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I'm convinced that me, a heterosexual male, understand brat more than the average women on social media.
All they're seeing is the "girlboss" tee hee pop music with fun dance on TikTok.
But I see it now, I hated this album at first, I did like some of the songs but I just think it's overrated as shit. And I get it now. I see it now. It's a pure hedonistic music, when Charli XCX said party girl, she actually she meant the coke sniffer, whore behavior and hard strobe lights (Lyric music videos are just the confirmation of that) and not just girl power cutesy bullshit. I see it in the same sense as Gaspar Noe, Enter the Void (2009) and Climax (2018). And if you don't see that? then you only pretend you understand Brat.

Also the album itself is more heterosexual than people would like to admit. People often forget that Charli XCX is a straight whvte woman (Okay she's part Indian and one of her parent is from Uganda, but she's whvte passing) and she also was accused of being a pick me bitch on social media like a couple months ago.
what is brat
Also I never realized how beautiful and hot Charli XCX was. I usually like a woman who has a little bit of queerness in them or just straight up bisexual. But there is a strange allure over the fact that Charli is a straight woman.

If you get it, you get it.

This is BRAT
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This is BRAT
If anything it's more like Russian Drive rather than Russian Taxi Driver =
None fo that matters. Seeing charli on th von dutch video makes my peepee rock hard
Someone who needs a correction
i love Charli xcx so much bros it's so unreal
The closing track is explicitly about being addicted to coke. Charli has talked of missing the era when pop music was more "volatile and crazy", i.e. characterised by dramatic public self-destruction and personal chaos in the lives of its stars.
But the marketing around the album deliberately glossed over the darker elements, preferring a more consumer-friendly image that could be applied to anything. Which is why it took off.
Interesting, I have to check it out real quick.
365 is a banger in every sense of the word.
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>Charli likes boys, but she knows I'd hit it
You get it.

I love 365, probably my favorite song out of the album and I just wish it was longer.
>preferring a more consumer-friendly image that could be applied to anything. Which is why it took off.
You're definitely onto something, and that's pretty much reaffirm what I believe, which is the fact that most of them don't actually see "this" side of Brat, I'm convinced Charli XCX knows what she was doing but few of her fans (if not most) don't see it in the same way that she did and all of this is why I started to like Brat.
Billie Eilish is annoying as hell. listen I've been sucking her cock for the past 5 years, I like her music. But the whole "haha look at how lesbian I am, is so incredibly corny.
It giving "I just kissed a girl once" and never shut up about it since.
I hate white bisexual women so much, but specifically the one that dated 5 men in a row, kissed a girl once and never shut up about how queer she was. It's like being a privilege white woman, and for the first time on your life, you finally have a personality which is being "gay"

I bet 5 bucks that all this talk of her being a lesbian, she's going to end up settled down with a guy.
Overrated garbage. Yeah if I say a word enough times it's going to get stuck in people's head
coke sniffer, whore behavior and hard strobe lights.
you dig?
You confused stuck in people's head and enjoying a music.

Baby Shark stuck in people's head, but by no mean it's a good music.
Skibidi Toilet stuck in people's head, does that mean it's good?
you dig?
dat drop at 1:24

Brat made me a Charli fan again
>I hate white bisexual women
Is not a real thing, the whole kissing girls is just a le quirky xDDD phase.
No such thing. Can a girl boss me from beating their stupid ass? I didn't think so.
the drops slap so hard on 365.
I think a lot of the best stuff Usually has darker undertones that the artist is able to skillfully hide in plain sight
I think you are putting too much thought into a mindless club pop album
it's boring to just take everything at face values, conversation and criticization come from critical thinking even something that no one care.
that how you create an interesting conversation
Zoomer Culture really is cursed holy shit.
Why is she so greasy all the time?
said a namefag faggot.

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this music sucks absolute dick but the fact i know she's such a whore is a turn on
Now that's an opinion that I can respect, nothing wrong with loving a whore
Choli is like 40 now.
brat is nothing but bops tho
A hoe who acts out disobedience
*a girl
not a whore.
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Close, but the self hate songs and the contemplating about baby ones nullify your hypothesis. Brat's kind of a state of mind though, not traditionally "girlboss" because that comes with an expectation, but to confidence without having to follow set expectations. Charli's the epitome of this cuz she's rough around the edges looking greasy, occasionally having a unibrow, etc. but she rocks it all.
There are topless pics of her, we don't have to rely on these types of pics and vids anymore.
Anyone got the clip of her hocking a loogie on the stage floor and arching down and licking it up?
you don't get it, there is a reason why a top with no bra make me 10 times harder than a pic of a girl wearing nothing.
hocking a loogie? what is that
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you would not believe
I don't think so, in my humble opinion, just because there are self hate songs in the album, does not mean that it's not hedonistic. And I don't think enough people considered that view of Charli. people just see her as the girl boss pop artists with queer undertone but forget the fact that she's also just a girl who enjoy doing drugs, fuck men and being absolutely party degenerate. which is something that I'm not shaming her for, in fact I'm quite jealous of her.
And besides it was candid. Her being as provocatively sexual as possible and knowingly doing it in a music video is way hotter.
on some real shit, Amen.
Choly has been great since Nuclear Season dropped. And i'm a hetero men too.
No its exactly the same and no amount of your bad cope can help with that
If your gay or a female sure
You're not a heterosexual nigger you're a fucking metrosexual gay nigger fucking don't talk about charli xcx, every woman is a coke sniffing whore "brat" which really just means, entitled and annoying, may they receive fentanyl in there gear.
You are gay nigga
And that's okay in 2024, you be you
>takes a straight male weeks or months to figure out brat and thinks he knows more than the average girl does when gays and women alike instantly got the vibe charli was going for
oh no he's retarded! how sad!
Down syndrome certified
bumping that
do you really think most of them get it the same way that I do?
yea i get you she has that sex aura its tough to sense but once you know you know
>I usually like a woman who has a little bit of queerness in them or just straight up bisexual.
Stop being a zoomer.
hawk tuah
Honestly I felt the same way about a lot of SOPHIE's stuff when she was alive, there's a certain darkness to a lot of her work that most people seem to miss, it almost feels sardonic or nihilistic at times, e.g. "Pretend World" doesn't sound like a joyous celebration of the future, it sounds Giger-esque and anti-human. While I don't think she planned her death a lot of her later tracks also sound like they're looking ahead to a time when the music's the only thing left of her ("I wanna go back to forever", etc) like she was very aware of her own mortality even if she didn't expect it quite so soon. I reckon drugs or over-experimentation with surgery or such would have fucked her up inside of the next 10 years even if she'd survived.
club classics
this one goes HARD
I'm excited for the Bladee feature remix.
recreates the feeling of a coke binge, ngl
it's called being normal stop with this faggotry, zoomer
It's suprising that it takes people repeated listens to understand what this shitty album is about.
Idk, I didn't pick up on the Rwenzururu uprising references until someone pointed it out.
privyet brat
holy yumola imagine the secks
to be fair you need a very high EQ to understand Choli
holy basedola
it came out a decade before Drive
God it's so cringe when people use this nickname
>extremely gay man twerking his ass in front of the cameras
When are boiler rooms going to address this? What the fuck man
nah that's you
this album makes me want to try coke desu
same. feel like it mogs weed bc of Charli xcx
You're so gay
I'll bite. WTF is the best track on this album.
And don't give me a single
I only heard Guess and Apple and they sounded obnoxious and cringe. Yeah it has a hard beat going and the singing is kind of catchy but seriously you have to be taking dicks up your ass to get so excited like some dumb fucks get about this album "its such a banger" "it bops HARD" yeah I guess any techno with a decent dance beat would in that case. What a bunch of idiots . I'd rather listen to 90s euro pop honestly. It's catchy and fun and not just a bunch of faux sexy bullshit
Btw skeletal lamping by of Montreal mogs this album badly yet no one knows about it
There is and never has been anything confusing or questionable about what "brat" is, because there is nothing mysterious about drunk coke whores having a vapid moment of pseudo-self reflection at a party. Framing a question around the album title "what IS brat" is meant to generate a discussion, it is literally and unironically corporate shilling material that retarded coke whores and fags promote for free.
Nigga shut the fuck up
I hate Apple too lmao
this was the song of the decade
but enough about you
>mindless club pop album
how many of those are made these days?
when was the last major eurotrance/bubblegum album released
trying too hard there lad
Yeah, it's the eroticism of seduction compared to the blunt, almost pornographic nature of flopping the tits out. The tease and the potential for nudity is what makes the nudity hot in the first place.
You're fucking gay. Stop being so fucking gay and listen to real music you piece of shit
>90s euro pop
>real music
just shut the fuck up you quadruple nigger lol
Imagine jamming your cock down her throat, I consider bitches less annoying after doing that.
so....wot that mouth do?
is she really DJing on this one or just pretending to fiddle around with knobs?
You are retarded

It's like punk ideology for the masses of females that live curated lives on social media and watch themselves being watched and are "on" 24/7, it's an agreement between all of them to be messy and real and to let their hair down, expectations and judgements be damned, because being yourself with all of your flaws and messiness is cool, actually. It's owning your weirdness and being a boss bitch, being an IT girl by not trying at all
It's tailor-made for young, pretty, upper middle class+ females. You can choose to completely ignore the marketing and idk why mu is so obsessed with it and why it's so foreign to them
weird, I thought I didn't ever listen to this artist but this video is in my liked videos.
It’s an album that fuses hyperpop and club genres. Its point is so blatantly obvious. The song with knife in the title sounds like The Knife. Unironically bravo AG Cook 10/10
Y'all need to get over all of this. Get with the times.

It's Brat Autumn now.
I am a gay male and I love it
this is why I don't talk about Sophie and her techniques here, most of you are only beginning to get it. you included.
Clits and nothing else, chud.
Care to extrapolate?
Are you the anon who reckons she was into Gnosticism? I can buy that. I'm desperate to hear some proper analysis of what she was going for that isn't getting hung up on the trans thing, there's the mote of something really interesting in there but it's below the surface. Care to drop any hints?
>be a woman in your 30s
>still sing about being a druggy and going to nightclubs and hanging out around people around half your age
sad innit?
Yes, you are.
Yeah, she's a character and has a gimmick.
He's not a woman tho?
Not the anon you're replying to but recently what I've been hung up on is whether she got the 'transcending to immateriality' stuff from Gnosticism, which I don't know much about, or from Zen Buddhism via the French artist Yves Klein, which I've been interested in for ages which is why it caught my interest when it popped up in her work.
Sure, that's a vibe. But natural, real no angles pics of nudity is also a vibe.
Google Charli XCX topless boat
very interesting indeed
guy who’s never been to a club discovers the concept of doing recreational drugs
Hilarious how sheltered and pretentious these douchebags are. Yeah no shit retard people go to clubs to get fucked up and it’s weighing hard on them. It’s fun but it’s bad and making an entire album about you’re not gonna be ablet to extrapolate life’s meaning.

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