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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123654897
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Post a real GX.
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Just got this board and while it feels like an overpriced toy it sounds absolutely great (keys feel super plastic) 9/10 do recommend it if you want some nice organ sounds… which I still don’t really know how to EQ pls help
What exactly is a countermelody?
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is this unique enough
unique enough to what?

you really should have switched to a different druum sound and popped off once that section 20~ seconds in starts... then chill out for a bit after... go back to it ya..
...i hear very clearly..,,
what do u mean, different breakbeat? pattern?
Usually (not always) opposite direction in a (usually) different subdivision
It's an accompaniment
what if you have it in the same subdivision and within the same octave, are there examples of that that don't sound like shit?
Me again. How much theory do I need to learn to improve this shit? Because I'm literally illiterate when it comes to music. I've never played or even touched a real instrument. I don't even know how to use fl studio properly. I've only been using it for a few hours and so far this is the only thing I've done.

I like it
idk what i am doing lol
terrible and lmao using that sample in the start of the second track
Just go look into species counterpoint
i got ableton 11 live for free from a friend
i am a complete beginner what do i do guys?
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Start with the built-in shit in image related, and that might give you an idea of what questions you need to ask to do specific things, because if you are a complete noob you don't have the vocabulary to find out what you need right now, learning which words mean which things will be the best thing you can pick up first
only one that was okay was the 3rd but only in the sense that it be used in some bad hallmark made for TV movie. but a bad one though
>i got ableton 11 live for free from a friend
we all did goofball.
now try and replicate songs you like to gain experience
uninstall and get a real daw
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fucking tracks pissing me off now literally can not think of a way to make it more interesting without reworking the entire thing and the file size is massive from trying different shit
Cool but, and I also want to do this but it never works, vox need to be above not within the mix. Idk smth about the brain and what it does with words, the drain from trying to hard to focus on them bc quiet takes fucks with the experience
are my vocals sounding ok here?

Other than being off pitch and under delivered and maybe 3db too quiet No
I've decided music is exactly like surfing. In that some days, weeks, months, years, are great for surfing. And others are terrible. It's the same for music and for how I feel about my music
Premium distilled copium
That’s right anon, you can’t make good music because we tannies are running a secret demotivation psyop targeting you specifically so they can co-run the music industry with you know who.
Take your girl pills and join us.
What? Anon not every day is an orgasmic drug Induced frenzy of pleasure and if you were more than a decade in years would start to blend as ups and downs

Fucking newfag take your pills
>hear some notes
>full arrangement starts rushing into my head
It's literally that easy
Is the full arrangement in the room with us now?
>I'm never frustrated I just hallucinate and transcribe and this always juices me with the most excellent pleasures
git gud
Yes you're a poser faggot farming your fix
if you've heard any song you know how a melody goes. it's really not that hard to just feel out the song.
>their are anons itt RIGHT NOW that don't audiate full songs in their dumb little heads

no wonder you guys all suck lmao
>audiate full songs in their heads
no but
>hear a few notes/sample
>able to think of a melody in my head based on that
>add drums
theres a full loop. this is literally basic shit. songs literally make themselves. the melody is already decided most of the time, you just have to find it.
Fellas I'm not saying this at all. I'm saying it doesn't always feel so excellent to get up and go work at my dream job. If you haven't experienced music being unpleasant you are very very new at this
You can say the same about dreams. About anything really. Nothing is always fun, even fun
>they just naturally audiate full symphonies in their entirety
>45 minutes
>Full polyphony
>All polychromatism fully rendered in pure orgasmic imagination
skill issue

yeah no shit m8 people are taking the piss
>idiots only utilize 10% of their DAW
Get on my level, morans.
it's so boring, anon, i dunno what the fuck you are thinking with this one,. You've been posting it over the last few threads in various forms and I thought it was better before you put that tepid nintendo DS sounding melody and beat over the screaming. Feels like you are posting a meltdown in song form. Also agree with other anon about the drums, you should switch them up an go harder with it, I think this would make it sound less lame at least. The repeating go's could be more interesting to make it less annoying (unless that's what you're going for).
tranny type beat
Looks like the c64 loading screen.
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please reply to my post
Hit print, girlie. You did it.
Make them louder, add layering/harmonies and use autotune because it sounds like you can't sing no offense.
sang a quick mockup.
consistency is the key to success. you should have been successful years ago if you really had it in you. it sounds like a you problem if you can't maintain your physical and mental health to your maximum potential.
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Here's a track I made today, don't know what the genre is, but it was fun making it.

Also, the faderport is awesome.
You did a decent job for beginner. When you get used to the software you'll make better tracks.
There are free DAWs but none of them is open source.
Worked on this some more.
would some volume dynamics to the higher points of the song make it this more interesting? mostly the ending. I feel like it lacks some impact.
I like it
I wanna die after listening to that
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Everything about this is foul. Fucking greasy, disgusting slop of a tune sung by a slimey little goblin.
uninstall your life
Lemme know what you think
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How do I compose music on the guitar? I used to play jazz guitar but didn't touch my tele for years now. For this clip I made the first guitar track in the background as an accompaniment and then I just did some pentatonic riffing on it with a different tone. But I have no idea how this could morph into a whole track.

I've only ever written a complete song on piano before, and it was kind of intuitive, like I could hear what should come next and I just had to play it. The guitar fretboard just feels very gay compared to a piano for playing around freely.

Also, I remember how painful it was to use a bass VST for a short rock track before, so I'm thinking about buying a real bass guitar. Would it be worth it or will I just end up spreading my resources too thin practicing singing, piano, guitar and bass?
Thank you

Definitely buy the bass. It's fun to play and feels much better than just fuckin around with a plugin. Don't worry about "spreading yourself too thin" you can play and do everything as a bedroom musician.
How do i counter hat hissing
choke it, turn them way down
But now my hats sound lifeless
i found some old b/w pic selfie i will probably use for spotify, cringey i know
but gotta start somewhere
Dip out a little around 8-10k but if you do too much the hats are gonna sound like shit
stop clipping/compressing/limiting them
Too late man
Hm eeeeehhhhhh
can i get some ears on this deep house song, is the kick too loud/overpowering overall?

what does it need more/less of?
should i finish this bouncy house track?

why is everyone making house
Most popular dance genre there is
sounds good to me t b h - make it longer and then have it play someone in the club. it's danceable
no one here can play a real instrument
It's 2024. Electronic Music is at an all time High my Dude.
thanks anon!
i'll put in a dj style intro then
anything that's standing out being harsh or something?
So ive made this beat, thought its my best work yet, and a normie friend of mine told me, that the guitar feels out of place, and the whole piece just sounds whack. So it made me qurstion alot of things. To me it sounds great, am i full on delusional at this point? What do you guys think ? https://voca.ro/124yDKxixw9s
>push limiter and utility on master a couple db
>track is now overall loud
>sounds a bit distorted on car speakers
If i pull back my main volume gain and the limiter will it fix the problem?
Not my genre but i could see that in a death note esque anime, the guitar is nice gives it an overall eery/dark feel
Listen out to what exact elements in the track are causing the breakups, and try equing them out, or bring the volume down a little, i guess?
amuse's AI mastering tool is kinda sick.
Thanks for the affirmation bro, I get that its a weird vibe, just wanted to make sure its not complete diarrhea.
Nah no diarrhea, it fits the vibe. Work on it more.
which music distributor is actually legit?
is there any stage keyboard that's worth getting anymore?
I feel like you're better off getting a top quality MIDI controller keybed and a copy of keyscape or something.
Ive been trying to make beats, which i could later put my vocals on, thats the main goal. I seem to create stuff that takes up too much presence , and the vocals feel very forced in the end. I just make basslines and drums , maybe some atmospheric elements. Whrn i try to simplify the instrumental, it sounds really thing and boring, i just cant seem to find the balance. Is electric guitar just generally quite hard to fit right into the mix? I find myself fighting for space when putting vocals on the beat. (Also, synths sound cringe to me, maybe i just havent found the right sounds)
i liked that idea and hear potential, only slightly weak bit for me was first to second chord transition

i play a few instruments except for piano, and mainly write on guitar/bass while hunt and pecking on piano. biggest thing for composing on guitar is learning inversions so you can do smoother voice leading. start with major and minor triads on EDG and AGB strings. not making guitar chord pattern jumps will make compositions more natural.
think of upper structures more, like if you have a Dminor chord you can play Fmaj and beyond so don't always limit yourself to voicings with bass notes. you have to be able to look at the fretboard and pick out the chord tones/shapes available (caged helps here). you don't have to be writing joe pass chord melodies, but exercises of taking songs you know and playing them in one position can open your eyes.
use more passing chords like m7b5 and fully diminished, sus/quartal, also upper extensions like 7b13/b6, maj7#4/#11, etc. on the higher strings. hear the notes missing in your head that you want to hit and then find them. for example, try walking from Cmaj7 to Am7 on the low e string. i just came up with a few variations, one example being Cmaj7 B7b13 E7b5/Bb Am7 on the edgb strings. or repeat this exercise but start with a melody line and find chords to fit while staying in the same position. being open to new sounds is more important than being able to name them.

use arpeggios and using chord/non-chord tones like jazz lines to build melodies instead of resorting to memorized scales. plain pentatonic boxes can sound trite on guitar so make sure you know all 5 patterns on the neck so you can float between positions. make penta/hexatonics by playing other scales but omitting notes, like CEGAB vs CDEGA. flat a 2 or sharp a 4, etc.

i'd also recommend a bass. maintaining competency isn't hard until you get into advanced slap. feel of a bass is way different than what you'd play on piano or guitar.
Anyone can check sound it 10 seconds.
why have any other instruments than the tambourine
Not big expert of such music, think you will find audience.
Now send me your soundcloud.
Call me retarded for how day 0 this is, but why do people put layers of a higher and lower vocal over basically any part they want to emphasize? And why is the lower part always so low energy and bored sounding?
Furthermore, if this is so universal with clean vocals, why is it practically never ever done with harsh ones?
Second this. Anything vocal related is very relevant to me. My vocals are absolutely trash, no matter how hard i try.
Use a de-esser.
I cant fucking get the snare to sound both punchy and blend in, is it a tone issue? Too much tail and it sounds like shit too little and it sounds like a shitty hi-hat.
I dont understand how producers make their snares sound so good and wide and succulent and clear.
Try some saturation , a little reverb or summ
https://voca.ro/1mgsBtD9p2Sg someone answer
later it with a clap and add reverb to the clap
meant to just reply to >>123695338
Do you really need it ti blend in? It is an percussive element, use sidechain and let the snare cut through and listen how it sounds.
Snares / claps take a lot of work sometimes. Layering and m/s eq. Use a reference tracks. Most questions here are solved no shit by using a good reference but you need to find one and it's not always so easy
By making it loud? Idk where's the link britbro? You've got the perfect type for UKG
Are we all just going to ignore the fact a girl posted her music in here?
Yes tamb is superior instrument, can you tell more?
who cares nigga
already has saturation, i think it might even be part of the problem
it makes it sound even more clicky and out of place
yeah because it sounds like its from another song
ive been trying to make it sound exactly how my reference track and ive been failing

but thanks tho
>it makes it sound even more clicky and out of place
cut some of the high end out of the snare and cut some of the mid out of the clap
Garage aint my vibe, im trying to make some sappy shit, this instrumental right here >>123693744
When i try to sing i sound like a fuckin retard, do I just speak loudly? Fuck, vocals are the hardest part out of it all.
I have never touched an electronic instrument in my life. Is Model:Cycles hard to pick up?
it helped a little bit, but what most helped is literally almost removing the center and just making it 50L 50R.
It still doesnt sound like i wanted tho, i think ill deal with this tomorrow.
Is it retarded to do a 50/50 with a snare tho?
Post some mixed vox the beat is kinda cool but I think it might be wanting a weird flow
You might try just fucking with other people's beats for vox practice

And yes vox are hard. They usually separate between producer and rapper, and in corporate there yet another vocal producer now usually the tracking engineer. So you're doing a lot which is great but it is hard
you're not delusional and they're completely wrong on the guitar. i liked it, i listen to similar music and don't think it needs a vocal. 90s/00s atmospheric sound, maybe trip hop. there are a lot of game and anime soundtracks with that sound but i'm blanking on groups. idk the name for it if it's like downtempo or something else. the transistor soundtrack has a similar vibe in places

you just have to decide if that's it or you want to make it go somewhere with the composition, like a bridge or b form. it's perfectly fine to build into some crescendo or leave as is
Thanks guys, youve put it into perspective for me, i always end up making some atmospheric beats which are hard to put vocals on, ill try to be more aware of what im making, so maybe ill have space for vocals.
>post mixed vox
Nah, ill spare you of the cringe kek, you dont wanna hear some monotone voice talking about pain, loneliness, irony and hypocricy of mankind. I dont even want to hear it, i hope i grow out of it haha. That transistor track is dope af tho.
thought of another, the vtmb soundtrack has cool shit on it. keep up the beats
really cool! id play it in a set, maybe make it more syncopated and bouncy with little elements and details
bass/tech house

A couple of weeks ago I posted a work in progress cover of Operation Ivy's "Bad Town" and got some really good advice.

This is a follow up. I turned down the bass a bit and tried to EQ the cymbals better. I added Harmonica. Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

This is great. Massive Attack vibes here. Your normie friend sucks.
>Now send me your soundcloud.
against /prod/ TOS sorry
Just post it in shill and tag it with some bs
Meanwhile the tech house autist using splice samples is starting to sound kinda prof and I'm still spinning my wheels in 6 different genres
Aint that a bitch. Why dont u blend all 6 genres into one?
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I'm trying to learn notation especially rhythm which I am absolute SHIT at.
Any theorychads able to tell me how I'd get this rhythmic structure in the loop markings? Like, clearly not 4/4 and obviously don't want to be changing time signature every other measure.

How should I be thinking about this? I naturally come up with syncopated stuff that I find pleasant but I'm totally lost when it comes to getting it on paper, so that's what I'm working on.
The answer I'm guessing is tapping the pulse but I get totally lost when I do that. Honestly thinking about putting some money down for a series of drum lessons.
add up the values, retard
...it would be even easier for him to just subtract the remainder in this instance (i.e. see that it is 6 beats long), but yeah, your advice is best general response (if he wants to do odd metered shit).
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Thanks, it does seem retarded in retrospect but I suppose that's what learning is
Any of you legit fags have the loyalty code for the Soundpaint cage bundle? shits more expensive if i buy it part by part

If you dont want to deal with off time signatures then turn the signature to 3/4, splitting the half into two quarters and slurring them. Or do 6/4 and your entire idea is condesed in one single measure
If you need the 4/4 youre going to have to do some wacky shit you shouldnt be doing
Time signature can set up the way your rhythm base is set up, with its respective strong and weak beats so read more about that beforehand
In the case of 3/4s, the first beat is usually the strong one. 6/4 and 6/8 work similarly, with 6 beats total first and fourth being the strongest.
anyone know does bandcamp use normalisation like every other streaming service?
i know, i felt like asking here so i could "talk" to someone tonight :(
then ask better questions bitch
I used to upload more last year but as I got depressed I stopped producing. Now i'm trying to get back into the swing of things with this trap beat.

You have no idea how valuable learning this is keep going. Music is a language, and you should be able to read write and speak it just as effortlessly as English
i know how to read it and it's not valuable unless you use it often
Ok so write me a 4 voice realization of a simple descending fifths pattern and then sight read it for me
Oh ic you meant one voice and yous struggle to notate me any complex jazz figures ok well your ability to write is tied to your ability to read same as writing poetry and ofc the best way to learn to read is to write and recite
piano roll exists, you don't need to know anything about notation
>unless you use it often
absolute retard. you think he even knows what satb is? lmao as if he knows that or anything about complex jazz
how do i find a vocal sample thats in tune with the song im making? like how do i sample vocals like burial does for example?
Welcome back, nice beat, simple bread & butter.
Switched to a different pc, focusrite doesnt come up in the drivers selection in fl studio. Shits pissing me off
For prod it depends on what you do:
Beat making to sell it to retarded wannabe rappers on fiverr? dont even need music theory for that, just a good ear, a decent synth vst and some 808s
Pop, rock songs? get some basic harmony work done
Jazz, funk? lmao start studying, good sight reading is also what these fuckers excel at
Orchestral/cinematic compositions? you aint getting nowhere without being able to read multiple parts and know some undergrad harmony, melody, rhythm and forms minimum, even if you only work on DAWs and never touch scoring software

notation is a piece of shit and flawed, but if actual performers can sight read it in one go then its doing something right.
trying to sightread piano roll is hell and gets you nowhere, and absolutely NO ONE worth listening teaches western music theory on a piano roll
I don't think I would ever want to get famous or even moderately known as a musician. I think there's something really important in music that stays small. When music is like a secret you share with your friends, when it's really just for them. When you make music with your friends, or share it with eachother, you connect. Because nobody else sees the part of you that comes out in your music unless you share it with them. And when it's just between a few people or a community, those connections are codified in the music and it's a special feeling. It's not something you could ever have with a pop star or rapper or big rock band. You might connect with those songs, but never with those people. Even if you don't know the artist personally, in underground music there is often a sense that an artist is putting their music out there for YOU, for those who were dedicated enough or in the right channels to discover it. And usually those artists will SEE you, if you go to their shows and talk to them or write them. This can make it feel very personal still both for the artist and for the listeners who are *in on it.* And that's what feels most gratifying to me both in making and listening to music. So I don't think I would ever want to be in a position where I was writing songs to get tossed out to millions of faceless listeners on streaming, even if it meant making lots of money. Once you get there I don't think you could ever recover that small and precious thing you had before. I just want to make something special for my friends that makes them feel special too. I want to feel special because my friend made the coolest song ever and I'm the only one who got to hear it. And, oddly enough, I find those things here on 4chan (lol) more than anywhere else. I know nobody asked, this is just my blogpost. tl;dr Music is special when it stays small and personal and I would never want to get famous because I think it would ruin most of that.
my first instinct was to just respond "cope" but i get what you mean
... however, i don't think being known needs to negate any of those feelings your music may elicit from people close to you

back in the not so distant past there were artists sharing way too much of their personal life in interviews and such... it's just another hand for the cult of personality but imo it's the same thing.
more recently it's people hanging out in their discord servers, blogposting on tiktok etc

there's also the whole "performance" of presentation and artistry which arguably heightens the music more than what we're talking about and lends itself to that ephemeral "you just had to be there..." feeling, which is a whole other thing itself yeah

art is an explosion :^)
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while hitting post after just typing that last line that if we broaden the scope of this conversation, what we're really talking about is context "modifiers" of how one experiences art- social modifiers to be specific

you prefer stuff that focuses on one angle, all cool
That's a good point, and I was thinking about how bands who get famous probably have that experience of close interconnection through the music with EACHOTHER, but I do think it's a lot harder for meaningful communities to form, and for connection between artists and listeners to happen, the more an artist grows. Because audiences grow from circles of friends into fandoms. And you're right about performance, I'm not trying to say at all you can't have an amazing experience seeing a band you love even if they're really popular. But imagine the difference in feeling between seeing that big stadium show, and seeing your best friends play a house show in your garage. Or the all night renegade in the woods your homies are throwing. I don't feel any void between the audience and the stage there, while I do at every single show I've gotten tickets to go see at a venue.
>the difference in feeling between seeing that big stadium show, and seeing your best friends play a house show in your garage

desu after thinking over what "success" in music means to me and what i actually wanted out of it my goal did a hard switch to mixing in with the goal of making friends- some form of "be part of a tight knit community where we throw stupid raves and play in punk shows and everybody is cool and friends :)"

like given that the music is at least approaching the same tier of quality, doing it with people you like and are close to (haha) is obviously just better.
... though obviously that's coming from the perspective of somebody who isn't having their social needs met, so it would just figure somebody with a comfy family life or whatever is looking to fulfill something else psychologically
> experimental ambient dub

feedback welcome
Nice thought but it comes off as sour grapes. Reminds me of when people say they don't want to lift weights in fear of getting "too ripped".
Even if you're super talented and hard-working the odds that you become famous are extremely slim, so worrying about it happening against your will is a waste of time.
i feel like i know who you are, you haven't gotten better at music at all, this is horrendous
Yeah I'd say social modifier is a decent way to describe it. A big part of what I'm talking about at least pertaining to the 4chan side of things would be our community albums. Like that's exactly the feeling I'm talking about when you make something with your friends and it's your secret but at the same time it's like, crazy awesome what actually comes out of it and you can feel everybody's excitement and pride for it, and it belongs just to us. I'm in the same boat as you as far as 'social needs' IRL, I'm not part of a band or in a rave community or anything (I used to have friends who did house shows, but they've all moved or otherwise lost touch). But I feel that on here with you guys, through those projects. Maybe that's not healthy but fuck I am thankful for it because being part of those is just about the realest feeling of doing something meaningful and positive with/for others I've ever had
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listen to meee don't listen to meeee
>anime "omg i'm so mentally ill" posting the most trash music you've heard since their last attentionwhoring post
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talk to meee don't talk to meeee :(

I really like the splashes of low-bit rate sounds, you're not over using it either so it leaves the listener wanting more.
yeah I get you I felt like I was in danger of coming off a little bit 'holier than thou' or whatever. I just wanted to try and describe this particular feeling. 'I don't want to be famous' was the continuation of those thoughts, it seemed relevant here as well since we see so much discussion around trying to get more success. Just seemed like the right way to frame it, my bad if I came off as sour.
thanks i'm like 30% sure it's operator lol
See it true most musicians don't want to get famous. If you were willing to do whatever it took to be as successful as you could it would probably happen. But most people specifically don't want that, and for good reason. There are no normal famouz pple
not wanting it is one thing
wanting it but not knowing how or not wanting to put the work into achieving that, or not trying because it doesn't seem realistic etc is very different
link is dead anon :S
this is very sick
Beginning definitely sounds like it's going to be psy, this is cool a lot of times when I listen to psytrance I wish those characteristic dark sounds were used more experimentally instead, because the sounds are cool but very often the music (psytrance and psydub) just feels reaallly derivative and uninteresting. I think you have some great sound design and overall the track has sort a bit of a soundtrack / ambient feeling, it doesn't really coalesce into a groove like you'd expect a dub track to do. Which is fine if you want it to be more of an ambient leaning track. Cool stuff
>it doesn't really coalesce into a groove like you'd expect a dub track to do. Which is fine if you want it to be more of an ambient leaning track.

Yeah it definitely lacks a groove like normal dub, I guess when I describe it as dub I mean more in the sense of the layers of effects and reverb being the most important thing. The percussion was actually triggered by switching between LFOs, some of them synced, some not. It was an experiment in using no actual sequencer.
I like how you pushed this towards more experimental sounds and chaotic disjointed overall vibe, makes it a lot more interesting than a typical vocal house track at least for me. Solid.
I'm not good at all at judging these types of beats lol (trap?) but the composition is nice, at the start I thought it was going to be one of those atmospheric midi skits black metal bands put at the start of their albums right before going in to the most soul crushingly depressive noise walls known to man. I guess it's kind of medieval/fantasy vibe? The riff is nice but it does get slightly repetitive. I like it more at the beginning without the trap elements to be honest but that's just my taste
you vastly, vastly overstate the importance of notation and sight reading to the point it feels like trolling. the number of people in the world who have to do any of that is practically non-existent
All of those are a derivative of not wanting. If you wanted it you'd stop at nothing and everything would be sacrificed in the name of the cause
>It was an experiment in using no actual sequencer.
Ahhh my dude I love that. Control voltages (it sounds like that's what you're doing with the LFO?) being used as the foundation beats can allow for some wild sound design but it' gets a lot harder to "sculpt" the track like you could do on a sequencer. I run into that a lot lol I love using oscillators and gates to control shit. Yeah I think my expectation there came from "ambient dub" generally just being short for "ambient dub techno." Indeed dub is a broad term.
>You don't need to be able to write to write
Pleb overload
Oops I meant step sequencers where I said gates
you need to stop reading hustle blogs or whatever "motivational" toxic youtube slop you've been consuming
Welp another retard filtered for not trying
if only you new

i kind of wish ableton had that little hour counter just so i could put a number on how much of a tryhard i actually am
So you're 20 years deep and you've been hustling the live scene for the last 8 and still nothing even as you've been consistently pushing your limits year after year?
m8 what are you even mad at?

whatever slight i made against you is imagined
How does that even come off as mad?
Hostile. Vitriol. Negative.

Fucking whatever dude, I’m directing an aura cleansing beam roughly in your direction
Here's a bit I've been working on. Would love some feedback on the mix from folks with different headphones. My over ears broke so I've been working on just iems and I feel like I've been mixing stuck inside an aquarium lol. The start is probably kind of loud, it's a partial export so that kind of fucked up the levels, e.g. some of what would be playing leading into this part is not there so the drums start out very loud
Writing (language) is to writing (music notation) as storytelling is to composing+performing.
I understand the bullshit hustle culture but this isn't sales it's music. There's a big difference in terms of the work expectations and the payout. If you put the work in you'll find the competition is actually extremely thin because the worthiness issues keeping people from ever trying. The earth is endlessly abundant

The issue really is the mediocre musicians and their poison towards those who they identify as truly dedicated. They get in the way but it's only for themselves and it's only for a brief time in the grand scheme of a career

You get whatever you want in this world you just have to work for it and be patient. God is good and generous. It really takes a long time and a lot of work and you have to always be pushing the limits. If you're not in the mood for that then take a break and hope you never come back. I can say for myself it was never a choice I was chosen and it's one hell of a fucking ride. When you start getting attention you need to walk a tight rope in a hurricane of nightmare bullshit and it's damn impossible to do alone but countless people do it and they do it because they never stopped trying. Even fucking asmongold and xqc says this, 50 cent and miles davis and Kendrick. They all sing the same song as this. If you want it do the work and you will receive.

Praise be to our LORD Jesus thank you Christ for giving us your grace and eternal glory. May our music recieve your blessing in your name I pray our music brings your abundant goodness oh LORD to all who hear. Amen

is there too much going on here?
i like it
nice, bass sounds a lot better than the last version from what i remember. think you might've gone a little excessive on stereo widening or full panning though, and ride could maybe be slightly quieter. center channel feels a bit empty and the harmonica sounds a little lower fidelity in its recording quality
i'll add in more ear candy then!
Can’t tel if you threw the christfag shit in to act like you’re just kidding or what but lol
God bless.
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Thanks bro. Right after you posted that I got a yt rec of a guy playing drums, bass, guitar, sax, keys, and more in a single track. It was motivating to see him do that.


Hey, thank you. When I was learning guitar I was mostly focused on trying to get good at single note lines, so I was learning arpeggios all over the neck and licks from some jazz books (I was learning jazz guitar). I did learn some chord melodies, but all in all I have a lot more work to do in that area.

Thanks for the suggestions!
>Distrokid is shit
>Amuse is shit
Where the FUCK do i distribute my music??
I'm downloading a bunch of cabinet IRs, and they come with multiple bitrates, is there a reason to keep the lower bitrates or can I delete them?
You book bar/cafe gigs and have a stack of paper with qr codes linking your socials
It's 2024 not 1989
>qr codes
not witty and not helpful, and also not true btw
convolution needs matching sample rates
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Nice, good shit
They really overcomplicate the software, don't they?
what do you mean? actually the software is easier and more approachable than ever
Yeah especially as a guitarist the bass should come pretty quick to you, especially if you play it ‘like a guitar player’ which can be totally fine for fleshing out your own music. You certainly won’t be spreading yourself too thin, in fact the opposite, as you get familiar with the bass it should bring new perspectives to your own guitar playing, and in turn your guitar playing will inform your bass playing, nice lil positive feedback loop
Just play like this timeless mega chad
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Playing around with an old macbook, I managed to find old software versions for a lot of music stuff
>Logic Pro 10.2.2
>Bias FX 1
>FabFilter Pro-Q 2
>Superior Drummer 3.2.7 (I haven't tested this one)
>Kontakt 5.6.5
What are some cool libraries for K5? I was trying to get Djinn Bass 2 (or even 1) but neither work with something that old. I definitely need a bass library. Also looking for some good choir and violin/cello ones.
>record with midi keyboard
>timing is janky
don't feel like fixing it
the bass is the instrument I go back to the most. it's very easy to just sit there and pluck it for fun mindlessly, unlike the guitar where you constantly need to tryhard yourself to come up with interesting chord progressions and tones. the bass you just sit there and pluck strings and chill

and when you mess around enough with your guitar and finally come up with a cool riff or lick you then generally need to figure out how to structure your entire song now to fit in your cool little guitar thing or whatever

when you come up with something cool on the bass, you now have the base of your song, the bassline. everything else kinda follows naturally and stacks from there, rather on the guitar where you need to work backwards and fit everything around your guitar bit

Any changes I should make before mixing?
Its the reason why i always start with the bass nowadays. I discovered that i can come up with more interesting melodies on the guitar, when i have to adapt it onto already existing elements. If i start making a track off of a guitar riff, i end up making butt-rock kek. But thats just me.
https://youtu.be/KQBRM1GK3T4?si=l4IlpO491bNM9tT7 how to make vocals sound like in this song here? I hear a lilttle chorus, reverb, some saturation. But its weird because his natural voice is still takes the main presence, those elements are just like at the very tail end of the sound. What do you think? If i could make my vocals sound like this, its game over. How did he do it, its genius.
kek (no offense)
Anyone on a macbook? Should i get an air / pro 16Gb minimum for ableton?
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This is before mixing? What the fuck. Impressive. Genuinely one of the coolest and most complete sounding things I've heard in these threads.
that's completely fine
I think probably half of music starts with the bassline
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How do you guys deal with failure? A hip hop beat i made for my client's project got pretty harshly rejected and he doesn't want me to work with him musically again. I got this job through a connection with a family member but that tie seems like its in shambles now.
>Mom he said mean things to me what do I do
>Don't give a fuck and do whatever you want obviously
>Thx mom
I'm not talking about the mean things, just what you guys do when someone rejects a work without really telling you properly why.
You don't give a fuck, obviously
I know it's easy to say that, but, don't let them get you down. Maybe he felt .... Overshadowed. Impossible to say, because he didn't give you the respect of communication, so you don't need to give the respect of receiving whatever it is their problem is
Ultimately this should have 0 impact on you whatsoever
frog posters are invariably pathetic.
>harshly rejected
>doesn't want me to work with him musically again
it must have been so bad to get you completely blacklisted like that. please post an example I would love to know what kind shit you sent him.
Just that he was my first client and it ended in tremendous failure, makes me scared to work again.
You are just going to say it's shit even if it's the greatest thing ever composed just to make me feel even more bad.
He wasn't being professional so I'm not sure what you're missing out on. Classic want what u can't have mentality, it's classic mid tier musician knows his shit isn't worth it so he has to play games to make it seem like it is. If I worked with someone and I wasn't satisfied I'd communicate why I dropped them because if he ever did get good I'd wanna work with him so it's better for me to keep connections never know he could know someone else etc
Bridge burners go nowhere
Id like to shout out to all my haters over the years..never would've made it without you lighting a fire under my ass. Thanks and God bless
Everyone has felt like him once, come on.
>anon gets gig due to nepotism
>anons work gets rejected so badly the bridge is burnt
>"You don't give a fuck, obviously"

terrible, terrible advice

cringe as hell

awful crop of posters we've had recently
Not him but I'm curious to hear it too.
Post it please. If someone hates on it to troll you you can just ignore it, since you'll know that they don't mean it and it's not true.
On the other hand, however, we can give you feedback and tell you if the guy was just being a dipshit for no reason, which us going to alleviate the self esteem and confidence troubles you're having.
Before you say ANYTHING, this was meant for an avant garde project

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>It's nepotism
You should go I agree
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that was... good

keep it up anon
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Anon, did you sincerely think this was good when you made it?
Remember, they don't even know what chord this is
Motherfuckers, I TOLD you this was what was going to happen. Bunch of fucking plebs just shitting on something for the sake of it without providing critique.
what was this collabs job was he supposed to rap or?
A little too upbeat for my taste but I genuinely like it.
If it's for an avant-garde project it's just the right amount of schizo and weird.
The guy might've just been filtered or this is simply not what he was looking for.

Stop getting so emotionally affected by what people say (and stop posting pepes and goslings ffs)
>but I genuinely like it.
Shut the fuck up, cunt.
Yes, he was supposed to rap over this.
Maybe get your instruments in tune before you make something, retard
>schizo posters
Obvious bait set up for a joke, but still got a laugh out of me. I would love to actualy hear some rapping over it.
these are some high level autism tunes
reminds me of evergrace ost a bit
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going to go work out to this on loop
wish me luck bros
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Someone needs to record themselves actually rapping over this, would be fucking hilarious.
You suck, lmao
put me in le screencap
No you're not on a macbook or what
havent seen this many replies on prod in YEARS wtf

where are all you motherfuckers coming from
pretty sure it's a bit of samefagging mixed with something that's actually funny happening and worth posting reaction images to.
Do most of you just say "thats good enough" and export the audio, never touching the project ever again, or just me? I can only put in a few hours into one thing, i get bored/annoyed.
First actually funny thing to have happened here in years
ADD Bro whaddup, i usually set myself small goals i.e. make an intro, do only drums for like an hour then stop and look at it in a couple days
Does this sound like it was made by someone with music theory knowledge? https://voca.ro/17I8tgANYDml
I'm fucking done, goodbye
pretty good
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Did you fucking sample crazybus
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I get it
no, nor a sense of timing
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billions must reply
It's like Minecraft music put on a blender.
Hold my beer
https://voca.ro/1nu3FwrJwfSx check out the drums on this badboy
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Good one
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he didnt post a pepe
reddit thread
Pretty good
What is this? >>123704515
>inb4 that's apu
I'm slapping you in the back of your head
that's apu
hmm i gave the 2nd break another synth to give it a bit more life
That's it. I'm coming for you.
This is the successor to deltron 3030
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This is fucked LMAO
This is a taste thing. They're hitting at some sort of truth - the thing you made probably won't appeal to "normie" (by your own desc.) types of people. I imagine it's tough making more niche music because parsing out what criticism is just people that subjectively aren't a fan of that type at all and what is people that would like the vibe but specifically don't like your work is difficult and a mindfuck I'm sure. Maybe show them work from a master in your same niche and see if they like that any better; if they don't, it's just taste.
Holy shit
Are they in the room with you now?
you don't even know what the clefs are or key sig is...

i know he's trolling and probably can barely read himself lol
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The fact of the matter is if you can't glance at this and instantly know all notes and be able to start playing it, then you could never read music, could you? This is what a true music professional's dreams look like. They eat, sleep and breathe this shit. You, on the other hand, get confused by the numbers next to each key on your piano roll.
>you don't even know what the clefs are or key sig is...
I can make an assumption because the only accidental on the top is F# (which seems reasonable, since that would be the first sharp in the circle of 5ths; as opposed to a random A# if top were bass clef, which doesn't make sense -- I understand that there are alto (and other) clefs and all this other bullshit that is rarely used except for violas, cellos, etc, and they wouldn't be playing chords.)
Having chords in one clef and then a clef below with only one note would imply it's for a single instrument (not necessarily, but highly likely) and that likely clef would be the bass clef. If it were treble, that D natural would be lumped within the chord notes, which doesn't make sense [although things like that do happen, just extremely rarely].
*tips fedora*
Is it possible to record let’s say a video for a guitar cover and capture everything simultaneously to one video file without having to go back and sync everything? If it’s not possible, what are the best methods for syncing audio precisely? I am waiting on my new desk to come in so I have room to setup my production studio but here’s the specs:
M3 pro MacBook Pro
Universal Audio 176 single channel audio interface into MBP
XLR cable into the interface
Line 6 helix floor guitar modeler
Logic Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max (video recording)

The new audio interface is duplex so I can at least record backing tracks as well as my input now simultaneously. But, it doesn’t solve the problem of having to record separate audio and video tracks then sync them together. I find it really difficult to get the sync perfect in the end.. and it’s frustrating going through so much footage to edit it down to what I actually want. Basically I want to be able to use my iPhone to record as a webcam and have the duplex audio from my interface as the audio track instead of the internal microphone.
woke up with a bassline stuck in my head this morning and put this together what do yall think?
didnt even make it to the bassline, fucking hell that clap is atrocious
Not that it matters, but we in G- for this, it's grand staff

When you walk stepwise ascending from D to G, in G-, on the 3rd beat we get F natural. which if were harmonizing half notes on 1/3 we get that beauty for D7 going to G and my what a sex she is
aw jeez
is this death grips?
That's a good one thx
It's bad, but really like the Microsoft Speech sounding voice having that dialogue. I found her endearing.
conceptually amazing, just needs a high end producer to clean it up
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Thank you so much. I tried to double track the harmonica but it might not be the best idea. Also, I have no idea how to EQ and mix harmonica. What instrument(s) do you feel are too wide?
>theyre eating the pets
Are you still around? Can I submit the rap to the dmp album? I'll take your silence as consent
No, you can't do that.
New thread:
Well I wanted to change the intro to something more akin to the national anthem anyway but it's heartbreaking you refuse we could've won a grammy

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