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Fluffy And Greasy Edition.
Previous: >>41255012

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT:
Floor Bored - The OG OC NEET from the very first threads. Floor comes in all different forms, but she's typically portrayed as a horny and kinda dirty mare most of the time. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2321489)
Pardise Skies - Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting. She's very quiet, easily spooked, likes to wear clothes and speaks with a stutter. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2289220)
Moon Dancer - Huge bookworm.
Taku - Friend of Floor who is *very* into anime. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1722376)
Goldie Mops - Goldie is another friend of Floors, only she's into kaiju and big monsters. Speaks with a cute lisp and seems very adorkable. (https://ponerpics.org/images/6192935)
Chimney Peep - Floor's sports nerd friend (Pic above, pony with the hat and lazy eye)
Home Sick - Probably the least covered NEET. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1727410)
Wallflower Blush, of Equestria girls fame but as a pone. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1658572)
Cuppa Noodle - Cuppa is a NEET snekpony who likes cup noodles and very tight hugs. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1892447)
Cipher the Programmer - The super paranoid overthinking male NEET-pony (https://derpibooru.org/images/2236987)
Dot Matrix - A pony who is into retro gaming. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2577975)
Anon Mare - Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation. Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up. The self-insert pony.
Writer's Block - A NEET pony whos background is currently unclear. Know anything about her? Let us know ITT (https://derpibooru.org/images/2561414)
Starry Sails - A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting. Friends with Anon. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2657594)
Synthwave - A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music. Very laid back, somewhat flat in tone and expression. (https://ponybooru.org/images/3223846)

>List of some of the stories with known authors so far:

>Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:

>Link to OP:
>pick up the floorb
>bring to eye level
>smooch the floorb
>turn the floorb around
>SNOOOOOFFFF greasy floorb mane
>lungs nourished with NEETmare sweat and last week's shampoo
Life's good.
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We are so fucking back
Very cute Floorb plush
Any new green ideas?

I kind of like the idea of Floorb being poor as fuck, and so she makes a lot of her own stuff out of scrap she finds in the dumpsters nearby.
She's embarrassed she can't afford to buy stuff, not even used, and so doesn't broadcast it, not realizing that this is astronomically impressive and is her very marketable special talent she could get good bits out of.
She has a desktop rig built from an old busted crtv, random mechanical parts from blenders and microwaves, and computer components out of discarded smart phones and other doodads, and yet it's fully functional and lets her browse the internet and play some vidya.
All the appliances in her house were found and repaired by her, too. She could easily work in a repair shop, let alone the fact that, if given access to high qauilty components, she could make practically anything.
She could be the key to Equestria's space program.
... But she just hides in her room and thinks it's no big deal. Surely everyone can do the sorts of things she can, they just don't have to because they have money to just buy what they need.
Bumping this thread with blessed floorb art
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I'm retarded here
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Glad to have you back, /neet/.


>Anontheanon drew Floorb
Floor Bored x Zippers green when??
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ah the neet thread returns!
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So which one is the club president?
May I share a pack of seaweed crumchies with the stinky qt?
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I wanna say Dot because she eats like a human. Lots of delicious salty oily trash.
Taku is, she takes the club very seriously and is the number one human appreciator. Dot and Floor like humans as well bought they joined mostly to slack off.
>slack off
That's a funny way to say clopping. Is that new slang? :^)
I'd so cook for Floorb to ensure she gets a healthier diet than just cup noodles all day.
I want to make Floorb homemade egg fu yong and potato yellow curry
NEETbros, I talked to the NEETmare kings (nips and lockheart) at marefair, and it made me realize I need to work on my NEETmares design

What aspects should I try to add/change about her to make her look more NEET-like and scruffy
I absolutely adore the NEETs, things is though, I can clearly see why it's dying; There's a severe lack of drawfags, writefags, and overall other creative NEET faggots.

There's like-, a singular or two good NEET greens. I've been thinking/trying to pick up writing, but I fucking suck, I Iack the creative juices to get a semi-decent plot up, let alone following a proper story format green or otherwise.
I feel bad because I let mam neet green die due to my laziness.
Any of you fags near terminal E37 in Charlotte?
Wrong thread sorry
Now I'm wondering what some of the other NEETs would be doing there.
>Goldie uses the club as her outlet to discuss and gush over kaiju movies. Probably talks the most with Taku due to them both sharing a genuine love of human media of the Japanese variety.
>Peep, having not been able to find a single human sports club, wandered in one day in the vain hope that somepony would want to talk about football with her. Mostly just sits around sorting and resorting her sportsball card albums while listening to The Game on her headphones. Occasional jumps out of her seat whenever a big play happens and always gets real embarrassed afterwards.
>Due to her love of fluffy sweaters and the like, Paradise has a soft spot for 'human clothes' and was curious to try some on. It would turn out that she found playing human fun, but was still too shy to leave the club while wearing them.
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I can't write for the life of me but if I could I would
Zippers and floorb are qt's
Not if I can help it
I want the neets to stay alive...I'll have to actually introduce my neet oc now I tried to in the last thread but I went into a whole art block afterwards
I want to raspberry her
I would say a more unkempt mane for starters
Bunny Floorb is pretty good
Its surprisingly difficult to sleep with my floorb plush because the hair material tickles my nose every time I try snuggling up with her
Hey if you wanna sleep with neetwaifu that's a pretty good representation of how it'll be like
I need more lewd Dot in my life
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Stripey undies and NEETmares go together like peanut butter and jelly. It's just that good.

Been a lazy ass on my part and didn't do as much as I could have last thread. Hopefully I'm not as placid this time around.

Sifting through some jimiko animu girls might help. That archetype is kind of what I'd assume most NEETmares fall into when it comes to style/demeanor. Or, you know, just gloomy girls in general. the NEET tag on the boorus (and elsewhere) is criminally underused and it's very surprising to me.

Bunny suit Scraggle Floorb? Very nice!

>my neet oc
I wish to hear about/see this poner.
>Exposed mare tums
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Floorb tucked in bed
this is so cute
i really liked the florb bunny suit cosplayer that took her around
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It's funny you said that because I was that cosplayer! I would post pics but I don't want anons to ree at me for faceposting (again)
Here's a draw I received at the con though
Home sick art??? What a glorious day
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Cuddling with Floorb while we watch horror movies
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I wonder if she'd let me kiss them
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Why is the meet thread, full of the most online people, the most dead!
Be the change you wish to see anon
Very cute Floorb! The bodypillow's size almost makes me think she's hugging a kidanon pillow.
Thanks for the advice. I've been dreaming up a neetpone of my own, but the issues I'm facing with it are that I feel neetstallions are generally unaccepted, and often used for unf rather than good storytelling or humor.

At the same time, I can't find that right balance between making the story funny, cute likeable, yet realistic, as one side makes it too not-neetish and the other makes it a depressing slog.
I have a soft spot for Home Sick, so I'm planning on making another doodle or two of her
ideas/suggestions are welcomed!
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Mmmmm eyebrows
Mares are just deceptively large.
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I feel personally called out...
fucking jarhead
What a tuft
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Hi zippers <3
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always remember to bathe your neets regularly
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Got a bit of the sick from Mare Fair, which got me thinking. Has anyone done a story about taking care of a sick NEET? Could have been a few I'm failing to remember, and actually a bit surprising it's taken me this long to draw a sick Floor.
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If you count being in heat than I guess Vee was sick in her green. Or still is, I guess. Poor mare's still floundering. probably should get to finishing that, jesus christ

Cute Floorb! Would spoil with plenty of warm noods n' cold compresses.
Hope you start feeling better, man. Thanks for all the cute pones you dish out.
Is that peanut butter?
my theory is that its cheese, or some sort of sticky sauce
Amazing work as always
I'm so glad that twi found her way back home
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She looks so proud of herself
I'm gonna be eating some ramen tonight for her
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Still think it's funny that back when that whole 'brickbooty' things happened someone made a tile edit of this specific Floorb for some reason.
This plush really makes me want to commission one of Synthwave.
What a cute mare
You should 200% you don't see a lot of station plushies especially big ones
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That’s a good Floorb
Would floor be fat or slim?
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You are watching with her, right?
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I'm a little insulted you thought I wouldn't be!
who the hell took this picture of me
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what about NEET alicorns?
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>Flurry Heart as a young, bright eyed mare who cracked under the pressure of her new royal duties and fucked up big time, resulting in Flurry receding hard into her shell after the backlash it gained her had shattered her naive, hopeful look on the world.
>Slowly stopped leaving the castle altogether and begins to wall herself off from further hurt. Soon enough, she becomes a depressed, self-loathing NEET that just lazes about her chambers reading syrupy sweet romantic fiction and eating the finest junk food the Crystal Empire has to offer.
>Spent her entire foalhood training to take up her mother's mantle and as a result of this, never made a single actual friend. Any acquaintances she made early on had long since shied away from her due to her fixation on her studies.
>Occasionally finds herself needing to pull out her Whammy from when she was a foal and cuddle up to it in the middle of the night, quietly sobbing and wondering to herself if she'll every be anything other than a failure unfit for the crown.
>Accidentally smacked her crystaller Sunburst in the face with a soft cover first edition of 'The Wistful Alicornian Maid' after he tried to comfort her after one of her fits and has been avoiding him ever since out of sheer embarrassment.
make her look more filthy and gross, shes beautiful though please post more
Based, someone please draw NEET flurry heart
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some fresh nEEEt for (you)
wish I knew her name, but the pic I used for reference didn't list one
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Happy Ponktober, have a NEET Ponk
I'd read it
>Young bat mare with an eye condition that makes sun even more unbearable than it already is for a bat, making her virtually blind in direct sunlight.
>Due to this, she was homeschooled most her life and found herself having a hard time connecting with other foals her age.
>Once she was old enough to attend high school, she would convinced her parents to send her after much pleading and homemade diagrams.
>Youngest in her class and without properly developed social skills, she found herself a prime target for teasing. It didn't help that to actually function during the day she had to wear clunky shades over her glasses.
>She probably had eight pairs swiped by the time her parents pulled her out.
>Unceremoniously finished up school through online courses.
>Getting pushed around and bullied had made an already meek teen turtle up even more.
>Once she graduated and was mailed her diploma, she felt no joy. Only a relief that she could finally put this past her.
>Now a couple years older, she was now walled up in her dimly lit room, clacking away at her novella, which was brimming with childish wish-fulfillment.
>One day, her dad would approach her and mention a little opportunity that might suit her sedimentary lifestyle.
>She was from a family of lighthouse keepers, her late mother being one before she met her dad.
>Her dad filled her head with inciting thoughts of seclusion and quiet. Where she can be away from all the ponies that refused to see her as anything more than 'that weird mare with the trembly voice'.
>A part of her pondered if he just wanted to get rid of her, but no matter his intention, she agreed without hesitation.
>So... After spending her first time on a boat clutching her stomach and dry heaving, she made it.
>In front of her was an old, worn down lighthouse off the shores of Equestria.
>So far away from civilization that the stars looked so... beautiful.
>For the first time in forever, she felt content.
>And her contentment lasted a while longer as she became acclimated with her new surroundings.
>She didn't mind the cleaning, nor did she find topping up the light's fuel all that hard, even though she had gotten some on her favorite turtleneck, resulting in her quickly needing to learn how to wash and dry her own clothes...
>Despite the hiccups, she felt pride.
>...Up until she grew terribly bored.
>It was a cool, foggy evening and she sat at her new room's desk, staring at nothing.
>Her typewriter had froze up, much to her dismay.
>Her chores were done, her hooves were frustratingly idle...
>And now she was all alone with her scattered thoughts.
>"Am I even getting paid to be here?"
>"Is my sweater still supposed to smell like lighter fuel after washing it?"
>"What does a stallion's... thing, look like?"
>And finally, as she felt her tummy begin to growl.
>"I wonder if I can order a pizza..." She quietly murmurs to herself as she lays her head on her desk with a dejected sigh.
>It's going to be a rough few months...
You better write more anon or I'll find you and rape your little pink asshole
- - - -
>The buzz of your alarm clock jolt you awake for the third time this morning.
>But unlike the last two times, you finally sit up in bed to greet it's annoying chime.
>You stare daggers at the blurry red mass vibrating on your fuzzy nightstand.
"Hush." You mutter as you give it a hard smack on the top, silencing it until further notice.
>With that out of the way, you attempt to rub the sleep from your eyes, yawning all the while.
"What... what day is it?"
>Last you checked, you should be getting that supply drop that Ms. Pea mentioned...
"M-Ms. Pea..."
>You feel yet another wave of hot embarrassment shoot through your body and up to the tips of your ears.
>You bring up your blanket to your nose and let out a pathetic little whimper.
>You vividly remember that poor middle aged mailmare innocently poking her head through your open window at dusk and greeting you warmly as you were having some, uh... some alone time.
>She didn't *see* you doing anything due to your habit of staying under the covers, but you could tell from her expression that she most definitely *knew*.
>Even after calming down enough from her sudden intrusion that you could leave your bed and meet her at the window, you could barely make eye contact with her as she casually explained what the letter was for.
>She told you that the basics would always be provided, but if you wanted anything special, you'd have to jot it down.
>You managed to blabber out a question regarding the limitations of 'special' items and she just shrugged and said it depends on your contact's budget.
>Assuming she meant your dad... You scribbled down a note for the box of replacement typewriter keys under your bed and some warm, fresh clothes and a quick guide on how to use a washer/dryer combo thingy.
>You uh... You kind of suck at the whole 'doing laundry' thing.
>You don't know *why* it happened, but all of your socks are now tinged pink.
>It's not that big of a deal, but you're still a little miffed that your cat paw socks don't match your 'a-mew-zing!' hoodie anymore...
"I- I'm still surprised they let me bring whatever I wanted..."
>It feels weird having most of your stuff here.
>The only things you didn't have with you was your laptop and Hubert, your pet fern.
>You let out a soft sigh.
"Why didn't I just bring him? Dad won't even remember to water him..."
>The only solace you have it that you made sure to stick one of mom's old glass self-watering thingies in his soil, so he should be okay for a while longer.
>...As you feel the warmth of daylight begin to brush up against your cheek, you instinctively hide your face with a half asleep wing.
"I don't wanna get uppp..."
>But you don't exactly have a choice, do you?
>You grumble a bit as you search halfheartedly for your glasses on your nightstand.
"Look at you... Blind as a bat."
>And... there we go.
>Feeling slightly less disabled, you reluctantly slip out of your warm bed, intent on getting dressed for the day.
noticed the thread was like two spots from falling off so I panic posted this since I was writing it in the reply box, sorry if it flows weird, will try to remedy that when I wind up making a paste
Will try to bump as much as I can for you. Great job by the way, Anon. I myself have been desperately trying to come up with a halfway decent NEET green to type out for a little bit now, so I truly mean it when I say I eagerly await your Bap's name.
Forgot Bleak Wing is a bat pony.
>You shuffle over the the pile of 'probably' clean clothes you have stacked up on the old rocking chair that was here when you moved in and begin to rummage around for something to cover your lithe frame.
>After giving them the tried and true sniff test, you settle on wearing a baggy cardigan you wore the other day and fresh socks.
>You briefly ponder changing underwear as well, but you decide to delay that until you get around to doing some wash.
>They'll be fine till then. Probably.
"And it's not like anypony will see me, right?"
>You're sure they'll just drop off the box of supplies by the little shack outside and you'll have to haul it back to the lighthouse in a cart or... something.
>Wait, do you even *have* a cart?
>You swear there was one downstairs...
>You'll uh- You'll worry about that later!
"First things first... Breakfast."
>You've never been much of a morning pony, but you've always been a sucker for a good breakfast.
>Dad always said that if you ever wanted to feel wide awake and ready for the day, even if you didn't want to be, you had to fill up your tum at the proper time instead of eating random junk in the middle of the day.
>You're not sure if he actually believed that or not, but it certainly convinced you to dig into your waffles as a filly.
>Helped that you liked waffles anyways.
>Especially the kind with the little chocolate chips...
"Hmph... now I want waffles."
>Luna's rump... When was the last time you had one?
"Probably... oh never mind!"
>You're stalling! Stop that and be a big mare.
>Adjusting you glasses as you stand before your door, you take a deep breath.
"I-It's a new day... Go out there and... and make the most of it."
>You ruffle your wings a little as you slink out of your room and into the stairwell.
>As your ears begin to perk at the familiar sounds that begin to fill them, you turn your gaze skywards.
>Peering up at the spiral staircase that lead to the lantern room used to make you dizzy, but after being here a while...
>It was an almost comforting sight.
>You could hear the rough churning of gears below, and the ever-present hum of the lantern above made your sensitive ears flick and prickle a little as they adjust to the sensation once more.
"Good morning." You murmur to yourself as you begin to make your way downstairs.
>You awkwardly hum along with the lantern until you're so far below that you can't here it anymore.
>Finally, your hooves touch the soft carpet of the ground floor and you let out a sigh.
>You sure hope you have something left to even *make* breakfast...
>Turning to your right, you make your way into the kitchen and begin to scavenge around for something to sustain your loathsome form for yet another day.
>Just as you feared, you come up empty-hooved when it came to breakfast foods.
>Reluctantly, you settled on grabbing a can of veggie soup from the store room and eating it cold.
>Why didn't you warm it up?
>That's... A good question.
>That was dumb of you.
Good stuff anon
I love how natural of her it feels to talk to herself or mentally argue with herself, it really completes the persona of a NEET mare starved for good social interaction. Hmm, seems that we have yet to get this Bap's name, something to look forward for with the next post!
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your not lying to her right.
I demand smut.
>With your belly partially filled with mushy peas and carrots, you turn your attention to the chalkboard that sat haphazardly in the middle of what you assume was once a break room of sorts, but was now brimming with dusty charts and dreadfully boring old books.
>You tried leafing through a few the first day you were here, but they were simply too dense and went completely over your head.
>Didn't help that most of them were in prench...
"Of all the languages, it just *had* to be the one that I completely flunked in school..."
>Lame books aside, you now focus on the schedule shakily outlined on the chalkboard before you.
>Just beside it was a small sketchy approximation of what you perceived yourself as.
>A frail, dorky little mare lying among the green grass of chalkboard hill with a pair of big oval glasses on her face and an awkward little fanged smile to bring it all together.
>Mini-you's chalky body was a much brighter white than your own, so it wasn't *that* accurate.
>You were more of an... eggshell, in reality.
>A uh- A dirty eggshell.
>More like a very light gray, really...
"Isn't that what eggshell is already? Wait... No, no you're getting off track again."
>You shake your jumbled thoughts from your head and pick up a piece of chalk from a nearby mug with an anchor motif going on.
>You think whoever was here before you liked their nautical theming.
"Time to plahn out yer dahy, Mehdy."
>With chalk pursed between your lips you narrow your eyes at the board.
"Letsh shee..."
>You topped up the lantern the other night, so you don't have to worry about that for a bit...
>The storeroom looked to be mouse free last you checked. (...What are you even supposed to do if you actually *find* a mouse? Invite it to tea?)
>The bathtub is no longer clogged, so shower time is now totally on the table. (Go figure that it was your own dumb hair in the drain...)
>And of course... You still need to watch out for ships once night rolls around. (So yet another night of twiddling your hooves as you wait around for something to happen... Yippee.)
>After running though the events of the previous days and jotting them down, you quickly realize that you have...
>Absolutely nothing to do. Again.
>Setting your chalk aside, you let out a sigh.
"What am I even supposed to do all day? My typewriter's broken..."
>You guess you could, like... Go exploring?
>No... No that'd take too much effort.
>You'd just get all sweaty and burn off all ninety something calories you just ate and be hungry *again*.
>Bleh... you hate having a nourish a body.
>Especially one as pathetic as yours.
>Why couldn't you have been born a pretty flower?
"Or a jellyfish..."
>You trot around in circles a bit, lost in thought and idly licking the chalk off your lips.
>It's kind of sweet, like those candy cigarettes that your mom would buy you at the-
>You scramble under a nearby table and cover your poor ringing ears with your hooves.
"W-w-what was that?!"
(possibly worryingly so) she becomes more relatable by the second.
>gets obliterated by French
>hates having to eat
>eats chalk
>A million different possibilities run through your panicked mind, but the most likely scenario is that you probably did something terribly wrong.
"I-I'm sorry muh- Mr. Lighthouse please don't be a-angry! Ahm sorry p-please stop..."
>A desperate whine escapes your throat as your ears are assaulted with harsh noise once again.
>Luna help you you're gonna die.
>You can almost see the headline now.
>'The worst pony for the job! Kissless virgin bucks everything up and now our beloved lighthouse is now a smoking crater! A bajillion seamares have died because of this sad, sad idiot...'
"W-what do I do what do I... I..."
>M-maybe it's... the doorbell?
>S-stop being a baby and think rationally!
>You rub away the panicked tears from the corners of your eyes and sniffle.
"D-do... do lighthouses have doorbells?"
>Where is the noise coming from, anyways?
>You shimmy out from under your hiding place and cautiously poke your head out.
>Your ears flat against your head and still somewhat hidden behind the table, you look towards the front door.
>Well, there's not exactly a *back* door, is there? So in reality it's more like the uh...
>Oh hush up.
>There's a... well, it almost looks like there's an old timey fire alarm above the door.
>It has nothing labeling it as such, so maybe it *is* a doorbell.
>What a cruel design. It doesn't even have a cover to muffle it!
>It's almost like this place wasn't designed with bat ponies with weird medical problems in mind...
"It's... been a bit since it last rung."
>Or is it rang?
>If it *is* a doorbell... That means you have a guest.
"Maybe it's the supply pony..."
>You love to eat something that wasn't canned veggies or lukewarm bottled water.
"Maybe they'll give me some juice concentrate... Ehe..."
>Some apple juice would be lovely right about-
>If that's a doorbell that means somepony is at the door and that means they've been waiting for you this whole time get up get up GET UP!
>You bumble to your hooves and frantically look around for your shades.
"W-where... There!"
>You find them hanging up on the coat rack near the door and struggle to put them on with your shaky hooves.
"Good going, Meddy... W-wasting everypony's time like usual!"
>There's probably a dozen other lighthouses this pony has to deliver to and you're making them *wait*.
>With your eyes shielded from troublesome UVs, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
"This is fine! You're fine. Nopony is mad at you..."
>After patting your face a bit to keep yourself focused, you whip around to the door and grab hold of its handle.
>With all the elegance of a malnourished gazelle, you tug open the door and awkwardly thrust yourself into the daylight.
"I-I'm here! Sorry for the uhm... the delay, I was *super* busy a-and uhm..."
>Your voice trails off as you realize that there was nopony there.
>You take a few steps away from the doorway and look around nervously.
"H-hello? Is somepony there?"
What a nice Floorb
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I'd pick her up in an all encompassing cuddle and smooch her
there's nothing to gain from lying to them
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feed into it
Nothing against NEETpone, but isn't this just Anonfilly but white?
not remotely close
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How is this, anon-kun
Naisu. She looks like she hasn't slept in a week.
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A little goofy thing I made experimenting with Aseprite. Not quite what I wanted but she looks looks funny.

Me too, the good people people of Mare Fair always make it a special time.
She's shmoovin'
You have no idea how hard I'd fuck this mare.
She couldn't walk for a week after I'd be done.
in the process of attempting to impregnate this mare I think i would most likely die from the sheer volume and interval at which i cum.
Cute Floorb. I wanna cuddle her while we mess around on OSR and jam out to weird experimental music.

I keep forgetting that I have this gif open so now I've had dot shuffling on my screen for at least an hour.
Sooner or later, she will arrive. What happens then? Celestia only knows...
Post more shes insanely sexy
>The isle was small and rocky, the only greenery that kept you company being a bit of stubborn brush and the moss that clung desperately to the cobblestone path that peppered the way down to the dock.
"Speaking of which..."
>There seems to be a dingy docked in your pier.
"...That doesn't sound right."
>You shake your head and squint at the shack at the end of the path.
>It's hard to make out due to your nearsightedness, but you're pretty sure the door is cracked open.
>Considering it was locked before, you guess whoever is here is inside.
"But why did the doorbell go off if nopony came up to the door?"
>Maybe it's... remote?
“That… makes sense I guess.”
>There's gotta be a little button or something down there that makes all that awful racket.
"...And I'm gonna break it."
>You could like… Take a big ol’ rubber mallet and smack it around a bit, maybe spit on it too.
>The thought makes you stifle back an awkward little laugh.
“H-heh… That’ll show ‘em.”
>Your rebellious daydream aside, the more reasonable option is telling the supply pony about your dumb ears and asking them politely to just knock next time around.
>...Or at least muffle the bell before they leave.
"If all else fails... I guess I could always put a sock over it."
>All you'd need to do is find a stepladder...
>...As you continue to stare listlessly in the direction of the shack, a stiff sea breeze suddenly whips your mane in front of you, so you take a moment to brush the pale pink mess out of your face with a huff.
>At this point, your mane is nearing your hooves and you’ve had to bunch up some of your tail into a flail-like bun with a scrunchie to keep it from dragging around.
>You probably look like a total homebody, which was… fair.
>You were more than content to sit around all day, tapping away on your laptop and posting dumb little stories for your blog of seven followers to read.
>It made you happy to see ponies engage with something you made, even if it wasn’t always positive.
>You miss it.
>It… It made you feel like you had friends.
“T-that… That’s enough. You gotta focus.”
>You need to go over there and talk to that uh… that total stranger in that wooden shack!
>T-talking is easy! You do it all the time!
>...Your breathing is getting funny.
>I-It’s almost like you’re nervous or something!
>You squeeze your eyes shut and take a few purposeful breaths.
>C-come on Middy… You’re not a foal anymore! Talking to other ponies isn’t some insurmountable task the requires *minutes* of preparation and mommy to let you hold her wing!
>E-even if you’d really really like that right about now…
>Just… Just take a step off the landing and DO IT!
“O-okay… here we go.”
>With a dry swallow, you gingerly step onto the path.
>As you feel the cool wetness of the cobble underhoof begin to seep into your poor socks, you shudder.
"Guh... T-this is so friggin' gross..."
>You should've just stayed in bed today...
just gonna mention that I somehow flubbed up her nickname in a previous post, so I corrected it here. Edited the old post too and i have everything in a doc now so I should be able to catch the more egregious errors without much fuss
I like it, very floofy messy mane
>There seems to be a dingy docked in your pier.
Heh, I'd noticed that. Three iterations of her name. Though I'd assumed that was just a quirk she had, vaguely or mumbling out her name so each time it was different? Anyway.
>little stories for your blog
Hm, I'm not currently on my personal laptop, so I have no hugging gifs or any of the sort. I'll post one later this afternoon as a bump for this thread.
>You continue to trudge forward at a brisk pace, so as not to stay on the path for too long and soil your already ruined socks further.
“S-should have brought my slippers with me…”
>As nice as that sounds, you think you’d feel even worse if your fruit bat slippers got torn up as well.
>The logical solution would have been to simply take off your socks like a normal, well adjusted pony, but the brightest star in the constellation, you are not.
>You get that the path is so winding because it follows the natural curvature of the incline or whatever but it’s starting to feel like nopony thought to just, you know, make it straight?
>You pause to turn back to the lighthouse with a pout.
“Concrete exists! It’s existed since before the second rejoining! This dumb lighthouse isn’t *that* old, I know you could have made it work! Friggin… Ugh.”
>How about you stop getting mad at the ghosts of long dead architects and keep walking?
>You probably look like you’ve gone cuckoo, yelling at nothing in your skivvies…
>Turning back to the path forward, your ears droop as you realize that you’ve barely made it halfway.
>Letting out a tired sigh, you halfhearted lift a hoof to-
>You let out a yelp and fall back on your rump as a puff of glittering magic bursts forth from the shack door and dissipates in the wind.
“W-what just…”
>Your ears swivel in the direction of the shack as you begin to hear loud coughing coming from inside.
>With a mixture of adrenaline and panic running through your veins, you scramble to your hooves and bolt down the hill as fast as you can manage.
>You may have noodle legs and a paper flank, but you didn’t make a B- in gym class from just sitting around!
>As your hooves touch down on the old wooden dock, you whip around to face the shack door, panting.
“H-h-hello? Are you alright?”
>You take a little step forward.
“S-say something if you aren’t dead! …P-please?”
>Your ears perk as you're greeted by another bout of coughing.
>”I’m -guh- I’m fine! Just… Christ, when was the last time someone cleaned out this thing? Hardtack would have *never* let it get this bad…”
>The almost scolding voice of a stallion likely older than you swiftly drains the valiance from your stance and you soon find yourself meekly staring at the ground.
“I- I just… there was a loud noise a-and…”
>You flinch as you hear something metallic snap and clatter to the floor.
>”You got to be…” He lets out a labored sigh. “It’s fine. I’ve got a spare.”
>Your wings ruffle nervously against the fabric of your cardigan as you hear him move around the creaky shack.
>”Sorry, but could you grab that wrench from the box outside? It’s got uh- it’s got yellow tape on it.”
>You glance through the strands of mane shielding your face at a reddish toolbox that sits just beside the door and notice the wrench in question.
Look at her go
G-go where Anon?
>You shuffle over and gingerly pick up the tool in your mouth.
>It’s cold against your teeth.
“Ah gah eht…”
>Despite how unintelligible your voice is with a wrench between your lips, you think he figured out what you said.
>”Great! Just bring it over and we’ll be done in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!”
>You got nipped by a lamb at a petting zoo once…
>Sheep are mean.
>You slowly inch over to the door and put a hoof on it.
>Just… Make yourself useful, Middy.
>If you do that then maybe he won’t have a reason to yell at you.
>You push weakly at the door and it squeakily creaks open.
>With your eyes firmly to the floor, you shuffle forward until you’re passed the threshold of the door.
“H…Here you-”
>You freeze up.
>And the wrench falls from your mouth and clatters to the floor.
>As you finally muster the courage to glance up at what you assumed was the supply pony, you quickly realize what was hunched over in the dim lantern light of the shack didn’t register as a pony at all.
>”Wha- Why’d you go and do that?”
>You stumble backwards as it gets up from the floor and stands at its full height.
>It’s… it’s huge!
>Its head nearly brushes up against the ceiling.
>Your wings flare in panic as it takes a step towards you with unknown intent.
>”Oh, uh… Hey now, just relax a minute and-”
>Your panic only rises as you feel one of your socks catch on something and you begin to lose your balance.
>Before you know it, your sock has now slipped off your hoof and you’ve turtled onto your back.
>Your eyes were watering not just due to fearful tears, but also because you lost your shades on the way down.
>It must have ate the supply pony an- and used that puff of weird smoke and his voice t-to lure you in and now it’s gonna eat you and you really don’t want to die like this p-please don’t-
>You go dead silent as you realize that it now stands over you.
>It puts its claws on its… hips?
>“Are you done?”
>You continue to stare up at it from behind your hooves with wide, teary eyes.
>”I ain’t a monster! I promise I’m not.”
>It does some weird gesture to emphasize that, but it goes right over your head.
>Now that it was in the light coming from the outside… It wasn’t *that* scary.
>If anything, now it just looks kinda… doughy.
>Like bread you haven’t baked all the way.
>He kind of reminds you of a shaved poodle you saw once.
>He had a kindly face which held an expression as tired as it was sympathetic and you can’t help but avert your gaze when you realize how much of a fit you just threw over nothing.
“I…I guess we came off on the wrong hoof a-and I uhm… I’m sorry.”
>Despite the danger having passed, you still flinch a little as he offers a claw to you.
>With nervous hesitation, you gently set a socked hoof in his grasp and without much effort at all, he helped you upright.
>He flashes a small smile. “It’s alright, mare.”
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marriage neetbump
Having marriage be Floorbs fetish fits. She's a mare who needs her loving.
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Another one. A teaser for something I wanted to do for Halloween but even if I didn't get sick it probably wouldn't be done in time. Maybe just a demo will have to do

Hoofless socks are peak NEET pone attire, right up there naked hooves.
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hard disagree. full hooved socks are better because the soft and somewhat ticklish feeling of fabric intensifies the pleasure your NEET wife feels when you rub your fingers on her frogs and even hold the ever living shit out of her adorable little fucking hoofsies
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what a cutie!
Look at her go!
I love it
Took a break from writin' to drew a distressed bat dork. Interpret the prompt as you will.
Was going to color it but it's late and I'm lazy.

You already know she's earning a buttload of playcoins from all that shmoovin'.

how lewd!

Would she make the 1-UP sound when you boop her?
Unf freckles
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>Midnight Oil
This is great
The albeano bap has now been colored. Changed her eyes a bit but they're still kinda funky. Might be a little too bright overall.
Every time I think about what she's wearing in the green, all I can imagine is her wearing random ass clothes she pulled out her chair pile without any rhyme or reason, so she's got mismatched socks and a wrinkled cardigan that she keeps telling herself she'll iron. (if she ever learns how)
I’m going to eat the bap
>exposed dock
How scandalous
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Incredibly cute. Makes me want to fuck her. Wait I meant to say tickle her belly. Doesn't matter, both are good.
Good work
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I want to live my remaining days in a neetpony's cave, the two of us rotting but still comfortable in our ramen-fueled gaming and show-marathoning haze. I want to have the company of a fellow sad fuckup to remind me that I'm not alone in being one. I want to feel the warmth of another body around me at all times, so I never suffer another cold night in an empty bed.
At first I'd immediately took for granted the word "claw" and assumed the mysterious figure a dragon, but I now realize I could've been completely wrong, this is 4chins, and (You)re a good writer; Middy could've simply come up with the word "claw" as she'd not known the superior word, "hand."
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Noontime NEET snuggles.
neat neets
wanted to make my own neet mare. unlike alot of neet mares shes not shy at all, and is actually very outgoing but not in a friendly way. shes smug, rude, and bossy and also extremely horny and depraved so she sexually harasses ponies alot so noone talks to her. she stays inside gaming all day because she feels like nothing else matters and working is beneath her

i couldnt think of a name or cutie mark for her tho
>Just Fanatic
>extremely horny
That's like-, my favorite trait!
I like the sound of this. good correlation to her personality, and very very catchy.
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drew her again, i still dont know what to make her cutie mark but i like her shes greasy

i like this name, canon now
draw her ponut, marehood, and crotchtits NOW.
your wish is my command
>With that, he gingerly picks up the wrench from the ground and turns back to the odd machine behind him.
>Seeing as it's coated in a fine layer of sparkly dust, you think it might be the reason why the shack is all glittery inside.
>”You’d think something as idiotproof as this hunk of junk wouldn’t backfire so easily…”
>You stay in place, fidgeting with your hooves as you watch his movements from behind your messy bangs.
>He kneels down in front of the machine and brushes dust off what you think is some kind of access panel.
>”Now where was I…”
>Your ears twitch and flick at the sound of metal on metal, but it’s not loud or grating enough that you feel the need to cover them up just yet.
>If anything, the noises just make you more curious as to what he’s doing.
“Excuse me? I- I’m sorry to interrupt but can I… ask something?”
>He turns to face you.
“Y-you look like you uhm…” You eye his dirty attire for an admittedly awkward amount of time. “Fix stuff.”
>”A-are you a mechanic?”
>He laughs a little. “Aha… No.”
>He taps the side of the machine with the wrench. “I'm just the delivery guy, but I've been told to check on the generator whenever I stop by to make sure the operator has been cleaning it properly.”
>He frowns at the dusty machine and lets out a sigh. “And as you can see… It turns out someone got lazy while I was away! Blasted thing was choking on excess gem powder when I got here and *apparently* that stuff gets real volatile when it’s left undisturbed for a long enough time… If that little tantrum was anything to go by, it’s probably been what, two- three months without someone checking it?”
>Oh no.
>That- That’s about how long *you’ve* been here.
>It… It was *your* responsibility.
>He could have been blown to smithereens a-and it would have been all YOUR fault!
>You can feel your stomach drop as he looks over again.
>”Hey… are you by chance the daughter of the new lighthouse operator or something?”
“W-w-well I- I uhm…”
>A desperate part of you wants to go along with it, but you already know that it would only delay the inevitable.
>Just… get it over with.
>You can feel tears begin to form in the corner of your eyes as you shake your head.
“A-actually I… I’m the lighthouse operator, s-sir…”
>Before he can react beyond a blink, you hop up to your hooves and take a few unsteady steps towards him.
“Ahm sorry! Th- the door was locked and I just thought that maybe it was just a tool shed or something and didn’t think anything of it b-but I *should* have looked into it and I’m such a stupid d-dumb idiot who deserves to be yelled at and can barely function as a pony a-and-”
>You squeeze your eyes shut as he lifts an arm, expecting the worst.
>...But nothing happens.
It is curious how she was assigned to be a lighthouse operator and yet got no job description or tutor for it.
>NEETS on page 10
You guys need to do better.
I'm sorry Anon, I was at work.
>I managed to pick her name just while shitposting
hell yeah
>You hear him sigh.
>”So... you’re telling me no one told you about the generator? Like at all?”
>You open an eye to gaze up at him and notice that he has crossed his arms.
>Feeling a little less weary of retaliation, you open your other eye and lift your head.
“N-no sir…”
>His expression didn’t feel like anger, but it wasn’t a positive one either.
>”And who exactly showed you the ropes?”
“I-I don’t remember her name but it was a unicorn who showed me around. She uhm… She kind of went a little too fast for my liking but she said I did well during orientation so I guess she was satisfied that I wouldn't, you know… burn the place down?”
>His eyes narrow. “Purple unicorn?”
“I think she was more of a uhm… violet.”
>He shakes his head. “I’m guessing that it was probably Plum, then… Should have just called me in early so I could do it myself. Not like anyone else bothered to listen to Tack.”
>You continue to stand there as he turns around and begins to rummage around in what you guess is his saddlebag.
>Do… Do non ponies have saddlebags?
>Maybe it’s just a ‘bag’ then…
“Y-you’re not mad at me…?”
>”Well, considering you haven’t ‘burned the place down’, I take it you’ve been doing just about everything else right. A clogged gen’ won’t kill you, it’ll just make you cold as hell. It’s a combination of everything being neglected all at once that will do you in.”
>He pulls out a piece of blueish cloth. “Come here for a sec, will ya?”
>He almost immediately notices the way you eye the cloth with concern
“It’s to get the hair outta your face, mare. I’m gonna show you how to clean this thing, alright?”
“O-oh! I… Thank you, sir.”
>He shakes his head as you shuffle a little closer. “And stop calling me ‘sir’. I ain’t that old.”
“Aha… Sorry.”
>Now in front of him once more, the ‘delivery guy’ pulls back your bangs with the cloth and loosely ties it in the back, leaving your eyes clear of mane for the first time in a while.
“So what’s your name then? If you don’t mind me asking…”
>”Anon E. Mousse Jr. …But ‘Anon’ is just fine.”
“Well it’s… N-nice to meet you, Anon!”
>”Ditto, uh…”
“Mibby!” You blurt out without as much as a second thought.
>You clear your throat.
“M-Middy! I meant… Middy.”
>You rub your foreleg a bit.
“I-it’s actually Midnight Oil, but I uhm… I always liked Middy.”
>“Must be pretty early for you then. Given the name.”
“I mean… It *did* take a lot of effort to get out of bed today! H-hah…”
>He chuckles. “Well… I’m glad you did, Middy. I could use the extra hoof.”
>You can feel your face redden at actually being called your self-appointed nickname.
>It feels way better than being called ‘Night-Night’...
>You… probably shouldn’t tell him about that one.
>You’d rather leave dumb high school nicknames back in high school.
We gotta work to support our stinky neets
Speaking of that. I do work from home. I wonder if Floorb would try to do lewd things she learned online while I'm trying to work.
I want to sniff Floor's sweaty pit
>would Floorb do lewd things

Is there any number higher than 100%?
It would be next level underdesk dome
>You're in the middle of a meeting and your lovely wife Floorb is trying to see if she can lick her own marehood on your bed just out of frame.
>Just as she hits teat for the first time, she doubles over and awkwardly flops onto the ground.
>From her expression, you guess she's rather proud of herself.
>Truly, she is the mare for you.
I'd say 110%

>It was another one of those days where you left the bed, took a quick dump, brushed your teeth and walked over to your desk.
>Opening the work laptop, putting on your earphones and getting ready for another eight hours of answering calls.
>A quick glance in the direction of the bed revealed Floor, her legs spread widely, but still asleep.
>Her arms were hugging a blanket, no doubt still wanting her human in bed.
>You had no time to think about it as a call came through.
“Hello, my name is Anon Y. Mous, how may I help you today?”
>Another annoying, long call as a help desk.
>The call absorbed you enough that you didn't even see that Floor got up and made her way away from the bed.
>Absorbed in the torture that was the customer service work you just didn't see her plump rear suddenly sneaking under the desk.
“Yes, now please refresh the paaAaEGe.” Your voice suddenly cracked as a warm tongue ran across your soft member.
>”Hello? Sir? Are you okay?” Asked the person on the other side.
>You looked down to see proud Floor after she got your dick out through the hole in your boxers, a shit eating grin on her face.
“Y-yeah. I'm sorry. My dog just touched my hand with a cold nose.”
>You made up a lie on the spot but hearing it Floorb only grinned more and acted like a dog nuzzling your crotch as your member began rising.
>To her credit, Floor said nothing, only moved her mouth upwards as she slowly licked the underside.
>One, long, skillful stroke from the base all the way to the crown, then she slowly began tracing the veins with her gentle, wide, pony tongue.
>You could smell her arousal already.
>She always smelled musky, true, but now you knew she was getting turned on.
>Her mouth gently wrapped around your scrotum, teasing one ball with her tongue as you noticed her nose flare and her tail flicker.
>She was sniffing you. No doubt it still smelled like sex from yesterday.
>Her tail flickered harder as she stopped giving attention to your balls with a lewd pop.
>But you had to pay attention to talking and not making any noises.
“Now… type in www…”
>And then you felt it.
>Her warm, soft mouth fully enveloping your throbbing manhood.
>Her tongue slowly moved against it as her nose was buried in your pubes.
>Another inhale.
>You squeezed the armrests and kept talking with the client.
>Floor pulled back, her tongue dragging along your underside as you bit your lip to not moan.
>But she was not finished.
>Not even close.
>Her teeth gently nibbled and pulled on your foreskin only for you to feel her tongue slip underneath it.
>She was getting too good at it.
>Granted she sucked cock a lot.
>She loved sucking you off.
>But this stinky little succubus…
>She knew everything there was to know about human dick already.
>Her tongue was running small circles around your sensitive head before diving back into deep throating you.
>Her nose touch your pubes again as she began moving her head up and down.
>”N-now double click…” fuck this call would never end.
>You noticed her hoof dive into her wet marehood, the winking clit teasing you as Floor continued.
>Dive in, pull back, tease the tip.
>Dive in, tease your balls with her tongue, move back.
>Her cheeks hollowed as you began hearing lewd sucking sounds, which you prayed the mic didn't pick up.
>You grasped her mane to which her eyes widened.
>Then she nodded.
>You pushed her face down onto your cock, bucking your hips a bit.
>Then pulled her back, a moan leaving the mare’s mouth as she gave you her patented “harder daddy” stare.
>You wanted to talk dirty but you just had to continue trying to fix the god damn computer problem.
>Of a different mare.
>And Floor, being Floor was having a field day with seeing you struggle.
>Her tongue moved in small circles around your tip again before you let her set the tempo.
>A tempo which was essentially her moving faster than when you guided her head.
>Loud sounds filled the room, slurps and sucks as saliva dripped from her chin to the floor.
>She placed her hooves on your thighs for support as you had to bite your lip again until you tasted copper.
>But she was unrelenting.
>Finally, you felt your peak build up as she did not cease for even a moment.
>You looked down at her and she knew that look.
>Her movements slowed for just a bit, tongue once again gliding down the sensitive underside as you felt her throat loosen before she buried her face down again, throat squeezing your tip.
>You were almost at the point of shooting as she suddenly released your cock with a wet pop, the throbbing organ being pooped just once by her hoof which pushes you to the edge as you shot cum all over her face, biting your hand to stop any sounds.
>”You're welcome miss… b-bye…” the call finally ended but before you had a chance to complain to Floorb she was back in the bed, snoring.
>Her pussy wet, her face covered in cum.
>God you love this mare.

]typed out while working help desk from home.
god damn neets
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Man I should really work from home
And meet a mare
I wonder which NEET ponies would be most likely to do this kind of stunt...
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Poor Panko, at least she’s not watching something with a downer ending
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I wonder who else of the mane six would be easily influenced into catching NEETlike tendencies.
Twilight and Fluttershy without a doubt
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NEETs try their best to provide.
You took the words right out of my mouth
Twilight, yes, Fluttershy, no. The NEET version of Twilight is effectively Moondancer, as scholarly pursuits naturally lend themselves to a reclusive lifestyle.

Fluttershy's thing is animals, and tending to them would make her a hermit at best, but she'd still need to go outside to tend to them.
Those neets must rape human man
Complete losers
Off 10
NEETs with socks give me life.
They gib me boner. Which is basically the same thing as life, I suppose.
Damn, she eating better breakfasts than I do. And I work 9-5!
What does that sweatshirt smell like
Potpourri of the autumn variety and day old dollar store deodorant.
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sex with neetpones just so theyre not virgins for their male counterparts
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Looks like she's having fun
My neet gf with the nice titty.
I wish I could open it right NOW. But it's not the time and place for that.
time of her life
That’s how I spent my birthday
I want to preen her wings
bed bump
it was big ol wallflower titty gif.
she looks very cuddly. i'd cuddle her even if she smells like gardening.

she seems like she needs the affection.
This is a really good picture
The lines, colors, details, shading, pose, expression, everything is excellent
yes but imagine the ponut marehood crotchtits version!
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Fucking lmao
Why would you do this to the poor mare
bed bump
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I love that mare
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BAT-NEET!
morning bump
desk bump
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Do you think there's any NEETs who have fantasies about having a job, but it's mostly just them imagining it being just like in their chineighse cartoons and not actual work?

>Wouldn't it be so funny if I was an officemare and my boss roughly pinned me against a desk and told me I missed my quota but knew a way I could make it up to him? H-haha yeah that'd be just hilarious...
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I need help bros
>Meet this 19yo neet on twitter
>Chat her up for a while because haha funny girl remind me of floorb
>Impress her with a lot of stuff about my life because it's so much more put together compared to hers
>Complain about modern women together
>Get to know her a little
>Eventually befriend her for the hell of it, she's a novelty more than anything
>Fast forward to last night, get trashed and end up scrolling her feed
>She's constantly tweeting about her hair being knotted, dark circles under her eyes, her bed stinky, constantly horny, underweight despite eating nothing but garbage, and self-loathing every opportunity she gets
>Desperately wants a bf but says no guy would ever want to lie in bed and watch anime with an aimless loser like her
>Sudden revelation that she is literally Floor in human form
>This is not a persona this is her actual personality
>Cannot stop thinking about how hot that is
>It's late at night but call her anyway, get her voicemail
>Leave this long drunken rant about wanting nothing more a qt3.14 neet gf to spoil and how much I want to make her mine
>Wake up today at noon to a voicemail back from her
>She is weirded out obviously but kinda curious that someone is genuinely into her
>Message back and forth all day
>Decide to put my /neet/ knowledge to the test and treat her the way I'd treat Floor
>Call her sweetheart, patronize her a little, start taking charge instead of being passive, offer to take care of her if she's good
>It actually works
>She instantly melts in my hand
Think I've stumbled into the real thing and don't know what to do. She's not a mare but this is as close as I'm ever going to get to taming my own neet. The fuck do I do now?
Lucky you, do not hurt the Neet
Next step is to eat her panties.
>The fuck do I do now?
Enjoy it while it lasts and be nice to her
Wtf guys are actually attracted to women like this? I thought I was doomed. Annon please I need to be friends with her too I found my long lost twin.
I'm pretty sure the basis for this entire general is the fact that the guys indeed like NEET, awkward girls. I'd be a happy man if I found a girl like Paradise for example.
Or really... any other NEET poner.
Annon before I ask for your discord tag I gotta know if youre racist or not. Depending on your answer l will add and we can get to know each other. I can VC to prove I'm not a dude later
Yeah, but I thought it was like a fictional fantasy. I think we all have those like something you think is attractive in fiction but not in real life. For example, I have the fictional fantasy of dating a guy as mentally ill as me cause then we'd match, but in real life, that would be a horrible idea for the both of us, and I wouldn't want to.
>Discord tag
Am I stupid enough to share my discord with a person on 4chan? I don't know. But I can at least say that I am raised by a old school communist block era punk woman and I wouldn't want to disappoint her by being racist.
The thing is, I am not a NEET, I am pretty well adjusted, I have a job, I have friends, hobbies, interests, I take care of myself. But I just think a girl that is awkward, a bit of a slob, maybe stinky and weird is a cute thing to pamper and love and cuddle. (Plus a girl like that would be easy to convince to play Pathfinder with me) I wouldn't want a female version of myself.
Oh, ok I was asking cause Im actually not white and its like super big thing most guys get mad at when they add me and then find out later when I face reveal. I'm average looking I guess. I don't really stand out in terms of attractiveness, but Im also not horribly ugly others have said.
I'll drop my tag then and then just change it after you add me. Hopefully nb sees this and pretends to be you lol
Fine, you got dubs so we can talk.
>meets neet
>Human woman
faggot. Why isn't it a floorb tulpa like the rest of us?

In all seriousness good luck anon.
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I love them.
Thanks Autumn
survive this cool winter
why am i jealous of you
I choose to believe this is real
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Been a bit since I doodled a neet pone and Home sick could use some more art. Hopefully this isnt too spicy.

So... What's Autumn's deal? I don't really know what this mare does
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Someone asked for a Dot x Deep Rest on the /emo/ thread
Thought the speech bubbles were welost level asses from the thumbnail
Is Floorb possessed?
Suddenly, art. (You) all deserve yous.
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Blind pegaNEET who's a big fan of jazz and collects records. She's a little unkempt and has a hard time keeping her wings in proper order, resulting in her getting down feathers everywhere. Poor mare needs a good preening.
She's got a green linked in the OP and a couple of shorts collected in another paste.

What a nervous cutie. Would pet and pepper with kisses.
You should totally upload the panty version as well!

Ah yes, the 'mares who stink good' collab.

The Parry/Autumn one is old news at this point, but I still think it's adorable.
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>spend a month in onboarding for a job
>8 hours of work in two weeks
>can't even pay my smallest bills with a week's pay
This shit. Makes me want to give up, shave my legs and take estrogen so I can be a neet femboy house wife and never have to think again. If I weren't quite literally shaking with anger for the past 16 hours at this week's schedule, I would have probably been writing schmaltzy trash greens to distract from the end of my fucking life.
Am I weird for projecting onto Floorb despite dozens of attempts at keeping a decent job? I am devoid of love and passion, I don't think I would want to post anything I write for the next month+.
This happened to my brother, only job he got in the area and they gave him 8-10 hours a week, and they were like 3 hour shifts spread throughout. Told him to demand more or walk out and I'd support him. Been feeding him for the last 6 months
Anon, you don't understand.
One, four hour shift, A WEEK
If I kill myself, can I still go to Equestria if I become a neetmare
I would still accept the deal in a heartbeat, nothing of value would be lost if I became a floorb type pony.
Cutie neet
I am a big sucker for blind cuties in fiction but yeah my first assumption was pretty correct
any good green with the neets and anon? send me your favs anon(clop appreciated)
>no response in 8 hours
Fuck, guess there's no NEET green that's both AiE and clop AND complete. That or maybe you should retry with dubs.
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God I love neet mares bros...
Hey I know that ceiling
Actually her name is floor
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>Just… a little longer.
>If you keep staring at the keys, sooner or later you’ll figure out *something* to write.
>You lay your head on your desk with a defeated groan.
>You’ve been coming up dry for days now.
>Every single plot point, every single interaction or joke…
>None of them feel right!
>You were on a roll for a while there, banging out updates like it was going out of style.
>But then you hit this *stupid* wall…
>You rub your temples with your hooves and let out a frustrated sigh.
>Not only were you unproductive, you were bored as well.
>Among… other things.
>You feel your face flush as you begin to realize that the warm tingle in your nethers hasn’t gotten any better.
>It… usually goes away by now.
>W-when… When was the last time you… touched yourself?
>It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
>Ever since you got caught by the mailmare, you haven’t felt a single pang up until, well…
>Now, you guess.
>Why is that?
>You blame dumb biological processes…
“S-stupid heat…”
>Your wings ruffle a little as you continue to rest your head on your desk.
>You bolt upright and shake your head.
>N-no no! You’re stronger than that!
>You went this long without doing it and you were *fine*. Just because your body is whining about how much it wants a foal pretty please with sprinkles on top doesn’t mean you need to indulge it!
>B-but… You kinda wanna…
“S-stop it! You just- You just need a shower, Middy.”
>A nice cold one.
>It’s like spraying a misbehaving pussycat with water but instead of an actual cat it’s your-
>You squish your face between your hooves.
>N-no thoughts! Only shower.
>Luna knows you need one anyways…
>Slipping off your chair and into your bat slippers, you shuffle over to your door and give it a push.
>The creaking is a clear indicator that you might need to oil the hinges again.
>With a soft sigh, you lazily make your way down the stairs until you make it to the ground floor.
>Just left of the kitchen was the bathroom door, which you tug open with little fanfare.
>The inside was spacious and rather comfy for something so old.
>You can feel the salty sea breeze gently waft in through the little window near the sink and you take it in with a deep breath.
“I’m feeling… Apple shampoo today.”
>That’d be-
“Wait… what’s that?”
>You notice an awfully familiar piece of fabric draped over the shower curtain.
“How’d that get there…”
>You trot over and gently tug it off the curtain, letting it flop to the floor with a quiet ‘fwip’ sound.
“H-hey… I know this thing!”
>It’s… the delivery guy’s shirt.
“W-wow… It’s pretty big.”
>But why is here and not on his weird muscly body?
>He left like… a day ago.
“Did he forget it?”
>Maybe he took a shower and never grabbed his old shirt…
“...I wanna put it on.”
>You bet it’d look like a dress on you.
>You pick up the massive work shirt and pull it over your head.
>It takes a bit of flailing, but as you sit on the bathroom floor in a shirt that is more akin to a wearable blanket than anything else, you feel quite proud of yourself.
>You get up and walk over to the sink so you can get a good look at yourself in the mirror.
>You stifle back an awkward laugh as you see how silly you look.
“S-serves him right for leaving his stuff in my bathroom… Now it's got pony hair all over it.”
>A fitting punishment for his transgressions against you.
“Ehe… h-heh… nnh…”
>...It smells like him.
>L-like… a lot.
>You give the shirt collar a tentative sniff.
>Is that what a stallion smells like…?
>It’s… odd.
>N-not a *bad* odd, just…
>It's sweaty and almost sweet a-and makes you feel r-really really…
>You bury your nose into the fabric with a quiet whimper.
>For a brief moment your eyes glance up and you see just how much of a weirdo you look in the mirror, so you pull your snoot away from the alluring scent with a nervous laugh.
>T-that’s enough, Middy! You barely even know the guy…
>Sure, he was nice to you a-and played his guitar f-for you a-and said you mattered, b-but…
>You fidget with your hooves, your ears burning with shame.
>Would… Would it really hurt if you just… got it out of your system?
>A-after you finish you can just, you know, clean up the evidence and take that shower…
>N-nopony would know! It’d just be between you and, uhm…
>Anon’s shirt.
>You nuzzle into the fabric with a soft sigh.
>You feel… fuzzy.
>And warm.
>Like your body was wrapped up in the softest blanket this side of Equestria.
>Sure, the shirt warmed you up quite a bit, but it shouldn’t feel *this* good…
>You may not be physically near him right now, but all these hormones swimming in your head is making this dumb shirt the next best thing…
>You shuffle over to a standing mirror covered with an old towel, which you pull off and set aside.
>You swallow dryly as you come face to face with your blushing reflection once again, but unlike last time… your intentions were much more clear.
>You brush a bit of mane out of your face and stifle back a nasally chuckle.
“G-gee… You sure are a uh- a really cute mare, miss! M-mind… giving me a peek of what’s underneath that… t-tail… h-hah…”
>Immediately, your face turns beet red at your horrible attempt at emulating Anon’s voice.
>H-how about we… don’t do that.
>You plop down in front of the mirror, your wings wriggling anxiously under the shirt’s soft cottony fabric.
“Y-you can do this… You’ve done it tons of times!”
>...That’s kind of a pathetic thing to admit, isn’t it?
>You give yourself a shaky smile.
>It- It doesn’t matter if it’s pathetic. You- You’re a mare with needs! A-and…
>And it’s nothing to be ashamed of!
>Without anything holding you back anymore, you lean back a little and hike up the shirt until your belly is visible.
>You spread your trembling legs, letting you get a good look at the damp undies that stood between you and your troublesome marehood.
“H-hello… me.”
>It’s been a while since you checked yourself out…
>You let out a frustrated sigh.
“Still itty bitty…”
>Y-you’re sure there’s a stallion somewhere out there that’d think they’re cute…
>You bring a hoof down to one of your small teats and give it a hesitant poke.
>You heard that touching them felt good, but you’ve never been able to make it work…
>Maybe it has something to do with the nipples?
>With a curious spark in your eye, you begin to nudge one of the stiff little nips visible through the stripey fabric.
>It’s… a funny feeling.
>Not exactly what you expected at all, but… You keep going.
>You bring your other hoof down to tease your other nipple as you awkwardly bury your snoot into Anon’s shirt once more.
>As you breathe in his scent, you can feel a warmth begin to rise within your body.
>Together, your hooves continue to swirl around the sensitive little nubs until you can’t stand it any more and you let your forelegs fall limply to your sides.
“H-hah… mmn…”
>Your breathing is heavy as you stare at your lewd reflection in the mirror.
>Your glasses were steamy and you had tears in the corners of your eyes. The damp spot in your panties has grown larger and unmistakable…
>It’s all so… intense.
>It’s never felt like this before.
>You don’t understand why, but…
>It didn’t matter.
>Your mind was a woozy mess and you’ve just been making yourself more pent up.
>It’s… time to finish up.
>You lie down on your back and stare up at the bathroom ceiling.
>You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
>You… you wonder what it’d feel like.
>To have the love of your life lay you on a soft bed…
>Y-you’d be nervous, of course.
>You’ve never done something like that before, but…
>He’d run his hoof through your mane a-and say t-that you’re the prettiest mare in the w-world…
>And then you’d feel it.
>His stallionhood, right there.
>P-pushing up against your virgin entrance...
“G-gently… pl-please…”
>You can almost see his warm smile as he cups your cheek with his hoof.
“D-don’t t-tease muh-meEe…”
>Your voice cracks as your hoof slips further into your panties.
>You bite down on the shirt’s collar, stifling back a pleasured whine as your hoof makes contact with your winking button.
>E-even if it hurts a little when he puts it in…
>it wouldn’t matter because you love him.
>And he loves you.
- - -
“Phew… I really needed that…”
>The shower and the uh- the other thing.
>You side eye the laundry hamper sitting near the sink as you dry off your mane with a towel.
>Anon’s shirt is hanging limply on the side.
>You wonder if he'll notice the fang marks…
>Let's… put a pin in that for now.
>You’ve got a few weeks before you gotta make up an excuse for that.
>You let out a content sigh and smile at your sleepy reflection in the mirror.
“All I gotta do is some laundry and freshen up the bathroom. Sounds easy, right?”
>You nod to yourself.
“Totally. He’ll never suspect a thing!”
>You stifle back a giggle.
>You never knew you could feel so refreshed after giving into your lonely urges…
>Usually you just feel worse.
“Well… I’m not *that* alone anymore…”
>You’ve got a friend who’s gonna visit you from time to time!
>Sure, it’s technically his job, but that’s way better than sitting in your room for months on end without a single meaningful interaction with another sapient being…
>No, dad doesn’t count.
“He doesn’t really care anyways… He just wanted you out of the house.”
>Or at least that’s what your gut is telling you...
>Maybe he didn’t mean for it to feel that way… But you can’t exactly ask him right now, can you?
>You vigorously shake your head and then do the same for your tail, making them both fluff up rather nicely.
>It’s… probably best if you don’t dwell on it.
>You’re feeling pretty okay right now. No need to spoil things by having daddy issues.
“Wuh- I don’t have daddy issues! I-I just…”
>You frown as you can’t find the words to defend yourself and wave a hoof dismissively as you start for the bathroom door in a huff.
>You’ve got better things to do then argue with yourself.
“...Oh! My novel!”
>Isn’t the whole reason you did any of this was because you couldn’t think of anything to write?
>Well… how about now?
>Are there any ideas ping ponging around in that afterglow addled brain of yours?
>You stamp down a hoof.
“I got it!”
>You could practice romance!
>W-writing romance, you mean…
>It doesn’t have to be anything big or overarching, but you think it couldn’t hurt to give your main girl a bit of flavor…
>M-maybe give her a crush on her mysterious hooded companion who *might* not be a pony…
“That could be fun…”
>Y-yeah… And once it’s all over they would, like… kiss a-and hug and stuff…
>You stifle back a dorky laugh.
>Gosh, you can just *feel* your creative juices flowing again!
“Alright Middy, let's get this show on the- W-wah!”
>...You trip up on the tip of your tail and fall back on your nakey rump.
>You guess this means you need to tie up your tail before you leave the bathroom, huh?
>You always forget to do that...
“S-silly me… eheh…”
As atonement for leaving you all high and dry for over a week, here’s a lewdish Middy quickie I just banged out in a free afternoon that kind of functions as an epilogue to the story once it’s done. Will try to get back to our regularly scheduled lighthouse bap sooner than later. Probably should also mention that I don’t usually do anything explicitly lewd in greens, so if it’s awkward as hell, I apologize.
Do mares really?
Yeah, they do really
Horny. ('cept she doesn't have one.) Even if this was formed off of a writing block, I'd say this is still a pretty fucking good jumpstart/interlude to the green that makes up for the time without update, as (You) observed >>41569244. The cut did feel weird, as we were just getting to the best part, but ehuh, leaves it to the imagination I suppose.
They've very sensitive to smells, blease understand.

Yeah, probably could have at least let her finish. Was worried I wouldn't be able to fill up another reply's worth of lewdity, so I cut it off where I did because it felt like an okayish stopping point, albeit an awkward one.
Might do a 'director's cut' for the paste and expand the 'climax' of the story. Will see if it feels right.
how do you think a neetpone would scrap up money for something nice? like a shotgun?
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I sentence you to bath, anon
Starting an OnlyPonies.
rarely is a woman like that what you think it'll be, either they develop an ego and move on after a while or they degrade and become a shriveled heap of learned helplessness
It's like when people realized Pippa is just a failed normie
remember she's got some sort of severe mental disorder, be careful not to trigger that off and you'll be golden
also enjoy the real girlfailure smell when you finally meet
I know nothing about the screaming rabbit. Still would cuddle and/or game with.
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I love the rabbit with all my heart but I do miss the days of slow chat and her unhinged creativity
shes gotten so lazy this past year
neet bump
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another neetbump? jeez. have this simple neetmare I drew.
equip lvl3 smell aura
Not only does this green now have a paste, climax has also been achieved.
Might still tweak it a bit in regards to the very end, but it won't be anything worth noting.

Oh shit, does that mean Fluster is a NEET? No wonder I love her.
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I suppose she's always been one, i just didn't recognize it till now. not wanting to be seen isn't exactly a marketable skill, so she can be a big ball of anxiety, antisocial, AND unemployable all at once.
Cute filly Floorb. Would play pokemares with.
>spurt of pent up juices
U-unf, coom. Also, hey! You're also(squared) the Anon that wrote Vee is For Velveteen! I loved that green! Seemingly, you're a proficient NEET writer.
Is she smelling (You)?
I was trying to think of a sex manic goth NEET mare- a pony who's unemployed because they can't stop getting fired for sexual misconduct at her jobs where she coming on too strong with all the stallions around her. I was coming up with a Addams Family inspired song to go with her.

>She's cooky and she's creepy.
>Really into DP.
>Less sexy than she's freaky.
>She's ______!

What's her name that completes the jingle?
>She's ___-ie!
Too bad we already have a "Deepy" Deepthroat Cockslut. I love horny mares.
Maybe Midnight Moon Lily so it has the right number of syllables to complete the jingle. She's a bat pony Neet.
Some character traits she's adopted to be sexier, but only makes her creepier- She heard that maintaining eye-contact show's one is interested in another, so as a filly, she trained herself to maintain eye contact with stallions she finds attractive (all of them), even going so far as to elimate her need to blink. Now she stares at ponies unblinkingly, with dark bags under her eyes because she stays up too late masturabitng most nights when she fails to bring a stallion home.
She is also extremely blunt because she heard how stallions get annoyed with mares always being coy and sending mixed signals instead of just being clear. So she'll just say things like, "I would love for you to buck my brains out," out of the blue on the subway to the random stallion sitting next to her. They just get up and walk away.
She heard a that having a long flwoing mane and tail is sexy, so she has grown her's out, but she just looks like the Ring Girl more than anything with long, straight, pitch-black hair hanging over her face.
Damn, I did not realize Floor Bored was so HOT. Holy shit.
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this was my "nerd" doodle, for pinktober but it also works for neet as well I feel. Probably even better than my initial neet submission >>41543397

lewd version
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One last heads up regarding this green. The ending has been expanded and tweaked to be slightly less abrupt and I think now it's in a spot I feel comfortable with.

She's a very cute and snuggleable amre. If she ever managed the courage, I could see her being a real champ at hide and seek.
How do you think she got her cutiemark?

Yeah, I write a lot of misfit mares. Really should get back in the saddle with Vee once I finish up Middy's green.

I can almost imagine a gloomy, deadpan mare staring directly into the eyes of a very uncomfortable stallion as she continue to lay out their entire hypothetical sex life while they're riding on the subway.
Poor guy just wants to go home to his loving wife and foals and pretend he didn't just get mentally molested by a horny weirdie.

Very cute nerdpie. Would totally go to one of her LAN parties and drink orange soda with.
Pinkie being a nerdy fun loving teen in another life doesn't feel too far-fetched. Or with the existence of pinkie clones, it could be an entirely different Pinkie who somehow escaped getting Twigged. Probably because she was too busy playing pacmare with a bit she found on the ground at the arcade.
Dammit now I want a green about Anon saving a nerdy Pinkie clone on accident due to her being distracted by playing vidya with him and having to convince Twiggles that she doesn't need to be poofed.
Bed bump.
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NEETparty! Remember to check the punch.
"So... what would you describe as your most defining qualities?"
>Before you was a lanky mare with her mane done up in a loose mane bun and a wrinkled white dress shirt which was held together with a few mismatched buttons and a tie with some kind of cartoon character on it.
>She wriggles in her seat as she clears her throat.
>"W-well I... I'm very punctual!"
>She was nearly seven minutes late.
>"And, uhm... I have a good... work ethic?"
>There's little confidence in her voice as she says that.
"Miss Trail-"
>"W-wait! I-I'll work really really heard, I promise! I- I know how to work a photocopier a-and have only gotten a little printer ink on my coat before and- and-"
>Her eyes dart around the room before falling on a stack of loose-leaf paper on your desk.
>"W-watch this!"
>She leans forward, making her chair squeak a bit as she swipes a paper from the pile.
>You raise an eyebrow as she begins to fumble around with the paper, occasionally looking up at your to make sure you were still watching.
>"And... T-tada!"
>She shakily sets down a paper boat on your desk and then points to it with an awkwardly toothy smile.
>"I- I'm r-really good with paper! T-that's why my name's Paper Trail! I- I..."
>Your brow furrows as the boat unceremoniously flops over and topples over the picture of your daughter on your desk.
>"O-oh, uhm... S-sorry..."
>You get up from your desk, making the timid mare let out a squeak and shrink down.
"While I cannot deny the effort you put in the written portion of this interview, I think we will need time to assess if you would be a good fit with us at Button and Son's... Until then, please look out for a letter in the mail regarding your application."
>Almost immediately, you can see tears begin to form in the corners of her eyes.
>"W-wait, just give me a chance! I- I really need this job! Y-you don't understand! M-my dad used to be a manager at Paperclips LLC a-and he'll be really mad If I don't-"
"You will hear from us shortly, Miss Trail. Good day and goodbye."
>"I... O-okay..."
>You watch her glumly slip from her chair and pick up her paper boat from your desk with her mouth.
>She shuffles towards the door with her head down, sniffling all the while.
>As the door quietly shuts behind her and you are once more alone in your office, you let out a sigh and sink down into your recliner.
"It's so hard to find good help these days..."
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Give the mare a job.
Don't make me do it, anon.
Just give her a chance anon, she’s good for it
God Wallflower Blush is so sexy
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Bumping for my waifu Moondancer
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>entirely out of her element, yet knows what she’s good at and how it relates to the position, clearly a quick learner
>petrified but trying her best, shows she’s motivated and willing to put in the work
>resourceful, works with what she has even if it doesn’t seem like much
>acknowledges past mistakes openly and honestly, demonstrating an eagerness to learn and improve
I’d hire her in a heartbeat. All she needs is someone to take a risk on her, to show her that she has potential, that’s she’s worth something
I wanna boop her.
- - -
*Knock knock knock...*
>Oh who could that be knockin at my door~
*Knockknock... knock?*
"Nnh- W-whuh? Huh?"
>You lift your head up from your drool-stained pillow and squint up at the door of your cluttered studio apartment.
>Your ears flick a bit as another round of soft knocks sound off as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Buuck... It's like, eight in the morning..."
>If this is another stupid door-to-door salesmare trying to get you to buy lame preppy costume jewelry you're gonna be *real* pissy...
"Ahm comin'! Don't get your panties inna twist..."
>With a groan, you roll off your futon and stretch a little.
>A weird popping feeling in your back makes you wince.
>That's... probably not a great thing to be happening to somepony who's barely twenty-three.
"Friggin thing's gonna be the death of me..."
>Now off your hellish little sleeping mat, you gingerly walk over a few stray hard seltzer cans and take-out boxes until you make it to your door.
"I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't got any-"
>You blink as you come face to face with your little sister, Trail.
>She was more than a little disheveled and toted a rather somber look in her eye.
>She sniffles. "H-hullo, sis..."
>Any tension in your stance begins to melt away and you give her as warm a smile as you can manage so early in the morning.
"Hey hey, dude! You kinda woke me up from a killer dream..."
>By now, it's mostly faded from memory, but you're pretty sure it involved a sweaty earth stallion and a barn...
>Despite the implications, you're pretty sure he was just scolding you for being a lazy bum and sleeping in the hayloft.
>Hmph, even in your dreams you can't get laid...
>Trail shuffles in place a bit. "S-sorry... Can I come in?"
>You step aside and usher her forward.
"Feel free! ...Mind the cans, though. Not sure if they're all empty..."
>She nods and then shimmies past you.
>After closing your door with a stifled yawn, you turn to Trail, who has quickly made herself at home on the couch, sprawled out and idly fidgeting with one of her paper boats.
"Hey, uh... Everything alright? You look kinda..."
>You waggle a hoof at her.
>Trail lets out a drawn out sigh and covers her face with her forehooves. "I- I messed up, sis... I messed up big time."
>You shuffle over to your couch and take a seat beside her.
"Aw c'mon... It can't be *that* bad, right?"
>Her breathing hitches and she lets out a sob. "Ah muh-mucked up my interbiew ah- ahn now dad's gonna be mad aht me!"
>Oh shit... That was today, wasn't it?
>You scoot over and give your sis an awkward pat on the head.
"T-there there... Wait, but didn't you say you aced the test last-"
>You let out an uncharacteristic little 'eep' as she sits up and shakes you around like a fruity cocktail with her hooves.
"C-calm down! Just... just breathe, sis. You're alright."
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Would sunggle up right between those fat thighs
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Another thing from the /emo/ thread
Compromise by having Florb's nether region lips french kiss Eri's kissing lips?
Am I missing something? Or is it just a regular plant name?
bed bump
"My poor succulent... At least it gave me a reason to re-pot him."
>You wonder if dad kept his promise and has been watering Bartleby...
"Hmph... He better have!"

It's just the name of her plant from home. Probably talked to it like it was alive, though. Mare's lonely.
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Living a comfy life with Floorb
Make sure you leave plenty of things around the house that smell like you, so your neetmare isn't lonely when you go to work
Also be sure to offer to join your neet in her daily activities and hobbies so she feels seen
She has the entire laundry basket all to herself. She'll be fine
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Mine and Floorb's hobbies are the same.
I feel like this would be a good setup for a, "I'm ovulating right now," line where she heard that stallions like fertile mares, and because of some hentai one of her friends showed her with the stallion yelling, "Get pregnant!" she thinks stallions are turned on by the idea of knocking mares up.
"Floor what the hell is this."
>"It- It's your NEET manual!"
"My what?"
>"Y-you know... It's your guide to all things NEET!"
"Why does is tell me to leave my dirty clothes around the house?"
>"B-because it uh- they s-smell like you and I- I mean your NEET won't get lonely while you're at work!"
"This next page is literally just a printed out guide on how to make a Filly Phantasia XIV account."
>"Well isn't that a coincidence! I was uh- I was *just* getting back into that and it just so happened that my uhm... my guild died while I was away, h-hehe..."
"Floor... You don't have to make up some silly 'NEET manual' just to get my attention. I'm always happy to spend time with you."
>"B-but... But I thought you getting tired of me, so I..."
"I'd never get tired of you, Floor. You're my main mare!"
>"M-main... Ehehehe... T-thanks Anon."
"You know, I'm free for the rest of the day... Maybe you could show me the ropes of FPXIV?"
>"Y-you mean it?!"
"Course I do."
>"Sweet! Lemme just grab my blanket from the bed a-and then we could like... snuggles and stuff... While we game."
"Oh, but uh- but before you do that... I think I probably should mention that I'm not doing the whole dirty underwear thing."
>"...not even a little?"
"...Okay, but only if you don't start stealing my briefs again."
>"I can't make that promise, but I will attempt restraint."
"That's... fair enough."
I am reading this while playing Final Fantasy XIV and thinking about my unfinished Filly Phantasia XIV green. Thanks Anon.
I'm so happy, cos today I found my friends, they're in my head
I'm so ugly, that's okay, cos so are you.
I really want to make green for Brook and anon stumbling across her lewd lemon fanfics about her inserting ans DW and her attraction to her adoptive father Darkwing Duck and the Duck fledhlight plush with the retractable screw penis mod but this new system is broke as fuck and I can spend 15 minutes doing more fun things.
>inb4 Just verify your email
Sure except it doesn’t work. I’ve bitten the bullet and verified only for it to just restart the goddamn timer. This is balls. Sorry fellow NEETfrens. This is just too Veilguard for me. Glory to neet pones
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I'll be honest with you chief, couldn't really parse what this meant other than it's about Brook and lewd fanfiction, but despite that, I think it gave me the amusing thought of her ducky obsession bleeding into cartoons and comics as well.
I could see her having a really embarrassing and awkward phase as a teenager where she wrote grammatically incorrect fanfiction of Daffy Duck and other random cartoon waterfowl interacting with her self-insert and being her friend since she was really lonely back then and was basically invisible to her peers.
Probably still has the same crappy laptop she wrote it on like six/seven years later since all she really uses it for is to listen to music or watch 480p reuploads of shows she used to like as a kid.
I could see her accidentally stumbling upon her old fanfics when she asks Anon to help her fix her laptop since it had gotten way too slow even for somepony as patient as her and foolishly thinking it'd be a fun idea to read through them with him since she doesn't remember a thing about it.
She would regret this decision very, very quickly.
could maybe even have it to where the cringe of her younger self gives way to a sad and vulnerable look back into her headspace around the time her dad died since she made up a character for him early on and he was the only pony she felt comfortable sharing her writing with, and once he was gone, she was aimless and heartbroken and didn't know what to do with a character that was a painful and constant reminder of her late father, so she hid away her little fantasy world after paying him one last sorrowful tribute and would slowly forget about it until it was just another one of the many things that were walled away in the back of her mind as she grew older and more depressed.
something something Anon comforts her and helps her process things, ultimately bringing her some semblance of closure regarding some old scars and maybe leaving the door open for her to return to writing now that she's in a much better place, mentally and physically.
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The last thing anon saw before passing out
I didn't realise the NEET thread was back up.
Why is mare sad? :(
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Sounds like you have a little catching up to do, anon.

If the candle stuck into a lone cupcake is any indicator, I'd assume it's yet another lonesome birthday. I imagine maybe NEETs suffer the same fate.
I really want to hug her
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Conceptualize the aroma
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hypothetically would anyone be interested in a Halloween NEET cyoa by someone who has zero clue how to cyoa
it'd basically be a trick or treater simulator but with NEETpones in costumes. Whether or not they get a bunch of candy or get Spooked by the Vile Were-Moose Anon is pretty much up to (you)
also is a visual element particularly important? probably could find a decentish porch stock photo/ hastily whip one up without too much issue, but drawing a bunch of neets in costumes might take a while.
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Okay so maybe it's not so hypothetically anymore.
[spoiler[Went ahead and outlined some notes. Feels like I have enough prepared to make thing be more than a couple replies long. I think main NEET encounters would be chosen through a wheel while interlude encounters would be randomly selected by an Anon's dice roll. Few other aspects given up to random chance, but I'll leave it at that.[/spoiler]
>messed up spoiler
eh, whatever
I love NEETs and I love greens/CYOAs; thing is though I question wanting to make such in a near dead thread.
Moonlight/Midnight Revelry?
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>I question wanting to make such in a near dead thread.
>near dead thread
Partially why I wanted to poke for interest before committing. I might have notes and ideas piled up in a doc, but that doesn't mean I can't just put all those away for some other time if all I get is static. I *could* make an entirely new thread for it I guess, but considering that the main focus is a bunch of misfit dorks who nobody outside of NEETpone gives a shit about, it wouldn't make much sense to do it elsewhere.
Might be a loss cause, but I'll sleep on it and see how things turn out. Maybe if the green thread pops back up before it's too late, I could shill is a little over in there because god knows the cyoa thread won't show up anytime soon.
I love this idea
Visuals are always welcome too, especially with your art
I’m so down for this
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As the kids say, fuck it, we ball. I don't care if Halloween is over by the time I finish this, Trick Or NEET is happening.
I've got templates for the main neet encounters ready and both the backgrounds ready. All that's needed now is to draw their costumes and a couple sekrit things. Not going to draw the random encounters until it's rolled since I made more than I'll need and that'd take a while, but I still got a couple more NEETs to draw that I know will show up once I'm off >work.
It's gonna to be scuffed as hell, but I hope it's at least a little fun.
Ooh, sounds fun.
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Poking to show my interest.
I wanna pet that neet
Don’t do it anon your hand will get all greasy
I'm not from a country that celebrates Halloween, but Trick or NEET sounds so amazing that I wish it was happening in real life.
I eagerly await the growth of my greens. I love greens. Lettuce.
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Aww, good for you, Anon. I hope you two can love each other at least for a bit. But hopefully forever. You know, people have this idea that you can't be together unless you really have your shit in order (whatever that means), but that's not true. You could be a wreck for the rest of your lives and still be a couple. Obviously I hope that's not the case (as in I hope you aren't a wreck forever), but being a mess with someone is better than being a mess alone. I wish the best for you. You lucky cunt, you.
A small price to pay for NEET headpats
Cool, free oil to cook with.
I wish I had Floor Bored and other NEETs to do duties with me in final fantasy because my today's white mages were a nightmare
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I would groom her into my personal healslut
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>"...Don't you get it, man? It's bucking over! We're done!"
>You watch the two stallions on the TV bicker over the body of their once living companion, but before the leftmost one starts to break down for the fifth time this scene, the screen freezes and then suddenly goes to static.
>You sink into your couch with a frustrated sigh and click the remote a few times, but to no avail.
"It just *had* to be right before the good part..."
>Might as well use this as an opportunity to wash up.
>You get up with a stretch and slip into your MANLY duck slippers before shuffling over to the bathroom just past your sleeping roommate's door.
>After freshening up a bit, you splash your face with some cold water and take a deep breath.
>In the mirror before you was a tired man wearing a beaten up brown hoodie and fake deer antlers with a red headband that made it clear he was reusing the same ones he wore during Hearth's Warming.
>You pull the plastic vampire teeth from your mouth and rub your stubbly chin with a hand.
>You were supposed to be a 'weremoose' from that crappy horror flick you watched with your roommate last Nightmare Night, but you might have forgotten to go costume shopping...
>Or candy shopping, for that matter.
>You walk out of bathroom after putting in your teeth again and peer into the large candy bowl that sat on the front room coffee table.
>Inside were a miscellaneous assortment of candy you've scavenged from the various cupboards and drawers throughout the house.

[Candy Inventory]
1. Bonbon Brand Bonbon from Bonbon's
2. Uncle Cranky's Delectable Fudge Puck
3. Eerie Mango Mochi
4. Strawberry Lolly
5. A Bundle of Nyx: Choco-Wafer Sticks.
6. Peppermint Stick
7. Caramel Zeeb Tail
8. Neighponese Balloon Jelly (Grape Flavor)
9. A Fistful of Bits
10. Chocolate Orange Slices
11. An Honest Apple
12. Pinkie's Surprise

>It's... Not a lot, but it should satisfy any would be trick-or-treaters.
>Not like you're going to be getting any in the first place...
>Last year was a total bust.
>The only ponies to show up were a pair of drunk collage age mares from a nearby costume party who were utterly ecstatic at getting a wad of off-brand peanut butter cups.
>Their antics would have been kinda cute if it wasn't for the fact that the one dressed up like an angel sanctified your bush by blowing holy chunks all over it.
>Suffice to say... You'd rather just sit your ass in front of the TV and watch Equestria's adorable attempts at horror movies for an afternoon.
>Besides, who even trick-or-treats anymore?
*ding dong*
>You and your big mouth...

>What are you going to do?
A. Lets just get this over with, Anon... Don't be the reason some poor foal's Nightmare Night was ruined.
B. Procrastinate by checking on your roommate first. Maybe they'll go away by the time you come back.
C. Check the peephole like a paranoid weirdo. Can't be *too* careful!

we'll see how this goes.
Time to neet the meets
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Wish I thought of sooner than halfway through Halloween. Should have a more to this hopefully soon.

Gonna have to say check the peephole, don't those mares baptizing my junk in cheap booze again
Option C. It could be Nightmare Moon or some other ghoul!
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>With a sigh, you pick up your candy bowl and give it a good shake.
"Alright... Put on your happy face."
>With a practiced smile, you begin the walk over to the front door, but before you can bring your hand to the doorknob, you pause.
>Wait... What if it's those two mares again? Or worse, a bat pony apologist!
>You shudder.
>Maybe you should give the peephole a check... You know, to be safe.
>You set down the candy bowl and squint through the peep hole...
>Ugh, it's like looking through molasses.
>When was that last time you washed this thing?
>Do people *wash* peepholes? Like... Ever?
>Do- Do you need to worry about getting pinkeye?
>Anyways... There's clearly a pair of pony-like shapes on your front step, but all you can see is the tippy-top of their heads as they shuffle awkwardly around, waiting for you to answer.
>Their muffled, feminine voices can be barely heard on the other side.
>"Is my headband thing straight? It feels like it's kinda... low. On my head."
>"Well, uh... L-lemme look at it for a sec!"
>The taller shape descend into the murky blackness for a brief moment.
>"Annd... There! Now you're all ship-shape."
>"Thanks... Hey, uh- Does it usually take this long? For him to answer the door, I mean..."
>"Well I... I dunno? I've never treat-or-tricked before... Lets uhm... Lets give him a bit longer, okay? I don't wanna be a bother..."
>"Eh... Not like we've got much else to do, right Babs?"
>"Mmhm! Patience is a uhm..."
>"Y-yeah! That..."
>Huh... It just sounds like a couple of friends.
>And thankfully for you, they don't sound like the pair of valley mares who were here last year.
>Hm, and now that you think about it, 'Babs' is a rather familiar name...
>With all that in mind, you guess that means its time to...

A. Swiftly open the door with great enthusiasm.
B. Gently open the door and a warm smile.
C. Listlessly push open the door with a defeated sigh.
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Option A. Swing open that door like Trip from Facade
Hm, Anon knowing Babs may be a bad or good thing. But either way likely best to choose option A, no reason to bum it out for the mares.

Also gonna have to say A, they sound like good ponies
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I knew what was coming and still got mildy spooped
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>You pick up your bowl of candy in one hand and grab hold of the doorknob with the other.
>It's showtime, baby!
>With all the bravado you can muster, you swing the door with one strong tug.
"Heeey! I thought I heard someone out here!"
>Before you were a pair of mildly unkempt young mares all dressed up for Nightmare Night, the smaller of which flashes you an awkward grin.
>"H-Hi Anon! H-Happy Nightmare Night!"
>The other mare raises a wing in salute. "Hey dude."
>Oh you definitely know these mares...
>They're from your roommate's bookclub!
>Or rather, your roommate was in *their* bookclub...
>She just likes the snacks.
>You give the littler of the two mares a smile.
"Happy Nightmare Night, Brookie."
>"Ehe... Thanks, Anon. I- I uhm... I like your slippers! Do they... quack when you walk? I'm looking for ones that do that..."
"Unfortunately, no. But they sure are soft."
>"That's nice... The female mallard can lay five to fourteen eggs which she will incubate in around thirty days."
>She shuffles awkwardly in place. "J-just... thought you'd like to know that."
>You turn to the other mare as Brook lets out a soft, barely audible 'quack' under her breath.
"And Happy Nightmare Night to you, Autumn."
>Autumn's wings ruffle a bit. "Hey! It's uh- It's good to hear from you, dude... Been a bit."
"Sure has... What are you guys wearing this fine evening?"
>Brook snaps herself out of her waterfowl-induced stupor to jump up and point to herself in her kiddish ducky onesie, her chest puffed out in pride. "I'm a call duck!"
>She then gestures over to the tall, lanky mare beside her. "And Autumn is-"
>Suddenly, Autumn juts out a wing and brushes it up against Brook's side, making her nose scrunch. "Uh buh buh!"
>Autumn gives you coy smile. "I want him to guess..."
>Brook blinks a bit. "Oh! Uhm... Alrighty then."
>You raise an eyebrow at the blind mare.
>Autumn wore some kind of white, flowy dress, a reddish blindfold, and a laurel wreath, all while her mane was done up in a way that gave her a rather formal appearance.
"Huh... So did you do that yourself, or...?"
>"Brook helped." One of her ears flick and she clears her throat. "A lot."
>Brook stifles a nasally laugh. "Autumn came up with the idea and *I* made it reality! ...T-to the best of my abilities, of course... It's a little... cheap."
>While the laurel was clearly made of plastic, it didn't detract from the fact that Autumn looks quite nice in her outfit.
"I think you two made a damn fine costume."
>Now all that's left is to guess what it's a costume *of*...

A. Gotta be Caesar, but like... Pony Caesar. Paesar, if you will.
B. Perhaps she's Lady Justice? And you know what they say about justice...
C. CLEARLY she's 2-P from the hit game Neir: Automarea... You must announce this loudly and without a hint of uncertainty.
D. Boop the blind mare for making you guess things!
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Gonna go with Option A.
B and then D even if we’re right
I vote A too. Gotta show you're friendly and all
Ah shucks, I didn't refresh. Anyway

Huh. I didn't realize Brook was smol.

A Brookling.

A Bab.
Check out if she has the scales to be Lady Justice. I haven't read Autumn's green yet so IDK if she's a gamer. If she fails either of these it's got to be Caeser with the aesthetic and all. Either way, D: boop her at the end of your response.
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Floorb would be more of a DPS main.
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>You squint at the expectant mare, who's face was a little too smug for your liking.
"Is this a trick question?"
>Brook turns to her. "Is it?"
>Autumn pouts. "No? Brook, we talked about this. There *is* an a right answer!"
>Maybe she's... Lady Justice?
>You eye her up and down, but see no extra accessories.
>If she *was*... She'd probably have the scales at the very least, right?
>You continue to stare at her as she nonchalantly adjusts her dress... toga thing?
>Wait... Toga?
>Well, it doesn't look *exactly* like the real deal, but considering the rest of her getup, it isn't too farfetched.
>Maybe she's some kind of... emperor.
>Oh shit! You remember this one!
>You snap your fingers.
>Autumn's lips curl into a smile. "What kinda Caesar?"
"Certainly not the salad kind."
>Autumn chuckles a little. "Well it ain't the little one, either... Alright dude, you passed."
"It's almost like you're implying this was a test of some kind."
>"Kinda was! If you failed, I would of sicced Brook on ya."
>Brook gives her a bewildered look. "What do you mean by that?"
>Autumn clears her throat. "Hey... Could somepony enlighten me on the breeding cycles of the northern dullfluff mallard?"
>"Ooo... that's actually a really interesting-" Brook's eyes widen and she quickly covers her mouth.
>Brook shoots Autumn a dirty look. "T-that's not fair! I'm not an attack filly!"
>"But it would have worked *wonders*~"
>"Y-you... Meanie!"
>You stifle a laugh as Brook plops down with a huff and crosses her forehooves.
>"Alright alright... I can feel you grumpin from here, Babs. I'm sorry and I promise I won't abuse your vast array of ducky knowledge for dubious porpoises... Again."
>Brook mumbles something about 'porpoises aren't dubious, they're evil' before getting up with a deep breath. "F-fine! I forgive you... But you owe me some gummy worms."
>"A small price to pay for such a grievous sin..."
>"Keep it up and I'll be swiping your candy corn, too!"
>Autumn's face screws up. "There's candy corn in my bucket? Dude... You can have em."
>"R-really? C-cool beans! I'll uhm... I'll grab them later."
>Autumn's ears swivel in your direction and she turns to face you to the best of her abilities. "Congrats again for getting it right, Nonzo. I'm glad to know *someone* was paying attention during the club..."
>She the starts to rummage around in her fluffy, downy plumage. "And now... for your reward!"
>Autumn pulls out a respectably sized box of gummy ropes dotted with little fruit flavored sugar crystals.

[+1 Box of Nerdy Mare-do-wells]

>"A box of nerds for my main nerd!"
>She holds out the box with her wing, expecting you to come grab it.
>You smirk.
>And grab it, you will.
>But first...
>You take few ginger steps forward annnd...
>Autumn lets out a cute little squeak and jumps a little at the sudden touch.
>She takes a wobbly step back, her face a fine shade of red.
>Brook stifles a laugh behind her hoof. "S-serves you right, Autumn!"
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>Autumn rubs her snoot a little, still rather blushy. "I guess I... deserved that. Does that mean we're even steven, Babs?"
>Brook trots over to Autumn and does her best to reach up and give her a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Sure does!"
>You pick up the box of candy and give it a little shake, making Autumn's ears perk.
"Thanks for the nerds, dork... I'll make sure to cherish them."
>Autumn's blush renews a smidge and she flashes a smile. "You better."
>Brook rubs her foreleg a bit and clears her throat. "So, uhm... Speaking of candy and all that..." She gives you an expectant glance.
>You shake your head.
"I take it you weren't here just to catch up?"
>Autumn pipes up. "Well that was kinda the initial idea. Catching up, that is... Getting free candy was just a plus."
"Well... Might as well give you two what you came for, right? But first... Aren't you forgetting something?"
>Brook blinks. "And what would that be?"
>Autumn gives her a little bump with her flank. "I think he's talking about the greeting, dude."
>"The- Oh, r-right! ...How does it go again?"
>"Something like... Nightmare Night, what a... fight?"
>"Oh, well I'm not much of a fighter..."
>These mares, man...
>They continue to talk amongst themselves for a while longer, but soon enough, they nod in unison and turn back to face you.
>"N-nightmare night, what a fr-fright, give us something sweet to... eat? Y-yeah! Eat!"
>"Nightmare night, what a flight, gives us something sweet to bite! ...Or sour, I ain't picky."
>"...Wait, was it flight?"
>"No, no I think you were right on that one... Pretty sure it was 'bite', though."
>"Oh... Sorry."
>Despite the awkwardly fumbled greeting... they certainly gave it an honest try.
"I guess this means I gotta give you some candy, huh?"
>Brook gives a timid nod. "I-I'd like that, yes..."
>"No need to be greedy."
>"I'm not *greedy*! I just... I like sweets."
>"Don't we all, Babs. Don't we all..."
>Well... It looks like it's time to give these mares their just desserts.
>But what, pray tell, do you give them?

(Please Select Two (2) Treats for these NEETs) And specify what goes to whom, of course!
[Candy Inventory]
1. Bonbon Brand Bonbon from Bonbon's
2. Uncle Cranky's Delectable Fudge Puck
3. Eerie Mango Mochi
4. Strawberry Lolly
5. A Bundle of Nyx: Choco-Wafer Sticks.
6. Peppermint Stick
7. Caramel Zeeb Tail
8. Neighponese Balloon Jelly (Grape Flavor)
9. A Fistful of Bits
10. Chocolate Orange Slices
11. An Honest Apple
12. Pinkie's Surprise

would ask (you) all to roll, but I think picking and choosing is probably for the best.
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I'm going to roll anyway.
Blue for Brook, glitter black-green for Autumn
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Just as a friendly heads up, I've got >evening shift, so it'll be a hot minute before these mares get their duly deserved NEET treats, but I'll make sure to get something out tonight. Got an afternoon free tomorrow and all of sunday, so things should pick up the pace soon(tm).

An IRL dice roll? A lot more effort than I'd expect! We'll see if anyone else has anything to add, but I'll keep it in mind.
D12 is probably the only type of dice I don't have a lot of, if it was d10 I'd probably be able to match the coulour of the dice to the mare. I have a lot of dice.
I have a problem to be honest.
I have more... without counting the small d6s for wargaming.
I actually also have another metal D20 set and I'm pretty sure I have another crown sack of D6 somewhere (I play green/white token spam EDH so I need way too many)
Makes sense, I play Equipment based Boros Voltron so I don't need that many dice for MTG. but I did put some dice into my Raphael fiend tribal deck.
I tried to do actual token cards for my main deck but when some of your token generation is quadratic it just becomes impossible
>neetbros are also dicechads
Checks out. Not even surprised.
Yeah, for most my decks it's maybe few tokens and from time to time a bunch of treasure, my equipment Voltron really is just giving my small little kobold guy (and his dog) a lot of weapons with maybe one or two copy tokens, which I don't even need since I have a bunch of them.
But recently I haven't been playing MTG as much since my friends with which I played Commander don't have that much time.
But I am playing with one of them at a campaign ran by my friend using his custom system playtest.
if you're going to marefair next year I'll actually remember my deck this time and we can play. I ran into two other guys who brought EDH decks as well
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Nah, sadly I am a Eurofag, marefair is a bit too expensive for me at the moment. But maybe I'll suddenly become rich af, if so, we can duel
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>Its Friday night at the Brook household, and what better way to spend it then binge-watching old Duck-themed Disney shows brought over from Earth?
>You sit on her bumpy sofa while she excitedly sets everything up.
“You’re really into this, huh?”
>BB stops darting around the VCR, and TV wires at your question.
>”Are you KIDDING?! It’s DUCKS! Shows about DUCKS!! How could I NOT be excited?!”
>It’s a huge change from the usually demure Babbling Brook to this energetic, happy version, and all it took was offering the opportunity to watch some duck cartoons.
>She looks down at one of the tapes. It’s the first seven episodes of Mighty Ducks: The animated series.
“Oh that’s a good choice.”
>”Really? What’s it about?”
“A team of super-hero alien ducks who fight evil and play hockey in their off-time.”
>She gets sparkles in her eyes, gasping in amazement.
>”Whoooooooa….that’s SO cool….We HAVE to start with this.”
“If you think my description was something, wait until you hear the show theme.”
>Brook does a little hop in place.
>”Oh GOSH! I can’t wait!”
>You can’t help but smile at her eagerness, as she gingerly slides the tape into the VCR like it’s a priceless artifact.
>She’s about to hit the play button, but freezes.
>”Wait. We need snacks for this grand undertaking!”
“Maybe cheese and QUACKERS?”
>What happens next is difficult to describe, but Brook giglesnortquacks(?).
>”Thats not a bad idea! I’ll be right back!”
>She gallops into the kitchen to get refreshments. You can hear hear glass breaking and clinking from inside.
“That mare and her duck love…”
>You settle into the couch, but feel something jab the bottom of your back.
>You instinctively reach down, and pull out a small notebook.
“Huh? What’s this?”
>Its not yours, and you shouldn’t look through it, but as if on autopilot you flip through heavily scrawled pages of-
>-“You were destined to take this cock brook. Your hole is a slot for my screw. You’re destined for my cum.”- Anonduck said to the quivering Brook, her sex wetter than his precious lake habitat, and vaginal petals open like a water lotus-
>You slam the book shut.
>Did you just stumble upon Brook’s secret lewd fic notebook…? ANONDUCK??
>”I’m back with some cheese and QUACKers!”
>You shove the notebook back into the sofa, as Brook balances a tray of snacks on one hoof.
“Haha-ha…G-good one…Sounds destined-DELICIOUS.”
>She tilts her head quizzically.
>”Heehee. You’re silly.”
>She presses play on the VCR, then takes a spot next to you. There’s no way you can focus now. You kinda want to read more.
“Yeah it’s a real Cum-HUM.HUMDINGER. I meant hum!”
>You audibly gulp.
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What is she looking at?
Brook hasn’t updated her anonduck clop green in weeks
I want to fet Floorb addicted to meat.

Also, random thought post-Halloween, but a green or pic of a NEETpone being given candy-handing-out responsibility and panicking at the thought of social interactions with other ponies causing them to just open the door and chuck candy at foals every time it rings then slamming the door.
Could have been cute.
>You stuff your hand into the bowl of candy and rummage around a bit as the two mares stare at you in anticipation.
>...Brook moreso then Autumn.
"Annnd... Here you go!"

Brook was given (1) Uncle Cranky's Delectable Fudge Puck.
>Brook stares at the sizeable chocolate disk in her hoof and grins. "Ooo... I love these things! I haven't had one in forever, though... I wonder if they still have the little prize in the middle?"
>Autumn scoots a little closer to Brook to give the puck a little sniff. "Prize? You mean there's a toy or something inside? Isn't that kind of a choking hazard?"
>Brook shakes her head. "It's not *inside* the chocolate! The chocolate is just formed around it like a uhm... a halo? A fudgy, dark chocolaty halo!"
>Autumn's nose scrunches. "Yeesh... Dark chocolate? Why does everyone seem to like that stuff... I'd rather chew a coffee bean."
>"My stepmom used to make me eat a couple of coffee beans before school as a filly. I think she thought it might counteracted the depression, but it just made me need to pee more..."
>Brook's face flushes and she takes a timid step back. "W-wait... Was that out loud?"
>Instead of focusing on the embarrassed duck mare's little mental slip-up and subsequent attempt at hiding herself in her onesie's hoodie, you turn to Autumn and clear your throat.
"Mind giving me your hoof?"
>She gasps playfully. "Before marriage? How uncouth, good sir..."
>You chuckle as she shuffles a little closer to your voice.
"I know I know... It'll only be for a moment, I assure you."
>"Heh... Alright."

Autumn was given (1) Bundle Of Nyx: Choco-Wafer Sticks.
>"Sweet! ....What is it?"
"They're, uh..."
>You squint at the strange little packs of... chocolate cigarettes?
>Where did you even get those?
"They're candy fags."
>Brook, now recovered from her blushing fit, tilts her head. "What's a fag?"
>...Oh fuck why did you say that.
>Autumns turns to Brook. "Cigarettes."
>Brook's face screws up. "Ew... Who'd ever eat *those*?"
"T-they're... candy cigarettes. Not real ones. Made out of chocolate and like, a wafer core... thing?"
>You give Autumn a curious look.
"How'd you know that, anyhow?"
>Her wings ruffle a bit. "Dad used to be a pretty heavy smoker back in the day. Apparently, he swore them off once I was born, but It's kinda hard to know if he kept his word when the whole house stinks like... Well, you know, that smoky ciggy smell?"
"Yeah... I know. Sounds like your dad and mine would have been great pals."
>She smiles. "Maybe... He's kind of a lame ass, though. If your dad is half as cool as you, I doubt he'd want anything to do with mister works-a-lot."
"Oh you'd be surprised..."
>...Huh, what's that sound?
>It almost sounds like...
>You watch as Brook excitedly bounds away from your door and over to the sidewalk.
>She then whips around to face your house and sticks her snoot in the air.
>"D-ducks! Up there!"
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>She continues to bounce around like a little filly. "Autumn! Autumn! You can hear them quack, r-right? They're Northern Pintails a-and they've got such wonderful plumage... Aren't they just the coolest?!"
>"Yeah! They sure are..."
>Autumn stifles back a laugh. "I think that might be our cue to skidaddle... Best not let her get *too* excited... Can't have her bumping into more stuff than I do, you hear?"
"Hah, alright... Oh, and heads up."
>Autumn's ears perk a little as you give her a brisk pat on the head.
"You two take care, you hear?"
>"Pfft... I'll be fine. Brook on the other hoof..."
>"...g-gosh you can't even see their back stripes from here but you just *know* they're there a-and look at those cute little white undercarriages and-"
"She certain knows how to keep herself entertained."
>"Yes indeedy."
>The two of your listen to Brook's ramblings for long enough that Autumn finally decides to take charge.
>"I think I'm gonna go take her home before she gets overstimulated."
"And here I was, thinking she was lugging *you* around..."
>Autumn smiles. "Oh no, she is... I just know how to reins her back when she gets all... This."
"And how do you do that?"
>Her wings loosely unfurl and she brushes their tips against the ground. "Poke her with a wing and listen to her squeak like a dog toy."
>She then turns away from you with a little wave and begins to shuffle in Brook's direction, wings guiding her along.
>You watch her approach a content, sky gazing Brook and give her a little tap on the shoulder, making her, as Autumn predicted, 'squeak like a dog toy' and nearly jump a foot.
>Once Brook recovers from her fright, they continue to gab a while longer before Brook would break away from Autumn and give you an enthusiastic wave, grinning all the while.
>"Buh-bye Anon! Thanks for the candy!"
>You raise a hand and give them a loose salute.
"See ya, gals!"
>As if she knew exactly what you'd do, Autumn salutes back with an unkempt wing before giving Brook a little bump with her flank and ushering her to fall in with her two mare flock.
>You watch Babs and Autumn trot out of view, and when you finally feel like you're truly alone... You let out a sigh and lean against the doorframe.
"Phew... Who knew giving out candy would be such a social undertaking?"
>You guess that's what happens when your friends decide to pop by for a bit of chitchat and a snack.
>With one last lazy glance around the yard, you gently close your front door and retreat into your abode.
>You think it's time for a little break...

And that's encounter one done and dusted! Still got a ways to go, though.
Thank you for the ultra comfy green anon, can’t wait for the next chapter

Hopefully the next NEET we'll be able to impregnate. It shall be the ultimate trick.
Holy fuck what the fuck it's real? I swear you went back in time and created that cartoon just to write this green..
Exceptionally done green and awesome illustrations. Although spooky month is over, it seems that its spirit lives on a little longer. I await the latest chapter with great anticipation.
Can't wait for more
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I wish Moondancer would break into my bedroom :(

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