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Your friendly neighborhood gear thread for all gear relateds music
that wouldn't work
Ableton SUCKS
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think again my nigga
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Is this a good guitar?
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Has anyone ever actually owned one of these? How does it sound? Post samples if you got them.
Does a 16th of an inch make a big difference for neck width?

it sounds like you think it would, great, warm, bright tones.
you got trouble fingering the F major or not? depends on that.
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Dimension C Pedal
Yes or no
collecting? yes, not collecting? no.
if you're gonna use it in stereo then hell yeah
what's the minimum amount of stuff to start practicing and recording guitar for someone who already has gear for recording hardware synths? just the guitar? are physical amp + speaker + fx really so much better sounding or are they merely expensive toys like they are in the synth world?
You just need an interface and torrented DAW
> usb guitar jack into amp simulator.
or boss 90-me into your computer with said jack.

they are more natural and more designed for a purpose than amp sims that are hard defined and only work on few settings.
Any Maschine beta testers wanna leak the new features/bugfixes/QOL improvements?

Did we get tempo/time signature changes? Can we color-code lock states? Can we record lock state performances into the arranger? Or did they do low-hanging fruit like add stem separation and midi note previews?
you don't need an amp. unless you have a great sounding recording space a plugin will sound better or you can get a modeler
what do we think about the akg p120. i need a cheap mic for recording vocals.
Sm57 is more than enough for anything
Then why do I have 50k of fucking gear
because you consume to live and live to consume
P bass
20in medium thin low
Pro R
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Hello there, this is the famous Ringo, here, gear fab, what is it I can do for you here as it were, gear fab?
Ringo big fan whenever I wonder what to do with my drums or I wonder if this is an ok drum figure I just ask myself what would Ringo do or would Ringo do this and it always works out if the answer is yes
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>I make music just to consume it
An analog vocal chain would run me 1-5k and if I wanted compression and pres easily another 15.
The speakers alone would hit you for 7 figures anon how's your branding
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For me, it’s spooky guitar
Guitars seem to be going up in price. For example, this is 13 grand
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hate that fag Yungblud but his sig epi SG jr gives me a guitar boner.
have too much gear but if I was in the market for a poorfag SG id happily buy one of these
sg juniors are certified cool

i'm usually a neck pickup guy but i really like these for some reason, wish there were more models available
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You little faggots aren’t old enough to remember this but Barton Fink used to put this album in torrents of the Pink Floyd discography to slip their music into people’s collective toons without them knowing it. Discovered this album living on my iPod one day over a decade ago, and it’s actually great.
Just bought a Paiste 22" Big Beat ride :3

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