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Look at my cute car mare, she's so fast and determined.

Post Wheely Boppers and other cute vehicle horses.
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Also has there ever been any plush made of her? Id be willing to buy one.
I love her
If it doesn't have functional wheels it's shit
Is she full on racecar or does she beep when she reverses like a big ass truck?
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Unless she's as big as a monster truck I don't think she'd need to beep while reversing
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She definely needs more love
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This mare eats through tyres like no tomorrow
Someone has to Rat Fink her
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Do I want to know?
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Drew a bopper while hanging out at Mare Fair
She's looking kinda blue. I told her about filling herself with nitro instead of pure black gold petrol. So much for that extra punch...
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It looks like the kids these days don't know what you're talking about anon.
Yes, but it would be cute.
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Can I pimp my ride instead?

I'd love one myself, but not sure how hard the wheels would end up being to integrate
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Holy mother of cute
That pic is over a decade old, newfren.
It's still cute
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Come to the see the WHEELY BOPPERS thread, this Sunday. SUNDAY. SUUUUNDAY!
fuck this little retard
Is replying to a picture and calling it cute banned if it's not new or something?
Not the first time newfags try to pull this one out and around to try and sound like oldfags for some reason
Why are you like this Anon?
Bump because wheely bopper is cool
Her engine runs hot
>Bopper chews on her tires when she gets nervous before a big race
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Cmon man, taking off the tyre blankets without hands or even hooves isn't that simple
No, they're not socks, they're tyre blankets. S-shut up.
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She wears one of these at the lake and stays away from salt water
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Party Assault Vehicle
I love that artist he's so based
>My throat was dry, my hopes were high
>But nothing really ever got said
>But who brought on the Eternal Night?
>Who the hell was in my head?
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We're getting valet parking
>She shall rider eternal, shiny and chrome!
I agree.
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Tank mare assemble
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I won her sign at Mare Fair. Good little car mare.
Im so damn jealous. Wish I had the coin that weekend to throw at the auction.
Why isn’t Wheely Bopper a selectable character?
Aaaaaaahhh, my job!
Cars & Mares
Based, if there was one sign I wanted in my life it would have been that one. It just fits perfect with all my altism in one banner...
I need to play Daytona again, it's been a long time. One of the best racing sims ever made. Jarg put a lot of work into this art.

best sign, worst panel room

Shes the final boss you have to beat at the 24 hours of le mares
I am jealous
Guys...I have a might need....a need for Wheelie with crocks
The cars depicted in these make me think Nightmarity is some kind of gangster who fights for control of illicit liquor distribution and answers to some fat, chain-smoking guy in a suit and fedora.
Race cars don't have reverse
What racecars don't have reverse
NASCARs have it, F1 have it, Touring cars have it, Rally cars have it...
Now some racing cars don't have a reverse "gear" in the transmission, but utilize a small electric motor to move the vehicle backwards when needed. That's still technically reverse though.
What was the race where people went on the track and one guy was split in half?
T bone or spectator?
Pit crew guy that was crossing the track. A driver also died from a fire extinguisher, I think
I think I vaguely remember seeing the recording of this accident in a "wrecked" thread on /gif/ years ago. It was disturbing. The poor guy gets hit and cartwheels like 20ft into the air, eventually splitting into two halves before falling back to the earth...
That's the one
I might draw her later
Wheely Bumper
>numget getting in an accident
If you bump her plot, would she honk?
No, she'll ask for your insurance.
Is she insured
Uh oh
Wheelie doing donuts!
Insurance is a scam
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You would think she drinks the gas, but think again.
The exhaust makes her cough a lot though
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Also rake version
Very cute. I especially like the hot-rod rake version.+10 hp at least.
What would you guys like to see in a Wheely game?
very cute, i bet shes very fast

lots of honkin and killer speed boosts
Mario cart boxes you drive through
that mario kart pony mod that I've been seeing over the past few months finally released yesterday: https://gamebanana.com/mods/546719
it'd be cool to have wheely bopper in there
It sure would
That's also good
multitrack drifting!
Yes indeed
She’s not speeding off just yet
Of course
Refill her tank
are there any more fan songs?
Not to my knowledge, unfortunately.
Wheelie deserves 100 laps
>Wheely in the 24 hours of Le Mares
Wheelie deserves 100 plaps
That breaks her warranty
Fuck, imagine how those tires taste!
Like rubber
Another lap for wheelie
She's made the distance now
She deserves it
Honka honka

does she get car insurance or health insurance
Soulful sign
Forgot to say I finally delivered >>41486773
She should be a racing minigame in bfed
Good idea

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