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depressing black metal edition
old: >>123721511
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Objectively AOTY:
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Did someone say "objectively AOTY"?
Another year without a single 8/10
Not metal
And one 10/10, namely >>123732853
Also that's last year
That album is from last year, but they have a new album coming by the end of the year that is shaping up to be fucking awesome
Vltimas - Epic
[shit nobody cares about]
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Cringe and not metal!
Death metal, of course
I don't care what the AIDS infested trannies at the Metal Archives have to say.
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Not metal.
Sir, this is a metal general. You have to post metal here.

Holy shit taste
>he doesn't like death metal
Leave the hall, poseur.
>haha this is LE NOT METAL!!!! ooooh boy I just did a trolling LMAOOOOO!!!!
diapered arena rock isn't metal.
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Poopass Pissed is geriatric gay swingerclub core
Judas priest is basically high test Slayer
Literally the other way around.
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Single worst opinion I've ever seen expressed here, holy shit
pls be a troll
god damn teenagers are flooding this general, where are the old school guys at?!
Ok grandpa whatever you say.

The first metal song I ever listened to.
The first metal song that convinced me there was something to this type of music. Especially the chugging riffs. From this it was on to Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, and Metallica (Seek and Destroy).
>Iced Earth
>Bland Gaydian
>Metallica (Seek and Destroy)
Ok based.
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Pozzy and Kikehell Fagson
Two bastards that forever destroyed music
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Look at those pictures and then take a good look at yourself. You associate with these types when you shit on judas priest who ARE heavy metal and heavy metal IS Judas priest.
"""Heavy""" "metal" is despised and mocked here.
1 ip
You have brown hands and lack testicles.
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does anyone here make metal?

here is a black metal/black and roll track i wrote recently: https://voca.ro/1oDrZOLmcGXM
>The first metal song I ever listened to
>posts a punk album
Zoomer retard

The two riffs that convinced me to listen to metal.
What year was that, bro?
I've been a metalfag since 2008.
considering it's negro, probably yesterday
It's more metal than black "metal"
the girl screaming on that one song was bad

also are they even metal?
>>123732471 (OP)

Holy based taste
How would you know, zoomer?

Also : Vreid sucks
Death metal is shit and hated here
Yes, Poppy is uniformly terrible. But the album was ok imo, and KL are definitely metal since they admittedly play 'Gojira in 4/4'. And hate them or not, Gojira is a metal band.
Kys corefag
The uncomfortable truth about metalcore is that, despite metal being better than hardcore, the more metal you put into it (melodic riffs/leads, harsh vocals, double bass drumming), the worse it gets.
>le melodic riff bad
>hardcore punk can somehow get even worse than it already is
Think about what you've said
Best Morbid Angel album?
Hard disagree. Also, metalcore without harsh vocals and double kick drumming doesn't exist, those are just staples of the genre.
think about fucking off from here, poser
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Dubs of truth, but that's what I was BLASTING at the moment so you're irrelevant. BLASTING Królestwo Powietrza ATM.
An admin clarified that some nonmetal bands were to be archived due to their influence on the genre. I'm positive some blues artists were archived as well.
How about you re-read my post and think before you say clueless shit. It's the resulting combination of metal-leaning metalcore that sucks, not the metallic components. Metal is cool. Melodeath is cool when it isn't a total cheesefest. (old-school) Hardcore punk is cool. Sometimes the tough guy shit is cool as well. Other combinations of metal and hardcore (deathgrind, crossover) are cool. Even metalcore that leans more toward hardcore can be cool. Melodic metalcore and please-notice-me-metalheads metalcore sucks ass through a firehose.
You're replying to bait, dude.
Then how come Led Zeppelin or Alice Cooper aren't in?
This is some mad ugly cover art.
Any more of that ballsy/heavy NWOBHM like Cloven Hoof or Satan?
MA is completely arbitrary, the admins make no qualms about saying that when it comes to edge cases they just decide whether to accept the artist or not on their own discretion.
was groove metal the nu metal for the year or two it existed before nu?
Not metal faggot kys core cuck
Because MA is fake and gay. I'm just saying, though. You can find the post the admin made somewhere in the FAQs I think.
Correct. The content is great if you like weirder funeral/death.
Groove metal is actually metal, even if it's a "poser" genre it has actual metal riffs etc. Nu "metal" is just alt rock with more distortion.
Groove metal was and continues to be based. Pantera and many such cases exist and are valid.
creed is better than varg

Psychotic Waltz is fucking rad. Why have I never listened to them before? Perfect amount of cheese and progshit.
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>Psychotic Waltz is fucking rad.
Their first album is quite something.
me when Spiral Tower starts playing
for me, it's Faded
>want to learn guitar
>only try when I'm drunk (quite often)
>be a total shitter because of it
>can barely even remember any of it

why the fuck do I even try?
Loser shit. Go blog about your problems somewhere else.
Captcha:MAH JWS
I've listened to BFD and Hammerheart probably in the 4 digits, but I've never actually listened to anything Bathory released before those albums.
Sounds like your problem is alcohol and not guitar.
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This album makes me wanna ride a horse and shoot Chinese people with a bow and arrow
That's the most pathetic thing I have read. Buttwhorey is complete shit.
>hurr durr x cool y sucks z fine
How about get a brain between your ears, loser.
Anything is "le cool" as long as someone labels it as "le cool". If we are strictly talking about quality, then melody is just as important as rhythm and harmony, one should not undermine either. If you add something good to what is already shit, it will still be shit.
" total cheesefest" probably stands for "i can't pay attention for more than 4 power chord riff"
The Bathory self-titled is definitely my favorite
Bathory's best album.
Nu metal is more metal than black punk
Nordland is.
Don't listen to anything by Bathory that is released after Hammerheart.
Nu-metal was NTV breeding hip-hop with metal, black with White. Easy to see why that appeals to you.
Don't listen to anything released before then either. In fact, don't bother listening to Slammershart. Shatborey is a total disgrace.
Bathory is decent but the way it gets overrated makes me want to take shit on it so bad that it hurts.
Still no fucking PDF for the metal part. I'm disappointed
Imagine reading Vargs book
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Imagine reading
Yes. As noone has made PDF of it I can only imagine reading it
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Because it's badass, unlike the emo black punk shit for little bitches you listen to

LOL that guys has bad teeth like you
LOL you are brown.
Nothing wrong with being a POC.
I'm on volume 2.
You should have used the time to find someone to take your virginity.
Someone posted pictures of the book in HQ but I don't bother reading them, I tried to covert it to text but it was too much hassle. I'll wait for the pdf, but I'm pretty sure it's already uploaded somewhere. I don't use SoulSeek but someone probably uploaded it there
>dave's comeback album
>has best drummer in the world vinnie colaiuta
>chris poland is back
>makes a generic 6/10 modern metal album where half the songs are about him being in metallica

megadeth really doesn't have a good full album after 1997, just select songs
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Varg is so right
Immortal is a joke
>not getting shitaced with your bros and writing songs about some grim as fuck frozen wasteland and painting up your face to look like Gene Simmons
Varg is the epitome of no fun allowed
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>I blame the MSM for this.
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If somebody prefers Burzum over pic related I immediately disregard anything they will ever say or do
Burzum mogs the living shit out of I objectively speaking
>Where were you when it happened, where could you be found?
>Were you at the front of the stage or in the underground?
>From S.F out to Old Brit, New York to L.A
>The world of metal changed forever, back in the day
>Well, that was back in the day and if you weren’t there
>It doesn’t matter anyway because you wouldn’t understand
>Live to die and die to play, every day and place
>Leave a path of metal across, a world from stage to stage
>Well, that was back in the day and if you weren’t there
>It doesn’t matter anyway because you wouldn’t understand
>In denim and leather, we were a one for all all for one force
>Knocked rock ’n’ roll on it’s ass and put metal on the course

Pure cringe kino
If someone prefers any album over pic I immediately disregard anything they will ever say or do

emo garbage, not metal
Me when someone insults Varg's LARPagan MIDIslop
emo shit
>that whimper when Krissy's anus is penetrated
It's one of the best, but saying it's the single best album ever is completely retarded.
Only gypsies hate Burzchad Vargidaddy.
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>Only gypsies hate Burzchad Vargidaddy.
You listen to more punk than metal, and have everything in common with the NTV model.
It's absolute garbage, even saying it's "good" is retarded. How can you listen to such atrocious trash, it's literally noise, even ignoring vark's screeching
No I don't, you stupid bitch.
Why listen to Burzum when you could listen to Dragonforce, guys? C'mon.
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>went down for a smoke
>gyppos started to swarm, was quite funny because some chick ad his lad were down walking their dog and the thig wouldn't shut the fuck up, it just kept barking at them kek


Dragqueenfarts and all pooper metal trannies are hated here.
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>evil demonic growing
>lyrics about being a grim frostbitten warrior doing battle until the world ends
>aimless lo-fi indie noodling
>emo screeching
>lyrics about nerd D&D shit like magic and orcs
This is my favorite TBDM song and they never played it any of the times I saw them. I feel pain.
they're butt-power and not true USPM nor EUPM though
Shut the FUCK up.
>somehow burzum riffs connect better than any shartbath farts could ever hope to connect
Burzum > Immortal
Gay antifa if you say otherwise.
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Metal, this is called
Just how gay was Halford's book anyway
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>Burzum is for ince-ACK
>We use warpaint. Demon warpaint.
goddamn imagine the girth of her girlcock glistening with precum as she fucks his boipussi
Make me, bitch.
Fucking kill yourself. You're so mentally ill you can't even believe real women exists anymore.
>somehow burzum riffs connect better
1. you're gay
2. you hate metal
Nice projection. Varg is a successful family man. (YOU)'re the neckbeard loser
You are brown.
did yet another girl turn you down so you had to come smear your shit around here to feel better?
Nice Ad hominem faggot.
Eternal Hails to everyone defending Burzum/Varg on today's thread. Too lazy to reply to all
his mother would never turn him down
gimme some filth that came out this year (please).
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this is pretty grimy, like Rectal Hygienics meets Fudge Tunnel meets Brainbombs
You're brown and likely have AIDS.
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I can't tell what I'm looking at yet it looks vile
Is this an album cover or are you trying to spam obscene shit in the thread? Reverse image searching gives no good results
who's the fat bald guy
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>he prefers Pitchfork approved hipster bait over Immortal
Holy shit, I love riffs so much. Let me hear how much you love riffs. When I say RIFFS you say HAIL

I love the Amon Amarth his riffs are very heavy heavy loud

Hail from India sirs
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It's from this
Ay yo Burzum one of the REALEST niggas out there y'all best RECOGNIZE
Maybe I'm mixing you up with another tripfag, but aren't you Romanian?
I've seen some Incantation album covers before but I never looked closely at them. Anon spooked me a bit with an album art crop, well done.
It looks so unsettling as a cropped, compressed image that even a janny deleted it last time it was posted. Can't fault him.
>he prefers immortal over immortal
What do you mean?
We don't know who "Pitchfork" is here
varg's so based he converted the fags at pitchfork into paganism
Mayhem > Immortal.
Boomer metal > Burzum > Mayhem > All other BM > Immortal > Nu-Metal
only death, speed, and thrash are real
real shit, yes
This but exactly the opposite
Kpop and black metal goes together
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this but unironically
Not metal
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Immortal and Emperor = The slop from The Matrix
We don't watch movies made by trannies here
You're a pussy, watch this.
All music>metal
Emperor is actually good though
ITNE and its symphoshit was a disaster almost on a par with dissoshit.
ITNE and symphoblack are beloved and cherished here, also it is good.
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>tfw no black metal gf
This goes harder than anything Immortal ever made
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This goes harder than anything Immortal ever made
you reek of piss, lonely catranny.
you smell of sunshines and rainbows, popular catfren.
So much SOUL, unlike Dissoslop
Why are you replying to yourself, lass?
he's just like me fr fr
Lol this is who's calling you a poser on /meal/
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Stop eating bamboo.
I only eat Taco Bell
How did I know this was Southern England just by looking at the water?
when I was 16 I plapped a well-endowed jewess and wore Burzum shirts. Tears in rain, man.
...A good looking dude with a cute gf?
I got a ticket to see metallica today :)
Post hands or forever keep your mouth shut
I'm scared to go to a big concert I'm scared I'll be in the middle of the crowd and suddenly have to shit (I have IBS).
It doesn't fucking matter if I'm brown or not.
What I stated wasn't an 'opinion', It was a fact.
What do I listen to lads
Looks like a dweeby teenager, but I'm glad he has a gf. Good for him.
I have an anxiety disorder so I'm scared to, but this is a once in a lifetime thing for me so I'm just going to take some xanax and force myself through it because I know I'll regret it forever if I don't.

I've been through the shitting thing before so I just won't eat that day. One time I was at a country thing that lasted all day and had like 6 bands, and I ended up having to shit. The rednecks were outside beating on the port-a-potty door and starting to rock it while I tried to do my business. Fasting is the way.
And I suppose you're a Ernest Khalimov lookalike millionaire with a supermodel girlfriend.
Fuck it.
If I go without eating for long enough I'll feel sick and could probably even pass out, so that's not really an option for me. Maybe broth/soup that day, hypothetically.
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What are some metal albums that aren’t for children?
You gotta start with babby's first
poser band
Fuck you. NTA but you """gatekeepers""" don't do what you think you do, you're not filtering """posers""", you're filtering people interested in learning about metal.
>The Crying Orc
>A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
>Tears from the eyes so cold, tears from the eyes I wonder how life will be
>Dream have swept me away
Emo sisters this is so emoe!
All of my favorite metal albums.
Intolitarian. They're about as hateful and nihilistic as it gets.
What ages are we talking about? If I had kids, there aren't many metal albums I'd allow a child under 10 to listen to.

Fine for all ages

>Black Sabbath
8 and above

10 and above

>most OSDM
13 and above

>most war metal, brutal DM, slam
Not appropriate for kids under 16

I would disown a chud
Death Metal can be good but I think for most of them frankly would overall be better with clean lyrics. Only a few really feel like the growls are appropriate.
You're fine with all the occult and devil stuff in Black Sabbath and Candlemass for young children, but are restricting Metallica (who just write about war and feelings) to older kids?

>I would disown a chud
Based. We disrespect NSBM here.
how is candlemass fine for all ages but black sabbath for 8 and above? are the lyrics in 'paranoid' too much?
kill yourselves
Sabbra Cadabra is a song about fucking
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Metal for this feel?
>You're fine with all the occult and devil stuff in Black Sabbath and Candlemass for young children
The occult and devil stuff is totally theatrical.and ridiculous. I'd make sure to talk about that with the kid.

As for Metallica, the lyrics tend to be a bit more violent. But honestly, it's been years since I've even listened to Metallica, so maybe they're more innocuous than I remember.
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Some Metallica lyrics are spicy for teenagers
>Bullets are flying, people are dying
>With madness surrounding, all hell’s breaking loose
>Soldiers are hounding, bodies are mounting
>Cannons are shouting to take their abuse

>With war machines going, blood starts to flowing
>No mercy given to anyone here
>The furious fighting, swords are like lighting
>It all becomes frightening, you know death is near
That stuff isn't too bad. I definitely wouldn't let a *child* child listen to it tho.
Kids are exposed to crazy shit on the internet. Those lyrics are basically Dr Seuss tier.
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>listens to Judas Priest once
I have nephews who are 6 and 9, and I know it's a neverending struggle to prevent their minds from being polluted with garbage. Parents basically have to be like the Chinese government these days.
It's impossible
Take this website for instance, all you have to do is go to /gif/ and see trannies sucking their own cocks while a dildo is rammed into their ass by a machine
not that I'd know about anything about that, just theorizing
Lol fuckin hell
How about not exposing your children to the internet?
Give me your best war metal recs.
Only works if you live here
>getting this mad about a word
You aren't going to last here long
>you have to be amish to not buy cellphones or pay for wifi
You're sadly mistaken. I've been on this site for longer than I'd like to admit.
>Verification not required.
>random demo by a band that is just shitposting is better than the rest of the genre
Gatekeeping is a beloved and respected pastime here.
Thx m8
Disregarding dumb shit like inconveniencing your household, kids will access non-parental approved material at school
>just homeschool them bro
good way to wind up in a puddle of their your blood because your socially maladjusted child murdered you because you didn't let them play Fortnite
Conqueror - War. Cult. Supremacy
Diocletian - Gesundrian
Revenge - Behold. Total. Rejection
Angelcorpse - Exterminate
Black Witchery - Inferno of Sacred Destruction
Tetragrammacide - Typho Tantric Aphorisms of the Arachnophidian Quran
Heresiarch - Edifice
I'll blast disgusting deranged crazy black death metal for my child while they're still in my (future) wife's AND THEY WILL BE BORN AND BRED TO BE ONE OF US
>non-parental approved material at school
What about Christian schooling?
>inb4 muh Christianity bad cause metal larp
As for homeschooling, you've been misinformed. Watch Varg's video on homeschooling.
The band consists of members of 2 of the most revered war metal bands ever, so I don't think "shitposting" would be an accurate way to describe it.

Anyway, it's garbage. If you want to hear a good collab between war metal legends, listen to Death Worship.
The band name being a silly portmanteau of their respective main bands is the shitpost. They're having fun in a side-project is all.
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Based fellow Death Worship fan.
>What about Christian schooling?
>Watch Varg's video on "[insert topic here]"
lmao even
Whatever the case, it's a stupid album. Definitely not better than any of these >>123740488
Retard. You take metal seriously when it comes to religion but make fun of Varg's videos? Come on.
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Top-tier album art
>the Catholic Church isn't that bad bro
>also Varg is a genius
Is it worth going to see Megadeth tomorrow
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Disgrace to the war metal aesthetic.
Can't he be right about somethings and wrong about others? Is that impossible?
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Shit, how could I forget about Archgoat? Add The Luciferian Crown to >>123740488

I didn't add any Blasphemy because it should just go without saying. Proclamation is ok, too, but I wouldn't add them to a best-of.
Varg has never made a good decision or had a good idea in his entire life
Missing 'emperor'.
You're either lying to me or yourself.
A fag who plays BM?? No way, I can't believe it.
A live performance of select songs from Anon's Demo featuring Tobias Sammet as guest vocalist.
Don't forget Damaar.
is anon's mmo out yet?
Not in this dimension.
fuck this gay timeline
So out of these the only ones I haven't heard are the Black Witchery and Heresiarch. I need to give BW and Archgoat's entire discogs a run through sometime soon because I really like war metal but have mostly focused on the Anglo scenes like in Canada/USA and AUS/NZ.
Kek perv
Heresiarch is fairly new. They sound a lot like Diocletian, who are also from NZ.

Black Witchery are like a slower, more bestial Revenge. They need to be at the top of your list of bands to check out.
Diocletian are one of my favourites. And I wanna mention an often overlooked outfit from Oz called Martire. Some anon rec'd picrel to me years ago when I asked for really pissed off sounding vocals and yea this is some pissed off shit.
I'll check em out
>finna have to work tomorrow like a literal cuck
metal for this feel?
God-tier track
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Better than anything Abbath released with his solo project, and even 50% of the Abbath albums with Immortal.
A cosplay of a character from Anon's MMO.
I'm going to roll a female player e-thot and engage in ERP with noobs to steal their in-game currency
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Yup heard this already.
Is it similar to his project I?
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I hear thee chant my name, faint voice distant and dim
I prithee please unfold me, colossus pale and grim
I reach you from the darkness
I'm arthur gordon pym, I'm arthur gordon pym
why do you always have to make those malicious posts?
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You niggas need to check this band out.
das some filthy ass shit dawg
Ikr. NWN!'s finest. Can't wait for their next album or whatever. I've got both those albums (well one is an EP) on cassette.
Black/Death vs. Death/Black vs. Blackened Death vs. War
Hails to war! Fuck all else!
I get there's a diff between war metal and bestial black/death, but what is death/black? Behemoth?
There's enough overlap for most bands who'd fit into one category to be classified as any of them.
I love the Varg Vikernes song "This is War (Huh, Wow!)"
>Is it similar to his project I?
Never understood the hype for I. Northern Chaos Gods is trve black metal. Pure Holocaust with a mix of the more majestic sound they'd add later on.
Other than NSBM (ew), the war metal scene is the most genuinely cvlt-like.

It's cool and retarded at the same time.
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>war metal and bestial black
They're the same. Bestial death isn't a thing
And they're always right.
god this song is so fucking good
For me, it's "Ukraine" by Nokturnal Mortum.
Sorry brah the only CC I know is Cannibal Corpse.
Shitpost to reach bump limit
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
I'm doing my part.
this song sucks dawg
Bump limit, shmump limit

only decent blasting of the thread
Literally unlistenable after everyone started putting Ukraine bumper stickers on their cars when the war started. White Tower remains the best song on there.
>everyone started putting Ukraine bumper stickers on their cars when the war started

Never happened and you're pathetic. That has no bearing on the music. Go outside.
blatant thoughtless contrarianism... grim
>Got to see Repulsion and Autopsy Saturday night
Los Angeles metal scene is top tier

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