Schedule:>>>>41861444(im not original op btw i just wanna make more fren)
hot mares in your area
>1300 in attendance>compared to 1000 last yearmaybe next year they’ll be bigger than everfree
>>41897370im curious how many of those are live atendees and not just homeconners.also, midnight lobbycon happening rn for any restless nonnies.
>>41897443staff confirmed this is the live attendee number, harmonycon does their badge check ins differently from mare fair
Who’s the fag outside with the sign protesting the con?
>>41897620lol? proof?
I didn’t even do any of the drinking and I still feel wasted. Cheers to everyone for a great first con for me!
>>41897725alcohol is degenerate
Saw someone outside of the panel rooms at the bottom of the escalators yesterday complaining to staff about being made uncomfortable and someone else saying they didn't do it. Didn't stay to listen because I was on my way to a panel
>>41897725I got fucking sick at the last minute and couldn't go at all.
>>41897465Can confirm this is not live attendee but a count of badges sold t. I'm staff
>>41897268I’m sorry you feel that way anon. Tbdesu, I really understand. I struggle a lot with socializing and knowing what to say and stuff and end up just standing awkwardly while other people have conversations around me. But hey, the good news is that when other people are better at talking than you are they try to include you in the conversation every once in a while and the rest of the time you just get to chill. Don’t forget that you matter and you deserve friendship, just the way you are.
feel bad for anyone who didn't lobbycon this one
>>41897738The furfag, right? I was wondering what that was about
>>41897787He was harassed by a wignat that said "I want to marry Cheerilee" and offered a sticker of herThe furry turned down the offer and reported it to staff
Good marening sirs
Roll call for all Fancy™ Dinner bros.Dinner is at 7:15 pm, arrive about 15 min earlier so we have time to do a group photo before heading up into the ball.We are currently at 21 sign ups for 22 spots, as two have dropped off.
>>41897899Is this all one party?
>>41897868>cant even say the 4 letter wordi just realized i walked around utterly dripped in filly regalia and not a single dyke has bitched me out for it.
>>41897899This is Woonon. Probably gonna have to cancel. Sorry for being a fag.
>>41897868Lol noWe are everywhere
>>41897860Cheerileechud, if you're still here give me that fucking sticker!
>>41897930Split up tables>>41897972ok fag
>>41897868‘shopppedstop being obsessed
>>41897899This is only for bros in suits right?
>>41898002Nah, jeans and polo is fine too
>>41897868What’s up with Redditors being these passive aggressive wusses
This is your last chance to get a bid in for our charity auction Come to the Mare Fair table before noon to bidMorning Mimosa, Fair Flyer, Verity plushies and a 2024 sponsor bag (minus t-shirt)It's $369 rn all proceeds go to Blue Horse Sanctuary
>>41897888greet the pretty cute pony, asking to see her cute snowpityshow your cute snowpity to me ill take you to streets so shitty
Come down and sign it
>>41898196>wonderbolt dashie plushall my want
>>41898272What about taco dash?
>>41898301need all the dashies
>>41898301Looks soft af, I wish more plushmancers would use deep pile minky.
Todays Mission:Form a swastika by the pool, so all the twittertards piss scream and cry about it and try to make up excuses about bad actors at Harmonycon. So they shut the fuck up about it only happening at Mare Fair.
>>41898348Fucking do it, we're counting on you
>>41898348When? I'll take the picture
So who fucking died yesterday?
Man they botching this charity auction LOL
>>41898368he didn't die he got his dick stuck in a filly plushie
>>41898368Is that a tranny prostitute?
>>41898371Yeah this is rough lmaoI don't even blame them for not participating, this charity sucks ass
Any room parties going on right now?
Wasn't able to go this year, whats the drama situation like?
>>41898371>>41898453>half an hour left>barely $3600 raisedEmbarrassing
When the fuck is the pool party
>death to twinks>anon akbar>>41898477Now
Some of you guys are coolDon't come lobbycon tonight
>>41898371Pile of plushies on the table, mixed together, they named what you get instead of putting them on the block so you can see what you're buying, did 3 lots like that, then a pile of pony stuff, didn't get much interest, they forgot to mention until after it ended they was signed. big off, someone got a deal
>>41898505OiMake a windmill by the pool.
>>41897888That is A FUCKTON of mares
There are fillies at the pool, stop by to drink booze and observe the filly
>>41898582Forgot pic related
>>41898582Can confirm presence of filly
>>41898582Only reason I'm not at the pool yet. Checking the closing ceremonies for lulz.They're saying harmonycon might not happen next year because of the evil chuds."Muh texass is evil towards muh people"
Any post con stuff happening? Pool party still on?
>>41898730>me me meThis is why they fail
>>41898730Shit, I wanted to get plushies of the mascots for my crippling addiction to pony plushies.
>>41898730What is that, a tenth of what Mare Fair raised? Maybe next year Harmony should try raising money for something that matters
>>41898730In reality if they truly want to end it, it's probably too much of a hassle for the organizers to keep up with, and they're just using chuds as a convenient excuse instead of just admitting they're tired of running it.
>>41898747Do it now before vendor hall closes anon.Love the plushie, not the behavior.(Plushies go to con costs too lamo.)
>>41898756Isn't that exactly what's happening with babs?
Would they really be willing to throw away one of the more successful cons out of spite for state politics? If you hate gendered restrooms so much just go back to your hotel room if you need a bathroom. Its not that damn hard.
Did someone lose an anonfilly at the DJ rig? It has a (You) tag on it
>>41898787like modern game studios, it sucks but I'm kinda glad it's dying. i hate that all these charities all go to killing my people now
>>41898811didn't mean to tag >>41898787
>>41898811Killing your people? Not sure I follow. Is this about tomboy genocide?
>>41898830turning them into troons who end up killing themselves, but that too
>>41898730Oh wow, that's amazing. Did they tell everybody how many little boys dicks they'll be able to cut off with that money? Or are they going to waste it all on failed political campaigns?
Did it live up to its name? Did it harm many cons?
who was the hottest anon at harmony
>>41898855Can confirm
>>41898849It harmed itself and Mare Fair so I'd say yes
>>41898775The issue is I was unable to attend the con, I was planning on going next year since I literally am just a state away.
Lets pony party
Anyone have post-con depression yet?
who was the coolest anon at harmony
>>41898873Yeah, and depression every night of the con because of how emotionally unstable I am.
>>41898841The latter since it's a lobbying group.
>>41898885Sweetie Belles pussy
>>41898895Can confirm
>>41898885The anon I murdered and stuffed in the fridge.
>>41898730It's pretty bonkers how delusional faggots are, did they really think they'd raise a lot of money for institutions that specialize in cutting children's dicks off? kek
Pool party still going on
Got alcohol shit. Give us a room and we'll be there
>>41898923>No horseplay Good thing laws were meant to be broken
Honestly not much of interest at the charity auction, get why people weren’t bidding. Did manage to swipe this for 50$ though!
>>41898923>he still wears glasses underneathkek, glad that guy hasn't changed
Is fancy group tower dinner thing still happening? I want to spend a lot of money on a dinner before I leave. I dont have a suit and tie though so idk what the dress code is.
>>41898994Second one
>>41898994>>41898998>tainted by furshitWhy do they always have to do this?
>>41898997Yeah. There might be 1 more spot with the main group and my group going up with them might have a spot.Meet up is at the crown block bottom at 6:55 or 7 if you want to try and see if you can squeeze in.Dress code is business casual some proper black pants and a plaid shirt/something similar should work well enough. Basically no t-shirts or sweatpants and such
>>41898997I have some extra formal clothes you can borrow if you're not too big
>>41898997We are on, we are at 21 on 22 spots with youPolo and jeans are fine>pic related, everyone was allowed in last year
>The forbidden clothing items
>>41899091Okay in that case I think I should be able to get in. Ill check the meetinf spot at around 6:55 and see if there is a spot.
>>41899105I wonder if they would allow me to bring my wife (she's stuffed)
>>41899105I don't see anything about mare-themed crocs
>>41899117They were chill last year>>41899116You should be good>>41899133do burgers really?
Meetup spot is down these escalators, in the tiny lobby area just outside the entrance to the tower elevators.Meetup time at 7pm
>>41898862I wouldn’t fret too much, usually when cons shut down they liquidate their merch to get as much money as possible to pay off debts. So keep an eye out for that in the future
>>41899142Should have specified I meant a life-size wife
Nature is healing
>>41898730Nooooooooooooo how am I supposed to cum inside harmonic tune's ponut now???
Just got word that bird guy is going to come next year
>>41899269I'm gonna talk about some of the other shit show that happened this year
>>41899269mr regular?
>press S to spit
>>41899019I’m kinda indifferent to furries, so I don’t really care. I got a bunch of mares out of it and had some fun and got a cool picture out of it to put on my wall, so alls well that ends well. >>41899002 Thanks! I’m glad that I was able to snatch it at a bargain.
>>41899313How is this any different from furries wearing fursuits in public lmfao and you fags complain about furries in the lobby
>>41899331I hope you're serious because thats the most retarded thing I've heard today. I laffed
>>41899313quickly, somebody join them, they are missing just one more person to form full windmill of friendship.
>>41899336They arent fursuiting this is cosplaying which is weeb anime stuff and 4chan cultureMaybe 4chan was the real furry all along.
>>41899331Cause /MLP/ is in the MLP community
We fuck nazi mares. They fuck tranny dogs. We are not the same.
>>41899171Got it. I'll keep an eye on their twitter feed and such. Thanks for letting me know!
Fancy™ Dinner is go
Hi table 2
>>41899472I take it all back this is even gayer and cringier then furries lmfao you dress up like THAT and bring your fetish sex toys into people's business dinners I never went to a furry dinner with them in fursuits and Bad Dragons on the dinner tables
>>41899541>stop having fun!!no
>>41899541Bait used to be believable
>>41899549okay have fun with anonsuiters but I don't yiff in front of married couples having dinners and put my tail plug on the table in front of familys celebrating graduations>>41899553And I look like a great Dane with a 6pack and a 14" dog dick, sure
>>41899512Hello table 1
>>41899091Glad to see you're having fun lads.
>>41899602Where the fuck are you
Together we can solve the puzzle>>41899602Missing you bro
>>41899658that pic of Fluttershy makes me want an Eraserhead baby pony plushie now
>>41899665Thanks I hate it
>>41899621>>41899658Mare Fair for sure.
What the FUCK we found the PTS irl sex doll
Hello table 3(?)
are there any parties tonight? where's the booze
You are all poor.
It's not american "food" unless you have Mac and cheese
I wonder if they'll have pic related again
Found the fun doodle board
>go to the Maintaining Creativity panel or whatever>lady sitting a few seats away >have to look at in my peripheral to see the speaker>she pulls out a Fluttershy doll>then takes a 2-3 second long sniff of it loud enough to hear from like 4 seats away>looks at it longingly after finishing>then does it again
>>41899755You have no class
>>41899860>Imagine not wanting to smell fluttershy
Any parties or meetups still going on? I need to know fast before my mood crashes ike a green Jap pilot in 1945.
guys, we need someone to bail us out from the dinner. Our cards got declined, and they're not letting us out
>>41899940>$926.68No fucking way hahahahaha
>>41899940Tell the femoid that rudely showed up to do it.
>>41899940>$132.12 tip
>>41899940Are you actually trapped board is done.
Guys, I don't want this com to be over
Is there anything going on tonight? Seems kinda dead
>>41900079Probably a couple room parties here and there but a lot of people are flying out in the morning so it’s doubtful
>>41899940Honest question: You can't just ask for them to remove the 18% and give a tip directly to whoever served you? Or no tip at all?Also that """tip""" is a fucking robbery, holy shit
There is no chance they will read this.but i complemented someone in a black dress thar i felt reallt complimented princess Luna. I cant even remeber what i said in specific, just that i drew the connection. I wish I wasn't so mentally broken where i could talk to you without feeling so mentally clouded whete i cant remember muself. I just wish i wasnt so broken where i could articulate how i feel. Sorry you other fags but i just had to say this before i forget, though i know it will be lost to time. I hate being cursed to an exitst3mce where i can see where i could have if i wasnt so broken mentally. Is rather just be completely braindead. Sorry for blogpost if anyone with a gun wants to come up to my room and end me feel free.
If any femoids want to come by 1158 to cuddle or something i would enjoy rhat. I am a very broken individual so i would never try anything beyond that. Just knock. Please ignore this. Thanks.
>>41900191If you're drunk trip once.
Wow.Ebony is so gay. This is why we call her Ebonyblow
>>41899860reminds me of a guy at MF last year, except he was chewing mouthing his little plushies thoughtlessly, my brain made the same face
>>41900367That was a fun con.It's no mare fair, but damn does it scratch the itch long enough to wait till mare fair.Keep safe fathoms. I want to see you all there.
its so some "big" things>contract hasnt been renewed for next year>there was a rapist that they found at the con but did the dash before has found>a furry orgy visible from the balcony>bird fag is coming again next year>trying to move venue for next year
>>41899996beautiful board
>>41900258Did bro get any1 to cuddle
what did you get with your room credit anon?
He’s with us here in spirit guys…
It's so over
>>41900831How the fuckI didn't get that offer
Flight leaves late today, any where to chill out with anons?
>>41900945It was on the bed in the rooms. It was blue you had to flip it to the other side for the green offer.
>>41900967Guess not every room got it, my beds had nothing on em when I checked in
>>41900985You're not missing out on much. The hotel food was quite overpriced and gave me really bad heartburn.
>>41900643>there was a rapist that they found at the con Fucking what?>did the dashDid you mean deed? That's fucked.
>>41900990ok so (from what i heard) i think it was that some guy raped a (furry i think) bitch, she saw him, broke down crying then left to go home after he was found out, i think before he left he was walking around the venue in a mask unless that was someone that just looked like him
>>41900995this is why security was down stairs between the bathrooms & the door that leads to the panel hallway
>>41900995>>41901004How does one even get raped at Harmonycon? Was it the gender neutral bathrooms?
>>41901004(this was saturday night, i forgot to put this)
>>41901020This fandom has a lot of sexual predators
>>41901024Yeah I noticed all the fat people.
taking my scitzo meds and watching bros fade awayit's been real until next time
pack pack
>>41901063Free them
Something cute I grabbed from the jackbox panelI love mares so much
>>41901042Fans of >rape when it's no longer implied
>>41897323So are cons nowadays just filled with tourists or is it actually fun
>>41901063If one of those vacuum bags gets a puncture your suitcase is going to face the consequences of pony expansion- pony explosion.
they immediately took the gender neutral bathroom signs down near the panels, LOL
>>41900944Like we were never even there
>>41899996What happened to it?
I'm gonna make sure that there will never be another mair fair. Me and my discord gooners are going to organize a nazi raid on the place. September is the day mlp dies and you bigots will be on live television! I did the fuck off nazis poster to warn you to fuck off or else I will fucking ruin your shitty fairs and cons. Nazis don't deserve to be in the USA we fought the fucking faggots you endorse Nazism because you are retarded. Hitler is literally jewish and killed more white people than any other leader wanna know why because he is the reason WW2 happened he is the reason so many aryan germans died he is a piece of shit faggot that should have let the bolsheviks alone. BUT HE COULDN'T HE DIDN'T If you are going to attend mare fair please go kill yourself ty
>>41901191You Nazi
>>41901191>EqgflagPost is as expected.
>>41901191Average eqg fan
>>41901191Tell me one reason why we haven't deported barbie fags yet?
>>41901191Shame you don't know any grammar Nazis, goddamn. Don't miss the first day of 4th grade just to hang out with us, alright anon? Education is important.
>>41901191t. bilbo
>>41901213I want to tongue fuck the beautiful flower that is eqg glimmer's asshole
Dashie is fucking sexy buttfuck her all night long
>>41898994>>41898998>$50>for original art by con-goers and anonswhat a fucking steal
I want rainbow dash to cum inside me while anons watch me and then I want anon to cum inside rainbow dash while rainbow dash cums inside me while anon cums inside rainbow dash while anon cums inside anon and anon cums inside rainbow dash
>>41901254Right? It would've gone for a lot more if the charity wasn't complete ass
>>41900809they will be squished soon alhamdulillah
>>41901235I cannot think my ability to think has been diminished. I'm entering retard zone. I used to be really good but now I'm bad ;(. I am gooning too much to dashie unf unf. Dashie is my waifu. I want dashie to be inside me.
Fuck dashieCum dashieHot dashieCold dashiePizza dashieSmall dashieLarge dashie Sock dashieThigh dashieFeet dashieClop dashieDashie dashie dashie dashie dashie dahs-eaieda dashdaied-aeda-da eshdsad-aasddasdh RADSHSHD DASH DASDHHH DASHHHHHHHAS HDAAHDAHDS DAHDSHHSDDSHDSHDHSHDHSDHS DASH SDSHDAH DASH DASH DASH
Aaaahhh fuck Dashie so tight I love her she’s so fucking sweet %20cooler puss puss
Reminder that this could be someone you talked to in person over the weekendEveryone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about
Dashie boardDashie threadhttps://dashie.bestplap plap
Plap plap plap Dashie
>>41901305>eqg dashie flag it's over, you are not real
Krill yourself ( I'm getting shrimp) teehee
>>41901385Dang I’m exposed
The "peak" American "burger" experience, straight out of the vacuum pack
>>41901432You got to get it on Texas toast double meat and bacon with gravy and dip the burger in the gravy
>>41901437>THESE ARE THE PEOPLE INVADING ((((((((((OUR)))))))))) SPACES,That's their objective, stop feeding them attention
>>41901432Skibidi flutters shy shy shy Skibidi Skibidi flutters sky sky sky Lunas speaking sombras language sombras language lunas using sombras language Skibidi Skibidi flutters
>>41901437Makes me wonder how well flux fur deal with bleach discoloration.
>>41901437>Dale dude is a furfagFuck, I thought he was cool
>>41901437Absolutely disgusting
>>41901437based, diet furry con upgrade
>>41901437And people wonder why some anons weren't interested in Harmonycon.
Harmony even throwing out the idea of leaving Texas is retarded. Dallas in particular is one of the most brony dense cities in America. They would lose more attendees if they relocate than they would from the attention whore trannies. They might as well end the con if they relocate. That's probably their end goal.
>>41900643sauce/dets?why are they changing venue again?>>41900990>>41900995>>41901004>>41901022>>41901024Remember how one of the two con chairs got accused in 2022 and then turned up on the floor the year after unannounced? could it be him?there was also that Dutch DJ Agatan who tried to pressure someone and then started neckbiting them aggressivelyThe con has some issues with creeps doesn't it?
>>41901581WTF - when did they announce this? I know that tall Brit with all the cameras wasn't here this year but did someone get that on video?>>41901437>>41901526Honestly I'm not that bothered - they're a small minority; and as long as they're not dikheads it's cool; never stopped my enjoyment; if there was a big increase in furry-centred content on programming that's what concerns me
>>41901586I know the former vice chair and he's a pretty decent guy. I highly doubt any rape allegation towards him is true
>>41901603They did their virtue signal at closing ceremonies. Also in the postcon survey.
>>41901581fuck this, >I AM OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCING A NEW TEXAS CONVENTIONit will be in either Fort Worth or Arlington since Dallas is fucking terrible>preliminary convention spaces (this place was the old arlington convention center and this place has a cool layout sick of this con using itself for other shit than what its supposed to be about, poniesif anyone else has any other ideas or venue please post
>>41901603>if there was a big increase in furry-centred content on programming that's what concerns methere was a literal fursuit parade panel and a panel using furry lingo in its namealso some random literally who furries were community guests and at least 3 stalls in the vendor hall had practically nothing pony related
>>41901586a guy thats close with the con chair told, and all of it seems to line up
this was one of the most fun cons I've been to in a while
Did Cheerilee like the burger?
>>41901633who did he tell? could i have some links or something?>>41901632there are plenty of pony fursuits at those things and a couple of furry art only vendors and minor community guests sounds about normal for this compared to previous years / other cons / for a thing with overlaps with furry
>>41901669>who did he tell?are you that fucking stupid touch with the curtains closing after the con ended
>>41901669Why do you want furshit at a ponycon? It would make sense if the b&thro art was of mlp characters, but it wasn't. Also I saw only four pony fursuits out of the thirty that were at the con. Take your trojan horse elsewhere vile furfag.
>>41901676lol okay it was publically stated - my bad DERPbut do you have any links or whatnot? desire to know more intensifies
>>41901689did I say I wanted that you goon? did you even read my posts? lol i'm saying i'm not bothered if it's a bit you absolutist little boob
>>41901703You being okay with it shows that you are willing to let them insert their fandom into ours you fuckwad. Bronies have an even larger overlap with weebs, should we have fucking anime panels too?
>>41901712What the fuck are general anime conventions even about? Since it's multi fandom I don't get what they have panels about and even furry cons for that matter
critical levels of over
>>41901623make it happen, or the barbie lynching happens at MF4
Dfw bros post your gates
>>41901719It's basically a big meetup for furfamous people to suck n fuck eachother and be gross, the panels are probably about shit like increasing online engagement, drawing, and how to make fursuits. There was a furry orgy at Harmonycon I heard.I only have patience for the pony suits. I was in the lobby talking with some buddies and this chick in a dog outfit just came up and stood there like we were going to start talking to her, we ignored her and she left after a while. God, every fucking convention reminds me why I hate furries.
>>41901805Presently sitting at gate c22, I know some of you guys are here somewhere.
>>41901808This is the future of Mare Fair unless the anons gatekeep. the charity thinks more furries will raise more charity money but look at Harmonycon they didn't raise SHIT because the bronies care about their con actually and the furries just ruin FUCKING EVERYTHING
It’s fucking over
I’m at gate e15; flight isn’t here till another 2 hours.
>>41901823Their "charity" is a bullshit lgbt awareness campaign; who the fuck wants to donate to that. Surely even lgbt'ers realise that's a scam.
>>41901839didnt mare fair raise 100k? this only got 12k
>>41901823But we already gate keep pony cons. Brony cons are unfortunately fair game (lots of bronies are also furries)
>>41901853over half of that 12k was from one guy who was a community guest pity donating at what was presented as the last item before they realized their botch too lol
>>41901878at least he can put that in his taxes
>>41901623Dallas and Fort Worth are the same city, you cannot change my mind on this t. born and raised Texan
>>41901855>Brony cons are unfortunately fair game (lots of bronies are also furries)nta but fuck that noise, I made mistake thinking some of them qualify as "on of the good ones" but with them pushing their bulllshit to small pony spaces I am prepared to go full TFD.
>>41901623please make a texas mare fair so we can die happy anon
>>41901623If you do start one please don't sell out. Keep it small scale and don't shill it to furries and trannies.
>>41901831My flight boards in an hour 15 minutes, come over here to c22!
>>41901623Not an american anon, but God, please make it happen.
>>41901982>Babs ends>Mare Fair CA>Harmony moves/ends>Mare Fair TXImagine coast-to-coast, year-round kino
>>41901982>>41901985>>41901797one of the rules will be no non-pony fur suits and the such
>>41902003Nah fuck Cali, Harmony can move to LA
>>41902007Best time would be at the same time as a big con so that it absorbs all of the undesirables or summer so that collegefags can show up
>>41901986Were you the one that said mares are cringe and that’s inappropriate?
>>41902007i just thought of the name, how does Maretroplex sound? cause this area is reffered to as the Metroplex
>>41901993>shrimpanonWhoops I gave someone my phone for a bit
>>41902025Based. Could do like an secession theme like we're seceeding from Harmonycon. Cuz yknow... Texas.
>>41902036that would only be appropriate if it was hijacked, but if harmonycon is fizzling out then theres no need, also texas was hijacked for the civil waralso no nationalist stuff
>>41902025It could have two mascots. One for Dallas and one for Fort Worth.
>>41902078thats perfect (put a small mare being sandwiched in between them representing arlington)
>>41902070aryan show aryan fandom aryan boardTZD TGD TYD TCD THD
>>41902081Arlington could be an Ar-mare-dillo
>>41902086what about the dallas & fort worth ponies?
Bruh I totally forgot to talk shit about Finnair. Why the fuck would you guys get machines that are so shitty in icing. Totally could've hung out at the airport a little longer but I basically went straight from room party, to drunken stumbling my ass to the airport. I passed the fuck out waiting for plone
>>41901993Can’t bro that’s an entirely different terminal
>>41902112There are ways between them AFAIK...
At the airport I was recognized as the chud that did a skibidi video for one [1] Anonfilly at the con. Is it over for me?
>>41902113See you space cowboy..
>>41901623Sounds cool. I'd like to do something pony-related here in the South that hasn't been turned into a furnigger hangout
>>41902117That requires me to go through TSA again…
>>41901623Interested. I don't have any experience with it, but I could do some hours at registration or some other staff stuff.>>41901666Yes. It wasn't tampered with, was it? >>41902118You're done, Skibidi Biden.
>>41901623Just know that I will report this information to the ADL for anti-semitism. Hate speech is a crime in the US amendment especially anti-semitism. Go fuck yourself nazi
>>41901878I feel like I know who you're talking about. My mind immediately went to one person when you said that.
>>41901986>>41902070I cut Eruvs for fun
>>41902164I'm gutted that we never got a MLP x Barney crossover.
>>41902143Its alright anon we'll meet again some sunny day.
>>41902221If I met you I would pepper spray you and kick the shit out of you I don't interact with faggots
>>41902221Mare fair 2025 bro… see you soon…
>>41902144I put my mayo on it. It wasn't tampered with. Thanks for the plushie!
First class filly treatment
>>41902273How does filly pee taste?
>>41902277Like lemonade
food time
>>41902282I could go for a glass of filly pee.
>>41902294Looks nice, I'd love to see the air hostess's face when seeing you there with all your pones.
Had a great time, cya next time.
This is gonna go great next to the hotel phone I swiped last year.
>>41902397I love souvenir's
>>41901623what about the Hilton Houston NASA/ South Shore Harbor Conference Center as a location? it's right next to the space center museum, good waterfront access and a gun range down the highway for nasapone!
>>41902450Houston is a fucking shit hole, if you wanna to get shot and robbed be my guest, but if not, come to Maretroplex :)
>>41902506the bay area is literally one of the richest parts of the state, Seabrook alone has unironic billion dollar properties and mansions that are half a mile long. not to mention the giant fucking government facility that needs security clearances to be within 1000 feet of it which houses all the nasapones and rockets. I accept your concession for doing literally zero market research and I wish all your Texas endeavors a very go bankrupt in the first year.
>>41902528Please refer to >>41902506Also this is the first year and I need to get consultants
>>41902506Yet Bronycon functioned perfectly in fucking Baltimore of all places
>>41902546I accept your concession.
>>41902547>>41902563Honestly it's cause everyone in Texas hates Houston but Houston sucks actual cock
>>41902587>he won't even bother to look at a map to see where the location isi can only accept your concessions so many times, anon
>>41901623If you're who I think you are we've already talked about this, but the Kalahari in Round Rock is a really cool and unique con venue
Are these cons still active? I love MLP but I only watched it a few years ago and missed all the big ones. I want to visit one one day.
>>41902528>houston nigger brags that his city is so rich and wishes failure on someone doing a cool project>all because he's too poor to hitch a ride to DFWpottery
>>41902629come to marefair, its the best one currently going
Are you faggots dumb? The whole point is for the con to be in DFW.
>>41902640yeah well DFW is a shithole and I already have an excuse to go there so put it somewhere else
>>41902625It's an alright venue, I've been there twice for other stuff but I don't think it's good enough :/
>>41902632unironically i would be fine if he took longer than 0.5 picoseconds to actually look at the venues and give a coherent thought like "this seems too seasonal" or "this property seems too small for my plans", but instead he wanted to be a nigger and flat out deny without doing ANY research, not even bothering to look on google maps to see that its so far from Houston that it basically isn't part of it in any way but in name (as houston is known for gobbling up literally every square foot it can and calling that new foot of dirt houston as well). he was an ass first, so I'm being an ass back.
>>41902646have you ever done a con there? Go to Colossal this year if you have even a passing interest in anime and experience the con + waterpark experience before you pass judgement
>>41902647I don't know how to make it any clearer for you>HOUSTON>IS>TRASH
>>41902647ok, but you're forgetting the most important part of putting your con in Houston and marketing it to more right leaning people: anyone right of Stalin associates Houston with niggardry. That's why I suggested Kalahari even though anyone right of Stalin associates Austin with faggotry: its in Red Rock ^:)
Also the whole point is that it's in DFW
>>41902644Okay. El Paso. We can hang out with your illegal cousins, povertyfag.>>41902654Went to colossal in 22 and I have never smelled a worse stench.
>>41902660unlike houston dfw actually has bronies in it you tard
>>41902664Missed me by a year, went because it was the only con within driving distance that didn't do mask/vax in 2021>actually choosing to live in Texas anywhereI have a smoker now, you faggots have no pull over me
>>41902665they invented this thing in the late 19th century and another even cooler thing in the early 20th that makes that point irrelevant. Who the fuck wants to go to a con where you either stay in a hotel 5 minutes from your house or go home each day anyway?
>>41902678Then why does it matter that it's in Dallas by your logic? If you want a Houston con then make it yourself. Your reddit tier heckin NASA oc isn't cool enough to defeat the purpose of this idea.
>>41902683>he can't even keep his anons straightpathetic
>>41902687You're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point.
>>41902695watching you melt down over a few anons suggesting different cities is giving me a real good feel for how your con will operate when you come up against real pushbackgood luck anon, you're gonna need it
>>41902702>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is the same person
>>41902704wrong people don't deserve individuality
Guys I know let's have the con in Sweden. I liked Sweden bro. Maybe we can all crash at his place
>>41902723if I could drive to Sweden I'd be down, aint flying anymore though
I'm making a con in Halifax. It's called Hoofcon. Promotional art and theme are done. Our mascot is Suri Polomare. I bought the rights to the character from Hasbro. I'm working on finalizing a deal with a venue and getting Tabitha to attend. Expected dates are May 15th - May 17th, 2026. Expect more details soon.
>>41902746no one cares, leaf
>>41902746>CanadaI'm suddenly open to having it in Houston now
>>41902506there were homeless people sleeping on park benches and crackheads on street corners throughout harmonycon tbqh, i feel like all of texas is just a fent state and it makes me not want to go back there.
>>41902798that's pretty much every urban area in the US that isn't currently having extreme weather, you're either in a blizzard or hurricane or you're surrounded by homeless
>>41902803it felt like a walking dead episode, except im not allowed to kill the zombies (government property)
>>41902816last time I was in DC the tent cities had furniture, cracked out niggas with whole ass recliners under an awning
I hate canada so much it's unreal
>>41902822h-homelesscon...?tent city under i-95 desu??
>>41902746>Halifax Sounds like fun but wait till leaf land becomes a territory of the USA, I can't go there legally until then.
>>41902834>homelesscon>hosted by the Great and Powerful Trixie
>>41902778wherever you do it, I'll volunteer my time as long as you can pass the low bar of not being led by trannies no con this far can get this right
>>41902798That's just the major metropolitan areas. If the city is visible from the state-level view on google maps it's probably a shithole. The surrounding suburban towns where rich people move to get away from said shitholes are usually really nice
Post loot!
Why not try Irving's convention center? It's closer to DFW airport than Dallas while still on the same rail line (it even has its own stop!), not to mention it looks pretty big and seems to have experience with cons that aren't business-related. Might be a little expensive to rent out but anyone who was able to get to Harmony would be able to get here easily.
>>41901437how has no one corrected the echos, it's:>THESE ARE THE ((((PEOPLE)))) INVADING...ftfy
Any other anons been stranded in Washington DC for 6 hours on the way home like I have?
>>41903056Crafty spotted
>>41902629there were almost 1300 people this year and its like their fifth year and growing fast
more food
>>41903473skibidi fluttershy is eyeing that coke
>>41898368it was for the drowned anoninsha allah he shall recover
>>41901967very true kek. But I still support the idea of having the con elsewhere just be able to get away from Dallas drivers.
>Couldn't go to a con>A friend of mine went however>People were asking him about me>People I don't even know I love you faggotsI'll see you at BABS
This plane needs deicing
>>41903374>counting furries and offboarders as peoplekill yourself
>>41903103See everyone? This is what gets you a good noodle star
>>41903967I will be making a thread later about getting this idea off the ground, stay tuned
>>41904353You are the most annoying faggot I ever met at if I see you at marefair it's not going to be pretty
>>41904353I just need a non-shitty home con that isn't fucking Harmony. I would like to keep it in the DFW area because the other two options are>Houston>AustinHouston is way better than Austin, but it sucks compared to Dallas but Fort Worth is better than all 3.
>>41904392Shut the fuck up nazi
>>41904392I'm already looking at the Irving convention center right now, I need to find consults and lawyers, I too wanna keep it in DFW
>>41904403You can do what you want faggot I will shut down the place I have close connections with the ADL
>>41904407Everyone is welcome to Maretroplex (except fursuiters)
Is Harmonycon moving?Shame, I wanted to go to experience more horses. I live in Oklahoma so the trip would be way easier for me.
>>41904508the exit survey had 3 pages about anti lgbt law in taxes which is making them butt hurt
>>41904519the exit survey for the con had questions about how much of a meanie Texas is being to trans folk and the gays. asked if they should move out of Texas.
>>41904514Gay as fuck.
>>41904534Oh wow
>>41904534Why would the con ask trannies to move out of texas?
>>41904638>>41904594>>41904562>>41904534>>41904519tranny posts
>>41903479I can't believe anon is fucking dead
I think somebody was asking for video of the 4cc game watch party thing from Harmony in the 4cc thread, but that's deleted now - I caught a few clips while in there, and somebody caught the final celebration as well (was trying to get that, but fucked up hitting record because I wanted to cheer). I might throw them on or some shit if they aren't garbage, I was several drinks in during that game.
>>41904392If the idea for Houston is going to be taken seriously, I'd absolutely be willing to help out with scouting locations and anything else that might be needed. If we are doing somewhere else, I'd be willing to help as well, but Houston would allow me to help out on weekdays without too much of a hassle.>>41902665Yeah, I'm sure the fourth most populous city in the US doesn't have anybody into pony. Don't be retarded.
>>41905140Sorry, but I've already settled on DFW, I appreciate any help with anything
>photo moments before disaster
furries are seething over anons in the harmonycon discord lol
>>41905500Good, furries and ponies should be mutually exclusive afterall.Let them be filtered to oblivion or us stay away wait while accepting harmonycon as the new furrest and have the same end as trotcon's trash.I am curious what the hell might be the drama and seethe about to be honest, or just the usual muh natsees?
>>41905500What's happening mr.twopair?
Looking for images of the most retarded moments from the con. Want to create a compilation of the best (and the worst) moments to show to some friends
>>41901623If you want Snowpity support feel free to reach out to Mare Fair people
im starting to feel the general fandom is getting less and less receptive to trannies. notice how the charity got pennies until a community guest bailed them out. this coincides with an influx of former target audience girls. are the target audience actually based?
>>41903103Hotel cons are always comfier than con center cons
>>41905679this is still preliminary selection
>>41905669Troons are on their way out. Dylan Mulvaney killed an entire beer brand and pride month as a whole. One of the takeaways of the election was that people are tired of tranny shit. It's gone on long enough. Thank fuck.Imagine moving the con out of state because of troons. That's some GDQ level shit. I don't think they can see which way the wind is blowing. They're going to kill their con for no reason.
>>41905669trannies aren't the FOTM anymore, they pushed too hard and even normal people are sick of it. Hopefully people are starting to realize that treating a mental illness by encouraging people to succumb to it was a retarded idea, but I think its just more people have a tranny in their social or family circle and they're realizing how insufferable they tend to be
>>41905679That's true, though there are 3 or 4 hotels within walking distance as well a live music venue and a bunch of bars and restaurants in the same parking lot. The Westin specifically seems like it'd be the lodging of choice for this location
>>41906017consider: you won't fill an entire convention center year 1 with a splinter con, you will want to provide a group rate otherwise hotel prices are going to be all over the place, and being able to stumble upstairs and pass out in or near my hotel room without going outside and catching a public intox charge would be nice.
Gonna give it to you straight I did the fuck off nazis for a reason. I do not like cons and fairs and I think the board is getting more homosexual by the day. Dudes meeting other dudes is extremely gay and should be discouraged on this aryan board
>>41906055uwu idc if you give it to me straight or gay daddy
>>41906055>oy vey goy, stay separated and do not collude against me with each other
>>41906055Mom says it's my turn on the psyop
>>41906049Valid points. Hotel con it is
HarmonyCon 2025 con haul ~$2500 later, I guess this con is mostly to meet up with all you US anons rather than the panels or the vendor hall. Probably going to skip it 2026 unless something special happens.Ended up with about 1800 photos.Hope you enjoyed the liquid candy, and that you who showed up for the Fancy™ Dinner had a good time.See some of you at Babs, and most likely Mare Fair 3. I do hope some of you might consider checking out the comfy Eurocon experience someday as well.
>>41906167eurocons will have to stop being in europe for me to want to go to one, sorry eurobro its not even entirely y'all's fault
>>41905245>makes post about asking for locations>shit on literally every single non-dfw location>"guys i already decided"yeah good luck man im all good, id rather just turn my 2 cons into 1 and only main mare fair. i dont need a fucking barbiefag running a con.
>>41906141I can't wait to go dressed as my Hippogriff OC while catching ineffectual glares from anons dressed as Anon
>>41906191>Say that I want it to be if DFW>Shoot down cause they're not in DFWWhat part of "I want this in DFW* don't you get?
>>41906210good luck with the con that's only a thing you want, I'm sure you'll find plenty of your clones to show up
>>41906055>I did the fuck off nazisThank you anon, anything that scares the offboarders away is appreciated.>I think the board is getting more homosexual by the day.That's a result of the influx of SU, tamersfags.>Dudes meeting other dudes is extremely gayNot really, straight guys meeting other straight guys isn't going to make them suddenly gay, if they do gay stuff they were gay from the start.
>>41906205I can't speak for everyone obviously but honestly as long as it's from pone I won't give you any shit for it
>>41906248This is very close to going against the fur suit rule, only cause it's from pony it's allowed
>>41906248Honestly, it's mostly just me getting annoyed at people here upset at furries due to >no hoooves, but happily showing themselves as full Anon when both have little to do with My Little Pony outside of community overlap.
>>41906225Nigga there's more anons in favor of his idea than against it in this thread stop trying to derail
>>41906259Anon is part of board culture, newfag, furshit isn't.
>>41906259I feel like we've talked about this in another thread so I'm just gonna say agree to disagree. Anon has the same tangential relationship to MLP as pony OCs, whereas furries are absolutely not connected in the slightest and make no effort to be.
>>41906256just outright ban them dude, the 5 people with pony suits being a little sad will be FAR worth it in not encouraging line toeing and slippery slopes. or require a fursuiter badge with extra verif
>>41906210What happens if Harmonycon doesn't actually change locations then? A lot of people are going to choose the proven con if they have to make the choice. You could hedge this with another location in the triangle.
>>41902450Fuck it, I'll help set up a Houston con if needed. Trying a competing con in the DFW area is way too risky from my viewpoint. If something is getting set up, I'll bet on your idea any day.
None of your ideas are going to work unless there's actual confirmation of Harmony leaving TX.
>>41906273Compromise? Explicitly PONY only, shake?
>>41905707If you are serious you should reach out to people who know how to run a convention, like the Mare Fair guysIt's probably orders of magnitude more difficult than you imagine
>>41906697Yeah I was going to do that but haven't cause I thought people were gonna call me a favor and such, if anyone can send me their way, that would be helpful
>>41906256That's fine, fursuiters will just chill in the hotel public areas If they're hotel guests you can't do shit about it, hotels won't kick out paying guests for wearing a fursuit
>>41906715I think you should throw up a thread for this if you're really serious about it. I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to help out.
>>41906782I sleep for now, I want to come up with stuff for the post
>>41906167>Tfw no funny tripIt's overNice haul though, the ben 10 one still makes me kek
>>41904407Is this Woot?
>>41901623kek, will be watching this for potential kino
>>41898810whatever happened to this anonfilly? I think it was one of the ones that one guy brings and leaves everywhere for people to take to a good home. He does it every year.
>>41905110I got footage of the ending of the match along with the celebration with my camcorder. Had to crop a bit of the footage in order to upload onto catbox though. Hope you like 2009 film quality.
For archival sake, here are quotes from the post-con survey.>How worried were you about your safety due specifically to Texas state laws coming into HarmonyCon '25?>How concerned are you about your safety if HarmonyCon 2026 remains in Dallas?>How much will the outcomes of these proposed bills impact your decision to attend HarmonyCon next year?>If HarmonyCon moved to another state (still reasonably near a major airport), would this impact your decision/ability to attend>Do you have any comments regarding Texas state laws, your own safety based on Texas legislation, or anything else related?>Feel free to share as much as you want on this topic. We feel very strongly that our attendees should feel safe coming to our convention and are dedicated to doing our best to ensure such an environment.
>>41907653>Safety safety safety safety Didn't realize Texas was doing a tranny holocaust
Is there some way we could get the crowne plaza at addison to come back?
>>41907673>Didn't realize Texas was doing a tranny holocaustaren't they already planing to return the death penalty for pedos and rapists? [/spoilerand hopefully for dogfuckers too]
>>41907588Absolutely based. Thanks, anon!
>>41901623By the way this anon is a furfag from discord don't listen to the shit he says. He even has an eqg flag
>>41907977>>41907998furries arent smart enough to plan conventions
>>41908025Whatever eqg nigger I will never join your barbie tranny convention. You eqg niggers will never be part of the fandom
>>41907588Litterbox variant has a bit higher size limit cam records in 4:3 pixel aspect ratio, which makes it look squished unless you adjust that during the conversion.
>>41908025>>41908025holy nothingburger, please just start another thread if ur serious about this so it can actually go into effect and rally up some people instead of all this all for a new convention in dfw but you have to be able to take critique like a champ if you want to get anywhere or else youre just going to get lol’d on, anon. get a grip and make a post about it so we can take your idea to the next level
>>41906426>explicitly pony only>already allowing non-pony stuff that shows up in the show>>41906205just fucking ban them or make everyone who wears one get a fursuiter badge at a much higher price and submit pictures of their suits, and only approve explicitly pony ones, its not hard.
post photos
>>41909154Only have a few pics myself
>>41907653Wtf lmao who is tryina takeover the con
>>41906167thank you for sharing that liquid candybest thing ive had during the entire con
>>41908271>>41907313>>41906782it is up
>>41906167Always good to hang out with you, thanks for the salmiakki and the fazer, always a real treat here in the US.
>>41909584See myself in that picture
Very late and after the fact post, but I want to thank everyone who came to the filly party. It was my first party and I learned a lot. The party at Marefair will be filler.
>>41910164It was a nice party thank you for hosting it
>>41910164It was a fun time thanks anon
Probably my biggest pony con haul to date. The BaB Minty is probably the biggest score - managed to trade up from a single $5 badge from the vendor hall so she was practically free. Dunno if it's the same Minty that was mentioned in the previous thread or not.>>41902397God I love how those dumb things come down the SECOND the con is over (and also how the rightmost one looks like they have a giant dick stretching out a shirt because of course). And then this year they specifically needed signs pointing out which side had urinals, completely undoing the point of making them gender neutral to begin with.>>41905983This. There is a very clear difference between people who, for whatever reason, decide they want to be the opposite gender (and subsequently reinforce all the gender stereotypes because how else are you going to "know" that man is actually a transwoman) but otherwise don't make a big deal about it...and the attention whores who make being trans their entire, sole defining feature because they're brave for cutting their dicks or tits off.>>41907563I got one of those from the Renegade stage in '24. The one you're talking about definitely was one of the free ones he left hidden around.
>>41910271>MintyIf it was at Trade Ya! then yeah, that was my Minty that I traded to a cosplayer.>BathroomsI almost went into the non-urinal bathroom by accident, I luckily caught myself though. These things are a safety hazard, some poor dude is eventually going to wander into the girl's bathroom by complete accident and look like a creep.
>>41910306>If it was at Trade Ya! then yeah, that was my Minty that I traded to a cosplayer.Ah, if it was the lady dressed as Apple Bloom, then she's the one who gave it to me in turn for a 4DE Twilight w/ open wings (which I got by trading some Amazing Digital Circus buttons). I'd actually offered to trade the Twilight for Minty just to take a shot in the dark right before leaving the room, the fact she immediately accepted almost caught me off guard. Turns out the Twilight was the only 4DE variant she didn't have, so she got to finish her collection, and I finished my set of all G4 Minty merch.
>>41910164Based. I'm glad I stumbled my way into that party the day after, idk if it also your meetup or if you just happened to be there, but i'm glad i met you and got to have a Silver Spoon themed drink. See you at Mare Fair!>picrelWho made that Sweeble?
>>41907653What is the safety concern? I don't see anything in the news regarding new Texas legislation.
The post-con survey had open results for a while, so I screenshotted some of the funnier responses mentioning us chuds. I wish I had made more screenshots or just scraped the entire page, cause it was a gold mine of lol content and I did not realize the preview was unintentional.
>>41910983Lmao, I need to see more. Why are words so painful for these snowflakes.
>>41910613Castle Doctrine probably. Basically anywhere you can sleep your right to keep a firearm is protected including hotels, cars, and camping. Also don't need a conceal carry permit to legally conceal carry. Those two things likely makes them feel on edge
>>41910992Lack of social interaction outside of curated online safespace hugboxes.
>>41910983The absolute state