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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123543644
>envelopes that don't suck
>a filter that isn't just a lowpass

Instead of finishing anything i'm fucking with M1 today.
I feel like there's a mysterious headroom when you double-osc? (no effects and turned down obviously).

I seek to make this sound specifically but it hasn't worked yet... every guitar is just objectively not close so that leaves me to use a one shot from elsewhere or process beyond recognition... hm...

Trying to listen to this and it's awful, when does it become listenable
as soon as you stop being a negative energy dickhead uwu
Anime friend, I posted my analysis of your rhythm that I thought was jank in the previous thread. Maybe it wasn't as jank as I originally thought.
Is it possible to scrub audio in Ableton Live / Simpler?
I just gave myself an anxiety attack trying every key combination and mouse click/drag that I could think of with none of them working.
I then tried searching the official knowledge base, but no results for scrub/scrubbing. Some talk about it in the forums from 2009 saying that it can't be done..
G Jones is too good.
ya true i need to pick a new inspo for next year tho i'm kinda hooked

ctrl+shift on audio
idk what you mean by "scrub" in simpler but i use the start% when needed
>ctrl+shift on audio
Hmm, this isn't working for me. I tried both while it was playing and while stopped.
Regarding scrubbing in Simpler, I mean just being able to click and drag on the waveform on the bottom/in the device area within Simpler to have it playback at the cursor position continuously.
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This is now a hardware thread
>Hmm, this isn't working for me.
I guess I needed to turn the grid off..
you have to drag it past the length of the grid (so longer grid means you need to drag further etc.)

Holding alt as well negates that and disables grid snapping.
thoughts on the korg monologue?
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Why are so many people here averse to making music with a strong, catchy melody? There's some genuinely cool shit in these threads, but I swear to god that the audio is either "hey, this is neat, but I don't know how to write a melody so I will just take the root of the chords and pitch it up two octaves" or "if I was confident enough to sing, this would have lyrics". I know most people tend to shit on melodic instrumentals as always sounding like "video game music," but people also recognize the catchy and iconic shit. Is it a stylistic choice for you guys or is it out of necessity?

>mfw a friend asks why I only make vidya music, but I catch him humming one of my songs
ChatGPT is unironically my go-to source for Ableton tech support. It does a really good job of interpreting my dumb description of what I want and giving me the exact answer to my question within 1-3 prompts every time.
>Is it a stylistic choice for you guys or is it out of necessity?
i've always wondered the same thing but as i've pondered and watched and lurked (not just here) what separates the people who peak at making technically capable but generic tunes as opposed to anything catchy... I think the real filter is really just a combination of artistic direction and taste.

Taste has the bigger impact with what you're asking.
... It's not that they listen to shit, it's that they can't filter and consolidate their own ideas and differentiate what parts they actually sound good and need to be expanded on... like they don't parse for quality in their own music.
Almost invariably among the music I've heard here that's actually good, tunes are usually double the length they need to be or have like 80% filler and shit that drags down the quality, all technical standards aside.
I'd go for the Minilogue instead because of the polyphony. If you want strictly monophonic, I'd go for the Behringer K2 instead, which is a clone of the legendary Korg MS-20, or a real MS-20 if you have the buck to spare.
Because a strong, catchy melody is very hard to do.
A little folk song / march I put together today. Only after I started work did I realize that it sounds awfully close to Bergvagabunden.
>I seek to make this sound specifically but it hasn't worked yet...
Did you get it?
I was going to try and mash up "Rock Guitar" and some brass sounds with detuned oscillators so it plays 5ths, but no luck on my end.
LOL no i gave myself an hour to play with that so today wouldn't be wasted and I wasn't even close.
I was thinking more of a vocal layer actually but I didn't get it so I could be dead wrong.

I actually used valhalla delay's "rich pitch" setting to get a bit of a fifth in there because I've noticed a lot of his tunes have an effected delay/echo of some kind like that that gives it that little... you know.

... It's not his track but I assumed it was edited at least a tiny bit
I hope a bunch of used ko ii floods the marketplace so i can get it for cheap now that everyone is jumping on roland aira p6
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I reworked my track from last thread. Please let me know what you think and if you find any GROOVE in it.

i tried to incorporate feedback from before and not made the chords have too many notes, tried to make synth sounds better, simpler composition

>melody, chords, percussion: kepler
>drone: 3xosc
swing the hats like you swung the kick dude
nice, they both remind me of 80s electro
I've personally written music that I'm really proud of regarding catchyness but I don't post them here because I already know they're good and don't want people stealing my ideas. I don't think this highly about most of my music, just the few in a hundred tracks I've gotten lucky with. Mainly when I post something here it's because I'm learning a new technique and looking for refinement unlike the many others who only want parental validation.
wub...(not really)
yay... nay... gay.... ? <.<


quite surprised nobody's talking about using the Virus TI rom for free...


I swear after trying modular and a bunch of synth over the years, the Virus sounds the best to me... i really didn't know it was possible to sound that good
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why does this thing have such a short cord
runs really slow for me unfortunately
they're working an a nord lead vst right now
can't wait!!
If they drop Nord Modular G2 i'm gonna explode in bliss
i don't really hear the guitar, just a synth, maybe a modified darude sandstorm
Ugh I wrote three songs into one again
>Vocal playing the root on double with an octave up / an extra Sine boosting the fundamental
>Rock Guitar layer (heavily distorted through ableton amp(lead) / cabinet for the highs.
>Attack layer (bass pluck or something) (not super audible but you can defs tell when it's gone)

10% pedal and Valhalla vintage verb on a high hyping setting for air because... well it's M1 and you can hear it.


hm...oh it's like 8 am fuck...
lower cost and avoids clutter and tangly mess from excess cable length. just get a different USB type B cable and/or a USB extension cable. USB extension cables aren't compliant because of signal degradation but a single USB 3.0 extension in 1-2 meter length will probably work fine. don't chain multiple extension cables together though.
I don't know where to ask, can you tell me what's the instrument or specific soundfont for the instrumental in the intro here :
and the whole instrumental played in here
Classic sub synth pads that lead is an organ patch
Let's do chain lyrics

>When I saw you standing there
>I got frigten, I got scare
>I had to overcome, I just had to meat you
>A sudden load of cum, I'm no more into you
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This sounds really close, but just sounds like you're missing some of the lower notes possibly? This is what I can hear anyway, sorry it's just a fucking soundfont piano but hopefully gets the gist of what I'm trying to say: https://vocaroo.com/1gpi2buCEjQR
By doing it over and over and over and over and
I found this house remix hidden deep in my folders


but I've never even held hands...
Has my song structure improved?
they both sound like autistic trash that i immediately turned off, so not really
Well it's all in our heads so idk what hands have to do with it
Vocals or die and that shaker needs to be a hat
Today is the day I learn the ins and outs of the M1 vst. Thank you, One Man and His Songs.
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Schizo music == good
Autistic music == bad
What about schizo autistic music?
If you absolutely must
how much more schizomaxxing do I need to do? Or do I need to lower my power level?
You need about infinity more schizophrenic
did you make this while doing a beethoven challenge?
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I added more swing to the hats, redid the bassline so it was a little more funky, added some reverse chord swells to thicken up the background in places for color, then I made the chorus melody less harsh (in terms of volume). What do you think?


On a related note, how do you all make your song titles? I keep a Google Doc that has about 150 song titles I've thought of over the years. It's usually based off of some weird phrase I hear. The downside to this is that people don't usually click songs called "Vincent Price is Right" or "Stank Chair."
This is pretty cool, I like the space that the acid pluck takes
missing the verses, but wanted to get the ideas down XDDD

Hello everyone, hope youre all creating some sick tracks.
Question about recording audio. I run into a problem, theres static noise in my vocal recordings and i cant clean it up in the post without removing characteristics of my voice. Tried using denoisers - it just dulls the high end. Noise gate - useless, it just gets rid of empty sounds. Recording under blankets, in the closet. Fuck. I just want a nice crisp recording of my goddamn voice, ya know?
Sure, my gear is cheap and shitty, a $40 condrnser mic into a 1st gen focusrite, which is plugged up into a 15 year old tablet/laptop. But theres got to be a way to achieve what i want, no? Any tips/tricks/information highly appreciated, thanks friends.
Turn the gain down yell into the mic
Yeah that usually captures pretty clean audio, but im trying to record some monotone stuff these days. Also, should i "normalise" my audio, or boost the volume through a compressor, and is there a difference?
Ill give that a try thanks.
Ok so apparently the scarlet is a piece of shit. Any cheap alternatives anyone has used and has desirable results?
I've got a broken ass behringer c1 held together by duct tape that produces lots of static, i usually just slap NS1 by waves as the first plugin in my vocal chain whenever i record anything but i don't try to get rid of all of the static, just enough so that the instrumental covers it up. If I want to do a break or something i usually use shit like reverb or risers to drown the static so it sounds good. Pay attention to your gain as well, turn it down and try to get as close to the mic as possible. If you have a normal pop filter, you can try taking it off and slapping a sock over the microphone so that you can get even closer to it
Kek, i admire your creativity, id like to hear your music to see if your techniques work well. I think something got fucked up in the interface in my case, ive had it for like 8 years, dropped it a few times. When i record i have to be still like a monk, because if the usb cable from the scarlet to the pc moves ever so slightly it just disconnects.
And the headphone jack only works when the volume knob is at a certain level, and the cable has to be at a specific angle. Man, everything is just fucked. And my headphones are held together with a ziptie, because they snapped when i was taking them off.
god i wish that were me
im expermenting
have you tried experimenting at not being bad
Is there a game jam equivalent for music? I know that on itch.io there are some music jams but they're the minority compared to the usual jams
The fuck is a game jam?
I like it
It's kinda like a contest, where the host gives rules and a theme, and people have to make a game within the time frame given. In that page there are a couple of jams but for music, I was wondering if there is a site or community like that but dedicated entirely to music making.
a social event where amateur game devs make a simple game like a demo around a theme in a short period of time like 24-72 hours and it's like a contest but not that serious. some of the games/demos can inspire people to make more serious games out of them.
1st gen Scarlett is shit
2nd and on are fine as are all new current interfaces.

Somebody remind me to update the pastebin.
Sounds cool. Maybe you should organize one here (on /mu/). Give a week or two or three notice so people know it's coming up.. something like that. *glances over at /g/*
Does anyone have a digtakt 2 and are you making heaps of great tracks on it?
Sounds like some of the songs from Legend of Dragoon on the PS1.
Best tips for recording vocals? I am a little self conscious/aware and have a hard time getting over the cringe of my own voice
Record over and over. It doesn't even have to be music. Just record yourself talking. Record yourself reading something. Record yourself singing along to your favorite song. The only way you're going to get used to it is to hear it over and over. It's either you listen to yourself enough that the second-hand embarrassment ends, or you add fuckloads of effects to your vocals so they're unrecognizable. You're not going to suddenly move the mic 2 inches closer and be like, "Oh fuck, I love this."
Tips for making something like this? https://youtu.be/dnbsbQKMqnU?feature=shared
I really wanna replicate (and build upon) this vibe, but I've no idea where to even begin
Is it like sampling spoopy obscure movie ost or something, with additional layering of foley/field recordings?
You nailed it. Just sample shit and add a layer of noise or field recording or whatever you want.
Add some lofi tape effects like wow & flutter to make it sound more old and worn out.
footwork (accidentally D:) x woobwoobwoob + jungle/IDEM later if continue?? :0

interrupted sleep.. i can't finish... halp... :(((

why do you type like that keith?
i'm an advocate of *neo* shitpost impressionism
what should I do if I want my kick to be really loud in a track? I already sidechained it to everything and compressed the bass which helped quite a bit, but I want it to be even louder like in this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki0Ocze98U8
>if you are layering kick samples check the phase
>overdrive to hell and back
>soundgoodizer preset or other stereo widener
If anyone's familiar with chiptune. Wanted some feedback on a track.
is there a software to replace an instrument with another , e.g. isolate violin track and replace it with another instrument

It would be a multi-stage process whichever way you approach it, but there are tools that would allow you to do what you want.

RipX, Izotope RX Music Rebalance and even Spleeter GUI front-ends will let you split a mixed audio file into stems which you could then place into a DAW and record a new instrument alongside them (RipX even installs itself as a VST3 plugin so you could do the splitting inside the DAW, sill on RX8 at this end so unsure if newer versions of RX also do this now)

After splitting, I suppose the next step would be the instrument replacement, ie: are you wanting to play and record (or draw MIDI manually) your own instrument over the top of the mix-minus-violin, or are you wanting the notes from the violin to be detected, converted to MIDI and played on another instrument? If the latter then that's an additional step, but the tools are there, getting the best out of them is a different matter especially with audio splitting and note detection, but trial and error will get you a result eventually.
>split a mixed audio file into stems

Just for clarity in case this is your first time hearing of this, stems in traditional lingo are recordings of individual instruments, which when played together make up the full mix, when split into stems you have the option to remove or remix the instruments as you please
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What happened to LMMS?
What LMMS fork should I use and why?
thank you for your lengthy response. I'll try RipX since it seems like the easiest wat since it's just a plugin.
>are you wanting to play and record (or draw MIDI manually) your own instrument over the top of the mix-minus-violin
yeah, excatly that
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Finished this beat. Is it anything?
despite how hard it's trying to go, I got really bored. It sounds like 3 different tracks glued together. It's a bit too meandering and I felt like it's trying too hard to sound like it's going hard. Not sure how to express that properly, but that's the impression. I like the main riff that kicks in at the start, but the switch up sounds like a completely different song and it's almost disorientating. I liked the bits that build off it in the reprise about half way through, but everything else was just faffing around in a way I don't particularly like. Mix wise I think the low end sounds like a cluster fuck at points, at least on headphones. Sound choices are nice and there are definitely nice ideas in there, but it comes across a little schizo as one piece.
nice, that bass was tickling my brain a bit with headphones on.
Really like the vocal chops, but nothing else. Piano VST sounds bad and not good enough to carry that intro for as long as it goes on for (not the chords, but the sound of the VST itself), the bass sounds shit and is overpowering the mix and the beat is just too bland to say much about. I think you got something nice to build off with the vocals, but all else needs work.
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I've been focusing on trying streamline the way i produce, using as few synths as possible (so just the minilogue really), but now everything i make sounds like pbs science documentary music
I really like the beginning and the part that starts at 0:48, The segment inbetween gets kind of jarring in my opinion, and at the 1:30 mark you kind of go off the rails melody that I feel kind of clashes. Again this is just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt. I do think you have a lot of talent though. Keep at it
ok i managed to get it pretty loud, but now it feels like it's drowning out some of the other elements of the song?
I sidechained everything to it and compressed the bass a bit because they shared some frequencies. There any solution to this besides lowering the kick volume?
no it's the pad playing in the same range as your vocals

give it a huge dip at like 1-5 k or whatever and or knock it down an octave, shift the voicing shit like that

kick and bass aren't where how need to be but that's really not the most pressing part of your mix as it is
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Ass or gas?
>but that's really not the most pressing part of your mix as it is
Elaborate. I'm a giga noob to mixing/mastering. any input helps at this point.
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Fuck wrong fucking link:
This is what gear fags do to threads
tf are you crying about little piss bb? :(
>tf are you crying about little piss bb? :(
kys my nigga
Anyone got tips for pad design? What are some things that I could utilize to make my pads better? I'm using vital in Ableton.
There's a website which does it, can't remember what its called, Andrew Huang did a video on it ages ago
Its good to have movement and a beating or pulsing of a note so use lfos, reverb of course, and delays. I've decided that's the difference between cheap synths and say a Prophet, the note pulses in different frequencies irregularly, whereas a cheap synth just has a pretty constant dry static note
Learn from the masters, kids

Boring novelty act
It’s all in the L/N/H
Master your reverb
Spread the tables
Doesn’t always need to be super unison or defined or chorus
MASTER your reverb!!
Check the stereo correlation
Try really stupid stuff and pitches just subtlety in there
Use the random mods

Get get get
How close genre/style/vibe wise should the songs on an album be? Can I go from like heavy rock to summer pop? Or should I make several albums?

is it just me or does the kick sound flawed? i don't know how to describe it, it's like a wet meat punch and not like a rock hard EDM kick and not like an acoustic kick drum either.
dang it's been so long...

i'm listening through shit right now so i can't hear but if i had to take a wild guess i'd say that was a strategic choice so the pluck could hit harder and that the kick isn't so weak throughout... so they could make it sound bigger in other bits
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i'm losing my mind hi /mu/
every time someone makes a post with an anime girl picture I don't listen to it
people who post boring norm shit don't use anime girls

thanks for listening to my posts since i've stopped (i'm reformed now)
every time someone makes a post with an anime girl picture I listen to it
they're usually pretty good
i thought it was going to be something like off minor before the drums came in...
still cool though. very nice.
>Boring norm shiy
Ok Mr curator ty
Up on the rooftop with old St Nick..
how's the quality of that thing? It's a little higher in price than what I'd willing to pay for it.
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you fuckers ask the weirdest questions
>Or should I make several albums?
you can't even make a song, calm down
lmao. I love you for making that image :3
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pewpewpew closer ya??


ngl i'm getting a little frustratedddd like i literally dreamed i get pissed 5 hours ago (in the bad way) i want to drop so bad
I'm tired of making small edits inching towards perfection I'm also tired of writing choruses and additionally I'm sick of shit sounding all the same everything sounds the same and it's buggin
ah goddamn fuck i should have listened before finishing reading the thread. I liked the end chords a lot around the 1:10 mark, but due to other anons post could not take anything else seriously.
so write different stuff u dummy like just twist the knobs a different way and play different notes hahaha wtf r u doin dude like change the bpm or some lmaoo
It's not my shit that sounds all the same bro but ty
Haha can't even make a song bro just back down
>buy ableton 12
>download installer
>install failed, system doesn’t meet minimum requirements
Aaaaaaand there goes my money.
You don't even have a decent/modern enough computer and you spent money on the easiest to pirate daw?
I had just gotten done playing GTA before doing it, my PC is fine; but my CPU doesn’t support the AVX2 instruction, which is a dealbreaker for Live 12.
My six cores mean nothing to Ableton.
>and you spent money on the easiest to pirate DAW?
Yes, considering I don’t want my audio files watermarked like back in the day when I pirated Live 8.
oh you're just baiting
it works for what it is. you could probably get the smaller model and be fine thoughever.
What kind of satire-based brain rot do you suffer from?
WDPK 83.7 FM
GTA V is an old game, it runs fine on my iGPU (AMD 8600G overclocked). not having AVX2 is a joke. modern CPUs and memory have improved a lot.
please review my genius track!: >>123639311
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still better than what you can shit out in audacity and free clips I'm sure.
you need a new pc. everything is going to start requiring instructions like avx2 as a baseline and it's old enough now anyway (or a toaster)
Does my frequent use of bells make everything sound too "christmassy"?
Friends have pointed it out (several times) and I'd like a second opinion, here's an excerpt from something recent: https://voca.ro/1bLRC9OkbROe
Not sure why I even do it in the first place, guess I think it fits or sounds better, can't really help it tbdesu.
You know the answer, it's obvious. It sounds like a shitty 80s song before that
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If it was obvious to me I wouldn't be asking for a second opinion. Guess could try cutting back on it, just need to find another instrument to replace it with.
>80s song
I like '80s music so that naturally influences what I produce. No point in making something I don't like.

It's Christ mas Time A gain
D D# D C D G
i really wanted to release my first song on streamables
but man i don't know if my quality is good enough to do so
i have no idea what name to use either

god damnit
Modern computing is fucking pozzed, don’t give me that. Tech hasn’t been good since 2013.
Fruity Loops doesn’t yet so I’m gonna just buy Fruity Loops and call it a day probably.
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back after a slight break
it aint much but its best i can do
im wondering is it interesting enough and not too loop-y?

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what the fuck mate
>Modern computing is fucking pozzed, don’t give me that. Tech hasn’t been good since 2013.
What kind of satire-based brain rot do you suffer from?
Didn't make it past the 20s mark cause of the painfully boring synth noises.
stock music
He is kind of right, tho.
Windows 10 is bad enough, but 11 is even worse and Microsoft clearly wants to force it on all newer computers.
sounds good. reminds me of something that would play in NCIS or Law and Order or some shit.
Something I'm working on. Still far from finished, just an initial draft. Wanted to share.
Guess it's not for me either.
My 7 second dopamine broken brain finds the start a little bit too repetetive. But as a general setup I like it. If you add some variation I think it'll be fine.
>post WIPs and/or finished projects to /prod/
>get shat on every time
haven't posted anything here for months and not sure i want to post anything new
where do (you) go to get actual constructive feedback on your projects?
i'm self-aware and make good music first.

it's appalling how bad all the zoomers here seem to be about self-critique and being objective towards their own work
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A lot of the time it's because the WIP is so bad that it would take a lot of time and effort to critique it earnestly and provide actual constructive criticism. You get things posted that are out of key, the drums are off beat, the mix is so bad you can't hear anything, it's a fucking 10 second loop with all of the above etc. It's just flawed on a fundamental level. The equivalent is people posting their doodles they did in their school notebooks on /ic/ with no perspective, no understanding of anatomy or shading or any fundamentals, then asking for feedback on how to improve. The only answer you can really give is 'learn to draw'. I feel like music is the same way. People expecting constructive feedback on what is essentially their musical equivalent of a stickman drawing.
>it's appalling how bad all the zoomers here seem to be about self-critique and being objective towards their own work
h8 to break it to you m707 but millenials weren't so hot with that either, everybody fucking sucks at judging their own work.

The focus on getting feedback is pretty disproportionate to how useful it actually is.
Do you *really* need somebody else to tell you your song sucks and make you feel like shit?
Shit i can do that all by myself.

The vast majority of people ACTUALLY need help with their artistic development and process, not bandaids and polish for their turds
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>he thinks making music is as hard as drawing
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who are you quoting?
I've also seen actual good WIPS get 0 responses so you're gay nigger
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NTA but why do you not give feedback then?
I do. but i'm not technically skilled in audio engineering so I can only really comment on the composition and feel of the music.
Modern computers are POZZED my man. Computing is fucked and dead. TPM, Windows 11, Copilot, cloud-based EVERYTHING, digital EVERYTHING, “rights management” (you own nothing).
It’s fucked. I have no problem with paying for software, but if I buy something I actually want to own it; I don’t want to purchase a “license.” You can’t even buy games or movies anymore, you’re just buying licenses that can be taken away from you at a moment’s notice; optical media is going the way of the dodo.

We’re so fucked. Install Gentoo.
you were always buying licenses my guy. in days of old the license came with a physical piece of media before and subscription models were not so well accepted
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>Nexus? Serum? Sylenth1? Omnisphere? Don't need any of that modern junk, give me Korg/Roland/Arturia and other emulations any day of the week.
>Sample packs? Loops? Construction kits? Bloat, all you need are drum machine emulations.
>Sound design? Nah, I just use the presets and maybe tweak the ADSR a bit.
>Automation? Let me guess, you """need""" more than a simple fade out on the master volume?
>Effects? For me, it's just reverb, EQ and rarely compression.
Anyone in /prod/ a part of the Maschine/Maschine+ 3.0 Beta? What did they add/change? Do we finally get tempo and/or time signature changes in some form? Can we color code lock-states? Does the sampler get Round Robin or better time-stretching? Or did they just add the lowest-hanging fruit & make the piano roll audible so that you can hear the notes you're selecting/entering? What about additional instruments?
chad shut up i need a behringer x touch one.
And yet he still bought Ableton 12.
he can sell it unlike FL studio, it is a contract for life
I want a gear thread so all gear questions can be contained and all gear faggots can find and be friends together
Let's make it happen
He can also sell the more modern computer that he doesn't want to buy for being pozzed in the same way Ableton 12 is.
Direct all gear related discussions questions concepts topics posts rants ideas etc to this thread
i changed a lot
>fancy ass emulations
what you don't use modplug to draw your own samples? surely you know what a kick drum waveform looks like by now...
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based but i have to partially disagree with
>>Sample packs? Loops? Construction kits? Bloat, all you need are drum machine emulations.
the only samples i will EVER use are drum samples - melodic samples need not apply
wouldn't touch the average "sample pack" with a 10-foot pole either, my library comes from actual late-'80s/early-'90s DAT tapes

genuine question though, what's the likelihood that simple drum samples alone (NOT breaks, just individual kicks/snares/hats and so on) could cause copyright issues if i ever decide to release anything?
i know for a fact that a lot of the stuff in my library has been ripped out of stems that were sent to the studio i got them from, while others were simply taken from 12" mixes and such, you can hear it in some of the samples that aren't fully trimmed
but they're good samples for the type of music i make and i wouldn't want to replace them with something shittier
doubt anyone would even care unless i make a big hit (i won't lmao) but still
should i be concerned bros?
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>listen to mix in DAW
>sounds good
>export file
>listen on speakers
>sounds like complete and utter shit
git gud
i'd rather just kill myself but thanks for the suggestion
Is your computer with your DAW not hooked up to shpeekers?
works on my machine
i use headphones
i always have to bounce it out then tweak it for a few revisions before i'm ever happy with the rendered file sounding enough like the daw mix. playback never seems exactly the same as a rendered file, probably limiter/clipping shit
you DO use the convolution data from https://autoeq.app to equalise your headphones while mixing .......right?
never had an issue with speaker mixes since i started doing that
Please be careful, anon.
Tinnitus is a bitch; I stopped using headphones ~6 years ago.

use both nerd use reference tracks duh
not in a position to use speakers unfortunately otherwise i would
Why are so many music being so busy so showoffsy so maxi?
more=better boomer get with it
>Get with it
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How do I mix this to make it sound more surreal and less pretentious?

This is just the raw vst output
>ai spam pic
terminally shit taste, you will never make good music
Forgot link like a retard

i make it i lead it i am it old man
I like this
>Trust me bro
I'm glad guitar is popular in prod again but why you gotta have all that shit in there
try learning the right chords first

incredibly low iq. it doesn't sound pretentious, it sounds bad lol
I think it's all the coke being cut with meth
I don't understand. The synth parts, strings, and flutes all sound good and then you shit all over it with a muddy guitar part. Did you steal the backing track and just play guitar over it?
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i made a song everyone
Not bad but sir, the chorus
my Polyphony vst! many great tracks I made with you circa 2013-2017!
Sammy 2
what the hell is a chorus
who the hell is sammy
are ye mad fer it? fookin king monkey innit
Honestly the monologue taught me synthesis and it does sound pretty solid with effects
Test it on a Bluetooth speaker lol
It's almost like he was asking for help with the mix
>who the hell is sammy
One of the best worst posters this general ever had.
More of a musician than you’ll ever be.
The 4-8 bar loop that repeats and makes me want to have sex / actively sex my ears
The style reminds me of Gruvis Malt
What genre is this? I want more, want more, want more.
Mixing isn't going to fix that.
He needs to thin out his guitar chords and be more intentional about the notes that he's playing.
...and then high pass that guitar part a tiny bit to cut some of the lows and mids.
>...and then high pass that guitar part a tiny bit to cut some of the lows and mids.
don't listen to this toan goblin
Oh. I don't think I wrote one of those.
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I have these speakers. they're meant for gaming primarily. should I even bother to monitor on them?
The fact they have an app that EQ's and changes the sound so much makes it seem inaccurate.
Use to double check how reverb/delay and stereo image sounds
What did they do to sam?
sorry to say but people don't buy used logitech speakers even for $10 in my country (i was looking to get rid of my old ones). your pic is a newer model but still far from ideal for critical listening and music production.

maybe try this as a cope
I'm gonna rek my voice doing this shit bros it's har-- ACK
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I bought them just for gaming before i started trying to do music.
Guess i'll try the cope option.
some synth pop

It would appear the global musician subconscious collectively decided 2024 was the year we abandoned the repeated chorus
tf are you talking about lol

copy pasted structures are lazy and boring i would support this and generally avoid doing that
>copy pasted structures are lazy and boring
they're actually better for commercial purposes. repetition is the key to making something memorable.
>cOmMerCiAl pUrposEs
we live in the era of 30 second video clips you're wrong

You can rehash a melody or hook or theme or whatever in a bunch of different ways without lazily copy pasting ababcbb with zero variations like the pop songs of previous decades
I'm leaning too hard on bus compression:<
we don't use those things anymore, we use samples and make beats with our hands like real men
It's true my favorite is a ground loop buzz
Shits so gangster and totally fucking free
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Good Morning everyone, i spent a whole night working on this. In my opinion its finish. It's done. It is perfect. But i am bias as fuck so i need hard and unfiltered opinions from anons. Have no mercy.

long intro
weed induced production
space themed
10 min
highly experimental melodical track
alredy posted a dozen times without feedback
stare at image for full blown effect

i lean all teh way on bus compresion like crazy. I want to compression my own life.
It's got some sick moments but it doesn't need to be more than 3 minutes
You should learn to DJ so you can understand why dance tracks are made the way they are
I should've said too much master bus compression
I need to go bus everything and get it isolated and layered the snare is sneaking peaks
>3 min

I want to make it even longer, not really someting to dance on. If it is dancable, well ok.

>master bus compression
i only use a compression on the master when i consolidated a track and go into mastering season. In a project intself i use bus compression for each group, drumbus, melodybus, what ever bus, so on, perc bus, funny filter bus, verb bus, bus bus (not kidding), no compressor on the master,.. maybe a little compressor of 1db or something.
But it gets harder to keep track of it and you shouldn't tweak to heavy or you fuck up the bus chain of compressors.....
>Why are so many people here averse to making music with a strong, catchy melody?
crafting a good melody takes time and effort. sometimes it takes me hours just to write a simple melody that works.
most anons don't seem to enjoy pop music, they'll say it's 90% shit or 100% shit. i think they lack proper audio to do it justice. like they won't even acknowledge the musical talent of michael jackson or avicii. you don't have to listen to their music but at least acknowledge that they had something going for them ffs. then when trying to make their own music they're basically fucked, they'll make some minimal techno or DnB or something.
Pop melodies are like stepwise pentatonics with lots of repetition
It's not hard, it just takes a minute to learn
But if you're a jazz musician....
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>jungle / drum n bass / breakcore

>jungle / drum n bass / breakcore
My thoughts exactly
this is good actually, but make it longer maybe
Saying they're easy is an understatement
It's a maturity thing
When someone like sting says you can learn harmony and rhythm in 4 years and spend a lifetime on melody it doesn't do the thing justice
Because a melody is harmony contoured with rhythm
So the trisextion is false, a mature musician just rides the inspiration tempered by years of craftsmanship
I've made a lot of tracks I'd consider "catchy" but 99% of the time I post it here anons shit on it for being cheesy synthpop.
So I'm probably just not going to post my stuff here anymore, even if I like lurking.
They're just jealous anon
reminder that the main reason people don't give advice when you ask on here is because they don't want to create competition. also they're faggots.
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This is the definition of music that is made for your own personal enjoyment only and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not really for other people, so asking for feedback here is not going to get you much. Not much to say other than it sounds exactly as you described it. Doubt many are willing to stare at a visual novel BG image for 10mins to try and get the full effect of your epic, anon, especially if they aren't insanely high. I also love that it's apparently space themed, but the picture you stared at is just an evening sky on earth. You can't make this shit up.
some heavy stuff called Pina Coladas
made a techno bvnger

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I need to drop a chorus at 1:45 C section then D out
insanely loud on my headphones. I had to turn pc vol down to 60% and then turn vocaroo down to 1 bar volume just to not deafen myself. Didn't feel like there's enough going on to keep it interesting and seemed mostly centered around the drums having that phaser effect, or whatever it is, on it. pad and bass are both boring.
why does my kick have this buzzing sound to it? can anyone else hear that?
10/10 for the multiple panned banshee wailing at 1:53. I wanted the main riff to have another bit of backing to make it fuller and heavier after the first few bars though.
more concerned by the weird pad-like noise in the background that makes it sound haunted. maybe just trim it and do some eq?
that file is 2 years old anyway, it was just a shitpost i made with my mate at the time as a joke
we didn't have a bass on hand so we just tracked the guitars 7 or 8 times and panned them out to make it nice and wide
I still want to do something with that riff desu, i thought it was cool. i was thinking i'd transistion it into a droney eastern sorta thing
can't hear buzzing, just sounds overdriven
the 'pad' sound is probably a bandpassed reverb
it's not too loud if the volume slider is equivalent to music.youtube.com. it's other anons unmastered tracks that are too quiet.
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NTA but it is objectively very loud
those levels are not unheard of in dnb however since those people have no taste
music.youtube.com would limit it to -7.0 LUFS, so it's 2dB louder, but not as dramatic as having to turn your volume down to the extent that anon described
thanks for the feedback gang, i will try to make the audio levels not as loud
>would limit it to -7.0 LUFS
where are you getting that from? afaik default normalisation would live in the -13 LUFS range and turning it off would just turn it off similarly to other services.

do whatever sounds good for you, m8. if you want to be sciency about it download some similar tunes and measure them to get a reference level.
never adhere to streaming service targets; no one does.
>Specifically, YouTube Music will only reduce the loudness of your music if it exceeds -7 LUFS, instead of the much more widely-known level of -14 LUFS used by Spotify, TIDAL and many other services.
it's a separate website, music.youtube.com
oh scene, ian knows his stuff so i stand corrected.
that said, if anon wants his stuff over -7 and it's genre appropriate he should just ignore youtube's shenanigans.
yeah like skrillex - bangarang that he mentions as an example has similar loudness as anon's vocaroo
i've been wondering why i stopped getting called a schizo tranny for so long

maybe i need to start uploading the loud as shit versions of my songs again :0
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hey prod, I'm on travel and made this while on a plane with a small laptop and a shitty soundcard. Does it even remotely sound halfway decent? I need ears since my speakers are trash.
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>penis music

you know things are bad when you miss the attention from being called schizo tranny on 4chan. get well soon, anon.
those cringe-gay vocals... are you the deep house anon from last thread? Yeah, it sounds decent considering the set up. Cleaner than most stuff posted on here.
i want to be offended but yes, it's that bad
>splice loops sound clean
thnx for the fb, glad it actually ended up being clean. And nah, not me that i know of, unless it was some threads ago. Tbh the vocals sounding gay is exactly the vibe i was going for lmao
Make it better
ya it is

stop following me
I check my mixes with a bluetooth speaker and my earbuds. 95% of problems are fixed that way. The rest is simply visual adjustments with the EQ and watching the meters combined with great reference tracks. I just copy the curve of the low end for example of some highly professional and popular track similar to my own production.

This was my mixing approach with cheap headphones (Samson SR850). Right now I use decent headphones (DT 900 PRO X) combined with crossfeed, not even any correction software. It works for me.
But I still prefer the whole production process with my cheap headphones and switch to the decent ones for mixing. Compared to my friends with studio monitor speakers I wouldn't say that my mixes sound worse.
Well you dont have to seek negative reactions, like insults on 4chan, you can start with seeking out positive ones in the world, taking care of yourself and letting good things happen to you by cultuvating good thoughts
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i follow you everywhere you go
look i improved it now it sounds even worse
g o o d v i b e z won't save me

my "good days" where i can actually work on music are still accompanied by the bad thoughts and cold cruel reality just the same as the days that go by where i can't even get out of bed to bathe or eat.

getting called names on 4chan though?
i feel love, i feel seen


bring in the breakcore parts sis
is this >>123653278 true, anon? is it just a bunch of splice samples cobbled together?
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fuck breakcore let's bring the jungle vibes anon also dont stress urself too much with how ur music should sound like when retarded bitches with zero mixing/mastering skill can get popular by producing mediocre elevator drum and bass music and get a following
u just need a good marketing and image rather than how the songs should be polished and perfected but if ur just making music for yourself that's fine too though im not sure why that would make u feel sad
just the vocals and the drum kick / clap are splice, since I suck at getting fat kicks to sit right and i can't sing worth a shit. Everything else is me

kinda lowkey nice that the anon thinks it sounds so clean it could be splice stuff though
my sadness is completely unconnected with the quality of my music... fortunately? unfortunately. lmao

hmmm.... either, i can just hear breakcore ridiculousness immediately following what you've already laid out
Maybe Jesus can save you then
Associating love with getting called names on chan, thats messed up, try to work on that
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:( anon u can always ask for external help u dont need to sit through with it alone you know? u need to talk with people that are the closest to your heart or a specialist if it keeps persisting, don't be afraid to ask for help, everyone needs a hand once in awhile!
i could maybe make a atmospheric jungle something breakthru after that bullshit but im trying to cash on that shitty tranny footwork/dnb style since ppl seem to fucking love this shit and it's kinda funny to incoporate some of my fav skramz songs and make them sound indefinitely worse
these threads went to shit years ago, you'll rarely get a sincere reply anymore from the maybe 5 anons that actually care. The shitposters outnumbered the genuine anons a long time ago.
ditch compression and map envelope followers to gain controls (not the track's fader)
stop going to /tttt/, it's bad for you
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but they're so much funnier
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how do other anons go about creating their songs? what's your workflow like? I'm a newfag stuck in the 10 second loop hell/browsing pre-sets for hours/staring at my blank project/stabbing randomly at keys stage. There's always something to distract me, whether it's a tutorial to acheive something or new sounds to play with. I'm curious to know how anons that got past this stage did it and what works for you.
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for me it's emeraldpynk
go back to high school and play in bands, collab with your friends with pirated versions of daws as you all learn the basics of synthesis and sampling
I did play in bands when I was younger, but didn't know or care about daws and synths until much later. Guess I am cursed to never complete a song.
Every 16 bars there should be an event and a change but not too drastic. Your piece is made up of consecutive 16 bar sections
It is mostly messing around with the existing loop and creating new segments out of it. Just try things out and save what sounds good. At the end you have puzzle pieces you can put together into a full song.
>switch up the drum pattern
>replace some drum sounds
>change the sounds a little bit by introducing distortion
>run the loop through plugins (reverse it, stretch it, granulizer, pitch it....and than run it though plugins again)
>give the loop movement (automation clips for volume, panning, eq, speed, reverb, stereo...)
>look for pockets you could add ear candy sounds (or the opposite, add silence)
thanks, these do actually help a bit - maybe I'll post my shitter efforts for abuse and/or indifference at some point in the future
what game is that?
New thread:

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