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>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed.

Previous: >>123708918
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I think everyone is asleep.
I'm doing a lot of remixes lately and I mess around with the vocals a lot, trying to come up with interesting effects or a more polished/professional vocal.

>delay to spring reverb with automated panning/volume for a stutter adlib effect
>stretching the vocal, reversing it, running it through some effects, print it and reverse/stretch it back to normal and you get a textured noise floor you can mix in to taste
>hiding synths in vocals (learned from Ian Kirkpatrick), instead of autotune the vocal to make it sound more polished you hide a synth in key in it

What are your tricks for vocal effects?
Hey nerds, I'm a hobbyist VST developer. I write effect plugins. What kind of plugin should I work on next?
something unique
A sample editor that lets you interact with the individual samples of a waveform in different ways. For example by drawing them manually, by drawing them with splines like DAW automations, by editing them in different ways (flip, reverse, smooth, deform with XY curve, etc), by using the various ways wavetables are edited in the wavetable editors in Serum and whatnot, by using spectral/time-domain processes (the sky is the limit here), etc.
It should show the original samples in the background (greyed out or something), and it should let you import other waves whose visualization is displayed in the back, in case you want to edit one wave based on another.

The utility of this program is obviously in sound design, as it allows you to create and alter waveforms and wavetables in ways that aren't currently possible in a practical way.

It can be an effect VST that loads a file or records an incoming signal, or it can be a standalone program.
Maybe it can also be an ARA thing, I'm not sure, I have zero experience with it.
do something spectral, that seems to be all the rage with the kids these days. spectral gates, spectral compressors etc.
I'm working on an ambient reverb right now. Once it's optimized and I've streamlined the UI I might post it here
Oh lol I misread spectral as special
I guess the shimmer section is spectral though
for >>123745857
My bad lol
I've been thinking about something like this. Maybe a standalone application where you can construct wave shapes and then export them as filed, and then a plugin that can load those files
I wonder if something like this already exists

lol ffs these things are portrayed as magical and sophisticated but it's so simple like anyone can do it once they're told that it's valid to do it. sticking to only notes within the current key/mode and switching to only notes within another key/mode.
More like iSoDope! haha am I right fellas?
There are advantages and disadvantages to this approach, but exporting as wavs is what allows for the most freedom, as you can then use pretty much any other audio program to do anything you want with them, whereas a proprietary format (or even an fxp or json file) pretty much reduces your option to one or a handful of supported options.
Obviously you should still be able to save your project with all the data that isn't the final PCM result, but for exporting the file that you'll then use, wav is absolutely the way to go IMO. At least as the main option (you can always add more proprietary formats alongside it).
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>too dissonant
Fair enough.

Here's one with even more dissonance for you: https://voca.ro/12TdnBDXmwot
: )
made this in 2 days. lyrics aren't finished.
any input? what elements should I bring out more in the mix? any stylistic things I should add to the song etc.
>Here's one with even more dissonance
too many elements that clash overlapping at once.
That xylophone sound sounds really bad and is out of tune/off timing. if this is supposed to be a shitpost it's not funny.
Just reposting in the new thread, I like meeting musicians with a similar spirit so feel free to add me on discord if you want to. jens777
What do you call those things in studios for the musicians so they can adjust the levels of the individual instruments going through to their headphones?
mixing console?
A mixing console, mixer
Nowadays everything is in the computer, so modern versions just control the computer.
Yeah, they're mixers, but each recording musician has one, it's usually on a movable stand, and it lets them adjust their own levels, so the bassist can turn the drums up and the guitars down, and the guitarist can turn themselves up. I think they're connected to some main hub by an ethernet cable or something.
Ohh, I know exactly what you mean. Trying to think of what they're called.
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"Personal Mixer" apparently.

Usually called a personal monitoring system or personal mixer as >>123748353 mentioned, like the ones by Hear Back, they use Cat5e for connectivity and power

Make something for cavernous metal sounds.
Practicing recording acoustic for my project. Usually only made electronic in the past or sold beats but I want to make more personal music. Going to add vocals next https://voca.ro/1idEk9pioDDR
Make a vocal/scrubbing effect that protools can do. Everything in its right place uses it on the vocals
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>That xylophone sound sounds really bad and is out of tune/off timing
Sorry, I couldn't get it right no matter what I tried. >_<
>too many elements that clash overlapping at once
Here's one with only one instrument then: https://voca.ro/17cIRGtlqBfp
: p
To the bros in the last thread who posted about Dubly3, I put it on another black metal track, I think it sounded pretty good. Check it out:

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Made some edits and slowed it down a little, now it's maybe too slow. There's this strumming thing I'm trying to do in the middle but I can't seem to get it right, and I think the whole thing is too airy? any help helps
lovely crunchyness
the bit from 35 to 50 would make a good sample loop for some trip hop or boom bap. Good shit
people asked me if I went to music school to learn about production
I tell them no, I went to music
Hey everyone, I’m looking for some advice. I’m recording vocals for a project and I’m using a fairly nice condenser mic. As I’m listening back and playing around with the mix, the vocals attend to sound TOO up close, even when I turn them down. It’s not the volume that’s bothering me, it honestly sounds too good for my simple noisy synth music. Is there an easy way to make them sound more lo-fi?
scooping out the low mids and especially rolling off the top end as it contains lip and breath sounds, sounds you would not hear if you were standing some distance from whoevers singing.

using reverb, either short or long, whatever suits your style
subtle delay
subtle distortion like tape distortion
maybe re-record the vocals in a style more fitting to the song.
>the vocals attend to sound TOO up close
then move back when you record retard
Thanks for the advice prod friend, you are very helpful
The guy in this video strikes me as having roughly the same IQ as Stranjah.
Isn't Stranjah just ESL?
Nah, music is a universal language and you can absolutely feel that Stranjah is quite slow as you watch him work.
What does he do?
What does he do?
Well, let me tell you:
He places his kicks on one and his snares on two!
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>literal retard
>successful and signed to reputable labels
>cant even finish a song
getting things done trumps being a retard
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how can I make my track punchier? I looked at the waveform and it's all nearly the same volume once the song gets past the intro. How can I fix it?
stop clipping and limiting your peaks. high energy is punch, listen to lord chris
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A plugin based on the internal combustion engine– an engine noise simulator. Knobs can be:
>cylinders (from 1 all the way to an absurd number)
>displacement per cylinder
>bore:stroke ratio
the can be selector switches for
>cylinder layout (Inline, V, W, Radial)
>2 stroke vs 4 stroke
>petrol vs diesel
>different valve train types
you can add various forced induction methods if you're feeling ambitious/generous
everyone knows that so why aren't we getting things done?
are we double retards?
I need a gravity delay(?) plugin for free what do use
You know why that IQ meme is true?
Tards don't know better, so they push ahead.
Mids get bogged down with overthinking because they are aware of more, yet not smart enough to resolve every concern.
Geniuses transcend the concerns of the mids because they have the mental capacity to fully understand and resolve such matters.
learn to mix???
waveform means nothing, there are about a billion tracks that are sausaged and sound falcon punchy as fuck
You actually think this don't you lol
It's not even that complicated
It's just destiny
Let go anon
>Let go anon
Let's goon*
>learn to mix???
punchiness can be added in the mastering stage thougheverbeit
Nah, I actually agree with you, but that's too much for normies.
t. had a near death experience when I was a kid
kill yourself faggot
How can I recognize frequencies(bass, mid and treble)?
train with long covid worrall
You need to finish this
No other way that we know of
Boost an EQ band and move it around Maybe even isolate it :0
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How2 master part2
1 Load Ozone 11
2 Click assistant
3 increse Impact sliders to taste



10 - 15 is good loop.
I can't figure out how to make music that I genuinely enjoy, that is similar to artists I like. My brain just doesn't comprehend it. It's incredibly frustrating. I don't know how to voice what I don't know, I keep getting stuck over and over and I've thought about quitting over and over but music is what I like most but it's like I have no ability at all for it no matter how much I work at it. It's frustrating. It's been 9 years feeling like this, it's brutal. It hasn't gotten better. Like my brain isn't made to produce music
>i've tried the same thing over and over and not followed any advice nothing works please help me again
fuck up bitch, what you're saying doesn't work, I've tried it already. kys NOW
listen to your advice
you first, bitch
what did i say and what did you do?

you haven't even been long enough to measure any gains or tweak your approach in any way.
you haven't even given a real effort.
you don't know me, bitch. I've tried different shit over and over, it hasn't worked. Now go fuck off instead of yapping
MAYBE insisting that doing things your way and not listening to other people is actually the WRONG thing to do.
Maybeeee your continued failure is a sign that you should drastically change your approach and you're not a good judge of your own work ethic.

>inb4 denial and random namecalling
yeah cool have fun being miserable then
another game song started
Cool down Larry, JPEGmuff just had one too many drinks tonight, okay?
Does anyone in this general actually do any real production or is it just a circle jerk off faggots mixing beats?
ReAl PrOdUcSHun

Yes actually but I’ve never seen anybody start a post like this or talking about being a “professional” and then not follow up with the most generic bland music in the thread while being a stuck up cunt, but you’ve already got a head start on that anyway
mate why is it so fucking loud? cool melodies though
i have finally found the best advice for mixing: don't listen to anyone's advice. work within your own framework, experiment, try shit and see what happens. fuck all those breadtubers cunts who could never make it in the music industry and just want to sell you their bullshit scam product. the great thing about art is there are no rules. if you're obsessed with the commercial aspect, then capitalism has given you brainworms.
This only works if you already know what you’re doing.
Stop cringe posting in my thread
no one knows what they're doing, shut the fuck up you dumb brainworm addled cunt
the more i learn, the more disapponting it is, most people even in production aren't close to having true endgame audio so they're essentially blind to many things. several chronic shitposters insist on downplaying the importance of production quality even though this is the production general. as if you're going to be the next mozart and blow people's minds with your intricate compositions regardless of production quality. classicalfags seek out the highest fidelity recordings btw so it's not about songwriting or performing alone. as if god tier songwriting is a necessity for successful songs/tracks. for example this was one of the better tracks during the internet radio era circa 2007-2008 and you don't have to be an expert to recognize that it wasn't made by a classically trained composer.
>breadtuber cunts
>muh capitalism
you seem confused
selling your soul to google as a useless commodity alongside all the other human capital on youtube is capitalism buddy.
>can’t comprehend that other people have a clue and aren’t just waving their dick around in the dark
Very telling
This anon has never written a song
pack it up boys, the computers won

can it make racist songs?
this is by a famous classical composer but you'd hardly realize that it was any good if this toy was all you'd ever heard

these toy piano demo songs sound pretty much like crap and don't inspire you to learn more about music. as an adult listener you might perceive more depth from listening to this but good luck when you're a toddler. it's kind of the same thing when you have mediocre audio, many songs especially from normie genres will sound uninteresting when they're actually top tier.
knowing what one is doing is a deictic concept. one end of the spectrum will disagree with the other end. there are no right solutions, merely different approaches. it's not hard to understand mr. brainworm
>wow, now i can make shitty generic country songs at the click of a button
>my le career is ovar!!!1!
uninstall your face lol
>spoken as someone who genuinely believes they can do better
it sucks arse
>rephrasing “nuh uh music is subjective!”
it is and no amount of pretentious posturing is going to change that, mr. brainworm
it's only "subjective" in the sense that a range of answers is acceptable and one cannot conclusively quantify or qualify an exact line where something becomes objectively wrong.

you can say mixing some shit over distorted where you legitimately can't hear things and instruments are genuinely out of tune isn't isn't wrong because "subjective!!!" all you want but it's still dogshit that nobody wants to listen to

distinguishing these things isn't brainwormed, you're just a pseud
gotta whip out the strawman because you have no arguments. im sorry you're completely obsessed with the commercial viability of an art form instead of seeing the true capabilities of the art form. keep colouring inside the lines, the teacher will give you an A+ for your hard work
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i ordered a pair of genelecs to join the club of endgame audio and max martin just flew over my house.
>"you're completely obsessed with the commercial viability of an art form"
Literal projection
you don't even know what a strawman is. damn the capitalist brainrot is deep within you
I ordered genelecs a few years ago and my music is still bad idk what to do
Have I made a vaporwave song?
i don't even have a room to use my mid-range presonus nearfields in, let alone genelecs. i'm mixing on eq'd dt770 pro 350 ohms in a sunroom :((((
fr FR
how do i mix drums to make them crisp, airy but have the kick smack
start with the right kick
boost whatever "air" is
make sure nothing is in the same spot
short sausage>long not sausage
Based genelec bros add me to the list of genechads. Finnish speaker supremacy
Ah another productive day of browsing through a few thousand presets and ending up with an 8 bar piano loop I'll never listen to again
if someone would see me how i spend 8 hours a day investigating noise i would end up in an institution
Why not just write a song instead?
Glad to see more people discussing metal here is another track i made after getting dubly3 to check it out
i made 3 songs in a month so i can't relate
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>mfw it actually works
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why do people do this on the master chain
you guys wouldn't have to do this if you simply recorded properly in the first place. you can't polish a turd
> if you simply recorded properly
I don't have a studio
Great idea, I'll be sure to try that next time.
whatever you're using to capture your soundwaves, you still should be trying to get the best performance and balance possible during the recording process. mixing and mastering can't save an initial poor performance
Because YouTube told them and they don’t know how eq/headroom work and didn’t know to cut far past that on individual tracks so there would be nothing unnecessary there in the first place
>Because YouTube told them
this. breadtubers get the rope
>you still should be trying to get the best performance and balance possible during the recording process
there's nothing that stops my computer from making loud ass background noise that i have to cut out.
what background noise? it obviously doesn't sound ideal but you need to find a solution for that shit anon
can't hear the drums
the fans are loud as fuck. i'm gonna order some quieter fans but for now I just have to deal.
i don't get why the fans are in your mix anyway. is your mic right next to your tower or something?
>is your mic right next to your tower or something
it's about 4 feet away. I usually turn my boom arm away from my pc when recording which makes it about 6-7 feet distance, but it still picks up the fan.
put loads of soft shit like pillows between the fan and the mic to soak up the sound
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>anons give toxic neckbeard advice like sticking to 48khz sample rate
many such cases
dan worrall says to never clean out your ear wax
rip over for me i quit
>not using toolchain to cut directly below 20/30hz
>allowing for shitty fabfilter rolloff
it's kind of been annoying to find out that chromaticism really doesn't exist and that everything you can play that appears to be going up and down in chromatic steps is in reality some inversion of a more distant and consonant chord. like even that fancy Dsus2 b6 you've been playing is essentially just a fancy inversion of an E major.
>When the movie drama uses a guy cleaning out his ear wax before sleeping as a dating negative
>Meanwhile I spend 5 minutes scratching my ass every night after fucking my gf and she's offered to do it for me
why is your ass so itchy?
>short sausage>long not sausage
that is a good tip and also made me laugh
thank you anon
what did i make? https://vocaroo.com/1c48IBosOgfo
maybe ask your gf to stop pegging you so it isn't so itchy down there?
title screen music for a newgrounds flash game
Small loop of some electronic music, thoughts ?
Pretty interesting.
Got any recs for cheap(ish) smaller midi keyboard? Or is there more or less no difference if I don't care about buttons and sliders and shit?
The Beat THANG >>123761265
Unironically though try using your computer keyboard.... I have an Akai Mini Play but I use my computer keyboard more often to record MIDI instruments.
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> https://vocaroo.com/16eOGaLLDMt0
some random ideas, why is song writing to hard bros?
That's somewhat usable, but very limiting when I need a bit more range.
because you can't write for shit and your bass is off rhythm and out of key
>why is song writing to hard bros
it's not
Opened the DAW with the intent to make a simple bossa nova song for practicing simple stuff and I couldn't have missed the mark more. I just start hearing shit and can't stay on track.

Ages ago, some boomer said you were supposed to do that because they were retarded and didn't know about phase shifts. Everyone parroted that forever because logically it doesn't seem to be a crazy idea at first glance if you don't know how filters work.

I assume someone more knowledgeable than them told them that to destructively troll their competition. A lot of the best recordings and my favorite songs have tons of energy down there.
i get what you're saying about how tons of chords are linked, but that's not really a great example and chromaticism still exists. it's just that our ears are really used to borrowed chords and like when chromaticism resolves that it really won't sound too unpleasant unless you're doing academic/tone row stuff.

stacks of fourths are useful tools, should analyze some of that. you can get like 4-5 chords of that with 2 major chords of the same tonic, a m11 sound, sus9, and a maj13#11 all from the same notes. chromaticism and in/out notes are more about context than the notes in a vacuum. also there's tons of soundtrack type stuff that you wouldn't write all the chords out but you're doing a bunch of inner voice leading
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for the guy tired of the trap beats, here's another taurus demon one
wow how dead has this board become that there's not even a thread up for the Sophie album livestream

anyway, some of these pads in this ambient piece are hitting the limiter so fucking hard, the distortion is insane. normally you'd consider this poor production. this shit is getting absolutely SLAMMED.
basically what I'm saying is you can ignore the rules and "good practices" and still make it.
We don't give a fuck about your tranny industry plant homo
his music massively sucked
How about you turn them off? Your issue is you being a sweaty fat fuck

how bad is the vocals and synth interaction?
can't find a way to combine both
use an envelope follower to the voice to duck the volume of offending elements and play with it to taste
nice, thanks
i probably weigh less than you fatass
he's talking about the groups of underage girl fans that scream for his genitals anytime he's playing
I think the drums suck and a simple 4 on the floor would sound better, but other than that does this sound cohesive? I may just like the bass and plings
it's a complete eq clusterfuck of a mix that's unpleasant to listen to and sounds unmixed

been meaning to do an autism death grips cover and right now makes sense because i'm short of ideas but i'm scared bro
Just let it flow dude
First time trying to use my voice, was just setting up the mic but I think I'll try a cover of something next
im assuming you would vary it more if you developed more than just a sample but it's not bad, just needs variety.
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nah man this requires SERIOUSNESS no flow bricked up and just suffering with it man

I never notice how many fucking meter changes they actually do until actually counting the whole song it just sounds so natural jfc
Because they're not thinking about it. The unconscious stuff is orders of magnitude more capable than the conscious
You can isolate and practice stuff ofc, but rappers and singers mostly hum and improvise until they settle on a rhythm and then they put the syllables in and make it all work yohether.

A lot of back and forth a lot of drugs and homies in the studio simulating vibes and then you ride the groove of the vibe and they call this flow. The more you do it the better the freestyles becomes
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don't come near me or my daughters ever again
But he is correct, Michael.
this is the second time in the past week you've called me that i'm not part of your faggy little discord server or whoever the fuck you think i am fuck off!!!!

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>truth too bruuutal
nobody itt is allowed to post k-on except for me and also you're stupid and wrong leave me alone frick offff
That's dope. Makes me wanna RAVE
>second time
It is the first for me; perhaps someone else is onto you. Also, I have never entered a single discord server in my life, Nick.
You think I don't know rappers?

Also sadge I only have that one pic
really need to get around transcribing the rest of those tracks but 303 stuff makes me want to kms myself :/
Accurately replicating someone else's songs is almost always super hard even when it's just synth patches and basic MIDI. When it's pitch bending stuff with envelopes, automations, LFOs, etc. it's on nightmare mode.
if you like 2012 chillwave gold panda type beats you might like this


lo-fi pop/rock
the used market in my country was surprisingly viable so check that out but it takes a bit of research and intutition if you're looking at lesser known brands. mainly determine what form factor you want like mini vs fullsize keys, the number of keys, if you need pitch/mod wheels, foot pedal input. a lot of the mini keyboards have knobs/sliders/pads so they still take up space on your desk while the travel on the keys are compromised and like if you follow piano tutorials the hand/finger movements won't translate exactly to mini keys. and if you listen to demos of people playing on mini keyboards the dynamics from the velocity sensitive are usually quite limited compared to fullsize keyboards.
lol judging by he dudes yelling he probably has severe hearing damage from his technique.
>sudden memory unlocks and realizing why you hyperfixated on random characters as a child at 4 am
.......... oyasumi ._.

how do you guys finally decide on a patch?
its actually catchy
i like the guitar riffs, the tone and overall sound but vocals still need some work
also pretty catchy

an ambient track with piano loops and some automated noise thrown in there
My rule is to only use a preset or stop tweaking a new patch when it sounds good.
Changed my life
Yes.. Well then I recommend getting a real full size MIDI keyboard. Probably stings in your wallet but probably worth it.
Just vibe man
i never studied music past primary school but I've had an urge to make something for the past months. should I try to ape something with pirated fl studio
Hell yeah dude, go for it
What do you have to lose? A few hours spent on a fun and potentially enriching experience?
I >>123760727 fiddled with a bit of the arrangement also mixing should sound a lot better now:


Not too sure if i'm gonna make this dark..house? kinda thing into a full track
well ego cold be damaged, I assume. but you make a good point
You're a beginner. Of course you're not going to make something comparable to the music you listen to that's made by pros with years or decades of experience and hand-selected out of a much larger body of work that never gets released.
okay. im gonna try and if I make something that impresses me, it will be uploaded here. I have a fear that I don't really have original ideas, I just subconsciously mix parts of various songs together
>I have a fear that I don't really have original ideas, I just subconsciously mix parts of various songs together
Lmao that's how the vast majority of music is made
Here's a pop rock tune I produced for my band. I'm also singing in the outro
Warning: it's in French
Here's something with just me
I feel like the outro is stronger than the rest and I've been told the piano is a bit much - do you concur?
Very nice actually
I feel like the bass in your bridge (0:15) should have some reverb on it, which you'd remove at 0:31 when the drums come back. That part could also have some weird SFX in the background, just a bit of ear candy, it's a bit dry as it is. But I really like how you handled the subs, the drop sounds nice and full and you're delaying the gratification a bit.
Great idea, is it somewhat danceable? Might be a tad too dark for some club stuff i reckon.
random sounddesign experiments (small story)
Enjoyable and interesting
Sounds like musique concrete
Yeah maybe
I don't go to clubs much, and most of them play poppier music, but maybe if you found some more underground electronic music focused spots
My advice if you want to make that happen: get together with a couple other local electronic music producers, learn some DJing skills and play a combined set of your own music
yea i think so too, piano is pretty loud already, then it plays louder, even louder and then it just eats up all the other instruments definition, piano things. did you eq it?


Kohta Takahashi (Ridge Racer) shared some tutorials he watched.

I was surprised he as a pro watches YouTube tutorials.

But this is the important part I think: He said "It took me a long time to follow their teachings in detail and imitate them."
He actually did the things in the tutorials, until he internalized them it seems.

Interesting I think.
Nobody has all the knowledge.
People think tutorials are only for beginners, because most of the people who make tutorials aren't very advanced, but if a tutorial teaches you something you didn't know, then following it is a good idea no matter how successful you are.
>because most of the people who make tutorials aren't very advanced
Yes, that's mostly why I was surprised. Also I think the ones who make tuts often talk like "this is" and "how to" when they have little credibility. While real pros like on Mix With The Masters tallk more like "I think" and "How I".

>if a tutorial teaches you something you didn't know, then following it is a good idea no matter how successful you are
I think this is true.
Frequency-specific side-chained compression that runs better than Nova, please.
>While real pros like on Mix With The Masters tallk more like "I think" and "How I".
Mixing and mastering are heavily subjective and there's much less that you can be objective about, whereas other topics do have things that can be taught with "this is" and "how to".
Yeah, the other one is making things sound very complicated that when you get it you also immediately see that you and everyone else has already did it forever and the given explanations are just retarded. Like for modes.
>Mixing and mastering are heavily subjective and there's much less that you can be objective about, whereas other topics do have things that can be taught with "this is" and "how to".
But now you're making a "this is" statement. What's your proof?
That it's subjective? The fact that people prefer different mixes
That other things aren't? The fact that maths, chemistry and physics can be applied to results consistent with our understanding of it, which wouldn't by applying nothing but randomness (and if you disagree, try building a plane just by doing things randomly)
i just made this piece of crap:
It's self evident and I'm not going to explain myself to someone who doesn't agree with such an obvious undeniable fact (or pretends not to)
Did any of you try the new Sonar?


How does it compare with the old version?
A record Dj scratch vst. It would need to hold a sample then beable to scrubb through it back and forth using either mod wheel or automation and the volume fader the same. Motherfuckers already tried to do these but they are all shite
I made another piece of crap, but at least I liked this one
God fucking damn it I love mix engineering so much. Something about tweaking the attack and release on a compressor to determine how much I want the guitars to compress the transient and tail of hi-hat scratches that deep autistic itch in me.
I've been mixing some free multi-tracks, here's a before and after:
Before mix (some panning and gain staging though): https://voca.ro/1aBcmSfj4tDv
Current mix: https://voca.ro/181wUwQ1RgjV
Am I going to make it /prod/?
>gain staging
shut yo ass up
before is really quiet but i think a better overall mix. i don't hear the bass much though and one guitar is way off left in a kinda strange way on headphones.

after is louder but has its own problems.
i'm a bass player but the ugliest parts of the bass are accentuated so i'd turn it way down, guitars could be louder but also feel they lack high end. drums are probably more loud or compressed than they should be, the ride has more high freq air than it needs imo. overall, they don't sound mic'd well so it just gives off not well recorded basement/garage demo.
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wai gain stage when you have infinite headroom?
i love the concept of gain staging because it immediately outs retards/cargo cultists
I appreciate the feedback, I'll see what kind of changes I can make.
>they don't sound mic'd well so it just gives off not well recorded basement/garage demo.
Yeah there's a lot of problems with the tracks, especially in regards to the bleeding. Like I said it was just some random ass free multitracks I found online so not much I can do but pretty a pig up.
I use gain staging synonymously with just setting the levels of my tracks where I want them to be before I start mixing. I don't actually stress out clipping or anything. I think the term itself and all the drama surrounding it is kind of retarded but I don't know how else to describe just setting my levels.
>Like I said it was just some random ass free multitracks I found online so not much I can do but pretty a pig up.
i wouldn't spend tooooo much time fussing over them then, like obviously good to get practice. but you can't polish a turd. only thing i'd say is to work on things like the guitar and bass sounds if you can as those are a bit more important in the long run. every drum mix is its own beast
>every drum mix is its own beast
Expand on what you mean by this?
Your space suit is leaking.
yeah this really is a piece of crap. what the fuck were you thinking?
There are apps that isolate tracks, which would allow you to edit it into anything you could think of.
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these recordings only work if you're already an established artist
You any kinda artist?
i am
I haven't slept in 2 days. I'm afraid we're coming into day 3 here bots. I don't even do drugs
Oh yeah but I do watch South Korean thrillers fucking SKs keeping me jacked out
I like it :)
i liek you :)
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okie :3


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