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Satanism isn't trve.
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BLASTING Effigy of the Forgotten
So is Alcest any good live?
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Kultur is:

>t. christcuck
Bible-thumping on 4chan will never not be funny to me.

Jesus, himself, would probably hate you.
Extremely cringe name for a band, even for BM.
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What's worse, Kultur posting or Deathspell Omega posting?

Posting the goat
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
This and the christcuck midwits can't understand that most of the time the "Satanism" is more of a metaphor for rebelling against Abrahmic religion, not literal devil worship.

Even these poseurs are likely just LARPing
Kultur posting, because you always get the urge to go back and listen to it again. One riff pops into your head and you have to listen to it entirely. Kultur is the greatest metal album of the last 2 decades, easily.
this kills the bmcel

What are the top 5 most deranged bm vocalists?
Kills with boredom, yes. McDonalds equivalent of music, exclusively for baldcucks with lack of taste.
The guy from that band who blew out his vocal chords making sounds that sound like tte echoes of tires screeching in a parking garage
Varg on the early Burzum songs

All I can think of off the top of my head
Then you haven't listened to Synarchy. So many catchy riffs, if you're able to comprehend them that is.
poser detected
Only posers are pretending to like listening to Mercenary, the most boring BT album
Tied for first with every other Bolt Thrower album.
>[early] Varg

2 Bethlehem(and DNS) vocalists made into the list, but if I had to choose only one, I'd replace Onielar with Hat
They're overrated for sure but most of their stuff is enjoyable. Couldn't imagine listening to them every day though
So true tastelet power chord tourist sister
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dis some filth
Yeah we really needed another generic Deathcore band. Is that vocalist a woman or a tranny? Either way they'll probably get hype from poser blogs like metalsucks
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we love deathcore here
TImeless music that crosses cultural lines. Even African children can enjoy it.
Never listened to Kaevum and I never will!
Your loss!
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Sunshine state is gonna get BTFO
will the total destruction and violence revitalize the DM scene there?
Kaevum - Cuckultur
Your victory.
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well that's really fucking gay my dude
millions of dollars in damages will be done and some people are definitely going to die but no good death metal albums will come out of this?
Fuck this gay earth
No Fenriz?
Hat is the best from norway
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only had it blasting for some 30ish minutes while reading some college stuff, still have to "properly" listen to sigh, desu
This guy hasn't listened to NordMann
Absolutely fantastic actually
And then Arioch is the best from sweden, I don't know what you mean by "deranged" but he's the best
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Cats are cool. Dogs are the problem.
Dog=God backwards. Fuck freemasonry backwardness.
That dog not one of the bad ones I think. Alot are nowadays though.
Dogs just taking the abuse from the cat. Weird. Probably nutter brainwashed it. Sad.
that cat looks absolutely scrumptious. I'm thinking a late summer block party with the barbecue out, a bottle of lawrys, the hood gonna show out for a taste of that feline cuisine
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I'd eat a dog before I eat any cat. Cat's are nice creatures. Dogs are meat, and where the term dog meat comes from. People eat cow meat, and cows are gentle creatures, especially compared to dogs, so it's disrespectful to not eat dog meat as well as cow meat if you're a meat eater.
The dog is a cuck basically, because of it's owner influencing it.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
i bet the lyrics don't really say that
Eternal HEILS to Varg Vikernes
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Fenriz is a weird alcoholic with issues in my opinion. We've a world war scenario here. Ask Kristian what he thinks of it, and more importantly israel and the freemasons, instead of Too Drunk Too Punk diapership. My opinion is, freemasons, zionists and other corrupt rich people don't give a shit and want the truth censored. I know I'm correct and at the same time, I don't give a shit what any corrupt person thinks :)
How could a black metal band get away with saying something so anti-christian?
All true black metallers know Euronymous was right and Kristian is just a poser, and always will be.
All true black metallers know Euronymous was a homosexual who tried to rape and kill Varg and Varg was forced to defend himself
So true sister! Varg is innocent on all counts.
You think? Who killed who, by stabbing them in the back? You're full of shit.
I hope dogs eat all kristian supporters. They're probably all dog owners also.
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i knew it
*in the head
The vocals are why it's a 10/10
If Euro were the one who survived and Varg the one who died, Euro would be the one getting banned from YouTube and shitposting on Twitter and he'd be the lolcow rather than Varg.
Is that right? I would've told him to fuck off for calling so late if it was me. Euronymous nice guy. Kristian, not so much...
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Okay this band is officially good
Opinions are like assholes, and you seem like one.
Vocals on Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare is insane, solid band
Varg owes 2 million euros to the govt of Norway, plus interest. That's why he's in France.
True. He ran from his own country. Probably works for mossad with all the shit he says also.
All the Andres Brevik stuff also. It's very interesting. Tick tock Kristian...
They were both shitheads, it's why they attracted each other. Birds of a feather flock together.
I never 100% agreed with Euronymous also, but to kill someone over it is just lame, then to lie about it for decades. Back before the internet was a thing, he thought he could get away with it.
Also the whole 'one of us' bullshit. This is a metal forum. We're all individuals. Stop trying to turn it into a freemason club. Freemasons are exposed in 2024...
France wouldn't have given him citizenship if he was defrauding Norway. He could still be making payments for all you know
Perfect. Imma screencap this to show how the corrupt behave. Job done. Have a good one to the nice guys/gals :) Catch y'all next time!
What was the lie?
I don't think he's a citizen of France.
What you think you know means fuck all retard
*LIES He tells alot of lies (in my opinion of course, but do your research) Euronymous let him into his apartment. That was a mistake. Anything since then is probably lies from Kristian in my opinion.
Take a chill pill dude.
Also for you guys interested in what I say, don't follow these secret societies. Listen to JFK. He was right.
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Shame about Virrugus, least we got one last record aptly named.
Fuck these gatekeepers. Fuck the freemasons. Fuck the dog nut enablers and fuck dog attacks. Tick tock. Truth is coming, as well as UFO truth.
why not? norway is not part of the EU, their way to say fuck you for not joining us. Besides there is an interview where varg himself says that he isn't in norway because he owes them money
It all seems to fit together; Euro was an antagonistic edgelord but ultimately soft and ineffective, who's standing in the scene was dwindling due to Varg eclipsing his notoriety. Varg was an antagonistic edgelord who wasn't afraid to go through with dangerous activities; he has a sort of old-world warrior mentality. They had conflict around business, which leads to antagonistic edgelord threats, but Varg was the only one willing to do anything for real.
Are you a flat Earther too, you fucking guy?
No one's interested in what you say.
Also, JFK was talking about he CIA and FBI, not some gay larp club that is of no consequence.
Euro still more genuine and a nicer person to me. Fuck Kristian the glowie to be honest. Burning wooden churches achieved nothing. He wasn't and isn't so radical around jews or muslims was he? Not that I'd be either, cause I don't hate jews or muslims. I think he was a glowie from start to finish, designed to harm the black metal movement, and he still is nowadays. That's why he fled to France and is protected nowadays.
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luv Festung
Varg is in France because of homschooling rights, the debt and his wife. He most likely has citizienship because he's married to a French citizen and has kids, speaks French, lived there for more than a decade.
He's no immigrant, his land is Thule and France is in Thule.
Do your own research. JFK was right in calling out the corrupt. They killed him.
Yeah, the CIA.
You think? I think he's a poser. He doesn't even like metal. Stop looking upto posers.
Thats possible. Nowadays UFO truth is coming anyways though, too many whistleblowers, so they failed to stop the truth. I love JFK, cause he was the first to challenge the corrupt.
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He likes good metal. I bet he'd like my demo.
Quorthon got killed very early in his life. Kristian isn't a true Bathory fan. It wouldn't surprise me if he got him killed.
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Forced myself to listen to Obscura again and I still don't understand what's special about it.
>Euro still more genuine
He was a pussy that wanted everyone to think he was king evil, got himself mixed up with someone that was actually willing to do evil shit and he lost.
The fate of all posers - they all get exposed eventually
>designed to harm the black metal movement
There practically was no black metal movement before him and the only reason it became as popular as it did was because of his crimes.
Euro wasn't a poser. You are though. There was and is a black metal movement...
Alien slop is a government psyop.
Fuck Kristian. Hail Quorthon and Euronymous.
Alien truth is the actual truth, whats your truth?
>and is
Black metal hasn't been relevant in decades
Try going outside sometime
Black metal is always relevant :) I go outside all the time. You seem annoyed. I'm glad you are :D
Lets annoy some cunts on 4chins. Why not :D
Leave those goats alone you freemason cunts! We're watching you...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6YHkLpJ8-s \\m//
I do my bit. Fuck the freemasons also.
You have to listen to 20 times minimum
Schizo edition.
Fuckin' right :)
But truth schizos=best schizos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysat6kb_3Qg \\m//
Those of sound mind and body edition
God the sound on this album is fucking massive
The 90s metalcore revival is so based
Goodnight my friends. Wouldn't they love us to be all the same? We ain't. Truth always wins. F THE FREEMASONS.
This is pretty good, thanks anon.
Check out mine also, unless you're a freemason :)
Fuck those cunts since the 60s. Honestly... Also Greyhounds are alright \\m//
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Chinese Elmer Fudd vocals
Greyhounds not really dogs, cause they're not mutants, unlike Kristian etc. They're pure, like aliens.
F you kristian
This one-man bm band from Denmark is a hidden gem. Enjoy!

Based. Not King Diamond, but not bad \\m//
That picture is ridiculous to be honest. I want to give him a hug.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZB9vVC6v674 BRING THEM HOME!
Go to bed you schizo. you said you were going to bed
Our revenge will be the laughter of our children :)
Just about every "literal who" black metal project is better than King Diamond.
A REBEL HAND SET THE HEATHER BLAZING. Not into religion, but Father Murphy is based
Disagree. Diamond rules. He's unique.
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I am listening to Amon Amarth RIGHT NOW
Blessed Are The Sick
This is an album about the schizos here
We create the content and we're right :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eM8yuWjjQ0 WOO! EIMEAR RULEZ!!! :D
Don't reply to me, thanks
old amon amarth was peak songwriting
Lighten up dude. You know I'm right :) Don't be insecure and weird.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vr1pLO-D8I WOO! Tiocfaidh ár lá :)
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>reigns supreme in you're path
The IRA will set them free!
Some people will call this cringe just because they're millionaires
more like sobtallica lmao
I'd be pretty insecure too if I hadn't made a good album in over 30 years
That's the problem nowadays. Rich v poor. The poor are right.
Fuck the freemasons, in the dark.
nah, they'll call them cringe because they're diapertallica
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obsessed with this lately
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What a dick
Almost finished listening to this Behemoth.
did you get 4chan and grindr mixed up?
he tried to escape on that wheel
Favorite tier 3 thrash bands?
Slayer, Demo Hammer, Sodom
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Defining thrash's Big Four by sales/popularity was dumb as hell, and left Anthrax as the black sheep sandwiched in with Bay Area bands. Should have been west coast and east coast, regionally defined like it is with Brazil and Germany.
So who gets the fourth place in the west coast scene, and who'd go with Anthrax in the east coast scene?
Worst BT album is still better than 80% of death metal
Extremely low t opinion
Slayer is back baby
What's a tier 3 thrash band?
A band like sadus
Tier 1 - big 4
Tier 2 - overkill, sepultura, sodom, death angel, coroner etc
Tier 3 - tankard, destruction, demo hammer, artillery, dark angel, razor etc
big means popular, defined by sales. literally no other way to slice it.
Derivative of a derivative. There's maybe 3 thrash bands that aren't derivative
He was turning that wheel to transport himself in time
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I choose Sacrifice
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There are too many bands. Could you guys wait until I catch up?
Tourism is never-ending
/mu/core is mocked and despised here
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Is picrel actually worth spending $7.00USD on? Can't find it anywhere except Bandcamp and streaming. And inb4 "it's on Slsk," it's a 128kbps rip from the Bandcamp page and that's the only one.
Nvm I found it on VK lmao
stop shitting on bolt thrower you fucking cunts
Bolt Thrower more like Bore Snorer.
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bro there are a ton of 320 kbps and FLAC rips of it on slsk fuck are you talking about?
Do you have $7 of disposable money? If so go for it or you will only be left wondering
Do you want to be a clicker or a contributor
so how many of you guys drink way too much?
I used to. about 2000 calories worth a night
Sometimes Slsk is uncooperative, uno lah?
I'm cents short lmao.
I'm not a cuck to the music industry.
>soundstation jukey 32
this is the cheapest I could find, this is enough to learn the basics of music theory right?
>in my room blasting
>cat comes in and hunches over on the floor
>walks away
Thanks, cat. metal for this feel?
Broke ass boy
wait this shit is for kids
does that even matter?
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Here you go.
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whatever I'm broke anyway, why shouldn't I spend some more
OK how about this one? kids one might be too small anyway, I have huge ass hands to begin with
just sell your boipussi to a rich Arab and then buy a Korg
isn't that gay?
How cheap? I bought my vintage 1981 Yamaha piano for $60.
Should have asked yourself that before playing the piano, faggot
Low IQ post
Satanic Warmaster
this one is a 100
synthfunk is based and high test
Who up?
I'm up but I don't want to talk with you schizos.
I'm here for the metal.
I'm up but I've been living in a crisis state since my shower broke so I'm doing jack shit and eating sugar (literal sugar with nothing but a bit of oil and water). I had tried to program a runescape bot for my planned bot farm but I've lost interest. The hyperfocus died. Now I'm listening to Chopin:
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Are you the guy who lives in a tiny room surrounded by recording equipment? Anyways based. I'm listening to Candlemass.
Living like a roach
Is it weird that I’ve never been able to understand Pantera hate? Their music very easily likeable to me
I can’t be the only one who thinks Black Metal sounds like a goblin shouting gibberish next to a dodgy washing machine- I don’t know how anyone takes it seriously
It has the best melodies of any music genre, and the production just adds to the atmosphere
someone please rec me something which sounds like angelcorpse or morbid angel covenant, i think i know most of the albums/bands with a similar sound but maybe someone has something obscure
>morbid angel
dying for an angel
another angel down
kek bmels are truly mentally challenged
hate eternal?
Solid list. You could maybe make a case for Neige in Dueil Angoisseus (but just that one song, off the top of my head I can't recall him doing that again either with PN or Alcest)
>cannibal corpse, schizophrenia, immolation, municipal waste tomorrow

eeeee eeeee eeeee
you'll probably get heemed
Hate Eternal are too mono for me.
Bros will he ever come back? I need my dissoreviews
Will who ever come back?
Idk nigga
What would your stage name be mine would be Nig Grinder
>What would your stage name be
Zykloner of Judea
nah, I'm the type of nigga to be stood at the side bobbing my head, I'm not going near the pit, too old for that bullshit
Can I get some suggestions for Vedic themed metal, like Tetragrammacide and Nirriti?
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Yo yo niggas.
I absolutely love the cheesy simplicity of that album cover.
Count Holocaust
Antichrist Soapmaker
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It's one of their better album covers yeah. The first four mog though. I mean, they're classical works of art.
Glen Benton
I thought of Neige when I posted, but yeah he only has that one song, outsanding, but it's just one, maybe lucky attempt.
glen benton is a fag
When did Neige ever do vocals for KPN?
Literally not metal.
Hated here.
Go to your room.
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>makes the acoustic guitars louder than the distorted ones
Antisemitic Christ-heemer, Destroyer of Al-Ka’aba
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Shan't be listening.
He was the drummer for first demo, and co-vocalist of first few albums. Guest appearances. He's credited on songwriting too.
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I've been trying to come up with lyrics with a message that are well-designed and unique but I should probably just make shit that 12 year old white trash boys will like cause that's basically who listens to metal and I need to make money to buy off the government cause I ran a red light.
m-metallica bros??
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What’s the problem?
new dahlia album slaps
Are they worth seeing? They're coming to my city with Dying Fetus in October.
I only got into them recently (within the last year) and haven't seen them live, but from youtube videos they seem really good live. I hope they come to the uk on a non-festival date next year.
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The guitarist of Amon Amarth still can't play Twilight of the Thunder God solo lmao
I mean, it wasn't him that recorded it in the first place and he almost exclusively plays 22-fret guitars. But yeah, bro could whip out a 24fret guitar just for the solo given it's their most well known song.
An actual piano for $60?? You mean an electric keyboard?
He's had like 16 years to practice the song but nope
Shut the fuck up retard
Pagan nu metal
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Cheesy aaaaaaaa
Razor, Carnivore, Morbid Saint
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there's cult of fire, which is pretty much hindu Batushka
9 times out of 10 when I'm here this place is dead as fuck
fuck all of you
If you want a serious discussion post a separate thread. If you want to listen to some jackasses you can post here.
Deathcore is what happens when eminem and slipknot are formative influences.
Someone has yet to tell me what is wrong with Pop
H e c t o r
Summoning Bongman, Hector, Negru, Krusty, dmshareguy, and gorespammer.
Jenny just died of a heart attack RIP
that much unwashed ass and b.o. would kill everything within a 10 mile radius
thoughts on battle jackets worn at shows
Cringe, hoodies are cooler.
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Been listening to Candlemass for hours now.
Depends on the jacket
>checking online CD's for a cute buy since i got back into metal recently especially black metal (mostly symphonic or melodic, please gatekeepers don't behead me so quick lol)

Any random used CD
Any used Metal CD
Any Black Metal CD
An rare worst shit band ever demo tape
thanks for reminding me why i'm poor
98% of blacked metal is loser virgins whose entire personality revolves around this shitty genre
two we are my fren
hoodies are fucking gay
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Music is about how it sounds, first and foremost. If it sounds bad, then it's bad

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