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Holy trinity edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
https://pastebin.com/NBEp2VFh (embed)

Old thread: >>123766230
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So they like Wagner
"Since about 1750, famous composers have found it very hard to comprehend other famous composers. The only exceptions, off hand, that I can think of to this rule are three: Haydn's friendship with Mozart, Saint-Saëns's friendship with Fauré, and Brahms' friendship with Dvorak. Otherwise, the history of Western music is to a large extent a history of compositional giants bucketing each other.

Examples: Berlioz dismissed Händel as 'a great barrel of pork and beer.'"

"Mendelssohn described Berlioz's music as 'such a frightful muddle; such an incongruous mess that one feels like washing one's hands.' Tchaikovsky referred to Brahms as 'a talentless shit'. Brahms called Bruckner 'a poor deranged man' and a 'swindle that will be forgotten a year or two after my death'. '
trans edition
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Pride is a dangerous mental illness that affects health and self-esteem. They like other dangerous religions besides Satan.
Breathing on the wall or in the bathroom often causes bleeding during sleep. Rocking, nodding, and rocking are some techniques that will help you sleep better. VGBA always talks about bad things, but Anil talks about sex, not sex.
The second part solves the first problem and takes care of the rest. When the first child drives a car, the driver adapts to the road conditions and lowers his hand. Second album Mandwara songs are good but I don't like this version more than Brahman. But the best way to compose music is to listen to Franciscus' recordings. Because this song is very beautiful
Many women and ideas.
Throughout history, all women have been abused.

He drank a lot and wrote beautiful songs.
Mastersinger's programs reflect the diversity of Bach's works and evoke the spirit of the Baroque master.

Richard Wagner said of Johann Sebastian Bach's music: "Bach's music, his images, his images, his sacrifices, his powerful words cannot be forgotten."

Wagner's critics sought answers to their needs from popular music to the composer. See what happened. , he compared his music to that of the Louvre or Bach.
According to Nietzsche, it means love between a man and a woman.
A decent chunk of, prolific or not romantic composers are highly preferable to Bach-Mozart-Beethoven.
Such as ?
For you
thank you 41% wagnersister
why would you ever listen to a man in a dress named wagner?
thank you schizo wagnersister
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Music simply does not get any better than this
>Brahms called Bruckner 'a poor deranged man' and a 'swindle that will be forgotten a year or two after my death'. '

I thought they were friends, with the latter always seeking the former's approval and occasionally getting it. That would be harsh if Brahms really thought this by the end.
so true RYMsister, so true
brahms and bruckner were never congenial; brahms famously wrote an article where he derided bruckner's music as "symphonic boa constrictors".
Brahms killed Hans Rott
Brahms is rubbish. Beethoven wanna be.
I've read that, yeah, but I've also read about Brahms attending and praising the third Mass, as well as attending the premiere or so of the 8th as a supporter.

>At a November 1893 performance, Johannes Brahms apparently “applauded so enthusiastically that Bruckner personally thanked him.”
Who is the bottom right?


this guy

Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Mahler, Brahms, Wagner, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Dvorak the list actually goes on.
>t. trinity-NPC tourists

Hurwitz is right about you "LE BACH!!" spergs, anyone who actually loves Bach and knows him well, doesn't put him that high. You are just tourists, simple as.
You sound like the average 18-year old who's just discovered classical music.
romantiturds never cease to embarrass themselves
You sound like the tourist you are.
I actually agree with you. Formally the big three are probably still the best but in terms of music I enjoy and speaks to me, it's post-Beethoven these days. Hopefully my tastes will someday come back around.
>Contrarian retard calling anyone an NPC
You are braindead. Cream rises to the top, composers are forgotten if they're bad. Only if you're a contrarian idiot you will disagree with this simple truth.
Bach is objectively the greatest composers, if you cannot see why you have no soul. i.e you are an npc.
Contrarian tourist, I hope you get to understand Mozart someday
I'm sure you wouldn't mind telling us how long you've been listening to classical music?
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since another anon recommended it, let's start the day with

Based truthbomb.
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but why tho
This suspiciously lines up with other events of 1750
Not any of those anons, but for me, it's probably as a result of we never stopped living in the romantic era, or at least post-romantic. So the symphonies and other works of those that other anon listed just resonates and clicks with me more deeply and joyously than that of anyone from the classical era. Mozart still sounds great, but do I feel anything from his symphonies compared to what I feel compared to Brahms? No, so the former comes across as 'pretty but disconnected,' art of a bygone era for different people.
MBOH-tier based
karajan sucks so so so so so so so so so bad

on the flip, this might be the best K.201 I've ever heard.
nightmarish stuff
false. the romantic era ended 120 years ago, the modern era ended at the end of the second world war, and we are deep into post-modernism. you're the only one stuck in the past.

Michael Bernard O'Hanlon

An Amazon reviewer who loved his late-Karajan Mozart. He loved Bruckner and abhorred Mahler. Based as fuck, basically.
By the sheer number of tourisrt upset, you can know Hurwitz is completely in the right, they barely even listen to music, let alone their belovef Bach.

The "trinity" is a German attempt at monopolizing art. Germans somehow convinced rest of the world that eveyone else is inferior and their art is not worth your time. You don't get to argue that French, Scandinavians, Russians or Americans did it better, because German propaganda mindfucked sheeple, which somehow lasted for generations. You are the victim of German indoctrination.

And I don't hate German music, it is truly great, but if you somehow fail to see that both can be true at the same time, you're a victim of divide&conquer phenomenon. There are no sides, all nations have great music and their own styles and traditions, sooner you realize that the better.

I never said Bach, Mozart of Beethoven were bad. They're top composers, but the "muh trinty" is tourist lie.
Pretty sure I understand Mozart better than you do, tourist.
Since childhood.
And especially as soon as I could use internet on my own(13-15 y.o.). Long enough.
do chopincels really
>false. the romantic era ended 120 years ago, the modern era ended at the end of the second world war, and we are deep into post-modernism. you're the only one stuck in the past.

Yes I get that, but there are some who would argue that modernism and thereby post-modernism are extensions of romanticism. Not saying that's necessarily my position, so let's just move past it and say perhaps it is because the romantic era is still near enough to us to be artistically relevant, and the classical era is not.

>there are some who would argue that modernism and thereby post-modernism are extensions of romanticism
they are wrong and retarded.
>so let's just move past it and say perhaps it is because the romantic era is still near enough to us to be artistically relevant
you are wrong and retarded.
Ah, neat, I'll keep an eye out for his reviews.
Why is Mahler, Brahms and Dvorak the true holy trinity of Classical? Not the usual Mozart, Bach, Beethoven crap.
dvorak isn’t even in the holy trinity of brahmsians
Do people of our age care more about and resonate deeper with Keats and Wordsworth and Byron and Shelley or Alexander Pope? I rest my case.
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ok but thoughts on this
people of our time resonate with cardi b and the hawk tuah girl. you are a fucking moron.
That's not a rebuttal whatsoever to what I said, as I'm not talking about quality, but artistic relevance and connection. I don't get what's controversial about the more contemporary an artwork is, the more it will resonate with people of today.
>but artistic relevance and connection.
so in other words, cardi b and the hawk tuah girl. you're a crack smoking idiot if you think any random person off the street would recognize a single one of those poets you named.
>the more contemporary an artwork is, the more it will resonate with people of today.
that's not controversial. what's controversial is your delusion than romanticism is somehow remotely contemporary when it's obviously not to anyone who isn't terminally online.
>Since childhood.

That doesn't tell us anything since you're evidently still a child.
It's obviously not literally contemporary, it's just closer and more relevant to our age than anything from the classical era. All I'm saying is I get why someone would be stone-faced when listening to Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, but love Dvorak, Brahms, and Schumann.
>it's just closer and more relevant to our age than anything from the classical era.
yeah, the same way that hepatitis B is more healthy for you than AIDS. so fucking what? none of it is relevant to anyone alive today and all of them require a significant degree of abstract thought in order to rationalize and enjoy today. you're just a blithering dimwit who isn't self conscious enough to realize it.
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now playing

start of Franck: Symphony In D Minor

start of Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 5 in D Minor, Op. 107, MWV N 15 "Reformation"

Except anyone today can listen to and immediately both enjoy and emotionally connected with, say, Dvorak's 9th Symphony.
i'd love for you to repeat that to the average citizen of botswana
>I never said Bach, Mozart of Beethoven were bad. They're top composers, but the "muh trinty" is tourist lie

You said many romantic composers were "highly preferable" over Bach/Mozart/Beethoven, and then all of a sudden you switch to romantic composers being 'more relevant'. So which is it?
That's me, not him.

...really, that's your counter? Alright I'm done on this topic.
yeah, my counter is that you're a delusional self-centered retard who has no idea how disconnected from anything from the 19th century (and more importantly, stupid) the average person is.
>Alright I'm done on this topic

You're just being disingenuous by claiming to not understand that people today would have an easier time grasping and connecting with the emotional tone of something by Tchaikovsky over something by Mozart.
yeah, they wouldn't, because neither of those 2 composers have any relevance whatsoever to the average person today. they're relevant to YOU, and you have no comprehension of theory of mind because you're a low IQ retard, so you think that it applies to everyone else too just because it applies to you.
Except Tchaikovsky's music is used in other forms of media all the time to evoke a specific emotional mood, speaking to its wide relevancy and immediate connection.
I like Tchaikovsky more than anyone, personally, but I'm not going to deny the trinity and be contrarian about it. That's typical chud and tranny behavior. Nothing to do with music. It could be about hamburgers and they'll still pull this shit.
by this logic, eine kleine nachtmusik is used even more often than any tchaikovsky piece, meaning that it should be just as if not even more relevant. of course, this has no bearing on recognizability or comprehension of either of these 2 composers; it only relates to their use in popular media. and even still, they would be eclipsed today in relevancy by orders of magnitude by the hawk tuah girl. are you close to getting it yet?
Again, I'm not saying Tchaikovsky or any other romantic era composer was better than the big three, just that I can understand why someone would prefer the former over the latter for the reasons I wrote.
Fair enough. I am one of those who do like him myself, but just saying. He still stands on their shoulders.
Weber's 2nd piano sonata is pretty good.
What's so bad about the romantic era?
Agreed. This has always been my favorite performance of it but I'll check out yours:

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per a recommendation of another anon, let's try



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