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Is the key to writing good sonatas just writing a symphony and reducing it to piano? edition


This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
https://pastebin.com/NBEp2VFh (embed)

Previous thread: >>123682411
Schoenberg's choral music is underrated

How long until we get the new Mozart on youtube?
non-Christian choral music sucks.
Soon, dont even get whats taking so long. Isnt it a piano piece composed when he was 15? How hard could it be to play for someone in his bedroom.
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Mahler 5 shits all over 2
Why does music from non-European cultures sound so shit? Compare this


to this


The japanese one is just some fucking retard going up and down a scale with no thought. I could make this shit on the spot but these guys had to write it down for some reason. With Bach there is a reason it's written down, it is not something that is easily able to be done on the spot.

Is it just our diatonic scale forcing us to put more thought in how we approach music, or is it something deeper?
literally one of his worst symphonies
2? Agreed.
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I've heard other performances of this work that are more immaculate, with more up-to-date sound, but they make Schoenberg sound like a polymath. Rosbaud makes the music sound like one of Schoenberg's Expressionist paintings. The performance is richly characterized, almost operatic, but also more explosive. It's what Adorno meant by describing Expressionism as bursting the template of stylized emotion and creating something more visceral. When you consider the trauma around Schoenberg in his personal life when this was composed, it even makes sense.
this is gods Music........Schönberg was not an Atheist........no great Music has ever been composed by an Atheist.........Facts and love from vienna Austria.......where it all began,.Haydn,. Mozart,. Beethoven,.schubert,.etc....

>Sonata not in sonata form
Bravo mozart

>10 years ago people were shitting on gould in this general regularly
>nowadays he is often defended
What happened?
Reading these, the general felt more optimistic back then as opposed to the very bleak mood nowadays that you see. What changed in these 10 years?
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Good to know this general hasn't gotten any less retarded in a decade.
Any torrents?

>there are people ITT right now who have autistically cataloged their favorite interpreters of each individual Beethoven Sonata
>these same people have not even heard or analyzed all of Stockhausen's Klavierstucke

plebs all of you
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>general is so bad today there are users browsing archived threads from a decade ago

i honestly do it most of the time
Recently it got a bit more fun with the new characters, once nico sperg joins and stays in the general we are getting to a new golden age of retarded internet argument.
Loved this, thanks. Any cantatas from this era?
Damn. Were you around for them? If not I suppose it's still new content for you but do you desire reading /classical/ content discussion by 4channers that much? I don't know, I've only been here, what, 8-9 months, so I can't really relate, but I've never browsed old /lit/ threads outside of specific topics or, sad to admit, threads were I made a really good, insightful, in-depth post that lots of people complimented me on lol.

>Recently it got a bit more fun with the new characters

thanks :3

and I don't know who that is
>the only people still pretending to like classical music in 2024 are autistic trannies
I am completely unsurprised
Favorite Mozart string quartet?
>ITT hapas who were physically beaten as coercion for piano lessons
You're all gay and Elliot Rogers tier losers
people who think that anyone pretends to like something unironically deserves to be shot to death
what's wrong with that?
triggered fraud confirmed
post composition
Post your steaming chudjak visage, you phony
I prefer the quintets. But maybe K.464, no. 18.
Is it so hard to believe I eventually got tired of rock and pop and in the search for new musical experiences and artistic masterpieces I turned to classical and learned to love it? If it makes you feel any better, when I go out in public and listen to music on my headphones I generally still listen to rock/pop, better music to space-out to.
>is it so hard to believe I trooned out?
Not really
>not rene jacobs edition
don't entertain the tourist
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just realized this album cover is a statue of a ecstatic woman mirrored and not a black, inflatable pretzel
behold, the galaxy brain of someone who pretends they like classical music
so true RYMsister, so true
Have you listened to his Klavierstücke?
D minor
Why isn't soler equally known as scarlatti, his music is better. Nobody ever talks about him
>his music is better.
But why?
Jupiter symphony but small
Pieces about hate?
Name of the original statue?
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 5 In C Sharp Minor:


From a quick google search, “Harmonie” by Jean Laniau
Favorite recording of Bruckner's Te Deum? I feel like I don't really care for Karajan's but I'm willing to give it another shot.
Rogner's is nice
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have you dilated today RYMsister?
i like jochum’s.
Be serious...
i am being serious RYMsister, have you dilated today?
Diabelli Variations (Gulda)

cool thanks
stockhausen is a fucking hobo
I am not transgender.
no need to “boymode” RYMsister, we all accept you for the proud womxn you are
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What is the softest sounding interpretation of the chaconne of violin partita 2?
I don't know about 'softest' but of sets I regularly listen to:



and to cheat a little, Stokowski orchestral version!

But I'm also interested in others.

violin, not piano
>What is the softest sounding interpretation of the chaconne of violin partita 2?
Solo violin isn't very soft. Try Ehnes' I guess
so where's the new mozart
kek I remembee that guy
he's not often defended.
I mean "fun" is not the word I'd use but "retarded"? Sure.
Favorite recording(s) of Schumann's solo piano works, like Davidsbündlertänze, Op. 6, Kreisleriana, Op. 16, Kinderszenen, Op. 15, etc.? Feel like listening to them today. I usually go for Kempff and Schumann but open to others.
>still releasing music in 2024
how can other composers even compete?
dumb *nglo can't comprehend the transcendent beauty of hindustani music
my favorite Gesange der Frühe is def Pollini. The first movement is really fun to play myself too.
why is that question so worthy of condemnation? seems earnest to me
>t. original poster
so true pajeet, have you drank your cow piss today?
ya'll in the other thread were right, the Boulez Mahler 3, 4, and 5 are excellent! excited to try his 6th, as well as the Mitropoulos (NY) one.
There's a video of the last two movements and full sheet music here
can anyone help? i keep trying to get into classical, but everytime i try, i just can't, orchestras just sound so gay.
try chamber music
what chamber?
just become gay
Why no Arvo Part in classical threads? Music is directly sent from heaven.

they're really not though, boulez's mahler is dogshit
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68 "Pastoral":
Classical Music is not worth listening, just like Life is not worth living.
Anyone have any classical radio they like? I've been listening to the Bayerischer Rundfunk's station as background noise and enjoy it.
Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 5 performed by Erich Leinsdorf & Chicago Symphony Orchestra (1978)
Strong performance. It's Chicago, so the brass are quite blasty. It's very similar to his Boston recording, but with a bit more energy, and lacking the obnoxious Dynagroove sound. The Adagietto is a bit slower, but still within a tolerable range (9:14). The sound quality is exceptionally good; Chicago in-house engineers used the same microphones and a setup comparable to the Mercury Living Presence, and luckily this upload is sourced from tape that was copied directly from the master.

Leinsdorf was a fairly uncharismatic, simple conductor, who has been often lambasted for being completely forgettable. Ironic, then, that he is in a very small group of conductors that managed to make tolerable recordings of the 5th.
Sweet, thanks. YouTube Music only has the Boston recording paired with the 6th. Will definitely listen to it next time I play the 5th.
So that's where Beethoven got it. What a thief
got what?
The allegro con brio devt here at ~1:55
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now playing

start of Schmidt's Symphony No. 3 in A Major:

start of Hindemith's Concerto for Orchestra, Op. 38:

>Leinsdorf was a fairly uncharismatic, simple conductor, who has been often lambasted for being completely forgettable.
it's funny how his recordings of some of the most elusive and difficult to get right repertoire ended up being among the best, like his mahler 5 or die walkure. in these barbaric times, simplicity appears to have become a virtue.
Total zzzz of a symphony, basically filler from end-to-end. Do not recommend. The 2nd and 4th are great though.
Yeah, with Wagner especially, the less "philosophical" and "creative" you are, the better the recording will turn out.
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blimey would LOVE to shag her ARSE
phwoarr nuffink like an asian bird in heels and tight sparkly dress to really add color abd crispness to those Chopin preludes. really lets the technical challenge of the pieces shine through
That's awful advice. Most contemporary Wagner conductors follow that principle and it sounds atrocious.
>. I could make this shit on the spot but these

Well go on then; I’d be like to see that
The main issue with modern Wagner performances lie with the singers and the production. Which conductors are you referring to as literalists? There are a few that fit that bill, but I wouldn't say "majority."
retarded porn addict moment
All his symphonies are one of his worst symphonies
youre just sexist against female performers

bet you blow ropes to evgeny kissin every night heh

braindead coomer alert
I thought it was a chest
why cant you post a single female performer, little man?
Not just a spammer but a faggot as well. BAKA
your prefrontal cortex has been annihilated by your addiction to porn
Here's the full new Mozart piece - Ganz kleine Nachtmusik

>Hurrdurrr le porn addiction
Little faggot
yes, you are addicted to porn. the sooner you admit it, the better.
Most contemporary Wagner conductors just trod along without much skill. Makes the music sound very flat and boring.
I can see that. In seriousness I thought it was an abstract, artsy 'W' for Wagner until I actually looked it at this morning when listening to it, the pretzel thing was just a joke,
You are a very boring poster you know that? Do you not have any imagination?
Pretzel is a classic German snack it could well be a pretzel
>coombrain fantasie

I literally smugface'd irl
I’ll take that as a no
Again, who are you referring to? "trod along without much skill" is something that I agree with in regards to modern Wagner conducting, but I wouldn't call that literalism per se. Thielemann is a horrible modern Wagner conductor, who is very much philosophically involved with Wagner's work, who takes great strides in being as creative as he can be, and yet all of his recordings are complete failures and not worth hearing.
now playing (the Oboe Concerto)

start of R. Strauss' Oboe Concerto in D Major, TrV 292:

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whoops, forgot. such lovely music
That would be very nice but I don’t think Nico Chan is coming. Unless the next edition is Frank Zappa with a smug anime girl as the picture. That might lure them over
More like tree last songs!
Don't reply to my posts ever again. The better pun is 'Fourest Last Songs' anyway, anon.
any good recs for chopin preludes?

videos of live female performers only
I never watch live performance videos sorry.
get real, the only thing you imagine is porn and more ways to jack off to porn.
Which violin sonatas by mozart are the notable ones? Is there a guide that lists his masterpieces among his chamber music?
Starting from 1 for these would probably mean sitting through a lot of child and teen written music, would it not?

Look for the list of the form you want (eg 'Recommended Chamber Duos' for violin sonatas) and then find Mozart's works on it.
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now playing

start of Saint-Saëns's Violin Concerto No. 3:

start of Wieniawski's Violin Concerto No. 2:

fugg i meant etudes not preludes heh

thats mental

classical music is meant for live performance not studio
I have fond memories of listening to classical radio on a few vacations, most notably one of my ex-gf's family's beach house at Rockaway Beach, where there was a really nice sound system setup but it was older so couldn't use our phones, only the radio; it was really nice. Otherwise I prefer to pick what I'm listening to, as I'm sure almost everyone else these days would agree with, but I do think about trying out an online classical radio station on the rare occasion because there is a certain appeal to listening to music you don't choose yourself, plus discovering new pieces of course.
I listen to live performances not watch them
All their stations are good and they have a very eclectic selection of both recordings and composers.
Classic FM UK is mostly english composers/artists, but it's good for beginners.
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Today I am listening to the Capriol Suite by Peter Warlock-one of the smugger looking composers
>Chamber Orchestra
That's a big chamber.
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Strauss' best music was neoclassical in nature. That was his true calling, Mozart, not Wagner.
It's definitely one of my favorite wind concertos, absolutely gorgeous and immediately catchy.
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Kosaku Yamada: Sinfonia "Inno Meiji" (1921)

kek this sentence doesnt even make sense

little man
Celtic Forest by the curiously named Herman Beeftink
Sympny no 5 by Yoshimitsu
are you stupid or something
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Here it is. The moment. The peak. The finale. The epitome. Your chariot has arrived at the point of no return, you are now forever scarred, you are cursed with this theophany. Your body no longer responds to your command, for Wagner has taken control. Only "He" decides what is right and wrong, he is the judge, jury, adjudicator and executioner. No amount of pussies you fuck, no amount of drugs you indulge yourself in, will make you forget this Dionysian delirium. You have been castrated, both physically and spiritually. How do "we" the victims of a brutish rape comfort ourselves? How do we release ourselves from these chains? Wagner has squeezed himself inside you. You have no name or identity, you had abandoned these trivialities once your ears graced those french horns and imploding sound waves. Wagner. That is all. That is everything.
Wagner is the only reason I haven't killed myself.
Apologies, I'm retarded. I've been listening to the Robert Greenberg course, and he's getting into Bach's fugues. But first he talked about the relevant music theory which mostly went over my head. Any good resources for getting a quick and easy rudimentary understanding of basic theory?
>there are people right now who have spent their time with something worthwhile instead of shit
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now playing

start of Don Quixote, Op. 35:

start of Horn Concerto No. 2, TrV 283:


I feel you but, like this Don Quixote piece, it's when Strauss gets whimsical and romantic that he becomes magical. It's all great though.
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 6 in A Minor:

Stupid question but are Liszt's larger piano works/cycles meant to be listened to in one sitting? Stuff like Années de pèlerinage, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, and the Hungarian Rhapsodies. Were/are they performed that way? I often get burnt out halfway through because they're so dense.
I should've said as one large, cohesive work*
No. They were written during many stages of his life and span a pretty wide range of years. At most, do one book at a time
Ah that makes much more sense, and is a bit of a relief lol. Thanks.
in the jazz and film industry.

now playing

It's ok shlomosister, I checked a dictionary.
>symphony /sĭm′fə-nē/
>a long piece of music for an orchestra, usually with four movements (= parts):
>The Ideon Symphony is a long piece in four movements for orchestra.
>A symphony is an extended musical composition in Western classical music, most often for orchestra.
So how it isn't an extended musical composition in Western classical music for orchestra?
You can't explain why it's not classical
Still classical
It's classical
I'm surprised that the jannies haven't banned anyone, the shlomosister must be raging while reporting every post.
A symphony is not classical huh? Who'd have thought
Very cool medieval music album
best Mahler 7? Vanksa?
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Abbado/Chicago, Bernstein/NYP (either DG or Sony), Michael-Tilson Thomas/LSO, or Solti/Chicago are the four I'd recommend off the bat, all four are stellar in different ways. I think the Solti is the most exciting so maybe start there.
You don't even know what a symphony is-your predictably negative opinions can not be trusted
What it lacks in sensitivity and serene beauty it makes up for in excitement and vigor. If you can only have one, sure it's not the pick I'd suggest, but as a fun alternative or as a first to get one into the work, as it did for me, I think it's first-rate.
this is no different from jazz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGggCb3Oh2E
musically illiterate moment
stop ban evading, pedophile kraut
quit ban evading, chomo germ
cease ban evading, kiddydiddler kraut
Wagner kind of hinted at that in a letter to Nietzsche.

>I think more and more about 'What is German?' and my latest studies on this question have aroused the most remarkable degree of scepticism in my mind, so that I am now beginning to believe that 'being German' is a purely metaphysical conception. As such, however, it is intensely interesting to me, and in any case, is unique in the history of the world, and is to be compared only to Judaism, unless Hellenism can also be made to serve as an historical parallel.
i’m so proud to see the wagnersisters and the pedophiles coming together as one
so where the fuck is the new mozart piece?
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stop ban evading, groomer germ
quit ban evading, boyloving bavarian
no taking back what you said, pedo kraut. we all saw you type those words out.
shut the fuck up you sound like some faggot ledditors
it’s a miracle the pedophile kraut hasn’t moved to reddit yet; between the attention whoring, avatarfagging, tripfagging, and child grooming, you’d think he’d fit right in.
Who cares? he was 15 when he wrote it. It's well-established that Mozart only started to write worthwhile music at age 17 and masterpieces from age 21 onward
go back fag
That’s actually a good question. Sadly I have no answer
i dont care. i want to judge it myself. why the fuck is this piece no where on the internet
Kek, all the posts mentioning Jews were deleted.
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TJ will ban me for saying he is Jewish.
now playing

Garbage thread
now playing

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yall thoughts
>no Wagner

into the trash it goes.
This. Embarrassing to forget Wagner.
>Suzuki of all people
poor bait
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>This is "impossible to play, unrealistic tempo" according to Wim Winters

I never really realized the extend of his schizo-ness until hearing this. They're slower than some modern performances. How the fuck is this in any way a unrealistic expectation?
Admirable taste. I don't see any bad music here, as for recordings! one could argue.
The shlomosister gets really mad when called jewish, so he probably reported every single post. Apparently, asking him to explain how a symphony isn't classical is off-topic, yet they never banned him for flooding the thread.
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starting the day with
try the kegel recording (if you haven't)
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I will on the next play, just wanted to listen to some of my current favorites first since it had been a bit
or maybe you’re being banned because you’re a ban evading pedophile
as usual with tripfag album cover charts, terrible
Who wrote the best violin sonatas?
Hardmode: No Beethoven.
That's not really hard mode at all. Both Mozart and Brahms have better violin sonatas than Beethoven
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67:

start of Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92:

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Brahms overall. Then Faure, Grieg, and Franck, for me. Obviously Bach if you wanna count solo violin but I suspect you mean duo with piano.
Schumann has the greatest violin sonatas of all. Additionally, Tetzlaff/Vogt have the best cycle
NTA but neat, will give this a listen today, thanks.
>but I suspect you mean duo with piano

Bach wrote those as well though (clavier)
There's no obvious bad stuff in there and I'm happy to see Schütz, but, as others have pointed out, no Wagner is just silly. Also I would always put Monteverdi in any "essentials" list (his secular music)
>”no obvious bad stuff”
>contains suzuki, gould, harnoncourt and gergiev
For HIP, Suzuki is good I'd say.
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now playing

start of Berlioz's Cleopatre. Lyric Piece for Soprano and Orchestra after the Poem by P.A.Viellard:

start of Grande Symphonie Funebre et Triomphale, Op. 15:

I meant the composers and their repertoire desu, not so much the recordings. In that respect there's very few of my personal favs in there
Recommendations for recordings of Bizet's Symphony in C and Chausson's Symphony in B flat? Never listened to either before.
>Bizet's Symphony in C

Neat. Why is Piano so good?
Best Rachmaninoff's variations on a theme of Chopin?
That Harnoncourt 40 is pretty awesome though
At least it's better than the one with Contentious Musicus Wien
>for HIP
in other words, he’s bad
by what standard? this fucking sucks
I like the tempo and sharp accents, it's punchy and fun
punchy and fun at the expense of phrasing and orchestral sonority, pass.
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Both of those sound good tho
both of what? there’s only one harnoncourt recording on that list and it’s terrible
It's great tho
it’s not, the phrasing and articulation is dogshit as per usual with harnoncourt and he somehow makes the concertgebouw of all orchestras sound bland.
You keep using those words, I don't think you know what they mean
i don’t think you know what good mozart or even good orchestral playing is supposed to sound like, this conversation is clearly flying over your head
So long as you like it, anon, that's all that matters.
I like that recording too, except for the final movement. Way too slow.
>he doesn't even capitalize Mozart
The absolute disrespect.
Actually, it's G-d.
Still the best complete Mozart symphony cycle, although there's probably better 550s and 551s out there. Very hard to find the "perfect" recording for those works somehow
lel we have the exact same opinion. Levine's cycle is great but it's so hard to find ideal 550s and 551s.
it’s really not, they’re called szell and cleveland
I was afraid it was gonna come down to szell again
why mess with perfection?
>Still the best complete Mozart symphony cycle

Too boring and soft sounding. Mozart needs guts
in what fucking world is szell soft sounding? are you retarded?
Just listen to it.
i did, it’s the most exciting partial mozart cycle there is this side of HIP. you’re either listening to a really shitty mastering with the topend truncated or you’re a HIPster retard.
t. Softie boy
should have just said you were a disingenuous retard from the start and saved us all some time
Your insults are as soft as your listening preferences
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now playing

start of Symphony in B-Flat Major, Op. 20

you’re as deaf as you are retarded
Paul Paray is always fun
Indeed! I added several recordings of this work, including Munch, Janowski, Serebrier, and so on, but gotta start with Paray's!
I wouldn't call it soft, lightweight is probably more apt. Which is fine, as that allows it to be graceful, agile, and playful, all good stuff, but I wouldn't have it as one's only recording for sure.
szell’s mozart is not lightweight lol, his orchestra is no smaller than anyone else’s of that era. the difference is that his players know how to play in tempo and he takes swift tempi, so it doesn’t sound like gelatinous dragging mush.
Nah it's definitely soft. The percussion sounds like a wet fart in the Jupiter symphony especially, all of it sounds safe and lacking in accent
incredible, an actual mental retard.
Soft brained response
smooth brained response
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Trying to decide what Berlioz Requiem to listen to, and came upon Ralph Moore's survey in which he, above all, recommends these three:

>Inbal 1988
>Pappano 2019*
>Abravanel 1969


So gonna listen to the Pappano. Any thoughts, or personal favorites? For me I've always loved Shaw's, Bernstein's, and Munch's, so we'll see if this as good or even better; hoping it is.
Oh and if anyone wants to try it out too:


and of course the usual litmus test of the Dies irae:

ralph moore swings and misses. go with munch and boston.
I do love that one, and is probably the one I've listened to the most followed by Shaw's. Just wanted to try a new one.
adventurousness is not a favorable trait when dealing with the berlioz requiem, it's awful more often than not.
why is there never any late 20th century stuff discussed in these threads
you have nothing to say but a canned response because even you know i'm right. You can't call bud powell degenerate but listen to schumann like a cuck.
probably because it sounds bad
musically illiterate moment
ok what do you want to discuss
Which composer wrote the best trio sonatas?


Why are trio sonatas/bc sonatas such a underdiscussed form of classical music anyways?
But like, what does this general consider the great violin sonatas by him? I don't trust some other site, i trust my frens here c:
C. P. E. B.A.C.H.
essential RYMtranny core
you have nothing to say but a canned response because even you know i'm right. You can't call bud powell degenerate but listen to schumann like a cuck.
Mostly just K.526. But most of his mature violin sonatas are just plain nice. In fact, it's with the "Mannheim Sonatas" (K.301-306) that Mozart really comes into his own.
We prefer 19th/early 20th century romanticism to everything else here.

musically illiterate moment
Bud Powell was one of the great jazz pianists, like top-3 of all time. He was however literally degenerate: drugs, alcohol, mental illness
It is impossible to capture a performance of Sternklang on CD. The piece is literally "Space Music". A friend of mine was a performer at the Los Angeles premiere (in conjunction with the Olympics in 1984). The piece was performed in a park -- a LARGE park, with trees. The musicians are divided into five groups which are dispersed throughout the park, roughly in a huge circle. The groups are placed so far apart from each other that they can barely hear each other. A Tam Tam player stands alone in the center of this huge circle, and serves to periodically synchronize all the groups. Otherwise, the groups proceed with their own music, oblivious of the other groups. What links all these groups together is the "Sound Runner" (Klangläufer). This is a player with a melody instrument in his or her hands, who will stand by one group until he or she hears a "model" (musical extract) that he or she wants to travel with. He or she then walks to another group, while repeating the model. When he or she arrives, the group listens to the model that the Sound Runner has brought them, and integrates it into whatever music they are playing at the time. While the Sound Runner is bouncing around between the different groups, the audience is free to walk wherever it wants (without inhibiting the players). We were afraid that there was going to be rain that day, and there was, but it stopped before the performance. The grass was wet, and it was cold, but it was still a unique musical experience. I wish someone in Southern California would perform it again.
sure but if powell is a degenerate mozart and brahms would be too.
How so?
remind me what drugs and alcohol mozart and brahms partook in?

One of his great slow movements
mozart and brahms were both alcoholics who couldn't handle their liquor. Beethoven drank his liver into destruction. Mozart was also a coomer. Like wagner secretly was.
so, do you have a source for any of this or did you dream it up while slamming that crack pipe?
I don't think there's any evidence that Mozart was an alcoholic. Beethoven indeed was though and he also fucked prostitutes
Beethoven had cirrhosis of the liver
i'm still waiting on that source.
not for mozart but brahms and beethoven were drinkers

he has to have been. He was most likely wasted when writing those scat jokes.
see >>123722221
Who do you wanna talk about?
(insert babby's first RYMtranny composer here)
so it came to you while boofing your crack pipe, glad we could come to that conclusion so readily.
Classical composers weren't the paragons of virtue. On the contrary, some were as degenerate as the artists of today. Musicians made outstanding art in spite of their flaws, not because they were morally upstanding people. Mozart routinely mismanaged his finances and happily indulged in scatological humor. In death, he had few mourners and was then dumped into an unmarked grave. The legacy his music enjoys is entirely posthumous because, in life, Mozart was a terminal fuck-up.

Other composers of note:
>Brahms: routinely patronized whores and womanized like crazy.
>Johann Rosenmüller: arrested for homosexuality and pedophilia with young boys.
>Jean-Baptiste Lully: another pedophile and homosexual who married a woman to avoid a death sentence.
>Franz Liszt: notorious womanizer.
>Franz Schubert: died of syphilis, possible homosexual.
>Alessandro Stradella: womanizer and conman whose shifty ways caught up with him when a prominent nobleman dispatched an assassin to kill him. His murderer was never found.
>Richard Wagner: stole the wife of a friend, participated in the Dresden uprising, seduced King Ludwig II to make him pay for the Bayreuth Theatre
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Sorry for the terrible pic. I am kind of surprised you didn't know Beethoven was an alcoholic. Surely you've read one or more biographies
see >>123722167
what if i told you... ligeti is famous outside of rym
i know beethoven was an alcoholic, i just wanted to see if that retard could prove it alongside the obviously false stuff in his post.
if you insist, RYMsister
>so it came to you while boofing your crack pipe, glad we could come to that conclusion so readily.
you're an idiot. It's a well known fact that beethoven and brahms were drunkards. It's like a moron who wants a picture of the sky because he believes it's not blue. No need to go out of my way and provide source for a common factoid you lummox.
if this fact is so well known, it should be extremely easy to prove. take your time, i can wait.
>that Mozart really comes into his own.
commercially and artistically?

Kidding aside thanks for the rec. A bit easier to answer, when does he come into his own with his string quartets?
>it should be extremely easy to prove
yes that's why it's already been proven you dunderhead.
where? i don't see any source for brahms being an alcoholic.
not my problem redditard. Brahms was an alcoholic. Believe it if you wish to or not I don't care.
see? it wasn't so hard to admit that you're a crack smoking retard making bullshit up
cope. You can't handle the truth.
source on the truth?
brahms was an alcoholic like your abusive dad
citation needed

>lacks the repeats

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