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In The Wake of Poseidon edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Prev: >>123737785
Cat Food > Pictures of a City > Devil's Triangle > Cadence and Cascade > ITWOP
Cat Food > Pictures of a City > Cadence and Cascade > ITWOP > Devil's Triangle
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liberal king crimson be like "in the WOKE of poseidon"!!!!
Post your favorite anime girl and your favorite prog band/s

>tie between Crimson and Floyd
it's a bit embarrassingly similar because the mapping of the album is so similar, but Cadence and Cascade is a worthy counterpart to Talk to the wind, Cat Food is great, there's no moonchild (but devil's triangle tho), and kept for last because it's fucking awesome, Pictures of a City.

once again, italian proggers had it right, because more than one of them played covers of Pictures
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Van Der Graaf Generator and Gentle Giant
I agree with most of this except I think Cadence and Cascade is drastically inferior to I Talk to the Wind. Still a decent song though
Van der Graaf Generator is a trust fund band.
Trust der Fund Generator
Univers Zero
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ITT bands that are sometimes prog
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Band invented prog, punk, hard rock, rock operas, concept albums, not singing about your girlfriend, pop satire
And they aren't even that good. Go figure
Band invented pedophilia also
based OP, best KC album
>b-but it's not experimental enou-
shut up faggot
King Crimson is already woke. They're literally progressive rock.
purely for research purposes
i like the one that says SOME pussyfooting
>best KC album
holy pleb
cope, seethe, dilate, touch grass, have sex, etc. etc.
>zoomer buzzwords
isn't it past bed time?
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let's talk about Hatfield and the North
not a zoomer, but keep projecting
you don't even know what that means, what am i projecting exactly? being a zoomer? why would i do that if i was a zoomer? please tell me, i would love to know you're retarded justification for that.
you're projecting your apparent blind hatred of zoomers on anyone who disagrees with you. most people will agree with me that ITWOP is not their best album, that's exactly not a "zoomer" take
>you're projecting your apparent blind hatred of zoomers on anyone who disagrees with you
yeah that's not what that means
>that's exactly not a "zoomer" take
yes it is
when you realize In The Wake of Poseidon is great, that is one of the greatest feelings in listening to prog, and one could say that's when you TRULY realize how superior King Crimson was to all the other prog bands. But many people who experience this moment of itwop clicking enter a phase where they insist that it's even better than Court of the Crimson King. you eventually come down from the high and realize 'yeah ok it's really great but Court is the better album between them, of course' and the sooner you come to your senses the less everyone is gonna bully you for being wrong
nope, there is another phase after that, where you come back to ITWOP and realize it really was their best album.
okay, you're functionally retarded. good to know. is english your second language by any chance?
it sounds to me like you just have a hard time making up your mind
you have no idea what you are talking about, you are an actual retard, you don't even know what i'm REALLY talking about.
this poster, is the exact reason why these threads are awful now, just shut the fuck up, you really suck holy shit.
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>these threads
you mean /kcg/?
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Enough about King Crimson, let's talk about Camel!
i asked first >>123769083
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let's talk about giles giles and fripp
Sneed, Feed and Chuck
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Let's talk about Giles and (sometimes) Giles
>Ronie was fat and ugly
>And the girls laughed at him because he was fat and ugly
my favorite song of his is arrival
It's not about who asked first, it's about who asked best
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Sometimes pussyfooting
i asked this because on anon said in a previous thread that spotify and apple music were shit for lossless music
and since i have a ton of "downloaded" lossless music from apple music i was wondering if there was an difference between the FLAC music i have from soulseek or rutracker and the ALAC music i "have" from apple music
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Dream Theater, Rush
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Any albums like pic rel? Zeuhl with an accompanying orchestra is fucking kino.
It's prog.
Yes, a-fucking-gain, retard. Sorry, I'm not regurgitating the same fucking King Crimson talking points for the millionth time to please your precious little faggy soul. Fuck off.
kys sperg
you're just as autistic as the kc fags spamming the thread
>people don't care about his stupid album
>throws a fit when called out
sensitive, aren't we, sweetie?
Giles, Fripp and Fripp
The snow goose is kinda boring
fripp is such a chud, holy shit
no it isn't, fuck off
Oh sure, an album that is rarely mentioned on this general, and somehow I'm lumped in with all the rest. Get fucked, faggot.
You people are my punching bag. I will continue to abuse.
Can I post my favorite anime boy instead
it doesn't matter how often it's mentioned
if people don't engage with your post, just shut up
instead, you doubled down and freaked out about it. that's why you're an autistic sperg
>You people are my punching bag. I will continue to abuse.
cope, retard
sure, nothing says prog like lgbtqia+ rights
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Listening to this album is like peering for half an hour or so through a window into a universe that has fully comprehended the absence of God. There's no instant of music on the LP that isnt pregnant with existential fear, and the program of the music plays like a series of responses to this fear ultimately ending on a note of of apprehensive calmness (which is incidentally the first semi-coherent lyrical content presented to the listener). It's one of the most subtly constructed and deeply affecting philosophical and poetic statements in the history of rock music.

It's fine if the musical content isn't your thing, since it doesn't exactly make many concessions to popular aesthetics, but acting like it isn't an extremely significant album is plain and simple ignorance.
We need to get rid of Magma. They've infected everything with their brand of latent reactionary nazism. This general is being held back from evolving further due to this.
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Point and laugh at the retard.
I really don't give a fuck faggot.
I ache for an edition of /prog/ devoid of KC and Magma posts
the thread is so much better whenever other bands are being discussed
you clearly do, bitch boy
>I ache for an edition of /prog/ devoid of KC and Magma posts
Magma posters get a pass because most haven't even listened to their back catalog.
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I care about discussing the album in question. If you aren't going to do that, then fuck off retard.
there is no music discussion on /mu/
what you call discussion is:
>gossip about the band members
>dumb memes
>talking about cover art
>"I like this album" vs "this album mogs that one"
>"is this prog?" for shit that's clearly not prog
don't kid yourself, we're only here to waste eachother's time
progressive rock is a kind of metal. death centipedes already existed.
>gossip about the band members
>dumb memes
>"I like this album" vs "this album mogs that one"
Three of the five points you made are entirely restricted to King Crimson and Fripp fag posters.
no need to tell me twice, buddy
We need to get rid of you.
I rest my case.
you rest your case?
Fripp would be a modern day 4chan poster.
What a basedboy.
for me, it's krautrock
I wish they had continued the Projekcts, they were such an interesting concept and still some of the most refreshing prog music
I wish early maiden with Di Anello continued being a mix of punk and metal and prog, instead of turning gay and lame like 99% of metal
>terrible take
Like magic
How do they have a single song that’s so good and then no other even close
have you listened to Universal Totem Orchestra?
why is everyone being an asshole today? usually these threads are nicer.
that is their best studio album, there isn't much else like it though, sorry.
does anyone like Bondage Fruit?
mostly Fripp haters innit?
fuck, this general is ruined, and now everyone has mysteriously disappeared.
Also invented bass boosting
god i HATE The Who i cant stand their ugly pedophilic british inbred faces i cant fucking stand them.
5 consecutive threads of KC bickering and off-topic tranime spam is not a good thing to tolerate
>off-topic tranime spam
they're naming their favorite prog bands, not really off-topic though, and that has been a thing in these threads since 2009 at least.
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King Crimson, Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree
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>Little girl
>Why don't you stop your crying
>I'm gonna make you feel alllllllright
based anime poster, should have posted Rei though.
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The Soft Machine is such an interesting band
especially considering their name
funny how they went from being more Soft (the early experimental psychedelic years) to more Machine (their later jazz records, with a colder and more intrincate sound)
their album which seems to balance the most both their Soft and Machine sides - the daring psych rock and the virtuoso jazz fusion - is their masterpiece, Third
he looks kinda creepy
im currently digging the cantelbury scene. any unknown bands most people miss?
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Gentle Giant and Magma
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>72-74 Crimson, Harmonium or 05-07 Mars Volta
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Keith was a madman
what did he mean by this
>15 years ago
Not everyone stayed a pubescent and hormonal khhv weeb since then
geoffrey richardson was instrumental to the sound of this album
early Supersister
Supersister, Hatfield and the North, National Health, Quiet Sun, Cos, Egg, Moving Gelatine Plates, Khan
actually most people were older back then
Asia is divorced dad prog and I'm here for it ...
>divorced dad prog
new RYM tag just dropped
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Mariachi Slipknot and Magma
isn't that pretty much every prog?
what is quintessential sad bastard prog?
Asuka a SHIT
Goblin, Gentle Giant, VdGG, Robert Wyatt
prog for that emotional phantom pain of old flames?
70s prog musicians who went pop in the 80s usually had a lot of personal debt and drug habits and ex-wives to take care of. These guys lived it up when times were good and then suddenly found themselves at the turn of the 80s with an economic recession and the music industry in dire straits and prog fallen out of fashion.
Gentle Giant - Think Of Me With Kindness
Stalker (1979)
Lost Highway (1997)
Gryphon, Snakes & Ladders
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anon a BAKA
they're my go-to when wallowing in loneliness, despair and existencial dread
Duke Suite
>Gryphon, Snakes & Ladders
Absolutely brutal ear-worm, prepare to be haunted
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ELO (first two albums (yes it's prog))
ELO counts, Asanon
god, i fucking HATE Marillion awful awful band
they aight tho
ok, fine, they aren't really "awful" but if i wanted to listen to Genesis i'd listen to Genesis, and i'd have better cover art.
nah they aight
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Gentle Giant and Magma.
god, i fucking LOVE Camel, amazing band.
Mogs Yes and Genesis and also the other Canterbury bands.
where is your anime girl?, i'd suggest Syaro from Gochiusa or even Komari from Non Non Biyori
Melodic bliss.
love this album, but never managed to really get into The Snow Goose or Moonmadness
is there something more on the likes of Mirage?
First album
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decent album but The Sleeper is one of their all time best imo
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what's the biggest fall from grace a prog band ever had?
in terms of making a terrible (or several) album after a great one
I'd argue for Yes's Tormato
mind you, this was made in 1978, when prog bands still hadn't all turned to shit and tried going pop
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>its not on youtube
>its not on spotify
sometimes being a proghead its hard
Camel vs Hatfield And The North vs Caravan
it is on Rutracker however
The obvious winner has to be ELP, they were possibly the biggest touring band ever at one point… and now most in this thread probably didn’t even think to name them
6/8 of those songs are on youtube btw
A proghhead in 2024 who doesn’t even have an mp3 somewhere on storage is but a fool
Yes thats what I did, theres a playlist that has a bunch of the songs
Gentle Giant, if they'd disbanded after Interview, they would have had a nearly flawless discography, but then they did The Missing Piece
Thoughts on Zerfas?
holy based
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What happens when you run out of Genesis though?
soulseek is a progger’s best friend
You listen to live and demos
Tormato is way better than Love Beach.
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but Love Beach came way after ELP had already peaked
it's not about how bad an album they may have made, it's about the quick decay from great to bad
When did they fall off? Love Beach is the easy answer but you could argue the long break following BSS only to come back with the double attack of Works Vol. 1 (massive ego trip) and Vol. 2 (mediocre outtakes comp) really destroyed their momentum, though some less forgiving prog fans might say they went off the rails after Tarkus or even the debut.
Love Beach is kino because of how blatant the sellout is.
works vol 1 has some of their best tracks though....
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The cover is what really sells it. They didn't try to trick fans with a real proggy cover, instead they went full Bee Gees.
works its a mixed bag
>emerson's organ
Sure it does but the "each member gets his own side" concept is really indulgent and inconsistent in execution. No one cares about Keith's piano concerto or whatever.
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what prog album do you think is absolutely mindblowing?
not just music that is incredibly high quality, but rather, something that just left you wondering "how the fuck did they come up with this??"
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>each member gets his own side
nite flights comes to mind
Todd Rundgren's Utopia
The lamb maybe
more fusion oriented but Allan Holdsworth albums generally just have bizarre shit going on all the time
he was a true autist

When I recall the day that I listened to In The Court Of The Crimson King, it sends chills down my spine. Just the beginning of 21st Century Schizoid Man itself aroused my cock up to 90* perpendicular, I tore my clothes off and ran naked to the streets shouting "JUST FUCKING RAPE ME ALREADY GOD". This is what listening to King Crimson for the first time did to me. Fripp was not just making ordinary music for ordinary people, he was sound-raping his listeners and fucking their brains out until they attained nirvana or musical pleasure.

There will be never another "GOD" like """F R I P P""".
this but ironically
Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh
fripp didn't write that album.
no wonder it sucked
not an album but listening to Epitaph for the first time when I was like 15, unfortunately I got to the rest of the album at a less impressionable age
I would get it if the entire album was simple yatch rock songs about lovin you in the love beach or whatever. But then they drop a 20 minute yatch prog rock fusion epic?? I just wonder: who the fuck is this for? Genuinely baffling album
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I had no idea we had so many Asukachads in /prog/, blessed thread
its a massive filter, I have to admit, I got filtered myself
Comus - First Utterance
Magma - Mekanïk Destruktïẁ Kommandöh, Köhntarkösz, Zess
Höyry-Kone - Huono Parturi
Gong - Radio Gnome Invisible Trilogy
Goblin - Cherry Five, Profondo Rosso, Roller, Suspiria
Jan Dukes de Grey - Mice And Rats In The Loft
Gentle Giant - Debut, Acquiring The Taste, Three Friends, Octopus, In a Glass House, The Power and the Glory
GA'AN - GA'AN, Black Equus
Dead Can Dance - Spleen and Ideal, Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
Hatfield and the North - Debut, The Rotters' Club
King Crimson - In The Court, Lizard, Islands, Larks', Starless, Red
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Rei is better, and cuter
Not remotely my faovurite prog album but actually far from it but I still wonder what would even compel a human being to come up with this.
Rei is cute but she's so wooden I'd get a splinter if I tried to fuck her
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Goblin / Cherry Five
>no boobs
terrible taste, I pitty you
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please don't lewd Megumin
>no boobs
EXQUISITE TASTE, BASED GENTLEMAN. i'm glad to be affiliated with you...
she does have boobs, just very small boobs, the perfect type.
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no its not
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yes it is
>Small Boobs
based taste
I would like it better if the tracks were mixed together instead of segregated. Also John's tracks are underrated, kind of like dark yacht rock.
you guys are being contrarian... how can a man prefear small boobs?
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they're cute
you can like both
i simply like compact bodies, don't like hags
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John's ones are fun
just a bit of a slump in the middle with Gary's two tracks
petite girls look better with small boobs, and i prefer petite girls, but it mostly depends on the body type. also i REALLY like teenage girls
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is there any other Zeuhl bands that sound like this?
no, i think i will keep lewding her, i see no reason to stop at this point.
Closer to the heart
Lots of based tiny tits and Magma lovers in this thread, i feel at home.
Everything i've heard from Magma so far.
>nazi autists are also pedo weebs
who would have though?...
thanks for the compliments
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pedo weeb website
Can you both shut the fuck up
you're kind of late for that
I'm not a weeb, take that back.
Yes it is, specially the track for the first dlc boss.
How's the soundtrack for the god awful newest dlc, by the way? Is the music at least salvageable?
I'm going to make the next thread a KC edition just to spite you
so just like every other thread
good going, retard
and i'll make the first post a "post your waifu and favorite band" post
Well I guess I'll finally stop waste my time here, it was a good run
i was here before you anyway
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see you next thread
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if you pan down, she is actually riding my face
i just prefer ITWOP, sorry, i just don't like beatles type of shit, even if it's a parody.
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is it prog?
Great album. Love listening to Mike Giles drumming
yeah, he's alright, F.R.I.P.P. is a better drummer though.
k bye
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Both eras of Genesis and Floyd.
>not even the red one
She's a whore
only for me
quick/prog/ give me your top 5 live performances available on video
one per artist:
Magma - Ëmëhntëhtt-Ré Trilogie
King Crimson - Meltdown
Gentle Giant - Giant On The Box
Camel - Coming of Age
Van der Graaf Generator - Godbluff Live 1975
>Van der Graaf Generator - Godbluff Live 1975
my man.

for me its:
king crimson live at tokyo 1984
genesis live at rainbow theatre
elp live at isle of wight
pink floyd live at earls court (pulse)
porcupine tree anesthetize
Never liked how most listeners go from ITCOTCK straight to Larks and skip the three in between when they're just as good if not better than ITCOTCK. Lizard is their best album imo.
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currently spinning:
>when they're just as good if not better than ITCOTCK
lol no.
Cool cover.
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Progressive MOR?
>Lizard is their best album imo.
>most listeners go from ITCOTCK straight to Larks and skip the three in between
[citation needed]
I skipped straight to Red. :^)
>Lizard is their best album imo
lol YES, finally someone who understands.
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What is Steven Wilson holding?
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King Crimson, Yes, Pink Floyd, and [spoiler]Rush[/spoiler]
KC is my number 1, I cannot get enough of their releases from the Wetton era. PF comes close since it was my introduction to all this music.
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any prog artists outside the big 4? will I like prog rock if I like prog metal and prog house/trance?
>any prog artists outside the big 4?
>prog house/trance
did you just made that up?
what would the "big 4" mean in this case?
KC, Yes, PF and Genesis?
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ying ya!
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sometimes time passes and i kinda forget how good that album is until i listen to it again
thanks to my older sister for putting the jacques brel cover album on my old mp3 player as a kid and getting me into him
nothing will ever replace Scott 1-4 for me
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Based sis.
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The mirror for the talentless hack
was Asia's debut always that trebly
let me guess, your favorite song is that one about sweets
kys (kiss your sister)
I'm a sick twisted guy. I'm fucked in the head
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Holy Shit
really? only 2 contributions? you guys (/prog/) suck

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