I love Tavi's eyes, they're so pretty
>>41871283>muh mares
>>41871283I agree
i like that her kind of grayish mane makes her look middle aged. It's in the way that someone who grays very early is.
>>41871279what a classy broad
>>41871279Based Octavia's eyes appreciator.
>>41871283>aislopSo you don't love mares at all
>>41871350Mares are mare regardless, so I think it’s you that lacks love for mares
>>41871283I like Octavia specifically
>>41871362omg tavi yaying is so fucking cute
>>41871406Mares mares mares mares Octavia mares mares
>>41871279I like her mane and her bow tie. She looks so clean and prim. God I would rut her so hard.
>>41871418>>41871283What is this mare meme? Why do you guys always spam it in every thread?
>>41871279Imagine holding a hoof
>>41871727Lurk more
>>41871727forced meme from /mlpg/
>>41871279I love them too. Those beautiful purple orbs are a sharp contrast with her "plain" colour palette, making them so captivating, and their owner an absolutely gorgeous mare.I also love how artists make her look so sexy and seductive yet classy in porn. Such a gigastacy, I want her so bad.I want to be her fucktoy. I want her aching, aroused coochie to drain me whenever she wants to, making me a father of at least a dozen of classy, pretty purple-eyed fillies, enough to make a clasical music ensemble with our daughters.I bet that despite an erf her coat is very silky too. She's probably very warm to cuddle as well.
I love her so much.
>>41871727The posting of mare meme is what happens when one's love of ponies bubbles up vigorously and can no longer be contained. These feelings then burst forth and one spontaneously, and exuberantly, posts mares. Think about it as a religious experience.
>>41872072This, pretty much.
>>41871279I want to play a piano-cello duet with her! This is my ardent wish!
>>41872274This. Faggots who don't love ponies enough don't get it.
>>41871727Is reading comprehension too difficult for anons nowadays? What part of my post did you not understand? Don't tell me you don't know what a snowpity is...
>>41872566>picIn my headcanon, his cutie mark means that he's Equestria's best assfucker. If a mare wants the best anal orgasm of her life, she goes to Dick-in-Ass-Guy.
>>41872625>anal orgasmThat's a guy thing though.
>>41872783Being fucked in the behind can stimulate the vagina from behind. Some women report being able to orgasm this way, but not all.
>>41871727Look up some marefair vids. The chanting of "Mares" is a primal calling of anons that have a deep spiritual bond with mares.
>>41871727forced meme from rewatch trannies.
>archive digging furfaggot back at it
>>41873490>brony calling anybody else a furfaglol, lmao even
Yep it's him
>>41873490Mind broken.
>>41872088I want her to give a cello performance with those glasses on.
From the /draw/ thread.
>>41875217The maretooth is spreading!
>>41875222And... it's gone! Whew close call, she almost had cancer.
>>41875264NOOOO YOU STUPID FAGGOT! How will she open her cans now? She got a maretooth for precisely that reason!
I am so unbearably fucking tired of the fun police.
>>41875315I don't have a dog in this maretooth fight all I'm saying is that it's kinda dumb, but whatever.
>>41875264>If you didn't want your art to be mutilated then you should've never picked up a stylus in the first place.
I am so unbearably fucking tired of the forced meme pride parade
>>41875346And what has shitting up threads with your faggy whining accomplished? Nothing? What a shocker.
>>41872274This. If Motley Crue can sing Girls Girls Girls then who is anyone to say I can't sing Mares Mares Mares?
>>41875315>>41875346I agree with both of your posts in a way.
Stressed Tavi...
>>41876582Stressed Tavi Best Tavi
Tired tavi my beloved
Tavi makes me so damn hard. This mare is pure sex.
>>41871279Are there any good fan fics that stared her?
>>41876887I've been reading way too many Octavia fics lately. Of course, it's near impossible to have an Octavia fic without it relating to Vinyl in some way, but so it goes. Here are a few I particularly enjoyed.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/525986/octavias-last-night - Elderly Octavia looks back on her life and sifts through her various regrets and accomplishments. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/328332/between-bassdrops-and-bowstrings - One'a those romance-type fics. The romance and drama take time to develop and resolve, and it incorporates a few ScratchTavia fandom references without feeling forced.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/95013/the-royal-ponyville-orchestra - Another drama/romance-type fic. Octavia is particularly neurotic in this one. Actual mental case, but it's pretty entertaining.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/279865/the-things-tavi-says - Technically starring Vinyl, but Octavia is extremely important. Very poetic, introspective, sweet, but also heart-wrenching and dramatic as it goes on. There's one arc that's a little out of place but otherwise it's fantastic. Same author as Background Pony.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/534255/never-miss-a-beat - A newer fic, and sadly unfinished, but I really enjoy the characterizations of Vinyl and Octavia in this one. Feels much more mature than a lot of romance fics.There's a few more I'd recommend, but they're all various flavors of ScratchTavia romance. If that's what you're into.
>>41871279You can just feel the reserved passion in her eyes. In public she's a no nonsense classy mare, but in the bedroom she becomes a total succubus.
I like the mare meem. And I like that it makes faggots seethe.
>>41878058I really really really like this gif.
When you say Tavi, is it "tah-vee" or "tay-vee"?
>>41876887I may as well plug my own Tavi fic:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/550391/requiem-for-a-friendIt's a short (13k) Octascratch friendship fic. Tavi is the narrator.
>>41878254Britfag here, the first one.
>>41878254tavi is the only correct way
>>41878254first, even if its tay in the name
>>41878383Added to Read It Later...
Don't listen to her! This is how all of this ends up all the time!
>>41878592Holy SHIT, I need to impregnate Octavia
>>41878758That's not Octavia, her cutie mark is upside down... It's an imposter.
>>41878855Still would
>>41878855its ai, so its automatically trash.
>>41878898Still would
Holy fuck I NEED Tavi to make me her living dildo.
vul please, contain yourself
>>41877205no clopsno time to read...
>>41879314Not even vul. It's just Octavia turns me on like no tomorrow.I want her to fuck me so hard I can't even think about anything else but her tight pussy. I want her to rape me every day. I want her to keep using my body until she gives birth to an ensemble of cello-playing pretty gray purple-eyed fillies. Man, her purple orbs are so captivating...
>>41876887I recommend this waifu story about her.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/486498/you-are-my-music-my-melody
Magnetic hooves are quite handy.
>>41879892She's magnifique, cello is one of the most difficult instruments.
She's welcome in my jar anytime
>>41879989Been a while since I've heard Dvorak's concerto, but I remember not being a big fan of it. Gotta give it an honest relisten then.I really like Kabalevsky's one thoughhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RM0DH2Y8YwPlayed it as a piano accompanist many years ago.
>>41878383Sad stuff. Was a good read, even if I don't understand any of the musical jargon.>>41879989Damn, that's a good picture. She looks very elegant.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytepXpkBOnY>>41880020>KabalevskyNice.>Played it as a piano accompanist many years ago.Very nice.
Sex with Octavia.
>Hornyposting...>...or Jánosposting...Which way, western man?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5Sq_tJG8G4
>>41878254More like toffee.
Hot, sweaty, foalmaking sex with Tavi while János Starker's masterful performance plays on the background...
I want to rub her cello bow between her asscheeks and into her cunt.
>>41877205>>41878383>>41879456NTA but saved, thx for recommendations.I still remember one of the first fics I've ever read: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/153949/lady-octavia . Looking back it's probably far from being a perfect story, but it got me into MLP fanfiction, so it holds a significant sentimental value. From that point Tavi has always been my favorite pony.
>>41880498I remember reading this one. It's certainly not the worst, but it's also far from the best. I remember it being far too succinct, lacking in detail and such, and thinking that Vinyl adjusted to her new position a little too readily. But I did not classify it as "would never read again" in my notes, so there was still enough there that made it worth reading.
>>41880498I also want to give thanks for the recs
I want Octavia to fucking murder me
>>41878592>>41879242Give me the sauce for these.
>>41881250First one looks like slop, trying looking at twibooru or tantabus.Second one: see filename on ponerpics.
>>41881865Oh its a bridle bliss art ! I cant believe vultraz drew that one.
>>41881221Why would she kill you? You have shit taste in music?
>>41879989>>41880020K, I change my mind. Dvorak's concerto is awesome! I must have had a bad day while hearing it the last time or something. Very pleasant 2nd movement.
>>41882182Who let her drink caffeine?
tavi a cute
>>41881250That's Tantabus, my dear anon. All cool AI art is now hosted there instead of derpibooru:https://tantabus.ai/images/26870
>>41883492That cute pic is also AI? Damn. What a shame, I'd follow that artist if it existed.
>>41883499The artist there is Teaspoon: https://tantabus.ai/images/38174
>>41883512Still AI. You know how it is.
>>41883492I like this Tavi. Almost fits for a story I wrote that I want to finish.
>>>41883891She rocks lingerie
>>41882182Studying orchestral scores be like
>>41883895Of course she does. Tavi doesn't even need to try to be sexy. She just is. Though, Tavi in lingerie is like a nuclear weapon of UNF.
>>41883512>derpi admin is a tf/aitrannykek
>>41884584oh, it's THAT teaspoon? rough
>>41884599Should that name mean something?
>>41884584So it's THAT flaggot who keeps shilling for Vyletranny...
>>41884584>sullying my wife's flag shame
>>41884584That OC is damn hot
>>41884584Cute mare tho
As much as I like the cello horse, I've rarely actually listened to cello performances. I guess this is as good a time as any to rectify that.
>>41886726mmm plunger + octavia is quite a tasty brew
The donk is a chav
>>41887072Why did nobody did the norf meme with her>"Luv me cello. Luv me 'Non. Luv me Vinyl. 'Ate griffons. Not racist, just don't like them. Simple as."
>>41886726She looks really good with an overcoat.
>>41887587IndeedChavtavia is the best 'tavia
I LOVE my pretty pony wife!!!
>>41888708The most important thing to get right is her pretty mane.
>>41888317>>41888317at first glance i saw her holding a machete
Has anyone here heard of the game called, Octavia in the Underworld's cello?
>>41889503Yep, but I never played it nor seen any gameplay. Do you recommend it?
>>41889503Has it been released yet?
>>41889678Well it has a lot of butt shots of Vinyl and Octavia
The donkey is a car.
>>41889976I will now play your game.
>>418903719/10 (needs cutie mark). Would drive donkmobile
>>41891124>>41891357I want to make sad tired Octavia happy and hug her tightly, to make her worries go away and fall asleep together in bed
Your designated slop m'lord
>>41891413Cute slop, shame her cutiemark is grey and not purple
>>41891413On one hand, noooo you can't make her chinese she's bri'ishOn the other... The string-instrument-prodigy stereotype tends to include being asian
>>41891495Maybe she is just trying out different cultures. She's a pony not a wyt woman.
>>41891495I only did a chinese dress because it was a new year for them recently.
>>41892239Do Chinese use Internet Explorer or what?
>>41891495The Japanese constantly celebrate Western holidays like Halloween and Christmas so why shouldn't she research Asian culture? Also she's a pony.
>>41895909What is she going to do with the sharp stick?
>>41895925She's going to conduct the symphony...epically.
You're designated slop m'lords.
>>41896242Cute but how she will play her instrument?Also she's nailing it down on a bed
>>41896242>SlopLooks like a really cute Octavia to me, Anon. Only problem is that the endpoint rod of the cello looks like it is resting on that sheet of music. Pretty sure Tavi would not approve.
>>41896267She will simply strum it.
>>41896267Good question>>41896276Yea it's slop, give it another couple years and the "small" details will be more coherent Some more I made in the AI thread, I don't want to spam it here. >>41896269>>41896277
>>41896313Honestly I dont really mind AI generated content so long it's well generatedHand drawn are still better but other than that I'm indifferentYou can slop once in a while, it will be fine
>>41896325AI's only use is providing the threads I like with easy throwaway bump fuel. A worthy cause.
>>41896312I like how her mane keeps the beat and timing.
>>41896325Yea you all seem to be cool with the "daily designated slop" I will continue until I forget or get bored. You might be cool with it, but there is a loud vocal minority that gets their panties in a bunch when a bunch of AI content is posted. I would prefer to prevent that from derailing the thread and shitting it up in general.
>>41896346Thats fair
>>41896346I personally find it distasteful, but I can't bring myself to care enough to argue about it. We share passion for a particular subject in a tiny thread in a tiny corner of the internet, why bother arguing about how we express it?
>>41896373Arguing about ponies is a time honored tradition for Anons.
>>41896373Sanest Anon on the internet.
what's your favorite rendition of this mare, personality-wise? I've seen so many versions of her over the years. neurotic, eccentric, calm-collected, teasing, no-nonsense... there are so many possibilities
>>41895320I think I finally understand the ending of 2nd movement thanks to that vid. Those harmonics confused me before. I only know a thing or two about cello theoretically.>>41898167I see her as a loner focused on music.I know I'll get yelled at, but I've never been a fan of pairing her with Vinyl.
>>41898448>spoilerSame. The only fun interpretation I've seen of it was from a few threads ago which was if the relationship was being fueled by Tavi having internalized racism against unicorns after living in Canterlot and then proceeding to take it out on Vinyl sexually
>>41898478>if the relationship was being fueled by Tavi having internalized racism against unicorns after living in Canterlot and then proceeding to take it out on Vinyl sexuallykek
>>41898448I've seen the pairing done well and done poorly. It makes sense on a fundamental level. The concept of meeting someone who pulls you out of your comfort zone, provides spontaneity or structure that you were missing, depending on which perspective you're looking at it from. You might chalk it up to "omg two music mares, they must kiss", and maybe some people do think that simply, but I think there's probably more to it than that if it's survived in our collective consciousness for so long.I personally prefer when Vinyl is portrayed as acting like an adult, having a sort of wisdom behind her persona. She's got a life, experience in dealing with the music world, there's nothing that necessitates her being a total knucklehead mcspazzatron.
>>41899059Lmao that cello
>>41899453She used it so much it was bound to break at one point.
>>41898448>I know I'll get yelled at, but I've never been a fan of pairing her with Vinyl.I think their pairing is fine on a friendship level. I think it is stupid to pair them romantically. Maybe it's the anti-shipper in me, but I just hate it. But, to each their own, I guess.
>>41899558I guess I feel the same.
>>41898508>they will never meet for the first time on screenWasted potential.
>>41899453Lol it's a 4.5 string. I could luthier better.
>>41899059>>41899453>>41899733LOLBut for real. Even real artists fuck up instruments sometimes. AI actually did a decent job here. I'd expect something worse. This bow though...Overall it's a very nice picture.
>>41884584Literally Anonfilly all over again
>>41896346Tons of people hate AI trash you disingenuous faggot.
>>41898478>internalized racism against unicornsYou mean against earth ponies ? Cause thats the one I remember being brought up in that vinyl threadhttps://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41720130/#41729707
>>41898167I see her as a more serious Rarara, but she's still the same girly (marely?) romantic. Also kind of neurotic, yes. She would see (You) as a good muse for her, her relationship with (You) driving her to make more of her own compositions.>>41898448>spoilerPersonally I don't take yuri seriously aside from being coomfuel for men, which is yuri's true purpose anyway.As much as I'd to get teased and lured in by Tavi tribbing with Wubhorse, before they proceed to take turns having their way with me after my will took an another punch after seeing them fuck, I think being in full seriousness emotionally invested in pixels on the screen kissing (under the tree) and fucking isn't healthy, especially if you're male.
>>41900363Homo shippings explained in one simple post.
>>41900363Nothing inherently wrong with enjoying a good honest romance. Romance stories have existed since forever, and using ponies as characters in said stories isn't anything particularly strange, either. Lesbians or not.
>>41900238What exactly is your point sir? Plenty of people hate ponies too, but that never stopped me from posting them on 4chan.
>>41900255Yeah that's the reply chain I was referring to. I mixed it up for a Tavi thread, which is pretty synonymous with Vinyl threads anyway
>>41886778I really like that shading
>>41902633>plays cello professionally>doesn't know what a rock stop isShamefur dispray
>>41902673ty>>41903145wtf is that?
>>41903169>wtf is that?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endpin#Endpin_anchors
>>41903190Oh I see, well it just so happens that there is one. It’s just built in to the floor.
>>41871279Reverse her colors.
>>41903145I doubt AI plays cello professionally.
>>41904133Negatavi is just a changeling in a wig.
>>41904133"I hate cellos and classical music"
>>41904133Still would.
>>41906115>Cufflinks on the pant legs.Kek.
>>41906137Actually for four legged creatures that could be a thing. The back hooves are seen almost as much as the front hooves by other ponies around, it makes sense to make them look more presentable compared to a human ankle.
>>41906165>seen almost as much as the front hoovesSeen almost as frequently as the front hooves
>>41904133>>41903719You did this.
Also I did a drawing of a new OC of mine daydreaming about mares, specifically Octavia.
>>41907710More like POOta.
>>41907693>futaNice, make a Vinyl version thinkin about those cello cheeks
>>41907741But I got double dubs! I think you’re jealous Vinyl gets to tap that ass (hue) daily
>>41907759I can cuddle with Octavia literally whenever I want.
>>41907797Now I’m jealous, I want a donk to cuddle too>>41907803Too bad Ghost died, they made cute Tavi and Vinyl stuff
>>41907648Does Negatavi have the opposite personality characteristics of Tavi?
The donk is thicc
>>41909840at least post the damn mare if you like this thread so much!
I do not like this pony.
>>41910074how scandalous!
>>41907710>>41907722Where did you people find this one ?
>>41907710Why is it always penis where penis doesn't grow naturally? Why couldn't it have been my fet which is [fetish which is so much worse]?
>>41910467>Why couldn't it have been my fet which is [fetish which is so much worse]?So, getting cucked? One of the few fetishes worse than troonta.
>>41910497What is it, piss, diaper shit, vore, gore?You need to seek help if it’s anything like those.
>>41871296Unf Schmoopy plap plap!
>>41910571Haha, no, worse.
>>41910900I bet you're one of those sickos into hoofholding
>>41910921Oh no. I have been found out.Time for sudoku.
>>41910955I knew it. You're fucking disgusting.
>>41910966Oh no.Ahh.
Fuck Octavia. This is a TAMERS thread now. Fuck you if you hate tamers.-!Derail initiated!-. Post tamers!!
>>41910978>Fuck OctaviaYou don't have to tell me.
>>41910978Make your own thread mate
>>41911059>Make your own thread mateThey already have two up, and they're shitting up an unrelated third and fourth thread right now. They always do this.
kill tamerniggers
>>41908169Depends which characteristics you personally consider normal tavi to have, there seem to be a variety of fan interpretations, primarily classy and... unclassy.
>>41911059I spammed the threads with octavias she is my waifu mand makes me wanna kms
>>41911126I sometimes feel like Vinyl is supposed to have a personality opposite to Tavi's. Like she is (generally) portrayed as a loud extravert while Tavi is quiet and reserved.So, Negatavi would just be V: donkey edition.
>>41911059Octavia makes me wanna kms and I always post suicide threads because I'm a faggot
>>41910978I know what you are. You will not ruin this kino thread. Go back and kys shartynigger
>>41911150I keep spamming octavia threads where I threaten to kms octavia is my favorite pony what should I do mlp san