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TRUE classical music edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
https://pastebin.com/NBEp2VFh (embed)

Previously on /classical/: >>123722678
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First for Chopin

Don't know why I put off Jochum's DG Bruckner cycle for so long, it's incredible! Thought it would just be a rehashing of the EMI/Dresden recordings but it's not, at least not so far.
You get into classical with Chopin
You also leave this world with Chopin
Simplicity is the final achievement
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Mozart’s writing style was entirely frivolous; his later works, while “serious” only inasmuch as Mozart could summon seriousness, are still full of ineffectual writing which mainly seems as though it is trying to invoke a spritely-if-Beethovenian attitude. Additionally, his writing calls to mind an amalgam of other (and more meaningful) composers, using as his own signature only the most smug Alberti bass and flippant “tunes”. Even worse, he was the originator of a game of musical dice, making him an irresponsible forefather of aleatoric “music”. The “severe miliary fever” that took his life in 1791 wasn’t nearly deadly enough to wipe away the public’s collective memories of his music. That Eine Kleine Nachtmusik has been reduced to no more than incidental television commercial music proves the bland and impotent nature of his “works,” if you can even call them that.
/classical/'s favorite piece of every decade AS DECIDED BY VOTE:

1580s: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Canticum Canticorum
1590s: William Byrd - My Ladye Nevells Booke
1600s: Claudio Monteverdi - L'Orfeo
1610s: Carlo Gesualdo - Tenebrae Responsoria
1620s: Samuel Scheidt - Tabulatura Nova
1630s: Girolamo Frescobaldi - Fiori Musicali
1640s: Giacomo Carissimi - Jephte
1650s: Heinrich Schutz - Symphoniae Sacrae III
1660s: Francesco Cavalli - Ercole Amante
1670s: Jean-Baptiste Lully - Cadmus et Hermione
1680s: Henry Purcell - Dido & Aeneas
1690s: A. Corelli - Twelve Trio-Sonatas, Op. 4
1700s: A. Scarlatti - Il Mitridate Eupatore
1710s: F. Couperin - Second Livre de Pieces de Clavecin
1720s: J. S. Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier Book I
1730s: G. B. Pergolesi - Stabat Mater
1740s: C. P. E. Bach - Wurttemberg Sonatas
1750s: J. S. Bach - The Art of Fugue
1760s: C. W. Gluck - Orfeo ed Euridice
1770s: Joseph Haydn - String Quartets, Op. 20
1780s: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Symphony No. 41
1790s: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem
1800s: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 3
1810s: Gioachino Rossini - The Barber of Seville
1820s: Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 9
1830s: Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique
1840s: Mikhail Glinka - Ruslan and Lyudmila
1850s: Franz Liszt - Piano Sonata in B Minor
1860s: Johannes Brahms - A German Requiem
1870s: Richard Wagner - Der Ring des Nibelungen
1880s: Richard Wagner - Parsifal
1890s: Giacomo Puccini - La Boheme
1900s: Richard Strauss - Elektra
1910s: Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 9
1920s: Alban Berg - Wozzeck
1930s: Edgard Varese - Ionisation
1940s: Olivier Messiaen - Turangalila Symphony
1950s: Pierre Boulez - Le Marteau Sans Maître
1960s: Karlheinz Stockhausen - Kontakte
1970s: Alfred Schnittke - Symphony No. 1
1980s: Gérard Grisey - Les Espaces Acoustiques
1990s: Brian Ferneyhough - Terrain
2000s: Georges Aperghis - Avis de Tempête
2010s: Andrew Norman - Play
2020s: William Bland - Piano Sonata No. 17
I actually don't know the ones at the bottom who are they?
Enescu and Nielsen are the first two
Janacek is sixth one
Don't recognize the rest
enescu nielsen szymanowski martinu delius janacek part britten
Johannes Brahms – Brahms, while undoubtedly widely loved (for he did indeed create some truly beautiful works–such as a few of his Intermezzi, a Scherzo for violin and piano, and various other sundry), really turned out–and let’s be honest here–some blithely traditional (which in itself is not necessarily a crime) and tepid material; most of his symphonic output (usually mocked as aping the Beethovenian style), his walzes, and his well-known variations (those on Paganini being the most vapid of all) fall into this latter category. Additionally, he was on the wrong side of the Wagnerite boundary, and for this a large faction of Romantic followers still has (rightfully) yet to forgive him. He was fond of nature, and often brought penny candy with him to hand out to children. In other words, he was the Michael Jackson of his generation, only he never got caught with a child’s penis in his mouth.
He is the source of the most profound ideas in contemporary music. Any time I go back to Brahms I discover complexities I never knew were there. There is no composer I live with so closely as with Brahms. I also think we have undervalued Mendelssohn. There are some fantastic things in Mendelssohn, particularly the late chamber music.
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Mars The Bringer Of War

>The problem really isn't Karajan's--it's political. Critics continue to promote two huge biases against this great conductor. The first, that he was a Nazi, the second, that he practically ruled European music from the podium between 1954, the year Furtwangler died, to his own death in 1989. I wish people would be honest enough to say, "Don't buy this CD. The conductor was a Nazi and a megalomaniac." Instead, they mask their prejudices by unfairly criticizing his performances. To be sure, Nazism was the most extreme form of horrendous social injustice, and Karajan was a part of it. The stain is inescapable, as for some people the stain of anti-Semitism is inescapable with Wagner.

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nothing really matters...
anyone can see...
nothing really matters...
nothing really matters...to meeee...
Sounds like you've had a night at the opera

Enescu, Nielsen, Szymanowski, Martinu,?,Janacek,Part, Britten
garbage randos
that list was based and 100% correct UNTIL he put Mozart as #1, thus retroactively erasing any point he could've made.
Does /Classical/ have an Autumn list? A Halloween list? Anything of the sort? If not, any recs?
Top 5 composers?
Without including the big three
Why is French classical so gay? Debussy and Ravel are shit.
I already replied to you with a list last night!
it comes from the terrible command of the english language displayed by rach fanboys, only explainable by their brown skin.
i already replied to you with the bussy last night!
What about Ferneyhough
Don't worry it's been asked and answered already:
schumann's bunte blatter
What's the difference between Schumann and Schubert? Which one's better?
Well, they're two different people for one... what kind of question is that? Just listen to them and it'll be strikingly apparent.
Schumann wrote better songs
more like ferneyUGH
it hasn't been answered in english, only hindi.
great question RYMsister
one is a mann and the other is a bert
Not really.
For years I said if I could only find a comfortable chair I would rival Mozart.
>Here it’s more like they know you exist, so they don’t have to play you. In Italy they like me. In France I’m hardly known, and when I'm played, they don’t care for it. Once Charles Munch [also one-time Boston Symphony maestro] was a listener at a concert where one of my works was played. He came over and kissed me. Put his arm around me and kissed me. He said, “You are a poet.” But he will never play me.
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On a recording of Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony.
That's funny, I'mma steal that, except replace it with 'pen' and 'Nabokov.'
i know no one cares but








all fucking awful
but enough about your taste
This loses any significance when it's said my Milton Babbitt lmao. Yeah profound music coming from Milton Babbitt.. LOL.
Damn, what makes the Leinsdorf Mahler 5 so good? It's played so straightforward and composed, and yet exudes so much more emotion than many exaggerated, so-called passionate recordings.
but enough about american composers
about bad music
leinsdorf doesn’t pretend that he’s smarter than mahler.
Why is America's classical music so shit? Such a large country devoid of any artistry...
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>In Schumann there is not a single melody, and that’s why I place Schubert so high above him.
>leinsdorf doesn’t pretend that he’s smarter than mahler.

That's a great way to put it.
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>“One can’t judge Wagner’s opera Lohengrin after a first hearing, and i certainly don’t intend hearing it a second time.” - Rossini
>"He is endowed with such insolent conceit that criticism cannot touch his heart – admitting that he has a heart, which I doubt. ” - Bizet
>“He cannot write or think out four consecutive bars of beautiful, or even good music.” - Schumann
>"Wagner has beautiful moments, but awful quarters of an hour" - Rossini
Can someone please explain to me what is the appeal of classical music(and all other music with the exception of electroacoustic music) past the Renaissance or Early Baroque at very best? To me after these periods the music not only becomes really repetitive but also underwhelming. I simply can't understand how someone can enjoy that, it's sounds really forced. Even though there's more variation in them the way they are expressed makes them all sound so similar to me, it's really bizarre. There's nothing memorable about them.
love it
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I was thinking more Funeral March or Tartini's Devil's Trill. This is just kinda lame and also boring. You got anything that isn't fucking lame and also powerfully damned boring? Something along those lines? In the SPIRIT of the season? Anon?
Not that I need it. I figured i'd have to put a list together myself anyway but I also figured it doesn't hurt to ask, ya know?
>three shit composers' opinions
The seethe is what they call palpable. Although Schumann would later change his mind when he heard Tannhauser performed.
how'd we go from this
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to this
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then to this
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look at my plane guise
three *male composers opinions matter more than one tranny composer, sister
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now playing

start of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 "Emperor":

Well, it's at least more engaging than the last rec. I'll give it that.
Now this is more like it.
It's very cliche but it is one of the most important tracks in hip hop history:
Best Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov?

Best Firebird by Stravinsky?

I'm getting into Russian composers.
cool, though I'm getting into some of the healthier aspects of Russian culture myself: russian roulette.
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>Best Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov?

Reiner, followed by Kondrashin and Stokowski, but to be honest as long as it's by a good conductor it'll be good, I've never really heard one I didn't like but I've also only listened to those by conductors I recognized and/or were recommended.

>Best Firebird by Stravinsky?

Dorati / London for a classic recording, Litton / Bergen for modern. I'mma listen to the latter right now myself again actually, been a while.
Should I just skip the symphonies Mozart wrote when he was a kid?
25, then 35, 36, 38-41 are the ones worth listening to. But I don't love Mozart as much as some others here so maybe they'll disagree.
Listen to 25, 29, 30, 28, K. 204, K. 250, 31 - 33, K. 320, then 34 - 41 minus 37 for which he only wrote the intro (this is the order they were written in btw. Symphonies 26 and 27 were written before the 25th).
holy shit Schoenberg finally clicked
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why are Hanson and Hovhaness always left out of these lists? is it because they wrote actual music instead of scribbling on manuscript paper?
Which piece
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now playing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob4_9z9FXZQ&t=1348 [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgDkAiVFGrA&t=466 [Embed]
because you are a pedophile, kraut.
sorry, I don't speak Yiddish.
put your trip back on, kiddydiddler kraut
Op. 31
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Settle down schlomo homo
settle down rachjeet, maybe try posting about /classical/ like sir gay prokofiev?
I don't listen to Rachmaninoff
you’re not fooling anyone rachjeet, we can smell you.
>we can smell you.
Take your meds
Was Karajan a TV psychic/paranormal investigator?
Capthca HHH0T
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Give me 1 great work from each of those composers

Not in a sarcastic way, legitimately curious.
You have shit taste
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no medication will cover up the smell of curry and shit that surrounds your posts, rachjeet.
Chopin is not simple in any which way.
Mozart is objectively the greatest composer, coping doesn't change that.
That's a quote from Chopin
I really liked Eric Satie’s piano music, what should i check out next?
Doesn't change the fact that what I said is true.
Federico Mompou
Charles Koechlin
Some Debussy, like Six épigraphes antiques
Is there much point listening to different recordings of solo piano pieces?
Yeah, I think so.
Yes, you philistine.
Of course there is. There is more point in that than listening to different conductors in fact.
>shit taste
You are supposed to read the sheet music actually
Why’s that?
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>Schumann wrote a one-sentence review of a performance of Fidelio in 1848, “Bad performance; incomprehensible tempi taken by the conductor, Richard Wagner.” And he mercilessly attacked Wagner’s compositions on the grounds that they were simply bad music, calling them “paltry, downright amateurish, formless, and repellent.”
imagine not listening to vivaldis four seasons the day after the first day of autumn
>>"Wagner has beautiful moments, but awful quarters of an hour" - Rossini

This is the most objectively fair of the four criticisms.
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What else scratches the same itch as Carmina Burana?
Nielsen's 4th. not sure about the others.

Schumann wanted to write a good German opera more than anything else (he failed) so he got really jealous when Wagner became the big German opera composer of the era.
Not sure if I can make it as a musician. I'd rather an hero than keep playing the same pieces all the time for 80yos in this small town, with meh pay and the lack of benefits that comes with freelancing
>String Quartets 1&2
Did Wagner have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Very based
What is beautiful? Is triple time more beautiful that duple time? Is a Perfect Fourth more beautiful than a Major Third? Are certain keys "ugly" while other keys are "beautiful?" This is why Prager University and similarly braindead phillistines are wrong. They don't actually know anything about art.
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Classical music in its peak form.

>After one of the final piano rehearsals, Wagner tries to thank Joseph Rubinstein for the work he has done. He starts off very amiably and then says something along the lines of: ‘If we never really drew any closer on a human level, the fault is not mine but yours. You are a member of a foreign race with which we have no sympathy.’ (Jewish). By the end he gets quite worked up, so that his planned speech of thanks turns into an expression of anger and ill-feeling.
no. He was a genius with a massive ego. Wagner was just too based for this world.

perfect fourths sound empty and metallic.

Scales, intervals, and modes do have symbolic meanings, but "beauty" is subjective.
>leftist is a reductionist retard that pretends to understand art through its technical means, completely missing the point.
You need to have a soul to understand beauty.
that explains TJ.
All classical music is shit

Bean counters and lawyers trying to reduce music down to a formula

One folk melody (not even a song) > a million overwrought, wholly artificed, ego-trip symphonies
t. Tolstoy
the world needs both sheds and cathedrals.
The fact that Wagner tried to compliment a Jew but was physically unable to do so and ended up insulting him instead tickles me
I hate Tolstoy so fucking much. The author of War and Peace has no right to call other writers pretentious.
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>Now when I was a student and went to music school let’s say between 1957 and 1963, everybody had to write like Stockhausen or Boulez or John Cage, or you were laughed at. No rhythm, no harmony, no melody, and if you were a fool enough to use any of those things, people laughed at you, either in front of your face or behind your back. And you think I’m exaggerating, think of the Titan of the Age, Igor Stravinsky, himself, and he felt obliged to use the twelve-tone techniques. Now being a genius, he used it is own way and he created “Canticum Sacrum,” “Agon,” and other masterpieces because he could bend and move it to his will to do that.

>So when I went to school, I was up against the wall: ‘Do this or die’. That’s the way it was. And that also meant that the window between the concert hall and the street had been slammed shut by Schoenberg and his compatriots. Now Arnold Schoenberg’s a great composer, but he had some serious misunderstandings.

>He thought harmony could be taken out of music, and pulsing rhythm can be taken out of music and music could go on just fine. And he said “oh, in 50 years the postman will whistle my tune”. Well it’s 100 years and no postman on earth will ever whistle Arnold Schoenberg’s anything. He’s still a great composer, but he’s a great composer who lives in a dark corner, and it’s fine to go to that dark corner and listen to his music. Every once in a while, people will continue to do that because he really is a great composer. But he’s not what he thought he was, he’s not some kind of new Tchaikovsky. He’s more a mannerist in a dying romanticism. German romanticism was dying and he was the beginning of its death. It’s still rattling around in its grave over in parts of Europe but it’s dead and gone.
>is a Jew

into the trash it goes.
Folk is the one that reduced music down to a formula, though. Folk evolved into pop, which is the most formulaic possible music
Excellently put by Mr Reich
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Why is /classical/ like this?

>And he said “oh, in 50 years the postman will whistle my tune”. Well it’s 100 years and no postman on earth will ever whistle Arnold Schoenberg’s anything.

is a great quote, on both ends.
Where does that light come from??
>The last performance Haydn attended was on March 27, 1808, just a year before he died: the aged and ill Haydn was carried in with great honour on an armchair. According to one account, the audience broke into spontaneous applause at the coming of "light" and Haydn, in a typical gesture, weakly pointed upwards and said: "Not from me—everything comes from up there!"
It is indeed, although I have had the start of op 25 stuck in my head sometimes
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now playing

start of Bizet: Symphony in C Major, WD 33

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stop ban evading, pedophile kraut
Why didn't Jochum record any Mahler? That would be a fascinating combo.
He had taste.
>In 1944, Joseph Goebbels included Jochum in the Gottbegnadeten list.
none of the old guard romantic conductors were interested in mahler.
You know bans wear off right?
not bans for global rule 1. go ask for cheese pizza on /b/ and see how long the ban you’re given lasts if you think otherwise.
Actually no. Those can be a month long (although I’m not convinced the post you linked is a violation of US law)
He did.
>Those can be a month long
then put your money where your mouth is. go ask for illegal content and see how long your ban lasts for.
>I’m not convinced the post you linked is a violation of US law)
talking about exposing minors to sexual content is definitely in violation of US law.
How do I listen to longer classical works? Anything over 5 minutes starts to bore me. Any help.
oooo I was wanting to listen to DLvdE today and was mulling over which recording, looks like this'll be the one! A brisk 58 minute runtime too.
Listen while doing other activities, and over time your attention span, palate, and appreciation will improve.
Any other notable performers who can improvise?
The first point is not up for debate tranny janny. They can indeed be temporary and I’ll hear no more on the matter from you

As to the second point I’m 95% that post would fall under the first amendment. If the poster was actually linking to CP or something that’d be a different story but it could very easily be a joke or parody.

>talking about exposing minors to sexual content is definitely in violation of US law.
I doubt it. Have you never heard of Genderqueer or Drag Queen Story Hour? Simply talking about doing something illegal is not illegal
>The first point is not up for debate tranny janny.
agreed, you can easily prove this by getting banned and returning in a month if you’re right and it’s only a month long ban. your unwillingness to do so speaks louder than your empty words, obsessed rachjeet.
>I doubt it. Have you never heard of Genderqueer or Drag Queen Story Hour?
comically irrelevant.
>Simply talking about doing something illegal is not illegal
then go on /b/ and talk about cheese pizza or grooming kids, then report your own post for violating rule 1. by your logic, you should walk away from this unscathed. you have no reason not to prove this.
Why do you people have to do this every thread
Mozart (underrated)
also, rule 1 specifically states:
>You will not upload, post, DISCUSS, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
so yes, discussing grooming children (violates US law) breaks GR1
autism, and some or both of them are janitors or mods i think
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Gonna listen to a lot of Bruckner 8s to try and find the best one, particularly of the last two movements which, in my view, are incredibly dense, complex, elephantine, and sublime. Listened to Giulini/VPO, Karajan/VPO, and Jochum/BPO, next are gonna be Berlioz/VPO and Maazel/BPO (damn, a lot of the same orchestra here lol), any others to add to the list? All of the first three are excellent but, I don't know, I have a feeling the second half/last two movements can be done even better.

Tintner and Gilbert will probably be added, Skrowaczewski too.
never mind the last two movements, most conductors can barely get through the first movement without putting the audience to sleep.
I was talking about the actual illegality of it not whether it violated rules.
I’m still unconvinced that saying “let’s discuss something illegal, not here but elsewhere” counts as actual discussion of said illegal activity.
lol maybe I should finally try and listening to some older recordings with faster tempos then.
Also I know the Karajan (VPO?) one is your favorite but what's your second? Probably the Jochum? What about of ones I didn't list.
>I was talking about the actual illegality of it not whether it violated rules.
completely and utterly irrelevant.
>I’m still unconvinced that saying “let’s discuss something illegal, not here but elsewhere” counts as actual discussion of said illegal activity.
it evidently did considering the post was deleted. stop trying to defend pedophiles, retarded rachjeet, child rape may be normal in your country but it's not outside of india.
try van beinum's for a considerably faster bruckner 8.
>try van beinum's for a considerably faster bruckner 8.

Cool, thanks added. Also while adding his Bruckner I saw he has some Mahler too (I saw the 4th, 6th, 7th, and Das Lied), any thoughts on them? A Hurwitz video came up too and from the title it seems he's a fan.
he was a genius mahler conductor, it's all worth hearing. i don't think van beinum ever made a single bad recording.
No as you yourself are well aware posts are removed without bans in some cases this could easily be one of them. The fact that he’s still here under his old handle would suggest he isn’t permanently banned.
>as you yourself are well aware posts are removed without bans in some cases this could easily be one of them.
evidently disproven by the following:
>The fact that he’s still here under his old handle would suggest he isn’t permanently banned.
he's not here under his old handle, he changed over to a new tripcode that wasn't banned to evade his ban, you fucking moron.
Nice to hear, thanks. I'm still on the hunt for a definitive 7th, so maybe his will be it!
where's the anon who remasters recordings as a hobby?
i wonder what's his opinions on pristine audio
conducted by House Nig-
probably not because it was all mono (aside from his brahms 1 & 4, his debussy, and i think his lieder eines fahrenden gesellen?), but it's all very much worth hearing regardless.
not him, but we've discussed pristine before and their remasterings are really fucking awful. lots of sloppy NR and fake stereo.
you may be surprised to find out that there's no N in hausegger, dyslexic sister.
Different code but the same name: wouldn’t take a genius to work out its the same person and same poster
yeah, that's why it's your civic duty to remind him that he's a ban evading pedophile, moron. what are you waiting for?
You talk in circles. There’s zero proof he’s banned or ban evading- I’m going to encourage him to keep posting
the proof is that he violated rule 1 by discussing illegal content and his post was deleted for it, and then he changed over to a brand new tripcode that was not permanently banned for violating rule 1. it's really not that hard to understand; only a disingenuous indian concern troll would defend otherwise.
You’re just going in circles again. Don’t bother if you don’t have anything to say
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love this album cover
certified illiterate indian moment
lmao stop glazing him
Anything that can rival Bach's Air on G string?

Kubrick originally wanted to use this Wagner piece in Eyes Wide Shut but went with Ligeti instead-I think he made the right choice
This is so loaded
Melodically, perfect fourth is superior
Harmonically, third is in superior
The pentatonic scale is visually ugly
Composer anons wouldn't it be cool to have Ai voice command that could program musescore like an old assistant?
no, that sounds like a fucking retarded waste of time. fuck off AI gay guy.
That's me. I don't like Pristine. Rose is good at things like pitch stabilization but not much else. The awful fake stereo and denoising and then blasting it with EQ to compensate is almost always bad. The only releases worthwhile from his site are the Mark Obert-Thorn releases since he's an old Pearl/Biddulph/APR wizard and he leaves things mono with all their surface noise.
God I wish Chopin Op. 48 No. 1 was longer

Anything similar melodically, harmonically?
>I want to click clack all the notes in
I said composoer anons not seething (you)
>Similarly, while I have never been much impressed by anything Jochum conducted, I have to climb down and admit that he is terrific here

opinions disregarded
holy kek
Have you tried Faure's solo piano music? Mainly his Nocturnes and Barcarolles.


here's a Ballade by him too:

He has more great piano stuff too. And then perhaps some of Liszt's more emotional, sensitive stuff.



There's more great stuff on that guy's channel, just search 'Liszt' and other composers.

yes, i want to have manual control over what the fuck i’m inputting, i don’t want some faggot robot to fuck up my music. fucking retard
I think youd fuck it up with or without the robot assistant seething newflag
nah, i engrave my own scores just fine, thanks. i've had professional engravers compliment my work.
Wow they complement your engraving wwoow anon wow so good for your engravings
yeah, good for my engravings that i don’t need to rely on a retarded AI gay guy software to produce legible scores. you should try it sometime.
Ok so you're more retarded than I was capable of even imagining
Anon, I want to lay in bed half asleep and have the bot convert my voice commands and write notes. You need to work on your panic settings
do AIfags really
>i want to be a retarded druggie passing out on xannies while making some retarded robot input nonsense commands
glad this is the level of intelligence we’re dealing with in /classical/
Retarded zoomers desperate to manually input their click clacks. Ah no I wouldn't want to also increase my time in the box by being able to do it in bed, I want to have my time and safe space for composing with my sheets when I'm fully alert, all sleep anons are pill popping nannies
not reading what some AI fag has to say go talk to your robots
Thanks for the recs. Cheers!
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now playing

Schumann: Overture Manfred, Op. 115

start of Schumann: Symphony No. 2 In C, Op. 61

>i’m an enlightened millennial i want a faggot robot to help me compensate for the fact that i’m a xannie addicted retard
fucking embarrassing, christ
The triggering is telling. Eternal mediocre.. go back to your top G podcast
lmao you can't even reply right
did you tell your robot to reply and it accidently messed up? maybe try doing it manually next time
triggered at you being a pill popping retard with delusions of grandeur?
They're so mad lmfao
How's the conductor Yondani Butt? Just grabbed some of their Rimsky symphonies, any other recordings by them worth checking out?
mad at you being a pill popping retard with delusions of grandeur?
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Another schizo episode huh
(jk I like his Schumann 3)
why did you post that photo of last year's /classical/ meetup
that's what xannie dependence does to you, turns you into a robot worshipping schizo.
damn Webern is shit next to the other two of the viannese school
>Maybe if we collectively shame people who like what we don't like the thread will become healthy
Based on your retarded zoom zoom metrics of mediocrity, celebrity worship, and yes, pills to regulate your hormones
Pray I don't decide to carpet bomb this thread with my useless tranny robots
>maybe if i pop more xannies and worship more robots i won't be a drugged out failure
LMFAO, the absolute state of pillheads
now playing

start of Schumann: Symphony No. 4 in D Minor, Op. 120

start of Dvořák: Symphony No. 8 in G Major, Op. 88, B. 163

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What causes people itt to not be able to enjoy modern/comtemporary classical? Is it arrested development? Stupidity?
literally the worst possible conductor for this repertoire
Because it's monovibe contemplative and boring as shit
probably has something to do with not being a pedophile who whacks off to cartoon child porn.
You need to review your meds I think it's time for a few more maybe Dilaudid for you would work well
Post something you like and I'll tell you why I hate it
>pedophile attaches pedophilic image to post
>if you call this out you're insane
certified millennial pillhead moment
>If you do X you're Y
No u
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If the music doesn't make you shove a dildo in your pigeon hole or compels you to go fully nude and dance with a drunken frenzy in the streets then you are not listening to music at all.
incomprehensible babble courtesy of xannieberries
I'm on a Karajan kick lately. And I think his Schumann is good, though not my favorite, and his limited Dvorak (just this 8 and 9 I believe) are good as a distinctive, almost novelty, on the rare occasion type listen.
>He doesn't get it
So true sister
his schumann is fucking awful, what are you talking about? never is the age old adage of schumann's orchestration being gloomy and unclear more true than with karajan, who insists on magnifying everything wrong with schumann's orchestration.
incomprehensible babble courtesy of xannieberries
>his schumann is fucking awful, what are you talking about? never is the age old adage of schumann's orchestration being gloomy and unclear more true than with karajan, who insists on magnifying everything wrong with schumann's orchestration
incomprehensible babble courtesy of xannieberries
laughably pathetic
>laughably pathetic
>He laughs at the pathetic
We get it your derive pleasure from negativity and suffering
Yeah ever since listening to those re-orchestrated versions, recordings of the original don't really hit the same anymore, I should try listening to my two favorite ones and see if they still hold up (Sawallisch for poetic/pretty, Bernstein for excitement).
yes, i am laughing at you, the pathetic. sob about it.
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Wagner? More like CHADner.
>As for the fifth criterion, I have found information from his letters that would suggest suicidal intentions. In a letter to Franz Liszt from March 30, 1853, he stated,

"My nights are mostly sleepless; weary and miserable, I rise from my bed to see a day before me which will bring me not one joy. Intercourse with people who torture me, and from whom I withdraw to torture myself! I feel disgust at whatever I undertake. This cannot go on; I cannot bear life much longer".

>In a letter from December 17th, 1853, he wrote, “my head is burning. There is something wrong with me; and sometimes, with lightning-like rapidity, the thought flashed through me that it would be better, after all, if I died.”43 In a letter from January 15, 1854 to Franz Liszt, he wrote, “not a year of my life has passed recently without my finding myself at least once on the very brink of a decision to end my life.”44 He also wrote in a letter to Otto Wesendonck: “My life is a sea of contradictions, from which I can only hope to emerge through death.”45 These letters seem to reflect “bouts of suicidal despair."
You're aware this is a Christian music thread?
certified 41% moment
there is no such thing
you're aware that i'm laughing at you for being pathetic? yes? then sob about it.
Anon you've lifted half my shitpost playbook as it is I'm not giving you the other half. But only one of us is on pills, and it's definitely you
names of these niggas?
See >>123739411
In your eyes the pathetic im sure have a much higher chance of being the grand. Your perception is terribly warped.. well known fact the only people who find gpt useless are either those who lack the knowledge and skill to use it or those who fear it
didn't read, you're pathetic and i'm laughing at you LMAO
cry for me
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Drug Induced laughter No doubt

certified pathetic tranime pedophile moment
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And what will you do about that but screech and howl?
laugh at you, obviously. pathetic tranime pedophile.
half the thread disappears when you filter the word sister and any replies to it. I recommend doing so.
>not appreciating camaraderie
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thanks sis
really just plain weak
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what a lewd cover art
sorry I already have many friends irl so I don't come here for "camaraderie" with obnoxious and unfunny strangers.
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I'm devastated really, I must be weak because you said so
is the big ENTARTE MUSIK label off to the side the classical version of parental advisory explicit content?
you’re weak because you’re a pedophile addicted to cartoon child porn.
He destroyed us all, body and soul alike.
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Wagner has shattered my mind.
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>My social life is healthy so I go on 4chan
>He defined weak and so I agree with the definition because because
who are you quoting, delusional tranime pedophile?
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The Apex of Art.
The Brightest of Baritones.
The Caster of Comfort.
The Dionysus of Delusions.
The Elater of Ecstasy.
The Forth-Bringer of Fantastic-Fantasies.
The Grandest of Giants.
The Height of Heroism.
The Inventor of Ideas.
The Juggler of Jubilation.
The Knight of Knowledge.
The Love of Listeners.
The Master of Music.
The Nirvana of Nobles.
The Oasis of Optimists.
The Poisoner of Peons.
The Quester of Quixotic.
The Rattler of Romance.
The Symbol of Serenity.
The Tactful of Tranquility.
The Up-lifter of Unbeaten.
The Visionary of Vibrance.
The W.
The X-Factor of Xenophiles.
The Yay of Youths.
The Zing of Zion.

>No-one need be concerned about the quality of the performances, being all-male; choir boys replacing the women's voices. They are marvelously clear, sonorous and incisive,
>Highly recommended.

Yeah that's a pass from me
thanks wagnersis
who conducted this, bernstein, levine, or zander?
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lol I still won't listen to the Bernstein DG Mahler 4 ever again because of it, but nah this recording
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now playing, Poulenc has some really good choral music

start of Poulenc: Gloria, FP 177

start of Poulenc: 4 Motets pour un temps de pénitence, FP 97


Probably gonna listen to his Mass afterwards
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They are listening to Chopin btw
Really, anon?
Daily reminder to stop listening recordings of the Symphony of Psalms and Mass that have womeme as sopranos
>In the score preface, Stravinsky stated a preference for children's voices for the upper two choral parts.

>Stravinsky specifies in the score that "children's voices should be employed" for both the soprano and alto parts
Hmm, guess I should listen to that recording then, can't argue with that.
No. Its actually Wagner.

Webern's death is so tragic
Why didn't Richter record Bach's Motets? Does that just leave Rilling for my non-HIP needs for those pieces? I guess it doesn't really matter as much for the motets. Favorite recordings of them?
Because Richter sucks cock
not really. he had written like 3 good pieces when he died.
Trying out Ramin's that another anon suggested the other day and it's very good!

Webern is the second best composer after Bach and the most logical endpoint of the Germanic tradition in western art music.
complete retardation
Which Britten work was this?
Funny you say that, I literally just put on some of his music and thought about that post.
Britten's choral music is astounding, first-rate

motivated by his lust for little boys
Gay pedo music
THAT'S the webern piece you pick? Op. 1? before his twelve tone era?
After Mahler's 8th, Britten wrote the greatest choral music of the 20th century. Just listen to the piece I posted.
Glagolitic Mass is better tbqh
after bernstein, britten raped the most number of kids in the 20th century
Brahms had stored dynamite on board.
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>records the most exciting Mahler 2 of the 21st century

pssh, nothing personal, kid


Fischer's is probably better overall and one of the best ever, but in terms of an energetic, thrilling approach, Jurowski's might be the most exciting since Mehta's. I should revisit his 8th, can't wait till he releases more.
I do like that one quite a bit, however on pure listenability and musical pleasure, Britten wins, I can play his Ceremony of Carols or other stuff any time of day and be instantly hooked.
penis music https://youtu.be/EI1G6OdnZ7Y
What would Beethoven think of Mahler...?
"At long last, an equal."
I'm more interested of what wouls Brahms think of Mahler's symphonies. There are no first hand sources of their interaction
Beethoven already thought that way of Cherubini, Handel, Mozart, and Bach.
Actually he thought they were better than him. Especially Handel and Bach.
pure ethnic hungarian
first generation czech immigrant
tried to hide it but he was croatian

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