>ITT: Pure sex images from the show
Sex with Rarity
>>41902828Man, this reminds me of the time this board wrote the best applejack episode.
>>41903314I thought the dogs were in G5.
The scene that made me a horsefucker
>>41903358>*wipes brow*
>>41903243Which one was that?
>>41903307This makes me want to massage her hooves
>>41902837>every frame Rarity's on screen
>>41903923Can't believe they actually animated this
Pinkie's ahegao face.
>>41904580Oh im retarded
>>41904247The one about AJ having a secret life as a solo singer.
>>41902828Made me laugh out loud when I saw it. Kino episode.>>41903358>Prostitute pinkie
>>41906548How is this sexy?
>>41906937You probably dont wanna ask that
>>41902828no idea why but I always thought this shot of AJ's legs was sexy as hell
>>41906372You can really feel the weight of Pinkie's badonkadonk in this one
>>41906548Nice one, Dobson.
>>41907011i waifu rarity but pinkie gets me off like crazy. you just know she's a total slut, but like in an innocent way. like fucking is just fun for her so she's pretty much always down to be a freeuse whore and has boundless energy to extract cum. pinkie is literally pure sexo oh fuck aaaaaaaaaaaa
>>41907015I've been involved in this stuff on the internet for some fifteen years and the only time I hear that name is when normalfags like yourself bring him up.
>>41907198Now, there is an abundance newfags posting on /mlp/. But I can assure you there are absolutely no normalfags.
>>41907198Or hear me out, I brought him up because it was relevant to the fucking joke in >>41906548 you fucking moron.
>>41907208>hear me outgo back
>>41907210Jesus you're a bigger faggot than everyone in /opg/ combined
Do you even watch the show (for the plot)?
>>41907003I asked already, so it's too late.Inflationfags, explain yourselves.
I wish I was Dash during this scene, getting a face full of Pinkie ass.
Okay great BUT have you actually cranked one out to any of these?
>>41907751I once did to pic related.
>>41902828This was what that horny thread could've been
noticing a severe lack of butterbutt itt.
>>41907755Based applechad
>>41907751Yes, to>>41907566>>41903923>>41907544
>>41906937Inflation fetish.
>>41907544Moments before rape
>>41907751Yes >>41907755
i wanna be the guard
>>41907566Funnily enough this one never got me that much. Sure her butt's being squeezed and imagine what else but for some reason it just doesn't trigger my arousal. Though generally the actual show doesn't get me going as much.>>41907751Pretty sure I've clopped to pic related
>>41908801>>41907863>>41907755>>41907751Did you use audio too? How easy is it to clop to a screencap
>>41909300No I just used that (and this) still. It's not the easiest but if the pose, framing, and expression are just right to get you going you can make it work.
>>41902828You guys need help.
>>41909300use your imagination
>>41907755>>41909300Honestly got a semi; just takes a little creative thinking.
>>41909511lmao, he's back for more pones.
>>41909519Just had to say that one last time. Sure am gonna miss this place, since all of you got my bestie banned from YouTube, might as well leave if there's no more content for you. Later dorks.
>>41909533Shartyfags reportbommed him, retard.
>>41909571That's not what I heard. :p
hng dashie
>>41909681Does that little dance actually make you horny or are you just being silly?
>>41909681nta, it is kinda hot. I am a dashfag though.
>>41907678do you want a video.
>>41909762This genuinely made my dick twitch the first time I saw it. Based animators.
>>41909511Help us by sharing more sexy screencaps.>>41909748A simple explanation will do.What's sexy about inflation? Do you guys have any way to fulfill your fetish IRL?No kinkshaming, I just like to discuss such things.
>>41907015Didn't his lads try to off him
>>41903307They took her chin
OP said sexy screencaps, he didn't specify whether they were wrong or not.
>>41907751I rewound this scene a few times back in 2013 or so. >>41910060The character getting big, round, soft and helpless. There's a sensory aspect to it too. Popping is like orgasm. I've read through a study on a connection between autistic people commonly liking "non-sexual" BDSM. It makes a lot of sense to me, but I'm not diagnosed, so whatever.
>>41906937>>41907678>>41910060Depends. There are in fact not one but two tags unwilling to share the same classification. >>41910534 is sharing the low line, describing one while posting the other.