New Year EditionPost pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!Previous thread: >>41730916Writefags:mobius !9PEUyNz5zw Waifu Ex Machina playlist: clips: of Dash: playlist: index: backup:
Previously on /dash/:- Two Finnish Dashfags meet up>>41752696>>41752715>>41752814- New green, Being there for her: Anons thoughts about mindbreak Anon: >>41773941- Anon draws wife pone: >>41781366- Santa Dash was late/early: >>41786320- Happy Hearths Warming- Officially licenced Dash card design: Flutterfren stops by to bump the thread off page 10
Thanks for new bread.
yay for new thread
3rd for best pony
>>41856572Rainbowitz Dashenstein-Levenworth.
fresh dashie bread!!
omw to best pone
Outing myself as a bit of a new dashfag because I know a lot of you already know this, but I just learned that Rainbow Dash's name in China is 云宝 (pronounced Yun Bao), which translates to "Cloud Treasure," and I just think that's one of the sweetest and most beautiful names for her. Chinese fans also call her 黛西 (pronounced Dai Shie), in the same way that we call her Dashie, and that's just fucking CUTE
I love my wife
Bored as hell. Taking green suggestions. No promises for quality>>41857474that is cute as hell. even a world away they know who best pony is
>>41856270Uh rainbow dash it's not new year
>>41856589unf dashie punch punch
>>41857241better give her some belly rubs quick
>>41856589so fast
>>41858071a green about Dash and Flutters hanging out
I want to ask her out, bros. How should I go about courting this rainbow-maned mare?
>>41858071Dash and Anon arguing about doing chores.
>>41861405Dash would do this.
>>41861405Since when did Dash become a Marine?
>>41861405thanks dashie
>>41861405That explains the raibow mane. Headcanon accepted.
>>41861492My personal headcanon about the rainbow mane is that its a rare physical trait within the pegasus population, exclusive to Cloudsdale. So rare that only less than 5% of the population has it. Any pegasus that has it is envied. The rainbow mane is seen as a symbol of royalty, wealth, or perfection within Clousdale. That is why Rainbow is the ideal pegasus.
>>41861428She wasn't just a pony--she was a Mareine!
i love this pony like you wouldnt believe
>>41863567cute happy mare
>>41860714Dashie after a boop
>>41857474Cloud Treasure is beyond adorable
>>41857474Cloud Treasure was kind of a big deal for a while when we heard about it, I think it was back in the days of season 9(?), when we got a few episodes in Chinese before we could see them in English. Or maybe it was a coincidence, that was like six years ago. Anyway, it's a lovely name and I'm glad it's remembered again.I remember I even went through those episodes looking for a scene where they said Dash's name while she was on screen to have a screencap with 云宝 on it. Pretty sure I hadn't reposted it ever since.
Her farts pollute entire clouds.
>>41866541Don't lie.We all know (You) would hit that.
>>41866498I love her messy mane
boop the snoot
It’s Flutterdash Friday!
>>41870252I love to see the rare pregnant Dash art that’s genuinely heartfelt instead of... the usual.
>>41870905I'm more of an appledashfag myself, but still hot nonetheless.
It's chilly. Stay warm /dash/.
>>41872508nothing better than staying warm with your wife
>>41873209>“So… why’s your mane been like that ever since anon moved in?”
>>41870996She's already got a kid
>>41873239>"...No reason."
>>41873209>>41873239All men are endowed with unalienable rights, of which include life, liberty, and the pursuit of floofing dashies mane
>>41874144hug the mare already
I just drew this Dash, she hurt her hoof giving you a private air show, nothing a little of bandages and peetzer can't solve.>>41783750 This angle doesn't show what the pizza is made of, but I assure you it's a cloudsdale supreme with extra sauce.
>>41874759Pretty wife! Looks like your artstyle is evolving. Looking forward to seeing more from you.
>>41874759lovely Dashie!
>>41874759>but I assure you it's a cloudsdale supreme with extra sauce.
>>41876689I wanna brush it
>>41877836>It says here you're an expert at cloud architecture?
>>41878202>she gives you this look every time she really wants something
>>41879758Should someone tell her
>>41880905wish I could
>>41880237That she's eating Scootaloo?
>>41881572brushie brushie
>>41881895It's just what Scootaloo always wanted...
>>41881686Oh whoops, meant to reply to >>41879969
>>41877212I wanna brush it, floof it and then brush it again
>>41882857Who took her neck?
>>41883727magnificent creature
>>41884517I can't fap to this. There's barely any blue in her mane.
>>41884517>>41884543I'm not great at this but it was pretty simple so I gave it a go.
>>41885029Or this, wasn't sure exactly how to arrange her mane.
>>41884939cutest wife
>>41886512Dashie is so cute it's unreal
>>41887227kissable snoot
>>41888086Where wings!?!?
>>41888686in the laundry
it's been ten years since rainbow dash was taken hostage
>>41889924>"Where has the human touched you?"
>>41890597objection, there was a lot more touching taking place
>>41891185When me uh her when my mare after me when I and when she sees me and hands
>>41891185God, I want to make her look like that every morning.
Happy chinese new year dashfags
>>41891185>>41891749I make her look like that every morning
>>41893328I'm jealous. You better kiss her and brush her mane afterwards.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAINBOW DASH.HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE AWESOMEST, CUTEST, SEXIEST, COOLEST, DASHIEST PONY EVER!!It's her birthday today. Say something nice about our cute tomboy pony wife, anons.
>>41893563Happy birthday, Dashie!
>>41893563happy birthday to my beautiful and lovely wife!
>>41893563Happy birthday, Rainbow! I love you so much!
>>41893563Happy Birthday Rainbow! Have a totally awesome day!
Happy Birthday Dashie!!! <3
Happy birthday, Rainbow my beloved!
>>41894038Such a cutie! Any special plans for her big day, /dash/?
>>41893563Happy birthday rainbow horse!!!
best birthday for best ponyI love you Rainbow Dash!!!!!!!
>>41895479>Twilight hat>Fluttershy gift>Pinkie cake>Rarity noisemaker>Background AJkek, clever artist
>>41895975how have I not noticed that before
You guys think Dash had a good birthday?
>>41893563Happy late birthday Rainbow Dash! You're the most amazing pony and I consider myself honored to have you in my life. You've inspired me in so many ways and I hope someday I can make you proud and be as awesome as you. Someday, hopefully I can fly the same skies you love. I'll always love you, Dashie. Have an awesome birthday!
>>41897138Pinkie threw her a big party. Whole town has a hangover.
>>41898286it's rough out there
>>41898896poor little poners
>>41900419Dashie wouldn't eat that
>>41900707She would absolutely inhale a burger and then order two more
Dashie sketch I did a while ago
>>41902046Super cute!
>>41902046Cute Dash
>>41902046C U T E
found Rainbow Dash on soundcloud: can triforce
>>41903467I found Rainbow Dash lying on top of me this morning
>>41902046very cute little Dashie!
>>41905297Daww. The relationship between Scoots and Dash was the best thing to come out of G4.
>>41907104Majestic hoers
>>41906122>>41906662would a hug cheer her up
Been working on AI gens on stable diffusion. Found a mix of artist influence that came out really nice.
>>41907546>>41907547>>41907549sweaty horse
>>41907546>>41907547>>41907549Fluffy horse
>>41905310She's a good big sister
>>41908705I would do unspeakable things to Windy
>>41909092God, I want to give her so many foals.
>>41909221You mean Rainbow Dash, right?
>>41909221She's already got one.
>>41909510could use a few more
>>41909409Of course. Scoot is daughteru and made for hugs.>>41909510One ain't gonna cut it, I'm afraid.
>>41909092How did she go from the aloof screaming-at-fluttershy horse we all know and love to basically one step away from a soccer mom
>>41909092I would cry if rainbow dash loved me this much
>>41910547She met a kid version of herself, it was destiny
>>41910547our little mare grew up
>>41911271I love RainBow Dash
>>41910547She's got a weakness for cute determined things.
>>41913215Cutest umbrella
>>41913215>>41913906one of the many reasons a pegasus wife is the best
I love you dashie
>>41913599ready for snuggles
>>41915165god I want to rub and kiss that belly
>>41915584It's a very kissable belly.
>>41914398This is one of many great points in favour of pegasus wives, but unicorns make the best umbrellas, either with a rain shield (simple magic) or simply levitating an umbrella while cuddling you.
>>41916172every unicorn in the show is neurotic as fuck. magic simply should not be that close to a creature's brain for that long. The pegasus is the ultimate man's choice and Rainbow Dash is the ultimate wife material mare
>>41916172Imagine wanting magic instead of drying off and preening your rainbow pegasus when you get home and out of the rain
>>41917025god DAMN he gave her some fuckin milkers
>>41917280Dashie has cute, little, aerodynamic teats, not gigantic milkers
>>41913985She's a good mom
>>41918213yeah she's really sweet and caring and attentive
>>41918213I want to make her a mom
>>41918220Do Not The Scoot
>>41910547>when your pathetic little disabled fangirl pours her heart out to you and you suddenly realize you mean a lot more to her than just simple idol worship
>>41918851muh heart
>>41918781god that's cute
>>41918851It was such an incredibly slow episode only to drop that atom bomb at the very end.
>>41920087does she have a headache
good morning /mlp/please be respectful of sleepydashshe spent the whole night carb loading for a sunday event
>>41921363unf belly
>>41920175It's called building up.
>>41925729Yummy wife bondage>>41925992Yummy wife hooves
>>41926322what are you planning on doing with her hooves
>>41926833holding them in public
>>41927542extremely lewd
I want to do this to her hoofsies
>>41926833I'm going to give them a nice hooficure, of course. And then I'm going to massage her frogs with my tongue
>>41927919That gif is hypnotic.
Someone on xitter spotted the IWTCIRD Honda out in the wild
>>41929671I get that people are supposed to censor license plates and whatnot for privacy reasons, but it's pretty funny that whoever uploaded that photo censored a license plate that everyone knows already.
>>41928752she must be racking up those
Lewd Mare
worried mare
Hey /dash/,My ponybooru account is locked, but I’d rather just post anonymously, so forgive the blogposting. Maybe some of you can find some inspiration in this or something.Hearts and Hooves Day is coming up, and I wasn’t sure what to get her. I haven’t drawn anything in over a year - never really needed to, now that I see her. But for this, it felt right, a way to honor all the times we hiked in the fall together.I’ll cut to the chase - Dashie has done more for me than I can really put into words. A few years ago, I was buried in depression and anxiety, stuck in a cycle of self-destructive behavior, failing class after class, and shutting myself off from the people who cared about me, but this strong little pegasus lifted me up. She inspired me to go back, to keep pushing forward. And with the help of some anons right here on this board, I actually did. I finally finished my degree, I started going /out/ more, and I even helped a friend meet his own beloved pony waifu. Still need to find a job, still a lot of work ahead, but I’ll forever cherish these little victories and new friends I’ve made along the way.I tried to capture her dreamy, ghostly form - kind of there but not really. Her eyes are deep blue because she chose them, something about having a tranquil spirit.Anyway, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, and I love you, my little Dashie.
>>41933054cutie, also unf for exposed butt
>>41933054I'm pretty sure I know you, and I'm so proud of what you've accomplished; you and your Rainbow inspire me (us) and I'm glad to have had a part in your destiny. Gorgeous art!
>>41933054What a beautiful Dashie! Don't fret about blogposting here, Dashie inspires us all. It's always a joy to see how our beloved pegasus pushes us to chase our dreams and be the best version of ourselves we can be. I'm proud of you, Anon. Thank you for sharing with us and please keep us updated on your journey. Have a happy Hearts and Hooves Day!
>>41932608Needs hug
>>41936422I really like her wings
>>41936408so cute
>>41938198Lazy mare slept to page 10
>>41938281she's awake now
>>41933525>>41934067>>41934696Thank you all so much for your kind words. It means a lot to know Dashie inspires others just as much as she inspires me. These threads are what motivated me to create and love her in the first place.>>41936884You have no idea how much that made my day. It feels like a little reflection of the love I put into my drawing. Thank you anon, truly.I'll keep pushing forward, and I'll check in down the road. Wishing you all a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day tomorrow. Never stop chasing your dreams with the little pegasus by your side!
>>41938397What happened to her colors?
>>41939078i uh, got some bad news...
I was looking through my Steam screenshots and came across this one. I made this a few years ago in this one Postal 4 mission. I'm bad at art, but seeing this again made me smile. Happy Hearts & Hooves bros!I love my wife so much it's unreal.