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Univers Zero Edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?
>https://www.musicgenretree.org/essential_prog.png (embed)

Obscure prog gems

Prev: >>123604219
Previous thread: >>123583180
Based edition
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>Mogs every other prog epic
Nothing personal kid
they should have released Tarkus as a Single, the rest of the album is mediocre, ELP, Trilogy & Brain Salad Surgery are all superior.
Yeah i love Jeremy Bender too anon!
Yeah, unfortunate that arguably their best song is on such a front-loaded album.
Unironically this
i think birdman is better. even though the original 1969 king crimson never played a full 20 minute prog epic (trees doesn't count) i feel like birdman, tarkus, and lizard all inherited a different piece of the band's essence. it's like if you were to duct tape those 3 songs together again you would have something sounding like itcotck
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>I'm just a lawnmower
What did he mean by this?
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I like it.
based Chinofag
that's Cirno, retard
FULL SET FROM OPENING NIGHT OF THE BEAT TOUR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEv47eU-YEY

no Fripp = no King Crimson = don't care
wow way to spoil it bro
is it really Model Man without our beloved Robert Fripp on guitar?
its not the fact they're missing fripp
its the fact that they are 100 years old.
I love belew but he is not sounding good these days.
he's only 74
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>he's only 74
Yeah nigga thats old as hell!!!!
it's pretty young, what the fuck are you talking about? he has another 5 years to go at least.
So happy I got to see KC during their final tour, it was super cool seeing Fripp, Tony and Mel all jamming out. They sounded great
fucker you asshole i fuck you mothewr
what are the definitive CD releases of the 80s King Crimson albums? i have the originals and they are way to bright. are the 40ths preferred over the 30ths?
No he doesn't. Listen to him anon. He cannot sing nearly as well as he could even in the 90s. Rockstars cannot just perform forever.
This your first king crimson spinoff rodeo?
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Fripp/jakko could never
>i can't hear shit!!1!
Don't listen to it on the bus
Same. One of the last good memories I have with my bitch ex-wife
prog before hoes
Peter Gabriel sounded like a black man compared to Jon Anderson who sounded like a gay robot from outer space.

Tales and Lamb however are the very peak of the 33 1/3 vinyl record era White Anglo Knower rock stylings. everything after goes backwards like punk or worse, redundant pop ballads and synthesized pastiche.
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he VROOMED all over her THRAK
>Univers Zero
>Henry Cow
why do they mog all of the reddit prog bands so hard?
did he groon on her tight scrummy?
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>Watcher of the Pies
he's good for someone who's basically 75yo, just kinda stretchy for his high notes but then who wouldn't struggle to sing that high at that age?
by that point Mccartney had lost his voice for 20 years, Roger Waters' vocal was basically done by 80s.
sure you can name out singers who can still sing well into their 70s but big chance is they either 1) don't have many challenging singing on their songs to begin with 2) Jon Anderson
i love that song
Yeah, Sebastien has put on some weight over the years. It happens when you get older.

The Musical Box is still great.
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Just listened to pic rel. What did I think of it?
Coomers, fuck off.
Imperfect in a word, make no mistake
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listening to Circus
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listening to Cirkus
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listening to Circus
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listening to Tarkus
>IQ is actually going to play a couple of shows in Canada in 2025
>They're both in Quebec
kill me
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fell in the tubular bells hole again
day's gone
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listening to Kohntarkus
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listening to Larkus
ah, tarkus
I just listened to IQ for the first time. I listened to The Wake. What should I listen to next?
what's the story of tarkus?
more prog surf like this
Any good English zeuhl?
Frequency. Or just listen in release order.
what's most prog guitar? les paul? rickenbacker?
I thought tarkus was bigger, like an elephant
That thing cant kill a fly
listening to tarkus from topographic oceans
>Acknowledge Shawn Phillips
no they need to give it up and pass the whole thing onto younger guys. like 10 years ago. it is getting silly up there on stage like a SCTV skit.
Played by the English or sung in English?

The only English Zeuhl band I can think of is Ga'an in America.
are you homosexual? not judging
>Played by the English or sung in English?
Preferably sung in English, but funnily enough, I also think the charm of Zeuhl is not understanding the language; it sort of becomes an instrument itself. I'm just curious what English Zeuhl vocals would sound like. I've been listening to Universal Totem Orchestra and the non-Kobaïan Italian vocals are quite good. I have listened to Höyry-Kone, and most of the material is sung in Finnish, not Kobaïan.
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>groovy jam over a demon belching
So do we fuck with ELO here or is that too poppy?
Correction: Universal Totem Orchestra's lyrics are sung in Italo-Kobaïan, so maybe what I'm looking for is something Anglo-Kobaïan.
This is a /TIME/ board
Depends. Their early catalog is quite proggy. Everything after Face the Music is kind of meh, with Time as the only exception.
>totally forgot this tour was starting
fuck, I should see if my dad got tickets for one of the Florida shows
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Didn't play anything off Time but go see Lynne if he's in your city it's literally your last chance
>not in my state
I saw them back in 2019 but was seated next to two faggot boomers that clapped out of time to the music the entire show and just kinda pissed me off
That should be grounds for expulsion
RIP Richard Tandy...
I swear when I saw King Crimson in 2021 I was going to kill the bitch behind me. During the improv section of 21CSM Gavin Harrison was going hard on the drum solo with some real quiet bits and this stupid cunt just kept shouting "WOOOOO!" at the top of her lungs while everyone else was silent.

Also funny how many people my age/younger I saw there with JJBA shirts.
Why does every Fish era Marillion studio album cover feature bare feet?
they were not far from steven wilson, must be something in the water
It’s weird watching old talk shows where the audience is polite and reacts at the appropriate times. Nowadays you got retards shouting WOOOOOO! after every other line.
literally the only good pop album
we need a prog album based on this era of entitlement. whose up for it?
is this real?
is this real?
is this real?
is this real?
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is this /prog/? if so, what do we think about it?
Live but not live albums
Nektar - Sounds like this
Robert Frippstein, Gregory Lakestein, Ian Mcdonaldstein, Michael Gilestein, Peter Seinfeld
What's the deal with cat food?
I’m sorry, I just remember being bored by it and not listening the whole way through.. is it good?
it's not boring enough for me
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listening to Mahavishnu Orchestra
Cat food was calling out goyslop before it was cool.
how did they manage to fuck up such a promising album?
just further proof of how much of a retard fripp is
no u
>how did they manage to fuck up such a promising album?
>just further proof of how much of a retard fripp is
it's a great album, you faggots just nitpick everything related to Fripp, the sound quality makes it better.
Jokes on you I’m listening to Islands right now
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Name a man who got done dirtier than this guy. I still get a little upset thinking about Fly From Here
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Done dirty by Yes and the Moody Blues
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At least he lasted an album and hadn't got cut out from a music video
what happens to the "people" Robert Fripp disposes of?
they cofound shitty arena rock bands
Robert Fripp has awoken me from my deep slumber.
Robert Fripp is the sole reason as to why humanity should persevere.
Robert Fripp is the reason good exists.
Robert Fripp was the one who invented progressive rock.
Robert Fripp channeled drama into music.
Robert Fripp is the reason men should not be castrated.
Robert Fripp was the one that showed us the light.
Robert Fripp influenced modern theatre and films.
Robert Fripp is the most powerful and majestic musician.
Robert Fripp created toilets.
Robert Fripp made /prog/ insane.
what do you guys think the best 60s King Crimson album is?
based, i will believe all of these as facts, even the ones i know aren't true.
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Done dirty by electricity
I saw Roger Waters last time he was in Toronto, and for non-Canadian Anons who don't know, on that day one of our 3 major ISPs completely fucking died, so a ton of people couldn't use their phones, internet or debit cards. As a result, there were a fair amount of empty seats, since some people couldn't get to/into the venue, and I and others were able to move to much better seats than we paid for.
Anyway, this couple sits down next to me, and they are super into the show, singing along to all the songs. Waters starts playing In The Flesh, and this couple belts out 'AND THAT ONE LOOKS JEWISH, AND THAT ONES A COOOON", and this older white woman sitting in front of them fucking whips her head back, and maybe a minute later got up and moved to another seat.
KC was one of the worst shows I've been too purely because of the audience. Getting up and walking around constantly, cheering and applauding during quiet parts of songs, it's like they hadn't ever heard the band before.
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arguably this
the moody blues should have fucking killed him
>Robert Fripp has awoken me from my deep slumber.
>Robert Fripp is the sole reason as to why humanity should persevere.
in order to KILL him
>Robert Fripp is the reason good exists.
ironic, since he's not good at all
>Robert Fripp was the one who invented progressive rock.
no, that was McDonald, Giles and Lake
he sure took credit for it, though
>Robert Fripp channeled drama into music.
by playing the same dissonant scales up and down? or by copying Bartok?
>Robert Fripp is the reason men should not be castrated.
he was, though
the man has no balls
>Robert Fripp was the one that showed us the light.
no, but he might have taken credit for that either
>Robert Fripp influenced modern theatre and films.
>Robert Fripp is the most powerful and majestic musician.
he is an autistic ugly manlet who can't write songs
>Robert Fripp created toilets.
he created TURDS
>Robert Fripp made /prog/ insane.
because idiots praise him
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Cool alternate cover for Emehntehtt Re I found in some Magma group, better than what they actually used for the cover.
>he sure took credit for it, though
>no, that was McDonald, Giles and Lake
kill yourself
Wait what? I almost asked as a joke how much of an asshole Moraz was to be kicked out so much, anything there?
every moody blues album with moraz kinda sucked ass... his presence made no significant difference. They phased him out and he found himself destitute with no prospects. He sued the moody blues for royalties and official recognition of membership, and he won. I recognize the great work he did on relayer but seriously he never did a single special or memorable thing on any of the moodies albums and he should be killed
Pretty neat.
holy digits confirm Fripp haters are cancer
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Blocks your path
I love this guy ao much it's unreal.
i like Out of the Blue, but their best is Eldorado
what is some prog influenced by folk music?
what media player do you guys use? I'm ditching spotify for local music and I need something that scrobbles to last fm

About a quarter of all Gentle Giant songs
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I don't listen to any ring past selling england
>missed by one album
Recommend me zeuhl albums not by magma or ruins for me to listen to tomorrow afternoon please.
only faggots use anything other than VLC for tunes or windows media player when you need to burn a prog mix for that cute redhead neighbour with the lustful mammaries from heaven jostling the prism on her DSOTM tshirt.
vlc is shite man and I already got laid today
I'll look ty
you might want to get the 40th anniversary mix buddy, that one sounds perfectly fine
and it you have it then you might want to get your ears checked, or you brain, could be a tumor
>Progressive folk, too
>She needs to warm up, but when she has it gets good
Jan Dukes de Grey
Tim Buckley
Jethro Tull
Gentle Giant
Pearls Before Swine
Current 93
Dead Can Dance
Carol Of Harvest
Richard Dawson
Fairport Convention
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listening to Van der Graaf Generator
Very nice.
Listen to Godbluff next
i have already listened to all of their albums, i'm just relistening
Ah yes, Van der Graaf Generator, and in particular, the breathtakingly intricate tapestry woven by Robert Fripp’s guitar work on "The Emperor in His War Room." Here, Fripp transcends traditional rock guitar, wielding his instrument as a conduit for existential reflection and emotional turmoil. His ethereal lines dance over Peter Hammill’s poignant lyrics, with each fluid phrase undulating with both aggression and vulnerability. The use of dissonance and dynamics creates an almost cinematic feel, as Fripp expertly builds tension that complements the song's narrative arc. His piercing, serrated riffs evoke a sense of impending doom, while haunting, echo-laden melodies float like phantoms through the mix, instilling a haunting quality that mirrors the lyrical themes of power and madness. Fripp employs a range of techniques, artful bends, delicate arpeggios, and rough, jagged chords, all contributing to an atmosphere thick with unease and introspection. The juxtaposition of sharp, staccato bursts against languid, melodic passages crafts a narrative of conflict and alienation, allowing the guitar to act as a vital character in this auditory drama. Fripp’s deft manipulation of tone and texture elevates the listening experience into a multilayered exploration of the psyche, with eerie yet compelling solos that echo the inner turmoil of the Emperor himself. This transformation of the guitar into a voice that articulates the unspeakable turmoil of the human condition cements "The Emperor in His War Room" as a profound testament to Fripp’s unparalleled virtuosity and the enigmatic essence of Van der Graaf Generator's oeuvre.
>intricate tapestry
Repeating yourself already?
Ah, how charmingly simplistic of you to overlook the myriad applications of that phrase; one might suggest a more discerning approach would serve you well, dear interlocutor.
Okay, but how does it compare to the coda of Meurglys III, The Songwriter's Guild?
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Who were they quoting?
Voltabros, is the mix on Bedlam supposed to give me tinnitus?
That's not the mix, that's just Bedlam
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>The masterpiece within the masterpiece was actually Moonchild , a long suite that was also the least linear piece. Here the gothic atmospheres of the other songs are set in a futuristic scenario: the humble and android refrain sinks into a swamp of dissonant sounds and percussive noises.

uhm based?????
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>Stamp them out!
>We must destroy them
>They infiltrate each city with their thick dark warning odour
pretty harsh Peter but i agree those pajeets are a becoming a menace
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>are a becoming
No, it's Golaith. They pawned him off on you, no refunds.
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Who smuggled a camera into the Illuminati
the same guy who did it on King Crimson's European tour in 2000
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doing some Krokodil
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Can't go wrong with Bondage Fruit's first two albums.
>"Well Mr. Mandela, sir, he's the Shock the Monkey Man"
I thinks he is referring to the one of many times when Fripp sperged out and left mid concert
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Mathematical Mother by Universal Totem Orchestra
Eskaton - 4 Visions
Weidorje - Weidorje
Ga'an - Black Equus
Universal Totem Orchestra - The Magus
Shub-Niggurath - Les morts vont vite
DÜN - Eros

Related but not exactly Zeuhl:
Höyry-Kone - Huono Parturi
Raāg - Raāgnarök (this one is pretty interesting and no one seems to know about it)
Univers Zero - Heatwave
Samla Mammas Manna - Måltid
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lmao thanks for putting that in my head
>verbosefag is also a frippfag
it figures
both autistic derivative uncreative hacks
The Lamb is terrible.
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Here it is. The moment. The peak. The finale. The epitome. Your chariot has arrived at the point of no return, you are now forever scarred, you are cursed with this theophany. Your body no longer responds to your command, for Fripp has taken control. Only "He" decides what is right and wrong, he is the judge, jury, adjudicator and executioner. No amount of pussies you fuck, no amount of drugs you indulge yourself in, will make you forget this Dionysian delirium. You have been castrated, both physically and spiritually. How do "we" the victims of a brutish rape comfort ourselves? How do we release ourselves from these chains? Fripp has squeezed himself inside you. You have no name or identity, you had abandoned these trivialities once your ears graced those guitars and imploding sound waves. Fripp. That is all. That is everything.
I admit masturbating to Red even though I am a devout Christian, I can only hope the lord forgive me for my sins.
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Two world leaders, a billionaire entrepreneur and the guy who sang on the Wild Thornberrys Movie soundtrack.
the important thing is that you felt the need to tell nerdy ass men on an anime forum that you touched your dong
It was a wholesome, ethical, Christian wank
Thanks bros.
Forgot you, thanks as well.
I think he was referring to this lol
Pure lies. It's their magnum opus and the peak of Gabriel's lyricism/vocals. You'll get it one day, kiddo
I mean the album is cursed, what do you expect?
That's Selling England
Post your favorite KC improv bros I'm creating a tier list for them

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>dropped last week
>didn't even know about it
Uhhh Fripp bros?
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>tfw fripp will die in your lifetime
Thats pretty gay bro but ill give you that Fripp rocks
>unironic Fripp haters in the prog thread
That's like going to church for Jesus but saying you hate God
it was announced on his social media
don't worry, it's just one autist replying to himself. he'll fuck off like the frusciante faggot if people ignore him too
realizing fripp is an overrated hack and doesn't deserve the praise he gets is the true /prog/pill
once we all - as a community - acknowledge KC brilliance came despite fripp, not because of him, then we can discuss music fruitfully in this general
Sex. That is what I think when I listen to Fripp. Literally just sex.
You're not entirely wrong.
What do we think of "pomp rock" as Kerrang and Hit Parader used to call it?
of course I am. have you seen 1973 Billy Cobham?
based and guitar circle pilled
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I don't follow his social media, and something tells me I wouldn't want to
Roger Waters did more for the prog community than Fripp ever did
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ignore him, it's just the resident schizo
No, i'm a different guy.
nice edit
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is anything after The Quiet Zone worth listening to? aside from live albums of course.
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Are you unfamiliar with meme arrows?
Why did they mess with the setlist order?
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still listening to Circus
I can't win.
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What’s pomp rock
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Who did it better?
"guys i don't want to be a curmmudgeon but really, it might not be a great idea to be taking a band picture in the sauna"
'Don't worry about it, if the picture's not that great we can use those pictures we took at the beach for the cover instead'
>only one person hates fripp
i mostly kinda like crimson but goddamn the worship in here is turning me into a hater too
it's kind of odd too
there are tons of great prog bands and albums to discuss, but it feels like 70% of the threads are about KC for some reason
I want to talk about YES ffs
frippfags on full damage control
where my krautrock niggas at
Julian Cope's book on krautrock saved me, i thought these bands i'd see namedropped in interviews like CAN or NEU all sounded like Kraftwerk
>Can, Neu, the list goes on...
how do I stop being a krautpleb?
yeah that one's pretty good
>how do I degrade my taste
start with the brits
>with the brits
I meant as in how do I leave mainstream krautrock? I only know the most famous bands
you just posted mine
i was actually thinking of doing something like this but instead of a tier list a playlist

ive been going through their 1973 gigs and found some really nice ones:
now this is a more understandable take and also one important reason to ignore the Fripp hater fag
the sooner he shuts the fuck up about his imaginary head canon the sooner well get to see a thread with less attention to KC and more attention to other great bands
the best Crimson live track is obviously the joke blues rock version of Court rjnx2
Pawn Hearts is the best King Crimson album
In the Court Of The Topographic Brick By The Pound Of The Moon
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Going to Germany in one week, chaps. CAN hardly wait to get there, haha
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based alert
Just wait til you hear the brain-splitting synths on the first track of Noctourniquet
are there instrumental versions of mars volta albums yet so we can hear the music without the banshee screeches
Ah, indeed, that allusion deftly references our previous discourse from another time, quite splendid; I, too, was present at that illustrious exchange.
hey wussup verbro
Munich sure has Canterbury albums hidden in some of the many record stores. I only hope there are going to be organ concerts. Nothing beats a massive church organ surrounded by Gothic architecture.
most prog bands are just wannabe VDGGs
Van der Giraffe Generator is the BEST band of all time, please KILL yourself if you disagree
>inb4 muh trust fund zoomer meme
kill yourself
the problem with Vander Giraffe is peter hammill never shuts up, he's worse than Peter Gabriel forcing himself over the good instrumental parts
Is gentle giant didnt exist, maybe they would have a chance
No, mr goldberg
>peter hammill never shuts up
his voice is perfect, and his singing is the best part, honestly if the music was just his singing i would still listen.
Genital Giant is good, but they are no VDGG, not even King Crimson comes close.
vdgg is emo prog (or prog emo if you prefer)
absolutely based
love my canterbros
love Robert Wyatt
hate Mike Ratledge
simple as
VDGG is country/folk prog
yooooooo Wyatt Power
VDGGbros, why are pic related and The Quiet Zone so deprecated by fans?
I avoided them for a while, thinking they weren't worth it, but they're incredible
not as solid as previous VDGG's works, but full of great music, and very close to Hammill's solo career
I watch saw an interview with Soft Machine from around the time Third comes out, and every time Wyatt is talking Ratledge is just fucking staring at him like he's from another planet or something, no idea what that dude's problem was
i love The Quiet Zone, i prefer their first six albums to any of their later stuff, but those two albums are great, how do you feel about their later stuff?
I know just the interview you're talking about, and yeah, Ratledge acts like a total douche towards him for no reason
I guess that has to do with their different views on music and personalities
Ratledge was a terrific musician, but comes off as a pedantic beatnik, while Wyatt was an easygoing extrovert, who enjoyed making strange music, but also had some pop sensibilities

This video is just painstaking to watch. Wyatt comes to the guys with some ideas on the song they're trying to record, and they just blatantly ignore him

I'll take Wyatt's side everytime, though. Not only he seemed like a down to earth guy, his influence on the Soft Machine sound was clear from the start
which is why his work with Matching Mole and his solo career are far more impressive than anything Ratledge ammounted to after forcing him out of the band
what later stuff, exactly? The Quiet Zone was the last of their albums I've listened to, but I've quickly grown very fond of it
still, my favorites are Godbluff and Still Life
Pawn Hearts is, of course, a masterpiece, but those two have the dissonant rage and tremendous riffs that made me fall in love with VDGG in the first place
World Record is not as solid, but it's full of those great ideas. I wish they'd taken a little more work with it in the studio to polish it further before putting it out
the whole Meurglys III guitar solo feels disjointed
i thought wyatt was out already by the 4th album, was he kicked during the sessions?
i meant anything after the The Quiet Zone, but i guess you haven't got around to listening to them? i really haven't either, i also really like Peter Hammill's solo albums like Silent Corner and Chameleon, i also really like The Aerosol Grey Machine even though it seems mostly ignored by fans.
he was kicked out after Fourth, but by that time his ideas were constantly being shut down by Ratledge
his masterpiece, Moon in June, couldn't even take a lot of time in their live performances, as Ratledge thought it wasn't good enough
their relationship was clearly very tense from the get go

>Yeah well I thought in a way, with the band in the ‘60s, that it was being taken in a direction more and more that was competing with the current state of American jazz-rock. And I couldn’t or didn’t want to do that. There was this feeling that because I couldn’t read music, I remember the organist [Mike Ratledge] once said to me, ‘Why don’t you learn to read music?’ And I answered, ‘So that you can’t tell me what to play.’ I think that was probably the nail in my coffin as far as that band was concerned.

dammit i want to like ratledge (looked for a clip of the black and white footage of him soloing in Boot if at all but i didn't find it standalone, it's in some prog documentary i watched a while back and i don't know which), but...
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what does /prog/ think of The Alan Parsons Project? Basic bitch baby's first prog or kino hidden in plain sight?
Pink Floyd spin-off that generated a sports tv track
my old buddy used to call them Alan Parsnips and only put it on when a woman was over and he had intentions of boinking her
nice, his solo stuff is outstanding
Red Shift is my favorite song of his
they suck mad fucking cock
progressive rock is a kind of metal.
yeah, he's a total dick, always has been
and not just to Wyatt, check out his interviews, and you'll see how much of a smug prick he was
still, an amazing musician

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yes hreev yes there is even more new of this and when we say that there is even more new of that and even progressive rock takes of tarkus that does not make sense to Them that there would ever be progressive rock takes of tarkus■
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>are a becoming a menace
based schizo
I love playing the flute bros, it fits literally in ANY music.
Up rubbing my tarkussy
Gentle Giant > Yes
Yes and I consider Yes the worst of the big prog bands
skillwise, maybe
GG could do more interesting and intrincate compositions
Yes hits harder, though
Yes just really makes me feel good/better than most of the other big prog rock bands even though I freely admit they're probably the least interesting.
It's just extremely uplifting music.
also sound chaser is their best song
Floyd is the best Prog band.
No prog band has a run like Dsotm to Wall.
Simple as.
>No prog band has a run like Dsotm to Wall.
A run as bad? I agree
Of course.
That would be Genesis.
I think it's pretty good
GG devolved into wanky sporkcore after the 4th album
They at least had conststency for a bunch of years with solid material. Yes did the initial album trilogy ending with close to the edge, then hit or miss. (yes im simplifying a little)
Jethro Tull has a solid run during the 70s, with arguably higher heights
Yes has only made 9/10s and up from the Yes Album to Going for the One
Genesis absolutely mogs PF in that discussion as well
VDGG and GG have nearly immaculate discographies

face it, as good as Pink Floyd was, it came short to the greatest acts of prog

great album
Baker Street Muse is an underrated epic
>Yes has only made 9/10s and up from the Yes Album to Going for the One
I had a phase of thinking topogrephic oceans was the best rock album, now thats long gone, I dont think its a good album, tracks keep going too long till it becomes tidious
Why does Topographic Oceans feel so tedious to listen to while Third is a delight to listen to?

They're both albums that consist of 4 20 minute long tracks
I love Tales, but agree that it could have been cut short
maybe make it a single album of 4 10min songs, or blend a couple of them together, idk
What do y'all think about this LTIA Part II cover by a random Japanese band?
well that's how it goes with oceans
man i want that so bad
I kneel
other way around
overall correct but GG doesn't have an album as good as CttE
I'd fuck that tarkus
Bob Dylan is prog
Is there any (preferably good) jazz rock fusion that uses mellotron? I don't know why but that instrument is extremely rare in jazz or jazz-adjacent music.
my music
Acknowledge Kansas
no. carry on wayward >>>>>>>>>
how do you know?
nah, it's tacky
americans can't do prog, sorry
King Crimson is american, retard
Point still stands
cause they're the most classically inspired
>he actually believed it
70s King Crimson > 60s Crimson >>>> 80s Crimson >>> 90s Crimson > 00s Crimson
where does 10s Crimson fit into?
in the trash
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after years, I gave it another try
finally, its starting to click, and its great
MacDonald > Wetton/Levin/bruford > Belew > Lake > Fripp
great album, swiss prog is pretty good >>123609681
Swap 90s and 00s
fresh bread

fresh bread

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