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Cloud Watching edition

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>41354526

Please refrain from posting Equestria Girls in this thread. Thank you.
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what did you say to her?
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OP here, forgor to mention. also:
post songs that remind you of fluttershy. i'm putting together a playlist (different from the collaborative playlist in the OP). focus is on non-pony songs that match her vibe

>industrial society is cool and awesome, actually
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I would like to add that the entire soundtrack of both parts of Ori and the Blind Forest very subtly reflects Fluttershy, especially the music from The Wellspring Glades location. It's like a soundtrack for future happy and quiet moments together with her...
Animals are not cool sometimes
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Total Pitbull Death. She thinks they don't deserve to be wiped out.
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The existence of pitbulls is proof of man's evil. They are born of violence, and inevitably die violently. This isn't to say they should all be euthanized, sterilization will be enough.
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>Fluttershy wants to spend her time with you trying to convince you that no animal is inherently bad, and you simply need to approach them in the right way
do you accept the butter pony's offer?
I don't deny that, but designer-bred dogs are an insult to creation. They may be individually good, but their lives are an exercise in pointless cruelty.
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That's a really pretty pic, reminds me of a moon picture probably made by the same artist - style looks similar, including use of noise which IMO looks nice.
Also I saw a sweet autistic post about Flutters here: >>41451198
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Oh yeah that's a gigabased post.
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I don't think she would be wrong, nurture and all that.
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butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony. the pony wit da butter. butter pony. pony wit da butter on her. the pony with da butter butter pony.
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>no creature is inherently evil-
>...no *vertebrate* is inherently evil.
That is indeed the most based post I've read on this site.
What does she think about mosquitos? /an/ told me they can erased without having an effect on the ecosystem.

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