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ELAOWF aka, Equestrian Landscapes And Other Worthy Fanarts.

A dream that we once shared, now returned.
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Scenery porn will always be among my favorite tags
This one looks like it could be a scene from a Studio Ghibli film. I love it.
Imagine strolling the wheat fields with your waifu, gazing at the clear blue skies as she cuddles next to you.
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Your image un-niggabutted the Twilight, mine removes the nigga entirely.
vgh, I want to retvrn
but actually
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trvth nvke
No freakin way, Elowaf is back?
>ELOAF highlighted new art
>Thread is just old reposts
>Is it back?
Not even close. Just a name only
We're trying
There is no more new art
Bitch ass low energy. I will show you how it's done. newfag

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pablo r. mayer
(no source)
This desperately needs an edit to remove the "castle"
You desperately need to kill yourself to remove the "cancer"
Who permitted the hasdrone to speak?
>Elaborate highly detailed beautiful art should be marred because of MY autism h-hasdrone
see >>41864187
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>removing an eye- and storysore is "marring" the art
Just for (You).
>Blatantly ugly as shit white mark like you used white out
Kill yourself faggot
I love the oversaturated colors. What kind of artstyle is that?
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Thank you! This picture was improved a thousand times!
Enjoy the dead thread because you couldn't control your autism you insufferable shit stain
Why are all Hasdrones like this?
No one ever edits in ELOAF threads. You don't respect art so you can go get fucked. Nigger
first day on 4chan?
>A fucking newfag whos never been in these threads
Suck a shotgun
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Mental illness.
>1605975145543 (3).
Called it.
Thanks mate. Actually worthy of being a desktop background now. Amazing work.
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>violent retard claims the thread is ruined because of anything BUT his violent retardation
Ahhh, you love to see it.
>Newfaggot thinks this is a generic post a background thread and does just that
You are the cancer of the board.
I love this interpretation of Cloudsdale where it appears as a believable, small city with high verticality.
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It is, ELAOWFanon is long gone. And so far the only contribution from you is seething in impotent vitriol.
Also, can we all take a moment to appreciate the irony of these posts when the OP is an edit of >>41846895?
That just means OP is a faggot
JowyBean's. His mastery of color is exceptional.
Post more art to edit out post-Faust cancer.
transie is karma
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Good luck.
Will all be replaced by AI anyway
Legendary pull
AIshartists are a joke thinking they can scenery porn
I like it
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You think Equestria is having their golden age still or are they already suffering through the later ages?
They're living in their golden age, but some are having nightmares of a dark timeline named "G%". Luna has her hooves full with those.
Well considering G5...
They are in the process of falling, the last of the candles are dying out
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it's joever
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A sad journey
Thanks, king.
Ahh why is this soo bright?
Sharpieboss really is something else
>he doesn't know that the golden age lasts as long as immortal, benevolent alicorns rule
Immortal, not unbeatable
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Feels like I'm seeing an acid trip
>stop hating what I like
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A classic
>dead thread
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And? It ain't my thread. Seething for 6 days straight can't be healthy for you anon.
The board is dead in general, seems like Tamers threads are the only ones who get traction these days
So it ended with S9, G5 being silver age and beginning of the fall.
Good thing is that true alicorns will return after the full cycle and golden age begins anew!
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Say what you want about G%, but this shot was kino
dark and foreboding
shit like this makes me tearful. i want to go to equestria.......
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And that's my collection. Hope you enjoy, Anons. I will always dream of Equestria, even if I was to be the last person to dream of it.

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Beautiful images and video, thanks for sharing, Anon, I needed this today
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I like this one
Night always looks prettier than day
There's a third version of this with a different time of day but it's only a teeny tiny thumbnail and the actual picture was never uploaded by the artist.
I enjoyed it, one day we'll get there Anon. One day.
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Just needs some guitar twang
I love scenery
Who died there?
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I dream of Equestria
Fuck, that is beautiful. This is exactly what I'm trying to learn doing. Painting instead of drawing. I've got drawing down solid but I'm a noob with digital painting. Guess I gotta practice a bunch before I can achieve this level of skill.
The second you step outside in Arizona, this music starts playing
pics like this make me sad
it feels so close, but it's so far away
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