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god, he must have been so annoying
the protoredditor
What year was this from? At the end of his life he was absolutely obsessed with Automatic for the People.
>I heckin love poptimism!
How did such a cringe man make such an excellent band. Oh yeah by having an airtight rythm section and an all time great producer
Most great artists were cringe. Enthusiasm plus lack of self-awareness is a necessary combination for passionate creation. This is why there is no great art in the social media age.
he never lived long enough to hear Opeth. sad.
how many bluesky followers would kurt have
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Pretty pleb, but 10cc is based.
based rumours enjoyer
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>leo sayer
>reo speedwagon
>bay city rollers

Lol I thought he was supposed to be patrician
Love me some Bay City Rollers
Imagine how annoying he would be if he were around for the last 10 years.
>Gold - John ? (John Stewart)

damn thats a deep cut
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>Not Desperado, even though Desperado is the worst song on the album bar none
Most of these aren't albums
>how many bluesky followers would kurt have
i only have like 100 bluesky followers :(
Why does Kurt Cobain make you fags seethe so badly?
I have 150 on twitter. They're all racist, but at least they're not pedophiles
>worst musician that ever lived
>worst taste of any human being that ever lived

it's like pottery
you KNOW she was high when she said that
grunge killed rock and made rap the dominant form of music, the damage of which is still being felt to this day
Dude his favorite band was literally tik tok meme shit the Pixies
Dumbass can't even spell
Based Eagles enjoyer
those are actually pretty fucking based
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>an airtight rhythm section
that's adorable
cool fucking song
imagine this modernized and redone by one of today's cool artists
Doja Cat + Avril Lavigne collab remake when?
I dunno man, I am really fucking high and that shits still retarded.
just finished "but seriously, folks..."
walsh is great
Hell yeah. besides the obvious Life's Been Good, Over and Over, Indian Summer and At the Station are really good.
He really insisted upon himself didn't he?
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WLS ( AM radio Station so long range broadcast after sunset ) in Chicago used to do their radio call sign then and start the song as the "S"


It was kinda cool in 70's listening to radio and cruising the Sonic Drive in on a Saturday night.
Rocky Mountain Way
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That's a joke list obviously
The only band that benefited from this list was Young Marble Giants
He wrote that the list was
>to introduce these elitist, obscure treasures to the unabashed
and anons are taking it completely seriously. It has fucking Journey and The Beatles on it. He's taking the piss
ELO and The Beatles as a joke. You guys are really stretching. And it took time to write. Way to much effort for a joke.
thank you for your service courtney love
Why did she assassinate him?
The joke is that they are all very mainstream, popular bands and albums despite him describing them as "obscure treasures". Hope that helps
Autism: The Post
this is semi-ironci
he's probably joking about some of these like wild cherry or reo speedwagon and journey
but terry jacks (he's mentioned that song other times and covered it), beatles, knack are probably serious
>posting that ugly bitch
Go make a Deftones thread, retard.
He was a music nerd, what else is new,.. he found inspiration in the most unexpected sources.

Because who would expect a guy who was trying to write the ultimate pop song (Teen Spirit) to find inspiration in Slayer for that end of chorus part

Journey is the most surprising one here, I'd think he would find that cheesy and too pathetic, too close to the kind of music Axl Rose was writing. You know with big howling vocal parts and melodramatic expressions of passion
Pfft so many boomer bands in there, Eagles, ELO, Terry Jacks... Cmon

>cool & hip
And this guy was the ultimate icon of freshness for the 90s?
He was such a boomer in some ways, he liked 'Seasons in the sun' lmao
Pop-Punk and Stomp-Clap bullshit killed rock for good technically speaking. Actually Nu-metal was directly responsible for making whites ease into rap music more
>Actually Nu-metal was directly responsible for making whites ease into rap music more

And they got that influence from shit bands like Faith No More and RHCP.
Nick Cave was right. Those bands were the vessels through which rap flowed into rock.

Rock wasn't killed by any specific band or current, it just died because it didn't have much life left in it. Every big style was done and exhausted. There just wasn't much you could do in rock. So they went retro and turned into a sick larping joke
Like extremely
If he hadn’t killed himself all the good will from Nevermind would’ve bled out eventually but steadily and he’d be nowhere near as revered.
He’d either be an annoying Jill Stein supporter or Bible thumper
Cobain would absolutely have a What's in Your Bag episode where he smugly jerks off literal who black 1930s blues guitarists.
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sure they did for good
you surely know about rock anyway
you must be the fucking embodiment of it
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>made rap the dominant form of music
Uh? No, that was actually Axl and Guns N' Roses.
I don't recognise any of these
Show some respect.

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