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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123683356
First for fuck
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first for some fuckin black metal

Am I being held back by using fl studio, or all the big DAWs are essencially the same gravy?
Up to you and how skilled you are. I use studio one, reaper, and protools (gross). I personally don't like ableton or fl studio but thats me.
Why is protools gross
essentially the same, you're not being held back by fl studio. what i will say is that the only problem with fl is that it has such a different workflow to pretty much every other daw that if you ever switch over to something else it'll take a bit longer to get used to things.

but you can create good music on anything
Despite it being the "industry standard" but i feel like it is very dated and unstable, lots of crashes, weird tools, etc.
also im an idiot and didnt realize this was for digital music only, ignore my song rip
Weesh fucks jfc where are the testicles
you're not an idiot and this general isn't just for electronic music. you can post whatever music you want along as you made it yourself
Based prod explainer
>Plebs thinking using a daw doesn't qualify as digital music production
If it's made in a daw, a digital audio workstation, get this, it's digitally produced music
I use audacity to record sounds made by acoustic instruments
Anyone knowledgable about microphones? I bought a cheap $40 condenser, it seems to do an okay job, however it doesnt capture high frequencies well at all, but thats understandable. So I was wondering to get like a $200 mic, and see if it would improve the vocal quality, but I also think that if you know what youre doing, you can get away with cheap stuff and make it sound great. Thoughts?
Sounds digital
I think Audacity is still considered a DAW, technically
It's an audio editor, not a digital audio workstation.
got em
My thoughts are eq and saturation
>get 2 likes and subscribes
Holy shit the tiktok is popping off fucking bros it's gonna feed me and I'm gonna grift on my tens of thousands of hours ahahaha
Yeah, thats bread & butter, i just tend to overdo it like a retard, i should probably stick to about 5% saturation and leave it alone. Equing is a whole science too. I just cut out the low end and maybe boost the mid slightly, otherwise the voice starts sounding like its captured inside of a box or someshit
Sheesh, my man made it. Dont forget about us when youre in your private jet big dawg
first off make sure you're actually singing into the microphone and inside the sweet spot. ie, make sure you're singing into the side and not the top

$200 is still in the lower tier for condensors and might not be amazingly different. imo that's more like what you should've started with if you care about voice. a lot of people start with something like a rode nt1a

but your recording environment might be bad and you might be better off with something like an sm57 with a windscreen or sm58
I just record in a bedroom, is that considered a bad environment? I tried under a blanket, not much difderence desu
Ayo how do I loop a sound in fl? I open in edison, select region set loop, save the file onto playlist. Guess what? In the piano roll that bitch aint sustaining... wtf
copy paste it into the playlist
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I tried to make a piano piece.
Tell me if I ought to kill myself over it.
Maximum Richter.
Steal left hands and write over them like Chopin with the 10ths

any mix feedback?
i feel like it's 90% there
the high end of the drums against the guitar bruh
>with the 10ths
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I fail to comprehend either of you.
Perhaps this means my work is truly that of failure.
I don't know what that other guy meant by "with the 10ths"... and I'm a classical penis.
Sorry, I meant to type sage.
Look oh the tenthz are filled ahh lefty hand interval$
Holy shit
what kind of CPU do you have?
Should've asked Elon to mail me a computer while I had the chance
I am going to hope that comparisons are compliments in this case.

However this does appear to be a clear-cut insult.
It was a neutral observation.
That other guy seems 'tarded.
What in the fuck are you trying to say?
There are all kinds of intervals there; no special focus is being applied to 10ths.
This piece is not from his 10th opus of etudes, either. This is a nocturne from Op 20.
s m h
Sir the distance between the bottom and top is a tenth
fixed it up
And the arpeggio next to it has a 9th. Some have 11ths, 8ths, 5ths, so what?
Intervals are overrated; thinking of them as scale degrees (i.e. focusing on the relationship of how their frequencies relate to the tonic [not numerically, but as a feeling]) just makes more sense.
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Why should I spend time learning how to actually play the piano when you can just use a plugin to transpose from C or Am to all the other keys. No I don't care about modes
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I will not be baited into such a banal discussion with a classical pianist. Obviously the jazz pianist thinks intervals and the classical thinks degrees. Perhaps not so obvious to you but, sir, for me, he degree is a given, the interval the variable.
Regardless id say the pattern is oriented around the tenth not the 8th. My offhand argument is most of those arpeggios are of the tenth variety and if I were to lift and write over that accompaniment, id primarily be interested in the tenths
why should you care about anything

why are the majority of theoryfags like this
You're right why would you want to have sex when you can just watch porn
Pressing the black keys is like having sex to you?
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Messing about with Spitfire Mural Strings and 8Dio Requiem Choir in Kontakt
Sometimes my finger tips get really hot and it's when I'm playing with fire
If this sounds mean it's not my intention I'm just trying to engage in some friendly sarcastic banter
Nah, you're good; I'm being a dork too.
That chopin piece's left hand patterns are primarily 10ths, yeah.
I still stand by by my scale degree comment ;)
I would think jazz musicians would be into that perspective even more than classical since that's essentially what differentiates the modes. Thinking about it as intervals just makes it unnecessarily complex.
love it, maybe i should get these
I'm sorry for crashing out the last time I was here, my music sucked and I wad angry. I take responsibility.
not her but 10ths feels like a classical look at it. you never really think of any extensions other than 7, 9, 11, 13

modes are kinda...controversial. i'm not a huge fan of them or using them to talk about things. thinking in terms of the parent scale and its chords is more useful
nobody cares if you take responsibility or not just stop being a faggot
>but 10ths feels like a classical look at it.
Maybe -- I was just admitting defeat as the classical penis. In my mind, I'd just think of it as a major third.
I agree with you on modes as well.. and I'm the guy who made that mode chart that I sometimes post here (but don't have access to at the moment because my NAS is being stupid) D:

>get 10 random cassettes in mystery bag for $1 from local shop
>sample random world music cassette
>make house (?) song

will polish it later
if you redid like, everything, this would have potential.
it's a good idea

it's mostly the distortion and the groove needing an overhaul
yea listening back maybe i overdid it w the buzziness, but i like the organic feeling. it's actually an artifact of the cassette, but i can filter it out, probably a middle ground somewhere, it's still early in the process. thanks!
how the fuck anyone get to this level of complexity, any guide or tutorial on this style of production (micro editing, sequencing directly with audio)?
So if im going to the third im more interested in am I playing steps or skips leading into the third than I am in the third. Doesn't make a difference what degree it is, what matters is the structure of the line targeting the degree
I will never understand how people can listen to black metal. The clip you posted was so nauseating.
>He doesn't get black metal
Practice, studying people, experimenting, typical stuff

If you slow these types of songs down the thought process becomes much more obvious.

Tbh I thought op was just a shitpost though, it looks like clash hell and most people progressively bounce down even if they hate themselves
It's all for show 80% of that can easily be reduced. It's mostly layering
I can actually distinguish drum parts and it doesn’t sound like a toy karaoke mic recording in a dilapidated shed fuckin poseur

Must be GAY fuckin normie
I know you are being ironic, but there is nothing to "get"

>hurr listen to me scream like a retard
>isnt it evil?
>hurr listen to my super fast dissonant guitar playing
>isnt it EVIL?
>wow dude i sang about satan and the devil!

Its edgelord shit that is just the auditory equivalent of hottopic.
>write song
>cool idea, clearly beyond my ability to polish this though
>year later, ezpz I’m SO good now

I’m gonna make it
this happens all the time. stepping away from something allows you to see it in a new light that fuels creativity
When people say “get” they’re talking about your ability to comprehend why people would connect with it, not whether you have some rudimentary non technical explanation you emotionally stunted dunce
>Doesn't make a difference what degree it is,
No, it absolutely does, unless you're modulating to a new tonic.
In this example, the major third is the target for the end of the phrase. The reason this target was chosen is for its feeling with respect to the tonic.
The steps or skips to get there are part of the journey, making a path to the destination -- so, sure, you can think of those pieces locally, but those momentary steps could also be chosen for their respective feeling towards the tonic.
(didn't finish my thought)
>momentary steps could also be chosen for their respective feeling towards the tonic.
creating tension and release. The choice of tension and release -- steps or skips, are chosen for their dissonant/consonant qualities, which relate back to the tonic
I fucked up the language. I meant chord tone not degree. It so happens that E is both the 3rd degree and the 3rd of the chord of the moment because the pic is opening on the tonic

Both are kept in mind so I'm thinking chord of the moment, say V(th degree) G#7 starting on the third B in then doing what interval pattern to go from that B to the third of C#. My point is these are essentially fixed, both the root movements and the chord tones being targeted. Ofc there could be some passing root movements but it again raises the interval question.. so What I need to know is by what series of intervals are these tones being connected, and so that's primarily how I remember things like that left hand, in terms of it's interval content. Because if I wanted to replicate it, I'd do some 10th thing and have some passing tones between root and tenth
OP is a /g/ tourist, it's supposed to be music production general
Yo dog show me your analog recording oh shit I'm still somehow listening to a decoded string of digital bits wtf well you can mail this PO box with your cassette I'll be sure to check it out
? I want to use it in piano roll. Whatever. Theres literally no info about it online. I guess you cant take a short note, and sustain it for however long you want. Weird. Guess i could just time stretch it like a retard...
Yeah that was a mistake. My bad.
>/mu/ gets filtered by modes
i'm gonna mog you so hard once i get my production skills up
i gave the 2nd break another synth to give it a bit more life
do something with the top or take it out dude
is it too much?
Any up to recs on budget speakers? Really not enjoying wearing headphones all the time.
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I was told these ones
Thanks anon, added to my list for black friday
>dig out old liquid dnb project
tune or nah

Want to buy a laptop so i can use more vsts and mixers simultaneously, and overall more complex mixes. Is something with an i7 cpu and 16gb ram sufficient? I could cop that for around $250 used.
a lot of musicians don't care for them, it's a weird obsession by certain groups of people (idk why it's pushed so much in guitar for instance). scales, degrees, and their sounds are what's actually important.
the only modes for the majority of music history were major and minor, and look at all the music we got without it.

in jazz, you don't think about modes but what tensions and extensions are available for the chords you have and the melody. most of jazz gets by with just dorian, lydian, and mixolydian. throw in harmonic minor, melodic minor, diminished scale (whole half/half whole), altered scale and that's more than a lifetime of music. modes don't really bring anything to the table differently than thinking about altering degrees in the scales you know, who cares if something is the supercalafraga locrian bb2 mode of the himalayan scale
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>the only modes for the majority of music history were major and minor, and look at all the music we got without it.
The way they looked at the minor mode was infinitely more usable than staying in some shitty aeolian mode like today's teachers would have you. The classical minor included harmonic and melodic minor so you have more chords to use in passing and voice leading, 13 triads
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ive been trying to make a snare that fits my track for 2 days now, i am going insane, i fucking hate making drums, making them fit in the mix, making them fit tonal-wise, fuck me, they all end up sounding like either shitty white noise, stupid edm overly tonal snare or a street fighter 2 punch.
just stop caring
sometimes i like to pretend i am a rockstar and produce stupid little rock tunes in my bedroom, dreaming about rocking crowds and touring the globe


hey this isn't bad.
What? Just use whatever and move onto the next track. If you don't like it just don't have drums at all. I swear some people are so weird, it's not supposed to be a chore.
You misunderstand. We just have a different way of thinking about it.
Give me a mode (or two if you want me to modulate) and a starting key for the first mode and I'll improvise something stupid.. if I'm feeling it.
Whichever tool allows you to create at your highest level is the one to use my friend, they all do the same thing really - unironically all that matters is the end result
I have a question on music theory. In programming, you often hear "theory (CS) isn't needed in programming", but anyone competent will tell you this is a meme.

Is it the same for music? Say we zap someone with advanced music theory and compare him to a version with none, how much better would the former be.
it is impossible to have someone without some form of music theory ingrained in them by culture unless they grow up with no music
go hunting for sample packs and stop forcing yourself to make it from scratch, retard. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Use ez drummer style vsts or samples and be done with it.
reworked the track, tried to make a more "catchy" intro, more interesting synths and more variation
sleep aid, waited for it to go anyway or do anything but it didn't
>sleep aid
sleep aid (pejorative). not catchy, memorable, or soothing
Hi, I'm a blithering retard, what DAW is this in the OP pic?
ableton live, it's looked like that for 20+ years
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Thank you, you guys are right, i get too much in my own head, ill just go through a sample pack
how bad is this dark/space ambient track:
Cool. Put a huge reverb on it
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Just write the worst drum beats ever conceived and move on.
Steal mine if you want: https://voca.ro/11Pq6CbWNQME
DAWs are so boring
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r8 my song pls

Do you have hardware controllers?
What do you prefer instead?
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just dumping this here for later don't mind me
I like it
sounds well produced on my phone speakers
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rate my hyperpop beat pls
That's apparently a screenshot from one of Ben Bohmer's sessions.
being a "songwriter" who can play instruments is unironically a handicap. I've been writing/composing music seriously since 2016, and by now I have enough at least 9/10 material for an album, but now i need to actually produce it, and transcribing music that already exists fucking sucks. like, I enjoy so many different genres, how could I possibly know how I wanna arrange my music? so i pack it into a pop skin? a chamber folk orchestra skin? there are so many choices and I want all and none of them desu.

meanwhile if you're just getting into music production with zero composition skills you can prob just make it all up as you go along and you'll know what you want it to be just through that process. separating the two is not good.
tfw to intelligent too produce
Thanks bros
nah just indecisive and overthinking. you can overthink even with low iq. also it's probably a fancy form of procrastination.
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Hell yeah that shit sounds good man. Dont listen to any tourist out here. I've been working on making some black metal too. Check mine out https://voca.ro/11eQePZpuCAe
i'm making more slop
thanks bro. your track is sounding badass, throw some vocals on there. if you need some help or advice with screaming, you can just use something like soundtoys devil-loc and destroy the vocals to give it that sick chaotic sound that will fit well with your song. I'd also recommend putting the drums through an 1176 style comp or even better, a ssl g-comp, crush em and bring em more to the front. overall, sounding sick and chaotic. good job \m/
that's not hyper pop, that's chiptune dnb
odds and i order ssl 12 + ddt 770 pro
What midi controllers for ableton do you prefer? Something simple, easy and useful.
Hard mode: don't talk about push (I'm not buying that)
anyways, I originally bought a novation impulse 61 along with Ableton, but space on my desk sucks so nowadays I use a yamaha reface cs as midi controller. i actually prefer the faders over knobs
Thanks for the advice, i do appreciate it. Mixing is still something I'm trying to get down. I will definitely try to bring the drums through a little better.
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black meal bros, dubly 3 is here. hop to it

I thought about smaller keyes (like arturia's 37 mini). Reface is a bit too pricey for me considering I stick to 100% vst. There's also new Novation MK4 line so I might get that.

I remember Impulse. It had an edgy 80's look to it.
can't go wrong with arturia keystep from what I've heard. mini keys can be shit but they're good on that one and the reface series.
I like it. Would fit well to some yt's mix.

What do you create?
oh shit dude, this is awesome. thank you for sharing, im definitely going to try it out. I'll post an updated track in the next /prod/ thread
stop using secret weapons. it's dishonest.
jk i also downloaded the vlc player compressor vst some dude on audioz put together and it slaps.
sounds a bit more deathcore than Black Metal but still great
if I use a drum machine and synth does it count as "digital music"?


everything except bass and guitars was penciled in on a daw
all metal sounds exactly the same
how do you into prod from zero? is there any starting point besides downloading ten gorillion different things and then watching a thousand hours of tutorials and explanations before touching those thing?
who cares
>downloading ten gorillion different things
that's like the opposite of what a beginner should do
OP specified "digital music" for this /prod/ so didn't wanna start posting my banjo-sax-ballads
no, it's digital production of music
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How is this cover of my song please review it
Ur the best /mu/

Do you have a style of music in mind that you want to make?
You'll want to narrow that down first.
oh look the troll is back
Dang thanks, that shit works too good
Trying to make some neofolk or dark folk or whatever genre. Don’t know what I should add next maybe some percussion
Post your music
some other dirty plugins he has that go crazy are mackeq/mackity which emulate a mackie mixing console. and then the x, ynot, and z filters make ungodly sounds but that might be a bit further away from metal and into weird experimental. it'll trash up your sound good, start with something like xlowpass

here to 5:58 he's just knob twiddling
reverb, compression/limiting, EQ. Just worry about that shit for now, everything else is progressively more optional/ornament-y than those things
Modes become super useful when youre superimposing or playing polychromatism. Like if you're going F#alt/C-7 to E7alt/FMaj it's more convenient to know the associated modes as opposed to thinking arpeggio and passing tone
It's just something they have people learn because they become very useful much much later on. Where's I took the who needs em advice and then had to drill them anyway. Its also nice to know what chords come from where for example C-7 approaching each note a half step below is derived from what mode?
What are alt chords?
my brother made this and the video
not sure what genre this is but he is a norman that djs part time so probably edm
lost contact with him after family drama
is it any good?
i don't know anything about music production
i might be biased but personally i found it impressive for a guy that basically flunked out of high school
about to release my second EP on spotify an Co....any tips how to promote my stuff?
post it here so we can laugh at it
that's atonal and 12 tone shit, incredibly niche music hardly anyone makes or listens to

proving the point they're mostly useless unless you want to academically jerk off
I don't understand your chord notation and when I looked it up, alt chords are ambiguous in that the 5th can be either sharp or flat.
I'm going to assume that both alt chords in your example are supposed to have sharp 5ths.
In my view, the chords would be Daug(1st inversion)/C-7 // Caug(2nd inversion)/Fmaj(1st inversion to follow the chromatic line)
..and here is my little improvised diddy
I don't get how modes have anything to do with it. That just complicates it (assuming you know all 12 major scales instantly such that you just know what notes go with what, which is how I am, so I don't see any benefit in seeing it any other way).
Perhaps you're a guitar player where modes are an easier to visualize pattern. In that case, I suppose modes may make sense.
I couldn't live without music like this
So fucking dreamy. Muh.
I would never think about this with respect to modes or anything though.
God. It's so fucking good.
Fuck. I just need to find myself a qt violinist.
how do I emulate drums? and where can I get more drum sounds? is EZ drummer any good?
not her, but alt chord is a dominant chord with altered 5th and 9th if 9th is included (it usually is). so you have b5/#5, #9/b9, and can even play 11ths and 13ths
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Sleep song
>dominant chord
Interesting. The fact that she wrote F#alt (without a 7) but E7alt (with the 7) threw me off...
I still don't like the ambiguity.
Sounds like a cozy blanket is wrapping itself around me. Very nice.
Nah it's standard in jazz. Strict diatonicism is very classical style. Basically anything post 1960, especially modal. The classy thing rn is to have extremely limited out playing pianist here

Or tons outside
Alt is always #5#9 b5 is #11
>Alt is always #5#9
Thanks -- these chords sound much better than what I was thinking. F#alt/C-7 over the Bb major scale with a melodic minor type of influence to get the Ab and A as part of the key is sex.
Why did you omit the 7 in F#alt?

F#alt = F#, A#, C## (aka D), G## (aka A)
Both A# and A exist, but
already did
Look in modern stuff anything goes I'll play C-7 over CMaj7. The melody has an entirely separate harmonic progression from the accompaniment. The harmonic rhythm can be anything.
Also I kinda chose mostly random chords I just made sure they were somewhat unrelate
Practice all your 251s over all your other 251s
Also that was a my bad omission via laziness / typo it's F#7alt
>when they find out the maj7th is not only hip but common over dominants
>Strict diatonicism is very classical style
i never said strict diatonicism. this is academic wank that the people playing aren't thinking

>Alt is always #5#9 b5 is #11
alt is not "always" anything, the voicing is suited to the song and moment but it has at least those notes available to choose
you basically have to be a genius and seek out information yourself and disregard bad advice. music production is like an entire field of science but with a ton of subjectivity involved. if you just want to be mediocre there are countless wannabe producers just like you, and AI generated music, so just getting more than 1k streams per track will be an achievement while not earning you much money. one of the most important things is to have good audio which will be helpful to hear all the details in existing music and produce your own music without it sounding like shit, but just getting studio quality audio is extremely difficult without spending a fortune, there are people who get stuck in the audiophile scene for years while never getting to true endgame audio.
This person has never written a song before
I'm in the same park
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How do I get started with vocal processing?

With guitars I can just throw an amp sim on and fiddle, same with synths and samples and effects, but when I experiment with putting effects on my voice I feel like I either go overboard and end up with a synthy artificial sound design bit, or I end up with something missing, like the sample is still a tad bit raw.

How to find the balance?
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I usually cut anything below 250 hz and then manually level vocal peaks with automation. Then very slight reverb before a compressor gels stuff nice.
If you want effects like a lot of reverb or a delay a trick I use to stop it being muddy is to automate the wet of the reverb so its low while the vocal is playing then ramp it up a split second before the end so you get only the tail on the end. Do the same with delay by automating the delay input so it only catches the last word in a section, then it get out of the way while the singer is playing. This allows you to have the effect and clarity.
>Do the same with delay by automating the delay input so it only catches the last word in a section
Why not just low cut the reverb so it doesn't cause low end build up?
I already cut the low on the vocal. The problem is the highs masking the the words in the same frequency range. You only need the tail on the breaks to get the effect
>so it only catches the last word
you have to actually automate the input or that to work, not just the wet

easier way to go about ducking is to just set up a sidechained compressor after, standard stuff

>low end build up?
you should be low cutting regardless but that's really not the same thing as ducking an effect
>you have to actually automate the input or that to work, not just the wet
Thats what I just said
So you don't have to manually transpose all the time. So you can play an analogue piano, or any other instrument. So you can play other things than nat maj and nat min. Etc.
are kurzweil ks-40as good monitors for the price (200 kiwibux)
My mastering is so bad
>Obviously the jazz pianist thinks intervals and the classical thinks degrees
where did you get that bullshit from?
just turn it up
It gets worse
market it as indie/bathroom-core and watch it pay dividends
I don't wanna
thats all good man
But i wanna sound good
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Mastering is gay
me gusta, I'm just like coffe-tv-blur.gif rn fr
If you can’t master you can’t mix
Well anon what do you think when you recall that nocturne defining left hand
why should I límit myself by only using one of the other? sometimes I think in degrees, sometimes in intervals, whatever fits best, and I think most pianists do it like that.
Don’t bro me

If you can’t get limiting and EQ right for the last <5% of a song then mastering is not your bottle neck
if you cant gay you cant master
Come on man
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How 2 master.
1 Load up ozone 11
2 click on assistant
why do they call it mastering when you of in the gay mix of out gay EQ the mix
this is not working

experimental/ ambient track i made
I just tried this and what the fuck, it made my my mix not only sound cleaner and more wide, finally got rid of that weird shit i was hearing in the kick every damn time. Has technology gone too far?
post before and after proof

A lot better than what i was thinking it'd do
Also 4chan is acting up again
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See I wasn't bullshitting you about Ozone
How do you respond in this situation, and what happened in whatever this is from?
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This is gonna help me push out my first track. Fuck me, i love technology man. Thank you
Human Traffic 1999
>that weird shit i was hearing in the kick
this is exactly what i meant.
that kind of stuff isn't an issue to be solved with "mastering," you just didn't mix your kick right initially

i'm not saying don't use all the tools at your disposal, but you should at least be using whatever changes ozone makes to work backwards and listen for these things intially
Most certainly, having a plugin show me what i should watchout for in the next project helps me learn
I'm seeing this more as a learning tool than the end all be all "put it on the master and go" type of thing.
Definitely gonna reverse engineer what ozones doing.
it's cool

i think some of the high end and the glitch stuff could be much lower and further back... and less consistent.
as it is this track sounds like it's on the fence about whether it wants to be *ambient* dark ambient or an actual beat imo

you can use reference tracks for the ozone mastering so it'll use that and master your track vs the reference one

if it's too loud or something just drop the dynamics match or / and loudness maximizer (for more overall airiness)
thanks, what you're saying makes sense, i'll work on it
here's another one
Got hanged through a roof window.
Any kind anon wanna help a retard out and tell me how easy is it to pirate Kontakt? Is it a ballache to set up or use, where you have to remember be offline to use it or some other workarounds to avoid API/cloud shit? is it a particularly risky one to pirate? Would prefer answers from anons that currently use pirated copies.
there's more to mastering than that. traditionally there's a guy whose entire job is mastering. he's not just another mixing engineer.
traditionally that was because of the physical mediums music was distributed through.
it's a digital world, that reason is irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of people now.
can labels demand you show them your daw, plugins etc. for licenses?
>using distrokid/amus/whatnot and getting scammed
are distrokid and the like even labels? i thought they were just distributors
they are and they scam people on the reg
Those aren't labels you fool. And no one here in this thread is going to make any money whatsoever from the "music" they have posted
the after is way worse than the before though. it made everything more defined in the mid range but makes a bunch of the mid percussion things stand out like hat and snare that sound worse than before. sounds like it scoops out the mids unless they have a transient attached
What are you listening on?
the before would never catch my attention irl, like if you take a raw photo straight from a camera, it might be technically accurate, but it's dull and flat, pro photographers do loads of editing
normies wouldn't mind.
agreed, not saying the before mix is "good." it has glaring issues to me but is in a closer state to what i consider a good mix instead of just le smiley face eq like the ozone tool
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I've been told I put too much synth in this one. What do you guys think?
>le smiley face eq
Lasted 40 seconds and it felt like forever. Another sparse sounding valiumcore synth track for the pile.
I like it
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I'm sorry, would you prefer something faster like this: https://voca.ro/18YVOmRZ2h4G

: )
The title and the thumbnail are REALLY not making me want to listen to this person's opinions.
>I enjoy so many different genres, how could I possibly know how I wanna arrange my music?
lol, i didn't know this level of cope was even possible.
tl;dr you have no tastes, you are like a 4 years old who listens to the radio
It's bit sad that the shitpost is better than your earnest attempt
Is there a sadder progression than vi - iii?
I love the armchair Producers ITT honestly, always a good laugh.
It's kinda good actually, a bit boring though and doesn't really go anywhere

Chords sound weird sometimes
its my hobby. i will never "make it" and i will never stop making music. deal with it.
you're a good laugh because you're even lower for coming in here and making that post.
people having a hobby, talking about it to others and pushing each other to get better is not at all laughable to me. you are though.
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>I love the armchair Producers ITT honestly, always a good laugh.
An attempt at a video game song, going to change the drums and do something with that modular thing but I probably won't add a bassline, will it pass?

It's like a twin peaks version of the midi version of the undertaker theme song. I like it kinda.
this feels good
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There are no shitposts. All of my music is genuine shit. Have another: https://voca.ro/1b6hwFPM5GVB

Yeah, I never know where to take any songs, so they tend to just meander in circles until they die.

>I like it kinda.
I'll take what I can get.
Sim City 2000 soundtrack had a stroke.
I like it.
Keep making shit. You'll get where you want to eventually
I wanna get in on the cocomelon grift you think ai can generate videos for it?
And they say harmony is academic wankery
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another ico type beat
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I feel like I have something here finally but I added wayy too much stuff at the same time (I think) or maybe it's trash?
yes too many tracks that dont really add anything and just make the mix worse! just delete until you can not delete anymore. always important to go 2 steps forward and one step back!
the intro is nice, it has a nice vibe then it becomes too random. feels like you just got tired and exhausted and settled for less as the track progresses. make sure to take breaks, keep up the energy because it gets harder to make decisons as you reach the end of the project and that is usually when one is the most exhausted from doing everything before that point.
like the last instrument that really glues it together is the hardest to find, and you are the most fatigued at that point in terms of psychological resources!
when you get better it gets easier but it always takes up the same resources in terms of "i can make 50 good decisions now and then i probably make worse decisions"
Thank you for the listen, and the advice. It's gonna help me more than you know!
this is just gold panda lucky shiner
anyone here above 10k monthly listeners on spotify? how did you promote your music?
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an actual critique on /prod/??
How's the tiktok hustle coming?
don't have one, I tried once and it copyright struck my own music so I vowed to never use it again lmao
nta but you're shooting yourself in the dick by not using tiktok over something so dumb if you actually care about people hearing your shit
but how the fuck do i get around this? there's an appeal that requires some artist account that you can't get until you get to a certain number of followers
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>Sim City 2000 soundtrack had a stroke.
That's... surprisingly not far from what I was going for.

I keep making it, but for some reason it tends to all smell the same.

I'm relatively sure that this is supposed to be an insult this time.
holy shit this is actually so good
i need this but longer
I know distrokid at least offers access to artist accounts, and i'd imagine other distributors do as well.
... i got an email about it and haven't bothered, so i don't know how it works, but i've seen about a million literal whos with artist accounts so i'd imagine that's how people are getting them without the followers.

either way you don't *have* to be using your uploaded sounds as sounds in videos, or whatever is getting you striked.
spamming your sound is *a* method but the process of "oh if i just put my song in front of a lot of people some of them will hear it, look it up, and then they will be converted into fans and i'll have their attention!" is backwards.

The way it works on these platforms is attention>retention>conversion (when you slip in your music occasionally, or say "HEY BY THE WAY, you should listen to ... ;))

HENCE using any of your own songs or sounds that will get you a strike is pointless at this point.

There are obvious exceptions to what i've just described, because their music was just *that* good, but i will point you to the >90% of viral sounds from nobodies who only got a temporary boost and then descended back into obscurity (they got extremely lucky on the getting peoples' temporary attention portion but then couldn't capitalize on the retention/conversion portion because they either weren't good enough or weren't prepared).
... luck favors the prepared as they say

so it goes... so it goes...

dog i've had the obs installation sitting in my downloads for like 2 months for this shit somebody shoot me
>nta but you're shooting yourself in the dick by not using tiktok
not tryna clown myself out just for a drop of attention
that's all you m8, if you're content with what you've got then who cares

just don't act like you're too good to play the game and then complain about losing because your ego stopped you.
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Changed some stuff around and cleaned it a little
Get over it yesterday we all hate it
but all that makes me think it's not worth lol

Also the muting is automatic. The audio matches what I've uploaded to TikTok through distrokid, so I think I just have to not upload to distrokid. Or just get the artist account like you said
I'm learning a lot making lesson content at my level. Feels weird not going straight for releases but I don't think it matters
at 4 mins he says you still need to hit a pro tier you can't neglect it when you're still learning and you're below that line
He's right in some aspects.
When you start out you spend alot of time trying to make shit sound like the music you like or referencing. You spend hours eq'ing and compressing a kickdrum to death just to get it just right.
It's only later, when you get better at selecting sounds, being more thorough in your recording process, making better arrangement choices, making sure what you have to work with is of a higher quality that you spend less time mixing shit because the source material is all ready very good.

You cant polish a turd, if it sounds like shit in, it's probably going to sound like shit out.
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>people making all these half cooked, 4 bar drumloop lofi trap beats, expecting anyone to have anything to say about it, posting it without even asking for specifics like mix, arrangement, composition.
>people making all these half cooked, 4 bar drumloop lofi trap beats
i've seen none of these this whole thread. regardless you're not cool nigger.
>lofi trap beats
it is CURRENT year jesus christ get over it
at sound cloud raps height this general was still complaining about dubstep

>gamer word
you're not cool either THOUGH
>i've seen none of these this whole thread. regardless you're not cool nigger.
half the vocaroos in this thread is exactly that. Probably made by you since you're so fucking assmad

It's not really about genre, but people posting 30-50 seconds of something that barely constitutes an idea, barely some chords, drums, most basic ass shit, no mixing and expecting anyone to have anything worthwile to say about it.
i mean, you're not wrong, but people posting that stuff probably have no idea what to do or what they should be asking, they just see other people posting songs and figure they should do the same or whatever
>but people posting 30-50 seconds of something that barely constitutes an idea, barely some chords, drums, most basic ass shit, no mixing
have you ever heard of a work in progress?
you're completely right. gay ass hug box in here with the toxic positivity
>have you ever heard of a work in progress?
theres work in progress and then theres 4 looping bars of fucking nothing.
A WIP from somebody semi competent with actual non random melodies or chords etc that leads your mind to hearing more potential from a song is very different from 40 seconds of noodling with no direction or anything ear catching from a beginner.
Take a guess which one he’s talking about

What fucking website are you on?
Not every thread has to be a /b/ tier shitshow to avoid being reddit. touch grass asshat
>What fucking website are you on?
this one, /r/proddit
You got the parents and all the suffering you deserved and there's plenty more coming.
Do you guys believe in making easier styles of music at first as a beginner? Or do you believe in beating your head against a well doing a harder style?
Kinda not really but only if it’s something you’re genuinely interested in and it keeps motivated.

Whatever you’re making you just need to focus on challenging yourself and adjusting your target/expectations slightly over time
Make whatever you want to, it's going to be shit anyway, unless you're one of those 1% who's just gifted at this shit, which you most likely arent. Just have fun with it and do realise this isnt a race to the finish line. You're not gonna go "pro" in a year or two, just enjoy making some shitty music that with time, eventually turn into something worthwhile.

But heres a tip if you're a beginner. Get some monitor speakers. Headphones/earbuds will do your hearing in. Even cheap ass 150 dollar monitors are preferable to produce on rather than headphones. You can alway finetune your mix on headphones later, but dont sit 6 hours producing music with headphones. Trust me on that. If not hearing problems, you're going to get issues with ear infections and shit and you dont want that.
making music isn't even hard if you have a basic sense of rythm
What is the best DAW?
Logic Pro
Anything but FL pro and Ableton
They're both good in their own right, but their workflow and layout make it harder to migrate to any other DAW.
>but their workflow and layout make it harder to migrate to any other DAW
why should I care about that
This. Buy a refurbished MacBook or Mac mini and an interface and you're cooking . Or Ableton if you want to stick with windows.
fl studio
>*FL Studio*
If you'd ever want to or if you ever want to work with somebody else who uses a different DAW, then it's nice that everything feels rather intuitive.
Ableton has the one with fbtge best and most veritable workflows if you use the arrangement view.

I've used FL, Pro Tools, Logic 9, and Logic X. Ableton is secretly the best when it comes to workflow, imo. But logic and pro tools are good too. Fuck FL. That weird arrangement view they have where you drag full song sequences in instead of just having separated tracks in the arrangement view is fucking retarded.
Ableton. Everyone uses it they're all memeing. Finneas, illangelo, max, Claude Constroke, tpain, list is endless m8
I hate to admit it, but I do think Ableton is one of the top. The rack system is just too good.
Studio One with the chord track, scratch pad, and straightforward workflow is pretty slick too.
too dissonant

Arrangement view in Ableton is essentially the same as logic and pro tools. Anleton's mixing(/live) view is kinda gay though. It's basically the mix view in the other two daws, but instead of loading in plug-ins in the top slot, you trigger clips for DJing. it's nice that all the plug-ins are layed out in their own separate window on the bottom though. And it's nice that 3rd party plugins are the only plug-ins that need to be opened in a separate window. Anleton's stock plug-ins are some of the best in the game, too. And the minimalist uniform UI of the plug-ins is kino (unlike, say, a "tape" plugin that has animated tape reels fooling you into thinking they're doing something).
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>woke up early, 4 am
>day off from work
>pouring down rain outside
>dont have anything on my schedule all day
>just sitting in, having some youtube lets play on in the background and making stupid boombap beats
life can be good sometimes, wish it was this good consistently.
Is LMMS based or cringe?
some of the advice here is horrifying like it's people having the newfag naivety of 2014 indie game devs, that you can just b urself and it'll be fine, no need to think about what audio gear, midi controllers, computer you're using (some anons are using 10+ year old PCs), no need to learn about music theory, no need to take vitamin supplements and so on and so on, these people are going to crash and burn and give up within a couple of years or have a death wish like the /agdg/ anons
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>passive aggressive bitchposting in 2024
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>bitches and complains about nobody listening to their vocaroos 20 minutes later
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>fabrications and delusions of self importanced projected onto others
keep it going.
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would you faggots get a room already?
Awwh sheeeeiit
my old transcriptions are so fucking off what the fuck
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>>woke up early, 4 am

And I also listen to stuff while producing sometimes, not all the time but sometimes.
>ive reached the human limit of music performance
All that's left now is to bend the symphony orchestra to my will

anyone know where I can get good free plap samples?

I'm dead serious.
What's a plap sample

like the sound of sex

like plap plap plap get pregnant get pregnant
Could just call your boyfriend over and record with your phone if you don't have any mics

im looking for a wide variety of plaps
maybe try making custom presets for this
at 28 mins is a bit similar to plaps
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Well, I just woke up from an 1 hour powernap, gonna have some food, watch a movie then back to beatmaking
Hey you seem pretty similar to me. I'd like to talk to you more, do you have Discord? My tag is jens777
New thread:
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Hey sexies, I write effect VSTs. Tell me what to make
post above yours

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