I tried joining something. Maybe it'll turn around once mare fair starts.
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Is there a shuttle for the mare theater? If so when and where?
U cool with the floor?
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look at her go!
Can I trust you?
>It’s closed
She's gonna make it
He's too based
Too bad it's CLOSED!
Sadly it was closed due to pony aids
He's too smart
guys we need to explore
He's too good for this board
Is somebody going to loosen the bolts to the toilets again this year?

We had two with us earlier, but haven't seen them since this morning.
If you are still at KSC and rode with Phauxe and Krystal, please meet us at 4:30 outside the gift shop / orbit cafe
Yeah I feel like a gay faggot trying to talk to people, everyone already knows everyone else it seems. At least tomorrow there's events
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Activate Windows
Last year it was ANTS this year it's diapers
The future of space exploration
Ants was better. Diaper is one faggot trying to force a meme
No it's definitely at least two faggots (I'm one of them)
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Bros I'm overweight like 250 lb and a little bit short, you've got to bully every fag like me so that I lose weight come next year
Just took a FAT shit in the pool ama
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Fucking talk to each other or come play shipping folder on level 2, you absolute autists.
5'6" 230lbs
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Sure bro, I definitely won't milk your nips tonite
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Post pics bitch
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No, I was a /co/ diaper poster and an /mlp/ diaper pony poster before the BANNED. We're like 50% of the board and at least 200 of us anons are diapered and wet at Marefair. There is even a Discord for us But I disavow the extra 100 diapered furries that pretend to be maremen at the con.
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give link to Discord I wanna join uwu
you fags should have gone with me to get buffalo wings
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All these anons complaining about not being able to speak or talk to others. There's multiple calls to hang out and play cards in the thread. Or why don't you anti socal types coordinate to meet.
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She's learning.
Just stop eating until your 150 .
Any shy anon, tell me where you are and I'll come talk to you but you have to accept a diaper from me.
Or just go up to the second floor and people watch the lobby
Reminder that Astronaut Brian Duffy is doing autographs in the Shuttle Gift Shop in about five minutes
you're really bad at bait aren't you?
where you at
This picture is simply perfect
Is this the right pickup spot for the van or am I retarded and mistaken on something?
How’s the weather looking for tonight anons?
Look behind you anon
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Anyone else in MCO waiting for their Orlando flight in an hour right now?
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Strange-looking mares.
your headphones are unplugged retard
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It's kind of cliquish in the lobby, everyone's like discord boyfriends with each other. Hopefully this won't be the case tomorrow
Diapers give us confidence. When you wear one, you feel like you could take on the whole world.

Astronauts wear diapers, too.
I'm with the pinkie plush in lobby if any of you shy anons wanna talk
Literally just fucking walk up to them and say hi. Go do it now, no excuses fuckface.
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That anon was never seen again ever since
Please press F
everyone is just as autistic as (You) are, just go talk to them about your shared board and horse tism & go with the flow from there
I did, a couple guys were alright, but a lot of conversations shut down when some random dude comes over. So after talking for two hours I decided to get my badge tomorrow, and leave to my hotel before the busses shut down.
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>all these anons who haven't learned a single friendship lesson
Yea this is kinda gay.
The Discord Boogeyman is real and he's fucking your mom. Come to the gym
What a coincidence there's a card game being played on the second floor.
my wife's obscured face :)
Just make a thread group of lonely people then go on an adventure together. Just set a rallying point for them.
Come to level 2 and sperg about you're waifu at the ship fic table. No excuses.
Most of us are here now, are we still meeting at the other gift shop at 4:30?
He stole my money
and like 5 other people's
Which one of you fuckers wrote "Free Bilbo" on the van?
Assuming by that you mean you made the mistake of lending someone money without a legal contract of repayment terms, and then he didn't pay you back. Skill issue.
Ship fic? Like a writers table?
Fuck this gay con. Where's the brap meetup?
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I think some of us may be bailing from KSC before the storm hits
Card game, domino's and yugio sorta.
4:15 at the SHUTTLE Gift Shop. I will be at the meeting point soon. There's a few of us in line
bumping this issue, jam needs to happen
imagine if tornado fucks up marefair and then there will be raining plushies in some other place in the world
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Aww, that's sad
But stay safe Anons
Dad you said 4:30 come get us
Hooters 2:00PM tomorrow
I'm bad at banjo :^]
Next Walmart run in about 20 minutes, meet me at the marevan out in front of the lobby if you want a ride
Is there gonna be another wawa run for the mare van tonight?
Don't need the run purp but do you have any more shirts I can buy? XL probably
Got to southeast georgia so I guess helene isn’t gonna kms me
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This. Come be autistic as you want. We all like horses and that shit is common ground. The anon next to us the guitar has been bullying shy people just to get them to talk and will talk as well.
Shut up spec
The "clique" I am hanging out with I met yesterday. It's literally that easy, just go say hi
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Im at the mco airport. where are the horsefuckers?
Wrong airport, you're supposed to go to the oco airport
fluttershy flag georgia anon, sorry i missed your post last night. are you here yet? i will be watching more closely this time sorry!!
>table is full
Ok I'm killing myself
I'm gonna crack open a can of beans.
what about the owo airport
Mavicanon meetup in lobby? I have my floppy disc drive so we can access our photos. I also want to buy the memorystick adaptor from that one anon.
I'm using a wifi kabel
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Twilight sparkles secret shipfic folder
We have a second deck retard
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yeah bro i landed in florida just now. had to change flights.
dont lie to me anon...
Yep, come out in front of the lobby
Am outside, keeping eye out for marevan
I might do one right after the movie, after I'm done shuttling everyone back to the hotel
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Hope y'all're there next year, not coming this year but I always bring my floppy disk Mavica to conventions.
We are all leaving at ksc I hope nobody got left behind
Go to B24 in Terminal B, down the escalator. You'll need to take a train if you're in another terminal.
I'm spying on people
Marevan is here!
Attention all lonely fags!!

Here's a discord, hopefully this will make it easier for meeting up, getting rides and getting food etc if you are socially inept

can I join even if I'm not at the con
Omw to lurkmax
Sure why not
Pisscord NEVAR
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>Not matrix
Did I walk away just in time to miss it?
@ the anon who took a pic of my moonmare at KSC

please post it, i want to see how cute she is back there
I wanna cut my fucking arm off. Shove a bunch of shit up our holes.
I got the brown satchel/orange shirt, im hanging with friends but your more than welcome to hang out. we are all exhausted but friendly
You know what anon. If you manage to go to space, I permit you to wear a diaper
there's an xmpp too xmpp:marefiar@xm2pm.ix.tc?join
awesome, i’ll make another post soon, i’m picking someone up from a weird faraway airport right now
That wasnt the point...
but I guess you win
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there are dozens of us!
where is preregistration happening?
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You mean this?
First time at a con, man it’s like 99% dudes huh
all the girls are at stallion fest
>>41456269 (Me)
Oh wait Luna nevermind...
Well anyways, here's the picture taken with an actual camera
I had a flight cancellation, so I'm looking to extend my stay to include Mare Day at the horse Rescue.

Is anyone else from here going that has some space in a room? Or are there people who would be willing to split a room for a day or two?
unf Vore plap plap
Ah need tae find Stallion Fest then haha cause ah guess ahm in tha 1% at Mare Fest
>all that awkward nerd cock just for nona
Mare Day requires tickets Anon...
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Standing-cels seething at field-stool chads while in line

>verification not required
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standing-chads showing their devotion to their mares by standing you mean?
I'll see ya around, shiny.
Which are still available for purchase. The shuttle fee is on the same page, which is convenient.
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You're listening to appropriate music, right?
>the man who could sit anywhere
thanks anon.
cool, see you soon
Con start?
I can see you
Unf Spitfire
Unf socks
Unf unf unf plap plap plap
Con ended actually
you missed it, better luck next year anon.
it was last year bro, you missed it
Huh, in that case its at least 3.
I might have a spot for you, which nights do you need?
Someone dox this anon unwilling to stand up for the mares
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yes.. yes!
Of course, pollute them with g5.
Take more pictures fagots
Cadance plap plap
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Woops forgot pic
Man that looks packed. Does the con really have 900+ attendees?
Can we expect official recordings too? Not 6 months later with earrape audio pls
Basically after the convention to the Mare Day. I haven't changed my departure flight yet, so I don't know if I need to extend to the night.

People were having a somewhat tough time extending stays at vanhoover due to the weather grounding so many people.
That's just in front of me there's about that many behind too
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Being a phonefag is surfening
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Wrong photo fuck this goddamned thing
Half of Ksc went straight to the hotel and the rest to wawa it seems.
show his ass
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All the girls were with us at KSC dude lmao
fucking normies
>1 hour ago
Fug I just saw this.
>I have my floppy disc drive so we can access our photos
good because I fucking forgot mine
>I also want to buy the memorystick adaptor
Sorry Macivanon, I couldn't find the adapter I wanted to sell. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find it, with enough time to dig through my closet. After the con I'd be willing to ship it to you.
Wanna meetup rn? I'm about to head down to linecon, will bring a Mavica

I will, hope to take some grainy 4:3 pics with you next year Mavicanon!

To the other Mavicanon who was interested in buying a camera, I brought the FD-85 and FD-90, both fully work and are in decent condition (some scuffs and faded paint)
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Unfortunately unf
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So this is the power of autism
I do this and pretend that it's tacticool body armor.
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Oh God please don't take my picture.
I don't need to be reminded how ugly I am
Has anyone run into Zippers yet?
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Wow, Glimmer!
Take a picture of every single person at the con. Then name them all
Cryptid rich fag spotted
Mares are the last bastion of white identify.
My flight was delayed and I missed my connection.
I was going to arrive at 8:37 but now I will get to Orlando at 11:47. I guess I will take the hotel shuttle.
Sucks that I'm going to miss the movie.
Just got back to the hotel from KSC. What should I do now?
Anon has pants now
Should've came to the Wawa with us after KSC
I’m right near him in linecon
Is that a fursuit in the reflection
Someone’s life sized Nightmare Moon
Is the line still long anons?
if you ran into zippers shave him
Where the fuck is the cigar meetup happening?
I'd be able split for one night 1st to 2nd but probably not before or after
No everyone left because the line was long
They’re not even done with the richfags, let alone starting the poor line
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I have a poker set and a low effort printout poster for the corkboard. Let's plan for 8:30pm Friday. I don't know what room would be best, though. Any suggestions?
Also, please bring poni card pack, I have only a normie one
OMFG, my friend going here told me that /mlp/ was only IRONICALLY, SHITPOSTINGLY, gay. These people are disgusting freaks, not mare appreciators!?!? What the fuck, where's all the "normal" people he told me about!?
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We all you know you couldn’t afford to come anon
So is the cigar meet still happening?
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anyone want to go for sushi? we have room for one more to come along if you can afford it
It's halfway wrapped back around
Cigar meet update? Wind is being a cunt

t. Smoking at the parking lot entrance
Outside at 7:30 by the convention door side exit.
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t. never attended Bronycon 2013
NASA-chads, is the group picture happening tonight?
Outside at 8:00pm* got the KSC Group photo
Lobby at 7:30 sorry just giving everyone time to dry and get some Wawa. I couldn't make it because a shoe died at KSC and I needed to go to Walmart to get a new pair
Oh shit what? When and where?
I'm carless fucking drunk already God damn it u fuckers fuking
Give me like 7 minutes and I’ll be there
Some of is are at a dinner, what time does the movie showing migration start?
Isn't kenrkgkxksjrn jengnvjek kdk

Where is the movie being shown?
I’m on my way don’t do it yet
So uh
Where the fuck did everyone go
Hey Polish anon who flew with the two fillyfaggots from Frankfurt
Are you still behind the customs?
Thread got quiet, Anons are finally making friends
Fingerbox meetup
Alright we went slowly for the marevan
The hurricane picked everyone up.
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share some pics you fags
czechbros did you abandoned me? :(
We have to kill him, keep it pure.
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Please... I feel so lonely, are any of you willing to talk like Anonfilly while patting my head? I have a good room and pizza.

You can wear diapers with me.
god I wish I was there, I would... next year anon <3
Marevan still running?
When are we gathering to go to movie? I got a truck with space for 5. Yiu can sit in the bed if you want.
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Hello again
I'll be staying until the second, though my room only has the one king size bed, only one access card too, though front desk may give a spare if I ask
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Half of all mare afficionados will unironically look at this and go "hell yeah".
Hell yeah.
Isnt it sold out? if not is there anyway anyone else can get to it?
I will ride. Are you still available?
Lost power at staybridge hotel for a sec.
Reset router, mareicane Helen at it again.
Okay Nonnies, Im going to sleep soon after a shot of burboun. In the morning, im going to wake up to walk to dennys with you guys. Lobby, 7am, mareiot right? Il be bringning my Plush regardless
Now the cryptid mares can hunt you.
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Nice shoes Anon.
Leading by example.
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KSC anon meet
>Kiwi will never upload the lobby photo
Should've seen that coming after he delayed the rocket launch and summoned a hurricane
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Sports mare be sipping tha fermented fizzy juice
No but hanging out sounds nice
clean her
Any tattooanons here looking for flash shit? I got $$$ and wanna get weird looks when I wear shorts

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