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Why are nerdy girls so cute?
where are her hooves
What was her name again and how do I get to gen lewds of her
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alizarin bubblegum
Because I have a glasses fetish that's why I love girls with glasses
What a weird name
I want to cum in their glasses.
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Intellect is sexy
They're desperate
Aren't we all?
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Bumping with Best Girl
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I wish she had showed up in EQG
She would've been perfect for Crystal Prep...
stinky unshaved pussy
Imagine the smell.
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Yeah, shame that movie started production before Amending Fences aired, otherwise she would have been in a shoo-in
I want to bully her.
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Human Moondancer makes me wanna lose NNN
this. i wish more girls realized that
Worth it if you ask me.
inb4 "who asked" - page 10 asked
unf...imagine the smell
CUM on her braces
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dripping from the metal...
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AI bros need to get on this because artists won't
i lost for the stupidest reason, I had surgery and couldn't get to sleep so just.. yea, not evne to any images so is that a true loose or just a misstep?
Nut is a nut.
But that sounds like you're recovering quickly, which is a good thing. Screw that pointless challenge.
SA here, lost earlier today to fucking AI slop. Still gonna at least try to cut back on gooning this month tho
>. Screw that pointless challenge.
what marks a failure is not falling down, but refusing to get back up. and I will not refuse to get back up
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Wise words.
What I said wasn't an expression of giving up, but rather a suggestion to not even participate in that challenge. However I shouldn't tell people what to do and I apologize for that.
I'm genuinely curious what drives men to abstain from a healthy amount of sex/masturbation for a whole month though. I always believed that not emptying your ballsack for too long is rather a bad idea.
She cleans up real nice
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Cute smile
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>"you will date me or this goes into your urethra"
damn, that bite is pure unf
Would cum inside
Don't threat me with a good time, Scribble Dee.
Scribble Deez nuts in your mouth
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Fluttershy looks really cute with glasses on
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She probably only showers twice a week. You just know the pheromones are intense.
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Personally I do it as an exercise in self control, and as a way to cleanse my mind. I saw what happens when you get too deep into porn, fucked up fetishes, discord servers, posting on /trash/, multiple waifus. I watched way too many anons fall into that
I wonder what kind of movies these two would film.
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Thanks for an answer.
Hmm, I don't see myself resigning from a good nut from time to time. But I always managed to keep it at healthy levels, and I'm actually quite prone to addictions. Seems like my naturally low sex drive is keeping me from falling to deep into that.
Good luck on your no-fap then.
imagine that they're all nerds
I adore dork Trixie
>I saw what happens when you get too deep into porn, fucked up fetishes
i-i-i uhhh...
"I stared into the abyss, and it stared back."
You stared into the abyss and got a boner huh?
Hah, that was good lol
uh oh
They kinda are
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because they're modest.
>Sci Twi
Sorry, is now or never.
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she could still be underselling herself, she is pretty awesome
i guess i learn something new about myself every day
If you zoom in you can see this artist applied the anti-AI filter to the art, as if someone's going to use it for training data
Seems a little presumptuous
Actually, that's his style. He added that filter because he liked it.
The fact that it can deflect AI is just a coincidence.
>anti-AI filter
>No pantsu
Just like my japanese comics!
>anti-AI filter
Doesn't that take just a second to get rid of?
The forbidden Aqua pantsu
it just looks like a canvas pattern lol
How do you even filter Ai?
Filename may help you. Is a booru one, so that number is the ID.
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Grope the nerd
Add "AI" to your filter?
God I wish I could do that
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Now this is some good shit
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>not a single post with the most gorgeous girl
This thread cursed with shit-taste.
I mean her face is...
She's not nerdy
Not a nerd faggot
She needs more porn
I agree
Reminder Pinkie hook up this cute nerdie girl with another nerdie boy.
Even nerds have a chance in the EqG world.
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Cute Moondancer
Nerdagio a cute
lovely thighs
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This is so cute that words cannot describe it's cuteness
Why couldn't they give us a TV series?
The contracts were for shorts and the occasional special.
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how did rarity get such huge tits?
Doesn't count
her glasses are fire tho
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Good god those are some serious curves
My absolute favorite picture, she looks so sexy
Queen of nerds
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For science... right...
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sadly this doesn't have more than a single follow up image. wish we could have gotten a titty fuck
Cute nerd
Yes, but she wears glasses because she's hot. Not because she's a nerd.
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>"Anon! Not on the glasses!"
lovely leggings
cute cute cute cute cute
>"Scientifically speaking a woman is most fertile in her late teens and early twenties."
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While you are factually correct, I'd still pump gallons in her >>41664094.
Sexy gilf
They’re weak, passive, and vulnerable which is the ideal mate for the archetypal male which is strong, active, and predatory (in a good way). Ngl the standards for (you) are lower when pursuing a nerdy femcel because you don’t have to be strong or assertive. Some of them quiver for scraps of attention. I’m slightly above average in looks, but just this weekend I was at a friends church group and a cute-ish nerdy girl there was hanging on my every word and laughing at all my bad jokes. I probably could have but thought it would be a dick move seeing as it was a church thing and I’m not a Redditor with a corruption fetish.
I wonder what the point of braces like that was.
>I probably could have but thought it would be a dick move seeing as it was a church thing and I’m not a Redditor with a corruption fetish.
Not everything has to end in sex, anon. You can just hangout with the cute nerdy church girl. God knows she is a better pick than the average american woman.
Too old
Too bold
They're the most horrible people to exist anon. Truly venomous.
Absolutely would.
Rise your INT stat. You woo nerds with intelligence, not charisma.
but where does one find nerds?
My INT is so high that it makes hoes mad. :(
Public libraries, geek conventions, comic/anime stores, cafes relatively near college campuses (make sure is not one with "Social Studies" as a career). Those should be your safe bets.

The trick is like that Rick and Morty copypasta: make them believe you are dumber than them, but in reality you are smarter. If you can still assign points, put some in charisma until you learn Deception.
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>"So Anon, I heard you like girls with glasses?"
>Public libraries, geek conventions, comic/anime stores, cafes relatively near college campuses
damn, so i gotta move to a bigger town
But you aren't a nerd, you are a Stacy.
Damn you really must live in the sticks if you don’t even have a library near you. I thought that was standard with populations over 5000
we have a library i guess. nothing else from the list tho
Too sexy
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she did compete with Sci-Twi in a math contest
what a wannabe
Yeah, but Sunset has the knowledge of a 30 years old in the body of a 16 years old. She is basically repeating her high-school years.
Bumping for nerd gals
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I want to lift her skirt so much.
I'm so jealous. I wish I could pretend to be a kid and beat both other kids and teachers at their own game. Revenge, bitchas!
pure sex
What is she reading?
a /co/mic
Can I read it?
Damn, that's a shame.
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oh yeah, forgor he was in eqg
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Damn filters
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don't forget those juicy thighs
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>for science?
No, for me.
No wonder her body is hot. She knows how to keep herself healthy.
He just masturbated with that hand.
I wish he did one for all the girls, not just Rarity and Sci Twi
i could try with AI
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that would be based
I chalk it up to you having shit taste.
Shame she doesnt have more art
Sexually tease the cute kitty girl
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this was difficult to get right
i've sacrificed many nice ass shots just to have that ball right there
God I wish my face was that soccer ball. SEXOOOO.
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is Velvet a nerd?
>i've sacrificed many nice ass shots just to have that ball right there
Post them anyway
Mommy nerd
sacrificed as in deleted
F. Their sacrifice shall not be in vain.
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she was
nerdy hags
Its over
for now
Joever as some would say
What is she even holding in her left hand
I'd imagine a game controller, but is really small.
Looks like a game controller
Are cute

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