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Summoning edition
Old >>123774085
castles and mountains idk its just kino every time
We hate and despise Summoning (not metal!) here.
Summoning is the #1 anti-racist leftwing tolkien-based sungeon synth "group".
Just shut the fuck up if you are going to be negative, like honestly
>anti-racist leftwing
Debunked by Summoning themselves.

Summoning is CHUD band.
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How chuddy are they? They aren't even on drakkar.
Summoning Bongman.
Summoning gave me strength and testosterone. After finishing Minas Morgul for 5th time, you are guaranteed to feel your muscles pop. This will only happen to those who blasted Minas Morgul 5 times, no one else.
Europe is turning chud day by day. Anti-immigration, anti-semitims is not only at its highest, but accelerating at an unprecedented rates. This is literally what ADF reports as well.
>About our political views there have been some misunderstandings circulating. To make it short: while Protector has very left-wing opinions about politics I tend to be conservative right-wing. Because of these polar positions Summoning never can speak with one tongue and for a long time, it was not necessary. We positioned Summoning always as an unpolitical band with a strong Tolkien worshipping identity. Some years ago Protector did a long statement because our music was heavily used for nazi propaganda on YouTube. What annoyed me in that time was that he never included me in making this statement together. The result surely would have been less excited and dissolute, but the real problems began when Protector answered to several political questions in an American magazine called Noisey. I warned him to stay diplomatic and not to polarize too much but unfortunately, the contrary happened. Now everyone seems to think Summoning is a far left-winged political motivated band which simply is not true and of course, all the follow-up interviews included questions about our political opinion formation. I do not want to share my political views with the world and I believe that whatever I would say it would just polarize. As Summoning has no political agenda there is simply no need in doing so. Of course, Protector has the right to see this differently and say what he wants, but people shall know that his beliefs are not mine.
Immolation - Close to a World Below
you are in the wrong place
The great noticing is upon us.
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What are you wooks blasting?!
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Cringe. Morbid Gayngel are despised here.
Glen "The Man" Benton
Despised and disrespected here.
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at this point all modern bober kurwa black metal blends together, but I still have a soft spot for it
Solitude Aeturnus
Slop chord low iq boring garbage.
Mald bitch.
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Satan don't real
Don't save the world it's too late...
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Time for dissokino
Satan is a friend of mine
3 inches of blood are a lot of fun, finally got into them
Myself is a friend of mine
And I'm dying
I haven't come to this fucking dog dick website in 11 years. I'm here because I'm drunk and angry. Listen to fucking Asbestosdeath. Listen to fucking Geld. Listen to fucking Genestealer you fucking subhuman whiny teenagers. Good fucking christ I hope you all drown

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Hope you drive into a wall retard
damn lil timothy is malding
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Best MA album
do whatever
Imagine if a weak and thin guitar player wore an anime shirt. #lookism
Can I fart into your mouth?
Horrible taste unc, we listen to rizzdeath and bludmauler now
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Alright got my Halford book, randomly opened and started reading a line. It was about how two body builders were doing a striptease for him.
Extreme gay aura
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I'm searching for moden heavy/NWOBHM stuff like pic related. Does anyone know any?
Cool artwork but stronghold is probably summoning's weakest work. Minas Morgul is their peak.
Stronghold is literally 10/10 masterpiece of the genre, you're crazy.
There’s plenty, just go look at rym or metal archive and take your pick
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He's got jayman coomer face
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The keyboard I ordered already got delivered. LET'S GOOOOOOO
Satanic warmaster.
The toy one?
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The proper one
Now go to the trees, squat, put on wizard hat and play Grausamkeit Kratze
Ummmmm is whitechapel actually back???
Like this is the first time and deathcore band is going back to it's roots and it's really giving me somatic defilement vibes that made me love them
Am i dreaming that this just came out and nobody said anything about it
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>trevor died for his now ex-gf to date this guy
what is wrong with american women
>buy tickets for a show
>day of show comes
>cant be arsed in actually going now

how do I force myself outside
Same. Do what I did with the Batushka concert: don't shower, and change your shirt if it's not black because it must be black.

I've got a furcon coming up in a couple of weeks. I can't wait. My shower is broken but I think I will try to take a bath.
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I have no words anon, I will be 100% taking a shower beforehand, if I can be arsed
>if I can be arsed
Be arsed to go outside? AND be arsed to take a shower? Too much.
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you smelly hobo
take a shower already
I dont mind the shower part but I've got to get a train at 8pm for 1 hour, then get a taxi to the venue, see said show then taxi back then get the half past 11 train and I'm not sure I can actually be bothered, but I should because I already pre bought the train ticket too.
what is the band/bands?
I took a shower the other day. Can't remember why. Was it because I scooped up shit from my clogged toilet? No, because none splashed on me. Was it because I did yardwork and got spores on me? Maybe. Ah! I remember. It was because I vacuumed and dusted. I wanted the dust off my arms.

My shower trickled cold water out and I just barely managed to get my genitals wet. A good practice, because my unclean genitals made me vomit some months prior. You see, since my shower has been broken, I have not been cleaning my genitals. For 3 days straight I decided to eat my cum, and on the last day I vomited. I hadn't vomited since roughly 2007. This was a first for me. I have learned that vomit doesn't taste that bad. I kind of like it.

I have not eaten my cum since. I suppose now, that my cock n' balls have been scratched under the soft flow of water, I could. I didn't use soap, tho.

I have been using so much soap to watch my hands after I pee. I never washed my hands after peeing before, but since vomiting, I don't want my (assumedly) fecal-matter contaminated genitals to spread their fecal-contamination beyond my underwear. Contrast: right now, I have intended to masturbate, but I can't get in to the feel. I am typing with my genital-contaminated left hand. My right hand has not been used, because I have been operating the mouse.

Chopin for this feel (orgasming asian):

I own a car.
I hope CC will play for like 3 hours and you miss the train back jej
Objectively The best kind of black metal
schizophrenia, municipal waste, immolation, cannibal corpse. I would like to be there for all the bands, however, I know in my heart there is absolutely no way thats happening, I aint got an infinite social battery.
nah they will be on between 9:25 - 9:40 and will play until 10:50 latest with 11 being the closing of the venue giving me 40 minutes to get back to the station, however, there is a real possibility of the useless trainline taking off the later trains but I'd just give up and get an uber back which would cost like 70 quid but I aint sleeping in a doorway
Is that a woman on the cover? If so: not listening.
Thats a solid bill, all of those bands always put on a great show. If you can manage it definitely check out Schizophrenia, they are not just an ordinary "opening band". Seen them in a rickety wooden shed in bumfuck nowhere earlier this year and they absolutely killed it. Immortal Rites as a closer was a nice touch too.
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Is there a single post-2020 power metal band that isn't söy?
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Maurice Ravel
impossible question
The reason why I ask, is because I listen to this:
, and I hear how happy, near-cliche, and "fitting" it is -- that is, fitting to the dragonforce-esque power metal model -- and yet not a single drop of söymilk is spilled. They appear as men; they are sincere. They belong there totally. 2007
What went wrong? I can wager a guess.

I think what went wrong is that men lost their context. The default context, as it is now, is to be aware that there is no context. To be always an outsider, even within your own niche; a form of embarrassment ,-- embarrassment in your very extance as a white man.

To further explain what I mean, I will attempt to find a live version of nu-power metal that showcases this exact kind of söy.
I shall not look very far, so this will have to do: https://youtu.be/m9F0JGR6_zs?t=826
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he was gay, Rob Halford?
not as good as their peak but better than everything they've made since Everblack
Mesolithic western hunter-gather groove metal
>we also have a third member now, he never wanted to be in the spotlight much his name is Prolenius, he is very centrist. please buy our music
Life is not good without power metal.
>started making shit youtube videos rambling about my collection and bands I like
>ended up with just over 2k subs in a few years
>sometimes get sent free shit from obscure distros or basement-tier bands
Why arent you starting an underground metal channel anon? You already know some sick band, probably have a few albums lying around to talk about, and could easily fill a few minutes a week bullshitting about posers, concerts, and new/old releases
Great band. Pre-movies lotr music was awesome.
Not a metal channel but I've been putting off recording voiceover for my first video for like 2 weeks. I have footage and a script ready to go, I just hate my voice
>not being an anime girl v-tuber
it's like you don't want simp bux
here's my summoning worship music and it is most assuredly not metal

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>sophomore slump extends to 4th album
it's over
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