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/mlp/ - Pony

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>"i heard what you said about background ponies, anon"
"So, that's a 'Yes'?"
That I'd love them to sit on my face?
Actually it was the filly behind you who said that
I just don't know you background ponies too well, I didn't mean anything offensive by it. You're not forgettable, just... obscure.
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>Anonymous, not 5 minutes prior:
>"NOT ONLY WOULD WE HAVE SEX ON TOP OF OurMaritalBed BUT ALSO ForThePurposeOfProcreation"
That I want to please them by being ridden by them?
That's right. I said it. Each and every one of you deserve an episode all to yourself.
>you want background ponies to stop being background ponies
My god... no wonder they hate you.
That I adore them?
Yeah, it's long, pedantic and overly philosophical. I liked it when I didn't know any better, but it's just exhausting to read now at 32.
What's wrong with your eyes?
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OMG hi Minuette! You're so pretty, I could listen to you talk forever. Wanna go on a little coffee date with me?
Laying it on just a bit thick.
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I'm on a quest to fuck every single one of them, yes.
I wish i had this kind of confidence
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You can't pretend to be confident talking to a pretend fictional character
The .gif is intimidating
Just look down at your shoes like you do in real life
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Minuette already talks like a waterfall without the coffee. Are you sure you want to fuel her up even more?
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What part of
>I could listen to you talk forever
do you not understand?
It frees me from having to carry conversation.
That's right. I think they all smell bad. What are you gonna do about it?
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I wonder what your first 3 maxresdefault's are
Wouldn't know since I downloaded it from the board with the original filename.
>Background ponies are the best part of the show
>I only watch it for the background ponies
>Death to those who disrespect background ponies
I stand by what I said
Why the offended look? We all saw you hanging with the Princess, you're not a background pony.
excuse me but thats my waifu
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I NEED the name of that background mare behind Twilight. It is VITAL for my continued survival.
Aryanne (she did her hair funny)
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Aryanne's mane and tail aren't that yellow nor are they two-tone.
You can't fool me, liar.

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