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dead congregation edition
old: >>123608055
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
first for trad doom
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Inquisition is USBM and I won't entertain any debates on the subject
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What's with all the boring editions lately
>mogs the fuck out of your pedofuckanalrapegrind or whatever the fuck you niggas listen to
pedofuckanalrapegrind reigns supreme.
Fuck off creep
too bad you were late to make a Kristian edition
>I NEED shitposting or forced memes in my OP
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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The Black Metallers are eating the dogs! They're eating the cats!
>Inquisition is American't black metal
You don't say.
>when THAT riff starts playing in Violent Waves
I took a big USBM today
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They're responsible for Covid too
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>Judas Priest are selling tickets to The Soundcheck Experience
>"an up close & personal soundcheck and meet & greet with Ritchie Faulkner and Scott Travis"
Fucking LOL
Good non sludge/doom style metal (thrash, death, black) with considerable noise rock influences?
Are you thinking about stuff like Pyrrhon or Krallice? It's a trash combo, desu
Liturgy (worshipped and beloved here btw)
Cephalic Carnage, Dodecahedron. There are also these hardcore-ish bands like The Dillinger Escape Plan, Botch, etc. but maybe they're beyond what you're interested in.
Rec me bands that sound like Morbid Angel and Immolation.
Is it a good idea to start with classic bands first and then move on to newer stuff?
Very respectfully, Burzum sounds like white noise but loud and unpleasant.
Always, don’t have to get deep but it’s the best starting point
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Starting your metal-journey with diapershit is a surefire way of ruining your experience.
Grow up
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List of good 1980s death metal albums
>Altars of Madness
>Consuming Impulse
That's it
Idk but I'm an autist and MUST do it that way
Sometimes I put on newer bands because otherwise I'd never get to them this way lol
Hear me out: Knocked loose
> full dynamic range edition
what does this mean?
It means it sounds like dogshit
That’s decent autism
"Listening chronologically" never works unless you're genuinely autistic
It works if you aren’t autistic about it actually, just listen to a couple albums from earlier classic bands than move on
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Post albums that sound better the more you listen to them.
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It’s like Metallica but…..good
Those are called good albums
Are pinch harmonics based or cringe?
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Does anyone else get the feeling that this is almost entirely tongue-in-cheek and these guys are taking the piss?
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Can someone explain why blut aus nord is so overhyped? I haven't heard anything I dislike but I don't get the hype the internet has over this band, I've gone back multiple times to listen and still can't figure out what makes them so revered by the metal scene
pretty much, after listening to fart shartbath he'll hate metal
I really like Ultima Thulee, Memoria Vetusta I, and The Work Which Transforms God but they have become increasingly unlistenable over the years. Like pic related is complete dogshit
They’re originators and spawned many copies
Symphoshit supremacy
>Does anyone else get the feeling that this is almost entirely tongue-in-cheek and these guys are taking the piss?
this feels like a good chunk of nsbm bands, they'd probably tone it down if it didn't make redditors and politispergs endlessly seethe or autistically justify why they totally can't support a band because NaZiS
start with the classics - Katatonia, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, Dream Theater, Slipknot.
why can't they ignore it?
I'd have said The Work Which Transforms God was one of the first "dissoshit" albums that really broke into more mainstream awareness, at least from what I noticed. He also had some popularity from the earlier albums.
I really don't like Work, never got the appeal, but if it's more because it was a lot of people's first time hearing something like that it means the band gets a lot of clout even if everything that came after is less interesting.

To me I just stick around for the first 2 albums, and then the Memoria Vetusta series. There was also one 777 album I liked but it still wasn't amazing.
Definitely some of it. Evgeniks is my favorite album by them.
You can't recommend starting with the peak of metal first, it needs to be a gradual progression
I'm pretty sure there are true believers who hate this band for that exact reason, I know I've seen it before online
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because they're faggots who need to insert politics into everything they touch, if you ever need a good laugh go to r/rabm and see the mental gymnastics and utter autism that comes from these people

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This is like proto-crossover or something
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Both sides are typically equally as bad, but as someone who likes laughing at lyrics that go so political they go goofy, Dawn Ray'd is the fucking worst for it.
Had a good laugh reading that thread. Fucking hell. Anyway BLASTING metal punk now
All Gotsu Totsu Kotsu albums for me, at first listen I thought they were just okay but now they are among my favorites.
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Strange production, it always takes a couple of minutes for my ears to get accustomed to the sound whenever I put it on, but their best songs are on this album. Been listening to it for 20 years and sometimes I still discover hidden details I missed before.
>Garden, still and cold
>Leaves once green turned to gold
>Wrapped in fields, eternal sky
>I bid farewell, I die...
>Birds of the night, sing my songs
>Ocean of tears, leads so long
>Solitude of my spirit, I am free
>Now I am dead forever
>Storms of sadness cleanse my wings
>I dwell in grief after I die
>The landscapes so below
>I harken up, the sunset choir
>Sings from the palace of frost
>The place where I shall dwell now
>The palace for the lost
absolute kino Swedish cringe
Never liked it too much, I prefer metal to be more street and in your face, but no doubt this project spawned a whole subgenre within black metal.
Gets boring as fuck after 2 songs
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It's not for everybody. Try this first.
>tfw want to grow out my pedostache again but now every single fucking sóyboy has one
it makes me older anyway, whatever
beards are for fags and NOT metal btw
Why would I listen to this when I could just listen to JRPG OSTs instead
they're dissoshit heavy hitters but also fake drums heavy hitters
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Any metal about white dudes fucking ethnic women
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Anything by Defeated Sanity.
Also their new album is looking like it's gonna be one of the best of the year.
try Sectioned
>arghoslent-rape of a slave
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(Early) Blut aus Nord
Ruins of Beverast
Lunar Aurora
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I read it's the same guy as Muhammad Pedophile, if true he likely enjoys watching midwits seethe by any means
Germanic atmoshit, not my favorite but pretty good
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>Ruins of Beverast
Only some really, stuff like Thule is really meh
Completely mogs American atmoshit. Why can’t USBM into atmoshit?
What can USBM into?
This is great
Nothing really. Everything decent is isolated cases. Inquisition, demoncy, profanatica
Alright, where do I start with Inquisition?
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Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
so tired of covers like this
I Shalt Become mogs all of that shit
All metal bands should have blank covers and untitled tracks
I've listened to Poison so I now disagree.
means theres more of a range between volumes thats it. quiets are more quiet compared to how loud the louds are. Why this is important in a death metal album I don't know. Maybe Mr. Bungle could benefit from it
not brickwalled
The guy who covered all the solos on Epitaph by Necrophagist without a backing track makes avant-garde technical metal and experimental music similar to Behold the Arctopus and Psyopus, but with perhaps more of an IDM and noise influence, as there is s lot of abstract electronics that sometimes take the leading role. For real weirdos only.
If you're into the docket printer track, you may be interested in the Scissor Shock rabbit hole.
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do YOU play guitar? what amp do you use?
I use no amp because my jack is broken and semi-hollow is hollow enough that it can be loud enough as long as I play incredibly punkishly.
This was just alright the first time I listened to it but I went back to it with headphones and the riffs revealed themselves to me. First song is especially good
Carcass - Necroticism
Enforcer - Nostalgia
I play bass and use Fender Rumble 40 which is good enough for my apartment
Not Metal! Not listening!
based carcass enjoyer
even though it's a great album, surgical steel mogs it
It always surprises me this was released in 91 and Heartwork in 93. Ahead of their time is an overused phrase but they really were
Orchid - MAYH is my fav Opeth era and idk why
how much do u like satan
he's pretty okay I guess I'd give him a 6/10
truth is nobody really believes in him here and they're all just having a bit of fun pretending to be little devils
its more of a playful joke than anything serious
and both of those suck balls
Your /meal/ membership revocation is being processed
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One that makes my riffs the creamiest
That's something a woman on her rag would eat
Well he did ask for gay music
Jcm800 at the practice room, peavey backstage at home
>I only eat MANLY ice cream!!
biggest metal mysteries? i'll start
>nattramn's existence
>nea batera, youtuber who did metal drum covers, disappeared without a trace a few years ago
>nobody knows who the kid on the "jar of flies" EP cover is
You didn't need to post the ice cream, the vox gave it away
>biggest metal mysteries? i'll start
Does dragonforce use pre-recorded solos when playing live?
Did Chuck really die of AIDS?
Gelal finally posts here
Was Euro really murdered due to a lovers' quarrel?
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That would imply anyone loved Euro
>Symposium of sickness
I wish I had a guitarist friend who could feed me ice cream while I play and I feed him ice cream while he plays and we just enjoy doing this without being sexual about it.
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he just didn't know it
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If you're not listening to this album right now, you're doing the wrong thing.

i listened to that album in 2016 and thought it was great, but i'm too lazy to revisit it. please do a very brief review
i = (√-1) × |z| = √(x2+y2) ÷ π ~ reeeeeeAAAAAAAAAA because from before the beginning (which was also, according to them, already the end), the adepts of the Architectonic Order of the Eschaton have worked tirelessly to secure the past, present, and future against the incursions of Neolemurian time-sorcery, eliminating all polytemporal activity, stitching up the future, sealing every breach and covering every track

tl;dr: it slaps
The Raunchous Brothers
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>shitty logo
>shitty album cover
>long ass album title with shitty font
not listening!

sounds like gay porn
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Massacra has a similar logo too
>zoomer mortician
Total support here.
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>not listening!
You're missing out

I agree the album art is shitty - it belies the experimental, forward-thinking nature of the music. The new version isn't great either, but it's maybe a little better.
>sounds like gay porn
Goes well with the track "Kill Every Gay" by them
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>metal-chad stole my girlfriend
>grammatically incorrect Babys
what is the song about then? some kind of pope scuba diver?
they're japanese they barely speak their own language let along ours
Doesn't make me annoyed by it any less
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fake extremecel cope post
>Yeah bro I love death metal
>*pulls up All That Remains on his phone*
What do you mean , like how danish people can’t speak their language properly anymore?
>Bandmembers all wearing shirts with the name of their own band
Why are the Japanese like this?
If you think that's exclusive to the slants then you might need to look at more bands.
all that remains is my broken heart after metal-chad stole my gf
enlighten me about bands that do that
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It's not exactly hard to find. Unless you point was ALL of them are wearing it, in which case I'll concede I'm less aware of that.
kerry king only wears slayer merch
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More recs like Mick Gordon?


So kind of Djent industrial that doesn't sound like shit and is actually quite a cleanly produced wall of sound
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Someone posted this a few days ago and I've really been enjoying it!
I'm broke so I use a Boss Katana-Mini for my Squire
I'm sorry did I hurt your feefees
cantonese metal
nice! very nice!
so do I just grind out basic chords as a beginner?
wht in the fuk is this
no, there's more
Nope, the rest is terrible diaper death like Autismslopsy and Blowshituqueery
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Holy diaper
You've been down too long in my midnight pee
Oh what's coming out of me
Ride the caca
You can smell it's stench and you know I ain't clean
Oh don't you see what i mean
Gotta get changed
Holy diaper
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>forgetting Masacre
Idk. Try this: https://youtu.be/7bdLFK2T3Ro?si=IQWWJAj_7ZMKOsXa
It's different in many aspects, but I don't know anything that's more similar.
Sim. I wanted as many sounds as possible per buck, because I wasn't sure beyond that.
Tyrant of Death.
depends on what sound your after. there's single notes being played in metal as well.
Tyrant of Death is the Doom ost if it was metal. He was asking fro djent.
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Varg is gay and has AIDS.
ur opinion is shit and you know it
Obituary sucks
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USBM supreme
>Your honor, I need to be able to change these words to something derogatory , my entire case depends on it
Is early greek black metal one of the strongest poser filters
i play bass and use an ashdown
Finland, and also Czechia as second
Reminder that poop and related paraphernalia is a forced meme started by hector
Reminder that fecal paraphernalia is a forced meme started by hector who had quite an unhealthy obsession
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Beautiful melodies on this
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they're not bad but that logo always looks so laughably retarded no matter how many times I see it
me and my frens used to get a good laugh out of their songs ages ago, I still find myself singing lines of theirs to give myself laughs at times. True incel to chad metal
>True incel to chad metal
what did (You) mean by this?
>Kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness
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Metal is pretty gay innit
Correct. We're all gay here.
It really attracts all the fags eh lmao
All their songs are about hating women and rape
So true my trans sisters
Dead Congregation, Mournful Congregation
>picked up a guitar
>djent suddenly started to sound better
Yamaha THR10x, recorded an EP on it. Its aight. Lots of good effects but theres like 9 amps and only one is actually good.
>start going to /pol/
>Mgla suddenly started to sound better
Brainrot affecting your ears.
Mgla isnt that chuddie. Or are they?
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New melo black just dropped
We prefer disso black here
Lowkey chud
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Yes and yes
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wow they're just like me :)
Yet another case of pure, incessant wankery in the dissodeath scene. I don't think I'll ever understand the whole fascination with the sheer overuse of atonal, harmonic, and dissonant spam littered throughout much of this scene as opposed to it being used sparingly, to build texture, and to add to other features such as... you know; riffs?! It is even unlike much other pure wank in that it does repeat the same phrases, but it does so so often that it quickly becomes boring after a while. Guess these guys forgot what makes technical/math bands so great if they cannot riff or be interesting like this band: variety.

Just another run of the mill wank band to add to the seemingly, massive collection of wank bands to come a la Gorguts. The mathcore elements and vocals are equally as unrefined as much of the popular bands in the scene. Boring and often-times, grating vocals, and just trying to be as nonconstructively obnoxious and pretentious as possible. So hard that the same 1 note is being played for 38 minutes, and you've accomplished absolutely nothing. That's this album in a nutshell. Not even Colin Marston can save how tedious and repetitive this is. It just does absolutely nothing with the sound. You can't just be babies first dissonant band and not do something meaningful. It's just a vapid album with nothing at all going for it for me.

Every day I realize how much Gorguts has riddled a genre I loved to pieces with tons of these boring, repetitive wankfest bands. It's always people in this scene too that I guarantee will shit all over Necrophagist clones for overusing sweep picking, and more conventional techniques that bands like these often do, but because bands like this use sounds they've never heard before, suddenly it's okay if they have no structure to their songs beyond just a foundation. No walls, no ceiling, no roof, just a foundation.
> and to add to other features such as... you know; riffs?!
is the title meant to be a twist on "that [whore/pornstar] is someone's daughter"?
I mean it could be but the song definitely isn't going by the lyrics.
incredibly based
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>the kid on this NES game cover grew up to be Wrest of Leviathan
Where did it all go so wrong?
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Sometimes it feels like every metal thread is all about trying to post the most edgy and bad album in existence
>Verifocation not required
based trivia if real
are you telling me pic related is lying?

but anyway i shut it off after this fucking travesty of a song
yeah i listened to this once and did not enjoy it
not a lot of good disso this year, im enjoying ceremony of silence but i cant think of anything else
pyrrhon is basically coreshit at this point
Malevolent Creation
Heaving earth is a rare band that sounds exactly like immolation
Nah it’s all about getting (You)’s
Caveman riffs
Beloved here.
Seems legit
>Jef clearly garnered some recognition in the skateboarding community, as evidenced by his appearance on the cover of a Nintendo game called Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble.
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>unironically listening to dsbm again
I didn't want to come back to this time.
for me; it's glam metal
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*filters casuals with ocarina shredding*
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Dissoblack AOTY
I want to listen to cavernous dissoshit
Please post albums
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some of the better death metal ones:
Defacement - Defacement
Altarage - Succumb
Hissing - Hypervirulence Architecture
Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence

and Cabinet - Hydrolysated Ordination for absolute fuckery
new phyrron had me dissobros
and then the metal core gang vocals came in....
I will never accept recommendations from a tripfag. In fact, they should all be executed.
bb's our bb here, poser
They're a mathcore band with some DM influence. Don't be surprised.
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bros, is this peak tech disso death??
it's mathcore
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post moar mathcore
>Defacement - Defacement
>Hissing - Hypervirulence Architecture
seconding these 2, hissing especially are very based
based three one g core enjoyer
>Best Blastings with some of the best blastings
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Peak melodic death metal and peak technical melodic death
>what if generic melodeath... but le chaotic!
>what if.. I take a thing and make it sound really simple.. epic!
But also correct
Listening to physical media is about as poser as it gets these days.
So are Cannibal Corpse's but you don't see anyone complaining
Why are Blind Guardian so popular when they're actually, like, really bad (and not metal)?
This but Helloween
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God I love this album so much.
There’s one called hector ir something who’s really good
Today is the Day
Is anyone hype for new Infant Annihilator next month. Even if you hate deathcore they kind of occupy their own space. I'm just hyped for the apparent reissues that will be happening so I don't have to pay 500 plus dollars.
I liked Yadaboath or whatever the fuck it was called, haven't heard anything else by them.
Awesome cover art though!!!!
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We love Walls of Jericho though
This, but the opposite. H recs universally suck, so I guess it's not an entirely useless metric.
Balls of Hairychode is a diaper disgrace. Fuck Smellopeen.
We HATE dissonant riffs here
opinions. too much core?
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The cleans remind me of Godsmack
Any thrash with meaningful lyrics rather than just describing a scene or actions?
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Uh this

Kurt was a fag, Melvins, Skin Yard, Green River >
It is peak core. which sounds like a putdown but isn't
Pyrrhon turned out to be homos though, I stopped listening to them years ago.
>”we don’t like edgelords”
You lost or something m8? What genre do you think this is?
Edgelord chuds are despised here.
Says the guy posting in edgelord chud general
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Blasting Green Day
What gun are you using?
My dick
Burzum NEW
Slayer more like Gayer amirite?
Metal is inherently dissonant though
Best blastings of the thread

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