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Liam Gallagher just performed at the boxing event Dubois vs AJ, and the performance can only be described as pitiful.
British fans are vocal about the performance and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way Liam barely could sing anymore and the whole reunion thing. I guess they were holding out hope for something better. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have their new tour cancelled. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Liam Gallagher is cringe
oasis is cringe
Brit pop is cringe
bri'ish music in general is cringe
no milly
still tony
Anti-Bongsa is a Paki.
Oasis is garbo but zzzzzzource?
tune in and see for yourself... fans are NOT happy.
theyre throwing eggs at him
I'm /emma/
(yes it happened again)
We heard you in /sp/, Ahmad
>it's just beerfarting combat sports fantards raging at there being a concert before the gay fight.
I'm seeing no comments about Waysis or Liams performance.
Genuinely what is the appeal of live shows
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For jam bands of all sizes, meeting friends, seeing hot chicks with hula hoops, chasing rare songs, exotic drugs. For bands most people know, nothing. Although I did see Steely Dan about 6 months before Becker died and they sounded exactly like the records which was very impressive.
Why would people even go to watch two guys punching each other? That's so stupid
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Good. Maybe I can get a hold of a ticket.
To feel the electricity in the air and the connection to everybody else.
If Mötley Crüe manages to make Vince Neil sound pitch perfect (with 99% help of backing tracks), I'm sure Oasis can do too.
His voice was shot well before the break up
>gb news
tory rubbish, not real news
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good, this means he will try harder on the tour
some of his 2022 performances were pretty good
His voice was fine just a few months ago. A little age and smoke worn but not extinction level bad.
It's real. Trust the science, chud.
his voice today is no different from this stellar performance https://youtu.be/JpQKc6SF59Q?si=cFPVXu888yrK9i2a
but if you read the comments on any clip with liam singing in the last couple of years you would be led to believe otherwise, it's nothing but over the top praise about how good his voice supposedly is (bots??)
And people didn't believe me when I said that Oasis is basically pop because the vocals carry the tunes. Without decent vocals you start hearing the 'rock' backing that is very generic, there's no special role played by any particular instrument.

And yeah he sounds very nasal and lacks volume.
He doesn't sound completely off, just not impressive at all.
Serves him right, he had no other work to do in this band except carry the tunes, everything else was done by Noel. And he was so smug about his role. Who's smug now? Not so biblical xD
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your attitude STINKS yknow LG x
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Holy shit that's cringe
Got anything else but attitude, LG? xD?
Like what are you known for
Vince Neil sounds horrid live. Always sucked but he is irredeemable now. Motley Crues fans are subhumans who worship the celebrity of motley poo and don't care that they're shit.
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Being the fooken bollox for one how bout you cunt C'mon You Know LG x
He sounded okay on their last tour because of backtracks and three strippers who also sing backup
holy shit that's awful, liam sounds way better today, 18 years later
Why would there be a petition to cancel their tour.
If you don't want to go then don't buy a ticket
what about radiohead?
Who's this?
never planned to go but i would sign it
not so bad but he gotta get in better vocal shape before the oasis gigs. flat at times and nasaly but at least he embraces it instead of trying to sound like he did when h was 21 like in this vid
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Emma :)
Didn't tickets cost like several hundred pounds?
After hearing his performance before the boxing match, that would be the biggest ripoff ever.
I mean I can barely accept listening to Liam singing for free... I think I would sue for consumer protection if I paid for that
Honestly I don't know what people expect with these reunion tour type things. Fact of the matter is their heyday was like over 25 years ago. The guy is 52 y.o. now. It's cool for them to get together and play some tunes but if you're expecting it to be as good as when they were in their prime you have unrealistic expectations.
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>I remember seeing Radiohead on the cover of a magazine in the U.K. when In Rainbows came out, and it said, ‘Radiohead: The Pain.’ And I thought, ‘Won’t you fucking give it a rest, you bunch of moaning children?’ The pain? Of making an album? I don’t buy it. If you’re not having a laugh, then don’t do it.
>Me and me missus, we were at the Coachella festival a couple of years ago and Radiohead were headlining. We were like, ‘Right, let’s give them one more chance. Let’s go and see them.’ Beautiful, sunny night. We walked out through the crowd as they came on, and they were playing this post-techno: ‘de-de de de’. We were a bit pissed. Fuckin great. And then he started singing. No. Not for us. We’re party people
People have big expectations because they were big.
I mean I listened to how Gang of Four performs now on these nostalgia tours and they're so atrocious, it made me check if it was really them
>‘Radiohead: The Pain

Yeah that is weird because IR is a very beautiful album. Not dark or painful sounding
Maybe Videotape, All I Need, Last Flowers on Disc 2 are darker sounding. But I'm saying overall
Stevie Wonder still somehow sounds the same as back then.
David Byrne has declined a little bit since the Talking Heads peak but he is still very good live and he's significantly older than the Gallaghers.
Thanks for the thread so I could see this. The music was always trash, but he had a serviceable voice. This sounds like shit and their braindead fans paid out the ass to endure it.

Broadly accurate
T. Brit
>The music was always trash, but he had a serviceable voice
but enough about damon albarn
chameleons are still great live and they are older. saw em few days ago, great energy great sound and mark sounds as good as ever. (only the cure are comparable as far as goth geezers go, but if you ignore high production value chameleons mog them as far as im concerned)
Nigga sounds like kermit.
you can just pretend you feel that, that's what's happening when you actually do feel it anyway.
His voice has been sounding good when he went solo, what happened
many people are saying
He sounds like he's clenching his jaw
Is it safe to say blur won the war?
his voice has been shot for years. you can even hear a difference between the first 2 albums and the later albums, and thats just the studio recording.

remember when beady eye did the london olympics like 12 years ago? he sounded like shit there too. it doesnt matter. its oasis, we want to hear the fookin choons
Totally unexpected
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Dodecahedron LG x
lmao imagine paying 400 pounds for a ticket and the he sings like this for the whole concert
>in the world of entertainment, there are stars, there are superstars, and there are supernovas
sounds fine to me
it's not like he was great before
Vocal warmups, and practice daily.
The alcohol and cigs start working against singers in middle age, so its probably time he focused on health and technique. He's becoming like Axl, using more and more masking and losing the 'body' of his voice.
If he doesn't do anything to maintain, he'll end up like other singers and struggle more until they transpose the songs to D standard which will be sludge.
It's bad enough that you're shitposting celebrity gossip, but posting it on 4chan of all places is just pathetic.
more like Fozzie
not the tickers...
I love this man but you're the one who's gay, 4chan
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Roses are red
Violets r blue
How bout you
LG x
there he is
Eh, it's not bad. He lost most of his range but that's not surprising.
5 people on twitter said so now it's true
he was shite. sounded like some drunk retard at karaoke.
Liam just needs to rest his voice for the tour and he'll be solid
The only people who think Liam is cringe is those who can't handle banter. Will forever love him because he makes stuck up fags seethe.
In terms of popularity, no. They won more brownie points with critics though.
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>every article is from a Fox News affiliate like DailyMail and SkyNews
>To feel the electricity in the air and the connection to everybody else.
This confuses the autist, see

Liam is more shot than Anthony Joshua
Source? I made it the fuck up.
You're a stupid nigger for bumping this thread
Don’t call me a nigger, nigger
I wonder if there is a way to use AI to replace his current voice with his old voice when singing live. I would guess the main problems would be latency and glitches.
>he had a serviceable voice
Yeah back in 1996


Sounds like on the album. He was already sounding off in the early 00s. I don't think he ever got his voice back
Noel will be singing some of the shows in full next year.
they were already known for being one of those bands where its a 50/50 on whether they'll be decent or absolute dogshit when you see them live and that was back when they were in their prime.

How anyone can be surprised that the bloke that was a massive scaghead for 2 decades now sounds like shit is honestly bewildering.
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dude really should take a break from twitter
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Probably yeah, but man I'd miss him
>implying kier isn't worse
Some cunts never learn
A talentless hack
Voice has been shit since 2001, the guy can just stand there and mumble "bumbaclarts" and the crowd will go mental, facken nerds "he can't sing anymore abloobloo", wait till I throw a pint of piss on you during Shaman Supranover
Naturally. They hate seeing the British working classes having fun, earning money or enjoying anything.
Some parts of the performance were off, but overall it doesn't sound terrible to me like some of ppl are describing it
Also there were sound issues
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>even the field mice in me hoise were throwing themselves on the traps

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>Voice has been shit since 2001

unironically the softest cunt on twitter
his ability to take criticism is as good as his singing
>actually listening to oasis
>actually listening to britpop
>actually caring what washed up 50yo pop"""stars""" have to perform
guys...cmon, we're better than this
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HATERS GONNA HATE on me biblical voice tonite LG x
he can do better
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How come he was able to do ok here, 2 yrs ago, and now he's so terriblel

He just didn't prepare for this show at all or had stage fright lol
He sounded so off before that boxing match
I love his attitude but he's mentally 15 years old, I guess he never recovered from the day he was hit in the head with a hammer. It fucked him up for life
>everyone shitting on your voice
>Manchester City getting BTFO by Arsenal

Poor Liam
>brown opinion
Hey, I was expecting really bad but it's not that bad at all. Have people forgotten how shitty his voice was, this is clearly an improvement.

I'm even more hyped for the tour now, I'm going to travel from Brazil to UK just for that
he needs some rest unironically
Noel's gonna sing his solo stuff at the reunion. Liam will probably miss a few of the gigs also.
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Who's "we", cunt? Speak for yerself next time, yeh.
this is what he's sounded like since 2002. just missing backing vocals is all
How come Noel preserved his voice and he sings even higher than Liam? They both did a ton of drugs and alcohol in their day, Noel has famously been drinking since the lockdown (some even speculate that's what fucked up his marriage). Is it just random luck or what?
liam has zero technique and is just shouting at the mic. noel at least knows about how to use his vocal chords
This sounds pathetic but they set his mic too low in the mix.
I don't think he lost vocal volume that much since the 90s that now he sounds all choked.
It's more likely back in the 90s they set his mic high above the band and maybe added some effect too. He sounded huge back then.

I really think it's also due to how the sound was set up here. The band sounds too prominent, which was never the case before for Oasis.
based e-god collision got cancelled KWAB
lol Noel's reaction at the beginning
sounds ok tonight
Derivative music for drunken slags played by very ugly fucktards with ego management issues wishing they were Blur. Somehow typical of Bongland.
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Ok, hack.
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>Brit pop is cringe
it was literally a creation and promotion of the British government
idea was to give unemployed and restless British youth a distraction
I think it's unfair to expect anyone sing songs that they sung 30 years ago. There are some freaks of nature like Roger Daltrey from the Who, but not everyone should be expected to sing loud and vocal heavy rock music forever.

You can call it a bad performance, and it definitely is really bad, I would chalk it up to vocal abuse for years and aging. It's just unfair to put pressure on Liam to sing those songs when he's obviously so incapable of it. He's stubborn and wants to be young forever and I feel like his band mates and management are setting him up for failure.

I remember seeing some behind the scenes footage of Zach Wylde convincing Ozzy that he couldn't sing Hole In the Sky anymore and to drop it from the set that night, and that was totally the right choice. There's no one around Liam to tell him that and I think that's sad.
Liam was always clearly the fucking loser of the two
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haters gonna hate
last gig was better, reunion tour will be biblical, as you were LG x
Yes, I like it
Wow look at this unpopular opinion folks. He would not pay money to see a band he does not not like. What an unashamed contrarian we have here.

Liam’s “singing” (i.e yelling or screeching slowly) is besically a textbook example of how to fuck up your voice
>Roger Daltrey from the Who,
guy couldn't sing in 1967 and still can't sing now
that's a very consistent result
This is terrible bait anon you know as well as I do that Roger is one of the best rock singers ever. He can STILL do the Won’t Get Fooled again scream too, how is that even possible.

Liam is yelling his way through songs any beginner with his limited vocal range could perform. It’s not fair to his physical limitations and theres no point running defense for him when its abundantly clear to myself and many Oasis fans who are ditching their tickets that Liam’s voice is cooked. You aren’t doing him any favors by posting bait about Roger. If you have to deflect the conversation to saying one of the best rock singers has always been bad instead of addressing Liam’s poor performance, you’ve lost.

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