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Make Your Mark episode playlist
Tell Your Tale episode playlist

Pony Life:

YouTube Playlist of pony shorts

My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 1
Download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/j76lgbbq1nibrrj/MLP_The_Manga_Vol_1_HD.rar/file
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-1/
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria Vol. 2
Download link
Get a physical copy
My Little Pony: The Manga - A Day in the Life of Equestria, Vol. 3
Download link https://mega.nz/#!7Y43RCoS!WujvDfG-20FsDUXsMAIPpZE8qp3FECTL58wETuMIozY
Get a physical copy https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/my-little-pony-the-manga-a-day-in-the-life-of-equestria-vol-3/

The year sure fly by, but there's still a bit less than a month of Autumn left before Cloudsdale starts its annual program, so ponies can still enjoy the fall colors before making all the Hearth's Warming plans. And that's something to be thankful about, isn't it?

Previous thread.
Episode Links:
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For future reference, please do not purchase ponies land from them for a pittance, and certainly don't center a holiday around it.
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That stallion should wear more clothes.
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'cuz every pone crazy 'bout a sharp dressed mare
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Sewing twiggles onto my travel luggage case
this seems dangerous
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Stabbed my fingers several times, but I succeeded after way too long.
Good work! Sewing is a lost art.
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This anon should make fewer posts
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>Mr. Speedway? A few quick questions if you please..
>How do you respond to allegations of stallion misconduct in the Equestrian Space Program and why do an overwhelming number of these incidents involve bat stallions?
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I want to marry a OC pony
Die in real life.
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Honestly why does such a fantastic and hot mare have to be stuck in one of the most awful and utistically grimderp fanfic out there, it's not fair bros
Fuck off
I haven't posted in MLPG for a while and I just want to say that I love ponies! I think they're super cute and colorful and I love looking at them!
Same!!! I love ponies too!
I love ponies but hate FlyingSaucer
I love eating ponies!
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I love cute ponies.
how much scootaloo did you eat on thanksgiving?
A scootaton
Right, and how little did you say these ponies were, again?
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>Today is National Flossing Day
Like Fortnite?
All I want for Christmas
Is boop.
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Why is the floor as low as pony can go
I asked this before and never got an answer, is there a specific reason why we watched Return of the King this year before the yearly stream?

It was rad as shit but is that what we always do?
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I don't think so, but I don't usually hang out in the prestream, so.

It was really awesome, because I’ve never seen those movies before, and it weirdly fit into the vibe of the stream. I was just hoping it was a regular thing we did.
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Beautiful pone wife
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>Today is National Mason Jar Day
oh no
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FS, in 1-2 months Ill have something to show you. Unless someone beats me first, youll see it. Also, theres going to be way more down the line thats wayy better, interesting and itll really be cool compared to the stuff in a few months from now.
rainbow dash, inside
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How curious! Well hopefully nobody beats you up
Fuck off
For their secret project?
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How gay do you want your stallions today, MLPG?
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>beb af on god my skedaddle
I always joked about it, mulpg, but I never wanted to see it.
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Such is the way of all things.
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you know what you did
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What I did?
I don't do the thing you'd better not flippin' do.
Are You Frustrated?
he doesn't want it to be time
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A lot of you guys are so unfunny it's unreal
Ah, an unafillyated poster.
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>Today is National Pie Day
Pone will eat your pie.
Do ponies just stick their whole face in the pie or what? They can't use forks.
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