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New classical kino just dropped
Could Mozart still…

No, it couldn’t be
Salieri been real quiet
Nah it's dropping on Saturday at the Leipzig Opera
you know those videos you see on youtube with some 6 year old chinese girl playing the piano or a 8 year old playing drums real good?

mozart's just one of those kids.
yup. back in his day it was really hard to discover a kid like that, let alone that kid being a position where he could be promoted to a musician with patronage etc.

now that we know better, we need to recognise mozart's music for what it is: a musical sideshow.
Mozart was perhaps the most ambitious composer in the history of music. He produced at least one, and generally several imposing masterpieces in almost every genre of music— concerto, song, opera (serious and comic, German and Italian), string trio, string quartet, string quintet, quintet for piano and winds, trio and quartet for piano and strings, quintet for wind instrument and strings, divertimento for wind octet, double concerto for violin and viola, symphony, piano sonata, violin sonata. Although he left no completed major work of religious music, his two fragments— the C Minor Mass and the requiem— are monumental even in their unfinished state. In comparison.
none of his work is particularly good, let alone a collection of masterpieces.
he was a child with a child's brain and a child's understanding of the world i.e. he was incapable of producing anything truly masterful. all he did was do a child's impression of what adults do the same way little girls have tea time.
it's music for people whose brains never developed fully.
>it's music for people whose brains never developed fully.
With the other two members of the holy trinity, their genius manifested in such a way that it is apparent even to the common pleb what all the fuss is about.
>Bach: muh counterpoint muh fugues
>Beethoven: muh emotions muh expression
Mozart on the other hand is more difficult to appreciate without an intermediate grounding in music theory and history, because the aesthetic conventions he perfected became templates which echoed through the centuries even to today. This is just because haters don't have an informed frame of reference. An uneducated person hears Mozart and just thinks "I don't get it... isn't this just a pretty melody?" whereas an educated person is able to appreciate the graceful organic transitions, the perfectly proportioned phrase shapes, the dense concentration of ideas, etc.

I should add that it's perfectly okay not to "get" Mozart immediately. I'm not trying to shame anyone for being under informed, because nobody starts out knowing anything. My condescension is only directed at those arrogant plebs who, upon listening to and not enjoying some music by one of the most scholarly acclaimed musical geniuses of all time, immediately leap to the conclusion that _Mozart_ must be the weak link in the chain, and not their dumbass ears.
it's okay man you enjoy baby music, we all hum lullabies from time to time
shitty music he wrote when he was like 10 year old, probably not worth listening to. Finding bach his lost cantatas would be real news
rapbros im scared....
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>Ha ha, yeah guys we just found some new Mozart stuff. It was just hidden in a library and never found for 200 years. Ha ha lmao
>early Mozart
Wrong, you're historically illiterate and don't know anything about him or his work. He wasn't just some soulless prodigy/performing monkey.
I don't see him putting together any rap masterpieces anon
10/10 post
>Finding bach his lost cantatas would be real news
that would genuinely be one of the greatest discoveries of the past century
Tbh even though it would be really exciting how many people on this earth have even listened to every cantata at least twice, I'd imagine it wouldn't be over a hunderd thousand people.
>Up to about two-fifths of Bach’s sacred cantatas must be considered lost; of the secular cantatas, more are lost than survive.
>Of the five Passions mentioned in the necrology two survive (St Matthew and St John), for one the text survives (St Mark), and the other two are lost.
>Many of Bach’s orchestral compositions must be presumed lost.
>As with the orchestral music, a great many chamber compositions are thought to be lost.
I would literally saw off my left nut with a butter knife if I could be guaranteed these would be found.
We're missing almost half of his works, the quality of which is probably as high as his best material, and yet... he's STILL the GOAT. It's incredible, really.
I'd get rid of both desu
Mozart dropping before Carti is insane
>previously unknown music had been attributed to Mozart
fucking nepotism
post hands, brownoid
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Mozart is the greatest composer of the Classical period. Only people who deny this fact are either people who are illiterate posers trying to flex their perceived knowledge to other clueless idiots, contrarians or both.

and he died at the age of 35. crazy
How can they be 100% sure in these cases that they are "real" Mozart compositions?
>How can they be 100% sure in these cases that it is a "real" Van Gogh painting?
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I bet you think Jacob Collier is as talented as Mozart or some retarded shit like that
Come to brazil
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as I understand it the composition literally has his signature on it
Is there a recording?
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Exactly. Like I don't think you ever be 100% sure

Especially if it's an unknown one that seemingly comes out of nowhere
Those Chinese kids just play his music. They could have never written it. It's like thinking you're as smart as Einstein because you understand relativity
please leave /mu/ holy shit
n-no way...
Wagner once said: “Mozart’s music and Mozart’s orchestra are a perfect match. An equally perfect balance exists between Palestrina’s choir and Palestrina’s counterpoint, and I find a similar correspondence between Chopin’s piano and some of his etudes and preludes. I don’t care for the lady's Chopin, however. There is too much of the Parisian salon in that; but he has given us many things that are above the salon.”

About Mozart and Beethoven, Wagner said: “Thus, in our Art History, the musician (as artist) is initiated into his art from without; Mozart died when he was just piercing the inner mystery. Beethoven was the first to enter wholly in.” On another occasion he said, “Of Mozart I only cared for the Magic Flute. Don Giovanni went against my grain, because of the Italian text: It seemed to me such rubbish.”

On another occasion, he said, “Mozart is the founder of German declamation. What fine humanity resounds in the priest’s replies to Tomino! Think how stiff such high priests are in Gluck. When you consider that this text, which was meant to be a farce, and the theater for which it was written, then compare what was written before Mozart’s time (even Cimarosa’s still famous Matrimonio Segreto) – on the one side the wretched German Singspiel, on the other, the ornate Italian opera – one is amazed by the soul he managed to breathe into such a text. And what a life he led! A bit of tinsel at the time of his popularity, but for that he had then to play all the more dearly. He did not complete his work, which is why one cannot really compare him with Raphael. For there is still too much convention left in him.” (Richard Wagner, quoted in Cosima’s Diary May 29, 1870).
Examine paints used, canvas used (same as in other verified paintings of the period?), perhaps painting or study mentioned in letters etc. There's ways to be pretty darned sure.
apparently it's being unveiled at a german opera tomorrow
Bros... No fuckin way
show me a 6 year old chinese girl who wrote something like Requiem
i always wonder what magic he could have come up with had he lived into the romantic period. truly a shame.
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>Mozart had only just reached mastery when he died, and we could never know what treasures he might have given us. One must not take the easy way and say that everyone dies at the proper time. What would I not give for Beethoven’s tenth symphony! Even if I, too, believe that everyone as a general rule is given the chance to show what he is made of, a truly great genius always dies too soon; it is not as with Mendelssohn, Schubert, Schumann, minds of the second, third, or fourth rank.
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>No, it couldn’t be
Grazie, signore.
Great more really boring music to be played
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>character is a moorish man who keeps chasing white women and trying to rape them
Mozart... he gets me.
You are a tasteless retard if you don't consider Lacrimosa a masterpiece bro. Your opinion doesn't matter
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Holy shit... Carti might finally have competition
I wonder what Gene Simmons thinks of this
>Finding bach his lost cantatas
well they're no use to him... he's dead.
Like the Woody Guthrie music "discovered" in 2016 it will be about how one of Trump's ancestors is bad.
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nta but Mozart wrote the first few bars of Lacrimosa and the rest of the Requiem was finished by that other guy. Shows what you know.
Shut the fuck up, retarded brainrotten American. It's not always about you.
how do i begin to appreciate classical
Realize that classical is like 1000 years of very different music and subgenres, find similarities between that and whatever you generally listen to/like, and dive in.
what is Mozart's most layered work?
>lacks drums, bass, vocals, or any secondary instrument. ITS ONLY THE FUCKING PIANO

yeah sorry, but pop music clears this mid shit fr
>lacks any secondary instrument
since when?
open your heart, eschew all preconceptions about the music, and just let it enter your being. No other way to experience it
piano-only soundtracks are kino
The solo piano is the pinnacle of human artistry. Regardless, vocal and chamber music, and the symphonic orchestra exist, you absolute philistine.
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>new Mozart track
>it's a salieri diss
Until 1800, vocal music was the predominant form of classical music. Please learn some music history.
I know this is a troll post but I find the idea of someone believing classical music has no vocals and can only be played on the piano exclusively to be extremely funny. Have a (You) my friend.
The parts Mozart wrote are masterful. Shows you are a fat teenager trying to be unique
I hope it's AI. I can't wait for all musicians to be replaced by machines.
>Level 1:
Mozart (early)
Bach (early)
Beethoven (early)
>level 2
Saint Saens
(Most other romantic composers)
(Most other classical period composers)
(Most other baroque composers)
>level 3
CPE Bach
JC Bach
Reich (late)
Stravinsky (early)
Schoenberg (early)
(Most mininmalists)
(Most impressionists)
>level 4
(Most Renaissance composers)
(Most medieval music)
Reich (early)
Stravinsky (late)
>level 5
Beethoven (late)
>level 6
Bach (late)
Mozart (late)
Schoenberg (late)
but why tho
Wolfgang Mozart was a common name. It's like finding something signed by John Smith.
He probably wrote it on sheet music anon.
It might be the first step to ending music forever. It's a start.
you do know signatures are unique...right?
The easiest thing to forge.
>Mozart’s music and Mozart’s orchestra are a perfect match. An equally perfect balance exists between Palestrina’s choir and Palestrina’s counterpoint, and I find a similar correspondence between Chopin’s piano and some of his etudes and preludes

I don't really get what he's saying. Wasn't someone like Chopin writing FOR piano? Of course there's going to be a correspondence there because they were writing for that specific instrument.

Maybe I'm missing the point entirely.
he was better in the 1770s
i like this one
so it's saturday, they were supposed to unveil the new composition today. Where is it?
I heard it. It was okay
I doubt anyone here has listened to all of Mozart's work to actually be excited about something new
Kvetching of course
joke's on you, I am Mozart
...that's it? THAT'S what we got all hyped up for?
That's just one part of it, the full thing goes on for another 10 minutes and I think you can view the complete sheet music for free in the second link
Mozart wrote only 8 bars of Lacrimosa, retard. Your comment makes no sense.
yeh it’s alright, mixing could use some work
Jacob Collier is unironically way more talented than Mozart or any of those old classical hacks
you know the movie Amadeus wasn't a documentary right
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Comparing the clip and the score, this is footage of the last two movements in the piece
What does this have to do with my post, retard?
Update: the piece was apparently performed in full on a German livestream two days ago, timestamp is 1:25:39
good one lmao
Read The Recognitions by William Gaddis
>Previously unknown Mozart music discovered by a single mom using one weird tip

Mozart:s new mixtape fye ngl

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